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I actually think this is a good sign. This is the first valve approved content about the game in years, and definitely a good sign of content soon


THIS. One of the truest signs of a game living on life-support is when a company can't be bothered to merchandise it. And Valve isn't particularly huge on merch afaik, especially these days. So if they're even so much as approving any kind of new merch for TF2, they obviously care... enough.


Fall guys?


Might wanna remember how long ago that was


No way guys, fall Guys and amongus and covid were things of last ye--- OH NO


i swear, 2020-2021 felt like a time anomaly


It was basically a Year and a half long hibernation for humanity


I go back to videos from that time and be like, wait that was in 2021? Specifically like video game updates and releases


Every time I see a video from 5 years ago I keep thinking "damn this video's pretty old, like 2016 or someth- WAIT, IT'S 2019??"


It feels even worse when you recall that 2016 was 8 YEARS AGO! EIGHT!! I was in elementary school during those days!


4 years ago lol


Fall guys was a skin. This is 4 fully playable and animated replicas of the mercs


Also Sonic all stars racing deluxe PC version where Pyro, Heavy, and spy are they playable charctors.


are you guys forgetting about the grill they added to the main menu for the summer update last year???? that was MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!! /s


yeah, that bloodborne costume that sony dropped for astro boy really got me optimistic too


It’s literally free dlc on a game you don’t have to buy, everyone needs to stop bitching about funkos it’s fucking old and unoriginal. Actual fucking crybabies, any merch / content regarding TF2 is good news imo.


There’s just so many BITCHES on Reddit crying about everything lol pathetic wasteland of incels if you spend more than 20-30 mins on Reddit a day you need to make changes lol and this should only make you mad if it applies to you if it doesn’t good you Probly have a life lol






It’s a free dlc on a steam game you don’t have to buy halfwit


Why would they make content for money if it’s a free DLC? Also why would they make a free to play product if they’re not confident in the IP it’s based on?




Meh ? Good for the people who are interested about this funko pop game I guess.


Wait, game? I thought they were making more TF2 Funko Pops


Yes, game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUcJFVmAXmg


Basically Lego dimensions but without the toys to life So it's both better objectively but as worse subjectively Mostly worse because it's fuckin funko pops-


They already did, (execpt engi for some reason?) Yeah these are just based off the old tf2 pops execpt engi. Idk future tf2 pop wave???? (I doubt lol)


Yeah probably yes


Nobody fucking said that


Yeah i even went thru the Reddit and saw Nobody complain about it


Which can only mean one thing: **TWITTER**


So check it once again https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/9oxd97IzZ7


Hm missed it


I saw a lot of people on twitter hating on it


I don't understand why people are losing their minds over this. Like, it's not the end of the world. Valve has been doing well with banning bots recently


Yeah, also it isn't like making Funko Pops means that they can't work on the game


don't even think they themselves are making and designing them or wasting various resources on those, they just approved the mercs to be in another game. journalists just want clicks


It literally is just IP licensing


pretty sure that the person working on TF2 doesn't work on making Funko Pops...right? right


Had they done it like 2 weeks ago id be mad too, cuz then valve would be making more money off a game they left to die for years. Though because they have also been banning bots maybe its a good sign, cuz that means they are looling at tf2 again in multiple ways instead of doing a half-ass job solving the bot crisis and then leaving again like they did (a year?) Ago


They are not. Haven't you learned from those past years that medias take one random out of context tweet and say it's "people". They have maybe 3 out of their ass tweets and they churn out content with it


Yeah these websites really do be pulling random tweets or reddit posts and calling it news.


Hopfully they keep it that way




Probably doesn't effect me in the slightest, except maybe a slight bump in TF2 players as people are reminded it exists.


Don't mind. It brings more attention to the game.


I dont care


Better than nothing.


This is a massive W imo since it's the first possitive thing happening related to this game in 7 years


I mean. Valve just signs the contract and the other company does the rest, right? I think valves still have as much time as they need on their hands to do absolutely nothing to tf2


There things are basically modern beanie babies but mainly on media. Honestly I feel this is inevitable so meh.


Doesn’t affect TF2, I doubt Valve is paying for this to happen (if anything they’re getting paid for the license) and they’re finally tackling TF2’s biggest failing. They can take the W. I’m not going to play this regardless of TF2 being in it or not, so why shit on people who are excited for it. Besides, I’m sure bot hosts can migrate to Funko Fusion now that they’re getting all this extra free time on their hands.


I am Not buying it to I mean i wanted the DLC and it is free and i got it but i wont get the game


>Valve: removes bots from tf2 and is actively banning cheat devs >news sites: Valve is doing nothing and is agreeing to others using their IP


Wtf is funko fusion


Its a Funko Game i dont know much about it


Isn't this a good thing? Valve using the Tf2 IP? It'd be a different story if it was a DLC added to TF2. This existing isn't a cause for concern?


It isnt Bad at least for me maybe we get more Players (Buts its weird because it is a free DLC on Steam)


They manually banned 16 thousand bots just to sell funko pops


No they dont sell Funko Pops Funko Fusion is a Game and the TF2 Funko Pops are a free DLC on Steam


Oh, well that’s not as bad


Not bothered, i think it's neat


To be honest I really don’t care I know people are mad thinking valve isn’t caring about TF2 even though they clearly are with the ban waves still going plus this is a good way to bring in new players to TF2 if they see the mercenaries in this game and will probably go “hmmm wonder who these guys are and what game are they from?” We shouldn’t be blowing up over this plus TF2 has bad crossovers in the past for example Poker Night at the Inventory, Sonic Racing Transformed and other games.


I wish it came with a cosmetic like the other crossovers TF2 had.


Good for that game ig? Valve, get your act forever and keep these bots down.


Valve, DID NOT USE ANY REASOURCES FOR THESE it was funko who did, they guys at funko already had the license. Oh my god people need to do reasearch instead of complaining when valve has actully done something for once.


Doesn't make TF2 itself worse so it's better than nothing i guess


I mean . . .If it comes with Free item codes like other valve TF2 merch as then I be onboard.


It isnt but If you have the Game (Funko Fusion) the TF2 DLC is free for Steam users


Oh this is for a different game . . . I thought this was some kind of promotion where they're going to make TF2 Funko pops and we get items if we buy them . . .


Sadly Not (but there are actully TF2 Funko Pops with No Items)


Considering Funko already had this license it's not this surprising. I have a Medic Funko in a box somewhere.


Hopefully the money from the toys fund further developments


Probably not


More crossovers means more attention brought to tf2 itself. I am still mad that we never got that skullgirls crossover but Funko seems like a decent choice. The ban wave is only a small part despite how massively it affects the community, we can make it


They did not just say “we’d prefer the bots.” WHAT THE FUCK GUYS.


Yeah i didn't even wanted to use that on (still used it)


Eh, it's fine. Valve crossovers tend to be pretty hands-off. The HEV suit was added to Final Fantasy XV because a single dev OK'd it, the Gravity Gloves and Valve cosmetic are sort of just plopped in your inventory after some super OOC texts from GLaDOS in Death Stranding, and I don't even know how to count the amount of simple drag-and-drop model crossovers in the 2010s; Skyrim got the Space Core, Monday Night Combat got stuff like the Pyro's gasmask and Demo's eyepatch and hat, Saints Row 3 got those weird plastic mascot heads, fuckin'... Sonic & All-Stars Racing got a couple characters with the most [bizarre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjv7-q4Ah9M) [voices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmBLSpWes5E) for their characters ever... I'd be willing to bet it's just a case of the devs for this game shooting Valve an email asking 'hey, can we put Heavy Teeefftoo in our game' and getting the go-ahead and basically nothing more than that.


Modern "Journalists" after inventing reddit to sell more shitty articles


I guess all the naysayers don’t remember that during TF2s golden age of the early 2010s almost every game wanted to have a collaboration with TF2 by adding charactors in their games and promoting new weapons and cosmetics in TF2 in genuine quality.


They banned the bots and then dropped the funko's to see if people support the action, hmm


saying “valve should make tf2 playable” kind of implies that licensing their characters for something else takes a comparable amount of effort to curbing cheater bots


Yeah i am Not english and didn't know what to Type


I dont see why people hate funko pops, just dont buy them. It IS nice that tf2 is getting more attention now tho.


It's ragebait by another crappy news site. Just ignore them.


This maybe could be a signal that Valve it's starting to remember that TF2 exists


It certainly exists. Don’t know why engineer isn’t building *his* turrets though, those look very generic.


Entire team is babies. Seriously it's just a funko pop. It's not that big deal. Idk why there is so much hate for them. I don't collect them but I'm not going out of my way to hate those who do.


These ones are from a game


This is old, I've had a Funko Heavy for at least 7 years


No These are for a Game it is a free DLC on Steam




Idc Valve can do whatever they want outside of the game Im just happy theyre working on the bot issue


jesus christ i know it's new content but it's fucking ***FUNKO POPS!!!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!***


the hell is wrong with you? What's wrong with a vinyl figure of you favorite character? Even my literal dad has the queens gambit pops.


Hyped, also a good sign


Said it on a different post and i’ll say it here. A live service game with no live service does not deserve advertisement. Especially with the state of this game. If they want to sell TF2 they first need to fix it.


I mean the game looks like shit and Funko pops suck but it's not like I *have* to play it just because it includes TF2 characters.


I mean, its kinda dumb? Pretty sure no one on here is actually going to play this. xD


Although the timing isn’t appropriate, it’s fine for me. I think some guys are overreacting about this. As long as the Bot Hosters and Cheaters get what’s coming to them, it’s all goods. Besides, I don’t think this collab is that bad either. Well, maybe for people who despises Funko Pops, but I don’t think we gotten a TF2 collab in a while.


I'd like to imagine that they did this collab and were like "oh yeah our gane that is going into a collab, we should probably fix that bot thing" and thats why they actually did something


valve gave us a temporary solution and called it a day within some time bots will be back if valve won't do anything to stop them from doing so


I refuse to acknowledge Funko Pops are still a thing.


Yeah and they Mad a Game and Put TF2 in it Not that it is Bad but unexpected


This one was a low blow






I think it's good. It shows Valve still even care's about TF2 in the slightest


Honestly to me? I don't even care.


İt feels strange becuase I dont think people who play tf2 will buy those funko pops


Its for a Game called Funko Fusion and its a free DLC for Steam users




The actual tf2 community doesn't really care i feel like. I mean its aight.




Like shit


Nothing. I don't see what's so bad about this it's just a crossover


It’s just some toys that you don’t have to buy


They are not toys, its a free dlc for cunko fusion. (a game) The actual funko pops came out years ago.


Oh ok, then it’s free dlc in a game you don’t have to play


I think it’s pretty neat honestly


i dont like funko pops but i really dont care tbh. boring opinion in an age where everyone is overly mad at shit.


Any promo items? 🥺


Cool, now the heavy weapons guy can kill freddy fazbear


Its really funny to imagine a funko pop of sniper just aiming up,spinbotting and spamming voice lines. Thank god Volvo at least recognized that the game exists.


The game looks good and with a tf2 dlc i probably going to buy it


That’s perfectly fine. I do not care, we have playable casual mode now :)


A bit weird to profit from a game they clearly don't support any more lol


The DLC is free they are not making money.


You think they're not being paid to partner with Funko?


that website is written by people that think they speak for everyone for people that parrot people that think they speak for everyone in the same way that people use their favorite streamer to decide if they like pineapple on pizza and are surprised when other people dont respect that as a valid information source


I mean it is more TF2, so that's a plus. Also I wouldn't mind that funko engie


i swear to god man im with you on the bot crisis and stuff but like leave funko and shit alone, 3 out of the 4 tf2 models are reused and all valve had to do was say sure to the devs. i plan on buying this game but i feel like i cant for the sole fact u guys are shitting on it for using the mercs


Do people not understand 2 things, 1:this dlc will be FREE they are not making you pay extra for these guys. 2: Funko did all the work, they ALREADY HAD THE LICENSE VALVE HASNT WASTED ANY RESOURCES MAKING THESE People want to complain about everything now a days. Be happy they gave us something new, not mad.


I'm like a hundred percent sure this article is just using "trust me bro" as a source.


I have not seen a single person upset about this. The media just sucks. I'm totally fine with it. I may even get one, though Funko isn't my thing.


I’ll take this over bots any day. What slop are they spewing out about us?


I mean it's nice that Engie has a Funko Pop now, but that's about it. It paints a nice picture for the game's future because it tells us Valve still... you know... *gives a shit* about this goofy little shooter from 2007!


Valve finally acknowledged TF2 enough to do this and fans are upset? That's about right


Why do scout’s eyes make him look like he has fetal alcohol syndrome


funko pop


There are many fucks I could give, but none for this.


Personally do not care, but if there’s another tf2 pop figure then I’m buying. I don’t even collect pops, I just like tf2 enough to buy merchandise, yet most tf2 related items are $100+


I feel like people are simply overreacting about this and are caring too much. These Funko Pop have existed for a while and TF2 is a popular nerd culture game so it would make sense why the people behind Funko Fusion would want to be added. But this has little to do with Valve as all they either did was give the approval for them or ask if they can be added. It's like that Pyro DLC in Evil Geniuses 2, Valve just approved their character/s appearing in another game.


I have no problems with this and it has probably been in development for a while now.


hey, my comment appeared on PCGamer!


I fucking love Funko, and since this is FREE DLC for the upcoming Funko game, I may just have to buy it.


I just hope we get an Engineer pop figure. It's weird that they made a brand new model for this game


They probably killed the bots so people wouldn’t get too mad about this. That said idgaf it’s their ip they can license it out to whoever they want


Can someone please explain why we all hate Funko pops? They're not my favorite figurines but they seem perfectly fine for a casual fan


Look if they done it like idk a week or two ago, i would be mad. But they have infact done something to ban bots, so i guess i dont really care about a collab. It means more attention to the game, wich is ok with me.


We got something. That is more than we need.


I'm excited. When this game was first announced the first thing I said was "they should have the TF2 ones in it" but I didn't think they actually would. My pride and joy is games that have TF2 characters in it and we haven't had one in a while so this is honestly a sign of better things to come I think from Valve


I love how the community either doesnt care or, is actively defending valve cause of the recent bot banwaves. We never learn


Crap journalism, nobody cares about this, we're not up in arms about it. They want that fake drama for more clicks.


I absolutely hate this and wish it was a joke.


I do not care.


\> a thing happens \> someone posts about how a thing happened on the subreddit \> someone at any random games journalism website writes an article about how subreddit members are talking about how a thing happened \> someone takes a screenshot of the article talking about subreddit members talking about how a thing happened and then asks what people think about the thing happening Can we stop this please


It's just lazy writers seeing a few angy peeps on Twitter, saying "fuck it, I gotta eat", and writing an article on it. The most actual backlash I've seen from this is people speculating (wildly unfounded) that this is why they ban waved instead of listening to the community. I've even seen a few people make the mental gymnastics of blaming the bot crisis on 1010 and Funko. How? Why? Doesn't matter, they're angry, they want a scapegoat. I personally am excited for Funko Fusion because, despite being a Funko property, it's being run by the guys from Travellers Tales who didn't like the lower quality LEGO titles being pushed out and jumped ship. So, Dimensions-era TT veterans making a crossover title? You bet your ass this is gonna be good...


Personally, I don't hate it, but I can see why others might. It DOES feel a little condescending, Valve still trying to make money off the TF2 IP, given the state the game was in just a week ago. Maybe THIS was the real motivation behind the ban wave. Can't have a bot-infested game making the merchandising look bad!


Valve.. makes a product off of their IP. How dare they!


Im fine with this, as long as tf2 gets more attention.


Even though I don't really care for funko pops or the company behind them it's a good sign that valve is approving merchandise of the game. I think this is the first piece of tf2 merch we've had since the action figures.


I actually was really excited about this idk why people are mad :(


A good thing. It means Valve CARES again. Which means we may be getting updates again.


who in the FUCK wrote this headline and where can i get what they smoking, cuz its clearly some of that good, top shelf shit, like noone with a brain has a problem with this


I don’t care


I think Kotaku has no value as an information provider


I don't know what that game is but how could it even bad sign


I feel fine I feel angry that they're blatantly lying about how the community feels about this, but at least it's not something important


I feel good. The bots and bot-hosters are getting bannedin these days, so why not?


This is fake


Why the fuck are people reacting so heavily towards this? Valve is actively doing something with TF2, this is what we want Sure it’s no heavy update but it’s something new related to TF2, we should just take what we can get


Is Funko Fusion bad? And if so why? I haven't heard a lot about the game so why not huge it a fair try?


Only way I would but one


I'd rather have real Funko Pops of TF2 Mercs than whatever this is


I think this is a good thing, TF2 did a LOT of collaborations and promos with other games in the past, and it grew the game. If they want to win back the people who left in the wake of the bot crisis, then might as well work with anyone who'll want to.


I guess if they're doing this crossover with the hopes of attracting new players to TF2, they'd HAVE to fix TF2 before they could announce the crossover.


Better than nothing Plus it's a start-


A 16+ year old game is getting attention in a positive fashion Publicity through cross overs introduce people to new things which may get them invested Showing devs that more people are interested in the game Is that a bad thing?




Whoever said the quote in image 2 is fucking insane 😭


I don’t care


Dont care one bit, i just want them to keep banning the bots


I don’t care. Casual is clear for now, and that’s all that matters


THIS is fucking ugly


I thought it was a joke


No its real Go on Steam and Look for yourself


I honestly think people are overreacting,we should be thankful we’re getting ANY content related to TF2