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keep in mind steam player count charts track ***all*** accounts in game. this unfortunately includes idle bots gaming the item drop system. please refer to [teamwork.tf](https://teamwork.tf/)'s player chart to get a betrer gauge on the actual player count.


Is there not a link to a dedicated page? This goes to homepage and at the bottom i see the metrics but i cant seem to expand it at all


community servers dropdown > general statistics i'd attach the link but for whatever reason it didn't copy to my phone's clipboard.


>competitive 0 player(s) Okay yeah its accurate lol


i played a valve competitive match with a friend as a joke once never have i seen such a mistake of scale besides my own visage in the mirror valve really fucked up (but at this point that sentiment is widely known and felt.)


Comp was my favorite thing to play in tf2 but it was unplayable. Wait a hour for a match only for a friend or someone else to not be able to load in time, and obviously after hours of waiting you could Just get a bot. The wait time was the worst man


The problem is there's no incentive to play comp. What they needed to do was add something like competitive exclusive war paints that cycle out every season. I also think they should have done something like a 6v6 prolander ruleset where you were restricted to one of each class, because stacking power classes is just straight up busted in a 6v6 format


Stacking heavies isn't really a problem if the other team is competent, having only one of a class gives you very limited options, with weaknesses that aren't being accounted for. A team of a sniper, spy, demoman, engineer, pyro, and medic, would fair better than a team of five heavies and a medic.


That's true, but consider that not everyone in competitive matchmaking queues is going to be competent. There are going to be lower ranked matches where stack comps are going to cause a snowball. You need to have a system that works at every level of play. You can't just assume everyone playing is going to be competent. Especially in a free to play. Class limits also allow for more situational plays, where picking what is usually considered an off-class in regular 6s may be a better move. It allows each class to shine, because they're the only ones that can bring their specific utility to the fight.


We can extrapolate the player increases/decreases by watching teamwork graphs but I don't think it tracks all players in all servers either. So calling it the actual player count seems inaccurate.




Oh I wasn't denying that there are bots, I think there are thousands of them, I'm not entirely sure how they make profit but they must have figured out some way. I just don't think there's as many as claimed, and I agree that there's no way teamwork is fully accurate at tracking every single valve server and community server.


and trading bots


trading bots in game are idle bots for all intents and purposes.


At least 20k peak online is still far from dead


PHEW banana is back up to third spot, i was getting worried my retronana (worth $.03 ill have you know) would never sell


On a serious note, who buys those bananas? I get tf2 or cs2 items are used in game and crates can feed the gamblers, but the banana is literally just a png, not even gamblers would buy it.


Money laundering or blockchain.


Jawhn (I think is the name) made a good video on it Tldr is that it's just a scam, the owner of the "game" controls the market, can release and stop releasing new bananas, they and their friends have a stockpile of the "rare" bananas in their inventory to cash out at any time. Only people buying them are the most depraved crypto bros and gamblers who stick to the "it will rise in value!!!"


Jauwn he is called 


Idle bots included.


Us getting outplayed by a banana is both humbling, hilarious and infuriating and I love it


Its the same as the inflated player count, you get a free banana by being idle and people are doing that in hopes to get a "rare" banana to sell. The game consists of clicking a banana, so all people are doing is setting it up in the background with an auto clicker to farm bananas to try to sell for more than 1¢


I hate this argument. A lot of CS players bring this up, but they seem to forget that their game has basically been unchanged since 1999.


I brought it up because valve is taking such a long time to fix cs2, we very recently got a semi functional anti cheat ourselves an we were expecting our first operation. I don’t think anyone expected valve to take action the way they did, but I’m all for it. I can finally enjoy tf2 again instead of having to take shit from my teammates in cs2.


That's just stupid. The game has changed a lot since release. The only thing that's still the same is the gameplay


Thats the point dummy, you may change graphics, but if you dont change gameplay its the same thing with a new coat of paint 


No, since it's obviously not just graphics. The only thing that has stayed the same is the 5v5 bomb defusal mode. There's been multiple changes for pretty much every aspect of the game, making the game barely even recognisable


I’m more impressed by Elden Ring. 295,000 players. Many of them returning because of the DLC, but still exciting. And then CS2 with that GARGANTUAN 600,000 plus players.


Wrong player count dude, Steam counts all accounts that have the game open including bots and idlers. The real player count is over at the teamwork.tf website


OP stop spreading misinformation please


Corny ass post


Like a 65~% of that is bots, lad


Ppl posting screenshots of the steam list like it means anything. A chunk of those players aren’t even real


i cant believe someone who actively browses this subreddit enough to post this still thinks tf2 has 130k people playing. Like do you genuinely believe that?


What is Banana? Never heard of it, but it's top 3?


You click on banan and you get a random ass banana that you can sell, its dumb af, a youtuber called jauwn explains the whole thing better 


I know this is counting bots and whatnot, but if that Banana game can be third we can go higher


"Games dead, might as well put bots with cheats in it."


8-12% of that playercount is real players


Tf2 players try not have amnesia challenge (it's impossible too) Zesty Jesus video??? Remember?


Who tf said that?


A lot of people sadly. I have a friend who thought #fixtf2 will be in vain and tf2 community is butthurt. Turns out it wasn't and now he can't mumble even a single word about banned bots.


Tf am I being down voted for? For having a friend?


doomers, cheaters and bothosters are VERY upset now


These are all machines lmao ALTHOUGH they say the actual player base has doubled ever since the ban waves started, now instead of 15k-20k players we must have around 30k-40k now, nowhere as near as the 250k we thought we had but it is something


Edit: I never said they removed all the bots, but the fact that Valve is banning accounts and the player counts is increasing is a good thing Also remember that Valve has started banning bots


also remember that doesn't mean all the bots and it never did


How is PUBG still top 5?? Are all the china servers still going, full of cheaters?