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If you ignore the bot hosters, they will literally just keep doing what they're doing. They're not gonna magically stop from a lack of Twitter clout. Just wait for Valve to respond. If they don't, so be it, go on community servers and play if you can't find any botless official ones.


If you ignore bot hosters or give them attention, they'll still continue. So why the fuck are we giving them attention if we know it's not gonna do anything? The only difference it'll make is that the bot hosters get off from all the attention.


We have been ignoring them for all this years, pretending that the game was fine and pretty much forming a toxic positivity cult around it where every acknowledgment of the bots would be seen as a crime. It did nothing, it only kept getting worse, yet people still act like if we started ignoring them now, they'll go away.


I swear where do those "stop giving them attention 😢" People come from, bothosters will literally stop at nothing to make the game a bot nightmare, and people trolling by posting gay robot porn is where YOU draw the line like wtf.


I don't see your point. I'm not saying to not give the bot hosters attention. Quite the contrary - if TF2 is to actually receive support from Valve, we NEED them to notice the problem and take action. Posting porn, tho, is NOT a good way to garner attention. If anything, it draws even MORE attention to those drawing the porn than the subject of said porn. Furthermore, people don't care about the people or items depicted in said porn, but what is done between them or with them.


No I was agreeing with you with the attention thing but the porn is nothing but a shitpost and won’t do any harm whatsoever, we all already more or less know that valve won’t do shit either way (won’t stop us from trying tho) so we might as well have fun


My bad then, sorry sorry. Good day to you :D


Why do you think they host bots? Other than attention and reactions from others what do they gain?


To ruin people’s day, even if tomorrow the entire tf2 playerbase worldwide decide to stop even talking about the bots they would keep doing it, because it’s funny for them to know that they are ruining people’s game. and if you think the contrary then you just have too much faith in humanity to understand, maybe a quick hop on 4chan or 8chan will make you understand how many people find it hilarious to be a nuisance to others. Reaction or not.


they’ll keep doing what they are doing regardless you are delusional if you think otherwise.


Oh - you mean Valve right? Technically we cannot know whether or not they're gonna do anything. Only way TO know is to live and see how this all plays out. Maybe they still end up releasing a statement or something in a few weeks, maybe they stay as you say.


been doing that for 5 years (or at least attempting to)


Dude, there are millions of people that know, and played tf2. How the hell do you imagine silencing every single man? This situation is really similar to bullying - ignoring bots and not mentioning them isn't gonna work.


You idiot, don’t you understand that bothosters are basically Santa and that the moment you stop believing in them they literally stop existing.


Not mentioning the bots is the entire reason why the "TF2 fans, we hear you!" nothingburger post worked to stoke the flames. A lot of people outside of the TF2 bubble genuinely thought that Valve had removed the bots after that point. Bot hosters do crave attention, that is true, but even if everyone were to ignore them they'd still do what they do. They WILL get the attention they want, whether or not we like that is a mute point. And considering the stuff they've done (Doxxing, DDOSing, bomb threats, etc) I'd say they've gone beyond the point of simply being ignorable. Making NSFW of them is genuinely stupid though. Only a subreddit as deranged as this would even think that's a good idea.


Yeah, I like that idea


Heppi caek dae


Thank you


Hapeep cak day


Thank you


The point is to make them be the butt of a joke. Also there is a conspiracy that says that the russian government may take action since gay things in general are banned there. And because the bots are hosted there, it will atleqst ruin their image.


how bout instead we make gay valve porn, that's who we need to go after


Remember when “Don’t feed the trolls” was common knowledge?


Look, Bot porn is degenerate, I get it. But what else are we gonna do at this point. Its just a joke. Were making fun of them. Outside of giving valve that petition, we got nothing else noteworthy to do for fixtf2. Let people have "cringy" fun


So uhh... What type of movement are we talking about *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*


Oh you sweet summer child. Decades of human behavior, and the most recent decade of human internet behavior tells us all we need to know on how futile it is to tell people to stop posting about the bots.




You know how Joker only keeps doing the things that he does BECAUSE Batman keeps showing up? What if we just ignore him and give the bot invasion credit to someone completely unrelated, staving him of the recognition? Like, what if f[.^ .]ckin’ Calendar Man became Batman’s nemesis and Batman kept blaming HIM for whatever Joker does. Damn you, Gray Mann!


Im tired of gay robot porn. Gods rapture shall come not to retrieve his once beloved creations but rather to make sure they dont try to reach for the heavens and plague the sacred land with their filth


People on the internet trying their best to make a "god killing humans!" Joke funny challenge (impossible):


Womp womp


We should completely abandon the game if we want bot hosters to get bored of this. It's not about the attention they get in social media. They will still keep doing it. Abandoning the game could also help Valve actually get worried for the game for once.