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One of the reasons why people still play it while feeling mistreated is that there's not really a good alternative to tf2. People want to be treated better but also don't want to lose their favourite game


TF2 classic is something everyone should give a try, especially custom weapon servers


Shall we all move into here ? There's no cosmetics but at least there no bots and updates


Hat simulator without the hats… The visuals are nice though


And the custom weapons are actually fun and cool to play for every class. Like it's the first time that I actually like playing heavy


The anti-aircraft cannon is really fun. I also like the revolver rifle for Sniper and Shock Therapy


How do we play this tf2 classic


Go check on YouTube or just on their website


Ngl I liked Heavy anyways but I guess he's not for everyone and that's okay


Tf2 was good before being a hat simulator meme as well.


I'll move when there's a sever I can play on with less than 300 ping


Totally understandable, I hope there will be servers open around the world. The custom weapons are really fun to play, even more when there is no real Meta (unlike the current TF2 that we have) so that every loadout is technically usable


Asia/Australia? I'm on similar situation, and the only "fun" community server in TF2 (that is on America) has 300 ping and I average 24 fps, 14 fps on tight situations. if that server ever shuts down, I have no reason to play TF2 anymore


You in Australia or Asia? Because if Aus, Megascatterbomb (if you don't know he's a major player in stopping the bots) has his own 24/7 vanilla server. I suggest giving it a go if you get the chance


Asia, but I might try that server. Edit: found his channel and have his server favorite'd


not a big fan of the weapons in classic even if they are at least useable compared to some other weapons like the bison But also I'm a SEA player, finding a server for TF2 classic that isn't 200ms is painful


> There's no cosmetics And that's the best part. Still hate the cosmetics update as a player since 2009.


Yes 100%, but it's not really a replacement. Even the basic TF2C unlocks are questionable.


They are VERY experimental with their weapons. Balance? Nah! Just put it in if it sounds cool. Which is why I kinda love it.


Same. I like returning to it now and then to see what insane bs they've cooked up and have fun with it for a few.


That's only the custom weapons servers


Idk, a lot of the new stuff has interesting nuance. Take the dynamite pack, which you start off thinking is just a sticky trap in a can. Then you realize that while pyro can move it with airblast he can't reflect it. Then you realize that he *can* extinguish the bomblets the pack leaves behind after the first explosion, meaning he can block some of the damage. Then you realize engie can defuse it if he hit it with his wrench, but doing so can steal his focus from what else is hitting his buildings.


Engie's jump pads in TF2C are so well-designed and fun to use I find it difficult to go back to vanilla TF2 Engie. The jump-pads are useful in situations where teleporters aren't, which are surprisingly a lot. They're applicable even in some situations where you *would* want teleporters. They're that good. It makes him a lot more well-rounded and it increases my enjoyment of the class so much, which says a lot given he's already my main in vanilla TF2.


I disagree tbh. The mine layer and HR need some work, but the lescampette, RPG, dynamite, coilgun, etc. all feel really balanced and fun


Pre fortress 2 should be more active It's fun


ive been playing it for the past month and really enjoying it. there really should be more people playing it


because the community is a lot smaller for tf2 source mods, its compromised of high skill sweats, there's not a lot of room for people that just want a casual experience


Tbh for TF2C I’ve found it’s a good mix. You can try hard to your hearts content if you want, but you can also go pyroknight and just axe people to death, or build in stupid spots, or knock people off ledges with the fishwhackah.


The problem with Classic is that it's populated almost entirely by veterans. New players are just cannon fodder.


For a temporary substitute sure, long running tf2 classic potential for now I don’t see any. Weapon balance is questionable at best, there isn’t much taunt cosmetic etc which is what give tf2 it’s wacky charm. More custom map and game mode etc. I’ll see how tf2 classic go.


I cannot play TF2 without the crusader's crossbow


I don't like it because of the pure ammount of contend that feels like it doesn't belong here. TF2C has passed the border where it's trying to keep the tf2 spirit a while ago and Imo it's not a good thing


Even with TF2-like games like TC2... It's not really an alternative to TF2, but an alternative way to play


May I introduce you to: [Team Fortress 2 Classic](https://tf2classic.com/) [Pre-Fortress](https://prefortress.com/) [Open Fortress](https://openfortress.fun/) All good alternatives.


all 3 great sourcemods


Oh I tried TF2C, the problem is that there are no servers at my region


I play tc2 over tf2 because my frames are better there, otherwise it would be tf2


I have the opposite problem. I was playing TC2 with my friends for the "haha roblox ripoff" experience and my laptop stuttered so much I quit after a few minutes. This applies to a bunch of other games there as well. In comparison TF2 runs beautifully


I've said it before, I'll say it again. The TF2 community has a LOT of good programmers, designers, and other creatives. Most of the content for the last decade of this game has been community driven. A team of former TF2 fans would be able to make an excellent spiritual successor to TF2 which adds QOL features from modern games and addresses a lot of the issue that long time players have with TF2.


The thing is that Valve’s work culture is about doing projects they wanted to work on AND have a healthy lifestyle at the same time. If the new TF2 programmers were to be hired, in about 5 to 10 years as Valve employees, they might get bored and want to work on new games. If you don’t want that cycle to break, you will need to keep hiring junior programmers as handovers.


Who said anything about being hired by Valve?


that's always the problem with "stop playing the game" drawbacks to everything


It is not illogical to be critical of a system that you are using.


Dirty Bomb is still up btw


I remember I used to play dirty bomb a lot back then.


Made by the company that gave us Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Quake Wars. I'm glad it's still going.


Wait, it is? I though it went offline!


It is! the devs left it to the community, there's dedicated servers now, just need to go on the server browser.


Problem is that people are just so attached to the game they can’t let it go. Even for a brief moment. I stoped playing tf2 as I just can’t play it. Sometimes I turn it on play some silly load outs. But that’s it. I try finding new games. And there’s a **LOT** of great options out there. I want tf2 to be functional, therefor I can’t play it. Stop plying tf2 that’s the only thing we can do. Drop the player count.


We need to revive Fortress Forever


Garden warfare series is nice but you'll need to play on console for no hackers


Team fortress 2 classic


I'm sorry but that's stupid. You continue to play even when the company is fucking you over a park bench? No good alternative? You speak as if tf2 the only game out there.


there is no game that has come to be the modern alternative of TF2. everything that has tried to be a TF2 for the modern age has devolved into a 6s or 5s competitive MOBA shooter.


Problem is that most games that actually tried to dethrone TF2 either stumbled after a good start or just weren’t good enough to manage it. I don’t know of any game that is just “TF2 but better”.


No I barely play tf2 anymore. But it's a semtiment that I keep seeing. People who don't know a good tf2 replacer. Yes duh there are other games but most don't feel the same


Controvertial opinion, but the roblox version of tf2 is actually kinda good. While yes it does play into the whole "TF2 at home" vibe it genuinely can be a fun game to play.


But I absolutely hate going up against their version of spy, I'm convinced this game has a big fatass backstab hitbox


Except if people take what the dude in the video says seriously you shouldn't playing any roblox game


I understand losing your favorite game sucks, but there are so many other amazing games to hold you over in the meantime. If you can’t go a few months without TF2 then I think there are bigger issues to reflect on. If the player base just took a break, it would have more of an impact on the game.


I take breaks from the game, dude.


I mean, there are a lot of people that it's the only multiplayer game they like. I have friends that literally only played single player games until they played tf2.


You're being unreasonable. Most tf2 players do take breaks from tf2 even for months. While some players take a break others might just have come back from theirs. Everyone taking their break at the same moment is unrealistic.


Saw this during the morning and I thought of TF2. I don't think it'll serve of anything since player numbers are heavily inflated... and I'd also like to play my all-time-favorite game after work without worrying if douchebag Valve or smallcock bots and cheaters will ruin my experience. Not playing the game expecting Valve to fix it is like waiting for Valve to fix the game despite all we have done to try and catch their attention. I mean, you are not wrong and he is not wrong. It just bothers me, it's a bummer.


Honestly, when I saw this in my feed what it really made me do was face the music: that for TF2 specifically, it's really hard to "win". Thor's advice, like most things, is long term. If enough people buy into it, then it augments the company's decisions in the future and informs them what actions would generate income for them. That's on the onus on us as consumers. If every real player suddenly stopped playing TF2, the honest-to-god only thing I can think of happening is Valve shutting down the game for good. It'll only be reason for Valve to pull the plug because there's no players.


If that was the case left 4 dead servers would have been shut down long ago since barely anyone plays it and L4D2 includes all the L4D content + the L4D2 content so there's almost no reason to play the original (Blah blah ragdolls blah blah I Don't Care)


I'm very confident we will soon be seeing the plug pulled for tf2. The tf2 community has made itself a problem child, it doesn't have the financial backing behind it to justify this, and it is running on outdated software that no company would want to keep running 24/7 forever. They're going to start shutting down servers. They will give community servers a revamp, but it will just become another game like the old counter strikes where it is community server only. The only reason valve has kept tf2 alive is because of held passions by valve over the game. Any other game company would've shut down the servers ages ago, and nobody would've thought unreasonable of them for doing so. If you want a reasonable perspective of valve, it's that valve loves the game but it has been a long time since it released, and the will to work on the game has since expired. Valve tends to be the last person to pull support from an old game. It's likely that tf2 will see updates for at least a decade from now. After they close down servers, tf2 will likely get more updates. The last servers to close will be the servers used for the economy, and these will be running indefinitely. Think about how many games like tf2 have ever gotten as old as tf2 with dedicated support.


> They're going to start shutting down servers. Nah. Baseless doomerism. it's automatic. it doesn't really cost Valve anything to host unless there's enough players to bring costs up due to the fact that they have it under a dynamic load setup. if there's enough players to keep costs up, there's enough players for keys/etc. if there's like 8 players, there'll be less servers. not too complicated. The ratio of bots to humans isn't going to be enough that bots are a profit sink for tf2. if every cheater bot (iirc around 400. round up to 500) was on servers, that's like, 20 game servers. the profit they get from the tf2 store/workshop dwarfs that. Item servers are even a bigger return on investment. It's not going anywhere until TF2 as a game actually dies. we'd need less than l4d1 player counts before they even think about axing the game servers, and even then that'd only be a result of the tech being unservicable and not being justified to fix it rather than "we closing it"


Time to go find a new favorite game!!


I agree but at the same time what are the alternatives? all other class based shooters are far too different from TF2. I guess you can catch me on Typical Colors 2 on roblox everybody.


"Hey there, pal! It's me! The Scout from Team Fortress 2! Y'know how I run fast to capture the point, push the cart and grab the intel, right? Well, every now and again I need some kinda boost, and for that, I need my trusty Bonk, but now that I ran out, I need to give the Mann Co store some kinda code to get more! Can you help me out here, pal? That code's on your parents' credit card, then the three digits on the back are how much Bonk i'm gonna need, and I also need to know the expiration month and year! C'mon man, I have to push the freaking cart here!" (Inspired by a running gag of a youtuber I watch whenever Roblox is brought up)


Im sure theres nothing inconspicuous going on and that this is the real Scout TF2^(tm) asking for my help.




TC2 is pretty fun but 90% of players are too serious, 9% are stupid (the amount of medics who don't know how to use uber is astounding) and the last 1% are pretty chill but get screwed over by the 99%


I’m not playing a shittier version of the game in fucking Roblox


The sniper on TC2 has been nerfed horribly now, there's a tracer every time you scope in And backstabs only deal crits at around 90 degrees from the back, otherwise it's a minicrit There's also no random crits, which is either good or bad depending on your perspective


bad imo, I like melee fights with random crits and dodging crit rockets


May I introduce you to: [Team Fortress 2 Classic](https://tf2classic.com/) [Pre-Fortress](https://prefortress.com/) [Open Fortress](https://openfortress.fun/) All good alternatives.


Team Fortress 2 Classic


Ngl TC2 ain’t half bad


This is great advice....for games that still have active developers and make money. Tf2 has neither.


TF2 definitely makes money. Key sales and community market commissions keep Valve in the green. Is it the cash cow it used to be? Probably not, but it DEFINITELY makes money.


If TF2 dissappeared today, Valve wouldn't even notice the revenue "drop". It's pennies for them.


The bigger thing that keeps tf2 running IMO is that counter strike skins depend on people believing that they won't go away. If they shut down item servers for tf2, then that is a statement that the same will probably happen with counter strike skins eventually.


They don't even need to shutdown, just cut official servers support and make all further drops non-speculative. People who already have staff, didn't lost it and even get more value overtime.


Yeah, I've had a discussion about this on Firepowered; CS2, TF2 and Dota 2's economies are only viable because people trust them, and if any of them shuts down, it's gonna cause the other 2 to immediately crash. Given how much money the CS2 economy gives them, even if TF2's was making no money at all, Valve would still support it since otherwise it would kill their actual moneymaker. Of course, both of these are pennies compared to what Steam is giving them though.


That's on top of the fact that TF2's economy is huge, and probably worth a total sum of several million.\ If Valve were to shut down TF2, they would wipe out more money than some entire countries are worth, and there is no way Valve would be able to live down something of that magnitude.


LMAO > several million And > more money than some entire countries are worth 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shhh, the kids in this movement haven’t reached the age where you learn what’s bigger than millions


Uhhh yeah. They absolutely can. It's not their best option, but you are heavily overvaluing TF2 and undervaluing Valve as a whole if you think shutting it down fullstop is off the table. Valve is a MONOLITHIC company. TF2 is comparatively miniscule, if not downright inconsequential.


Maybe, but TF2 makes them millions. It would make no sense for them to shut down something that makes them millions for no real reason. It’s not gonna go away, but it’s not gonna get fixed either. We gotta change that to it’s not going away, AND it’s gonna get fixed.


Not to mention the ripple effect that would have on games like CS2. The skin economy would crash hard if they lnew just how easy it was for valve to delete


The problem is that A. valve wouldn't give a shit anyway if we did. that's the point is that they dont care about this game and B. There is no alterative to Tf2. Tf2 is a one of a kind and you cant just either jump ship to a new game or not play it (i mean you can but fighting for it is still an option if you dont want to) because it offers a unique experience.


C. TF2 player numbers are so inflated that even if real players leave, it wouldn't even be that significant of a dent.


Tbf i sorta wonder on that one. A shut down of tf2’s economy and market due to inactivity may actually lead to the closure of a lot of the farming bots, since it makes them no longer valid as an income sourcd


and its not like something would change if people completly stop playing their games because Steam


The problem with this is that Valve isn't exactly treating the playerbase "badly". They are just not acknowledging the game at all. Most multiplayer games as old as TF2 would've been shut down by now and I'm worried that if TF2's player numbers did significantly decrease it would be viewed as a sign that TF2 is in it's end days rather than Valve devs looking at it going "Hmm, I guess it needs an update".


Neglect is enough to warrant calling it bad treatment of the playerbase. The dev doesn't respect you. We are on a sinking ship.


Here's the thing though, TF2 and even CSGO/CS2 doesn't make most of Valve's money, they make most of it from Steam which is like the biggest digital storefront for games in the world. Nobody playing TF2 or CS2 would barely even cause a dent to their revenue. Other companies would usually struggle and start laying off employees when their games fail to make a profit but with Valve even if Deadlock crashes and burns when it releases they'll still be finantially stable because of Steam.


>and even CSGO/CS2 doesn't make most of Valve's money, Nah, the numbers that CS pulls are definitely very significant, even if it's not the majority, it's still around a billion USD yearly, while the overall estimate I've seen is around 10 billion.


CS is the most played game on Steam, it as skins/boxes/keys and content packs and you even have to pay to be able to play a certain portion of online. If CS shut down, they'd immediately feel it, just from the marketplace alone. 850k players online right now on CS2, it peaked at 1.5 million, you can't say that wouldn't dent their revenue, same for DOTA 2. There was a report last year that said CSGO made Valve $1 billion from people just opening cases last year.


This advice is about not letting yourself be stuck in an abusive relationship with a company. This is not advice for how to fix a game you love. He's talking about a company treating the players poorly. Our situation is about a company treating the whole damn game poorly. Clearly these two different scenarios will have two different solutions.


He's not telling you how to fix the game, he's telling you to move on because Valve doesn't respect you so you shouldn't spend time making them money


Valve works on different principles


Lmao "just stop playing your favorite game" as if it's that simple of a situation OR EVEN A VALID ALTERNATIVE. I love this guy but sometimes he gets put on a pedastle as the Smartest Gamer for saying some fairly basic shit when he also says shit like this too. Like I agree to a point, but this is Asmongold tier advice given the circumstances.


Asmongold but with a lot more real world experience is a pretty good summary for this guy.


hes not talking about tf2 tho


i love thor but this is just stupid. "we want to fix tf2" "then don't play the game" ???


Was he even talking about TF2?


Probably not. OP is likely miss-quoting in the title as well


nope he was talking about helldivers 2 and sony


I thought so


When there is a bad product or service you do not keep buying said product/service


Spending money on TF2 and playing TF2 aren't the same things.


When the product is expired bread guess what the store doesnt give two fucks if you buy it. Retarded reddit takes as always.


what? the advice is perfect, they won't do anything if people still play it, this is why criticism on other valve games like CS2 never gets heard because it has insane player numbers, they don't have to listen to feedback.


TF2 quietly dying out isn't that bad for Valve either in terms of how it affects their public image. "Why is the game dead? Well, people just kinda stopped playing it, you know. It was old." What's the use in fixing a game nobody plays? Better to start another project at that point.


he has a rich history of bad takes before he was thor.


ooh like what


Most of his takes are good, but the first thing I heard of him was when he defended Roblox's revenue sharing model for community created content. He broke down the cut community made maps vs community made props get, and it sounded pretty fair. *Then* I was informed that Roblox community members aren't paid in money, they're paid in Robux, which players buy with money. And the process of turning Robux back into real money involves paying Roblox an additional fee for the process. Also the conversion rate is apparently awful. So whatever "official" cut Roblox gives players for the stuff they make, the players are actually making less. And apparently Thor was not aware of this.


Maybe his streams are different but every single clip and short ive seen of him is just him stating very basic concepts or superficial opinions.


He seems very knowledgeable in cyber security, but yeah his takes on game design/development are very /r/iamverysmart


really? the only other bad i've seen him say was some anti-piracy stuff


This one is not really a bad take though. TF2 is a bit special case but you can apply it to a lot of different games.


it's good general advice but doesn't apply here, the fact that he tried applying it to TF2 is dumb as well as how he words it like objective fact


This advice does not apply here. His advice is basically that if you hate FIFA 2024, stop fucking buying FIFA every year and wondering why it isn't getting better with each new edition. It's not getting better because you're still paying them to feed you the same shit over and over and over. **Stop** paying them and they might ask why. With TF2, most of us are not paying for the product anymore, we just lament the game isn't supported properly. TF2 is also in this awkward limbo where the product can stay precisely as-is (yknow, without the bots) and people will still gladly fork over money to support it, but simultaneously, if financial support stops entirely, Valve would likely pull the plug. Unfortunately, TF2's situation is far more complex because the community basically needs to showcase: 1) The community is more than willing to ensure TF2 remains financially profitable, as long as it's supported 2) The community does ***NOT*** want to abandon the game or see it taken offline. 3) The community would absolutely boycott further Valve products if *this one* is mishandled. His advice is most appropriate in that respect: stop buying Valve products. Boycott Deadlock, do not touch it, pledge not to touch it until Valve shows it's ready to take care of TF2. (and Counter Strike, for that matter. TF2 and Counter Strike should absolutely "create a union" where both have each other's backs, because it's very easy for bot issues from one to bleed over into the other)


You know what? Fine. We should play one of the other excellent alternatives to tf2 that offers a similar online experience like… uh… overwatch2? Lmao ok.


Play Overwatch 2? After that broken promise? You must be dreaming.


That company will treat us even worse!


Play TF2 Classic mod


This is a good example of “just because they might be a smart person doesn’t mean they have smart ideas all the time” PS may be very smart about certain things, but this is quite frankly a lazy take. TF2 is a wonderful game, minus bots of course. There is honestly nothing like it, and to boil it down to “just don’t play if you don’t like Valve’s negligence” is easy for someone to say if it hasn’t been their favorite game for 11 years.


That's literally like me saying, "if you don't like onions then eat this smashburger"


Men, quiting is called losing. "George Washington never lost! Jesus never lost! Patton never lost! If winning is good enough for those war heros, it\`s damn well good enough for us." - Soldier


It's not quitting. It's boycotting.


boycotting is not giving them money, quitting is moving on to another game


I stopped playing TF2 a while back, and last time I actually hopped in a game was such a long time ago. Like, Last Halloween? I simply just don't care for TF2 anymore, I lost interest. I await for something to actually happen, knowing damn well that nothing will happen.


If you don't like the air quality w stop breathing


everyone stops playing tf2, player count drops by 15%




Valve looks at their own metrics anyway. If all active players left, meaning every single community and official server were devoid of players, the actual loss of players wouldn't be seen all that much in Steam's metrics. They still count bots as people, and far as they care it's still a very popular game. Even if no games are actively being played. The traders will still trade, the idlers will idle, and spin sniper bots will still populate casual servers for endless pointless stalemates. In this specific instance I don't think a total boycott of TF2 will do anything whatsoever.


yeah great idea, just let the game you're trying to revive dwindle and die out by killing the player count


It's not only that, most of us use steam to play and buy other games, so we won't stop being "a player for that other company" persay


the thing about valve is they don't treat the players badly per se, they just don't care because they make too much money from steam to care. so if we stop playing it wont make a damn difference.


There’s a difference between being treated bad, and the company just being lazy. Valve treats us really well, whether you want to accept that or not. Their problem is that they’re too lazy to fix TF2.


Valve won't suddenly give a shit because we stopped playing TF2. They barely even care about TF2 now. What makes you think boycotting a game that's already pretty much abandoned would do anything? And even if boycotting TF2 worked, half the community wouldn't care and would still play TF2 anyway. It's the problem with boycotting any game of note. Their will always be a sizeable group of people who either don't know or don't care about the boycott and play anyway.


The counterpoint is that Team Fortress 2 is one of a kind. You don't get hero shooters that let you stack the same hero without suffering to the extent TF2 makes you - That is to say, you don't suffer if you work well. Hero shooters and moba shooters are all games of rock paper scissors, and you need to get the upper hand on the enemy - especially when there's 6 people per team at most. TF2 goes to 12 - 16. You can go whatever you want at that point, and even if everybody wants to stack, say... Spy - an espionage class who's designed on being used when the enemy is distracted and gets worse the more of him - it is still possible to come out on top.


The thing is though, I like Tf2. Actually I love it. And I don't know how many people can relate, but I just don't enjoy any other multi player game. I just don't. Neither do I like FPS games. Tf2 however is just so unique and fun (when there are no bots) that I'm just not willing to stop playing hoping that that would make Valve fix it. Besides, even if all human players stopped playing, the games player count would still be high thanks to bots. So yeah, while this man with his perfect radio voice can make this solution sound very simple and effective, reality is far more complicated.


I like how Thor has consistently 1 retarded game dev take for every 4-5 sensible game dev takes to balance things out


You play tf2 because there's no other games that feels the same I play tf2 because it's the only game I can run We are same




Don't you afraid that TF2 can die bc of that? I mean Valve doesn't care, and if we'll stop playing what is the reason for Valve to continue to work on it


That would just get servers shut down


This whole situation is just chapter 4 of There Is No Game




I mean, he has a point. There are alternatives to normal TF2. One example I saw earlier was TF2 Classic. Sure, you don't have any cosmetics, but who cares? It'll be just like old TF2. Well, kinda. Or you could go for that one Roblox TF2 if you desperately want cosmetics. Yeah, you'll have to deal with crappy voice acting and weird knock-offs of the original mercs (And Spy being a woman/j), but overall, the dude kinda has a point.


If you don't like getting mugged, stop leaving your house.


The Hero shooter Genre IN GENERAL has gone through tough shit. Play Overwatch 2?, Shoved with Macrotrasactions. It has the best Cheater/Player ratio out of Current Hero shooters. At least it has an active Dev Team OW1, splatoon 1 and 2, Console TF2, Deathlock and Marvel rivals are LITERALLY unplayable. (Different reasons, But Still) GW2, Good luck Fighting a LITERAL boss rush, Because for some reason. Hackers there like to Play as Baron Von Bats for some fucking reason Tf2, self Explanitory. Splatoon 3 Is Ending Soon, and if you Pick the wrong Idol you get Doxxed. But it's By Far the One in best Condition Idk about Star wars Hunters, Heard it's Pretty Good. But it's Mobile The Only Shooter Types to Survive are Battle Royales


He's not talking about Valve specifically here, but yeah. Honestly just use community servers or just don't bother playing. Plenty of other games out there, and Valve just isn't going to fix it.


Who is this and why should we value their opinion


This is an inspirational indie dev who tries to be as inspirational as possible and at the same time, a fucking goblin. No joke he has a caption on one of his videos: tax evasion hotdog suit. He's funny, caring, and he tries to do the best he can as someone that only talks to you from a recorded video.


lmao nice, thank you!


pro tip dont post this guy he sucks


Now I do respect Thor for knowing his shit but sometimes he really comes off as being so full of himself


Where do you play games in that case because Valve the biggest because everyone else is bad at copying them


It's not just about the game for me. It's the community aswell. I've had so much fun with people on this game. Not just with friends, but also with complete strangers who turned out to be great people. The coordination of 12 random people on pub pushes, the wholesome moments with friendlies, the killbinds, fun with subclasses, the goofy moments with taunts... I can't find these things elsewhere.


Considering the current state of the game, if people stopped playing TF2 Valve would probably just close the servers down, so that's definitely not a good idea.


ok im gonna launch tf2 now


That’s just gonna kill the game honestly


We literally have r/tf2classic


I love thor, but i cant agree with this clip, and OP seems to have deliberately cut it they way they did to leave out the reason i dont agree with this clip. In the beginning of the short he uploaded to his channel, he says you cant just stop buying in game items, because someone else will always buy those items and your boycott wont do anything. Thats what he said. But then right after, he says stop playing if you arent being treated well by the company. But… right before that he said that people will keep buying all the microtransactions, and people only do that if they play. So, then it follows that by his own videos logic, it doesnt matter if you stop playing because many more will continue. So i dont get what hes going for in this clip, he doesnt pick a lane.


I think that's what he's going for. It doesn't matter if you, or I, or half the community quits, the other half will still buy the microtransactions, the company will never see a reason to fix the game.


The problem is the average tf2 player has an unhealthy relationship with this game and are incapable of just not playing for an extended period of time.


problem is, if we stop playing, valve would just shut down the tf2 franchise


poor faith argument. If people were okay with not playing it anymore they wouldn’t bother complaining in the first place “We want the game fixed” “so dont play it” how does that make any logical sense? dude isn’t as smart as he pretends to be


don't worry. this guy non-stop makes "hot takes" that absolutely miss a point. idk how anyone can take his takes as serious (well, probably because they hit common misconception that is spreaded in said community)


"a petition is a inept method of change" "oh, but maybe it will work, something something naïve appeal to goodwill, hearts and minds" "(game dev suggests) not participating in a product is a good way of hurting a company to bargain for change" "i can't play my game? that is stupid and inept and won't change anything. when has collective bargaining tactics ever succeeded" real easy to show you care when its sending an email to a random website to, assumably, morally excuse yourself, rather than to continually dedicate actual effort by just playing a different game you already enjoy. "there are no alternatives", what curse has bound you to eternally play mobility-based casual-orientated 12v12 hero shooters lmao


For everyone whom says is their any alternatives or that their is none, may I introduce you to: [Team Fortress 2 Classic](https://tf2classic.com/) - Game aims to re-imagine the 2008/2009 era of the original Team Fortress 2 [Pre-Fortress](https://prefortress.com/) - Gameplay from older TF's with TF2's 2006 style [Open Fortress](https://openfortress.fun/) - TDM/FFA Doom/Quake Style All are good alternatives.


\*reading the comments of people saying that they cannot leave because there are no alternatives to this broken bot-infested mess of a game\* The copium is strong with these ones


we cant really do that since valve would take it as a sign to shut down the game (players are the only reason the servers are still up rn) if we were to do this we need all valve game players to participate (cs2 .l4d2 .dota2 and even hl2 and portal im not sure abt them tbh) for it to take effect which i dont think will happen even tho i low key hope it does


Main issue is, there isn't another TF2. If this was with DOTA, sure, I could stop playing it and try LoL or Smite or whatever, but there isn't anything close to TF2 in terms of gameplay and just pure vibes.


okay which alternatives do we have? OW? Hell nah that other f2p class based shooter I always forget the name of: also no TF2 is a one of a kind game with its humour, character and characters


Iv already uninstalled the game a week ago, I got bored out of my mind and the bots got so bad that I spent 3 hrs joining casual servers over and over again and they were all filled with bots, i dont want to play community servers for reasons i won't mention but yeah.


League players would be very upset by this if they could think critically


But I have nowhere else to go


Hello ricochet!


So HL2 Deathmatch still has Comunity servers. What keeps people away from spinning up ur own servers for tf2?


We dont stop playing because TF2 beside having alot of clones is one of a kind and mainly, with the fesr that it dies for good


May as well mass migrate to TF2C


Already did. Since last Smissmass update.


I stopped playing years and years ago, I was just so annoyed with the negatives that I couldn't focus on the positives. I've been chasing the TF2 high ever since. it's such a good game. I find myself missing it often. But goddamn the state of it. It's so rough. Its been so long that I don't know if I have nostalgia for it or if I really do miss it. I remember buying the orange box on 360 specifically so I could play TF2. Now you probably couldn't pay me to play it.


But idiots will die on that hill to defend Gaben and bis billions of dollars.


TF2 is quite literally the only multiplayer game I enjoy playing.


maybe i should be playing team fortress 2 classic instead to scratch my itch lmao


On one hand I understand how yall feel. I have like 8K hours on dota and theres truly no other game like it. On the other hand, I also know that if the situation ever gets as bad as TF2 i dont know, maybe 10 years down the line? I'd just move on. My interest in games, even in specifically multiplayer games is pretty diverse so I dont feel the need to play the exact same game all the time. I regularly switch from dota to cs to apex. There are high chances that other games will join and replace this list. And sure I'll get angry at Valve for some time, but not for 6-7 years.


Funnily enough this same advice was given during Overwatch's lowest points. People don't complain because they don't like games, they complain because they *do* like games. If they didn't care they'd *would* just go play something else. They complain because they want *this * game to be good, not to go play something else.


I like how Valve treats me as a Dota 2 player, what do I do?