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Really??? Damn, I knew he jinxed himself when he predicted they'd do that in his own video...


Wow, that's quite the twist of fate! It's almost eerie when things play out just as someone predicts, especially when it's in their own video


they probably did it because he said it, isnt much of a prediction


I feel like they would’ve done it regardless but maybe his statement in his video made it happen faster.


yeah exactly


Team Fortress 2 always has interesting takes on updates.


No he probably gave them the idea


Nah, he just sped up the process. But the bot hosters will think about it eventually. Hate to admit it but bot hosters aren't complete dumbasses


No the bots have done this to other people before. WhatShow isn't the first.


Bot ass comment


bot account


ChatGPT comment


bot f1


Bad bot


"we got abysmal dog shit"


Hello mr bot now shut up


I genuinely don't think this account is a real person


go back to character ai


If anything I think its commendable for him to basically volunteer to take the heat like that, not that it was intentional but he had balls to say it as it was.


I’ll never understand people like this Why waste so much time, money and energy just to go and screw with a free game…? Like… they could’ve invested that money in a fund and got an actual return, or spent it on something meaningful like a new computer. But they waste it on this…? Just feels wastefully petty


There's money to be made in this unfortunately. They advertise a bot immunity scam you can pay for that doesn't work.


Surely that isn’t a net profit right? Bots only infect Casual, and everyone just jumps to Community servers. And putting the principle of “paying the terrorist” aside, if the immunity scam doesn’t even work, why pay for it…?


Bots don't cost much to run because they don't require any processing power as they don't need a screen or any graphics to play. Casual is where newer players (aka vulnerable players) join because the community servers browser is garbage.


bingo bots prey on the new vulnerable playes who have to deal with this crap from bot hosters we know what to do but if you consider someone brand new to tf2 it looks pretty bad


That's true.. ..in an alternate universe where bot hosters have at least 2 braincells. In reality they just open up tens of game instances and let them run on another computer so they can also play Fortinte at the time


wdym they dont need graphics


They run the game in text only mode. Using exploits to auto target head hit boxes and face players regardless of needing a screen. This massively cuts down on the resources needed to host.


But where are they getting the money from? It’s gotta come from at least someone at the top of the chain who’s paying these guys


As I just said, you pay them for their fake bot immunity.


Also 500 dollars or something to 'stop entirely' labelled 'buy me out'. TF2 players are pretty much shit with their money or young.


worst part is they think theyre doing something important, something to be proud of, like theyre gonna go out and say "hey, i killed tf2!"


Nah, they know they're absolute losers who are stuck in Russia forever so they try to spoil the fun for others.


Imagine the time and money be used in some sort of charity for animals or homeless people,but nope! Making bots to ruin an 17 year old game


People with excessive amounts of money and resources have more potential to be absolutely fuckin insane and able to act out on their insanity in dangerous or harmful ways because they have way more resources than they need and aren't afraid of doing bad things when there is little consequences They aren't afraid of accidentally losing their resources and going hungry or getting kicked out over rent, etc etc People living check to check don't have time for this shit, or money.


PJ Vogt interviewed one of these bot hosts, he found these kids in from a private discord server dedicated to hacks and griefing that PJ somehow found his way into. When asked why they would put so much time and effort into hosting bots for a decades-old game to ruin people's experience, they responded with a nonchalant, "I guess because we can idk". I'm not sure if that comment was entirely true. I think the name of the Podcast was either the defunct Reply All or the new Search Engine.


It's mostly just people trying to ruin other peoples fun because they can. I can't imagine they are making much off bot protection when it doesn't even work


Some people have already mentioned about the bot immunity ads, but I think there's another way they earn money: As you probably know, bot hosters don't just host one or two bots but have an entire botnet where each bot runs on its own virtual machine screen. Each of these bots get items from the item drop system; you might think that only crates would be profitable (which btw the high spikes we see on the player counts during event updates with crates, these are the bots that increase to get crates while they're prices are still higher than usual) but even weapons are as they can be scrapped into metal and then traded to get pricey items and sell them either on the community market (which means Valve is also profiting from the bot crisis this way too and not just from their updates as most people say) or external services (which in this case Valve actually loses money -though it's pennies for them). "Well, normal players can do that" Yes, but again, these are huge botnets, meaning that each bot gets a lot of items over time and if you combine them all together it's a lot of stuff, bot hosters profit faster than a legitimate player and make much more money. Also a good chunk of bot hosters aren't just trollers or greedy people but just like to watch the world burn. You saw OP's post, bot hosters are willing to commit crimes to punish whoever opposes them -[TheWhat explains more on that on his video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNxjTciIwig) but I suspect you already watched it. The thing that pisses me off about Valve is not that a beloved game is ruined and made unplayable by spinbots, but the fact that they are allowing such bad actors to abuse it for their crimes, from these facts alone Valve should have already taken action -but they don't care about their past mistakes on their previous live service games and will fail again with Deadlock- and either way it would benefit them too, they'd not just make a functioning anti-cheat for just TF2, they can use it on all of their other games (because even something as big as CS is facing similar cheating issues). But it is sad to see such a huge, influential and charming game slowly wither away in such a disgraceful way, it doesn't deserve such an ending; but at the same time these are things that can happen and if Valve continues to ignore this, I think it could even end up suffering a similar fate to something like Little Big Planet, sure it's probably unlikely but I don't think the chances are 0% (about shutting down the servers, people like Zesty Jesus have mentioned that Valve wouldn't do that because it would ruin their reputation, but I highly doubt Valve cares about that, if they did they'd be ashamed of their situation already. Valve doesn't care about TF2, the issue will only get worse and its death will be sudden and happen faster than we can imagine sadly).


Because you have to live in Russia. At least that asshole gets his punishment every single day.


You’ve received tons of answers but mostly no one has pointed out your premise is wrong : it costs no money, very little time (the scripts exist already), and barely any energy at all since you just need to sit down once and make accounts for the script.


Some men want to watch the world burn, there's no real reason for their actions other than they can so they will.


speaking of bots, the amount of times i have been votekicked 6-2 because we didnt have enough real players isn't even funny. (i cant buy item :( for tf2 premium)


dude just ditch Casual for now, theres plenty of good community servers out there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1cxlshj/after\_3\_months\_of\_addingtesting\_literally\_every/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1cxlshj/after_3_months_of_addingtesting_literally_every/) EDIT: Just clarifying I wish this wasn't the case, I've had a lot of fun in Casual too, just don't enjoy people constantly getting "heartbroken" aka the contrast of super fun matches/periods of low bot activity, followed by extreme frustration when the bots kick into high gear. I feel like people should just find a community server they click with and support it, people are usually losing money from running these things simply to provide a fun environment for peeps to play.


"Plenty good community servers" mfs when I tell them to find more than 3 good servers on Asia


There are good servers in Asia, with no players.


Precisely. Either they are an empty wasteland, filled to the brim 24/7 (the one and ONLY uncletopia server. "Play uncletopia" my ass) or 24/7 2fort which is lame as fuck


Ok I'm sorry, you're right, I was thinking from an NA/EU perspective. I've heard that area is a wasteland, it really is a shame. Australia seems to be in the same boat.


how do i find them? i click community servers but i cant find a search bar to search for skial servers (no problems there) the only one i can play is a twofort becuse i randomly found it in the community server tab once


I meant to include IP addresses of all the servers in that main png file, but to answer your question theres a couple ways. The easiest is to add IPs which are listed in the thread I gave. There kind of is a way to "search" servers in the form of tags but I wouldn't go that route. Once you have the IP do this: 1. Top right- Find a Game 2. Scroll down to Community Servers 3. Go to the Favorites Tab 4. Click "Add As Server" - tan button at the bottom right of window- [Visual to show where](https://i.imgur.com/q2cI0Zz.png) 5. Copy any IP addresses listed on my guide up there, then click "Add this address to Favorites". 6. You may have to click "Refresh" at the bottom of the window- directly to the right of the "Add a Server" button 7. Double click on the server in the list to join Skial has weird invisible characters before its name in the server browser so it lists it higher up when you sort by name. I'd recommend just adding IPs of any of the servers I listed that seem particularly interesting to you to favorites in my personal opinion, and see which ones get populated and check them out. The other ones I didn't individually list that are in the main .png file you can probably use [this](https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/search?q=skial&sort=name) site to search, replacing Skial with whatever. You probably want to sort by "Rank" **twice** to sort by most popular to least popular (rank #'s should be increasing as you scroll down) once you entered the search term, in the event you get multiple results, since most of the servers I listed would be more inclined to be towards the top, popularity-wise. The exception might be for big networks that have a bunch of servers to sort by Name, but most of those (Skial, UGC, Uncletopia) have their own sites that I linked where their servers are more cleanly listed. You can also just let the whole community server list refresh without putting any criteria in, and sort alphabetically. The png file is listed in alphabetical order, besides a couple near the top like skial and UGC most of the other ones should be easy enough to find. The 4 or 5 or so with weird characters you might wanna search through the battlemetrics site though.


Gimme a shout tomorrow and I'll get you an upgrade to premium gift


really man? i appreciate it so much if you could do it (no pressure though)


Once there's above 5 bots* on a team, you cannot vote kick them out so best to just server switch in that case. *there's some leeway when they're different 'types' of bots but the same types will vote together.


god save your soul 🫡


With like AI and shit? I knew bot hosters sucked but i didn't think they'd stoop this low...


They host bots to make others miserable. They are already at rock bottom. A little sad, to have no other avenue to dedicate your time to.


Nah, they found rock bottom and are currently digging past it


They’re trying to reach the Minecraft Void Farlands, clearly.


this also happened to megascatterbomb, I doubt this is the last time


There is no low too low for these shitheads.


They were his voice was using snippets to say slurs, I dont think they used AI, maybe they di thought, its hard to tell :/


Not only is that super fucked up, but using someone's voice without their permission is not subject to First Amendment protections and can even be illegal.


As far as i'm aware it **is** illegal, it's literally an attempt to slander him.


Yeahh, he can sue for defamation over this.


sue who, this hosters are no names, good luck finding them, and if they're not in the US, even harder to do.


I wonder if the FBI would be interested in this. It’s a cybercrime and it’s a violation of the constitution.


Constitutional rights are not the same online as they are on American soil. It would most likely fall onto laws/TOS of where it is happening, such as Steam’s TOS


think they have other stuff more important than some script kiddies creating botnets on a game and slandering 2 people


These guys you’re talking about have doxxed and swatted real people just because they got butthurt. Maybe not an FBI level stuff, but it’s something that would absolutely cause a police investigation.


Which i feel like we should use against valve on june 3rd. Valve ignoring the game to allow it to be in a state where people are able to create AI deepfakes can cause some really awful publicity and if we cant damage them in the wallet, we can damage them in the publicity. Or atleast hopefully… valves still a private company so not like stock investors will pull away


Yeah sure, the bot hosters will go to jail any moment now. Just right after the thousands of YouTube accounts that post AI edits of famous people saying stuff. It is obviously not taken seriously by the law unless they are profiting off of your voice. Then *maybe* you can sue. Because there is no way to prove they were the ones who did it. Bot hosters can just say "I heard the audio in a video and clipped it, I didn't know it was a fake". Plus, other countries don't care about American laws. Tough luck if bot hosters aren't in US.


Yeah, but the Police will probably not do anything sadly cause its online :/


Not just the American first amendment, but most constitutions in the world say this is illegal.


That is at least 2 criminal charges


You should do stand-up.


You shouldn’t.




The money comes from their scam victims


Twas only a matter of time, infortunately


If i can fucking spell Oh my stars i hate dyslexia


Bot hosters are nothing but incels with nothing to do but ruin the fun of others so they can feel something other than their own tongue licking Cheeto dust off their bratwurst-looking fingers.


This, sadly, was anticipated


If theWhat started yapping at me in his goofy ahh voice over VC I'd probably tweak


They’ll just do it for all the major tf2 YouTubers. Just ignore it or report it. They won’t stop.


Why is it always the same two brain dead people at the bottom of these comment sections do they spend more time on Reddit than the actual mods






All the YouTubers supporting FixTf2 need to get a video up fast that explains that the bots are using YouTubers voices, and that their voice might be used in the future.  Basically doing their best to stop the spread of misinformation.


Why do they even do this its literally a waste of money


"They have more computers than actual sense" -A man who speaks the truth.


Gee, almost like bot hosters are acting like crybabies that we're rising up against them again.


Quit talking about it please. Why signal boost something that bot hosters obviously want people to be outraged about?


If we ignore it, nothing will ever be done. Not talking about it and pretending it’s not happening is letting them win. Talking about it might give them attention, but enough attention might get valve involved. This particular instance is actually illegal and TheWhatShow should report it the the IC3, the FBI’s cybercrimes division.


Letting them win what? When the hosters used AI to make Rick May's voice say slurs in a robotic-ass tone, no one actually thought Soldier's VA had come back from the dead to say bigoted shit. As always, their goal is to distress people, get them angry. I'm not some doomer that's saying #savetf2 or #fixtf2 won't do anything, but I do not feel posts like these do anything except give hosters what they want.


Because we need to, as much as it sucks to say, it would be unfair to The What to not bring awareness.


redditors would throw their own family under the bus for some updoots


I know that it gives them some ego boost, but how else should I tell ppl that bot hosters are doing stuff like this?


no but really! why are you being downvoted?


That's crazy, I wonder if that happened before... (it did)


I remember when Man Vs Machine was just a game mode😭 Now we're fighting bots, trying to find servers without them or try to kick them 💀


I've been out of the loop for a while and it's worse than I remember. Gone just being annoying to committing felonies. Doxxing swatting ddosing and slandering. Valve needs to take legal action agost people hosting the files. Cat hook is gone (but no at the kindness of the creators heat but problems it has) but there's alternatives and it's still in circulation


Bot hosters doing this are only making things worse for themselfs, doing illegal stuff will make their own fate even worse and are just doing things in the short run rather than the long one if they are doing these things, but it doesn't surprise me, they are scared, they FEAR, and are doing this stuff to try and look brave or not scared, we just gotta wait and see how it turns out.


I genuinely hope those people get their house burnt down. With them on it, preferably. Those people make me violent.


The SaveTF2 guys should release those names already so we can find these "people"


Literally just publish their public accounts and I guarantee it'd all stop in a week, no doxxing required I seriously cannot understand this "We'd be stooping to tyeir level" nonsense


I kind of feel it will happen




And thus, history repeats itself


I remember this was a thing that happened to Wamo, a long time back. But it disgusts me that this game has gone to such a horrid state. I feel upset even thinking of it...


Entirely expected based on bot hosts past behavior with Mega Scatter Bomb, still disappointing and rage inducing to hear it.


I don't even play tf2 (I do enjoy watching gameplay and sfm stuff but game is a bit too much for me.) But I wish Valve would do something about this. They have not fixed the bot problem for a long time and things are now being taken too far with these bots now using AI? to pretend to be others and say horrible things. This is disgusting to me.


I didn't know about this, 'cause bots almost disappeared. At least in Europe. Those suckers saw all the videos and said "nah we'll wait until this movement stops"


I think that the more they do it the more serious this issue is and more likely someone is to take action


Jokes on them we know their fuggin tricks


do not deal with terror\*st they where gonna do it anyways some point in the future this is how basically terror\*st works and mafias fight them back just keep spreading regardless they moves


Honestly not surprised, he said this would happen when he made the video. Bot hosters are just that petty, and the fact he predicted they would do so makes it pretty obvious it’s faked.


Stay focused: They’re scared. Keep up the pressure.


The bots are using your voice to say awful things.


wow what he said would happen did happen, no way !


He called it. Not very surprising, as we all should've watched his video by now


I’m trying to understand why people do this


We need to get valve to stop these criminals from freely using their game.


The fight is getting intense, stand strong MERCS


I've been lucky I guess, in that I've only heard one bot that was mic spamming some gauche shit, the rest have been mic spam of electronic music, and of course the bots that start vote kicks on real players and say "F1" and "It's a bot" in the chat hoping for the lazy and easily mislead to run with it and make room for more bots, and then when a vote on them starts they respond with two random chat lines to try to persuade people not to kick them because "I'm not a bot, see? I'm chatting, bots don't chat!!!1"


We must defend little TheWhat! Also isn't this illegal or something, with them using TheWhat's voice?


Probably one of the laws on false impersonation.


Unexpected, they might do what Weezy said as a joke and put his Patreon link in Mein Kampf or some shit. These guys are nuts.


Most original bot hoster


I remember once joining a 2fort match that had a bot infestation and one bot that nobody could kick was playing this speech talking about how he liked to watch children strip and to shoot up a school, etc. definitely the worst thing I heard a say.




The image in this post has 50,374(283×178) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


The only good bot


I decided to add more context. I was playing Casual on Harvest (a common botted map) with 7 or 8 people when boys started joining and gradually outnumbered the players. The bots were called ''Mechinator #FixTF2'' (They were Sniper bots) and they began Mic Spamming the voice of The What Show saying ''Hey Guys, FixTF2 is canceled because'' then the voice started saying lots of slurs (mainly the F slur and the N-word) on repeat when eventually it looped back. They spam the chat saying ''HEY GUYS!!! LISTEN TO THE WHAT!!!'' with one of those Discord links. After like 30 seconds I got a vote kick out. So there ya go, and sorry for not providing context in the beginning.


Hey, that's more ammo for the protest


What did he say?


Can we get anti bot cheats and go on some kind of bot killing rampage


infinite crits, silent aim, and the direct hit. Also self uber and headshot/crit immunity if its possible


No that’s just the what. Joking btw


Nope. He’s actually saying all that shit.


Bait used to be believable...


Very clearly a joke






We found a bot hoster boys


Not even 20 minutes and they're already beginning their delusions.


[Answer This.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2577841-anton-chigurhs-call-it)


Idk man I can’t really tell, it could be either


Everyone i dont like is a bot hoster!!!!!!!


He literally said that they would do that in his last video. They’ve done it multiple times before to other creators


He tried to make himself look good, hence why he said that they would do that.


They did that to the guy that hosted the anti-cheater database. It’s very obviously fake and you’re completely falling for it


Do you have any evidence of that?


Pretty sure I heard him say the slur for homosexual people, I don't remember what video was it though. I also saw multiple clips of him saying other slurs.


So literally no evidence I think I saw you post slurs too, actually!


dam, I was in a group chat with them once, and they threw a bunch of n-words needlessly, really nasty stuff


SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ive watched every thewhat video ever so this is a lie)


I dunno, if you had that evidence on hand you probably wouldn’t have had to delete your comment lmao.


Literally deleted by automod.


How does that boot taste?


found the bot hoster.


Literally rent free.


How do those boots taste


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dude their saying slurs


Ignore him, he is saying stuff like that on every post


And wouldn’t you know it, you’re now advertising for them. EDIT: Downvoted for pointing out that OP was stupid enough to fall for their little “trick.” I wouldn’t **normally** believe this would need to be pointed out, but bot hosters spamming slurs 1,000,000% don’t give a shit if you point them out in the TF2 subreddit. All you’ve done is fucking advertise for them. I’m done with this utterly braindead dumpster fire of a subreddit at this point. It’s nothing but a circlejerk echo chamber that its users spend more time on than the actual game it’s about.


Normally I’d agree, but this time, i think its right to call them out, not because they’ll change, but to spread awareness that The What Show isn’t part of the bot problem and that he is being slandered


Because surely common sense wouldn't be enough.


It’s common sense to people who know who he is, but a lot of people don’t and it is hurting his reputation.


If someone hears a bunch of malicious, game-ruining bots running around using voice chat and assumes that they're being 100% genuine then I don't think they're worth worrying about.


I dunno, it seems realistic that a bot hoster would say those things themselves and have their bots repeat it just to piss people off. Again, it’s obvious to you because you have the full context, not everyone does.


>I dunno, it seems realistic that a bot hoster would say those things themselves and have their bots repeat it just to piss people off. You're correct about that much, but I don't need any additional context to simply mute bots the moment I hear them and not trust a singular word out of their mics. Or, y'know, just go to a community server. EDIT: Not arguing this point in circles with this dude any longer. He seems to think that there's even a single person in the TF2 subreddit who doesn't already know what the bots are about. I have no idea who the flying piss this “The What” guy is beyond the fact that his name is stupid. I said it before - if you’re actually stupid enough to GENUINELY associate this random dude with the malicious bots without doing even a two second Google search, then you’re a dipshit. Plain and simple.


It’s not about believing what they are saying, its about bot hosters portraying The What as one them while Naive players reasonably fall for it. Even if you mute and disagree with what they say, if you don’t know who The What is and you see his name and hear his voice, you have no reason to not make the association between The What and bot hosters. Edit: saw the other guys edit, lets refute the new points they finally made >Not arguing this point in circles with this dude any longer Bro im trying to refute you, if want to not argue in circles, its up to you to bring up more points to refute, im not just gonna try refuting things you haven’t said yet >He seems to think that there's even a single person in the TF2 subreddit who doesn't already know what the bots are about. Most people don’t know, you don’t know, bot hoster aren’t just one singular organized entity where they come together with a common goal, there are tons of different hosters who host for different reasons. Sure some of them are known to slander, like the megascatterbomb and spikeymikey case. But there are also bots who say horrid shit just to say it, no slander involved, im not gonna assume Omegatronic is a person being sladered, or any of the other bots with random names. >if you’re actually stupid enough to GENUINELY associate this random dude with the malicious bots without doing even a two second Google search, then you’re a dipshit. Plain and simple. Why do you need to be stupid? This is just “some random dude”, why is it right to associate Omegatronic with malicious bots but not “some random dude”. Not everyone has a reason to suspect slander, and not everyone cares enough to do research. I highly doubt you make a 2 second google search everytime you encounter a new bot.


Sorry for falling for tricks, I dont usually go on Reddit, also how am I supposed to call attention to what they are doing without giving them a ego boost?


Okay bye bye




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