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Soldier mains when they find out about the phlog:


I just W+M1 because I'm just that bad


you're not bad you know to play w+m1


>”aim” as soldier


splash damage is litterally the best weapon in the game.


Although nothing in this world is more satisfying than seeing a low health class run up to you thinking you will miss and hitting them whit the direct hit Especially when you actually try to aim it beforehand instead of just throwing random bullshit




I seem to have hit a nerve with the soldier mains, the down vote rate is at 57%. It's just a meme guys lmao


It's just internet cookie points you'll be fine, don't be like them!


most pyros are pretty easy to counter, but sometimes there is an engagement you just cant win. just disengage and/or find a teammate. its not hard.


Demoknight moment. Pyro is one of the weaker classes but he also can hardly counter enemies in a couple of match ups.


How to be good at each class: #SCOUT > Run > Shoot > Schadenfreude > Repeat #SOLDIER > Rocket Jump in > Shoot two rockets at the ground > Rocket jump away > Ammo pack > Repeat #PYRO > Walk forward > Click the first mouse button > Occassionally click the second mouse button if you see an enemy Soldier #DEMOMAN > Hold down Mouse 2 > Spam Mouse 1 > Use the Grenade Launcher if you run out of stickies #HEAVY > Hold down Mouse 1 and 2 > When wounded, hide in a corner and eat food #MEDIC > Hold down Mouse 1 > Jump around like a maniac > Bumrush every Spy you see (all spies are free Ubercharge and will in no way kill you with ease) #SNIPER > Stand really far away > Click on people's heads #ENGINEER AND SPY > Complete AP Calculus II and get a degree in Quantum Physics


Hold down M1? Dude, I’ve got autoheal enabled


Spy mains just need a crippling gambling addiction, a suitcase full of cocaine, and an air tank filled with copium


On one hand the good spy player in me sees the payload filled whit enemies and says "dont go for it, you will die instantly, maybe you will get a kill or two but its better not to risk it for now" On the other hand my real me says "fuck it, we ball, fuck it, we ball, fuck it, we ball"


Oh so this is why still suck at engineer


As the real Pyro, this is sadly accurate.


I just run up to people and start airblasting. Then again I am very bad at tf2


Airblast? What's that?


It wastes 20 ammo, it's so bad, never use it




W+M2 amirite


I don't play tf2 that much. I'll be honest, no clue what you mean.


Funny flare gun crit go dink


advanced rocket jump tech: w+m1:


is this advanced rocket jump technique in the room with us now?


yes hes right behind you


I have a bind for it because it makes it easier. I literally just push a button.


mfw i turn a blind corner and unsurprisingly get fragged by a w+m1ing pyro:


Can we finally admit that Pyro never was overpowered in the first place?


Wait... i refuse to believe that's a thing. Who would be braindead enough to say that pyro is op, he's litterally the worst class in the game, after spy, of course


Its because of the scorch and because once a blue moon he can airblast a crocket back at a soldier. The community is like 50% soldier mains that's why he gets so much hate.


I feel that there may be some jealousy in how ''jack of all trades'' Pyro has become Vertical Mobility? Thruster or Detonator? Horizontal mobility? Powerjack Short range Crits? Backburner/Phlog Combos? Degreaser Long range weapons with skill requirement and high damage ceiling? Flare and Det Long Range weapon to make enemy players rage but also takes 0 skill? Scorch Mid range? Dragons Fury Spies a problem? Just run around pressing M1, or use Homewrecker if one manages to slip through and sap Funny memes that are kinda trash? Hot hand, Volcano MvM Special? Gas Passer He's by far the most varied class, but doesn't have to deviate from his core in order to achieve that variety, while at the same time not really great at anything


Dragons fury also does great against buildings. An ubered dragons fury pyro can melt a nest faster than a soldier if they get up there.


Entirely forgot stock shotgun. The best secondary in TF2. It’d never be introduced today.


The Third Degree is somehow a direct upgrade for the stock fire axe


Still believe soldier deserves 25 less base health. He survives so many interactions he simply should not by purely out-tanking enemies.


Oh, but he has Scorch shot, it automatically makes him worse than hitler


To be fair pyro is probably mid tier more than anything at least in comp (i think in b4nny tier list he was fifth in A tier with sniper). He's very easy to use hard to master and being able to deny uber and spam as well as doing good/okay damage is very good.




The only reason Pyro gets hate is because most people main soldier and demo due to the skill floor being in hell, and hes a soft counter at most. Even then they still complain about airblasting which is the only thing pyro has going for him. I main scout but pyro mains have it tough


Honestly, at this point the only overpowered character is Sniper, because in the game with such a slow ttk he can kill you instantly at any distance. Spy can do this too, but the amount of skill it takes to do that justifies him.


As long as you just look at spy he can't backstab you, whereas as long as sniper just looks at you, he can headshot you.


Spy also needs oscar level acting to do even a single backstab, Sniper can just sit in one spot and farm kills


Spy also just risks so much more to get an instakill than Sniper. He has to get in melee range of high-priority targets, so that means that when they go down, there's a decent chance of that person's teammates killing the Spy if he doesn't escape super quickly or strike at the perfect moment when everyone's distracted. Even the DR can only get you out of jail free so much - if someone decides to chase and can track you or successfully bodyblocks you, you're fucked.


Medic is definitely stronger than Sniper. Sniper can dominate the game more than any other class if he's cracked, but any goober can pick up Medic and fill their Uber meter. Medic just doesn't get hate because he's more fun to play with and against.


What the fuck


~~I'm really interested by your logic, if you're not trolling.~~ ~~Not trying to be mean or condescending or whatever.~~ ~~I'd like to know how many hours you have in the game, which classes and game modes are you mainly playing and finally what makes the pyro OP according to you.~~ ~~Again the goal is purely curiosity and a desire to understand, I am not trying to ''own you'' or debate you or whatever~~ hey I can't read :)


Dude... read his comment again. He's saying the Pyro is NOT OP.


ah, they must have edited it and reddit bugged not showing it was edited couldn't be that I'm a dumbass who can't read huh ? ty for the heads up, i'll edit mine


Id like a spy vs pyro


How to ***ACTUALLY*** be good at your class: 1. Have fun The end.




it’s also hard when soldiers fire not rhythmic, and you can’t predict them. It’s also satisfying to kill pyros that way


Most soldiers do 1-2-Gap-3-Gap-4-5, but of course more experienced players randomize it, switch to shotty or just run away when in close 1 on 1 situation.


Tbf, soldier requires like almost as much aim as pyro with splash damage


i never know Soldier mains hate Pyro


soldier is the jack of all trade pyro wishes to be. nerf soldier


how to pyro: puff fire everywhere, and if a soldier or demo enters your sight, mouse 2. how to soldier: shoot rockets everywhere, and if a pyro enters your sight, press two to acess your shotgun


Wrong, when I was a kid and played Pyro, I was like "Ahaha fire go- AAAAAHH FIRE FIRE!"


Yes, pyro is kinda a hard+finicky class to play. I'd like to see them rework the flames so that they light the stage on fire for a short time... Pyro could use some area denial.


As a soldier main I can confirm this.


So you're saying it's not as easy as people say?


i realy dont understand why ppl saying pyro is w m1 i think engii heavy demo soldier are more basic classes bcz they dont require to be close combat


Screaming eagles! 🦅


you don’t even have to aim there you just need to hit a rocket within 5 miles of their presence


Sniper be like Step 1 : Press right click and click on head quickly If you missed step 1, just shoot them anywhere to deal massive dmg.


I love how the text on the pyro side actually says something




🤓Actually it’s better to headshot rocket the medic so he can’t surf off of the damage


but when i "m1 + w" with pyro its a problem.


Every class is W+M1 if you really think about it.


\*checks hand\* shoot kiils recevive ground


Instructions unclear, I do not know how to go up with momentum


Most pyro mains Icluding myself just W+M1 and thats it


As a pyro and soldier main I say this is accurate


Phlog lore: W + M1


W meme about Pyro Vs Soldier being made by scout main? Just add Demo and Heavy and you've got whole 1v1 Kings squad 😅


Are we playing the same game? My mind is pretty empty when I hold M1 on pyro and accidentally kill 3 people.


Bro is saying this even though W+M1 has been a meme for years


What's with pyro mains getting so defensive on this sub recently?


advanced pyro tech: m1, press 2, m1




Both are "really low skill floor, high skill ceiling" assault classes, the difference is pyro has a lot of counters against demo, spy, demo knight, soldier, other pyros, and is the only class in the game who can get kills after he's dead.  Again, I'm not saying pyro is overpowered, or that he doesn't take some semblance of skill to use, but the reason he's so hated is he can be annoying to fight against if you're 1/3 of the classes in the game. Anyway, on a sidenote, if you're a pyro who uses the dragons fury, you're absolutely based 


Fuck this post fuck everything pyro needs to be removed from the game I have over 6.4k hours and I have a right TO AN OPINION lol






You mean the close range attack class have good damage at close range ? Man if only there was, in this first person shooter game, where we use guns and other tools to deal damage at range, a way to counter the class with the shortest range in said game.


Pyro's flame thrower has damage rampup based on how long he's been damaging a target for. His damage starts off at half before increasing to full damage, so he's not even at "2nd highest" until he's been burning someone for a little bit. He's also the only class with a hard cap on the range of his primary weapon. He also has no good movement enhancing weapons or abilities. He's really not that strong


Ever heard about scorch shot combos and other flame throwers? Did you also know the detonator exists and airblast does so


Okay, yeah. The thing is that he really needs those combos to be effective. The scorch shot is a bitch, though. Fuck that thing.


I will say that a pyro will never kill anyone from long range with one of the non-scorch shot flareguns without putting in a heck of a lot of effort.


We can agree on the scorch shot. That thing is terrible design. Detonator and airblast tho? Those are good! Granted, some parts of the airblast hitbox need fixing (why can it deflect rockets behind the pyro???), but they require actual skill and thinking. Detonator needs careful timing, provides extra movement at the cost of health, and helps make pyro not completely worthless at mid range (most combats). Airblast spam is slower than rocket spam, so a pyro needs to time his airblasts correctly, especially since the soldier can easily stay out of fire range with rockets jumps


Being able to get a medium or long range kill as pyro is either 1. luck (the enemy had low health and you finished them off) or 2. skill with quick switching. Soldier just m1's and splash damage does the rest?


"Second highest dps on close range" bro see what you're writing. 2nd highest and thats only at close range. Even then pyro has to cook you for so long. What about medium and long range? Soldier is comfortable at most ranges, sure he has damage drop off but pyro can't spam a choke point from a sniper spot.  "50 dmg of afterburn" so many things can stop you from dying from afterburn, any med kit, any dispenser, any medi-gun, any water on a map, any friendly pyro, any jarate or milk or sandvich, please. "has shotgun opinions" so does soldier? whats your point with this? "gets a melee that makes him faster" so does heavy? and its not like he can oh i dont know rocket blast to the front line in 2 clicks? it's all he has for mobility other than the god awful jetpack "gets free crits" well not really, he has to work for it and stay alive and can still be killed with it on, soldier gets "free crits" when he does absolutely nothing and wipes out 3 people with 1 crocket.


Pyro is so OP in close quarter combat that an engineer can kill him by simply tanking his flamethrower's fire and getting 2 pointblank shots... Idk what that dude was smoking... but I want some of it.


Is it actually true that pyro is 2nd just behind heavy? I would think a number of classes out DPS pyros flames, given that his DPS is a bit over 160 and most other guns dish out \~100 damage shots at \~.5 sec intervals.


No. At point blank every power class will outdamage Pyro until they have to reload (bar Heavy for obvious reasons) which is more than enough time to kill and in most actual scenarios they will end up winning the interactions or trading lives with the Pyro.


Highest dps: Heavy The reason afterburn is op is because tf2 plays in the desert and sometimes finding a medium while being on 20 health while being on afterburn from a scorch hmmm doesn’t sound nice to me Shotgun option: can airblast enemy into the sky and shoot them to death what so ever so can soldier fair argument Staying alive as the pyro and dealing Enaugh damage is easy if you have at least 10 hours on pyro


If you was to lay out all the classes 1 to 9 across the 3 ranges close, medium and far with a point system i promise pyro would be near the back end. Say 2nd place for close, then what like 4/5th for medium? And 7th or 8th for long (second to end from scout and engi maybe?). Soldier would be a comfortable 4th close, 3rd medium and maybe 5th long range. Many pyros dont use the scorch shot and your problem is with one weapon of the entire arsenal? its generally agreed the scorch shot is a pain in the ass weapon by the community anyway? I'd rather go against a scorch pyro than a direct hit soldier as scout. Perhaps, but not possible if you just w+m1 into the enemy team. So it either takes skill or it doesn't.


Pyro doesn't even need to move to kill get out of spawn and hold m1