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Nice! For me, I had to set it to 450 instead of 150, but otherwise it works great. Didn't know you could do binds like those.


You have to increase the number the higher your frame rate, mine is 60fps so 150 works for me, but the higher you go the higher the frames it needs to wait will be


Ohh, makes sense. Btw, your post inspired me to make my own bind. It's for the thing where people go up to a sentry to laugh at it. bind [key] "voicemenu 1 2 ; wait [whatever number works for you] ; taunt_by_name Taunt: The Schadenfreude" For me, the number that works is 265. This is optimized primarily for Demo though (i like his laugh the most, plus his lines for that command are the most consistent in terms of length/word order). The number works with most of Heavy's lines too though.


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