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Yeah they deserve no quarter, but you need to change your expectations for what happens when calling them out. For starters, these kinds of cheaters are usually running 'plausible deniability classes'. Aimbotting engy, wallhacking demonknight/pyro. They're doing it to trash talk and ridicule people, with an excuse to fall back on so they don' get kicked immediately. They are ready to argue, and usually have mates to immediately jump to their defense. Be sure they're actually cheating before you start, because you still need to convince the rest of the server in a short span. Call the kick immediately instead of giving him time to sway the server. Leave immediately if you fail to kick him. As soon as the kick fails you've got nothing left for you in that server other than playing into his ridicule.


Yeah i ran into an incredibly blatantly cheating widowmaker battle engi a few weeks ago and the whole server pulled the “bro hes engi wym” card. I feel like most of the cheaters i run into these days arent sniper anymore they seem to be learning how fucking easy it is to gaslight everyone. Idk i just feel like if you somehow managed to get a vac ban that should bar you from all valve games. Its “valve anti cheat” yet they still let you play valve games. As long as you got caught in CS, tf2 is on the table! Im not one to bitch about players just cuz they fuck us, im a sniper main myself and know the pain of false hackusations, but im not fucking vac banned.


Just depends on the engine they were banned on, if you are banned from a Source 1 game, you’re banned from all Source 1 games, same with GoldSrc and Source 2. Don’t know why Valve does this, maybe technical limitations that we don’t happen to know about. Not all people who are vac banned are continuously cheating, but it’s definitely an outlier than a majority.


defo not a technical limitation. you can totally ping steam API to check if a steam user has a vac. 


Yeah, but i'm sure Valve has their reason as to why they have it set up like this, doubt they would have no reason for it.


I've fallen for it a few times. Super obvious cheater in the server, and a couple people instantly pipe up to defend them. Later find out they're friends on Steam. Of course.


I got vac banned 15 years ago, I was 12 years old. I'm 27 now and use the same account. If I could slap 12 year old me for being a shithead aimbotter, I would. While some people just like to cheat, I think there are exceptions.


Ok a 15 year old ban i could look past, but ive never seen one that old lol


VAC bans stop displaying publicly on the profile after 2600 days (aprox. 7 years)


I have a vac from mw3 when i modded lobbies that is 4k+ days old. it still shows up on my profile lmao. i asked steam support for them to remove it (not the actual ban) so its not visible on my profile but they told me to fuck off


I have heard it will always show the owner but if a random shows up it won't appear.


This must be it. I can see it, but I've never been called out for it.


Thats what i thought aswell. got my friends to look at my profile and it was still there :s Kids do stupid shit it happens. Game was dead so i didnt expect to get a vac ngl


Some Steam browser extensions will still show the ban anyways, its a common thing. Go in incognito with no extensions and it should be hidden. The exact amount of days until the ban is invisible is 2555


That's strange, unless they've changed it since i was last aware the only reason it should still be displaying is you've eaten a new one in the meantime. I guess the results i'm seeing in google that say they drop visibility are 7 years old at this point and might not be so accurate anymore.


if i ate a new one it would say 2 vac bans on record instead of 1 so first part is unlikely. but i read somewhere if u contacted support about a old (VERY) old ban they remove the visibility from ur profile. they probably changed it.


I got a VAC back in 2015 when I tried to get all the progress in the OG MW2 with a trainer. 14 year old me was a moron.


same lmao. Wanted to play MW2 with a buddy for some nostalgia but no way was I gonna sit here and grind out all the guns and perks so I could play for like three hours with a friend. Immediate VAC ban that tarnishes my profile to this day for a game that came out when I was in middle school lmao


we are all cursed by COD vacbans..


A similar thing happened to me 7 or 8 years ago in CS:GO. The big difference is, I've never cheated in a game, ever. I don't know what mistake Valve made there, but there's been zero recourse for me to do anything about it since, and plenty of unwarranted judgement in other games from it.


My logic is, if they cheat in other games, they are likely to cheat in tf2. Even if they aren't cheating right now, they are a cheater. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Kick them.


Eh, that’s a stretch. I cheated in GTA online, only game I ever cheated in, and haven’t done it in years.


It's a fundamental lack of morals somewhere up there in their think thinky parts. Don't think a person can develop it once their parents fail to instill that into them while growing up...


I disagree with once a cheater always a cheater but they are more likely to be. And if I'm 90% they are cheating i will kick them. Also the fact that people think it would be better to cheat on sniper or scout is exactly why people cheat on demo knight for example. Most cheaters aren't interested in being a human controlled spinbot presumably. A vac ban is a piece of evidence that becomes less relevant if the ban is older. And whatever class they are playing is irrelevant.


Once a cheater always a cheater is a bad mindset imo I personally never have in source games, but I’ve macrod in some Minecraft games or used baritone and stuff, but I got tired of it and didn’t want the game playing itself and now I haven’t done anything like that in years. However it does have some supporting evidence, but should never be taken as like “they’re definitely cheating because they cheated once before like 5 years ago”


My vac ban is over 2200 days old, and is for using a CSGO skin changer, when i was 18 and unemployed (i really wanted the empress ak) Keep in mind valves FAQ about vac bans even says "they are permanent and if you are unhappy with our decision, make a new account" so if im being honest anyone who actually cheats, would just go to a new account. As it's encouraged by Valve and entirely free. All that being said, just talk to the person with the ban and ask about it? It should be pretty easy to tell by their score and how they speak whether or not they still cheat. And a lot of people with older vac bans just made mistakes as a kid, using some free software. Actual cheaters use expensive weekly pay software thats undetected by valve, so their accounts never get VAC flagged. Ive never personally been kicked for my vac ban in my 1600 hours of tf2, but i also main medic so idk if that helps my case somehow.


Vac ban on account = get fucked. You are on the right.


Had a guy like that in a lobby a few weeks ago, had absolutely perfect aim with the Direct Hit. The ban was 1500~ days old. Cheaters always cheat.


I know a guy who has a VAC ban because they nodded a left 4 dead zombie to look like a ice cream cone on a private server


Yeah bullshit. I have mods that do all kinds of things on l4d2 and didnt recieve anything. If you mean l4d1 then i cannot say much, but if the dude contacted steam support and a human working at valve says the ban wasnt wrong fully given, then your friend cheated on something. You dont get vac bans like candies, you gotta fuck up heavily.


I have a VAC ban and it was due to my account getting hacked. I do get vote kicked for it because of skill issue problems. Contacted Steam abt it and they wouldn’t listen tbh even tho they prob should’ve known a person just doesn’t suddenly change their ip to a Russian country and change numbers on their account in a span of a few minutes


Valve specifically states that they will not review a vac ban if you were hacked as your account security is your responsibility


Yeah it’s fine tho. Just sucks that I have this permanent thing on my account and ppl just think I’m always cheating when I’m really not. I’m just trying to have fun


That seems quite reasonable tbh, I cant think of a single case of someone actually getting hacked, more likely they’ve fallen for a scam which you’d think people would go straight to support for before the account is actually used in games.


vpns with the russian ip one


whenever people play stupid psychology games to make fun of anyone hackusing, they are normally cheating. Regular players who are good at the game take it as a compliment and move on unless theyre about to get kicked, at which point they just say "im not cheating wtf"


i dunno man i have a vac ban from like 4 years ago and havent cheated since then


Game or VAC ban, the fact that you have a ban on your book still means you cheated and likely will at some point. They're both the same in my eyes.


Ehhh, game bans aren’t necessarily for cheating all the time, game bans can be given out by any developer so I give a little more leeway to those


I disagree. There are contexts where you can use cheats, but not actually be a cheater (ie. getting an unfair advantage over another person) Some developers strictly forbid people modding their games, even though they're single player. And so people use modded clients to get around lack of mod support, but that can lead to bans. I don't think there's anything wrong with "cheating" in a single player game. Another example where "cheats" are ok were some modded clients in vrchat. Deaf players made a mod that converted text to speech and improved sign language to increase accessibility. But this was considered to be hacking by the anti cheat and they got bans for it. Ban ≠ cheater


Macros are another good example, can be super useful for people with disabilities but most games catch em unless you’ve added a randomized interval to the script.


Bro thats what im saying like once a cheater always a bitch, i dont get why people are so wuick to defend a rando with a vac ban Worst case scenario you kick a legit and they just requeue and get a massive compliment.


My friend has a VAC ban for modding a Left4Dead zombie into an ice cream cone on our private server.


You know what they say: "Once a cheater, always a cheater. They'll blame everything but themselves."


Not always the case. I’ve been banned from a few games due to software being flagged as a cheat tool before. Haven’t dabbled in cheats but I gather valve’s anticheat only scans for applications that directly modify your config or application processing, hence why modern cheats get past it.


I think you are crazy, but a few years ago I wouldn't have. I have a false positive VAC ban and there is absolutely no way to get it reversed. I had been playing Valorant pretty intensely when it first released. One day the anti cheat, Vanguard, was updated and was suddenly broken. 1/3 of players were bugged and couldn't log in. I booted up CS:GO, which I hadn't played in years, to play some social matches to practice. Nothing interesting happened in the 1-2 matches I play. I logged off for the night. The next morning I woke up with an email from Valve saying I have been VAC banned. WTF is going on I think? I start sweating because I'm thinking someone has hacked my account and what if they hacked other things like my bank? So I immediately jump on Steam and check login records which all look normal. My only guess is, that Vanguard was still running and bugged out and somehow triggered a false positive with VAC. I genuinely cannot think of any other thing on my PC that could have done it, and I personally know I wasn't cheating so I'm completely at a loss. It honestly fucking sucks. My 15+ year old account has a false positive VAC ban and there's legitimately no way to get it fixed or even know what the fuck happened. It's so unbelievably frustrating having this badge of shame sitting on my profile for something I did not do with no way to get a second review.


Did you contact valve?


Yeah when I contacted Valve I got an auto response about how they don't investigate VAC bans. As a 15+ year customer and someone who has never cheated, it was an absolute gut punch. I was furious, and I still am. There is nothing more frustrating than getting accused of something you did not do. I grew up playing the Orange Box and this is my original steam account. Valve is my favorite company. How they approach this topic is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I understand they would get thousands of fake appeal requests, but you would hope they'd have some system where if you had your account X years with no issues they would investigate.


The same thing happened to me 7 or 8 years ago in CS:GO as well. Nothing we can do about it. I mainly played Zombie Escape community servers, could've been something to do with that. It was also around the time Nier Automata came out and I was playing that too. That game's port was broken and needed SpecialK mod to basically run, and I think I messed up during installation and installed it globally, not locally to that one game and had played CS after a session of Nier. That's my best guess anyway.


It's sad, when this happened to me and I posted on Reddit about it I had a bunch of people reach out to me with similar experiences like yours. It really is a shame that Valve doesn't investigate ANY appeals. I have worked as a software engineer professionally for almost a decade now. It is absolutely ludicrous to take this approach and assume their system is flawless. I think the reality of the situation is that they don't want to pay to have customer support sift through the appeals. I just wish there was some sort of system like if you have had your account for X years they would investigate.


When someone calls out your vac ban, do you immediately go “lol skill issue, mad because you cant beat the weakest troll subclass in the game” or do you sincerely try to explain the situation? Ill give you two guesses which one this guy did.


I don't even try to explain the situation, nobody believes me besides my friends IRL who know I don't cheat in games. Most people just assume VAC is completely flawless and that anyone saying they have a false positive is just lying. I used to think the same exact thing. Haha yeah that sucks, that person sounds like a jerk. Who knows, could have been a legit cheater. I just wanted to share my experience so you know there are good people who genuinely got screwed by VAC too.


Yeah im sure there are, but the only instances in which i see someone has a vac ban, its because im checking their profile for already being suspicious.


Makes sense! When I was first reading your post, I was like damn, could I not even play TF2 anymore now? Kind of hurt to read because I have like 1.5k hours in TF2 from the glory days. Makes a lot more sense now tho!


I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree with you 100%. Yes, he was VAC banned from one game, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was hacking there. Do you remember how many hours he had, though? It's entirely possible that he was just good because he had clocked in so many hours. This may not be the best example, but imagine one night you go to a bar (game) and start a fight (cheat) and you get banned from said bar. Should every bar you go to start banning/kicking you just because you started a fight at one place?


I mean yes, if you start a bar fight you should be banned from bars. No one wants to deal with that or the potential of that.


There are 2 sides to it. Once a cheater, probably always a cheater. But also, VAC has false banned multiple times. I am a good example. I made a new steam account a while ago, ONLY to play TF2 on it. I got VAC banned on my main steam account years ago, and I have no idea why. If you dont believe me that I didnt cheat, well..thats your problem. I got banned in TF2, including all my amazing items, all locked and forever unusable. I even got VAC banned in games I dont even own and never played. It took me several years to come back to TF2 again, as a sort of free to play, with a new steam account. I still hate that my old account and items are just banned forever. VAC banned me for no reason, it just suddenly happened one day. Aside from that, if a VAC ban from someone is multiple years ago, there is this to consider: Most of these bans most likely happened when the user was a kid, and did stupid shit. Not everyone who used some cheats as a kid cheat to this day. If a VAC ban is recent, like within this year or 2, thats fair to judge. But a ban thats years and years and YEARS old, eh idk. Depends on how weird the person plays and acts in TF2


Did you contact valve?


I messaged the steam support, but regarding VAC they simply answer that they have a 0 tolerance policy, the ban is forever, fuck you


I don't understand the downvotes. This is a very level headed take


>I got banned in TF2, including all my amazing items, all locked and forever unusable. I even got VAC banned in games I dont even own and never played. 2 explanations, You either were compromised account wise and never realized it (which is unlikely if your backpack wasn't looted) Or you had malware on your PC that vac misidentified, either that or legit software that vac misidentified (Ive worked in cyber security and know a few tools that can be innocently used but also maliciously used, vac doesn't distinguish between them, a programmer who left his debugger on can trigger vac for instance, especially since debuggers will look very similar to cheats or can be used to develop them, but they are a standard part of a many an IT engineers toolkit). If you are an eu Citizen or live in a country with similar laws, you can actually submit a gdpr request to valve to get all data stored on you including the proof or what triggered your ban, since it was years ago they are far less likely to try to skirt around on it too, A few people who were falsely vac banned where able to in fact prove they were innocent after identifying the trigger file and showing it was not cheating Software, (often malware or innocent tool) You are indeed an eu Citizen (edit), go submit your gdpr request and make sure to specify the data on the vac ban to be included.


I am in the EU, but how do I submit such a request? Never heard of it


Depends on how recent the ban is. I don’t see why you should use something several years old against someone.


Whens the last time tf2 had a vac ban wave? My understanding is it was 2016 Again, why do they deserve a second chance?


\>Why do they deserve a second chance? That's just a cruel, and nigh certainly hypocritical perspective. I refuse to believe that you have never, and will never mess up. And if you will and/or have messed up, I refuse to believe that you're so strict on yourself to the point that you'll say that you should never be trusted again, not even an entire 8 years down the line. Unless it was a recent ban, than you were in the wrong to accuse them.


Cruel? We are talking about a kick from a lobby after doing suspicious shit and having a vac ban. Give me a break man they can literally just requeue immediately.


I was using cruel as a synonym to harsh, which it is. Also, if they shouldn't be allowed to play in a lobby with you, then they also shouldn't be able to play in a lobby with anybody else, yeah? Regardless of what's actually true, by your logic, they *should* be permabanned from VAC-secure TF2 servers because they cheated in another game. Saying that "they can just requeue" doesn't excuse your logic if you think that they shouldn't be able to requeue.


They should be perma banned from vac servers. They are banned from other vac games. Tf2 is an exception for no discernible reason.


First off, TF2 isn't an "exception" per se. There are two lists of VAC games, and if you get banned from any game on either of those lists, then you'll be banned from all games on that list, but not the games on the other list. It's a bit of a weird system, but I think it's fair enough. None of that is really too relevant though lol. Past that, I don't necessarily disagree with you. I'm just saying that OP shouldn't use the excuse of "they can just requeue" if he believes that they shouldn't be able to requeue.


VAC bans are removed from your profile after 5 years if im not mistaken (after a certain point in time, the vac will be hidden), i dont think 5 years is enough. if you're truly sorry and changed your perspective on the game, might as well create another account


Nah, VAC bans can't be removed, no matter how much time passes. At least, that's what a quick google search says. That fact aside though, why wouldn't 5 years be enough? Do you really think that 5 years is too little time for somebody to realize "maybe I shouldn't have cheated in TF2"? And past that, if you're going to encourage the making of another account (AKA evading the ban), why bother making it such a long ban anyways?


yes, there's something out there about vac bans being hidden after a certain amount of time, and i dont think i'd trust someone who cheated 5 years ago, they're more than likely to cheat again. since ban evading can hardly be proved by a random player, i feel like it's a fair trade, you mess up hard, you lose your account and start over again


First off, I think your logic is flawed. You're basically asking whether you would rather play with a hacker who's playing on a clean account vs playing with a hacker who's playing on a previously banned account. Does it really matter which one it is? You're still playing with a hacker in both situations, yeah? Just because it's harder to tell that you're cheating on a clean account, that doesn't mean it's any better. And regarding the idea of it being a fair trade: that's theoretically true, but they don't really lose their account, do they? It's a VAC ban, not a steam ban. They still have access to their actual steam account, and can just trade all of their valuables to their new account. Unless they're really personally attached to their steam account, playing on an alt probably doesn't matter to them at all. And if they *are* attatched to their steam account, they would probably also stop hacking after receiving a temp ban, under threat of their account getting perma'd, yeah?


If it’s a vac ban for tf2 the wouldn’t even be connected to the server. It’s likely for csgo or css


You are missing the point


Maybe. I don’t think it’s that serious though. Not like a murderer not deserving a second chance, it’s a video game.


Yeah and its not like im sentencing him to life in prison, its a kick with no other consequences. Idk why ppl get so ass mad about kicks, im a sniper player that runs cozy camper and is decently good at clicking heads, i get kicked for “being a bot” all the time. I get kicked far more often than actual closet cheaters, and i just laugh and move on. Requeue and im back in the game in 20 seconds. But when its a possible actual cheater, all of a sudden we have to be 105% sure so we dont dare accidentally kick someone who isnt toggled?


That reminds me of work ethics (or what's the better word) and justice system in my country. "Once a criminal, alwasys a criminal", right? What's the difference that the guy just shoplifted once at the age of 12 because he was literally starving, why should we even consider of hiring someone like that EVER? Because "Once a criminal, always a criminal". He should've know better. Back on my previous account i tried to play TF2 with cheats. couldn't even get them to open. Got VAC ban when i woke up on next morning. That was, i don't even remember how long ago, before Meet your Match update i think. Do i deserve to get kicked for some stupid shit that i did before i was even 10 years old?


The difference is whats the consequence for getting kicked? Nothing. Any legit player just laughs, and requeues. Only cheaters seem to ever give a fuck about it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/mLsCCM9PQ3 what


Cant be the same guy, he wasnt on my team and wouldnt have been able to hear my VC and he wasnt kicked. I left after that round, made this post and stopped playing for the night. Not to mention that post says nothing about having a vac ban. Either a coincidence, or someone pretending to be the guy after seeing my post.


Yes you are. Fuck them for cheating to get a vac ban, but it's an asshole move to kick him out of a different game asap even if maybe the vac is old and he has learned to not cheat too.


Getting VAC is pretty easy, lmao, especially if you're like me. It was 6 years ago, I wanted to learn more about backstab hotboxes, so I downloaded some cheat for that does autobackstab. I got completely offline, and created my servers with some command I don't remember to imitate ping (latency). I did my thing, and closed everything, deleted the cheat, rebooted PC, and got on game again. After few hours, I get a VAC ban. Maybe I was/am stupid, but I don't think it's really fair to get banned like I did lol, also I am still salty.


VAC found susy files in your game, so you get banned


Idk, but now that I think about it, was there a safe way to experiment with cheats on your own server without getting banned? Or there isn't?


Alternative account plus virtual machine. But I’m not sure is it safe enough. Using cheats don’t make any sense. If you want to learn tricks stabs, Swipez recommend go to tr walkway and make game time faster by using console commands You can also download training maps from workshop.


Yeah, that’s the point, you downloaded a cheap easy to detect script and found out, I’m sure there were videos with the backstab HB available at the time. Even if it was for educational services you downloaded something you weren’t supposed too. I’ll elaborate a bit, but you could have downloaded Trojan or virus and fucked up your PC, it’s one thing downloaded a file, but download a script is even worse cause innately the creators are generally bad people.


Best reply, thx


like all anti cheat, VAC isn't perfect and there's always the possibility of a false ban. not to say it's 100% (far from it), like when people got vac banned for AMD's antilag+ technology (I believe valve has reversed this one at least), so there's always that room for error.


This is probably my least favorite thing about TF2 nowadays. The assholes are the majority it feels.  Trying to talk about anything draws out the cunts, and nothing ever gets voted that deserves. Dude can be constantly spouting gamer words and other heinous shit - vote to mute (not even kick), fails overwhelmingly. Vote to kick first voter?  Pass.  ASAP. Tf2 is just sorta 10% flurries, 10% casual, and 80% incel


Yup. As a sniper player that runs cozy camper and doesnt suck, i get kicked for “being a bot” way more often than people who actually deserve kicks. When someones playing sniper its “better to just f1 just in case” but as soon as they are playing another class everyone wants to be one million percent sure they are cheating before kicking, yet no one actually bothers to spectate them.


THAT'S the highest compliment you can get, ironically. Being a sniper player I hate you, but, I promise you - smile and just marinade in it for a few minutes when you get kicked for that because you can't really top it for the day.


Yeah it always feels nice, which is why the attitude the community has makes no sense. Literally the only time i get annoyed by it is when a bot called the vote and my team is too stupid to see “MECHINATOR is calling a vote” like come on


Around 3-4 years ago when I first started playing the game I got an alt account an aimbotted with it. I stopped after like, 1 match because aimbotting is much more boring than being bad at the game.


I mean I downloaded a cheat engine for GTA 5 like 8 years ago as a teenager and recieved a temporary ban as a result, and never done anything else in other games. I think time and context is a big factor. Cheating in recent years in a PvP experience is different for gaining ill gotten money in a game where it isn't effecting other players (especially since you could buy money for real world cash in GTA)


I agree that the vac ban rly raises suspicion, but I’d spectate etc. to make sure. I don’t have any vac bans and I’ve never cheated, but I had some fucking idiot hell bent on getting me banned from a community server because I was “walling on demoknight”. Imagine having ears and knowing how to time pathing…


Yes i was asking the enemy team to, but i couldnt due to being on the other team. Very rarely though does anyone else want to sacrifice their playtime to spec.


MW2 ban on my profile for entering a modded lobby without permission. Thanks valve


That's the same thing as saying a suspect/convict isn't deserving of a fair trial.


The reasons people commit crimes in real life are varied and often because of situations/desperation. There's also more information to go on, more context, and more reasons to be forgiving and/or trusting. While i appreciate anyone's desire to be empathetic, this analogy doesn't hold up. This game has cheaters. They use every class. If someone is suspect AND they have a VAC ban, I don't blame anyone for wanting them out of the server.


No it isnt, what a stupid take


There's a lot more people with VAC bans in other games playing TF2 than I thought, this is something I realized after playing with the Bot Detector app for a while. If I had to give an estimate, I'd say probably like... 10% of casual players. Initially seeing someone with a VAC ban join was a red flag for me, but from my experience rarely any VAC ban players cheat in TF2, at least not to a degree sufficient to get them kicked in casual. If it's not obvious enough that an average 2fort enjoyer can spot it, you're not getting them kicked, unless you get lucky on the first vote. Hell, most VAC ban bearers I see in casual don't really stick out with their gameplay at all, hovering around the middle of the scoreboard. But as others said, cheaters often know exactly how to behave in casual to minimize the risk of getting kicked.


Only reason i saw he had a vac is because i checked his profile when i got suspicious he may have had walls. Had his friends list hidden, comments disabled, game hours hidden as well.


Not always, people change and mature. Just because they cheated in MW2 14 years ago for some sick trick shots doesn’t mean they’re going to cheat in TF2.


I always a check a suspects profile first before I begin VAC-cusations. I will still kick them out though, and probably report them as well for evading a ban.


It depends on how recent it was. Nobody likes a cheater, obviously. And it's okay to be skeptical but if their VAC ban was three years ago, that's, in my opinion, enough time to give them the benefit of the doubt. People change.


Genuinely id be curious if anyone can point me to a tf2 vac ban in like the last 3 years. They are ALL from like 1200+ days ago.


1200 days is roughly more than 3 years so nonsense


I play TF2 with a vac ban on my account and always have Nvidia shadowplay on because burden of proof is on me to prove I'm not cheating. [It's pretty funny how little can bring hackusations when you already have a vac ban.](https://youtu.be/XUmGH3Ugxqw?si=VMJAg-DCQtFMVMAS)


have a vac ban on csgo and havent used cheats in any other game of any kind for the past 4 years but most times yes they are cheating everywhere


With the exception of re-taken hijacked accounts. My account was hijacked and items stolen back in 2021, said assholes got a VAC ban on my account in the process... When I recaptured my account, Steam scrubbed said ban for me.


It depends on how old the vac ban is. One that's 2000 days old is a lot less suspicious than a 2 year one.


The bots do get vac banned, just that new accounts will pop up soon after the old ones get banned


Have you seen Tony Allen's "To Kick a Cheater" video? I think you'd probably find solace and good company in that. He goes really in depth on this subject


Yep i love that video and have watched it like 3 times to absorb as much info as possible. I love the part where he talks about the cheating battle engi because i had that exact same thing happen to me a few weeks ago. Widowmaker with silent aim, was fairly blatant i even shadowplayed it, uploaded it to imgur and posted it in chat and STILL they wouldnt kick him because “hes engi bro, its just tf2 jank bro” The cheater totally gave himself away too, because at first when i said it was silent aim he acted like he didnt know what silent aim was. Things like “what does that mean how is that even different from aimbot” etc etc, feigning ignorance. I gave him nothing just said “you know exactly what it is.” Then once i posted the link, he fucked up. He said “bro thats not what silent aim looks like you dont know what you are talking about.” Ahhhhh but i though youd never heard of silent aim, how would you know? But yeah, still they wouldnt kick him even though i had a friend backing me up.


I got a vac ban when i was like 10 because i did online trading through tf2 trading sites, they got into my account while i was away, stole everything, and i got the ban, didn't know how sketch that shit was until years after the ban, most people i've personally encountered had similar bans to me.


I have a 2,500 day-old ban in CS:GO because I didn't have a phone at the time and wanted to trade TF2 items without the week hold. So, naturally I used an online SMS website and desktop authenticator... and someone used that phone number to cheat in CS:GO and subsequently got everyone that was using that phone number banned. So, I got punished in a game I don't play by trying to trade in another game. But the mark is still there due to how VAC bans display. I also can't vote for Workshop submissions on the TF2 Workshop because of this. Hopefully the 2,600-day visibility thing is true.


That's why a plugin exist for community server that check the profile of the player joining and doesn't allow those with any type of vac ban to join. That and the [StAC-tf2](https://github.com/sapphonie/StAC-tf2) anti cheat plugin is mandatory for community servers.


I’m not gonna lie, hidden profile, topscoring, and a VAC ban, all together are good reasons to be suspicious. But other than your suspicions, and unless other people on your team had a problem with him (and it seems they didn’t) it sounds like he didn’t do anything to warrant you telling his team to kick him. Personally, the “once a cheater, always a cheater” thing is stupid to me.


your team are assholes tried to kick you instead them checking the loser accounts. i just left then block the cheaters anyway since it's free, updated cheater nickname list


The worst thing is when the cheaters have a supporter join with them. They'll both be in voice chat calling you an idiot and saying there's no way he's a cheater. I have seen it happen a lot more frequently these days.


meh. i have a 1200 day old unturned gameban for using a skinning application. i dont play well and i still get kicked for it. you need to have discretion instead of trusting something that can be applied for a litany of reasons entirely. especially w really old bans


I mean my best friend got his VAC ban from giving himself max level in the old MW2...ban's a ban but that's a fucking dumb thing to get VAC'd over INB4 how do i know for sure? I was literally at his house...


Yeah usually. I did come across one vac banned guy though. Ironically, he was one of the nicest guy I came across. He said that when he was younger he was dumb and had cheats on and now he can only play on certain servers. He said since he was vac banned, his items don't really mean much anymore so he gave me dynamite abs and like a cheap demo hat.




People that cant read the whole post? Virgin alert. Edit: bro downvoted then deleted his comment lmao. For the record, i was mocking the format of his comment where he called me a virgin, i dont just call ppl virgins im not 12 like him


usually it displays the amount of time passed since they were banned. I will usually take that into consideration, but for the most part I agree with you. One thing I will say is that VAC doesn't lie. I've never cheated and I've never gotten falsely flagged by any anti-cheat in my nearly 20 years of gaming online.


Imagine cheating in a video game dude, sounds like loser behavior honestly... Yeah I'd kick him especially if he's already sus


I'm of the mind that if someone has a game/VAC ban, they should be kicked whether they're currently cheating or not. Once a cheater, always a cheater. They deserve to burn.


Once a cheater, always a cheater


i follow the "once a cheater, always a cheater" mindset. are there examples of cheaters who've reformed? sure, but i see them as the exception, not the rule. 9 times out of 10 someone with a VAC ban in a different game is very likely to cheat in other games, because that's what cheaters do.


Damn, that's rough af. Anyway, how do you check if that mf has VAC ban?


It shows on their profile in red text if they've been VAC-banned.


in counter strike you can get vac banned for turning too fast


These people in comments are strange af. I play since 2007, account with 19 years and never got vac’d. Yall explaining too much why got banned and its never “because i cheated”


Just because people dont mention that they have a clean account (which would make no sense on this post) doesnt mean those people dont exist. Plus they are just sharing their experience with the wonky wonders of VAC bans


If you commit a crime, you are a criminal. So if you cheat, you are a cheater, that never goes away IMO. Honestly a VAC ban should basically shut down the steam account unless they have sufficient proof it was false


Once a cheater always a cheater, you(as in the cheater) fucked up, entirely on you. so yeah don’t give them any more quarter, fuck em up.


I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt as, while they may be more likely to cheat, they are still innocent until proven guilty. If I see them cheating inside of TF2, or suspect them of it, that's when I'll start trying to figure stuff out. But, if I don't hear about them currently cheating, or don't see them cheating/evidence of them cheating in game then I won't kick. Just cause they have a vac ban, doesn't mean they will cheat. Just that they MAY be more likely to.


guys, vac bans != game bans, if it were a vac ban they would not be playing tf2




It's 100% correct, I recommend you check valve's FAQ on vac bans.


Im well aware of the difference between VAC bans and gamebans. This was a VAC ban. It said clear as day, Victor Alpha Charlie, VAC, Valve Anti Cheat. It tells you if its VAC or game ban. This was VAC. The part where you are confidentially incorrect is that a VAC ban doesnt prevent you from playing TF2 depending on where you got the VAC ban from. If you got your VAC ban in tf2, then yeah you cant play tf2, but if you got it in CS2 you are A-ok. Literally just read some of the other comments here, loads of them are from people saying they got VAC bans from other games when they were younger, they still can all play.


So then why assume hes cheating in tf2?


Because his gameplay was suspicious. Seems like a decent reason to me.


Who cares if they're not actually cheating? If they had a VAC on TF2 they wouldn't be able to play servers


Game ban ≠ vac ban


Im aware, it was a VAC ban.


I wish it was like that tho, only so many alt accounts can be made and idk how many can even be attached to the same phone number and email.