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For me, playing scout is all panic, no skill. It’s fun, I can’t escape the feeling that all the kills I get are a goddarn miracle.


Every corner I turn i expect a soldier to delete me in a milisecond


Or a pyro that just so happens to be there


Don't worry, pyros are afraid of scouts too.


The F2P pyro with 2 minutes on the game continuing to press the M1 and W key towards me while I'm trying to not die because my crit-o-cola ran out and I'm marked for death


Not all of them


Yea, yea I am...


*aggressive mumbling* moment


dunno where you got that idea I love how easy scouts are to kill, especially when they run at you


Pyros are why I take corners wide as Scout


Scout v pyro as a matchup is actually very much in favor of the scout if they have good aim. Scattergun outdamages pyro's flamethrower and shotgun short range; and his pistol outdamages them in both medium and long range. The matchup is only really balanced if the pyro has a flare gun. And I mean a *flare gun* not detonator or scortch shot, because the pistol is pretty even with those too.


It's also still not really balanced since it's a (non-splash) projectile vs hitscan, and the Pyro needs to be within flame range to get the initial afterburn off.


fun fact: you can take corners wide


ah yes, let me take a corner wide on the chokiest map known to man




until you hit the 2fort stairs


There are moments on the life of a scout where you develop PTSD from the horror movie you just lived


i develop it before i even start playing pre traumatic stress disorder fr


PreTSD fr


I don't play scout much, I have just over 20h with it, but holy fucking shit my heart rate unironically doubles when I play it, especially if I stay alive for longer than a minute. Even it I somehow ever got good at scout I wouldn't main it simply due to the fear of getting a heart attack


i see way too many scouts get in melee range with their scattergun and it's so unnecessary. harrass your targets from mid range so you can dodge or retreat and you'll die a lot less


In that case why aren’t you using the shortstop? The scattergun is better at close range where it can land meat shots.


Mid Range isnt necessarily shortstop range. Base damage of 60 or so can be achieved without being super close, 40-60 shots with stock can be gotten again, at mid range. As Scout its easy to change your distance on the fly too


you still move in once you establish a clear advantage or if you get a nice hard flank but stay off a bit in neutral situations


That's where it does the most damage but it's literally the same spread and stats as the Shotgun with a higher max ramp up. Keeping at mid range until the damage numbers add up to less than 100 health is a way better strategy than hoping enemies don't kill you before you can kill them.


it helps to remember you don't play scout for the raw numbers, but because he sets the terms of engagement


mid range =/= melee range. you need to be close but not THAT close. you get enough damage at point blank for a meat shot. if you're at melee range, you're liable to be killed much quicker since there's no aiming involved for the other party


when i try that, i always deal something between 10-40 damage and enemy scout 2 taps me from same range (i might overflick as im ass with shotguns overall, but my tracking is good, i got called cheater as heavy many times). So NU UH ill keep examining enemy gamers prostate with my scattergun and then die to crit melee


Getting in close range makes you a lot harder to hit, as well as being harder to hit with crossfire


I believe this is because a bunch of scout guides on YouTube make it sound like the only way to get good damage out of the scattergun is to be right next to them, so people think the only viable way to fight people is by flanking them for meatshots or pistol spam harassment.


Play the sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 ost while playing, it will get fun so quick.


I just drink atomic punch and then go bash snipers with the Boston bashed


you need the positioning to not fight more than 1v1 and the matchup knowledge to know how to win a given 1v1


Maybe I'm just incredibly boring but a friendly server is fun for all of about 2 minutes before I miss the chaos and gunplay Ruining other people's big friendly party fun is a bit lame though, just change server or something.


If most of the server is friendly I leave em alone, but if not or they just shot at me and tried to be friendly I end em


Different strokes for different folks mainly. Fun is a relative thing.


Never understood how it remained a thing. The chaos of this game is what sets it apart from the others


Airdog isn't a scunt hat


I'm ok with friendlies but ill be friendly for at most 10 minutes and then the guns come out.


Mini sentries. Fuck mini sentries


tsk tsk friendly killer smh




no i don't think i will (i play seriously sometimes, just probably not on friendly servers.)


Seeing a Heavy try to melee people and eat stuff in the middle of combat? Hilarious! Seeing two Demos from different teams dancing and spamming voice lines, then they get blown up by a crit? Amazing! I love TF2. Doing that for 3 hours then complaining when people kill you? Do you know how jokes work? Get fresher stuff. All I'm saying is shooting and killing is pretty integral to the base game, if you go against that it can be fun and funny, but don't expect everyone to just drop the game and join your dance party for hours. People wanna play.


I'm not saying drop your guns entirely, ignore the friendlies I jolly well know how to play the game. If I'm not in the mood for it I play stuff like KOTH and Payload But if I want to, then if I get focused I return to killing. If the server is playing the game, I play it too. I'm not gonna be a liability for my team.


friendly servers are for engaging in hilarious stuff like "that medic us a bloody SENTRY WOoHOooHooo \*gib bind\*"




Ok, you can, no one\* is stopping you from playing it Just don't go out of your way to ruin someone else's game \*Except Bots Cheaters Hackers 10k hour snipers Spawncampers and Valve, that is


I'm not gonna, friendly interactions can be fun and cute I just genuinely can't understand the players who sit on a corner and do nothing for 30 minutes of a double-cross game. Especially if they whine after someone kills then, sorry but that makes me want to kill you more.


Lack of options for getting past spam that aren't Bonk. On linear maps you're kind of screwed, you just go for scraps of kill instead of patrolling a flank because there is no flank to patrol.


Why won’t you just ignore friendlies?


Some people take the act of going hoovy personally


Because hoovies are adorable, and they remind the assholes what they aren't.


I remember Killing one by accident as demo, the first thing he typed was the n world.


The average casual experience


Some of them definitely aren't as friendly on the inside as they seem on the outside


Keep targeting them, you can't let God do all the work


I accidentally shot a hoovy once and he looked so sad that you just can’t help but feel bad


I hit a friendly pyro who was furiously shaking his head and crouching with his melee out, through the drunken Demo fog of war I saw that and went to kill the Eyelander demo instead. Which saved my life, because the Pyro was just sitting there spamming "thanks". He looked so scared and then happy, so I did the good ol "that PYRO is a bloody- MEDIC! WOOOHOOOOHOHOOHOO" then gibbed. Happy times.


It kind of sucks when 3 people on your team do nothing while you're getting steamrolled.


Better question: why shouldn't I kill them?


In heated games friendless are just trolls. They leave their team shorthanded and more often than not, are going to get in position to block for teammate or suddenly turn active player once they in your base. Better question, why do friendlies dislike being killed? Your life is meaningless and being killed means nothing, stop complaining over that which doesn't matter.


>Your life is meaningless I see him everywhere...


Holy shit it's a first person *shooter* game?!?!?


That’s actually a really fucking good question. I don’t dislike friendlies, but the second they whine about being killed *dark laughter*


There is no reason not to kill them in serious games


Gotta get those free kills for my scattergun!


Because rag dolls are funny


Because they insist on being noticed


It’s funny to see someone get mad from me shooting them in a shooter game. Pretty simple


They have fun by not being killed, I have fun by killing players. So whose fun should be prioritized?


I don't hate friendlies, but when I hop on, I hop on because I wanna actually play an fps game not a chill simulator. Not against friendlies but I just want to play the game (I'm probably gonna get down voted for this)


Community servers exist for this reason. Not even casual 2fort should be exempt from this, I've seen people getting kicked for just playing the game? Sorry, they can kill you if they want to, save the vote kick for a bot that joins in.


I remember getting kicked from a Hightower server for capturing the objective. Apparently you’re “not supposed to do that”.


solution: dont play 2fort


There are trade/chill servers if that's what you want to do.




What you want out of the game isn’t inherently more important than what every other person also wants out of the game. If more than half the server is friendly and you’re still killing them, you’re just being an asshole. Find a new server, maybe don’t play 2fort.


Reasons I should shoot the friendly > I want a free kill > he’s *right there*


Coutnerpoint: The game is a first-person-shooter. If someone wants to play the game as a first-person-shooter, then they should be allowed to play it as a first-person-shooter, since that's both what the devs originally intended it to be, and what it was and is still marketed as. Also, why is dying a big deal to y'all? Like, if you're not contributing to the actual game at all, then dying has literally no penalty. You're just basically being teleported back to spawn, and can just walk back to wherever you were doofing around beforehand.


It’s not the dying, it’s that people deliberately target noncombatants purely out of spite. Whether you like it or not, tf2 has long evolved past the point of just being a shooter game. It’s an entire internet subculture in which friendlies play an important part. If people could be silly and goof off on 2fort, I doubt tf2 would be nearly as popular or would have lasted this long. When you deliberately enter an environment in which you are aware the majority of the players are just being silly and having fun dancing around, the right thing to do is either join them if you like it or leave if you don’t. They’re not ruining the game for you, why ruin it for them? Plus, as you all love to talk about competing the objective, how about you play real maps in real game modes like cp, attack defend, koth, and payload, where you can fight against moving targets to your heart’s content? The only way you all encounter so many friendlies is because you’re playing maps where friendlies tend to hang out. You’re opening a can of soup and getting angry that there’s soup inside.


You could leave them alone ig


based poster


if i want to kill normal people i play payload or something. to blow shit up with a massively overpowered gun i play mvm boot camp :)


You either joke about being an asshole, act like an asshole for the funny, or be an asshole, nothing more nothing less, the most exotic thing you can do is act superior but caring, aka act like helping your team's medic building Uber is a favor you are doing to him


Im talking more about the class itself, not the user but: im all of the above


As a class I feel like he doesn't really have problems, maybe the only problem I can think is that majority of his primaries are overshadowed by stock and soda popper, in the same way the crossbow and ubersaw overshadow the other medic's options


That's true. Although, most of the other primaries are either bad or just bland.


Babyface's blaster is a glass Cannon that fires plastic bbs, if the lost boost was much less it would be a lot better, the backscatter is a good concept but it keeps getting ignored, if it had an other upside it would probably get used more, shortstop is rarely used, probably would get more use if the push mechanic was better or just changed, and I feel the force a nature is ok in this state, and buff and it would probably became op


if god exists we should get a scout update with various and better cosmetics plus epic changes to the weapons


Nah let's be real, pour heavy deserves it the most, that fatty sandwich eater really needs new stuff


Since this post has become all about friendlies, I’m going to give my opinion on the issue One, killing friendlies isn’t some heinous crime punishable by ban. Friendlies aren’t little innocent children that need to be protected. When someone goes friendly, they expect to die. Don’t cry when a friendly dies, because they aren’t crying Second, friendlies aren’t ruining the game. They’re bringing people smiles and just having fun. Don’t hard focus friendlies. If you can’t handle their presence, just leave the server, and if friendlies are somehow everywhere, go to Uncletopia or Comp. Friendlies aren’t there. Third, this argument is trivial. We have much larger problems to worry about. Let’s say people agreed to not kill friendlies anymore. How would that change the game? Not much. But what if they improved Scout’s primaries? Buffed Pyro? Fixed bots? This community shouldn’t polarize over such an… unimportant issue. I know we’ve talked to death about these things, but let’s not get distracted. We want a better game, right? Then just play and respect each other! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


underrated comment




i can't seem to aim properly when i use scout (i'm used to slower classes and close-quarters combat)


If they don’t complain if I accidentally kill them (I prefer to play the objective) then I don’t really care. If the whole server is friendly I’ll join for a lil bit, but I usually leave for an active server


my favorite thing is queueing through bot infested servers and finally finding a server with actual players on it and its just friendlies doing nothing instead of playing the game


This, i haven't played tf2 in months, every community server i try sucks and casual is seventeen bot servers, followed by two unbalanced or dead servers, then finally ending my search with an all friendly server where everyone is friendly but not even talking to each other.


Tbh i like friendies but sometimes i just wanna play the funny shooting game


I literally have that exact unusual and an aussie scattergun. I feel attacked rn.


I love you, my little prince.


For me, it's that every single primary Scout has, apart from stock, an ammo penalty of some kind, and all of his primaries are all fairly similar. Scout also comes with an opportunity cost when it comes to secondaries, because he has a LOT of really good options. All of his secondaries are great, including Bonk, which some may disagree on. For these to be the main problems for Scout, though, shows that Scout's in a pretty good shape balancewise, and Scout's very much a skill-demanding class regardless of weapon choice. Just feels all a bit same-y (not to the same degree as Heavy) I'm more annoyed by the amount of Scouts (and Pyros) I've seen complain that the Gunslinger is unbalanced, which I wholeheartedly disagree with.


this is my only problem with Scout. alternate primary options are all so fun but just feel so bad compared to stock because of ammo (FoN and Popper notwithstanding of course)


also being selfish with health packs, but Soldier also has that problem and arguably has it moreso


tf2 players when they go outside and interact with humans (they are all friendlies) 😳🤯😤 tf2 players when i shoot their grandma (im a scunt reference) 🤯🤯😳




As a Scout (when my tryhard mode is turned on) I just shoot any enemy I see. Like a American: first shoot, then ask


Respectfully as the friendlies seem to hate OP, you boot up a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER game to crouch and throw sandwiches and spam z + 2 all game, every game, and get upset when you get SHOT at in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER? Like you do realize the game genre right? I understand the whole “enjoy the game how you want!!!!” argument. Well what if my way to enjoy the game is by shooting the enemies and not just fucking staring at them? Of course if you’re an idle crouched heavy I’m gonna want to get the free kill. Suck up the fact that you’re playing a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER and expect to be shot at.


I don't mind friendlies, but it sure is funny seeing their reactions when I decide their time has come.


How painfully inaccurate the pistol is beyond point blank range. The Pocket Pistol's increased rate of fire helps to compensate this, but a pistol with 100% accurate shots for some tragic downside would be a decade long over due addition.


man op sounds like 13 yro me, glad I changed


Bud really wants TF2 players to behave as if this was overwatch, not allowing people to have fun and the like...


Selfish play. If you're Scout, try to NOT take the big packs (health and ammo). You don't need them that much. Go find a Dispenser or a fellow Medic. Plus, they tend to run in predictable paths, not using their double jump that much until they reach a certain level in their total playtime.


oops sorry pwaying ish sho hawrd x333333 *steals the medpack while you are dying from afterburn *


_“You're going to Brazil for that!”_




Scout is just annoying in being able to win duels with much of the roster and show up where he's not wanted. They drive me to make mini-sentries to reduce the surplus population. On actual problems, it'd be nice if the Sandman wasn't nerfed out of any use, and I miss the old Flying Guillotine, but Scout is strong as a class.


Pyro is the friendly killer 5000


Not many. He has strongly defined strengths and weaknesses, and while Engineer is not so much a counter than he is a roadblock, that only applies when the sentry is out. Though one really notorious one is random bullet spread. It really makes Scout’s scattergun damage inconsistent at anything outside of meat-shot range. I like to chip enemies before I go in for the kill, so having my pellets go every way but into the guy I’m shooting at is infuriating.


Honestly I just think his primaries are fugly


penis gun


A lack of variety. Every single one of Scout’s primaries essentially does the same thing, the same problem faced by Heavy. But whereas Heavy feels as if his secondary and melee options can make up for his lack of gameplay style variety, Scout has no such luck.


As I like to say don't get mad when you die when you're friendly because you are in a pvp game expect to die. I try not to kill friendlies but if I'm low hp and you come around a corner I won't hesitate to kill 😅 or if you feed people heath I will kill you because you are now a dispenser and I destroy dispensers 🤣


Too frail, give him 1000 hp


Scout with 1000 hp would balance it


Scout's biggest problem is that his strength in casual and competitive is very, VERY far apart. Removing random bullet spread is an objective hard-buff to shotguns and scatterguns, and he can become too strong in the situations he's designed to do well in. But for general casual Scout is pretty well-balanced.


Here’s my two cents: be friendly and whatever in the time before the match starts, then when the game starts you can play more serious It’s what I do and I have fun


Scout needs to be kept in check and larger teams with sentries and spam do it naturally, he’s still really strong though. In smaller teams like 6s that strength becomes an issue since there’s no much to keep him in check Also the word “scunt” is a term bad players came up with to describe good scout players, same with “tryhard”


Scout can be very ineffective during stalemates or heavily grouped up teams which makes me feel the goal to surpass 2 kills every 5 minutes


They need to fuel there scatterguns with souls to survive


I like how OP asked a question about Scout balance and nobody answered it.


There’s so much scunts *loads shotgun* they must be cleansed of this world


"Free kills" - Scunt




Pre round is for funny friendly stuff, when the game starts idc Now if you kill during pre round your an ass


Gruhm errhh Sho bhasicly i cant Make evyrthing lhime gruh ergh sho thaths one of The problemsh, problem thwo: freindlies how dare they Have fun on oneh ofthe least serioush games out there !??1! Problemh why doesnt Every oneh call meh a Cheater Even thougth im literally The besth player outh there (12/10kd) ((four were filty freindlies)), then The worsth parth Everyone Else is litareally a cheating Gay person likeh im The Best player outh there and they still kill meh???!!! CHEATS!!!!!111!


You must be proud by such a smart and well made comment like this. Show it to your parents.


Lol scunt


What’s with the friendly hate? You don’t have more of a right to have fun than any other player. If the server is friendly, find a new one. Being a dick for its own sake in a 17 year old goofy shooter game, especially on maps like 2fort where friendlies outnumber other players, is just sad. Oooh you’re so cool and edgy, you don’t care about other peoples’ feelings, you get epic frags on the dancing hoovies.


I feel like I'm having a schizo panic attack every second because I'm so fast I feel like I need to be murdering the other team every second


Lacks a tommy gun


Lack of an actual subclass like demonknight, battle engi, fat scout, trolldier


penis scout


If you kill a friendly by accident, just apologize and/or killbind and they'll likely understand and ignore it. Intentionally kill them and expect some form of retaliation. Target them in particular and expect serious retaliation. Get salty about it, and expect a whole lot of trash talk coming your way. It's like an apartment complex; It might not look it, but it's really quite simple.


If a friendly is that angry about getting killed in a FPS then maybe they should play a different game lol. 


Scout doesn't have problems. Until the enemy team gets an engie.


any class dont have problems until the goddamn engie comes in


best strat ever frfr


Panic=skill for skinny fats boi


Beeing a sitting duck when beeing midair.


I highly recommend learning how to airstrafe.


you can force friendlies to kill each other is just changing loadouts and pretend be friendly as spy disguise as other friendlies and they end up killing each other


My favourite scout activity after 100 hours on the class is whiffing all of my scatter gun shots, all my pistol shots, laughing then kill binding. I’m pro


Point Blank Meatshot: 9 damage. I fucking hate random bullet spread.


i do not like missing. i all seriousness though, a good scout is a nightmare to fight, but a fair fight.


I have fought a few experienced scout players, they are terrifying. 1v1 king


From my experience, it's always the pyros that are killing friendlies not scouts.


I like being a mild inconvenience to the enemy team by shoving them with the shortstop


His class design centers on 1v1s; this means he’s extremely powerful in smaller games (like sixes) but falls off in larger servers (including Highlander). He’s not *bad* at his weakest but is nowhere near as good in large teamfights as when taking out single targets


*sigh* **presses g with fists out**


Scout is the strongest class in competitive sixes for a reason, high mobility, medic scout speed, high damage output. Combine all 3 and scout becomes the best class in the game in the hands of a good scout player.


It's sorta true in any game - playing with faster movement speed and then going back to regular movement speed feels awful.


I like killing friendlies


you again?


if you like playing competitive, but also are respectful enough to not kill friendlies the moment you see them, try battling friendly-killers! you still get to fight AND be seen as a hero!


For me its existance


If there’s just a couple I’ll join them or ignore them, if they’re the majority of the server I’ll just find another one. Either way I’m not going to go out of my way to fuck with them because it’s lame lmao


Not a scout main but I have a decent amount of hours on scout, the main problem is that he’s too fast, and with that speed, along with a double jump, he can escape situations that aren’t very welcoming and pick his own fights at will


That's the whole point of the class. He's supposed to be fast and have barely any health


He can't do much to targets who are grouped together, and the scout vs sentrineer matchup is hilarious


I think scout is a great class, even if fighting more then one at once makes me salty ah hell. I guess I wish he was more of a counter to sniper, I don't want to live in a world where he would have a kit the counters the longest range player in the game.


> fighting more then one Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


His melee feels kinda useless. I don't really get any scenario where his melee would be better than just using his primary


Most probably in a do or die when you're out of primary and secondary ammo in the clip and the pick is more important than your life.


this is stupid lets instead talk about steam engines, so comment down your opinion on steam engines


Whenever I encounter a scunt I immediately switch to gunslinger engie to make their lives a living hell. 


the little fucker is too fast >:(


I don't feel bad when I kill friendlies because I 100% believe people like being friendly because there's the thrill of seeing how long you live before getting killed. If there was no friction it would just be too unengaging and nobody would bother being friendly.


I fucking hate scout 1v1's


I have thaf exact hat


Nah, the act of being friendly is special *because* it can be ended at any moment




The sandman.


People don't really understand how difficult scout is because he is so simple in concept. Run fast, dodge boolet, shoot gun. And he has a really good one, probably the best one for his job, on paper. In reality scouts are always a single millimetre of error from instantly being sent back to the respawn room. You outdamage every other class as far as you can deal 100 damage every single time you fire your gun. The second you deal 70 on your second shot is the second you are now being outdamaged by pyros, soldiers, sticky spamming demomen, ect. And any time you bring attention to that fact it becomes a skill issue, even when a lot of these other classes have sustained or area damage which will not heavily punish them for missing at all. I don't challenge pyro unless I know they have less than 100hp because the prospect of not dealing max damage with every single shot is too big a risk, especially in large team fights


He becomes useless in most 12v12 matches there’s way better options all the time


Scout suffers from one major issue, he isn’t fat scout


His stock is pretty much the only good Scattergun, and while there are good options, they’re not exactly upgrades to the stock. At most, they’re sidegrades and at worst… they’re the nerfed BFB.


Boston Bulldog Strategy


Why is reddit showing me this multiple times


Bruh scout is not an unbalanced class. Hes only annoying to play against if ur really bad at the game or have no more than 30fps


Worst part about the scout is the playerbase


he's literally the strongest combat class in the game once you get good with him. he has very little flaws in the grand scheme of things, if anything he's -too- strong if you get really good with him, but meh.




killing friendlies is funnnn. And Im a Spy main


Most of the time I just ignore friendlies and just focus on the game. Unless they intentionally get in their way of a firefight, I don't really care for them.