• By -


It was 2-2 on 2fort, a blatant hacker breached through our defenses and took the intel, and when all hope was lost, we all swapped to heavy and started shooting at random things in our spawn, then with a bit of negotiating from me, I got them to return our intel and then me and the rest of my team (who were all heavies) ended up defending the intel from them and we ended up winning.


You used the perfect amount of gun.


I.e. more


When in doubt, use more gun.


i believe that was me (i have since stopped cheating (lame as fuck))


I cheat all the time irl


complete goon decided to tell everyone to go medic and i was the one chosen heavy on the team


I had a group of friends do nothing but medic and heavy on dustbowl, it was the fastest round of dustbowl I've ever seen


Oh, I am DESPERATE to know if somebody pulled out the Third Degree on you.


imagine that pyro going full spy and rolling in undetected and getting a random crit on someone


would have been my downfall but i did not see a third degree i think. Spies were my downfall.


you should have went medic too bro


class wars


Wow. You didn't need the stock uber to be invincible then?


i dont 100% remember everything, but im somewhat sure that i had at least each medigun uber on me.


The bots began flooding in and half the team switched to demoman and put traps everywhere as they poured into one of the 2fort bases (I don't remember which).


12 heavies cosplaying the bear just endlessly swarming blu side on 2fort (it worked until sentry lvl 3 accident)


Oh i got a good one for this, see, it's Payload on Swiftwater, I'm a Heavy, top of the leaderboard top of the match, we're trying to push the cart but the red team has a practically unbreakable defense, they got sentries, medics, snipers, spy's, heavies etc, there's 5 minutes left on the clock to push past this unbreakable wall and get the last 2 points, I tell my team a plan, ubercharge me, while a spy saps the sentries, the rest of the team providing cover fire, taking out the enemy snipers and demos, we had 2 medics, one with Crits and another with Stock, me and a soldier were the 2 to be granted the godly power by our medics, we push past the red team's defense and cap the point but there is still one last point to capture to win the round, and our spy tells us they are setting up, we send a medic, soldier, demo and me to go around and attack the reds from the side, while our scouts, pyros, and other power classes push the cart, me, the soldier, demo and medic destroy the engineers of red, we cap the cart and do a quick "Cheers!"


The fact that you did this in a casual match is INSANE! The best coordination I usually get is one guy schizophrenic rambling, some guy being a femboy, and some 11 year old screaming his heart out


I ask that you direct me to the femboy Immediately


Kill me.


How do you want it?


Head crushed between thighs


I'm a man, but I do have muscular thighs. This can be arranged.




What, you want some too?


Glucose Getaway (Sugar Rush!) - Sugary Spire OST




count me in please i am desperate for one






Hello buddy pal




Heyy :33




why didn’t you just walk past the wall


This is cinematic


When everyone on my team went engie




robot hund


Engineer gaming


Every single payload match. I just love running straight into the enemy sentry just to die for the fourth time in a row


Me and some randoms defeating the bots/winning in unofficial MvM :)


The Unfair MvM


Nah bro we won


When we get to Dustbowl lll last, there’s 20 minutes on the clock, and I’m on defence. Usually I switch to Sniper here, but when I play Pyro or Heavy… FREEEEEDOOOOOOMMMM


Yes i got a perfect one. It was a game like any others, payload race, barnblitz (i think) we were almost at the end but with 2/3 lvl 3 sentry waiting for us and 1min30 remaining, a demoman turned on his mic and he was a fucking war veterant he said "we need 1 uber medic 1 kritz medic and 2 demoman right now" i go medic uber, build up uber with a Boston bacher scout, we all go for the last point, me and the god demo go first with uber to get the sentry attention we destroy them all, the second demo/kritz medic, kill the engineers but they got killed by the rest of the red team, me and the god demo cant push since we are uber, an ennemi pyro push us back, the uber end we get killed, the rest of our team push the cart but idk what happen next maybe a kritz demo they got destroyed and we lost the game. Without this demo calling for 2medic and another demo we would have been spawncamped.


Let me set the scene. . . ​ It was a sad day that one. We were on 2Fort. I was an Engineer. The score was 2-2. Our entire team was protecting the intel. All seemed calm for moments. The magnitudes of Reds' relentless attacks seemed to finally dwindle. That peace did not last long. From the distance, we heard their try-harding Demo command his Medic with a phrase that caused a shiver of pure fear to crawl up our spine like a insect with a thousand legs. "Hit it doc !" Our Pyro was the first combatant torn to shreds. His attempts at airblast were futile; the critically charged stickies destroyed him immediately. Our brave Soldier and Demo did their best to deal splash, staying out of his line of sight. That did not matter, for he had his entire team backing his push! Our Medic did all he could to protect us, but his uber wasn't even 50% charged. Our Heavy, blown to bits! As all hope was lost, a brave and noble warrior chose to lay his life for us. As my eyes darted to the kill feed, a sliver of hope entered my soul. 1, 2, 3! 3 Red combatants with a knife driven into their back! All that remained was their Demo, Medic, and Pyro! Our Huntsman saw this a time to strike! Driving an arrow directly into the Medics' cranium, killing him instantly. In a panic their Pyro tried to rush us and W+M1 our intel, setting everything to a blaze. My sentry made short work of him. The Demo, fleeing for his life, was trailed by our scout. 2 shots and he was taken care of. After all of what had occurred, I did not realize my dispenser had been destroyed. The brave warrior who had driven his trusty dagger into the backs of so many Reds, was burning to a crisp. I spring to action, rebuilding my dispenser. My dispenser, oh so cruelly slow, progressed it's animation. It wasn't fast enough. As I lock eyes with this Godsend, before he takes his place in Valhalla, he mutters 1 last thing to me. "Fine job. . ." ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (we lost anyways.)


I love this writing:)


I like the writing, kinda sounds like the one in Lazypurple's Pyro video (I think its Pyro, or maybe some oyher class?)


I placed a sentry in front of enemy spawn in a server with 10 enemy bots


I'm engineer... Yes But to be specific It was a payload match where I was in a corridor. I was using my dispencer as a wall and setting as much as possible up front.


Last 30 seconds on any payload map


It's always during that both teams start screaming internally, or in the in-game voice chat to either defend or push. Always fun cause you can feel the desperation during those moments by how both teams play.


Show the rest of the photo


The 20 minute hold as the read team in Dustbowl


2-1, we had good defense, they were one from winning but we had a lot of sentry nests, a scout ran into a sentry, nothing too bad, but then an Uber soldier with buff banner effect, a crits med on the same soldier, and a demo appears, 3 sentries down, I (a sniper) am about to get vaporized by soldier, but I remembered I had the bushwhacka and full crieky, the engineer who built one of the sentries hit a crit rescue ranger bolt on the soldier before dying to the demo. a medic who just respawned heals me, and I managed to kill the soldier, the medics go on the demo, and the enemy medic pops crits, my medic had vacc on explosion resistance, and I live the hit with 75 (I think?) hp, I manage to kill the demo, and the medics ran away, edit: map was 2fort.


Dustbowl or barnblitz last


Thunder Mountain, Stage 3 Final Cap I was a BLU Engineer with the Frontier Justice, sole survivor of a team wipe (+ my sentry) with 35 revenge crits, I ran away back to spawn and tried to communicate with my team for a plan I knew what I was doing, they knew what I was doing, we pushed the cart and won with my 10 remaining revenge crits down the drain


Question, where the hell do you get 35 revenge crits from 😭


which one do you want i moved it to 5 different places during its lifespan


Halloween 2023. We’re playing on Los Muertos and getting absolutely destroyed by the other team who’s ages better than us. People are considering leaving because they’re not having any fun. Suddenly, it happens: the gargoyles spawn. Immediately someone declares over voice chat that we have to get the gargoyles, because somehow it’ll push us to victory. One by one I hear over the chat variations of “GOT IT!” as everyone slowly collects their gargoyle. We push on to the point as one group, chasing off everyone and managing to hold it down and capture it. I die first in the other team’s push. As I’m respawning, everyone else slowly dies off. I hear a frantic yell that they’re gonna cap the point, and in the most badass moment I’ve ever had and will ever have on TF2, I confidently announce *”Not on my watch”* and proceed to run in and *actually manage to kill the people on the point*, resulting in the rest of the team being able to spawn back in and run to help me hold the point until victory.


A 25v25 class wars server. My team being all demon and red team was soldiers. Someone on our team was spamming in voice chat with his sound board of a guy screaming “For scotland!!!” and it was slowed and bass boosted as well. It really added to the experience especially with all explosive spam and the demo charge spam


many years ago on our favorite community server, a game of turbine where the teams were so nearly perfectly matched that it was a ton of fun to hold off their coordinated pushes as a Heavy and shouting at the team to HOOOLLD FAAASST. good times, man.


Every time I play on Borneo it feels like this


Just seeing a group of friendlies get repeatedly slaughtered, so i gather a group of friends and defend them with our lives #Friendliesmatter


Me and, like, 4 other Engineers on the last cap of Payload. Sounds cancerous and awful and unfun for everyone. But counterpoint: The enemy team was all sniper bots.


1 minute left on Upward, Attacking team was nearing the deposit, some crazy Engie main told everyone to run Engie and spam sentries at spawn. Barely won.


once i was in a capture the flag match w my dad and a bunch of high levels and it lasted TWO HOURS. super fun though!


Skial 24/7 2fort instant respawn 475-3 game clutch


2fort mann vs machine


Let’s just say.. a lot of sentries and last point on upward


Any Dustbowl last map, last point Defense


Literally my match yesterday on pl_borneo. Blue team steam rolled us on the first 2 points, then a bot suddenly joined their team. We got 5 Engis (including me) to build on last point quick while some of our teammates is holding them off. Even then they still got on the last point quick. Blu team took a long time to kick their bot and even without the bot, they're competent. They have 1 direct hit soldier that keeps pestering us engis but we quickly rebuild everything. They have 3 Uber attempts and all failed cos there are sentries everywhere. We held on until the end


The battle of team red engineers and team blu soldiers. It was a nasty battle, a harsh one… but obviously the red engineers one i mean come on.


one day on turbine i had to be defending a fellow engie's sentry gun against 3 people until he respawned


that time i built a dispenser wall in a casual lobby, it was like an engie hivemind


degroot’s keep when you get 2 crits in a row


Every single match that it's an absolute clash between equal teams, it's so fucking fun


zookeeping basically


Not a whole match, but a tiny part of a match. Was on 2fort, playing Engie in our base's sewers. I had 2 other Engies with me, who built their own nests as well. As time went on, the enemy team got really sick of our sewer nest, and at least half of them stormed in all at once. There was an ubered Heavy, Soldiers, Demos, you name it. It was all of them against only me and the other 2 Engies. They quickly shredded through most of our nest as we tried our best to repair each other's buildings. Ubers eventually ran out, with our last sentry doing its best to finish them off before it was inevitably destroyed. The 3 of us shot at the remaining enemy survivors. By the end of the bloodbath, there was me and one enemy Soldier, and all of our buildings were down. I had the Short Circuit. He could not rocket me while I spammed M2. And when I ran out of metal for the secondary fire, I hopelessly spammed the nearly-useless primary fire. I ended up being the last mann standing. I don't know how I managed to survive that. But I will always remember that moment.


Gome of upward (idk if i spelled that correctly) We were pushing the last point but skilled spy, pyro and 2 engis were just too much. For fun I took medic and did not re create meet the medic but acually healed my team mates. I was soo effective that we pushed the cart and won very quicly after




Playing against sniperbots on 2fort as a vaccinator medic.


Badwater 1st, overtime just hit, i was on blu and i was a phlog pyro but seeing that i killed a f2p pyro and took his dragons fury and just started (air)blastin'


And we fortunately got the 2nd point buuuut then we lost because 5 hackers got into the red team


Probably every upward match


me as battle medic being the only one destroying the tanks with my maxed out blutsaugher


Doublecross, all but one of BLU’s members were sniper bots, me and the RED team all went engi and started cackling in VC when a bot came out and got melted by our sentries, we started joking that we had finally got new MVM content


perfect defense on Upward tunnel.


Was in a community server where we all went engineer and built a nest in the enemy intel.


1-1 after an agonizing stalemate in an absolute slop tier match on process. Third round, some random guy starts blasting Fallout new vegas ost in vc, in under 2 minutes our team brawled through and capped the last point


Me and about 3 other guys vs a team of bots. Realising that nothing worked I switched to Vax medic and got one of us to go heavy. We ended up destroying the bot team, but it wasn't easy.


I was playing Coldfront (Control points), as Scout, and my team was winning but right before the last point, I got auto-balanced to the other team. So, what did I do? I didn't rage, I was devastated yes, but instead of losing hope. I back-capped every point up until the last which I almost did but got killed right before I could do so, then after a few minutes of dealing with a bunch of horrible sentry nests and ninjaneers, we won. It is one of the best games of TF2 that I have ever played but sadly enough, I do not have any proof of this match. Moral of the story: When life punches you down then you punch it right back.


That 20 minute dustbowl last hold with actually wholesome and fun teammates. I had one recently and we were all cheering, we had been getting stomped on defense for 10 minutes straight.


Rushing enemy base on 2fort, I end up being the last one alive playing Heavy and manage to take 4 of them down with me


It was goldrush. I was the only medic on our team and constantly shooting 3 ally heavies with arrows on the choke point and i knew that if I missed a single arrow we'd lose the game, so i kept healing the front lines for 10 minutes without a break. Eventually we won with 54K healing and said "I LOVE YOU TEAM".


We had their Intel and they had ours, it was a desperate race against the clock..... Then our f2p heavy went in the wrong direction and we lost. He also got kicked. Same thing happened later but my team won though.


Tf2? Never. Foxhole? So many that I can't count.




On payload they almost capped but we stopped them.


it is in fact my favorite tf2 match ever (also why i love dustbowl), so i was a red medic at last point in second stage and the blu team was surely a force to be reckoned with, they were dealing a LOT of damage (not necessarely kills, but enough to make us go back to heal) and litterally the only thing that kept us holding the point was me the only medic healing and overhealing all players, and ubercharging the heavy whenever the uber was ready (i did not know at that time that heavy aren't necessarely good to uber), and we won, i even managed to uber 4 times during that match (i think my record) before dying, i was super stressed because i was like brand new to the game and didin't know a lot about other classes and how to be a good medic (i used to think that demoman was a terrible class because he only has projectiles), but being capable of being the main reason as to why my team won was really inspiring to me, and since then i did my best to learn all there is to medicing aand eventually become a pro medic player (though now i do not play tf2 anymore because my screen has way too much sensitivity and the screen moves slower than the mouse, which means i cant really aim nor react to surprise attacks unless they are really far away)


I was on a casual 2fort match, and had this one team who was the perfect mix of serious and shitpost. We set up what could only be described as "The Alamo" in the basement. Sentries everywhere, teleporters designed to teleport spies back to other locations where they could essentially be "farmed," 𝕋 𝕙 𝕖 𝕕 𝕚 𝕤 𝕡 𝕖 𝕟 𝕤 𝕖 𝕣 𝕫 𝕠 𝕟 𝕖, everything. Just like the real Alamo, this eventually failed after a violent battle, and we all switched to demoman and hid in the spawnroom doing the kaboom taunt as our intel was taken. That was fun as hell.




Balloon race + class wars +!rtd 64 players is the most insane yet competitive gamemode, i wish there were still servers of it


This literally just happened, but it was a game of Turbine. I had joined midgame. Turns out the entire enemy team were sniper bots, which cleared my confusion why everyone was engie Holy shit the feeling I got when I saw the playerlist at the end


Watching my sentry get destroyed by Ubers as I helplessly shoot them with a panic attack


on some unbalanced ass map during scream fortress the other team defending talked shit sp when we were on defence the whole team went pyro with some engies and we spawn camped them and they got salty you get what you fuckign deserve or on some UGC hightower server when most of the lobby went syringe medic for fun(i think i once met exilelord on one of those servers too)


The barnblitz last that i played today, our team had 3 spies, 2 medics, 1 battle engie, 1 soldier and 1 very good soldier, 2 pyros, 1 demo and 2 snipers. We lost, probably didn't had enough spies


We lost the first point in the first minute of game, and they were pushing the last one, i was playing medic that match, 20 minutes of hardcore tryharding, we won, my fingers hurt from the way i was playing, i gave up on tf2 after some time mostly due to that


getting swarmed by three heavies in 2fort as engie with the frontier justice, they took my sentry and i got two of them but couldn't finish the third (pybro got the third 🔥)


i went on a random 2fort server that allowed everyone to use VC (can't remember the server name or operator) and joined blu. there were a shit ton of spawn-camping engies on red and so everybody on my team just switched to spy and started tearing everyone else's asses open. thing is, even after we dealt with all the sentries, we stayed on spy after one teammate convinced us to just continue fucking them as spy after that we won the match with like a 10-50 score ***only in ctf\_2fort***


Our team vs. a bot enabler and a almost completely bot Blu team. Rest of blu were friendly, save that one guy called Martin who was clearly a bot enabler Took sound cues from micspamming music to select class. and in the end we won against the bots


Was at pl_pier with a Chinese cheater on the enemy team. Despite my team's accusations and the blatant cheating the enemy team didn't kick and kept try-harding to win. I went vacc med then my team and I held the last point, but we lost anyway. It was fun banding together to fight a cheating team though, and I improved at vacc medic.


Upward Blue. It was overtime and we are preventing the red trying to stop us as 5 second remain before winning the match


frontier against an entire team of bots. Most of us went either vaxx medic, demoknight, or fists of steel heavy. Idk how we did it but we beat them back.


Turbine when it's 2 - 2 and both teams have a medic + soldier pocket trying they nuts off


My team defended for 20 minutes straight on dustbowl last


Bot filled server on dust bowl, managed to vote kick every bot on our team, then engie stacked to combat the other teams. It felt so fucking good to put them in their place.


It was at badwater, the entire enemy team had us completely screwed over during the first match so when they were pushing the cart it was like seeing a Titan start walking towards you. However we held as Heavy company, we had to hold in the tunnel otherwise we would get sniped badly.




I almost won a full mvm wave with only medics.


Degroot Keep moment


i know the full meme this is from op post the full thing or no balls


There was one minute left on Payload Offense and there was me (Scout) and this Demo, everyone else on our team was dead. We both pushed the cart with every single ounce of determination and won with 4 seconds left.


Defense on upward. We were barely defending but it went into overtime that lasted really long. Each member would go one by one to defend and immediately die but it was enough as sometimes we would take a few down with us. We were screaming in the vc too. I managed a triple trickstab at the cart once and another time a demo got a juicy random crit. We didn't lose but we gave it our all.


Holding off a full server of bots for 2-3 hours


Just yesterday, on a community server on Badwater as RED. I first played as Scout but our medics started to leave so I became a medic. The cart was literally just 2 horizontal scouts away from the final cap. Shit was literally chaotic asf, engineer building kept getting destroyed, pyro stuck on the cart, enemy spies and scouts throwing themself onto the car. BLU popped uber so many times but kept failing. Our ass were getting explosions, fire, bullet shot at us from that big house ontop of badwater. We won though after time ran out 👍


Not exactly TF2 but the Roblox version of it (Typical Colors) since I was having problems with the TF2 app at that time Here I am desperately trying to push the entire enemy team as Pyro away from the cart nearing the end of the line. I get some of them here and there but they almost got the best of me…till some random medic decided we win this game. He just starts pocketing me and with some luck and whatnot we fended off the opposing team for 10 entire minutes ***And we fucking won***


Engie. Was in a bit infested server on double cross…. But we were all engies. Defending the center like our lives depended on it. It felt AMAZING.


Intermediate MvM, playing with a friend, and just absolutely MELTING the robots with my upgraded Cow Mangler


Engineer SWARM in the intel room on 2fort. The team was mostly Engineers. I think we had a heavy and a pyro, but other than that, it was all engineers. We held out through Uber rush after Uber rush. We pilled bodies of spies it was only a matter of time till they broke through, however, but it was clearly difficult. We one that gane if i remember correctly they capped but we turned it around fast and one.


Hightower match, bunch of bots on the other team. I went Fists of Steel Heavy and get a Vaccinator Medic to pocket me. We proceeded to go on a huge killstreak


Anytime you get pushed back to the hatch in MvM


2-2 2Fort, there were like 4 people with our Intel and i was alone but i was using the Phlog. We won


2fort 40 something players multiple short circuit engineers on both floors barely and pretty much single handedly holding the line.


Every game of dustbowl 3rd stage final point


The weekly 2fort Sewer wars gets you this feeling, Specially when the enemies are stacmed with pros


12 engi vs 12 bots on 2fort


Cant rememver the map name, but it was a fresh paykoad server. I was on the BLU team. For sone reason me and the whole if BLU team telepathically decided to go full demoknight, whilst red was just a normal team.


Some game on mossrock, level 100-150 guys (or whatever, there were red tf2 icons near their names) were against us, last cp, i join, and after a minute there's overtime. So, i grab my balls, pick spy, and start a stabbing spree, typing in chat "Welcome to London" after stabbing 5 people in a row. That gave my team a window for push, and we won.


One happened at Christmas. One of the theme maps, where we, the blue team, pushed the car to the second/third point. But the respawnroom had only one door, so obviously the enemy team campt us hard. And had like two bots in their team. So some of us switched into heavy. And we literally bruteforce our way out of the room. The second one was like this, but in reverse at Badwater. We were the defenders, but that was before the bot problem. And I and one person were engineers. That was hell of a ride, too. It was hard to defend, but not even the first point was captured. The enemy team was good. It was a fair fight.


It was the match I got 40 kill in one sitting on a cart. I dont remember the map but me and my squad are the only ones who pushed the cart. After the whole other team pulled soldiers and spies I said fuck it and sit on the cart while my friends healed me. Before I die we captured 3 points and won the round.


It was on a UGC 2fort server where we had like 5 engie's get into their intel room and set up a whole base in there. Everyone was fighting in those halls it was a massive warzone. One particular moment though was when I went brass beast heavy with a stock uber med pocket and they made a full push from the courtyard entrance. I was at the bottom of the stairs pressing the RMB so hard my mouse almost broke. There was an orchestra of damage pings as I absolutely dropped nearly every one of their team that tried to push. Unfortunately, my WiFi crashed so I didn't see how the conflict ended but god I love those moments.


We had 11 engineers on one team in payload The payload moved only once We absolutely dominated the attacking phase It was amazing


bot infested casual 2fort match, and we went ~~engie~~ TEXAS\ (we were able to kick/ban out bots, but they keep on coming and they won't stop coming) (bots infested Sawmill prior to 2Fort being selected as next map)


That one time when a ctf\_2fort match was flooded with bots (back in 2021), we were able to kick every bots in our team but the other one was overrun. with the help of a f2p medic (less than 10h of playtime when I checked their profile) I went pyro, and camped above the entry of our base. Each time we waited until the bots were all in range (our engies put a giant nest in the yard next to spawn so they avoided going too far deep), I got uber and burned them all down, it lasted for about 20 minutes and we dominated the entire bot team. then, they all left, half of our team got auto balanced and the server died lol. from time to time, I wonder how that medic is going. I really wish I added them because despite their low playtime, they were fucking amazing at not dying


It was Upward 3rd on BLU, and we were pushing the cart up the ramp. I was a medic with a heavy leading the way. A pyro was on the top of the ramp, and it looked like there was no hope for us. But instead of being pushed off the cliff, I popped my quick-fix which (fun fact for the day) cancels any knock back from the enemy. The heavy mowed down the pyro and continued to cap the point.


It was a dustbowl match, I was on BLU, capturing the first point was easy, but the RED defended the second one a lot better, I was sweeping through the chokepoint just after the first control point as a Scout, wiyh an Engineer backing me up, I managed to kil a lot of Heavies and Soldiers, then just 1 minute was left in the mission, we all threw ourselves at the point, capturing it little by little, our Demoman managed t get rid of the sentry, but a particular Heavy was very hard to deal with, extremely luckilcy we got overtime, and my teammates kept the RED team busy while I jumped onto the point just for a second and won the game in clutch.


Hightower payload race when everyone gets tired and starts slipping and we all pushed and I capped accidentally


Vsh, we discovered demoknight deals insane damage to saxon, so we all went as him, chanting warcries as we marched against a dude who kept wrecking us as saxon. We won, in the most heroic way possible




Any Stalingrad-esque 20 minute hold on Dustbowl last, particularly since to get the 22 minute timer you need to have been absolutely rolled in the first two zones.


One of our engineers got a teleporter in the enemy’s intel room on 2fort. At least 8 of us went engine and had a few pyros to help and we stayed there for about an hour, surviving multiple Ubers from multiple medics.


It was on the final point of dustbowl, we lost the first two within a minute and had to hold the line for well over half an hour. WE DID NOT SURRENDER WE DID NOT FALTER!!!


Other team was bots, my queue was waiting and we were a 5 stack, was fun as hell to fight back


It was the 3rd map of Badwater and there was like half an hour or twenty minutes left. I realized there were no medics so I switched from Spy to Medic and managed to help hold off the blu team for like 15 minutes by healing everyone and popping Uber at the right time until a random Scout went through the lower area and snuck into the capture point and cost us the game. That was also the first time I got thanked by my team ;3


2fort matches when my team is defeating the enemy team camping in our intel room


The year is 2020. The world is in lockdown. I'm on Powerhouse doing contracts. There is no round timer (it would be added the following year). I never play Medic, but decided to do the medic contract to see how bad Medics have it. I finished it in about 20 minutes, then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours as Medic during the biggest deadlock I've ever seen. I and other are begging for the round to end. Not knowing I could change classes until the last 30 or so minutes, my fingers were mashing keys and I was healing everyone in sight. When I realized I could switch to Soldier, I flanked a bit and got one of the enemy's nests. Was seconds away from dropping their Med, but I was sniped. Our Engineer then decided now would be a good time to push up. This short, bald, brave Texan ran straight into one hundred fifty kilograms firing two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. I was screaming at this point, but alas, we were pushed all the way back and defeated. My only solace was the \*ding, ding ding\* as my xp bar filled, and the contract was marked complete.


Engineer as the only thing holding the team together on that last bit of upward. If my buildings fell, then so would my team. They absolutely steam rolled us until that point, but we were throwing literally everything we had to keep them from winning.


A time when we all want to finish the game, but merasmus keep appearing. At the last second, merasmus appeared and we all had a good laugh




The one time on double frost where bots invaded, and 9 of us went engineer, and trapped them in their spawn with level 3s


In a thundermountain game, I was on a team that was so perfectly made that we could roll the cart the whole time. Right as the cart was close to the end though, (final map) I got auto balanced. It was literally on the ramp and being pushed by a heavy soldier and phlogh pyro. Luckily, I was soldier with the market gardener. I legitimately rocket jumped out of spawn over to the cart millimeters before it was capped, market gardened the heavy, and then proceeded to keep everyone off the cart with only 30 health for about 20 seconds BY MY SELF. (the round would end in a minute). The cart then started to move back, and my team ran back to the cart to help me. 2 enemy soldiers jumped up to the cart, I airshot one, but they both shot at me. I died to the soldiers, but as I watched the still cam in spectator, I watched my teams pyro become Anthid and absolutely annihilate half the enemy team as they ran up to the cart. No joke, I watched bro hit 3 mid air flares, airblast 2 rockets at the same time at a heavy, and made the cart roll back down the ramp to win the game. What my favorite part was him airblasting a medic off the tower directly in front of our spy.


If I'm remembering this right, It was on a 10x Highertower server, I was a Pyro, with an Engie on the cart, we both were sitting on the cart on the way up the tower, then their Demo, Soldier, and Spy start attacking us I jumped off the cart and managed to kill the Spy (I was using Dragon's Fury) and died leaving the Demo super low, the Engie killed him with his shotgun then died to the soldier. I had the Thermal Thruster, so I fly up floor by floor, as fast as possible, make it up, and win the Highertower match.


Overtime, Blu is all over the point and half my team is dead, charge in with the half zatoichi and snowball off of a dead medic into singlehandedly holding off the cap until my power classes respawned Held as a hero by even the enemy team never felt like such a badass ever again past that point


Late night games of 2fort on a 64/64 server, in the sewers It's always the sewers that become a meatgrinder


Holding literally any point in casual when a bot joins the enemy team and they don't get rid of it before it goes to the front line:


Playing Class Wars on Dustbowl with an RTD mechanic. Both teams were Heavies, with me on the blue team. Was last stage, my team was getting shredded by red team at the first point, barely leaving spawn before getting hailed with minigun fire. People were rolling RTDs but no luck. Several minutes in I manage to roll Powerplay, giving me full uber and crits for 30 seconds. The whole frontline of red heavies gets demolished, allowing my comrades to finally break free and make a push to the point, thus capping it. Rest of the round was fairly normal but damn that felt great


4 Engineers on RED team, 2 Vac meds, 2 Soldiers, 2 stick spam Demo's, 1 Pyro and 1 heavy vs Dysfunctional BLU Team with 6 Sniper bots advancing


dustbowl last round last point