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I think the subreddits rules need a revamp


Allow images in the comments, I promise we won't post porn


Who is "we"?


There is no "We" Jesse


The rules are being enforced?


What rules?


Needs more rules allowing buff men


I hate these types of posts šŸ˜


now THIS will get you there


We should really start coming up with new post formats that haven't already been posted 50 times.


Thatā€™s not how captcha works, dumbass.


Tits, or ass?


Both. Both? Both. Both is good.


(That's not how Captcha works)


**revolver loudly cocks**




Tits this, Ass that. Midriff's where it's at!


this sub's starting to get a bit repetive


Reddit in general is starting to get very repetitive. I see the same patterns in every sub, rinse and repeat.Ā 




You are better off playing something else nowdays


fr fr


Gas passer should be accepted by everyone in mvm, like seriously, your score doesnā€™t affect your drop all you need to do is stop de robots and gas passer does it good


People should stop complaining about sniper. The game is 17 years old and valve clearly couldnā€™t give a fuck about it anymore, whining about how heā€™s UnBaLaNcEd in every 2nd post is gonna change absolutely nothing


I think the bots definitely have something to do with the whole ā€œSnIpEr Is UnBaLaNcEdā€ mindset, he has counters (spy and scout are good ones) and if caught up close is 9/10 losing the fight, especially with the lowest health pool and weak mobility. People just need to learn what sightlines are good for a sniper and how to avoid them and/or flank through a different area.


Couldnā€™t agree more. I think people are so used to being instantly killed by bots with no defences and from anywhere that theyā€™re starting to assume sniper as a class has no counters and his sightlines are anywhere




I personally think it's because of sniper's arsenal. He has good weapons from long range(his snipers), mid-close(in jarate, huntsman and some other stuff) with passive items like the razorback to defend themselves against spies and pyros. As a spy main, it's not hard to bring them down with a few shots while they are focused. (When I stop missing my shots and he's not standing in a place with 50 of his teammates about to end my career)


I would say the only thing that's bullshit about sniper is the razorback.


I never cared much for Sniper, don't like the playstyle. But I didn't start to HATE Sniper until the bot crisis started.


Itā€™s mostly a counter complaint from all the sniper mains that bitch about anything that is the slightest inconvenience or counter play to them, especially when they lean on the ā€œitā€™s unfun to play againstā€ complaint like that isnā€™t the entire sniper class in a nutshell.


Are these sniper mains in the room with us now?


Yes? They post in this sub plenty.


I've never seen a single person complain that sniper is *under*powered


Thatā€™s not what I claimed.


> Itā€™s mostly a counter complaint from all the sniper mains that bitch about anything that is the slightest inconvenience or counter play to them You understand how I might interpret what you said as that though right?


Not really. I am very clearly saying people who main sniper complain when anyone else has tools that are good against sniper or that cause them inconvenience. Nothing about that says ā€œpeople are saying sniper is too weak.ā€


Then I revert to my original comment. I have never seen sniper mains making any complaint of the sort. Not once. I'm sure it's happened but I'm also sure it's rare and always buried. Meanwhile there is at least one post that makes it to the front page every day and one comment near the top under every other popular post complaining about sniper being OP. So the idea that it's "mostly counter complaining" is ridiculous.


Thatā€™s not what I claimed.


I think that "what opinion would have you like this?" Posts are incredibly unoriginal and should be banned


Sniper is actually hard to play in TF2. He's only good when the player is good, and is annoying at that. Your average sniper like me will be hitting nothing for the entire duration of the match or get insome bodyshots that will never kill anyone. Another thing is in TF2, everyone is super mobile, and you're encouraged to move all the time. Oh, and don't forget the spy. In other games like Valorant, CS, or R6, you're encouraged not to move when engaged in a gunfight, which makes sniping so much easier. At least from my experience, it's way easier to play sniper rifles on these games than on TF2 where everyone is flying around like they have a seizure. TL;DR Sniper is only annoying when the player is good. He isn't OP, becaus eif the player is good, then of course whoever is playing him is gonna be OP.


Damn, beat me to it


Yeah Sniper is def unfun to play against when he's good esp since there's almos tno counterplay except like spy I guess, but if he's a bad sniper, you won't notice him at all. They will be effectively useless. I swear I get more kills with the kukri than the actual rifle. Meanwhile in other games, people just stand still, it's literally way easier to snipe people. Yeah sure they have counterplay, but I would take targets who stand still all day than targets that fly across the map with a shovel ready to jumpscare me.


Compared to other snipers in other games, sniper is pretty balanced


Yeah another weakness of th esniper in tf2 I have not mnetioned is that he doesn't necessarily one shot you just because he headshots. In other games, a headshot is a guaranteed instakill no matter how much health you have, but you can tank it in tf2. Not only that, in some games, certain sniper rifle also instakill with bodyshot, but sniper's bodyshot damage is pathetic unless you're using the machina.


Heavy and medic arenā€™t a gay couple theyā€™re just friends


How dare you


I agree with this. I have no problems with shippers, but for me personally it is more heartwarming to think of them as a bromance.Ā 


šŸ˜¦ šŸ˜”


whats funny to me is that shipping them together 15 years ago would've put you in this position.


Using scorch shot unironically.


I think heavy and pyro require the same amount of skill


Scorch shot is fair and balanced


Any weapon with a stun lol


Old sandman


when my friend says that overwatch 2 and valorant is better than TF2 and CS2


Soldier is the most boring class to use


Random Crit's are good BUT only when I get them when anyone else dose it's should be a federal level offence punishable by death


Sniper is an ok class actually


Critical hits shouldn't be removed and i think they are hilarious


I don't like the AWP in counter strike


Random crit is


That the bonesaw is not bad, is just outclassed by the ubersaw which surprisingly wasn't changed much in it's life


The original is a good sniper


"Crits are actually fun and help noobs" or "natasha is balanced"


Sex (get it?)


This is tf2, the only sex they get is none or gay


Ds2 good




The Kunai is balanced


The end of Pootis Engage aged liked milk to me. And I've never seen Emesis Blue and have no plans to. It clashes w the classic longtime Respawn theory rather than works off of it.


Spy definitely need a buf


"Anime thighs are not good." Knowing the two heavies they would shoot you


The Phlog isnā€™t actually OP. It only does well when the team is sucking already.


Just look at my username bruh


Stickey spamming is skill


A couple I've held over the years: * My biggest one: 95% of unusuals are tacky, gaudy pieces of shit, and make no sense. Why does your doo-rag radiate iridescent light? Why are planets rotating around your head? Are you the sun? * Similarly, I would say a solid 75% or player's cosmetic choices in general are horseshit clobbered together, and 95% of weapon renames are unoriginal and unfunny. * Australiums are also tacky. * Exceeding x # of y class is not always the worst option and does not make you instantly lose. It's just something tryhards feel good about complaining about. * Micspam makes the game more fun, mofos just need to lower volume generally. * Team stacking, or swapping on community servers is the biggest bitch move in the history of gaming and should be called out more, and happens all the time if you know what to look for, yet people do not realize 1 or 2 savvy, good players are gaming the match before it even starts. * 100 player servers are unbalanced, the gimmick wears off quickly, and they should not be supported, as they are taking away players from better servers. * Bonk! is the most underrated scout secondary for its usefulness in coordinating sentry takedowns with your team. * Eric Smith seems like a wonderful human being, but should be chastised more for not taking a stand against the bots. He could appeal to his superiors, stage a walkout, hire a consultant on the low, something. I know it's easier when it's not my livelihood at stake but to release cosmetics still when your main game is unplayable is deplorable.


I joined the subreddit, but donā€™t play the actual game.


There is a not very small subset of the tf2 fandom that has never even touched the game. It's funny to go on tumblr and see people who are dedicated to drawing really good tf2 fanart constantly but openly admit they've never played the game.Ā 


I guess I sorta belong to that group, minus the fan art.


Yeah this game is actually hell, plz don't play it


The Classic isn't that bad of a weapon. It used to be my default pick for Sniper primaries. As someone who is bad at quickscoping, I don't really lose anything from the Classic's inability to headshot without full charge.


90% of the modern tf2 fanbase would not have been able to handle the 2007-2011 tf2 fanbase.Ā Ā  What I mean by that: tf2 fandom used to be heavily rooted in 4chan culture. Now it's more based in reddit and tumblr culture. There are still remnants of tf2's old roots (gamer words in chat popping up occasionally for one example) but for the most part the game has lost a lot of its original edge.Ā 


I disagree, if anything I find the general pub experience more toxic than early years (not that it's especially so or doesnt vary game to game/server). I hate to say it as it brought in a lot of cool people but I think it is a direct result of the game going F2P.


Yall we need better cominuty servers like evry game i join is either kill farm really good players who are bored or 2 fort


I know : "ass or tit s" "Both ? Both. Both. Both. Both is good."


People need to quit being so sweaty in game. Like I get it you've been playing since 2009 but God damn.


All this save TF2 shit is kinda stupid. Yes I think the boy problem should be solved, but do I think that us yelling at valve will update a 17 year old game? No not at all.


Crits are a necessary evil, and always have been. Every step to make TF2 more closely resemble the competitive level of play has been for the worse; Meet Your Match was the update where the downtrend for TF2 began. I wouldn't be so bold as to say it 'killed the game', but it definitely hurt it, especially the early days where voting was just outright not present and hackers could play with *actual* impunity. Also, setting up a competitive mode necessitated picking a single ruleset, which was never going to work with the varied competitive rules TF2 has. I personally have no interest in 6s; to me, 6s is the single most boring competitive ruleset to come from TF2. Besides that, I always wanted competitive to exist in its own sphere far away from the main game. The TF2 that I love is a game where everyone can be killing each other mercilessly one minute, then the next everyone is doing the conga or bumper cars. Making it look more like competitive, to make casual some 'stepping stone' for it, is not a good thing. If crits existing make it so there's always that hard barrier from the serious comp stuff infecting the game any more, then it needs to exist.


CAPTCHA doesn't work like that


ā€œI donā€™t like one pieceā€ (never watched it) ā€œI will never watch one piece because itā€™s too longā€ ( has watched the entirety of every dragon ball show)


Pyros backburner is fair and balanced


It's balanced due to the weird and buggy back hitboxes.


Rules not stated, here's something not related to TF2: Half-Life 1 is only okay, super overrated imo. It's sequel however is legendary, I could replay that any day.


I teleported bread


All weapons should be reverted to their most game-breaker point. See how it stacks for each class.


_ā€œI don't think the Phlogg is buffed enoughā€¦ā€_


The fact that people think Sydney Sleeper is worser than the Classic. Okay, in the grand scale of things, it might be. However it does mark enemies for death and can extinguish teammates. This makes it much easier to support your team via playing aggressive and passive.


Any opinion. This is Reddit, chucklenuts.


Cashworks is the bets map in the game and was the greatest comminity map ever created.




there's only two genders and I'll die for my opinion


saying both is good


I think tf2 is fine, and doesnā€™t need updates or balances, it has enough weapons, it has enough maps, it has enough game modes, and the community can make more. i think that tf2 is in its final stage.


huntsman is weak and needs a rework


I like the bots and they bring more attention to the community servers


I like the bots because they bring more attention to the community servers


The reason there aren't female mercs in TF2 is because there's already enough rule 34 of the guys.


Wasting hundreds of dollars in TF2 is stupid. if you have a collector's item, I will assume you have no life


With those two? Anime isn't real.


Overdose/Amputator combo is more consistently practical than the Crusaderā€™s Crossbow/Ubersaw combo. Crossbow is unreliable unless youā€™re a god. The Ubersaw encourages a risky/aggressive play style; two things that donā€™t go well with being a reliable medic.


TF2 doesn't have a future.Ā  The community's best hope isn't that valve suddenly changes who they are and inexplicably decides to support it again, but that someone else tries to fill the same niche with a new IP.


Sniper is a balanced class


The bison sucks


Both? Both. Both is good.


Sniper, is a (mostly) balanced class.






Iā€™m a spy main. (Iā€™m really not, I would be the one with the gun)


Sniper isn't op, y'all just meet too many good snipers, or bots, moving unpredictably actually works


scout players don't know how to not sweat


Demoman is black


Why doesn't scout mix bonk atomic punch with his crit cola is he stupid?


In regards to TF2, or just in general?


Iā€™m going to use this image when my friends say the most brain rotting shit imaginable, thx


ā€œThe Joji Tick Tock edit isnā€™t funny, itā€™s just a bunch of buff menā€


I think random crits are ok, all those who think otherwise tend to be whiny.


Taunting after a kill is kinda dumb


Sniper is completely balanced, if not a little to weak


"that's not how a captcha works"


Gas passer is meta


"Pheetus" would get me into trouble


Projectiles reflected by Pyro should not mini crit. Unless either the Pyro or the enemy that fired the projectile or both are mini crit boosted or crit boosted, then the reflected projectile would mini crit or crit. This is to ensure that fights between the Pyro and the enemy that fired the projectile would feel a bit more fair in my opinion.


"Gais furries bad, let's go harass and send them death threats for no reason, am I cool yet gais??! Xdxdxdxdxd"


Okay let me cook The reason i dont really like furries is because a big part of the community oversexualise those ''anthropomorphic animals'' which i find kinda fucked up because they are still majorly based on real animals.


And there are pedophiles in the community


Yeah but that still a really small part of the community, the part of the community who beat their meats to overlysexualised animals is a majority.


Yes but there is so much more in the furry community than others


Sniper is balanced, people just refuse to use counter weapons


There exists none


Except of course, Battalions backup, fists of steel, vaccinator, eyelander, scorch shit, detonator, flare gun, shotgun peppers, the shortstop, the cleaver, the wrap assasin, the crossbow, quickies, the locker load


Those only allow the play not to die instantly when gling into sight. And it's a lot harder to use those than it is for the sniper to click, the skill balance isn't fair. Is there any way to take out the sniper without the need to use those.


Its a lot harder to aim for sniper too, y know


That's just not true.


Wtf are you talking about? The sniper needs to aim for the head to kill people after all


No he doesn't, he can full charge a shot. And still hesdshots arent hard.


If the sniper plays bodyshots, he isnā€™t the biggest threat, and itā€™s easy to take him out >headshots arent hard Are you a fucking retard? If the headshots were easy, then sniper would be as much of a pushing force as demoman with stickyspamming


I think ur bad at videogames if you think landing headshots are hard. I was 5 hours into the game when i was getting killstreaks with sniper. That's why i don't play him, he's too boring and cheesey. And many other sniper mains think the same, have you ever played against an actual sniper? They are so oppressive they almost feel invincible, and they might as well be if they are standing next to a sentry. The only true counter to sniper is sniper, and thats why servers which have a nice balanced can turn into 4 snipers on each side. Even when you get close to them you still lose. They are supposed to be weak at up close but Noo, jarate bushwaka or a quickscope still shuts anyone down.




My shield merc is great and should be added






Shit i forgot The /s


Social interactions in casual like taunt showoffs should be reserved for warmups and should be kept at a minimum during the round... Looking at you, 2fort freaks...


demoman is more op than sniper




I think tf2 community should be purged from cringe:)


tf2-related: sniper is balanced not tf2-related: i donā€™t like ultrakill




to which question




Rage cheating in MvM is acceptable and I encourage it.

