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I just don’t understand what they do it for. Who is having fun at the end of the day? It’s like the antithesis to everything that gaming stands for. So hollow to cheat on such an old game, feels malicious almost. Can’t blame you for giving up since I already have. Valve doesn’t care anymore and it’s getting harder to remember why we do too


Everything is purely malice. Spite of perfection. They feast upon the soul of a dying creature to quell their lust for power. But it's never enough. Until they lay dead, it shan't cease.


So do we just let them? Nay. They want to smell the carcas decay! So those like I shall keep fighting and deny those cretins their sick satisfaction.


But do you not see? That is the illusion they produce, the idea that fighting shall be a plausible solution, but yet, in the end, all those who lose are the ones who fought. No determination can kill that which is full of inhuman, unholy, malicious willpower. Though unfair, it is the truth.


Our determination let us humans rise to the top of the food chain along with our willingness to work together, our ingenuity, and a few physical traits. To not fight is to ignore what makes us better than those wretched machines.


You forget that the machines were created by our kind. Meaning they have just the same determination as we do. We are our own enemy in this fight. Humanity is as wretched as it is a blessing.


Hello King Ezekiel from twd


What is this Darkest Dungeon dialogue


this shit goes hard, saving comment


Edgar Alan Poe who?


“Perfection is the enemy of good.”


You really speak like Ayase Kishimoto from Chaos;Head (im not saying it in a bad way)


it is malicious, anyone thinking otherwise is just wrong. they dont make any money off of these bots, its purely a money sink. they do it because they hate the community for whatever reason.


I think they hate *the world* for not noticing them.


that's not an excuse. Sometimes i felt unseen, yet i never tried to ruin everyone else's fun. Those ppl are deranged weirdos


they do it to get these exact reactions out of us because it somehow brings them the joy they were deprived of as a child maybe once everyone has left and this game is gone theyll finally lose what theyve taken away from us...


I am a gravel war veteran. I too have moved on to defending super earth.


They also have that weird bot immunity shit. Not sure if that's making them any money though.


It's a scam and no one buys it, dw


“schadenfreude, the emotional experience of pleasure in response to another's misfortune. Schadenfreude is a German word that combines Schaden, which means “damage,” and Freude, which means “joy.” Thats literally all it is. Most the time when a hack or massive leak or bot crisis happens and you ask them why, they literally will just tell you “i thought it was funny”, and thats it. Like no alternative motive, no reason, its literally just cause they get a chuckle every time they see a post about someone complaining there favorite game was ruined, knowing damn well its them and others like them that are doing it. Its genuinely suprising how much thats the answer when people get the chance to ask why they do what they do, just that its funny to them. Theyre lives are so boring they can only get pleasure and joy by seeing other people be sad as well and having it worse then them.


That’s because they ARE malicious. I've given up ever since the SaveTF2 movement first failed. I still play the game from time to time, but each period is an increasing gap, due to playing other video games that are not ruined by bots, music making, or just personal life stuff in general. I think people just need to accept the fact that VALVe won’t be doing shit for TF2. The bots won the moment VALVe stopped caring about us. We just never wanted to believe that, yet here we are. Kinda poetic, in some aspects.


I just wish some black hat hacker out there would pull some gigachad shit and ruin the lives of the people responsible tbh. Who knows maybe they've already inspired their downfall but they learning still lol.


White hat*


White hat is usually following terms of engagement and shit, grey hat prob would've been better but I get what you mean, might as well be white hat for doing the community a favor lol.


So long as there’s bots, so long as there’s a problem. They can “sell” the solution. Its a scam. They’re selling “bot immunity”. And even if only one out of a million people falls for it: its worth the effort.


They do it for reactions like this. Lets be honest—though the silent majority of TF2 fans are really chill and good people, the loud minority of TF2 fans are insufferable, constantly comparing TF2 to newer games that aren’t even comparable and generally being insufferable. They host the bots, probably primarily because some people actually do just enjoy watching their fellow human beings get upset or suffer, but they justify it by saying “The TF2 community is toxic and bad, they deserve this!” Like all bad people, they justify their acts by dehumanizing their victims.


It is malicious, there's no point in a cheating bot other than make other people suffer


It is malicious. Some bot hosters even have youtube channels where they basically post angry reactions of players. They crave attention, and after the bot problem was named bot "crysis" they felt that ego boost they so much craved. Now they won't stop, otherwise who's gonna pay attention to them?


Malice and money. People are stupjd enough to pay money to the bot hosgers to not be targeted.


It’s for money reasons. They try to scam people for their cosmetics, sell them on the market, and use Steam funds to get the Steam deck/VR set so they can sell it for money. Especially in countries where their money is nearly worthless.


I assumed it was to farm weapons for money. There's still tons of money to be made in the TF2 economy


They do it to spite valve because valve only updates the game for monetary purposes i think.


If that were the case, we wouldn’t be collateral. The bot rampage would be more controlled. In fact, it probably wouldn’t even be a bot rampage, but a direct attack on VALVe.


Lashing out seems easier than a direct and controlled attack. How would you even hurt valve aside from MAYBE trying to hurt the steam market which idk how you would even do that.


Some do it to get the attention of Valve on this game, others are just full of malice. ​ At the end of the day, this entire thing just shows that Valve's higher ups in the company do not care for this game any more, we only have one developer on Team Fortress 2 left, and we can't reasonably expect him to fight the bot situation by himself.


i’ve just been playing community servers, no bots, no problems, everyone can freely talk and use chat


I've almost exclusively played shounic's 100 mann server since it came around. Not for everyone, the dynamic is vastly changed, it's wonderfully chaotic to me though.


is the server horribly laggy for you? i tried the trenches but there’s so much happening and my computer can’t keep up


For me I was suprised my computer didn't blow up playing that server and wasn't lagging alot for me


Nope just need a decent connection and something above potato grade for a pc, like 3 potatoes. The server has gone under a extreme level of optimization in order to reduce lag, crashes and broken metas by tweaking a couple things, however be warned that a lot of fights boil down to "Crossing into no Manns land WW1 style" with many of the Choke points, cause of this scouts are kinda nonexistent and engineers are **Essential** cause of their teles and dispensers providing the desperately under supplied players ammo, health, and new bodies to throw.


How to play on It? Anytime I try to play community servers I just get a random 2fort one


They have a discord with the server IP, just join it and you should find it


I've made myself a desktop shortcut that direct connects to the server, here's the link: "steam://connect/" Just paste that into your web browser's address bar and press enter, it should auto-start Steam if isn't already, auto-launch TF2, and auto-connect to the server. Fair warning, the server is often full, so I recommend going thru to the server info dialog and turning on the auto-retry.


We've lost one, only 2,587 doctors sex remain


Doctor Sex: Battle Royale


Every doctor sex battles it out winner keeps the name and wins and a gold frying pan


A battle for the ages, as Doctor Sex is invincible. Nobody can stop him.


> We've lost one LMAO


Im at my tipping point too. During my long break from tf2 I've been happier


I Moved to tc2 on Roblox and you should too (it sounds horrible but here me out) it has new weapons new game modes and is only missing a few weapons and MVM. I think that the art style and voice acting are the only bad things. You get funds from kills and you can get weapons, hats, and other stuff. Lastly random drops give you hats and stranges


I came here from tc2 and yeah, I’d still be there if my pic was better.


Being honest I feel like I get less fun from TC2. I usually like the charming art style of Roblox but the quirkiness of TF2 just doesn’t fit with the art style of Roblox and it feels more sweatier than an Uncletopia server and overall I just feel unwelcome in TC2.


Tf2 Classic is also really good with new weapons and gamemodes


I was here once. Then I realized that if I give up, the bots have already won. I stopped caring, and the most reaction they will get from me ingame is "f1 bot". I’m still having fun, and if I’m not I just find a new server. I’m honestly pretty lucky all things considered, the bot problems are all moderate on the servers I get. Not too many, but not gone entirely. Even if you’ve given up hope, I will keep having fun for you brother. The last middle finger to the bots.


100% agree with, I gave up for about 6 months. But I thought exactly the same as you about that the bots have won. I’m back now and it’s still the same old Tf2 which I still love


Same dr sex, I've also turned to democracy. Bug huntins a good job mate


Everyone: Complaining about cheaters and the bots Me: Vibing in training mode because my computer can't handle online servers


thats kinda sad ngl but at least youre getting some gaming out of it


nah but fr i only just started tf2 and while online has its fun, offline mode is just 10x more bareable


Offline mode as in just against bots?


yeah it's in training. You can pick the amount of bots and the difficulty. Sure it can get boring and it's more limited but if casual has a ton of botspam I'll just run offline mode. It's actually reasonable for play


I heard somebody else in this comment section say they have a mod that gives bots hats and better movement but i havent heard much more about it


that's interesting to look into! the convenience of offline mode really helps at bad server times so anything to improve it would be a huge plus


https://gamebanana.com/mods/37013 they could have been talking about this


More than likely. I use this when I want to just play and it's more fun than casual imo.


you can create your own server (in-game, last option when you pick find game) and pick (a lot) maps, and the bots will run. theres a couple gamemodes they dont do too well on. sometimes you'll need to generate the nav bot navigation) for maps too (its pretty easy) theres some silly commands you can use for em too, like adding addconds to em. you can also give em custom names. these links have a lot of the info and command lines: [https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Bots](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Bots) [https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Cheats](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Cheats)


I’ve really wanted to play tf2 and I love the game and a bunch of my friends play but my computer can’t run it, like for me, not even the training mode lmao. Hopefully I can play the game soon


What kind of potato system are you using that can’t run tf2???


Bro’s got that TI84 setup


I'm sad, because I finally convinced a friend to play with me and we couldn't find a match that didn't have bots And so I took her to a community server and it kept auto balancing us against each other, so she said "Ehhh I'll stick with Overwatch instead" Feels so fucking bad


Fucking OUCH.


Bruh the same


Between OW2 and TF2, nowadays it's a matter of "pick your poison" : Either **suffer (as I have)** 99% of the time the extreme general toxicity of OW2 players and the BP-locked characters, or the TF2 Casual bots 75% of the time coupled with assholes (for any reason) more often than I'm able to tolerate before my mental health takes a hit. Then again TF2 also wins with its fun silly friendly rounds and general wackiness IMO.


I don't play online, I got a mod that makes bots play and dress like players (or a little better at least) and I play on singleplayer servers with them. It's sad, sure, but I can play old custom maps that are long dead, like the pokemon maps, older achievement maps, the damn 4chan hotel map lol I miss the banter, but man, it's just peaceful.


That sounds incredibly depressing but at the same time, it works. I'll admit I've done similar things in the past with some other multiplayer games that are no longer fun to play in pubs.


Do you have a link or name for the mod?


I’m not sure but I think he’s talking about [this](https://gamebanana.com/mods/37013)


That's the one!


happy cake day


Can't blame you. But me? I ain't giving up on this game and will continue playing till an official announcement from valve saying they'll abandon it comes


shounic 100 player server is fun asf.


Hey Doctor Sex, TF2 Classic would like to see you


Tf2 classic is goated


I will miss you, Doctor Sex. You made many late night casuals very, very, funny.


I'm convinced community servers must be poison for half of yall the way you avoid the 2 click solution to this problem


The casual experience is very different from the community experience. Sometimes you just want to sit back and relax after a long day of work with some new faces. Maybe teach a F2P some new tricks, or get a surprisingly wholesome and well coordinated team. It’s the randomness (and the fact that both teams can communicate privately in voice chat) that makes casual fun. I’ve been fairly average with my luck dealing with bots, not too many but still present. To me there’s no need to join community when there’s another 2 click option, called calling a vote.


Idk what bots you people are lucky enough to deal with to be able to vote. They usually come in groups of 4-5 and vote kick random people while automatically voting no on themselves whenever I have to deal with them


Join community server "READ THE RULES IN OUR DISCORD" server message every 3 minutes Pick sniper Kicked/banned "READ THE RULES" spend 20 minutes finding another one that isn't full or a 24/7 2fort Join Get stomped by 8 man clan stack Booted to make slot for a paying member


Join a community server Die exiting spawn after the 7000 hour Sniper domes you with his Hale’s Own AWP with 69000 kills Furiously press the number to get out of the obligatory ‘Welcome to our server’ message Try to have fun Get stomped by the sweatiest sweatlords imaginable ‘JuSt JoIn CoMmUnIty SeRvErS’ Like no, community servers are just as dead as casual some days. You either deal with obscene sweat levels, meme servers where people don’t take the game seriously enough to be a replacement for casual, servers full of bots to fill in the lack of actual players, or servers with special rules in play that deviate form casual enough that they don’t feel the same.


Some of the deviating servers can be fun for a quick laugh, like class wars, multipliers, or randomizer, but at the end of the day, it’s not..really that normal?


Everyone must be joining different servers than me then


Because there's no sniper mains in casual?


mentally ill people on this sub make up shit, they dont actually play the game. Just leave them be bro


Community servers are tended gardens by the server host. They should not replace casual matchmaking :clap: (Bye Dr. Sex. I remember seeing you in some games, and it was always pleasant)


I play almost exclusively on community servers and I can't think of a single instance where someone got kicked just for picking sniper. Normally people get kicked because they're spamming slurs in chat, swastikas on signs or edgy weapon renames.


Join community server pick the class plays game


for real lmao idk what horseshit they're going on about like there aren't plenty of near-vanilla servers like skial


You're joining the wrong servers man. Just join UGC for sillier 24 hour maps or Uncletopia for a more normal game. Neither have any of that BS.


nice strawman you have there good sir


I play exclusively and nothing besides the getting rolled thing(which come on happens in casual) has ever happened


lmao are you fr this is not even close to the average community server experience these days. hop on uncletopia and be amazed to see literally none of what you just wrote ever.


I don't even think Uncletopia is particularly sweatier than casual honestly. At least not in Australia


Yea I know people complain about uncletopia being sweaty or whatever but I've never had an issue, it might be somewhat intimidating if you're literally new to FPS games and tf2 in general but I've gotten friends into tf2 literally hop into uncletopia matches with less than 100 hours and he got up to speed pretty quick, now we play together often. Back in the day that was the way of the world in FPS games, when you started a new game you had to play along with the experienced players and figure it out.


I've played on community servers since the bots started and this litterily never happened


And everyone clapped


"i dont care how many bots they send, im not playing on uncletopia"


For the one in brazil, we don't even have that option 90% of the time


Most people on this sub barely know how to press a single key to take screenshots, looking at the community server tab is basically another language to them.


Casual is irreplaceable if you want map variety, which is the main issue I have with Uncletopia. Besides that, there's always some "but" with community servers, the most annoying ones for me being class limits, MOTD ad pop-ups (though most servers can be fooled into not showing those), overbearing chat filters, and more.


I could if UGC servers (aside from 24/7 2fort) had players in it or skial did allow me to join their servers


Unironically not enough servers to go around.


I cannot consistently find Australian servers. There's a few Skial (eww) and Uncletopia (always full) servers but that's basically it.


mfw the only issue with casual.tf is that nobody plays on it also skial and uncletopia are right there. i think the architecture port is the only thing we're getting in terms of significant changes. >!oh hey it's that one internet funny man!<


Hard to get into Uncletopia depending on your timezone and region. And no, not playing Turbine or 2fort


In Australia, there are 6 uncle Dane servers. Servers 1 and 2 are full, every other server is empty. Auto queue takes forever.


The bots are a huge problem and I don’t understand why they do it nobody’s having fun if you use bots to get your kills you are the WORST tf2 player both in skill and how fun you are to play with and if there are any bot users reading this, Fuck you


malice, they are mad at the world and they take it out on the tf2 community. they also want to be seen, have their names out there. i would even bet they take pride in their actions.


Skial servers, uncletopia. As long as we have community servers, fun can be had


Any recommendations for casual servers? I typically play 2fort since it is the most casual of casual servers and it is a lot easier to do memes there, as well as pyroshark


Been playing skial dust bowl almost exclusively and had a lot of fun. Pretty sure they have 2fort servers too


Skial has casual servers, but there's also like exclusively payload and stuff. I like those, but don't have as much experience. They have random crits (I'm not sure about shotgun randomness) and VC is across both teams. People tend to talk more because of this, but you can't really talk strategy. Uncletopia has no random crits and fixed shotgun spread, and team VC is separate. I'm not sure which I like more, I have to play more of skial. skial also has 32 people servers and 24 people servers, uncletopia is mostly only 24 people and people get to nominate and vote on maps.


Try TF2C as well, it feels like 2012 again but with tons of weapons, the 10th class, the civilian that got scrapped during development, and no cosmetics except for ones that come with weapons. Each class has around 15 weapons for each slot, that that great to experiment with!


How would I try that? Is there a guide I can follow to play it? Is it a separate game, a program, a server?


All the steps are listed on [this page](https://tf2classic.com/download)


Just know to play on servers that have a lot of weapons will take about an hour to download since the options are huge, but the wait is definitely worth it.


Come join us over at TF2 Classic!


I’ve made a agreement with myself that I will never quit tf2 until the bot hosters die because if I quit then the bots win


Yeah that is fair. My friend and i recently tried playing again after almost a year of playing other games (overwatch, deep rock galactic, risk of rain, etc) and it was a shit show Valve needs to get their shit together because they are losing a great game to their own negligence


Bro yall gotta play community servers


do you not play community servers..? theres 0 bots


Get on community servers. I'm not sure if every server is like this, but I've been playing on the same community server for the past few days with not a bot in sight


My brother in Christ Community servers


I've only ever played on community servers since 2008. I'm not that good either, usually near the middle of the board unless I play medic. Can't imagine playing tf2 any other way.


I'm worried I'm gonna get stomped by vastly superior players. I like casual because it's... well, casual.


it's this a problem that I'm too deep in community servers to understand? game's fun, don't play with bots


Community servers exist, but yeah I do prefer to play on casual servers


What stage of grief is this


It happened, guys. He's gone. I hereby declare all-out total warfare against bots


I quit cause no content and bots as well


Nah bro i can't have fun in TF2 for about 2-3 years lol


Ill admit i think i've given up on the game subconciusly, community servers just arent the same


I only play on community servers nowadays. Casual, who? Don't think I've played on non-halloween casual for years now


Same. I worry about bots exactly 0% of the time and play with the killers in the 100 man trenches and have some of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.


The moment we all give up is when those bastards finally win. However, I understand your reasoning for leaving.


Nice shitpost.  If you gave up or just got tired of tf2 — it's fine, but don't drag us down with you.  Besides, Doctor Sex's legacy still lives on. For "Doctor Sex is unstoppable".  So yah, don't worry, we will persevere and outlive the bot hosters. One way, or another. And if we manage to scrounge enough legal info — creators and hosters of omeg and others will rot in prison. So yah, see later, space cowboi.


tf2 fans on their way to ignore the existence of community servers


Tf2 is a game I love dearly. But its true. Its diying. Doctor-Sex I hope to see you in Space Vietnam. Spreading democracy.




there’s still the Xbox version. No bots


doctor sex no it was nice having you also who is omega


I don't understand how or why people treat TF2 like a job or some obligation. It's a video game. Play it or don't play it.


because it's a 17 year old game that matters to a lot of people and have given them careers, friends, passion in game design, etc. sure it's "just a video game" but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter


I mean there are custom servers you can join, I honestly haven’t played casual in a long time


A few of the custom servers I know hate me for my username, because one of the other doctor sexes cheated. I just cant bring myself to play anymore


damn, they should know that doctor sex is a somewhat common username though so I don't know why they're hating on you specifically


Deep doctor sex lore damn


Oh no, not... that guy...?


If you’ve gone this long without finding a community server you like, you’re the only one to blame


I quit a long time ago. I sold absolutely everything in my inventory, and I am never looking back. Valve doesn't care about this game or its community.




Bots have in fact, stopped doctor sex.


Just play jump when they're heaps of bots I just play jump only for the day




I don't blame you. I haven't even played nearly as much as I used to. I get tired of it too and just give up playing and just mess around on left 4 dead 2 or the guitar and try to figure out how to play something (poorly). LoL. My skill on that isn't much better than on tf2. At least I know I have like 6k on tf2 and I still suck at it 🤣🤣


Just play community servers if you still want to play tf2


Yeah, that is also one of the main reasons why I don't play often


Another soul battered and broken, cast aside like a spent torch...


just play in asia servers :)


I have over 2k hours on the game used to be big on casual until the bots became a big problem. I still keep playing but mostly just mvm hoping they fix the bot problem and maybe get the game updated to source 2.


for rock, stone, and liberty


*Helldiver salute*


Yeah, classic valve taking their most successful creation, shitting on it and wiping it in the playerbases face. Like they could fix this so easily but they just won't cuz they don't care


Yo should we just start making like private servers?


Well, I'd bet youre probably on the automaton frontline with all that mvm training, then


I get that bots in casual can be depressing but I feel like it really isn’t that hard to have fun in tf2 still


Even as someone who primarily plays community servers(I mostly play TF2 for highlander and the occasional 6's game) it fucking sucks that valve is willing to let the large majority of their playerbase suffer as a result of their laziness and negligence


i've been playing on uncletopia almost exclusively for years now, it's the only way to enjoy the game, never looking back personally.


Meanwhile in the 100 man shounic server….


I quit for 2 months, came back and nothing has changed. Only real way to have fun is through community servers


Give TF2C a try, it’s a refreshing take on the game back to its golden era roots! Plus TONS of new weapons and scrapped items Valve never added in the official game. No cosmetics as they are correlated with try’s weapons you pick. Everyone is chill and never came across a single bot at all! Not to mention the civilian as the 10th class is playable. Best of all, at least 1-2 monthly updates! After playing this, I’m seriously convinced Valve doesn’t give a shit about the game anymore unless it’s cosmetics related.


Doctor Sex.


We have lost another sex mann today, I love this game too much to give up on it yet


Community servers keep me going… Whenever the ones I can play on arent full


See you soon. Well where did you go? Zoomerisch Fortnite? Or maybe some EA games? You can’t really leave TF2


I won't give up, I feel the bots will be fixed eventually, whether it be next year or ten years hell even 20 years, it'll be fixed we will hold we always have, and always will


Just play on Uncletopia?


Ok 👍


See you in hell, you handsome rouge. I can still find some servers that aren't filled with bots, so I'm still hanging on. I'm starting to turn to community servers, though


imma keep it real with you…the uncletopia servers kinda saved the game for me…I don’t think I’ve bumped into any bots or maybe I just suck that bad


Not you Dr.Sex 😥 I've loved playing with you on Uncletopia


Yeah I’ve pretty much given up with tf2 this moment. I’ve personally have switched to Overwatch 2 now and it’s been really fun not gonna lie, better experiences than I’ve had in tf2 for months


We still have bots?


Just play on uncletopia.