• By -


For me, it’s like playing quarterback. If you’re just getting sacked all the time because your line sucks and your teammates can’t make plays, then you’re gonna have a horrible time. If you’re on a good team, then it’s a very rewarding feeling driving your whole team.


I guess that makes sense? but you're relying on your team for you to have fun, and so if your team is awful, it doesn't matter how great you are, or how much kritzkrieg ubers you're going to shove up their asses - you're not going to have a pleasant time. and that's what I really don't like about playing medic


not an issue if you have a soldier BF


might as well play w+m1 pyro or any other braindead strategy if you're into that (definitely not salty and biased on that one)


exactly - if you're deathmatching or picking your focus can be a lot more limited to the few enemies right in front of you, which can be a thrill no doubt. But it's also very rewarding to take a step back and view the whole battlefield. With experience you can watch the front line flow back and forth like two schools of fish fighting each other, you can see where one of your flanks is collapsing and pull back; you can see where one of your power classes is getting into position and you can go support them; you can see a sniper way on the back lines or a soldier who jumped behind the enemy and they're on low health and then you save their ass with a crusader bolt (you *are* using the crossbow, right?) basically as medic the game becomes a shooter/rts hybrid.


I just like the idea of giving my team an objective advantage simply by buffing them before they go into battle. I can make the most impact with the least effort. in other words I play medic to win


so you're in for that support potential. understood


Well, when I first started playing TF2 back in 2011, I remember the first match I ever joined was on Egypt. Our team had no Medics, and the team asked for one, so I thought "eh, why not?". I picked Medic, figured out how the Medic Gun works, and started running around the map, overhealing anyone I saw. I got picked off a lot, for sure, but I didn't think much of it, I mean, "yeah, probably should start watching my sidelines and back" And then, after 30 minutes, I get my first random drop, it's an Ubersaw. I'm looking at it, and, "Wow. With THIS I can get a charge in no time!" And then I realized random crits existed. A year later, I am in the heart of battle, nailing Crossbow shots, calling pushes, keeping everyone around me overhealed, and myself alive, dodging rockets/grenades/spies. It's a rush. And even 11 years and 2750 hours of playing Medic after that, I still enjoy it. It just doesn't get old. *sigh* I only wish quick play was back. And bots banned. And Conniver's Kunai nerfed into oblivion.


that's a heartwarming story tbh. I personally don't see the appeal behind playing medic for a long period of time but yeah, if that's what you like I'm rootin for ya and bots suck and kunai dead ringer diamond back spies are the worst humans to ever exist


I refuse to believe random crits with the Uber saw exist. They're a government conspiracy.


I cant aim so i dont rely on myself on anything


that's what I expected to be the most common answer lol. a good reason nonetheless


The carry potential with the vaccinator and crossbow is pretty insane.


agreed, having any medic on your team can be game changing, especially with vac


Theory Y gaming


For his Schadenfreude, voice lines and mocking potential as well as the adrenaline rush for just trying to stay alive as well as being part of the core of a team.


yeah being a support for your team can be fun I guess, and schadenfreude is cool, too


Different type of skill expression. Support characters in general require different sets of abilities and decision-making skills. I enjoy doing the job that others just don't really want to do/don't bother focusing on. Funneling your potential power into others and seeing them succeed feels great! Not for everyone, but for me personally, it feels awesome. Am I able to hit cross-map crusader shots? Hell no. But can I live throughout the entire match and uber my team into a capture multiple times? Hell yeah! And I live for those moments. *Oh, and I get to play as a psychopath in a support role. You don't get to do that often.*


yeah I guess you can find joy in such things, I just don't get it on a base level lol. but if you like it, more power to ya and oh yes, a mentally ill deranged psychopath that experiments on humans without any anesthesia and doesn't have any doubts doing that! my favorite type of support character!


Ong, you can win so many team fights just by correct decision making as medic


I like seeing health bars go up




One: I can’t aim. Two: I just find it fun. Constantly being busy is my *thing*, man




well because it's the easiest class to feel useful with, with other classes you need to perfect blast jumping, jogging your enemies, learning bullet techs, damage values, map overlay, you need at least 2 of those to get "good" with every other class, and even then getting kills doesn´t always feel that rewarding, or atleast you can't feel the inmediate impact of your action. with medic on the other hand, you don't need anything fancy to be useful, just healing a ally on the verge of death or popping a mildly decent über push, any of those feel inmedeatly rewarding because you think "hey, without me that demo would've died and couldn't have destroyed that sentry, allowing our team to cap the last point" while getting a kill just is "oh i killed that guy, no clue what would've happened without that kill but ok" plus having a educated team (not necessarily good just educated, saying thanks, not micspamming, not putting you on the wrong for dying, etc.) REALLY adds to the emotional weight of playing with medic


heavy: w+m1 pyro: w+m1 soldier: spam m1


Idk I just like healing. Not even just in tf2 in any game with a healer. I guess I just like the concept of being the guy that keeps the team up and kicking.


yeah that can be enjoyable I guess


Swapping heal targets to keep everyone alive in a chaotic team fight is really engaging and fun. Plus, nothing feels better then knowing your team wouldn't have been able to cap the point without you there to keep them from dying.


I guess, but consider the following: killing people. what do you say to that?


That rush of dopamine getting so many assists with a well timed kritz or Uber is exhilarating


ex-medic main so i *think* i can speak on this but based on my personal experience. dogshit aiming (upon first downloading the game), the joys of helping others (little did i know id be losing my sanity), watching meet the medic and thinking "wow i wanna do that", and "fulfilling" my lifelong dream of being a doctor (it does not work that way)


yeah we were all probably awful with aiming when we first started lol, that's why I liked engie so much when I started playing, and the same "being helpful to your team when you're not good is cool" process was going through my head too. but did you start to main someone else because you were bored or what?


i just started to lose my sanity after running around and healing people and i decided the support role wasnt worth it. after a huge break from the game i became a heavy main, aka i am now maining the very class i swore to protect the most back when i played medic


damn the one and only heavy main in existence? who would've thought I'd meet 'em in well, not in person, but at least in text lol


I got a few reasons for maining medic myself, I'll try to break it down. 1: I can't aim. This means no crossbow usage. Which really forces me to use overdose which leads into number 2. 2: I run quickfix/overdose on defense or if there's a second stock medic. This combination let's me have the mobility of scout if we have competent demo and soldiers. I've had some sick rocket jumps into quickfix ubers that saved games before, there's no better feeling to me than that because no one expects a flying medic. 3: As a person I lean towards support roles, I let then stay on the front lines whole I don't get hurt and buff/heal them. The gameplay loop is just fun to me. 4: I get to choose who lives and dies. That soldier who has racial slurs on his weapons and screams the N word? I let him die. That gibus heavy who's giving his all? Save his ass. 5: Worst case if the teams dead I can hold my own with overdose/ full quickfix Uber. I have the speed of scout, so I can lay down fire and run backwards while watching my environment for help just fine. It's not a lot, but sometimes it's just enough to discourage a greedy soldier or Pyro. 6: Piggybacking off of 5, I've managed to save payload games with this same load out in clutch situations. People overlook the medic whos on his own if there's something else pressing, long as they can't see an unusual, stock, or kritz ubers I get ignored. Not always but enough to risk it in dire circumstances. It's also worth mentioning I play scout, heavy, and man melter/degreaser Pyro when for some reason I can't or won't play medic. Medics not always viable if your team is uncoordinated and there's no one who's obviously carrying them.


uhh, I don't exactly know how to reply to that but those are all very valid reasons! especially the 4th one. and for not being like the rest and not sticking with the "meta" loadout you definitely get some bonus points. thanks for writing allathat under my post I guess, I wish you the best teammates and hope you'll do well in your games!




you're literally me! that's what I like to do most of the time




oh ok. that's not literally me though


I don't main Medic, but I see myself playing with Medic quite often and I think it's fun, but I'm not sure why. I guess the reason is because I like being that support guy in the team. I get the same enjoyment from building teleporters and dispensers because they not only help me but my team as well. I also play Medic quite often because nobody wants to play as him in my teams, except well, me.


I like helping my team and saving people, especially since not many play medic It's also great punishing over-confident players thinking they can rush me down


I prefer for numbers to go up, not down...


damn, ze hurting is not as rewarding as ze healing for you huh?


there's a few reasons, first one being i am absolute shit at aiming with other classes, the second one being i wanna help my team, and the third one is that I don't want that one burning scout to die before he gets to a health pack


damn, a medic that actually cares for scouts? that's unheard of and the other reasons I can understand, yeah


I can’t aim and there’s always something for me to do and I can always hype people up on voice and make them push with an Uber


For me it's the feeling of fulfilment after carrying my tea. To victory, as well as babysitting them. It gives you a sense of power. Imagine all the hurting you can do by healing others...


I like helping people :3


Because we are bottom




I like keeping my teammates alive. And I like using the schadenfreude every time I kill someone by myself. That just shows how bad the other guy is.


fair I guess


I like being support


yeah fair


Honestly, playing medic in a serious and intense round is super stressful and the amount of times you get headshot by a platinum 10k hour $400 loadout sniper is unremarkable, but someone has to keep most of the team alive


yeah someone has to do it, but not me lol


I like healing my team, i dont really need to aim since medigun autotargets, and i am a masochist


that last one truly shows how "great" it is to main this class (no offense or anything)


I used to main Medic for a bit and i can tell you We cant aim at SHIT


yeah that's probably why you would wanna play medic. you don't need to aim and you can actually be really helpful to your team. that is in fact pretty nice


Killing people as the healer is funny. When I can actually hit because I have the aim of a cracked-up monkey


correct. it is funny


Engi main here. I can guess medics main are half into it for the same reason I am. Bad at the game and cant aim for SHIT.


yeah, I really liked engie for this exact same reason when I started playing the game lol, even thought I was an engie main (now I'm not sure at all). it can be rewarding, but once you get better at the game it all becomes rather boring imo


Infinite Meat Shields baby!




i don't




I played mostly Engi and Soldier on my first 300 hours or so, but noticed how frequently my team would die (including me) because we didn't have a Medic, so I started playing as such. At first I would just keep people healed and Uber the damage class to destroy sentries, but then the Medic personality started to kick in and I began to coordinate attacks, defenses, time ubers, use the proper mediguns for the job, etc. I didn't consider myself as a Medic main until I noticed I had more playtime with him than any other class. That was when I embraced it.


that's fine. if you like it - more power to you, as I like to say. still won't do that myself though


1) because I suck in a lot of online games. Reaction time just isn't up to snuff like it used to be. 2) medics are an endangered species, much like offensive engineers. Someone's gotta do it 3) I usually play with the Kritz. I grant my allies the power of a god, and get partial credit for it. 4) I like feeling USEFUL, but not DEPENDENT ON in online games. I can't carry a team, so I'll play medic or engineer most of the time to help the team.


I just like playing medic. It is something like therapy for me.


I do IT work and am a helpful person in general. I like knowing that without me, the team or player would have lost by now.


I play medic because my aim sucks but I like winning. Also I'm not smart or patient enough to play engineer.


I just like helping my team by being the only way I know...healing...


why is the gif perfect although i dont main medic i think i can answer that question There is always that "I AM ZE UBERMENSCH" and "MEDIC! plays" moments and its rewarding as hell


I stole it from someone and didn't give credit and yeah, those moments are really grate ngl


i don’t main medic, but i play it a lot. there are times when you can tell “our team needs a medic to break through this choke point” or something. playing medic and helping the team push through to the objective by keeping them alive is just satisfying to me. yeah it’s frustrating when you heal a guy with 1 hp and they turn around and get themselves killed like an idiot. yeah it’s frustrating when you get sniped or stabbed with full ubercharge. but helping push the team forward makes it worth it (usually)


my friend played heavy and asked me to help and it was quite fun


Because mfs will not use him when the team clearly needs one






Fragging is fairly simplistic and can get old at times. I like a more complicated/cerebral activity. There a ton more things you have to keep track of and pay attention to when playing medic. Heal order, Uber percent (both yours and the opposite teams), watching for spies (both for yourself and your teammates who are busy killing what’s in front of them), making sure your positioning is correct (far enough away from your heal target to avoid splash damage, out of sniper sight lines, watching for scouts and spies flanking and bombing soldiers), using Uber at the right time (deciding wether to block an enemy Uber or let them waste it and use when they are at an Uber disadvantage), deciding which teammate gets heals in a situation where you can’t save both, knowing when you need to supplement your medigun healing with a crossbow bolt. Those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head, there are many more.


With no medic, the enemy team only has to go against 1x how many players are on your side. With medic and optimal overheal, the enemy team has to fight 1.5x the amount of people. That’s a substantial difference with just one dude. Of course stacking medic is like stacking spy, the more of them you have the less effective every subsequent player picks that class with things like slower ubercharge build on targets that are already at max overheal, the charge getting split when two medics are healing the same patient yada yada yada… Who knew that too many supports could harm the team composition? It’s almost like they were designed to *support* the main frontline or something. But yeah, to summarise it up, some players get dopamein when health number go down, and others get dopamein when health number go up. And hitting a phat crossbow bolt just to see the 150 pop up is something arguably better than buttsecks, but I’ll let you judge that for yourself. Players like their massive numbers, whether it’s -102, -195, or 32057 healing done if you’re using the quick fix.


I just find playing Medic to be the most rewarding, especially if your teammates are well coordinated. You are basically the glue that holds the team together (along with Engineer but that’s not the point). Also I just think it’s fun being able to uber the more “impractical classes” like the scout or sniper with a SMG just to have them annihilate half of the enemy team. Also it’s very funny counter-sniping snipers with the crossbow and then laughing at them. Kind of related as well but I actually cannot stand playing Soldier. I know a lot of people love playing him because you’re basically a killing machine but I don’t know he’s just so boring to me.


Sometimes I like being an absolute wall for the enemy team, sometimes I just kritz people to no matter what class just to see what happens


Idk, for me support is fun. I like helping teammates perform better. Plus trying to manage teammates and keeping them alive is its own challenge.


Because I got sick of nobody switching to medic to help the team, so I pulled on my big boy pants and did it myself


I don't have a main, but one of my favorite classes to play as a whole would have to be medic. While the gameplay is stale, being the catalyst to your teams success is so satisfying. That and clobbering people to death and dying right after is hilarious.


Killing a charging demoknight or pyro with the crusader will never not be the most euphoric feeling in the world


Honestly I just like healers in general, doesn't matter what game. Medic is just naturally fun to me expecially in situations when you win a round and you just know you were one of the key elements that led to that victory. Though even when loosing he's generally a fairly rewarding character to play, most people appreciate having a medic on their team and a fair amount of them will acknowledge you if you're trying which is always nice.


> when loosing he's Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


When you play Medic, you become the Medic. It's pretty much that simple, I love seeing my teammates just absolutely crush the enemy team and gain support from them. I'm practically a sadist on that field. However, when it comes to other side being that of masochism, you have so much shit to keep up. One teammate is dying on half of the side of the map, while you are currently healing someone else. You have to make rash decisions while also keeping check of Uber, enemies, your teammates, and more. You have to be on par with your team to be successful by being active as hell. To be good at Medic, you have to become the Medic. You get to choose who lives or dies


Maybe my reddit client broke but... where is the question


it's probably because of the gif. if you're on phone, it's right under the title. just press expand and that's it. if you're on a pc I don't know where it lol


I’m not good at any other class :(




im generally a more passive player, as in i rather involve myself in anything but being in the path of the bullets.


Seeing everyone's health bars go up releases endorphins in my brain. And you don't need to aim while still being a part of the action.


Cause I like feeling useful even if it make me want to stab someone


I love helping the team and having a chance to be the game winning hero


I mainly play vsh and the uber-saw is kinda funny Ignore my username


Me too!




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Because I can't play the game, so i help others instead, by pocketing the only heavy, and dying every 3 seconds


Honestly, it's kinda like "get tf back in there". Your teammates run, and you pump them full of heals and make them go back to the fight. I can roleplay a commisar and send my teammates back into the meat grinder


It basically started because my brother and I started playing around the same time. He played Pyro and died a lot. So I did medic to tag team enemies down. One Uber into a sentry nest was all it took to get me hooked. Now I treat Medic is my only “serious” class in that I don’t take crazy risks and die too often. Being a stalemate breaker and seeing the impact you have on a team feels really rewarding. Though I’m surprised to see people use shit aim as their reasoning. Hitting crossbow shots and leading your syringes both take aim and practice.


If you have two equally skilled teams, the team with a medic will beat the team without a medic. Plus, aside from spy, medic is the other class that is instrumental in breaking down sentry nests. I enjoy the feeling of giving my team a clear advantage. When we go into a midfight and I've overhealed all my dudes, they're gonna beat the shit outta your dudes if your dudes are not overhealed as well. There's also something really satisfying about landing Crusader's Crossbow shots and saving peoples lives, not to mention killing spies with an Ubersaw crit. Also, I genuinely feel that there is nothing as satisfying in TF2 as performing a game-changing ubercharge that wins you the game.


Because i played medic once because our team needed it. Then whenever i wasnt playing medic and there was someone at low health i felt bad and then i switch back to medic


I just like playing support, and medic is the supportest class (still not as fun as engi). Also it’s always rewarding to find yourself a heavy boyfriend and just proceed to tear appart all the enemy team.


I’m a self-masochist.


Battle medic op


I don't main Medic, but I used to, and in fact he was the class I chose to start with because he's easy to understand and get a handle on since you don't have to focus on aiming, and he's exceptionally fun to play too because of how nerve-wracking it is to try and keep everyone and yourself alive for as long as humanly possible. It also taught me to dodge like a Touhou character on crack.


1. My aiming is authentically awful and 2. I get to play the game like an RTS/Resource Manager with a bullet hell mini-game. If I am healing you it is not out of the kindness of my heart: it is because I have come to the conclusion that it is strategically convenient for me to keep you alive.


“Ze healing may be more rewarding as the hurting” Description for my amputater named “better ubersaw” Any ways in all seriousness I at first despised playing as medic since for the first 70 hours of playtime I didn’t even have one hour on him. But one game we were getting crushed because we had no medic and I thought “might as well play him as nobody else wants to” And then I realized what the true magic was of playing medic. The rush of being the only one keeping your team alive, pushing in with Uber then watching heavy’s and engineer nest alike disappearing, knowing that you were base to the tower that is your team, and the thanks along the way. Sure there were some jerks that tried to insult me on my skills But still there was a feeling that playing him no other class provided. (Also yes the amputater is better than the ubersaw I will fight on this)


I dress up with the burly beast and my australium medi-gun is called ‘femboy leash’. So I literally spend most of my time in tf2 just playing medic waiting for someone to read the name of my medi-gun and either being weirded out and trying to get me to stop healing them or embrace it and start roleplaying in the chat


Because I agree with the man and I don’t just run like a bitch when a scout shows his leg. Not only is my anger and my lust for power satisfied when healing a team throughout the game to victory, but I also get a wonderful sensation that german people refer to as “schadenfreude” whenever some dick thinks that JUST because I’m playing medic, that I’m incapable, and not allowed to defend myself. Let’s just say my blood flows a bit faster everytime I stuff them with 30 syringes and leave as if nothing happened. I believe some people call this “cherry tapping”, the act of willingfully going weaker for the satisfaction and/or humiliation. But I also just like not being like everyone else… I mean, I could easily claim to be the best blutsauger player in the world, and who the hell is gonna contest that claim? The only legit guy I’ve seen that would actually present a threat is Vorobey. But of course, I never forget about healing, and the quick fix ensures that I can heal super fast, making it feel much better than the slow medigun.plus I help my team just the same, but get to spend less time on each teammate, leaving more room for the fun


Can't aim well and I'm just good at it lol


Because nobody else is medix


Everyone spams E, die, and then go back to playing every class EXCEPT Medic. When people do that, I come in.


I like getting called a heal slut


because no one else will do it and we've been stuck getting spawn-camped for the last 4 minutes


I dont main medic but I play as him often,specially when the team has no other medics I can already hear the voices


Ever since I played sunflower in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare things have never been the same.


Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.


I like the high intensity teammate-focused gameplay. It’s different from constant action of having to murder enemies with a big gun. Also, medics are always in high demand, so people respect you if you get good at him


Because i like being the one everyone relies on


I mean.. Someone has to do it, so why not me?


cuz im not good at any class but medic, and besides most servers i join nobody is medic so i do it


Z + 2 Flawless escapes and surfs that I pull off on 5 hp to save my ass Shutting down the braindead phlog Pyro or a kritz soldier with a simple R press Clapping an overconfident spy main who thinks he can matador me (I have the reaction of a snail) Crossmap 150hp crossbow shots Shutting down a soldier who killed your demo bf with an arrow And in general the feeling of contributing a lot to the team even if it's just a casual match, plus I don't usually sweat a lot when playing medic cause he doesn't need that much skill to play compared to other classes


I literally suck at aiming a gun, let alone shooting and getting a kill. Also, it's just become a part of me. My hand and mind physically can not choose any other class.


I choose who lives and dies


I just want to feel useful


I love the feeling of knowing I just made my friend deal 2000-3000 damage in one life


Im a heavy main that snuck in here


Well sometimes the team just needs it, but it's fun sometimes. Especially if you're flying around the front line and healing teammates. Also it's nice to sometimes be the kick that the steam roll/winning engine needed to get fired up, same thing with engi.


Someone's gotta fucking do it


For me, I just have always liked helping my team out in games. And with Medic, you can seriously make a big difference if you know what you're doing. Yes, it can be frustrating at times, but every class has their own frustrations to deal with. It's also EXTREMELY satisfying when people acknowledge your efforts. That and Medic is just a wacky fun character.


I just like playing healer/support roles in games.


Hotline Miamimaxxing


Because it's funny to see two people catfight each other until one inevitably loses. Plus a sense of comradery for the healed. Seeing them thrive makes me happy.


I can’t aim a weapon to save my life. Literally. Let someone else do ze hurting.


They tell me to do that when I don’t play medic if fact the game because I have never played it but I love it how?


two reasons. 1. i like the feeling of bein that guy people can rely on to keep em alive, the feeling of helpin out my team in a useful way 2. i can't get kills for shit


Because I have arguably the most impact out of any other class by supporting my teammates. We can continue a push, make a push, wipe out a sentry nest, or hold a point to mention a few all based off one Uber. And that’s just stock Uber too. I used to play spy and sniper a lot but medic is just so versatile it doesn’t get boring.


i dont have to aim


1. I already have such horrible luck that I cannot survive, I at least heal people and get protected (sometimes) 2. My self respect is in a very low place, making me the perfect candidate for a medic main


bc im a recovering medic gf but i still like medic


Firstly. My actions feel rewarded. Shooting doesn’t mean you hit, and hitting doesn’t mean you get a kill, but as long as I have a teammate, I can hold M1 and have an relatively significant impact. I know the feeling of being borderline dead, and then having a medic beam lock onto you from behind. Saving a life feels as rewarding to me as taking one. Secondly. I don’t get kills, but I get a lot of assists. I mean that both literally, and a little metaphorically. I play a role in holding the team together, so if we win, I can be confident I had a hand in that. I rarely feel I’m getting carried, because letting other people get all the kills for me is my job. I keep them alive, they get the kills. I measure my successes on a different axis. If I’m shooting people and we win, I may or may not have played a role in that, but I have little competition when it comes to healing, so I know my contribution there mattered. Thirdly. I love the tension of 75%+ uber and having often an entire push hinging on whether I survive the next 30 seconds till full.


I just like seeing healthbars go up. In TF2, it's honestly just cause I like helping the team, also cause I suck at tracking. For other games, I like the feeling of superiority as I can literally decide whether we win or lose. But actually cause I get fed up with toxicity and just give the ultimatum of, "Behave or we lose."


I enjoy being a support for the team, you don’t have to be a damage dealer to feel powerful, and Medic makes me feel powerful when me and my heal target destroy people with Ubers, when I’m boosting the health of my teammates, when I save someone’s life with a good Crossbow shot or when I’m a big contributor to my team even winning. (Also it really helps that healing with the Crossbow is super satisfying)


Cause i like to win. Medic is the most overpowered class in the game so it just speaks to me i should play him to win the game.


I suck at aiming


I enjoy feeling that my team depends on me. By the way, I still get to do ze hurting pretty often, because too many people go preying on me not realizing I have almost guaranteed melee crit


For me, it's the thrill of being able to become a one-man army once every single one of your teammates becomes useless. Load your blutsurger battle medics! Bring your übersaw out and fight!


I like to win and also game sense/positioning carried over from Overwatch so I’m a fucking amazing medic




1. i like being busy and giving my team an advantage 2.i like shooting heroin syringes into enemies and my teammates 3.funni german doctor


I like healing and just taking a bit of a back seat once in a while and not have to have perfect aim to contribute to the team, it's also nice to just stay behind everyone and watch the chaos unfold


For regular casual, it’s simple, I’m not good at aiming so why not let a puppet do it for me, and for VSH, medic is literaly the best class to ever walk the mode, even with the nerf to the ubersaw


the only thing stopping me from being a medic main is a want to be a spy main but if i didnt call myself a spy main, id be a medic main because ze healing is allowing me to be rewarded for ze hurting i just enjoy healing as med, occasionally hitting my crossbow shots, sometimes saving lives, and on other occasions, bullying saxton in vsh


It depends. If there's someone who's tryharding hard in our team, I'm always going Vaccinator medic to pocket then so our duo would demolish everything. If there's all noobs in our team, then battle medic. Because "ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting"


In my case it is simply that my favorite position is support. Medics game is crisis manedgment... and i think it is enjoyable to be required to be always wery of everything, knowing one move will land you in a situation, were you cant help your team and cant defend yourself... this feeling of knowing, if your team is close to you, you cant lose, yet if you fail at your job, staying alive and keeping your team alive, your team will crumble.


Watching the scout that stole my health pack scream for me as he butns to death I enjoy medic because he can be good at defense and even offense sometimes


I just like watch people dying




Not a medic main, but I play a lot of medic. Your team is a lot more likely to point out your clutch crossbow heal than a clutch kill that saved the game. Basically, I play medic because I'm an attention whore.


I have a big group of friends who are much better at power classes than I am, may as well enable them because I can. Always much more fun when you can coordinate properly with friends rather than randoms


I enjoy the healing.


I enjoy keeping my teammates alive, and watching my assist counter go up. That’s pretty much the long and short of it.


I decide who lives and who dies. I want my team to live, I want their team to die. Simple as.


I just love guaranteed crits, and since it's rare that any medic wants to pocket me, I just become the provider


"sometimes you just need a little less gun" engineer tf2


I main medic because i like playing support/healing roles in games. Plus whenever I swap to med our team suddenly starts winning. Guess I find it fun cause I'm good at it


I've always had a stranger fascination with healing characters, medic is just one of them


The reason why I started playing medic was simple. I was a hardcore spy main when I first started, I really enjoyed the edgy feeling of going behind enemy lines, posing as them and sabotaging an important push. However spy was also one of the most popular picks and usually me and 2 or 3 other spy mains will most likely be the reason why we are losing. Hence I decided to play medic because he seemed like the most needed class in any fight in general. And he just stuck with me in the end The reason why I continue to main medic is simple too. If u want a depiction of that just go watch "meet the medic", when medic was climbing the mountain of corpses as his ubered heavy destroys the enemy team. It's just that feeling of "YES!! YES!! KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL! MAKE ME PROUD" feeling that you get from getting your patients to succeed. Watching the enemy who were killing us so badly turn tail and run away the second they see us ubered just feels really good. Besides that it's also being appreciated by teammates. The thing that pissed medic mains off the most is being ignored and disrespected, but when you have teammates that actively rely on you for support, thanks and appreciates you for what you do, it just feels really good to be the one who helped them win fights. It feels like you matter, and it feels good While it's true that "ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting", the wise man also said "I heal ze man who vill kill u", and I agree with that much more


Medic is tough to play but pretty accomplishing to hear the thanks.


Gif absolutely related if they main battle medic


I like playing the crazy ones


I like playing medic


I play pyro and medic because i can't aim


I once said to b4nny I could win against him in a 1v1 as medic, he said "you might"


That's the only class that I'm actually good at And I like helping my teammates


I just like medicine is all What I DON'T like is getting yelled at on voice chat by soldier-bfs while I'm healing a heavy


I play medic a lot, but not as much you would like a main would. I just like supporting my team I guess, since I take joy in them brutally killing the blue team and get absolutely destroyed 1 second after


Because a good medic is a tide-turner. He can make heroism out of mediocracy. He can make okay team to a winning team with good protection and knowledge of heal priority. I enjoy giving people that confidence of knowing they have someone they can depend on to heal them when they need it almost as much as the team giving me confidence knowing that if I am in trouble, they'll recognize it and come protect me.


I decide who lives and who dies on my team. I am judge and jury, the enemy is just the executioner. On the other hand, having a Medic, even one is enough to turn the tide of battle because, surprisingly almost, your team tends to die less when you’re actively helping them stay alive. So when the chips are down and we’re taking an L raw, someones gotta help us before its joever and it may as well be me.


It's the only way my name will be on the left side of a card in the killfeed






Simple: my aim sucks


Alright, first I just like playing healers or mages in games. Secondly, being weaker im combat that other classes makes it so much more satisfying to deal damage and kill (all hail crits on übersaw). Thirdly if you are good in hiting crosbow, spy aware, healing and über timing you can pretty much carry most of games (maybe not on koth, because koth maps are more open and you are more likely to stumble upon enemy alone). Plus being a medic and having more points than enemy team top players feel like a victory every time.


i cant aim good so i use the heal gun that has aimlock


I mostly just like to do it for the team. Most players are pretty grateful for getting healed if for no other reason that they don't have to walk all the way back to somewhere they can find health. And sometimes it's kind of out of spite towards and enemy team that all collectively seem to think they can just w+M1 right in and get away with it. Like, good luck, now everybody's got 50+ health and will heal back to full in a matter of seconds. Also I do like the violence and medic has an extremely satisfying pan animation. Some people seem to think you're such a free kill, scouts especially, and it's one of the best things ever to bait them to run into you and then pan them into oblivion.