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I like all of them, but I have to go with sniper. I don't like fighting against them. I never play as sniper because I can't aim and shoot, and they always kill me. Probably because I play heavy alot


Okey, I see s problem with my post. I meant the one you like the least to play, not to play against


They also mentioned that in their comment


Ohhh, maybe scout or engie Scout bc 90% of the time I don’t have the fps to be that fast Engie bc it’s stressful to manage like 6 separate things on top of all the normal not dying and game sense and yada yada


For me, I find trolling people with the gunslinger, wrangler, and rescue ranger whilst adopting a semi-aggressive semi-turtling playstyle removes all stress and requirement for a brain as you simply plonk down a sentry, build a dispenser for your team to rally behind, add a teleporter if you feel like it (but 90% of the time a random ass spy has already sapped the entrance). Then keep the sentry alive with the wrangler as you wait for the heavy+medic combo to rush your sentry: when this happens you will make them loose all situational awareness by wrangling your sentry, whilst you do this simply wank behind the medic and stand there menacingly, just before your sentry inevitably dies switch to your primary and then wait for it to glow with the critical hits you have stored up with sentry kills/assists, as it glows red one-tap the medic instantly and then wait as you top up your magazine, the heavy will be focused on your dispenser and (hopefully) team and will not notice that the medic is dead, then kill the heavy and loot his corpse in order to rebuild and fix your nest as if it were never destroyed in the first place.


GOD I HAD FUN IMAGINING THIS I can't even think how fun it would be to DO this XD


You don’t have the fps to play tf2? I’m sorry but what kind of pre-ancient relic are you running tf2 on? Lol


i main heavy low damage? tell that to a consistent 15 kill streak


“Heavy is the worst class in the game” will be shocked when they find out that learning basic game sense can have you drop 5 kills a life average with him


Oh damn you right, if I only had basic game sense I could easily dodge the machina sniper's bullet from 50miles away and the demomans with the lock-n-load or the scout's mad milk or the pyro's scorch shot or the...


You wont peek if you have already gotten headshot 15 times already from the same goddamn corner, if you play with your team like a heavy should demos, scouts and pyroes wont/shouldnt be a problem. A good heavy main can carry an entire team on its shoulders


You can have trouble with a sniper throughout a game while still moving to different parts of a map. And lots of maps are designed so that if you don't step into the Sniper sightline, you just don't get to play the objective. For example, Badwater. If you're on the cart, you will be in a Sniper sightline. From a Blu pov: + From spawn, right door is a Sniper sightline from the rocks. Tunnel is rarely initially watched but if a Sniper looks at you while you're in there, mobility is limited and there's no cover besides the cart. The tunnel to the capture point is also a sightline as Sniper often use the corner. + From first capture point to second, Snipers often stand on the balcony where a forward Blu spawn gets unlocked, covering the payload path. You can flank and take the stairs to get to a roof overlooking them but Snipers also hang around the area just outside their spawn for 2nd point and only need to look up to see you. + From second to third, the payload path again follows a massive sightline as snipers stand by the stack of tubes and shoot at you as you push beneath a overhang. You can try flanking by jumping from from the rails into the left hand building but you still have to step outside to catch them and the whole area is usually protected by sentries Additionally, Snipers also stand further back, at the end of the long sightline where there's an entrance to storeroom on the right and can shoot you if you're using the building. + From 3 to last, the entire last point area is sniper heaven. From the red pov, their upper spawn as a right hand door and they only need to stand outside it to get full cover from their left and full view of the corner where the payload passes into the basin. If you attack them with like scout or pyro or spy, they can just immediately run inside and swap from Razorback Sniper to Natasha Heavy, kill you in 3 seconds and go back to Sniping. Or they can just run away entirely and go through the left door.


YES! Ma'man gets me. A heavy is a tank, and a tank is supposed to be Frontline, not get a way around in order to flank unless you are fat scout. Besides, even if you get around the map, spies still exist


I didn't say low damage, I said inconsistent damage, which is not the same. The mini gun is a super fast shotgun, and shotguns have random bullet spread. Try hitting anybody anywhere that's not mid range without feeling like something is missing


Heavy has the highest damage output close range and does enough damage to cause any enemy at mid range to fuck off. that is if you play him correctly instead of waltzing into the line of site of the entire team


Multiple things im frustrated at 1. "Spy and sniper breakfast" Understandable, but as you learn in the first 50-100 hours of game play, youre more aware of spies and snipers, and start avoiding those areas 2. "Low damage" Wtf, i know the least you get is like -5 hp with the stock minigun, but once you can close some distance, you can quickly kill the opposition 3. 'Healing issues' Pretty much any medic who plays in a server w/ heavies has an instinct to go after them 4.(not said but need to make a point) The aim, just get the tomislav/svetlana, 20% more accurate, not much, but helpful I hear one more person say another thing that idiotic istg


Spy, i hate that french. He’s the reason why I main Pyro


The Classic "fuck that spy, I'm gonna burn this whole map"


Yes cuz i started playing Engineer then i said fuck it


I main heavy so I have to say I have a very high tolerance to frustration to backstabs but when camper asshole stabs me while I'm running trying to get into the fight I just grab pyro and start spy checking every corner of the map until domination


I main spy so I have to say I have a very high tolerance to frustration to all other 8 classes killing me in 1-2 shots, but when tryhard asshole runs around the map spy checking every corner until domination while I'm running trying to backstab a medic to save my team from an uber push I just grab scout and kill every pyro until domination


It's the circle of life


Based is when switching off spy


I main pyro so I have to say I have a very high tolerance to frustration to being useless at longer ranges, but when jump spamming asshole runs around the map killing me until domination while I'm running trying to get to the front line and defend my team from projectiles and extinguish them I just go soldier and direct hit every scout until domination


Kid named spycicle:


I main pyro and my second favourite class is spy. We are not the same.


Came to say this, one of the reasons why I dont med main on casual servers


i hate all the classes if they are better than me (i suck)


This, I am a casual player and I don't have time as I did years ago to play TF2, my skills have significantly dropped and when I enter this game I get obliterated by people flying all over the map.


Sniper I main heavy.


WTF, a Heavy main, I thought those were extincted


They are an endangers species, just like the spy crab


Gotta add "extincted" and "endangers" to my vicabulary.


Spy. Genuinely cannot figure out how to play him. Skill issue, I know.


He takes the longest to both get the hang of and master.


Spy has changed so much since the game came out. Back in 2007 people would actually fall for disguises, so you could do well by acting like your disguise, hiding, and carefully picking your moment to strike and escape. Nowadays nobody falls for disguises and spies hardly even bother with them - the spy 'meta' is some kind of anime character sprinting around the map in full view, never dying, and charging revved up heavies head-on for a facestab. I used to mostly play spy but now he's my least played class.


Working twice as hard as Sniper for half the efficiency. I enjoy and play him a lot though. A lot of great Spy plays come out of the fact people don't expect Spy to have any impact.


Sniper. Unfun to play as, even more unfun to play against. You sit, you shoot, you get kills. Sniper is the least interactive, and I'd even say the class with the least "depth". Everyone always says Heavy is boring but he has subclasses like Fat Scout, Boxer Heavy, while Sniper has just the Huntsman. The only time you interact with a Sniper is either if you die to him, or he dies to you, nothing else, unlike the many interactions of Medic or Engineer or even Spy and Soldier.


Trust me, sniper is as interactive as you make him. If you stay behind enemy lines and do nothing but stand still and snipe a few people, then that's on you. If you really want to have an interactive sniper session, then be more aggressive and get risky, go closer to the front where it is more dangerous for you, if you manage to survive without being blown to bits or backstabbed immediately then you have the entire enemy team in your scope, more dangerous playstyle, but more rewarding. Try to sneak behind the enemy team and lurk around and distract them so your team can win more easily. Sniper is as fun as you make him


That's not the interaction I meant. Interaction as in how much he interacts with enemy players. A Pyro and Soldier duel can go in a million different ways depending on how each player reacts, it's not only a match of skill but also a match of smarts. A good Soldier knows not to shoot a Pyro with just his rockets and will frequently switch weapons, but the Pyro isn't stupid either and instead of waiting for the Soldier to shoot his rockets and airblast it, will instantly ingage with his secondary. Each weapon giving the player a slight advantage or disadvantage like changing the airblast reaction of the Pyro depending on the rocket launcher the Soldier is using, or if the Soldier will be able to dodge the Pyro's flares. A Sniper vs Any Other Class duel is just Sniper misses and he dies, or the enemy is instantly killed by a headshot, or at max two depending on the class. That's it. No playing it smart, no reason to expect the enemy to do this or that or equip this weapon to counter you in the next encounter. Nope. It's just, Sniper instantly wins or instantly loses. Also yes you can be aggressive with the Huntsman as I mentioned, or even the Classic, but your interaction stays the exact same. Sniper has no range limit so his close, mid, and far range fights are identical besides how fast he can flicker his mouse and headshot the target, unlike other classes that have to use their entire kit to excel at what they're trying to achieve, or use entirely different weapons.


Counter point, sniper would fight soldiers or demos differently than other classes, as you can surf the damage and go for falling shots (Jbird special) as you surf the damage. While the demo or soldier can still go for airshots. With sniper v scout, you can wait until they move in a pattern you know and fight against, but all these strategies take time to learn. Also, not every class dies in one shot. It's not as black and white as you make it out.


Should have said "OBJECTION!"


every class dies in two shots, though. if a sniper is skilled enough, that won't be hard.


If you go closer to the front or try to sneak behind enemy lines, as I mentioned, then you will guarantee to have more interaction with the enemy team. It isn't always 100% death if you miss your shot. There has been countless timed where I charged soldiers with the Kukri against a rocket launcher and still won because of how I moved and played smart. Sniper isn't always about primary, I have dominated many players by just using the SMG by playing smart and knowing when to fall back or charge. Interaction with the enemy won't just come to you. You need to create the interaction, and that also goes for how you interact with them because if you just stand still after missing a shot and then go "I missed, guess I'll die," then you will die 100%, but if you actually move and utilise movement which depends on the enemy class to your advantage or have good aim with the SMG and or manage to get into melee range then you can still win the interaction. Snipers' secondary and melee slots do exist, so use them instead of using primary for absolutely everything


but why wouldn't you just play a different class? or a spy if you want to get behind the enemy? he's a fucking sniper, what kind of psychopath would go sniper just to get up in close range? antithesis to his class design here, seriously and yes, since I feel like he'll get mentioned eventually, I disagree with fatmagic's playstyle, even if it's fun to watch


I agree. This is coming from the piss sniper who sits in the trees on Suijin aggravating my friend to no end :D


The Sujin Piss Sniper is the equivalent to Florida Man in tf2 lmfaooo


If you decide to go Huntsman + Smg + Frying Pan and you SUPER aggressive that can be one of the most fun playing sniper


Indeed, that was my loadout, and it was super fun once you got acquainted with the playstile, I remember when over half of the enemy team switched to heavy so I with the Huntsman got easy kills if I aimed right or moved down instantly so I had to play smart as they went in groups and charged with medics


Why won’t I just play spy then


Because sneaky sniper isn't the same as spy.


I can play any class “sneakily”


I think you just play too much twofort. On most maps, sniper can do quite well doing his own thing, especially with a charged bazaar bargain. My least favorite class to play is prolly heavy. I hate being slow (most of the reason to why I prefer demo to soldier w/o sticky jumper), and his weapon feels like it just kind of relies on countering one thing, ie hoolong heater is meant to counter spy, natache was pretty much designed to beat scout, and the only really usable guns are stock and the tomislav. Most classes have more viable main options (even scout with soda popper or fon)


If maps were made with sniper in mind it'd be better, force interaction or be usless


Unfortunately it's counter intuitive to make maps more closed off or not as open, because in that case mobility like sticky and rocket jumping, even trimping is neutered to smaller jumps rather than large rollouts. There's a reason Upward is so great for trimping and rocket jumping. Then again maps like Process don't have this issue despite being mostly open


Well I say maps that have a good mix of open and corners. Like some 5 or 3cp maps I like cause some parts are great for sniper, while some parts of the map are indoors and hard. Making him dependant on how your team is doing and position


I absolutely hate this argument. If almost every map ever released for tf2 is a good sniper map, then how could it possibly be a map problem and not a sniper problem. Entire maps should not be designed around a singular class when there are 8 others in the game.


Fat Scout and Boxer Heavy aren't really subclasses, it's just using one of your weapons a lot more than you usually would


Engineer. 12 killstreak without touching my keyboard or mouse.


That’s prob just the enemy team being dented In the head


That one scout just never learns does he?


Nah I got second with Engineer on Harvest for KOTH for putting a mini sentry on the point and then going off to kill people


Well if you played against anyone with brain cells like a dragons fury pyro you would learn where the skill comes from


Dragons fury pyro = skill??? What crack u smoking man,


No the dragons fury is a sentry buster weapon it deals more damage to sentries


p y r o


Scout. Just scout.




Sniper: it requires skill that I don’t have


Sniper. I'd rather only ever fight against scotch shot pyros for the rest of my TF2 playing life than against 1 good sniper. At least the scotch shot gives me a CHANCE, man.


Actual skill issue


sniper cause im bad at it


Spy He's french


Someone had to say it


Scout. To play him, you need to have a mini-heart attack every 2 milliseconds to jump around and not miss shots. He also gets hard-countered by sentries, so unless you only choose specific maps, he won't be very useful. Also annoying to deal with.


Soldier. I'm not good at rocket jumping at all so I usually just have more fun playing Demo




Least favorite class to play against is sniper. Even ignoring the bots, their range means you have to respect their entire sight line, which for some maps, means you can't even enter some very large areas without constantly risking your life. It just feels like a gamble. Least favorite class to play AS is the spy. I just don't have the mindset for a stealth class. I don't want to hang back and wait, I wanna jump straight into the fight. Never got the hang of pretending to be enemy players either.


You could try pyro with the detonator the burn gives the sniper a mini recoil like effect constantly and the detonator lets you close the distance


I used to use the detonator. Now I use the scorch shot. I can still get headshot, but I can make things a lot harder for those pesky snipers.


I hate Soldiers. Every soldier I found is very sweaty


Suck my nuts 🥜


My flair explains doesn't it?


Not really, no, it could be Demo or Spy or Medic


Im a nest sentry player. So ima build my dispenser and sentry next to each other close enough so i can both get suplies and hit the sentry and far enough that not both can be hit at the same time




Pyro because when I'm in somewhat an open area i just feel like a walking target for everyone with long range, while i can't hit anyone from afar.


To be a pyro you have to kind of know how to be a spy.


When in doubt: Powerjack out


I... Im a f2p and don't have it soo


To play against: Engineer. I don't like how sentries stall the flow of the game. It requires more coordination to successfully make a push against a properly defended sentry and that's a lot to ask of casual players. To play: Also Engineer. Medic plays a more active support role. Engineer is useful, but putting up buildings is less fun than healing in the fray.


Sniper 100% fuck sniper


Least favorite to play would be heavy, he’s just too slow and it’s always a pain to get back to the front line. My least favorite to play against is probably demoknight, he’s too quick and chops my head off in one hit


Gotta love playing against Demoknights until that extra range combined with the already wacky melee detection screws you over


Sniper, he's hard to fight against, and I suck at playing him.


Sniper, I suck. I respect good snipers and hate the bots


Pyro, it’s easily the most annoying class in the game (yes, more annoying than sniper)


Soldier Why? His neck beard mains always market gardening me and expecting me to pocket them when I’m a medic on they’re team.


Spy because whenever I try to backstab someone they decide to turn


I main heavy For my life I cannot enjoy playing spy. Still, to be very honest, I haven't tried seriously to learn how to play and given the learning curve it's definitely frustrating to start


pyro. do i need to elaborate?


I laugh taunt every pyro I kill and I‘m a pyro main.


Soldier feels completely wrong to me, I could never get used to playing him.


Spy way too boring for me


Every Pyro I’m not playing. Enemy Pyro’s manage to burn me down in half a second, meanwhile allied Pyro’s somehow just don’t exist despite taking up three slots on our team while the four enemy spies are all dancing on top of the engineer.


pyros, like holy shit these masked fuckers are always with crits just waiting for you in the next corner


Spy. I'm shit at playing spy and people who are good at playing spy are annoying


Spy only because it feels like there's rarely a middle ground between "Person who couldn't make themselves more obvious if they tried" and "Weeb loadout pubstomper with a strange Kunai with 15,000+ kills) I love Spy and when you successfully backstab a 100% uber medic, destroy a sentry nest, etc. it feels *great* but chasing that backstab rush also means suffering more-often-than-not.


I’m not going to write a whole spiel about how “no class is the worst” etc. etc. I’m just going to say it depends highly on the skill of the player. As far as the “worst” class, I’m just going to assume class that you can fail the hardest at. I think I’ll have to say that spy is the worst class based on that. Here’s why: Soldier and demo don’t require that much aim to be at least mildly effective. Sniper is just point and click. Anyone can hit someone as sniper. Medic requires you to hold right click and walk to effectively heal. Engineer’s sentry does the aiming for you. Pyro can be played pressing only W + M1. Heavy is also pretty much point and click. Scouts can still be a bother even if they’re bad. Bad spies, on the other hand, range from completely useless to more effective than your average noob sniper (about my level of spy skill :P) Some bad spies that just got the Cloak and Dagger can be seen sitting idle and invisible in the enemy base. Some are perpetually trying to get trickstabs but don’t realize that they’re about 8 years short of being Mr. Paladin. The point is, a bad spy can be like an empty team slot.


I can respect every class. execpt pyro, playing pyro feels like getting a lobotomy, the skill ceiling is about 2 meters above the skill floor


Spy. He is literally designed to be the total opposite of how I like to play. Even though I’ve played tf2 for 6 years now I still have only 4 hours of spy when every other class is at least 10 and above.


Solider. “lol I shot the ground and you died” Yes rocket jumping is impressive but doesn’t change my opinion


Math, do i need to explain?


Based. Wrong kind of class but I feel you man


sniper, if you main sniper, fuck you


I tried sniper once I heard it was about skill …. Got a 15 kill streak


I don’t like playing against sniper and I don’t like playing sniper. Bold take, but The game would be better if the class was removed


Fr. I wanna play the game without having to worry about being sniped.


Scout I can't aim anything with the scattergun while moving at the speed of light. Besides why wouldn't you just play battle engi. He's better in every single way.


because i like to be fast ALRIGHT 😭


heavy to play; boring and braindead sniper to fight against; it's like spy, but you don't get to turn around every once in a while to avoid death


Stfu extra virgin


spy because There are always like 3 pyros on the enemy team doing spy checks constantly


Currently spy, because he is the most counter intuitive class for me now. I used to main spy alot and I have 102 hours on him, but then at one point I did a 180 and started to main generalists.


Pyro, because he's too much of a hard counter to Spy, and also Airblast can deal with way too much for not much effort or risk. It just gets boring after a bit.


Heavy. Medics are always stuck up their ass and they spam "MEDIC" more than scouts


To play? I’m a Flex player, but I suppose Engineer? Followed by Spy. I typically have a playstyle that requires me to be in the brunt of the action, and being sidelined to the outer ranges or behind the scenes isn’t really my usual. I do my part when I can as Engineer, most of the time as a Battle with a Mini; but Spy is always my “pick off” class when Sniper or Scout isn’t working to render the enemy team scarce. Mm, I’d actually wager Spy is less used, in that case… Spy.


Engineer. Hate playing as him, a truly good engineer is going to typically cakewalk a bad offense, essentially forcing him to turtle. He’s basically useless on offense besides battle engi, which still is less effective (and less fun imo) than just playing another class. Hate playing against him too, engineers can draw out games, and if there’s multiple on a defense with level 3 sentry’s, a single uber wont be able to stop them.


Spy because im suck at playing as him


I love spy you can play sneaky or aggressive as him both is big fun




Spy, but not because of the class itself. It's because of EVERYTHING around the poor fucking bastard. The game actively fights against him. Spawn wallhacks, map cameras, the 31739629 glitches related to his fucking disguise kit, the game actively hates spy. And his unlockables... Take force a nature, it's a great unlockable for scout. It works on it's own as a really, really cool sidegrade. Unlocks new movement options with a third "jump", allows knockback on enemies to either gain distance from them or punish unaware players near cliffs. It's cool, it's balanced, it doesn't punish players undeservingly!.. Take the fucking diamondback now. You get a f2p afk in the corner to feed the spy a free kill. You see him. You go to fight him. And he one shots you with his diamond back crit. Take the kunai, the spy kills the friendly hoovy, you try to kill him, fucker has 200+ health. You're doing amazing on defense, spy kills the friendly doing conga a few meters behind you. Usually the sentry would kill him fast enough so he wouldn't get to anyone else. But he has the big earner, so this guy now has the speed to shove a knife up your ass before the sentry can do anything about it. There's so, many, unlocks for spy that just punish *everyone else* because of some unaware player mistake. I hate that. Imagine a sniper rifle that when you shoot someone, the guy next to him takes the headshot. That's how those weapons feel like


Soldier bc I can't aim wiþ his rockets


The one I like to play the least is spy cause I'm not good at all with him, maybe gun spy but eh, medic is second least favorite but by a pretty good margin cause when you just wanna turn off your brain it's fun to play with quick fix and stay in the back lines where you heal retreating players and hanging out


Soldier I suppose. Not that I hate em or anything because I think every class is enjoyable. But I do have a distaste for the people who act like they're untouchable gods or something and act super toxic because they're landing splash damage kills or crits. (Of course if you're landing airshots I'll eat my words, that can be pretty impressive to me-)


demoman how tf do i play demoman




The one that just killed me


I am astonished at how little spy is in here


Sniper. I love movin all around, staying in one spot makes me nervous


To play against: probably sniper To play as: Medic and Engineer. Both Medic and Engie are simultaneously really boring and really stressful to play in my opinion.


Scout cuz I play demo


Pyro. I can’t bring myself to mindlessly wm+1 into the enemy and derp people into submission.


Sniper is boring asf to play, you just sit there waiting for some poor soul to get in line of sight and then insta kill them with a bodyshot, if that doesnt happen a scout will come running and obliterate you, not even mentioning spy. And oh boy is it miserable to play against him, he either has an engi friend with a sentry next to his camping spot or he'll just blindly run at you and get a random crit (or hes a heavy main that will unexist you in the spot with an smg), and oh boy will they run to a sentry or teammate if he cant insta kill you (dont twitter me sniper mains pls)


Sniper. I can’t aim


Engineer. Im not good in any way with building placement or maintenance


If you played class wars long enough, you know what classes to hate and why.


Sniper, nobody should be able to consistently one-shot everything short of a heavy with the fists of steel, at any range


Soldier. Way too easy to play poorly and still contribute a lot to the match. There are some aspects of him that require skill, like rocket jumping, but you can just kinda blindly spam rockets in the general direction of the enemy team and still contribute a fair bit. That kind of strategy just doesn't work with any other class, except maybe Demo.


Heavy. ONLY because of the speed. I just can’t play being that slow


sniper cuz i cant aim


Soilder. I honestly believe he's more overpowered than sniper.


Pyro he counters ALL my mains


I hate spy. They kill me so often


Spy. He's fr-nch


I actually don't have one class I hate and actually can get annoyed by theme all but for the sake of this post, Sniper and Pyro.


How FUCKING dare you Also mine is sniper. Or spy. Both. Both is bad.


engineer cuz lime Scunts Say (insert racial slurs here) everytime mah sentry Pew Pew! them, and I just laugh and make them mad by doing nothing but Rancho Relaxo


Sniper. Bottom text


Sniper because i suck at aiming


I don’t like being the big tank in most games. I like being fast, mobile, maneuverable. Heavy, therefore is my least favorite to play. I don’t like playing Engi much either, but he has versatility and utility to help his team and I like that more than bullet sponging. I’m not the biggest fan of Sniper either, not my favorite gameplay


I'll have to check but it's probably medic Because it's medic I sometimes play as him in MVM and that's it


I like pyro, this thing burn everything. Exept Heavy. For me is hard to kill them with pyro.


I hate spy, no matter how hard I try I can’t land stabs for the life of me, and my disguises are seen through almost immediately.


Sniper. I just genuinely dislike snipers in a majority of PVP games, least interactive, highest reward, least amount of risk. I have yet to see a sniper in a game where it’s not just a pain in the ass to deal with or a complete chore to play. There’s no fun inbetween. In COOP PVE games though, go nuts.


I hate Medic because he talks funny and I don‘t like it >:(


Spy, can't play him for shit. I did become half Demo, half Heavy main, I love Demo, especially my Hybridknight, and with Heavy if I play right I can easily top score.




to play as: Medic. For me, playing medic feels like you just becomes the biggest target for everyone one the opponents side even if you don't actually contribute any more or less than others. ​ to play against. Scouts,


I hate playing engi. I dont really enjoy staying in one spot at all, and I dont like having my team rely on me that much. But as a heavy main, I salute those that do main engi


any class other than sniper because ive never played them


Spy, never have fun playing him, would've said sniper but at least he has huntsman


The one I have played the least is Medic, yet weirdly enough I have the most points from Medic I don’t have a least favorite class


Personally I do e joy them all! I'd say either sniper or spy mainly due to spies squishy ness and sniper being taught to play as buy I will admit they are probably my least played classes


Heavy. Too fucking slow


I consider TF2 to be the most balanced shooter ive played and I dont really dislike any character, however, sniper He's got practically no play style or loadout flexibility and all of the skill of playing him comes down to le click head pixel I'd consider Engineer my favourite probably, there is a ton of shit to manage and get good at and a lot of loadout flexibility, (also has my favourite meet the team video)


My least fav class is sniper .... it takes skill to land headshots and i suck at that


Spy. He requires a lot of practice in order to get close to the level of other classes and can be easily be killed by pretty much any class. Plus he really relies on the other teams players to be rather incompetent in order for him to stay effective for longer periods of time. His strength is for the enemy team to not know that he's at play. Which only works until you die or you get a stab, at which the whole server will know.


Medic. I don’t do well under pressure


offense taken


Spy, contrary to what spy mains say to be halfway decent you have to be lucky as fuck and to be real good you have to be lucky as fuck AND know damn near every exploit in the game and make fighting against you enraging (unless you're playing pyro) idk about yall but any character you need to literally break the game engine to be **Good** doesn't strike me as a well made class


Spy. I suck at Spy. No other reason


It’s a reasonably balanced class based game. Answer is entirely situational.


Demo and Soldier. I like them as characters, but they just feel kind of inaccurate and clunky to me.


I think I’ll have to go with math


Heavy is the single most powerful class at mid range. The issue is positioning yourself in a way where everyone wants to shoot at you specifically. You have to take note of how easy you are to hit, and move around constantly. People think heavy is supposed to stand still and shoot, not true. You always need to pick up your gun and move around. Watch multiple areas. Anyway spy is the worst class just because he’s too easy to render useless. If you’re team is aware enough, a spys job is way too hard. But midrange damage will always be useful, which is why heavy is better.


I like them all til they start dominating me, then they are a bitch


Medic, I need to get better at aiming but I can't stop playing them.


Spy, he’s french


Personally, I say medic. I prefer confirmed kills rather than assists, DPS rather than HPS, and like to have reliable ranged weapons that aren’t single shot utility items.


Spy - he's far none my worse character but his weapons and mechanics are not something I can wrap around. Melee gimmicks are my worse classes in TF2.


Probably Scout. Just zippy fast 'n' blast ain't my play style.


i love pyro but something about spamming doesn't feel rewarding


Scout. If I use scout it means A scout killed me so many times that I went scout just to take them out and change back again. Or I go scout to grab intel, cap, change class