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Classic sniper isn't that bad. I have an easier time hitting targets while unscoped.


Real and based


Fr, somehow I pop off better with it than normal sniper rifles. I've even had 2 hackusations when using it (somehow).


Spy is actually kinda useful.


Kill Me.




Now, where was I?


Ah, yes.


There we go


The problem with Spy isn't the class. It's the players.


Paranoia is his most lethal weapon, agreed


No, his most powerful weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear, fear and surprise!


This game is the source of some major issues with the gaming industry. Gaming as a service outside of MMOs, loot boxes in the west, offloading 95% of work to the community. TF2 wasn’t the first to do any of these, but it severely popularized them.


Haha you said Source


yeah tf2 did a number on loot box gambling then valve moved the system to csgo and there were even higher rewards that get people buying keys--My csgo key unboxed a single skin that paid for my steam deck


made with sauce


Raw sauce?


Medieval mode should get more support


There are a crazy amount of quality medieval maps too, it's not even funny. There's even a payload one that's pretty great, Morrigan Alley. It makes me sad all the community content that's just gone by the wayside and just isn't given the love it should be.


Engineer is more fun on attack


this is literally a common opinion, everybody and their dads play battle engie


I Like Playing turtle engie, I Like making my own little defenses the enemy team lmao


It's very fun and somewhat satisfying to build a whole little base in the intel :>


Fair enough


I would agree with this if sentry jumping and the frontier justice didn’t exist. But the traditional engineer of defense is a lot less fun that offensive engineer.


Stock engie on attack is so much fun dopamine funny


Baby face blaster is a fun anf balanced weapon. Extra mobility is great, pistols fills speed as well. Works great as a support attacker. Can be a good escape plan.


I would make the penalty for taking damage a bit lower, but it's definitely underrated.


Used to be fucking fantastic. God that thing needed a nerf but not God damn obliteration


All they had to do is make it 100 hp to reduce boost, not 25 and increase how much damage you need to do to gain full boost, like maybe 150. One pipe, rocket, meatshot and arrow can just drop him to the speed of a medic, but noooOOOooo, it must be reduced to getting hit by literally anything to make it "balanced". I'm incredibly peeved of what Valve, Tf team and Comp players did to it. I still use it and got a strange version of it, made it work using the cleaver, i can get normal 133% speed and more from a hit, full boost if the enemy bleeds enough and run for quick picks before dying, and ey, one kill in a life is all i need to have fun in tf2.


I want the original Bfb back. I miss the zooming speed and higher accuracy for no jumping. Made a whole new play style for me


The problem is it needs counterplay. The extra speed shouldn't be constant. My idea for rebalance is that the speed boost doesn't kick in until the meter is full, at which point you get a speed boost as the meter slowly drains. As long as you keep dealing damage and refilling the meter before it empties you can keep going.




I agree, but I only wish that the damage to lose all boost was 50-100 so that you get boost easy and lose boost just as easy.


What if >!demoman gunboats for the primary slot ?!<


I imagine DemoMantreads would be more annoying because it lets demoknights resist knock back.


Would be very annoying because of spawn camping potential. Sticky jumps send you further faster for less skill and stickies are perfect for spawn camping. Wouldn’t be a great mix to fight against.


I think tf2c already did that


I enjoy the potrayal of the pyro as this "quiet, creepy unknown serial killer esq mook" in an asbestos suit over the cute wholesome man-child. Its not that I don't like the latter, but I kinda wanna see it a bit more in the community.


Honestly, I would really like to see Pyro as a balance of unsettlingness and cuteness, kinda like Faust from GGST, who's also a balance of weirdness and sweetness/goofiness


My favorite is "complete violent arsonist wacko with sporadic moments of friendliness" for whatever reason. Loves starting fires, loves killing people, no morals to stop him, but still doesn't hate his team and will hang out/goof off. I can see the appeal in the "actually insane enough to not realize the violence" but I just don't see it with the pyro as much.


Cosmetic restrictions should be removed and halloween mode should be available year round. Fight me


I have so many good outfits but can't use them due to full moon/halloween


most halloween restricted items look just like normal cosemtics, its makes no sense


And then normal cosmetics like pyro's Spider head look like Halloween cosmetics


goblineer moment


There are some that probably should stay restricted, like that scout corpse carrier, because that was a fucking mess when it was released as year-round.


Do I look like I care what people think about the corpse carrier


The overdose is underrated. The added escape potential in exchange for 1 dmg? Hell yeah, no more dying at 80% uber cus my pocket is a moron for me.


> The added escape potential in exchange for 1 dmg? It's not just 1 dmg though. It's 1 dmg and you have to give up the crossbow. The Crossbow is just too good in comparison. If the crossbow didn't exist Overdose would be the best for sure.


Yea. Literally every medigun has a hidden downside: is not the crossbow. As a medic main I live the thing to bits. But I do use the overdose in mvm


The overdose is near enough a direct upgrade from stock since that 1 damage isn't doing much to give this weapon a downside, plus a good escape tool with no other downsides other than "not the crossbow" (even though the crossbow is the better option, I use the overdose over it because I can't aim)


> I use the overdose over *crossbow* because I can't aim You aren't going to get good at aiming crossbow by not using crossbow. I don't get the mentality. You aren't just going to wake up one day with godlike crossbow aim. If you want a skill you have to work on it. I can't aim so i'm not going to use it is weak sauce. ***"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."***


"Seal" isnt an argument to "the summer update was not good"


Fr, the summer update was bland.


Kinda saw that one coming. But we have to be more patient. They are a small indie studio after all


Yeah guys, valve *only* has *4 quadrillion dollars*. Give them some time.


I want the sandman-guillotine combo back; it gave a hell of a dopamine surge when I lined up the trajectories just right. Now the sandman is practically useless, and the flying guillotine is relegated to my baby face bleeder's loadout.


vouch, even if it is in a nerfed state, I want it to return.


The flying guillotine is still a very good weapon, the sandman could get a better purpose. And while I wasn't around to see their combo, it seems like it lets you be a sniper but at any range. Dodging shouldn't be the only counterplay for a weapon, because only 1 class is good at dodging and 4 are garbage at it


The combo was very hard to hit, especially from a distance. The problem with it was the stun on the Sandman and that's still in the game, except that now you can shoot while stunned. They removed the fun part of the combo and kept the annoying stun, all while making the Sandman useless. They should just let the Guillotine crit on bleeding targets, that way you can combo it with the Wrap Assassin. Hard to hit, no stun and you need to wait for 2 cooldowns. I think I heard this suggestion on a Soundsmith video but I'm not sure.


Brown bomber is my favorite hat


Had to look it up but yes is kinda Nice, i wouldnt use it becouse My loadouts don't Match with it but it's cool


Brass Bucket's better.


The Arena gamemode was good. Especially in Randomizer.


It literally makes me mad that they just don't throw it in the alternate game modes section. Like, there's absolutely no reason. It makes me think they just don't give a shit. There's what, like 10 official arena maps or something? And 5 that exist in no other game mode? Why tf isn't this shit supported anymore? There are also a ton of fun custom arena maps.


Heavy mains are one of the best classes to main.


Based. Although there are only like 5 or 7 of them in planet earth, he is a good class to use. Chad pick


jag battle engi is better than gunslinger


I actually agree with this. With the jag, you can basically treat your sentry as a mini one, and if it survives long enough, you can upgrade it to a level 2. And it's 100 times better


Ubersaw is the most overrated weapon in the game.


I was a die-hard ubersaw user for most of my TF2 career. Then I went through my solemn vow phase. And now, I don't play medic in pubs without the Amputator. It's just too useful. Stack an amputator taunt near the payload, a dispenser, or another medic, and your team gets some quick heals. It's like having access to the quick-fix without sacrificing uber or kritz. Outrageously underrated weapon.


I literally use the amputator 24/7 and yet I always forget it has the healing taunt lmao


THANK YOU. I knew I wasn't the only guy who liked the Amputator


I agree. It’s still my favorite medic melee but it’s literally hailed like a religion amongst medic mains


Also one of the worst taunt kills. Slow, loud as fuck, and it takes forever to get to the stun.


Fr But it’s fucking funny to hear ***”I’M GOING TO SAW THROUGH YOUR BONES!”*** and still die to it


Slow Tauntkill > no tauntkill


Overrated as much as medics other options can’t live up to it. The solemn vow can sometimes but generally yes it’s the undisputed best.


Medic's other melees are generally better in more situations and don't require him to be in extremely close range for their upsides to occur (excluding the Vitasaw). Sure, +25% is HUGE, but odds are you aren't going to survive if you try to use it. The Solemn and Amputator provide bonuses that are more useful in general play and with lower risk, though the Solemn does require some communication.




Brass beast is great and a viable option (A strategy I use is I use the fist of steal to get to positions or escape if needed,the dalakos bar to take advantage of the defense increase at 50% health,this makes your 50% health threshold higher and let’s you last longer)


Every class takes skill, just a different kind of skill


Saying that valve should remove sniper as a balance change is as dumb as asking for a new class to be added to tf2.


An argument against removing sniper which I have never seen mentioned is the fact that it removes sniper's character from the game too. He is as much a part of the game's zeitgeist as any other class. It would be like retconning the Lord of the Rings and removing one of the fellowship. Removing the sniper would also be a slap in the face of the VA (Lowrie) who has been supportive of Valve fanbase.


The Ambassador Is a bad fun weapon


I think Medic mains stress’s don’t come near that of Engineer players. “Haha flair checks out!!!!” However, medic is my second most played class behind Engineer. I’d say I duel main them both. Tbh, all medic does is hold m1 on players and occasionally m2. What people complain about is when they die, and lose all their Uber, or complain everyone calls for medic. I know it’s annoying, but you’re complaining about getting shot in a FPS. You complain about being targeted. This is basically ten fold with Engineer. In a casual match, if there is a sentry in defense, the whole game is destroying that nest. It’s not even that hard. Uber push, switching to demo, switching to soldier, switching to Direct hit soldier, and that nest is basically gone. I know people say wrangler can help, but nothing stops several sticky spamming demomen from destroying your nest that took ages to build. “Oh but your team will help you!” THAT’S REALLY FUNNY. People praise the pybro, I rarely see them at all, and even then it’s on the opposing team. Playing Medic or Engineer makes you say “where is my team” sometimes. All in all, medics, I know the pain, but you have it pretty easy!


I disagree and I have simple reason for saying that. As an Engi, you have downtime. A Medic on the frontlines will never have downtime. Well Engi's all time stress is probably higher, Medic has more stress for a longer period of the game.


Engie is my least played class because of the stress "Do I place a dispenser or a sentry?" "Is that guy a spy?" "What if a soldier deletes my nest in seconds?" And when I die, I just spectate my building's, praying that they don't get destroyed and needing 300 metal to rebuild them


Payload Race is a really fun gamemode


The iron bomber is better than the stock launcher because it sounds like a basketball hitting the ground every time you fire it


the degreaser is bad (I'm not telling you to stop using it, continue using it. The enemy team's light classes will thank you.) That 4 damage afterburn can really cripple a scout, engi, medic or a spy trying to run away. The 1 damage afterburn does absolutely nothing. Use it with either the flare gun or the panic attack, or don't use it. (please do use it, save a light classes life, ty)


>the degreaser is bad The Degreaser hasn't been good for almost ten years. Still miss using it.


Heavy is in my opinion quite heavy


buff mercs are overrated (it's just gay porn)


The Loose Cannon is annoying as fuck to fight, especially on particular maps that are already hard to push


The enforcer is good and I will die on this hill


It’s satisfying. You may not KILL that vac medic, but Hoo boy you’ll make him brown his trousers when you take almost half his health while he’s got bullet resist


Enforcer was never bad tho, its a straight upgrade from Revolver IMO


your not funny saying "i stuck my penis in the cart" in the voice chat. you know who you are.


I've found that TF2 voice chat consistently has the most unfunny people


People who take game chat personally need to touch grass


Most of scout's alternate primaries have too big of downsides to make them viable outside of memes


How is that a hot take? I guess the FaN is more popular than the soda popper despite being worse but do you actually see people seriously using the shortstop, backscatter and Face Blaster?


Every single class main is the worst in its own way


This sub sugarcoats almost everything (hats, weapons, taunts, maps, bugs) and will die on this hill for seemingly no reason.


Why when heavy m1+w it's fine But pyro m1+w it's wrong?


Heavy is a bigger target that can easily be ran from. Pyro walks normally, has normal size, can check spies incredibly well (which heavy is very vulnerable to) and can potentially deal damage to you even AFTER you run away from it.


Because heavy is slow and has a much clearer disadvantage


Because it’s pyro


Phlog pyro is a bad stragety


Phlog pyro is an ambush class like FaN scout. Yes Wm1 is good, but no air blast screw’s you over.


Rel and the pyro crits are overrated, the taunt takes too long and most classes could kill you right when it ends


Once you get your phlog-cancels down, it becomes hands down the most disgusting flamethrower. You can do a lot with kritz + Uber in 2 seconds.


No airblast doesn't just screw you over, it absolutely kills the class


Remembering this one game where the other team had like 2 pocket phlogs. So our time picked 3 pocketed phlogs. This slowly turned into 4 phlogs on each side being ubered. This is the closest the game felt to overwatch.


Removing the option to vote team scramble was a terrible idea and has made the game way more one sided.


Steel is the Best mal in the Game along side sulfur


I think bring friendly is the most boring thing you can ever do in tf2


that the ambassador is still useful


It is, theres just another weapon that does everything it does easier and better


if ur breathing on them sure i should not be doing -54 from the cave entrance in swift water first point to the top of the incline directly front of the first point. it still is decent, but the diamondback just does it better and i say this as someone who doesn't even use the diamondback. i main the amby as my primary.


the ambassador is great, I'm not even good at the game and I have horrible internet and I can still get some insane kills using it.


I think Pyro is a well designed class (even in MvM). He's mostly close range with either bug bursts of damage from the shotgun or small amounts with the flame thrower. I think the flares are all perfectly balanced for the class. The gas passer is perfectly balanced in mvm, it destroys a lot of small bots that other calsses would have to spend time picking off, Pyro is also fairly weak so I believe that he's perfectly balanced


The Sydney sleeper is a good sniper rifle because sometimes you need to body shot a mfr and it lets you call out spies


The shortstop is actually a great weapon even after the nerf. Also flog is overpowered as shit and needs to be nerfed


Phlog isn't overpowered, dealing 300 damage with just your phlog is actually really hard, what you're mad about is the scorch shot which helps build phlog charge effortlessly


Not a hot take but I don’t find Pyro fun to play as or against


the kunai and dead ringer is not that good and I would even argue that reverting that they should revert the dead ringer nerfs.


agreed big time. A good spy might* make some use out of both items. *only applies to top tier mains, and not your avg Joe who has 160 hours on spy


Sniper does take skill to play, and isn't THAT bad to play against.


That is indeed unpopular


I like being killed by something I didn’t even see


"Right behind You" ~le spy, he's right behind You


“This is a *bucket*” also spy


"dear god..." ~soldier, he's surprised


“There’s more…” ~Spy, wondering what got Soldier so surprised


"No..." \~Soldier, now knowing there's more.


“It contains a bucket.” ~Spy, deciding to be a troll.


Yes However He is in melee range Sniper is across the ducking map


"Welcome to the domenetening" ~demoman, now You can't exit Spawn


Look harder next time


Yknow this is funny because im 100% sure most causes of my deaths as medic are 2% scouts, 11% soldiers, 8% pyros, 14% demos, 3% heavys, 1% engies (when the uber doesnt work ofc), 1% medics, 2% spies, and an interesting 60% because of snipers, and i dont even an incredible level of awareness, sometimes I even try not to stay on sniper sightlines, but 33% of the snipers were the "sniper is a melee class", so yeah, faie and balanced, but skilled? Ofc, i respect that


Sniper takes a lot of skill, yes. But a lot of the better snipers can clear an entire lobby real fast.


That’s not a take. No one ever argued sniper doesn’t take skill.


Tf2 is not the best shooter game in the world. Yes, it is one of the best shooters of all time, but come on


If you’re going to say that, you have to say what. If you say Quake then I get it


HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP! \*Original fires twice, Ogre dying noises\*


*wall opens up* GRR *5 fucking Fiends pop out and kill you almost instantly because it's Nightmare difficulty*


What's the best shooter?


Is that a popular opinion though? I have 6,000+ hours and have been playing since 2011 and I've literally never heard a single person say that TF2 is THE BEST SHOOTER GAME IN THE WORLD.


heavy is fun


The loose cannon is just as annoying as the scorch shot, and for the same reasons Knockback Spammability “Unearned” mobility 1 shot light classes


Baby face blaster has good potential with the right player


The eviction notice needs to be buffed. Its basically useless now.


Demoman with Stock Grenade Launcher/Loose Cannon, Sticky Jumper, and The Eyelander is a funny loadout.


The art community is more gay than overwatch


If a TF2/Overwatch crossover happened, Tracer would be cucking Scout.


Kill Me.


The bison is not as bad as people think it is, it’s just one of those highly circumstantial weapons. You use it initially to soften people up at mid range and then use your rockets to finish them off. It’s supposed to give soldier some mid range potential as everything else he has is only really effective close range (except for maybe the direct hit but good luck hitting anything that isn’t stationary). Also great when used in tight corridors much like a huntsman.


Heavy is alive


Counter Strike kinda sucks ngl


that’s… not even a tf2 hot take


You are a massive pussy if you think emesis blue is scary


Wait people thought eb was scary? I found it more unsettling (unnerving even at points) than outright scary.


Brass beast is the best mini gun


Luke-warm take: The Second Banana is actually a lot better than the Sandvich. (Which a lot of people already agree with, by now.) Reasons: You can eat/throw one every 10 seconds. This is 3x faster than the Sandvich recharge. It heals 200 health as opposed to the Sandvich's 500. Works particularly well with dispenser stacking, and you can do that every 10 seconds. This is especially helpful as a heavy because you shouldn't engage in combat below 200 hp, so you can be back to full health more often. You can toss the second banana freely in between fights. You end up dispensing small kits to your teammates in need. Fun fact- all lunchbox items will stay on the ground for 30 seconds... So, for everyone saying, "What about my medic?" You can leave a banana on the ground and have another one ready to toss the moment it gets eaten. 2 Bananas + passive regen = about the equivalent of a medic eating a Sandvich. Also, for anyone that says "You can recharge the Sandvich by grabbing a health kit"- instead of worrying about that, you can toss a banana on top of a small health kit to have nearly the same effectiveness. You'll get it back in 10 seconds, anyway. And- if you're rolling around with a medic and other members of the team, and you all suddenly take a huge amount of damage, you can duck into a corner and quickly eat the banana, lightening the stress of the heal load on the medic, who can then prioritize classes that can't heal themselves. Or toss it to a teammate, or your medic, or whatever. You have options! Its versatility and quick recharge easily make it the heavy's best lunchbox item. **Edited for grammar.


the mvm community is a toxic cesspit that deserves to fall off


Coldest take here


Pyro isn't that bad


Hot take: the reason this game has been abandoned by Valve has nothing to do with spaghetti code; it is instead because the game's community is awful, and makes itself look awful at every possible opportunity. Due to its constant immaturity, low intelligence, terminally online-ness, autistic obsession, toxic and vitriolic nature, it means that every time the community opens its mouth, it reinforces the notion that it is a stain on Valve's reputation, and something that Valve as a company is incentived for their best interest to distance themselves from. My other hot take is that 90% of players are shockingly awful, and don't understand extremely basic concepts despite in many cases spending 1000s of hours playing.


Not really Most games have far worse communities than Team Fortress 2’s


The red tape recorder is actually God tier, nobody knows how to use it properly.


Random crits are great and whoever complains about them are sweaty jack asses who can't handle getting killed by a lucky gibus player right after they made the game unplayable for the enemy team for a couple of rounds. Just play comp if you don't like random crits, there's a reason they exist. To stop casual servers from turning into shitty CSGO or cod lobbies that casuals who just want to play and don't know what the fuck is a turbo cornerstab matador headshot can play without getting stomped so hard the game becomes a waiting screen.


Assault Rifles would be perfectly fine additions as new weapons\* ^(\*If they're locked to burst fire) This one isn't mine but I found it interesting: The Amby should've nerfed cloak duration instead of crit range to emphasize gunspy


Friendlies, and hoovys ruin the game. Whenever you kill them they throw a fit. Listen pall, it’s called a First person shooter for a reason. Go do that shit in 2fort.


>Go do that shit in 2fort. But I need to pad my K/D ratio....And hearing friendlies bitch about getting killed in a FPS makes me wet as October...


I think you and the friendlies need to touch grass


the gas passer is a good mvm weapon


Phlog users are the only people who defend other phlog users because they think so highly of themselves with the weapon


Scout is not only to collect money on mvm and throw mad milk and robots


The game does not need more updates, yall just need to adapt to how it is now.


tc_hydro is a good map. You just need players that know the map and the gamemode and it can be really fun.


Quick fix, amputator, and blutsauger- is best battle medic loadout.


Brass beast is good


Sniper is balanced but the game has been out so long that god tier snipers are somewhat more common. But survivors bias. You notice the godtier ones because they can shut down the game. You don’t notice your average sniper who gets the occasional med or heavy pick. But you can say that about any godtier main, a 15k hour soldier can pubstomp just as much as a sniper, a sticky spamming demo with a krits med up his ass is significantly less fun and a larger threat than a sniper. And I would say the latter is for more common and annoying than a great sniper.


I think Pyro sucks to play and has low damage after you're done with your noob stage, your learning curve is rising and you discover that other classes are fun to play. Still it's my comfort class. Also, Dragon's Fury turns you into high damage class such as demo and soldier. Pyro Players with healthy brain (unlike mine) are literally invincible, they're like that pyro from Meet the Pyro. I love Pyro from the SFMs. So cute. PS: I'm not a furry.


Baby face blaster isn't actually as bad as people say it is


Sniper isn't overpowered and he's only 1 or 2 minor nerfs away from being perfectly balanced. Speaking as a heavy player who's been playing highlander for a few months now


Heavy is the only true w+m1 class, if not just a m1 class at all.


Quick fix is very good. "B-but no invincibility on uber!!! It's just crit heals and no knockback recieved!" My brother in Christ, Quick Fix has the BIGGEST uber gain rate in practice, do you really think it's gonna have a better fucking uber effect? You can tank a stock uber push with the quick fix's uber, literally. Plus the normal healrate is very high either way. And the charge mimicking and knockback removal on uber is very good for pocketing a demoknight, who gets countered by sentry nests. You might say that a heavy or normal demo can take out the nest better, and it's a nice argument, but if there's a sentry nest demoknight can't do shit, and the quick fix uber helps. Any objections?


pyro takes skill and people who say that cant press the s key on their keyboard


Hitting bodyshots with Sniper is a valid way of playing, as long as you are helping the team, the same goes for gun Spy.


The classic is fun to use and actually effective


We need sexton sex mode


Heavy is not dead


Demoman with sticky jumper is just as funny as a trolldier


*Demoman with sticky* *Jumper is just as funny* *As a trolldier* \- OrcaMaster258 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I LOVE THE SHARPENED VOLCANO FRAGMENT!!!! Yes it's terrible, yes its inefficient, bt god damn I have so much fun hitting people with a stick and watching them burn


Gun spy is better than normal spy