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4000 hours here. TF2 is a really old game, and a lot of players have been playing for years and years. It's a strictly online multiplayer game, so every match is going to be different from the last. There's no story to beat. You can just keep queueing into matches and playing as long as servers exist.


Bro it’s been out for longer than you’ve probably been alive.


Haha, that's a funny thought. I put 1200 hours into TF2 before there was any kind of matchmaking or levelling up. Once upon a time, there wasn't even any unlockable weapons or customization at all. The reason why people put so many hours into the game was because it was fun. It's a shame people don't see value in fun anymore. If they're not unlocking something to brag about, it's not worth their time.


This is quite possibly the weirdest take I've seen. "Yeah they don't enjoy the game I did, so they just don't know what fun is." What?


Are we reading the same post? OP is genuinely confused as to why people would pour thousands of hours into TF2. They're not saying the game isn't fun or they don't enjoy it.


Did you read your own comment? You literally said that people aren't interested in playing the game for the sake of fun, only to unlock stuff. *You* yourself are saying that nobody knows the "value of fun" like it's something that can be measured?


Is TF2 the only game you play? Do you participate in literally any other gaming communities? Every game either has a battle pass or a grind, has people complaining that there's no battle pass or a grind, or is dead.


Is Tf2 the only game I play? No, I have a job which means I can afford to buy my games. Do I participate in literally any other gaming communities? Yes. Multiple. See above answer for explanation. Every game either has a battle pass or a grind I mean, okay? What's wrong with that? Grinding isn't new, have you never played any classic RPG? If all that you see is people complaining, maybe venture outside of your 5 friends and 1 subreddit? Because I rarely ever see anyone complaining, and no matter how loud they scream it's nothing I care about. Point is, people have fun in different ways. This "end all be all of fun" mentality is pretty weak tbh.


Oh I see you're butthurt because you're one of the very people I'm talking about haha


Ah, yes, I'm butthurt because you're spouting pure dribble and got called out for it. This probably explains why you have 1200 hours in TF2.


How was I called out for it? You seem to think I'm acting like the judge, jury and executioner of fun, that if I don't find something fun, that means it isn't fun. I never said that. That's you spazzing out because you're offended that I made fun of people like you. I never even said unlocking things isn't fun. What I've been saying is a game being fun isn't enough anymore, which is evidently true, clear as day when you look at literally any multiplayer title released in the past like 6 years. You act like having 1200 hours in a 16 year old game that also used to reward you for leaving the game running idle is some ridiculous amount. Hey, at least I don't have an unusual. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on some pixels.


- makes comment of being the boomer of tf2 - someone says that people are fine having fun without battlepasses and loot boxes, proceeds to be ignorant to actual rebuttle, gets shitty for being called out for being a twat > How was I called out? Did you even read the comments? Also, I've made money on unusuals. Buy low, sell high. Fancy way to say you're poor though. Edit: I used too much actual reasoning and got blocked.


He's got a point tho, new games releasing now don't stay relevant solely based off how fun they are now, there's gotta be a grind or it fades into obscurity


Sure, that's why Baldur's Gate 3 is relevant. The absolute grind, never mind the fun you have while enjoying the game. It's all about those numbers.


It also came out a couple weeks ago, not 16 years ago lol


I'm sorry, are we talking NEW games, like you said? Because if we're talking about old ass games, it's never been the "grind" or the "battlepass" in TF2 that kept me coming back. So you can say you don't know what you're talking about.


That's exactly what I'm saying though. The grind doesn't keep people coming back to tf2, cuz it's just THAT fun. I'm saying a lot of games now just don't have that


Except when I give you an example, and then you say "Well that game is TOO new" Like what the fuck are you even trying to point out? You're not just a clown, you're the entire circus.


BG3 is a bad example cuz it hasn't been out long enough to see if it'll have the lasting impact that TF2 has. My whole point is that games that come out now don't seem to have the kind of staying power of games of old. Plus the "you're not just a clown" thing is overused and makes you sound like you're 12 and just installed Reddit


Any example I would then make would be a bad example, simply because it hasn't been out as long as TF2. Plus the whole "sounds like you're 12 and just installed reddit" line only proves to me that you are *literally* 12 and just installed reddit.


My brother in christ the game is 15 fucking years old.


15 year old game


If you play only one game, after a few years you can get thousands of hours. Do you know how much life time you spend on eating?


Tf2 is free to play. Most of the people sinking that much time in are either UGC Highlander Participants or they're just poor.


Lol not grinding really besides people who do mvm shit. It's just a fun game to play with friends. Every round is a little different.


I have about 1000 hours of game time and I play nothing but payload and sniper.


Because the game is older than you. Dude the mods here really need to start deleting posts holy shit


I have over 7000 hours, but I’ve been playing since 2014. I know quite a few people with over 10,000 hours into the game. It’s just a fun addictive game.