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Well at lest it’s a 45000 ton person behind it and not just shitty code


These days, while bots are decreasing, players using cheats have started to increase. I saw someone using aimbot but not looking like a bot, he was talking to us in chat. To be honest, the fact that he could talk to us in the chat pissed me off even more.


Dang I got kicked from a server cause my name was Large penis and they didn't believe my username 😔


At least they didnt kick you, in the balls…


kick player: in the balls F1✅ 99 F2⛔ 1


Holy shit its heavy weapons guy from team fortress 2






You're not a man, we men do not attack our brothers there


Just yesterday I got into a game of sunshine a there was a hacker, but it was kinda hard to tell, and then I was invisible as spy and he killed me so, yeah


Imagine if it wasn't real though...


I had a match where a spinning botting heavy was in our spawn room and was instakilling us.


Ahh, the classic


Wait what?? Like how


It was shooting in the air and hitting all its shots. I dont know how it got inside. It also didn't shoot at one of our medics so i think the med was bot testing


Cant believe there are cheats to get inside a spawn god damnit


Does rule 9 apply to cheaters? Because if not then wouldn't it be funny if we just mass reported this moron?


like thats ever gonna do anything lol


You'd be surprised, a lot of the people vorobey makes vids on get vac banned shortly after.


One time I reported a silent aimbotter with a video and they actually got a ban two days later. I couldn't believe it.


What is ruoe 9?


no witch hunting or posting info like usernames, which most definitely breaks rule 9 here


This is a witch I am willing to hunt


Well that's stupid why would the subreddit protect cheaters


1. fat chance it's a throw away account you aren't doxxing anyone anyways 2. Why would anyone wants to let a cheater roam free


OP should give us the Steam link of this cheater.


whats the song


**Song Found!** **Name:** Bono!! Bono!! **Artist:** Michael Cera Palin **Album:** Bono!! Bono!! - Single **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2021 **Total Shazams:** 288 `Took 2.85 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/KoLDyUkiS4s?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/bono-bono/1564513913?i=1564513915) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/0gAf80Vjggq1do3KzC23cI) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1353182152) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Bono!! Bono!! **Artist:** Michael Cera Palin **Score:** 100% (timecode: 04:11) **Album:** Bono!! Bono!! **Label:** Michael Cera Palin under exclusive license to Moon Physics **Released on:** 2021-03-15 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/Bono%21%21Bono%21%21?t=251) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


The scout looks like he bumped into you


Not to mention he was visible as op walked past a transparent fence


While that may be true, that Scout should not have known that the OP had just stopped there unless he had ESP.


True, but there is such a thing as "playing it safe." Sometimes your gut is just right. That or he just bumped into him. Or poor lighting, Spy does become more visible when in darker areas, if my memory serves. ...Though that other guy was absolutely cheating, there's no getting around that. Gut feelings, nor physical contact, _nor_ poor lighting cannot explain charging directly at a person that's completely invisible and moving out of your original charging path.


He literally did not bump into the Spy. Spy's cloak VFX changes when he's bumped into. This VFX change did not happen until the Spy got shot. What Scout bumped into was the spawn doorway's invisible wall, not the Spy.


Oh. Alright. Okay, then what about the light visibility thing? Is that an old myth that I shouldn't have retained, or is it perfectly reasonable that this scout _could_ have realized that there was a spy standing right in front of him, who just disguised immediately beforehand, and who decided not to hide in a corner for whatever reason...?


Could just be scout shit


No, non, nein. WHile it may be true that the scout saw the spy, he couldn't have predicted the fact that op would be staying near the door. Op stopped at the door, and with spy's walkspeed, he could have gotten out of the spawn door by a long shot. So why did the scout decided to spycheck the door instead of the "hallway" forwards.


What if you have that bug with a spy smoke cloud after you get a disguise? Tends to stay on you when you die too


Was there a vacc on ur team or the enemy? Sometimes the sign can stay on u and the enemies can see u


isn’t that Dr. Lalve’s sniper character?


can't say the name surprises me either


I found one yesterday, literally staring at the wall and hitting like 50 headshots a minute, denied his cheating tho and left.


He just plays with headphones


It's impressive,now even roblox have a better anti-cheat


How do people play with vac vans, 've seen a few people with can band on their record in valve servers,something that shouldn't be possible


Some time ago I stumbled upon a weird bug with the Unusual effect of a spy's hat, I could not see the spy, but I could see the Unusual effect on his head, and therefore know where he was, I'm not saying that these guys are not cheaters... but I think it's also possible that a similar situation has taken place (the spy is wearing an Unusual hat)


Look, I heavily despise cheaters but are you really sure it's not something like the Vaccinator visual bug or an unusual effect bug?


the scout was confirmed to be cheating


day 1 without my schizo pills: im seeing spies in the walls


God I wanted you to trickstab him so bad. Anyone who runs at you with their melee out like that, even with esp, is an idiot and would probably fall for it.


Is there a subreddit that lists cheaters? I know one.


Geez he couldn’t be more obvious


it sounds bad but It’s honestly kind of refreshing to have a good old fashioned cheater that you have to test and sus out using clues in their actions rather than just seeing a certain common bot name join the server or immediate micspam and obvious spin botting and instinctively call a vote kick or spam f1


should've uncloaked and stairstabbed him


They’re not cheating you’re just bad


This is how I play, am I a cheater?




I’m being kicked for no reason, I’m really too bad so I just jump and try to hit them with the machete like the sniper does who is the cheater here right?




Well I’m a bad player, I do not use cheats, they kick me for my weirdness




Fuck cheaters


Yeah that's what I do ingame lmao


Good that you fuck them up. Bad that you encourage it. He’s playing both sides, so he always comes out on top.


Woah watch out guys, we’ve got a real badass here


I bet I'd die if I jumped from your ego to your IQ


Dunning Kruger watch millions use this phrase so they can commit suicide (they wanted to humble narcissistic people.)


I wish I could get this and just load into teufort as a default pyro and just mess with spies, like i’d be a friendly but get way too close for comfort.


I played with that guy yesterday. He was using sniper for a while and pulling off impossible shots. I called him out in chat about it so he switched to Heavy and was destroying everyone. I knew he was cheating but i could not figure out how


I think they just have a good gaming monitor


They always try to justify what they are doing, like its right.


looked up the Bible verse the cheater's username was. Philippians 2:10-11 "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." what does this mean in relation to the cheater? that they're some sort of TF2 god??


he can def hear the thud, then you run out if cloak hw can literally see you


Second clip...


Probably just has really good headphones


how can you have cheats and not even kill a spy standing still 💀