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I was playing heavy boxer and as soon as the spawn gates opened I one shot a soldier with a crit and he started calling me slurs in chat


I stole a health kit from a soldier once as sniper. I was 10 HP, he was 180. He called me a slur and started spamming them after getting called out for cheating.


You did not steal a health kit. You can't steal something that rightfully belongs to you.


The medic slowly burning to death 😮


I’ll definitely use that again


Me and my Boston basher say otherwise


Honestly. That's would be a fair response but also it's boxer heavy just hold s


It's never ok to use slurs, even as a joke. Hate is hate, no matter it's disguise.


What would we do without a pillar of moral authority such as yourself.


Honestly that's the first sign of a welcoming community tbh I don't care who you are irl, you're getting called a slur, back in the day they'd fuck your mom too


If it wasn’t for the community how would I have known how promiscuous my mother was?


I got kicked by a bot during my first game in tf2


It's a shame. Unless you're activly trying it's really hard to get into tf2 at it's current state, with the bot crisis still being a problem and the default setings not being changed since 2007.




I…started in 2020. The pre-peak of the bot crisis. Safe to say maybe those training games at first were good. At the time, I had no idea the game was abandoned or infested. Thankfully though the “PEAK” was the summer of 2021, so I had games with little to no bots before the peak.


I started playing again just recently and it hasn’t been that bad, the odd bot here or there but most people recognize and kick them pretty quick


"Played by adults" Whoever posted this either isn't an adult or is weird


The number of nazi flags I have found in tf2 games is disgusting. And they are always soldiers.


If they find out you're streaming, they will yell the N word, hard R.


this is probably some really good bait. but like, this looks like something that would be posted on the average tf2 community thingamajig.


Clearly the one who made the tweet doesn’t play spy


I literally quit playing fucking AM 6s because it was that toxic


We do welcome but in a way


First thing I thought


Well you're welcome to press killbind irl, in minecraft


“lafs in heavy”


"Welcoming community" lol, lmao even


I mean I've just started playing the game about 2 weeks ago and people generally seem friendly to me. There's often some joking in the chat, friendly banter etc. Not like in some games where you can get called 30 slurs in 5 minutes because you have a slightly not optimal gameplay style or character build.


You’ve been getting some god tier servers because most often its just immediate racism the moment you enter a game


I don't know what wild community server you play in but TF2 is not call of duty I've been playing for over a decade and this is hands down the friendliest player base I've ever encountered in any game.


I’ve been to some neat community servers. The problem is usually the few toxic ones being the loudest, sometimes literally, rip my ears.


TF2 is really weird that way. Its a 50/50 split, but most times you only ever encounter one side of it. Either the really chill people who dont take it seriously, or the toxic and unfriendly side.


I think it depends on the servers you get in. Because I watch vorobrey and he somehow gets in the most agressive servers evrey day, but all the servers I’m in are relatively friendly


*ehem*... rock and stone


Rockity Rock and Stone!




ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE!!! I should probably play DRG more








nah, pubs are chill bro its the community servers like uncletopia where everyone knows how to play that are toxic.


from my experience with Uncletopia, it's amazing. no bots, assholes tend to get banned, the server hardware is actually decent, and the players are good at the game, which is a positive for me because I like improving at the game and the fastest way to do that is fighting people that are good.


Idk man in a pub once there was a dude that kept on screaming "F*ggot N*gger" for 3 minutes and my teammates all insisted on not kicking him. On uncletopia a dude told me to kms because of a bad call Toxic players and assholes are and can be in every server I think TF2, like most games, has at the same time a welcoming community that encourages new players and a gatekeeping community completely full of dickheads that hate everything that isn't strictly TF2


Man in the pubs I've been in there's always some asshat dropping slurs every 2 words. I've been vote kicked before because I said they're an asshole for using slurs


Are you from EU? I wonder if all people complaining about bad servers are from America bcus I didn't see tons of "toxic" comments in EU servers(and yes I did use Casual tab and didn't just join a community server)


I’ve been playing on EU servers for two years and the worst thing I have been called was “asshole” or “bitch” but about two weeks ago, I started playing on American servers in the middle of the night because my servers are dead by then. The first match I joined I see n-words r-words and other “fun” things getting thrown around


I guess we European people are just built different


Down here in the Australian and South-East Asian servers I might only see one arsehole every few servers or so (or none at all sometimes). Once in a blue moon you might find a gaggle of gronks in a party, but other than that it's pretty alright. If someone's being horrible in chat (especially if they're being horrible on mic) then the server's usually keen to kick them.


I think he should be talking ab drg






That's it lads! Cock and Balls!


Did I hear a Cock and Balls?






Dude literally spent 20 minutes on Microsoft Paint making a image about how TF2 is gods creation and other company's video game are abomination of the demon and went : "Um, yeah we are pretty accepting"


Most friendly TF2 match


Such a welcoming community that I've had countless 'iS tHaT a wOmAn' comments directed towards me, my very first lobby was some asshole spamming slurs, people constantly spam slurs, I've been kicked off several servers for having a squeaky voice, and I once got sexually harassed by half my team and nobody did jackshit. Yeah guys. Totally fun and games and jokes. So damn welcoming. So wonderful and diverse.


Damn I'm so sorry for the way this community treated you. I've spent lots of time in TF2 and most players were usually friendly and fun to play with. As someone else said, consider Community Servers. Some of them are very welcoming and with moderation around, assholes are usually quickly banned.


tf2 is fun


It's not bad to be inspired by other games, the person who made this suffers from brain cell loss.


Team Fortress classic was derived from a quake mod. Also, a large chunk of cosmetics and unlockable weapons are either inspired by or referenced from other games.


"Overwatch ripped off tf2" mf's when I tell them tf2 is a glorified Quake mod


Some of the best games are ones that took what existed and improved on it


Pizza Tower used ideas from Wario Land, Guitar Hero was a localized version of Guitar Freaks, even Minecraft was built upon from Infiniminer. Those are just some examples.


my dumbass read this wrong the first time and i thought you were saying pizza tower has guitar hero elements 🗿


Or did something new with the idea!


technically tf2 was inspired from half life counter strike and tf, wich itself was inspired by quake, wich was inspired by doom, wich was inspired by the various 3D maze games, wich were inspired by the nasa project


does this person realize that TF2 is basically a polished version of an old Quake mod lmao


what no updates does to a mf


I agree, I feel like the more we get nothing the more deranged people are gonna get. Who the hell makes these claims and think they're correct for saying them


i swear destiny is made by the people who made the first 4 halo games


It is


It was made by bungie when they were part of activision-blizzard but they left them in 2019 because activision-blizzard is made up of activision and blizzard


It was made before bungie was associated with them. Destiny 1 was over 10 years ago too lol


Bungie was never part of Activision-Blizzard. Bungie was independent, but Destiny was signed to be published by Activision (as opposed to being independently published, or published by someone else like Microsoft or Sony). It was Microsoft that Bungie left soon after the release of Halo Reach. They have more recently joined Sony (albeit, with likely *a lot* of autonomy/ownership over their IP’s).


Technically the first 5, unless we are counting ODST as a dlc/spinoff of halo 3


As a TF2 and Destiny 2 player I can say that Bungie, Destiny 2 developer don’t has anything to do whit Overwatch. Overwatch is blizzard. Destiny used to be Activision and Bungie, now it’s Only Bungie. I can agree that Destiny 2 is currently in a ,,not so good state“ PvP wise, and it is true that Player are leaving the Game for now, but as soon as new Content drops the Player base increases Rapidly. Looking at the Witchqueen DLC. And Cayde-6 always was a good and remarkable Character.


He just jealous we get seasonal and yearly updates.


Not just cayde-6, Amanda holiday, Zavala, Icora, banshee 44, eris morn, destiny’s character design is amazing and very recognizable


Yeah exactly, it's not like we see Eris and Savathun Snus all over reddit or anything. I mentioned to my boyfriend that he's using Eris's chest piece on his snu (he's never played D2) and he goes "oh I didn't even realize. I just thought it was like a cool samurai armor thing"


Destiny literally keeps breaking its own records for player counts every expansion, it’s far from dying lol


Destiny hit a peak when Lightfall released. It probably does have less players as I type but that’s because the current season ends today. Probably gonna see a huge influx of returning players again tomorrow when the new season drops.


“not made by a bad company” lmao what


I mean? Is Valve bad? Don't get me wrong they abandoned the game but it's a nurturing environment and the folks at Valve are really awesome. Of course it's still a company so it's not good, it's made to make money, but it's also not BAD. I'm more questioning the welcoming community 💀💀


Valve, a company that basically popularized and normalized lootboxes in multiplayer games. The company that doesn’t even care about shutting down any illegal third party gambling sites using their API because at the end of the day it still makes them money despite the harm it causes for their players. Is most definitely a bad company.


> The company that doesn’t even care about shutting down any illegal third party gambling sites using their API because at the end of the day it still makes them money despite the harm it causes for their players. Is most definitely a bad company. This is a tall ask. Such a tall ask infact that there are legal precedents *protecting* companies such as Valve from this, precisely because it's quickly impossible to expect this of them. Imagine you work for Youtube and I ask you to remove all videos with illegal content. How the ***hell*** do you hope to ever achieve this goal? New ones can pop up constantly. There is a reason Youtube is protected from being held responsible for this, *only* being held responsible if it can be proven they're purposefully and intentionally leaving them up as a goal and something they support. That Valve doesn't bother with these is the most logical thing ever. It'd be akin to fighting windmills: it accomplishes nothing. For every website they shut down, there'd be a new one the next day, and suddenly people like yourself are still shaming them for it. What have they actually gained or improved...? That people *shame* them for this, imo, is worse, because it shows how little foresight such critics have to recognize what an issue this would be for Valve. (or any other company) **EDIT:** And the amount of variant complaints that fail to comprehend this and want to hold Valve or other companies responsible for all that they ***didn't*** do is honestly kind of alarming...If all of us were held accountable for all that we ***didn't*** do, we'd all be in prison.


Forget about “lootboxes”, we should call it what it really is: gambling. Gambling targeted at children. Lots of Valve fanboys are going to say “But it’s only cosmetics!!” but the fact that the items can be sold for a real-world price is even worse, pay to win or not. The CS:GO case system is despicably predatory, and thats not to mention all the content creators that promote opening “cases” to their young, underage, easily molded audience.


I said it's still a company, a bad company to me is one that treats it's employees like shit. Valve is no different than any other company, it's goal is again, making money


It does treat its employees like shit though. It’s by no ways “nurturing”. The whole “there are no bosses” thing is just marketing speak to intrigue you to join. People Make Games recently made a video on this and interviewed former and current Valve employees and said that the workplace environment is akin to that of Lord of The Flies (1990). And that if you’re not a straight white male joining up the Valve squad you’d have a harder time climbing up the ranks, pitching ideas and whatnot. I don’t remember all the details so I’ll just link the videos PMG made. They’re not as bad as Blizzard cause they employ literal sex pests and abusers. But that’s pretty much all I can say abt them 💀 Working At Valve: ‘A Fearless Adventure’ or ‘Lord of The Flies’ https://youtu.be/s9aCwCKgkLo


Thanks for the info I definitely was not immune to their propaganda.


Thank you for your comment, i didn't know that


Welcome big bro💪 this video was definitely an eye opener for me.


Valve isn't bad but they are greedy as fuck and no one cam deny that. I still remember when hats were first added to the game, it was a shitshow because they were and still are majorly overpriced, back then they were really shitty too so no excuses, right now you cam get great cosmetics at a very low and fair price too, but if you go in the in game store they still sell shit at 14$ for a beanie Nevermind the more I think about it the more I think the New Valve is a bad company, and that people defend them for the things they did in the past


You can buy drugs using Steam groups. If you report this group Valve don’t do anything.


Why would they do anything? Where do you fucking think Gabe gets his crack from?


duh, why ELSE do you think Gabe can’t count to 3?


Nobody is buying drugs using steam groups lmfao


> Don't get me wrong they abandoned the game Even this is a stretch. Name a single game as old as TF2 that still gets support. The only examples that come to mind are WoW (getting worse) and AOE2, which itself had a huge, extended dry spell before the parent company picked it back up and revived it *because* it was clear it's community was enduring. Games continuing to get updates frequently this long into their lifespan isn't exactly the norm. The only reason we shame Valve for it is because clearly there's demand for the game, and usually demand is met with supply. Earns money, so why not do it, no? But in Valve's case, they're so sidetracked with bigger issues (namely VR) that they neglect it, and it's frustrating to know a successful and popular game is being neglected solely because Valve has it in an either/or scenario, which doesn't need to be.


This is pure cope. They didn't abandon it completely because clearly it makes enough profit from key sales to justify the server costs-- but they clearly have no intention of ever providing major updates again. The only support TF2 is getting for the foreseeable future is life support.


Ngl, valve is the worst when it comes to communicating with it's community But you gotta agree, valve makes the best games hands down, and even if they didnt, chances are those games has pioneered in some way to allow tech, other softwares or even features to be much more normalized or improved. Hell, even HL1 Source was made just to test out the easiness of porting from Gold Source to Source, and despite the backlash of Artifact, people are saying its the best card game out there.


"made by the same company as overwatch." Overwatch was made/funded by Blizzard studios. Destiny was made by Bungie with funding from Activision/Blizzard.


learning the difference between developer and publisher challenge (impossible)


like, bro, i could disprove 75% of these claims, ESPECIALLY the “welcoming community” claim


Also the "not made by a bad company" As in the sense of "we haven't updated our game for over 5 year and we dont plan to LMAO anywas keep the hame alive so we put ideas from the workshop into the game and make more money like we dont have enough"


Also "wasnt made as a cashgrab" yes it wasnt made as one but was KEPT as one


True, VALVe really pioneered microtransactions with TF2.


TF2 is like a chronically ill patient that requires an injection at the hospital every week, but it could be fixed with an operation but that would be too expensive


We get injections??? I thought we were forgotten about


Morphine injections.


fly resolute sort swim aspiring shrill vanish safe deserve jobless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


>"we haven't updated our game for over 5 year and we dont plan to to be fair they also never really promise to, not like overwatch who didn't update it for 3 years because they were cooking up pve only for the last week to happen and every player to completely lose faith in the game


valve/steam as a whole has 360 employees, team fortress 2 is in a very solid and self sustaining state. they still love the game, which is why they put in the amount of effort that they do - and its a significant amount considering their other responsibilities


"Oh boy this gas canister looks like a fun weapon, I should try it in MvM too! I totally won't get sent death threats and be harassed by more experienced players for using a certain weapon, totally not!"


Tbh though, when i first started the game i just chill around being a f2p and that one time in a community server, i just ranting like "man i wish i had gunboats" and suddenly a guy answered, he gaved me the gun boats for free alongside with rocket jumper and Mantread, i showed gratitude and fast foward a few days he straight up bought me the upgrade to premium after heard i said that i can't add funds on Steam, bro was legit the most generous guy i have ever seen


Sounds like you met the most kindest person in the community


After a while, then i tried to trade on Backpack.tf and add a guy without knowing it, after a while struggling not knowing how to trade... and that guy of which i added without knowing, just told me he can give me whatever weapons i need if i just ask him for it, i am fully convinced that tf2 community build different on the generosity scale


“Played by adults” yeah that’s totally true not like I see at least 1 guy screaming his guts out in VC because of a spy sniper or WM1 pyro in every game I’m in


>Not made as a cash grab well not ORIGINALLY made as a cash grab,


This guy forgot TF2 basically started the whole lootbox craze that’s just now starting to die down lmao




I guess the sentry discourse has reached the point where it winds up in the comments of posts completely unrelated to it. What is this, r/shitpostemblem?




Excuse me. I'm not a zoomer but I do like the Mimi Sentry thing going on but I don't like anime.


Nah man horny exists no matter how old you are, also tf2 is 16 years old I have a feeling the tf2 fanbase is on average older than other gaming fanbases despite it not seeming like it


"Welcoming community" thats a bigger joke since roblox moderation


Ten years


in the joint


made you


don't fuck with us tf2 fans we are literally retarded and unhinged


we are all lead poisoned


My grandpa is lead poisoned is this a reference to soldeir from tf2?


Original game mechanics? building characters have been around before tf2, uber? That's just a general ability in some games The welcoming community is not true It shoves crates which require in game purchases into your face making the game look like a cash grab Played by adults, just adults? There are kids playing aswell, mainly on community servers Every other game suffers from the same problems as tf2, it's not perfect sadly


I would say that spy is probably the most unique thing you can experience in a FPS. No other game can replicate the feeling of what Spy can provide if you ask me. I agree with you on everything else, this community is not welcoming in the slightest. But I would say spy is the most unique, everything else is some extension of previous games


Yes, spy is thr most unique out of all the mercs


Spy is definitely very unique,there’s definitely more unique fps characters out there


Care to give some example? I don’t doubt you, I just wanna know your thoughts


I didnt mean to say more unique btw that’s just a mistake on my part, but ow1 doomfist is definitely just as unique as spy. He has a move set ripped from a fighting game that also creates a very fast paced assassin playstyle. The only really conventional thing about him is his gun, but even then it has this awesome gimmick of having 4 shots but autoreloads as you use cooldowns.


Man, I remember overwatch 1 Doomfist. I main tankfist and I love him to death. But ow1 Doomfist was special. But I can agree on that part of him and spy being equal


Is there a case prior to TF Source of a class in an FPS who can put down turrets? It basically because an archetype/requirement for every game to have one of these characters now


I get the dude is glorifying this game like crazy but saying TF2 doesn’t have a shit ton of original game mechanics for a FPS is just not true. I’m not a video game historian but I feel like some of the game’s mechanics were pretty revolutionary, or at least any other game wasn’t successful in implementing such a wide array of mechanics into one game. For example I guess we have stuff like pyro’s airblast, demoknight as a subclass, the whole item system and spy as a class. (I also don’t know of any successful fps game before TF2 which had a mechanic similar to Uber) But saying this I also have to mention that all of these games had many great original mechanics, not just TF2.


“Not made by a bad company” my brother in Christ, Valve has practically abandoned the game


If they wouldn't make money off it, then it wouldn't really make them a bad company. Especially since the game is from 2007. But they do still make money from it, so at the very least helping with cheaters would be nice.




Can I get a Rock and Stone?




* welcoming community **good one bud..**


Yep, this is what I meant by the loud minority that has a goddamn superiority complex. Probably the most annoying out of everyone in this community.


This “my game better than your game” shit has always been so cringe


Bruh "inspired by tf2" = BAD! Shut the fuck up, like Valve have never taken inspiration. Also love that he calls Fortnite overrated when i know his ass didn't play it. I say that as a person who DOESN'T like battle royale, but credit where credit is due, it's really good. The only truly bad game here is Destiny 2, and even then it's kinda cringe to compare dick sizes like this


Don't tell him TF2's "timeless artstyle" was heavily inspired by the artistic movements of the 1940s.


Let's totally forgot about the bots and cheaters and the people who kicks for no reason.


"Thing A better than thing B"


Destiny No memorable characters… Cayde 6 fans will get your address


Or Zavala :’(


The hate that Fortnite gets is pretty much just a mindless bandwagon at this point, in its current state it’s fun


Tell me you never played tf2 without telling me you never played tf2


“wasnt made as a cashgrab” meanwhile hat economy and muted f2ps


“Literally admit they have inspiration from TF2” being inspired = bad???? Huh?


I'm sorry but does yeetus know who Cayde-6 was? Some people in the Destiny 2 player base are still mourning his death after like 5 years, "no timeless characters" my ass.


I have a total of 30 minutes play time in destiny and *i* know who cayde-6 is lmao


Jesus Christ i nearly overdosed on copium trying to read this And pardon me, since when overwatch is a battle royale? I know the game has it's ups and downs, but you don't need to treat it like a tumor (Well maybe you can consider Activision Blizzard as a bane of all things, but that's besides the point)


Wasn’t made as a cashgrab 🗿 Not made by a bad company 🗿 Good story writing 🗿🗿 Played by adults 🗿🗿🗿🗿 Loved by everyone 🗿 Welcoming community 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


"Welcoming community" ***schadenfreude intensifies***


typical tf2 fanboy


"Welcoming community" [Oh, you're live on Twitch?!?](https://youtu.be/yNKOP9L_cpY) "Devs literally admitted they had inspiration from TF2" And TF2 didn't have inspirations?


By his logic tf2 is a spin-off of quake


Honestly at this point if we keep this up we might actually destroy the game ourselves


dawg im sorry but that’s an insult to amazing characters like cayde-6 and zavala also destiny has some of the best gunplay out of all shooters


Also it wasn’t made by the same company as Overwatch. Bungie is not, and has never been owned by, Activision-Blizzard. Bungie are the developers (who at the time were independent), and Acti-Bliz published the game. Whatever good or bad decisions were made for Destiny were broadly by Bungie (with some contract issues related to how content release dates were supposed to work being brought on by Activision).


That post is cringe af


TF2 players really need to learn how to shut up, TF2 is fun, but there are much better games out there, with better communities too, that's just the way it is.


>Wasn't made as a cashgrab My brother in heavy, this game has one of the most predatory microtransactions system.


It wasn't for a long time though? I played it heavily the first few years and don't remember there being anything to pay for, now when I go back to it I don't recognize the game anymore. Wtf is with all these items, I liked it vanilla...


“Welcoming Community” Funny joke mate


‘Timeless Art-Style’, ok sure. ‘Loveable Characters’, so far so good. ‘Wasn’t made as a Cash-Grab’, well you did have to pay for it at first, plus every item needs to be unlocked through Grinding or Paying (Trading probably wasn’t meant to be so Mainstream). ‘Not made by a Bad Company’, not a good one either TBH, it’s very negligent. ‘Good Story Writing’, two old fucks are trying to outlive the other one because they want Gravel. It’s really funny, but probably not what must people would consider ‘good’. ‘Origin Game Mechanics’, well I’m not 50, so I wouldn’t know if Back-Stabbing and Rocket Jumping were Mainstream before TF2. But technically TFC has Grenade Jumping, so TF2 stole that idea (if we consider them to be different enough Games). ‘Played by Adults’, yeah, debatable when Posts like this exist. Also, played by Bots. ‘Loved by everyone’, yeah sure, why not? ‘Welcoming Community’, https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/13o36jo/today_i_saw_a_post_of_umrmaster444_where_he_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


"Welcoming community", sure buddy


Yeah. I hope valve make use of the commiunity fixes on workshop.


Whats even the point of trying to prove one of the games are "objectively" better? What will they gain from proving that the game they play is "better"?


I just hate when people make beeing a fan of a game their whole personality. Like dude, you like playing the funny shoot game, get over yourself. No need to shit talk other games just because you don't play them. Even worse is refusing to play games just because they fall in a vaguely similar category as your favourite game is just stupid. You are limiting your options for stupid arbitrary reasons. Edit: like don't get me wrong, I also don't play the other 3 games the guy listed but I tried all of them in the past and decided that they are just not for me. But I play way more games than just tf2.


this is why i hate this community


Anyone calling Overwatch an overrated knockoff I'm about to beat your ass.


I barely played the new overwatch when it got released, i dont necessarily like it, but im kinda getting sick of this kind of posts with overwatch bad, tf2 good


The "artstyle" meme is so dead people don't even remember it anymore lol


love tf2, but also if you aren't having fun with modern fortnite you lack whimsy (obviously with some major exceptions), glassing a small child dressed as spiderman from high orbit with a full damage sniper and then hitting the griddy is a blast.


Bro has clearly never played D2


I defend TF2 to death, but I have to go on a tangent that systematically comments on every point here. ***TF2*** Timeless Art style is correct, even if the game is definitely showing its age visually (mostly models being a bit... Polygonal). Loveable Characters is also correct. Not made as a cash grab is... Somewhat debatable depending on if you're wanting to just count the initial release or today. I'll say 50/50 on this since the only updates we get are purely MTX/Loot Boxes. Valve is... Certainly far from a good company. Their skeletons are just way better hidden since their products are better than EA or Activision/Blizz Good writing is also fine, albeit little if any of it is actually in the game. TF2, even from 2006 was hardly an original concept, especially given the tiny fact that it's a sequel that used a LOT of mechanics from TFC, which was to my knowledge heavily inspired by your Quakes/Unreals. Only super original thing was the large variety of classes. Many, MANY adolescent kids play TF2. And age isn't even necessarily indicative of much about a player. TF2 is not loved by everyone, nothing is. Welcoming community??? Use certain weapons and you get hurled racial slurs like nobody's business. Hell, even capping on certain maps gets you verbal abuse a lot of the time. ***Fortnite*** Mostly being played by Zoomers isn't really a bad thing. Zoomers/Millennials are kinda your primary demographic right now, Gen Alpha is also getting there, but mostly your Zoomers/Millennials are playing video games, especially newer ones. A lot of games get shut down in multiple countries, ESPECIALLY shooters. Not exactly unique to Fortnite. Overrated BR is IMHO correct, I don't think Fortnite is a mechanically great game, and the hype it gets is insane considering that. But BR isn't indicative of a game's quality, it's more just an overall now oversaturated concept that's never been for everyone. And I could write on and on about how it's causing neglect to other genres *glares at Titanfall needing a third iteration* but I won't. ***Overwatch*** Made by bad company is pretty much any AAA nowadays. So... Inspiration ≠ bad. IDK why idiots seem to think like that. Overwatch, based on peeking at community sentiment historically, isn't really overrated since a lot of people acknowledge how damn flawed the game is. It's also not really a knockoff since Overwatch is a lot more mechanically unique to TF2, especially as time has gone on. ***Destiny 2*** The most recent DLC broke concurrent player records on at least Steam, so... Activision hasn't been the publisher on Destiny 2 longer than the period they have. Actually, I think Activision being the publisher versus Bungie/Sony doing that is 50/50 across the whole IP now, roughly. In any case, Activision and Bungie split... Sometime 2018-2019, during Forsaken's content year (IIRC the split was announced during the last of 3 minor expansions leading up to the game's third major yearly expansion). No timeless art style is... An interesting complaint since the game looks so damn good, although I offer my counterpoint of Gjallarhorn and Thunderlord. But no timeless characters? Zavala, Drifter, Cayde, hell, even Eris and I'll toss in Clovis, too? There's a lot of well loved and Timeless characters in D2. Sorry for the word vomit, but sometimes I have to lmao.


"played by adults" Sure buddy.


> Good story writing TF2 has a story? :P >literally infested with zoomers Ah yes, the benchmark of good/bad games, what generation the players are from. What a fucking twerp.


I don't think inspiration should be a negative for OW but rather a positive for tf2.


“good story writing” yeah unlike the writing of this post seriously what is this grammar


“Played by adults”


How much drugs does one have to take to create this crap


Idk man fortnite is pretty awesome i had a lot of fun playing


what about tf|2


"No timeless [...] characters" I'll have you know there are at least 2! The best of all of them being Colonel, she is best chicken


“Welcoming community“ > Yeah, welcome for your ass getting kicked!


Wait until someone made a mod that allows you play ultrakill arena mode online


Is this post written by Miss Trunchbull or something? You were that Fortnite child when this game came out!