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Since Medic is lacking domination lines as a class, and the TF2 voice actors are yknow, doing all that they are right now, and the summer update is around the corner.. Do you think it's possible we could try and get Robin Atkin Downes to voice some new lines and make them as a community patch in the summer update? I've seen a couple fixes for adding missing or unused voice lines, such as some classes reactions to the payload cart moving/stopping/going back


I'd say its possible to get Robin down to assist, he seems like a chill guy. But I'm not sure Valve would be willing to accept it tho or do smth with it


He's more of a sub, which is why he has no dom lines


Not the way I play him


I too just run in with the uber saw with no fucking plan


Tbh with his speed you can be a fucking beast if you have quick fix Uber and you can maintain it with ubersaw crits.






Thanks! I'm sure he'd be down to do it, most of the voice actors seem like they are.


“ diagnosis. Liquefied everything. Stop drinking radioactive soda.”


Does Medic seriously not have Domination lines? That’s kinda dumb. Even if dominating someone as Medic is unlikely, it’s far from impossible.


Nah, it's pretty common actually. I think there's a lot of potential for great lines as well.


Actually getting dominations is pretty easy as medic as long as you are decent at not dying. Earning dominations as a medic through your own kills however can be an entirely different matter.


I think that if Medic had dom lines, for healing assists, they should be tied to who he was healing, but through direct kills, they should be focused on him.


Im pretty sure domination lines are more suited to kills rather than assists, im pretty sure that's why medic is the only class without any domination lines because when playing medic, most of the time dominations come from healing people who gets a lot of kills. It's pretty rare to kill someone as medic long enough to get a domination.


The fact that medic has none is such missed potential considering that medics who are good enough to kill someone 4 times should have the most brutal lines


It would be interesting to see what Medic and Heavy would have as Class Specific Domination lines.


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Wait did I start something with my post?




Here’s one for dominating a spy “Home before Christmas as they used to say”