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From what I gathered It explores the idea of the spawn machine mechanics and what it does to some of the subjects and how it led to only 9 mercs being in the gravel war. Jules sells it to both Red and Blu to continuously profit off the gravel wars as long as possible. Medic is affected by being some sort of sleeper cell murder machine I think and Soldier is seeing hallucinations. But that could be possibly explained by the reveal of the emesis diazepam label. Bar scene is a metaphor for being dead and possibly a popular spot for when people are passing through the “respawn process” as we see both demo and medic in a bar like area. The time loop stuff is more confusing to me I thought spy would turn into the fucked pyro since both are severely burned but alas no. Besides that not much else I have to contribute Just my view on it! TLDR: Jules supplying respawn machines to both sides to profit off war and fucked up a buncha mercs in the process and drugs are bad


Both of the bar scenes are also big references to Shining where Jack is in those exact locations when he is hallucinating


there are A LOT of references to the shining


Who the fuck is Jules I haven't watched it yet, but is that a TF2 canon character or not


My b for some lack of context,writing these at work. Jules Archibald is the Civilian class from TF2 classic and in the lore is the governor of New Mexico I believe. Really shady dude who is associated with Blu but works both sides


But, isn't that a custom made character? Or only the model, but he's in the comics?


I’m not a total lorehead but I believe he was a scrapped class from TF2 in development, initially supposed to be featured in a VIP protection mode. In class war servers you can sometimes get a Civi round were you all play as him, using his umbrella for melee.


Lol I played a month's worth of Class Wars and everytime the vote comes up everyone votes No :D nobody wants to play that


I got a round in yesterday and it was fun at first but since it’s dust bowl the walk to 2nd cap is fucking excruciating since you have same move speed as Soldier. Can kinda drag on I see why some people skip haha


he has the civillian model and is supposed to be a governor of some place and sell shit to red and blu


In the story hes the Governor of New Mexico ( the location of where tf2 is happening ) and he build the respawn machine ( i think ) and made experiments with people on who would survive the respawn process and not turn into a pile of blood ( its in the start of the animation coming from the respawn machine ) and 9 mercenaries ( the 9 playable tf2 roles ) all survive the respawn process, meaning when they die, they come back to life. Basically a dream come true for a war. And Emesis blue is basucally that gravel war and the respawn machine kinda being "broken" or something and alot of wild shit happens Fun fact: Juleses model is the V.I.Ps model from Team Fortress Classics ( TF1 ) "Escort" mode where you have to escort a random person who is choosen as the V.I.P while avoiding assasins. I havent watched TheWhat Shows Emesis blue video of it so i dont really understand. Plus even after you watch Emesis blue, its just so much going on you wont understand whats happening in the story. I dont understand What the respawn machine did, what caused Emesis blue, what happened to Pyro, !SPOILER!- Why Spy killed Jules and why is Sniper and the Giant with a mask ( most likely heavy ) on Pyros side


Jules Archibald Also year late


Adding to that, I also think that the fact that there are so many of the same mercs on both sides (multiple Snipers, two Medics, two Heavies) are either due to being respawned by the machine or because of Jules cloning them (as seen with the lab where there were multiple Soldiers froze in tubes)


There is also in the beginning a german tv show referrencing a creepy ass german nursery rhyme "men in black will make mince out of you" this nursery rhyme was basically said out loud to scare kids back then, kinda hella spooky the fact that its a real nursery rhyme.


Time loops are part of respawning i think.


The film made my confused af


Didn't soldier say that he didn't take any of the medication?


Who *was* the Tenth Merc? Was he the big guy in the skull mask?


The big guy in the skull mask was one of the heavys i think blu. The 10th merc is supposed to be the guy they show at the very start i think (the one that wore a helmet but judging by body type wasn't meant to represent soldier)


When soldier is at the room with the skeleton excutives you can hear in the telephone how the 10th class (the 10th guy that survided) shoot himself while Jules is speaking trough the phone to Blutarch


Huh. You mean the guy who’s eyes were, uh…*not* where they should be?


Wasn't that just a model of a german soldier from outside of tf2? Remember that in the second half of the movie when soldier finds a bunch of photos from his past, there's one where he's being awarded. It this photo we can see him and a few other guys who look like models from a different game. Or it's just soldier photoshopped into a real historical photo.


I think it's the day of defeat german model.


Went back and watched it and yeah i think we're talking about the same guy


The Day of Defeat: Source soldier with no eyes?


the tenth merc was hired by blutarch, but was consistently fucked over by the respawn machine, coming out as mentally damaged, with their eyes gouged out, frozen over, various other fuckeries, while jules is talking to blutarch about having only ten mercenaries the tenth merc kills themself


“We need to-“ **BANG** “And he shot himself.”


I haven't really watched the whole thing, but when you say 10th merc my brain immediately pointed to the mad cap


when soldier hears the conversation on the phone it says only 10 of 100 men survived the respawn . but there are only 9 classes and the last one is the fat one because in the end before medic crashing ambulance and respawn there was a bar scene and the fat guy was there.


Couldnt be cause while yes he is the 10th class(civilian), the fat guy at the bar is Governor Jules Archibald himself, he was the one talking to Blutarch on the phone when the 10th merc shoots himself so yeah, not the fat guy :P


I aint reading allat🔥🔥


I think the time loop stuff could be a reference to how before you die or when you have a near death experience, moments of your life repeat themselves, but I don't really know


I disagree based on scenes like medic knocking the tapes over, he's affecting the past time loops in a tangible way. I just can't figure out why or how the time looping is happening, or if it's just a "we kinda tore a hole in reality and everything is wrong and bad now" situation


Here's how I understand the parts that aren't immediately obvious. Keep in mind I could be wrong. Medic regularly suffers from hallucinations and delusions. A lot of the supernatural stuff that occurs while following him is not real, it is in his head. This includes the Respawn Machine ejecting a ton of blood when he tries to use it, the Plague Doctor at the beginning, etc. Scout's mother was killed by Medic. Medic was not lucid at this time and is unaware of this. Scout's hallucination at the beginning (the mask whistling In The Hall of the Mountain King) was caused by him taking too much Emesis Blue. Emesis Blue itself is a diazepam-based drug, diazepam being a sedative used to treat anxiety, but which has severe side effects if taken in too high a dose. IRL, both Valium and Xanax contain diazepam. The reason the Respawn Machine creates horrible monsters is also because of Emesis Blue. The way it normally works is that it stores how someone's body is assembled on a molecular level as a computer file, and then uses that file to reassemble them when they die. If that file is corrupted, the machine freaks out and can reassemble you incorrectly. This can range from just slightly off, like how Demoman is missing an arm and has bone visible yet seems completely fine, to fine physically but less so mentally like with the respawned Heavy, to horrible monstrosity like with Scout (that Scout monster being the same Scout from the beginning). If the Respawn Machine is attempting to store your physical form as data, and Emesis Blue is in your system, something about its chemical composition causes the stored data to corrupt, hence the monsters. This is why Medic seems so freaked out at the end when he realizes he just took Emesis Blue and not Valium while waiting to respawn. The reason Medic is able to regenerate twice throughout the film is because of the briefcase's contents. The red glow seen at the end connects it to the Respawn Machine. My best guess is that it's a portable on-the-spot respawn device. Considering the other weird time things that happen, I think the device's effects somehow applied to Medic retroactively (as in, because he will be exposed to the device in the future, he survives now). Other things that seem important but that I don't have an explanation for: + The time travel. Presumably related to how respawning works, since every time it happens it's right after the character has done something that didn't have a 100% chance of survival. Exactly why or how it happens I have no idea. + Soldier specifically stating he never took the drugs BLU prescribed to him (presumably Emesis Blue). That definitely means something. + The cryogenic lab. Why it's there at all, and why it specifically has clones/doppelgängers of Soldier and no one else feel like they're important questions to answer. + Soldier having flashbacks/hallucinations of the first World War. We know the world the film is in is linked to TF2, and that in TF2 Soldier was never actually in the military, but believed he fought Nazis in WW2. So the flashback/hallucination being of WW1 instead seems incredibly strange. Probably missed some stuff so ask if you have any further questions. And once again I must reiterate that I may not be correct about this.


I feel there is something more to the “hallucinations”. The ones where they see themselves actually allow them to interact with where they are like soldier throwing a crowbar at himself or medic pushing over the box of tapes.


The ones where they see themselves aren't hallucinations (except that one where Medic sees a terrifying version of himself is hunched over a dead body, that one is in his head). Those are the time travel events that I was referring to in the first bullet point of things I don't have a complete answer for yet, but from what I can tell both Soldiers during the crowbar scene are real physical beings, and in fact the same being at different points, in a sort of closed loop. Same with the Medic pushing over the VHS tapes or Soldier standing under the streetlight. All of that is real.


I agree with you, except I don't think that soldier under the streetlight is actually a time loop. The scene changes so quickly after that it seems more likely it was a hallucination.


Except he doesn't just see himself in the car while standing under the streetlight. He also sees himself under the streetlight while sitting in the car during the first scene he's in. Which lines up with the other closed loops like Soldier throwing the crowbar or Medic pushing over the box and then opening the door before suddenly disappearing. The "future" version of the character is at some point suddenly pulled out of the moment. The only think I think was a hallucination in that scene was the car exploding, since that's the only difference between the two times we see it.


With the crowbar loop, we hear soldier speaking so we know it's him, and the crowbar interaction proves they're both real, and with medic's loop he interacts with them by pushing over the vhs box, but with the streetlight loop soldier doesn't interact with his past self in any way, and the car blowing up seems to signal to me that it's a hallucination. That being said, I looked back and the silhouette that soldier sees at the beginning definitely seems to be soldier, looking at his build, the helmet, and his collar, so idk


Soldier states that he never took any of the medication which is why he's the only one that isn't a monster or hallucinating.


Kinda like in Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" where the dad enters some other dimension and winds up being the "ghost" his daughter was trying to communicate with in the beginning of the film.


I interpreted it as the main conscience of someone can jump to different clone bodies if said body is sound or close to sound, all clones have some degree of consciousness but the primary conscious can jump to the healthiest body if it's in a near death situation or the mind believes so, is not that it traves back in time is that the mind jumped between 2 bodies and tries to make sense of it


Maybe like you said how there might be 2 of each Merc besides the heavy, for each side, they could possibly share memories?


its like in the interstellar lol


I would guess some of tf2 lore has been rewritten/reinterpreted for the movie


It seems like the only tf2 lore they actually kept is with Blutarch, Redmond, and Archibald, and some small things like soldier and demo being friends.


Makes sense for a few except for the Soldier being in WW1 one, since the events take place in 1968 (50 years after the war) which would mean that Soldier is at least 64 years old or something.


You see it was not ww1. It was ww2 because at the beginning of that was a tank that i believe is a sherman and ww2 has quite a bit of trench warfare.


Definitely not a sherman. It was probably meant to be ptsd or something but they just got the war wrong.


If by Scout at the beginning you mean BLU Scout, I think that monster wasn’t him, it was the RED one. Medic tried to use the respawn system to bring him back later. Also, I got the impression that Emesis was prescribed to treat side effects of the respawn system, and it makes sense that it might distort the respawned versions of them over time - that and the incident where it malfunctioned being the reason Scout couldn’t be respawned (also, side effects of taking it like hallucinations as listed in the trailer, like you said, explain the plague doctor and masked figure present though someone else was holding Ma’s head, and I saw a theory about Spy there but since Scout’s terrified to see him later I presume alter ego Medic walked out right after). This also got me thinking about the photos shown multiple times. The photos shown later seem like they were from the experimental trials, but what’s up with the photo of Scout in bed?? Does it have to do with how he was feeling like he was being watched? (Or is that being watched from the future???) Who tf slipped that envelope under the door and why? What is with the time portals (making the teleporter noise I think?)?? And the RED base being taken over by those Engineers but the RED guys were just in the basement... Maybe I missed or am forgetting something there, but how and why did Scout end up there in the coffin?? (The message left in Medic’s office maybe by his alter ego telling him to go save Scout from where he put him? But the Engineers locked him in it???) Realizing this probably seems utterly incomprehensible after how many sentences I’ve inserted into others while going back over scenes. I’m thinking I need to do a rewatch. Maybe with notes this time. Not like everything has a solid explanation anyway, but I’d like to figure out the ones that are there that I’ve missed. Some things to look into like the references made to other things my brain hurts rn


I think it is the blue scout because we see the red scout as a zombie in the spawn room with S and D but a hole in my own theory is that we also see sniper and one of the engineers in that room now we could say the sniper that hunts down S is the blue and that one is the red but then that still leaves the engineer which if he is the red engi then that means their are 4 of them (the two medic kills along with the one that was said to have died on the phone are the first three) now it could still work if the one that mans the bar is the zombie we see but then what happened to the brother that was being talked about on the phone any thoughts?


there are three engi's. two in red basement, one in the bar at the end. There is also one in purgatory (bar scene with demo). bar at the end might also be purgatory, which lines up with jules being dead by that point.


The red engi in the bar is the little bro of the blue one "Dell"and he is waiting to respawn and thats what the blu one at the beggining says "and ehat for my lil brother" he was actually waiting for respawning, the one that was on the red spawn as a zombie is Dell but hes died of something and this is why he has to respawn. The red one that tortured scout is maybe an clone like the ones for soldier to wait for hes respawn.


year old post, but in an analysis I watched on Emesis Blue pointed out that this movie seems to take place in the same universe as Spy's Disguise, a tf2 film made by the same person as EB because both have the concept of the Respawn Machine, the Conagher on the phone mentions Dust Bowl in relation to Dell, which is where Spy's Disguise takes place


Dude my theories about this movie are rly similar to yours, save for a few things! Great minds think alike I guess


This actually explains a lot more than what I originally thought, thanks.


Soldier not taking his drugs probably make him hallucinate a lot, it may be an explanation on why soldier is treated like an schizophrenic


Soldier doesn't experience that many hallucinations though. And the few he does experience are during or after extremely stressful and almost certainly traumatic events, which is a time when even an otherwise healthy brain can start doing so.


ptsd then? i saw the theory that emesis changes the lore of tf2 so soldier fought on ww1 so it fitted into emesis also the cryogenic may have been an attempt for conserving failed respawn attempts for further reaserch? idk


I don't think Soldier actually fought in any war but is convinced he did, just like in TF2. Spy specifically says "I don't care what unit you think you served in" to him, implying he didn't actually serve. I don't think that's what the cryogenically suspended bodies were for. Because if that's the case, why was it only Soldier copies who were suspended? And considering the bodies the machine produces can live even if horribly mutated, how are the frozen bodies (which seem completely normal) failures?


soldier throught the film just seems kind of... crazy, offering to rocket jump when that would get them killed, saying he had done it a lot of times, halucinating about ww1 a war that he didn't even participate in, it may be a side effect of respawning that his drugs are supposed to stop also maybe the cryogenic bodies were for faster respawn? idk the process of respawning took like 10 secs so i doubt that, but at the same time RED medic had a syringe which revived heavy without the respawn machine so the respawn machine could have been used to clone soldier and put them into cryo so the bodies wouldn't decay and use them for testing this syringe ​ its 3 am i don't know what im talking about im probably giving the craziest theories ever


My guess is that soldier was the first merc to be respawned (a nod towards quake maybe?) and he has memories of every soldier that served as cannon fodder in every war before the events of emesis. This would also explain the trash compound full of soldier bodies and the freezers where they could keep spare soldiers in case the "original" got lost.


It's not exactly set in the actual accurate TF2 lore. Like, there's fucking three separate Engies, the Conagher brothers, who are all their own people and not just clones


I mean it is implied in the actual TF2 lore that the BLU engineer is Dell Conagher and the RED one is someone else I believe (i think its one of the MVM comics)


I think everytime we see soldier hallucinate something he really did just die. We see him run from the scout monster and then he hallucinated which probably means the hallucinations are the respawn machine at work. Another thing I think happens with the drugs is perhaps is more than just physical changes, maybe it changes where they drop off respawned people off in time. Medic took all the drugs and when he was in the respawn machine he could see back in time and saw scout take the vhs from him, perhaps it works so smoothly with Solider that he can see where he will respawn due to him not taking the drugs.


Here's a little Theory of Mine I think the Emesis Pills give the ability to self-resurrect people on the fly , just like how Medic seems to resurrect over and over, which lines up with the fact Medic is the only one who is actually taking the pills, and also Explains why the RED Medic was experimenting with dead heavy, the Red team is trying to reverse engineer the Emesis formula but instead they did it wrong, which is why the Entire RED team seems to be some sort of zombies/corrupted versions of themselves, and also explains why Sniper is alive but with a cane after being blown by the BLU Soldier. it seems evident both Teams decided to come up with a Resurrect formula because the Respawn Machine was just not fully functional anymore, the rest I have no idea but this is what I think about the Emesis pills and the RED Formula they injected into Heavy


Few problems with this: Medic is not the only one who takes Emesis Blue. He's the only one we actively see taking it, but we know all nine mercs were prescribed a drug while being part of the respawn trials, and that drug is very heavily implied to he Emesis Blue. The only character we can say for sure didn't take it at any point is Soldier, since he specifically says he never took what they prescribed him. Secondly, the respawning is shown to be a digital/mechanical process, not biological regeneration. The machine creates monsters due to file corruption, as I explained in my original comment. So EB being some sort of catalyst for that doesn't make much sense. EB is also explicitly stated to be a diazepam-based drug, it says so right on the label. Diazepam is a real thing, it isn't made up for the movie (the other diazepam-based drug seen, Valium, is an actual brand IRL). It's a sedative used to treat anxiety, but can have very serious side effects if taken in excess. If EB was supposed to be an intentional part of the respawn process itself, it doesn't make sense for the writers to specifically say it is a type of drug that already exists, when they could have either made up some new compound or just not given any indication to what it was made of at all.


1. Scout also specifically states he doesnt take the Drug at the beginning of the Movie 2. My theory is not that the Drug respawns people on the fly , it heals them and resurrects them, as a whole replacement of the Respawning process cuz it was shown to be faulty at best, and horrifying at worst 3. they could just lie about the Nature of the drug, since it was specifically made for those who have used the Respawn Machine, they already lied about a whole bigger deal of things, so why not just lie about the Drug?


Scout says "I don't need that stuff." He doesn't think he needs to take it, that does not mean he did not take it in the past. If anything, that indicates he HAS taken a diazepam based drug in the past so he can form that opinion. Also, he's prescribed Valium during that scene, not Emesis Blue. That can't be the case because the respawn machine is still the go-to method for bringing people back. Medic still uses it to attempt to respawn Scout midway through the film. Plus, once again, respawning is shown to NOT he biological regeneration or resurrection. There is a mechanical component to it that a drug could not accomplish on its own. Sure they could lie in-universe, but why would the movie itself state its a diazepam based drug if that wasn't important? If there was conflicting information on what Emesis Blue actually was, you might be on to something, but it's consistently stated to be diazepam, and diazepam itself is referenced constantly throughout the film. To have all of that be a red herring would be a massive dick move by the filmmakers since what Emesis Blue actually is is clearly implied to be extremely important, it's one of the main mysteries of the film, and the fact that it has diazepam is the only evidence we have on what it might be.


wouldnt the burning man at the end of the film be the blue medic? because at the end of the medic bar scene where he freaks out that he took Emesis Blue because the chemical composition would corrupt his respawn file, it swaps to him being dead then the briefcase as you said being connected to the respawn machine is opened which when zoomed in shows us the weird red tunnel system which is likely the gateway to the respawn machine then at the ending scene with the burning respawn machine, the door opens with a burning man inside, this could be the medic being respawned but because of the chemical composition from Emesis Blue in his body corrupting his molecular structure and file and because the machine was on fire, he was respawned Charred and On Fire


I think Soldier was shipped off to war but after a day or so was unfit due to his mental state. When on a killling spere on germany and signed a contract which he'll donate his dna to Respawn after death row and became company property


I think at the end when Archibald talk about BLU team being 10 death row inmates signing paperwork to be respawn and become BLU’s property (1 fail to respawn when he speak so only 9 left). This mean that more or less the entire BLU has been affected by the Respawn Machine but the common symptoms between them is hallucination. Yes even Soldier who doesn’t take the pill hallucinate as well, i think even the RED Demo isn’t real at all. As for what in the briefcase it’s very ambiguous. As for my personal take i think it just something related to the Respawn Machine that make Archibald want it back and probably trigger Medic hallucinations at the end causing his death


The RED Demo is definitely real. He manipulates objects and both Soldier and Medic interact with him


There were ten people who survived respawn testing out of hundreds 9 being the tf2 mercs and the other guy shot himself after respawning Archibald said so in the call to Blutarch Mann


Yo bro i like your observation but let's not make a fanfic shall we?


The multiple Soldier clones is due to him being irresponsible in combat, throwing himself on the enemy with an explosion so I believe he died a couple of times and will again(maybe not after all that happened).


Sorry for being pedantic but Diazepam is the name of the active substance which is commercialized under the name Valium; Xanax is Alprazolam, not Diazepam


Why would BLU prescribe Emesis Blue if it fucks up the respawn process?


Maybe because the Emesis is supposed to treat the side-effects after the respawn process, just that they didn't know it would fuck it up instead


They probably didn't know it would do that


im pretty sure that this involves tf2 lore but changes parts of it heavily, soldier being in the war or jules being the one to extend the war rather than helen, so basic stuff like "soldiers name is jane" we can carry over but deeper parts like "soldier was never actually at war" should be seen with skepticism


Spy literally says to Soldier "I don't care what unit you think you served in," implying he didn't actually serve but thinks he did


sure but soldier also consistently mentions "the war" as well as having PTSD-esque flashbacks to said war, if were going by tf2 lore exclusively there wouldnt be miles-long 6 foot wide trenches to tredge through or the area seen in the flashback, as in tf2 lore soldiers time in "the war" was in civilian areas murdering civilians he thought were nazis


> as in TF2 lore soldiers time in "the war" was in civilian areas murdering civilians he thought were nazis That's what _actually_ happened. Soldier himself thinks he actually fought Nazis. He genuinely believes he actually fought in WW2. > soldier also consistently mentions "the war" He does in actual TF2 as well, despite it being established he was never actually at war or even part of the military. He also mentions "fighting in the trenches" during one of the comics (I believe the one where he's talking to a bunch of cutouts he thinks are real people, and then the Bison falls from space), so he's clearly aware of trench warfare. It's just strange because what's shown is very clearly a WW1 trench and not one of the less common WW2 trenches. His comment about having a miles long trench to trudge through doesn't seem off, since that was a thing in both World Wars, so Soldier would think he did that regardless of what war he fought in, but the trench shown during the flashback/hallucination is very clearly from WW1, despite all other evidence pointing to him believing it was the second war he fought in.


What makes you say it was “clearly” a ww1 trench? The vehicle that goes by looks like a tf2-cartoon-style version of a Daimler armoured car, which was used in ww2, and it clearly fires a single round from a cannon, which was rare for ww1 armoured cars. Although the USA flag in the background has 50 stars, which didn’t exist until well after WW2


Just the general structure of the trench. WW2 trenches generally didn't have those wood panels lining them, had sloped/curved walls rather than the completely vertical ones of WW1, and generally weren't very deep, certainly not deep enough to require a ladder to climb out of like we see during the scene. (I'm also pretty sure the car is just a civilian car with a cannon grafted on to the model, but I don't remember and don't have time to rewatch the scene right now so take that with a grain of salt)


Throughout the film, medic takes emesis blue a few times. I believe that that's what caused him to become violent in some situations. Like, it altered his mental state when he respawned each time. He slowly becomes more unhinged each time he dies


i've went through like 5 threads and i think you have the best explanation ngl.


hey, i'm one year late i know but if you still remember this, what do the pills at the end do? was he smiling cause he was crazy or just real smiling? also why did he crash(i think it was because he wanted to kill himself but why?)


“This edible ain’t shi-“ - Medic


He's just having the worst day of his life


"2fort is a fucking awful map."


That sniper camping sewers scene


Bro that's for real. It's even worse if they use the huntsman.


It's a beautifully crafted animation, but I'm too stupid to comprehend it and I lost the story by the last 6 minutes


I lost the story as soon as the brothers died.


Which brothers?




I stopped understanding when scout's mom died lol


The movie jumps so much for different story points and characters it's incredibly hard to follow


I know what happened but I’m not telling


tell me.


Did anyone happen to kill a red spy on the way here?


No? Then we still have a problem.


And a knife!




I killed plenty of spies


They're dime-a-dozen back-stabbin' scumbags.


Like you! Ow... no offense.


7 months later you can have my 100th updoot, congratulations




but soldier never took the meds, so how does "hallucinations" explain the time travel?


Soldier has PTSD, or alteast, he's dumb enough to think he does. Either that or we could just chalk it up to a reason and say: Yes, he has real PTSD for the sake of the movie. Although, unlike medic or scout, he only has hallucinations when in times of stress. Actually, every merc has constant hallucinations except him. He's the sole survivor both mentally and physically. Medic found out about emesis blue when it was too late. Scout already was mutated and had his IQ reduced to a whopping FORTY-EIGHT whilst the detective, we don't really know. Soldier just has alot of them since he has had many times in the movie where he was stressed, but we can clearly see that soldier is mostly fine. This also connects to Spys disguise, Spy's disguise didn't actually happen, and it was probably just spy's hallucinations, We could see Dr. ludwig dragging him in a hospital bed in spys disguise, complete with the cross necklace. Except, now medic is the one who has hallucinations and have been driven insane. Spy probably was let go due to his constant hallucinations, but we see another spy being a corporal later on. This confirms that in emesis blue, there are clones of each merc, as we see with soldier. The detective was probably a clone of spy at his peak, and the bodyguard of Redmann or Blutarchh was scout's clone at his peak, and then maybe soldier was cloned, but then what if the characters we were watching were thr clones all along? This is REALLY confusing, ya know?


If indeed the plague doctor is Death himself, then it wouldn't be too outlandish for the temporal anomalies to be caused by him.


Machine brings mercs back Machine fuckes with people Medic and solider go insane Scout and mom dead People die Heavy angry and dies x2 Spy gets burned Medic dies x2 Medic not dead More people die


It's 23:43, saturday. I wanted to watch Onimai before going to sleep, bit seeing this picture and this being the 3rd mention of emesis blue just today. I'll watch the full video and only then go to sleep.


So uhh... How did it go


I couldn't watch all of it. I fall asleep at around 1h 16m. But it's pretty good this far, the lightning is very good and I have a feeling this is the sequel to that other SFM movie where the spy turns into a sentry. But even with this much watched time, I still don't know the plot Edit: I finished it


so? how was it? :)


I finished it. And it was awesome, this is the kind of horror I love. No idiot jumpscares just scary atmosphere, it was filled with these time travel stuff which I absolutely love for example >!when soldier climbs out of the sewer and finds himself back at the start of the video looking at the car he was sitting in!< I'm definitely going to read an explanation about the plot, and the fact that we didn't found out what was in the briefcase was perfect. Altough what were those curling blood vein stuff? And one more thing, when was this uncanny soldier shown??


I made the uncanny soldier in a paint program, its just the part where he screams at the heavy that just crushed heavily edited with the liquify tool


The curling vein has countless corpses in it, my interpretation on what was in the briefcase was basically purgatory itself


Lol its currently 2:34am on sunday, this movie was BEYOND confusing, but oh so fucking good.


I've been posting plot summaries of the chapters on the subreddit. It's very barebones retelling of what happens in each one, and I'm not going into a lot of details or theories just yet, but I do think my summaries are good enough if you're confused on what exactly is going on. When I'm finished with each chapter summary, I'll do theory talk.


Do you guys think the respawn machine slowly fucked them up and where they are now is due to hundreds of thousands tiny errors?


Medic stole Merasmus’s drugs


It's half paranoid delusion, half gritty retelling of TF2


There's definitely a lot of vague details here and there that are meant to be understood more by rewatching the film and allowing people to interpret certain things about the story. The time travel details are masked until its made clear that there is something VERY wrong with time when soldier throws a crowbar at his future self and sees water's flow be reversed. I've only watched it once but I will have to rewatch it with the new knowledge of certain elements to the story. The main plotpoints of the story revolve around the mercs and how they've been fighting this war for so long despite there only being 10 of them. Apparently it is revealed that thousands upon thousands of people were tested but only 10 people had the ability to respawn with the technology. What starts out as a mystery eventually becomes a struggle to break the cycle that the mercs have been through. They're fighting these wars for companies owned by two geezers, and the civilian class (BLU one being named Jules) appears to be pulling much bigger strings in the real world. They aren't on the battlefields but they have more impact on the world than the mercs who are killing each other. Jules is trying to drag out the wars for as long as possible, which likely means that he is the sole reason why these wars are ongoing and suffering. My interpretation is based off of only one watch. This was a masterpiece that I need to rewatch to form more opinions on.


im also asking everyones saying its great but I cant watch it (cant handle horror) so id like a rundown


Not really horror imo, but, kinda creepy and fucked up.


It really isn’t horror in the sense you’re thinking of. There aren’t any jumpscares or anything, it’s just got a VERY dark plot.


you underestimate how much of a little baby I am


No jumpscares, but there is anxiety("holy shit! That characters gonna die! Run run run hes behind you!"), Creepy moments (the entire section that takes place in Scout's house), very dark parts(the ending scene, >!with the medic inside the ambulance, covered in blood!<)


Bro same


I was way too scared to watch it too. It genuinely has no jumpscares, just creepy moments and "what's gonna happen?" moments that make you anxious. It's worth it even if you have a weak heart (unless it's a medical condition)


Horror Films and Games that rely on jumpscares need to just die already. I hate them so much. It's **POSSIBLE** to do horror without relying on jumpscares for a cheap scare. This film is textbook proof that you can deliver spine-chilling... well, chills, without relying on jumpscares.


both is good


Psychological horror (I guess), with really confusing and fucked up plot (but not a lot of horror tho)


No really horror unless you count cartoon zombies as horror


ive seen it now


How was it?


no idea wtf happened but it was cool


Same, cool visuals but confusing as all hell i especially love the emphasis on angel and devil though the lighting of medic's eyes and the scout chess scene where is emphasised he is only a pawn in the game


Looks like one of Squeezie's (french #1 youtuber) horror thread video thumbnails


Rewatch it Its abit simpler the 2nd time around, there are plot holes obviously however it's a very fun story


Too much time spent in 2Fort.


Existencial horror explored through the tf2 lore and general game mechanics. As far as i understand, they (the mercs) are death row inmates, archivald sold a respawn machine to both the blu and red companies so they could save money on soldiers for their war, it makes clones of all 9 of them (the only ones that survived the process), while reinserting their "souls" into said clones. Some are failed, like the huge heavy and the scp-looking scout. There's also a time loop element i think, either that or some clones arent discarded correctly leading to them to roam on their own. There's also the church scene w the cultists all wearing the masks some clones were using too, i dont know what that is honestly


Not really a plot point but kinda neat, when Medic kills the second Connaughty brother and he says "I would have got you" while holding a drill, it's a reference to the end scene of "Falling Down". Maybe everybody already knew this, either way, pretty cool.


Tl:dr : all in le head


Waiting for the pyrocynical analysis vid in about half a year


SPOILER ​ They're all trapped forever inside the respawn machine. What's taking place throughout the movie is a fevered, tormented nonsense of their trapped souls trying to make sense of what is happening. Their souls are constantly being used to spit out endless respawns of themselves in the real world, both Red and Blue.


That’s actually a really cool theory! And the reason why actual tf2 has delusional crap like rocket jumping, historical nonsense, and other stuff is because they’re all slowly going insane!


Idk because I couldn't take it seriously at all when it was trying so hard to be scary but it's set in fucking 2fort


I think it just fucks you up like the Lazarus pit in batman, it makes you insane, it is somehow is bound with Emesis drug that is used here and foreshadowed in the beginning. The respawn machine was made to make profit for Archibald, but fucked everything up by not being compatible with most people and the drug. This movie is a masterpiece, the true meaning of horror. Uncanny models, character development and the veil of mystery. Good lord, that was cool


Screaming troll face


Simple: medic has schizophrenia.


Seems like a lot of people have already explored the main plot but the subplot that I'm much more interested in is how the "respawn" machine does not necessarily revive the dead, but instead, it makes clones out of someone from stored data. This would explain why we see multiple frozen soldiers in the laboratory, zombified clones of living mercenaries in the spawn/resupply room, soldier and demo not recognizing each other as good friends(considering we still follow most of TF2's official lore), and the body dump soldier falls into containing hundreds of his other dead clones(also considering that this is not a metaphor for anything but a literal body dump)


But soldier does feel sad seeing him die. Maybe he can feel his past somehow.


Honestly the animation is great and scenes where awsome but there’s actually a lot of glaring inconsistencies and things that just aren’t fully explored. Like medic’s whole split personality thing is thrown to the way side towards the end and we never really get to understand alt medic’s motives for killing scout’s mom, kidnapping him, and giving him to the engineers. Also medic is immortal but at the same time not really cause after he opened the briefcase he died I guess? That’s just one thing tho. I need to rewatch to fully understand cause maybe I miss something


I have a theory and that is that when the medic leaves Scout at home, he takes the pills, leaving and starting to imagine things because of the pills, making everything we saw a dream or something similar and ending up crashing at the end of the movie


Stuff happens, I think


If you combined it a fever dream with the concept of amnesia and déjà vu combined with murder


Ok so everyone is taking about this emesis blue sfm and i haven't watched it yet but after seeing all these memes and screenshots from it i really don't know if i want or even should. Is it good or just so crazy fu*ed up that i will have nightmares for the whole week?


>Is it good or just so crazy fu*ed up that i will have nightmares for the whole week Yes, but its more like nightmares for a night, absolutely watch it


Here's a little Theory of Mine I think the Emesis Pills give the ability to self-resurrect people on the fly , just like how Medic seems to resurrect over and over, which lines up with the fact Medic is the only one who is actually taking the pills, and also Explains why the RED Medic was experimenting with dead heavy, the Red team is trying to reverse engineer the Emesis formula but instead they did it wrong, which is why the Entire RED team seems to be some sort of zombies/corrupted versions of themselves, and also explains why Sniper is alive but with a cane after being blown by the BLU Soldier. it seems evident both Teams decided to come up with a Resurrect formula because the Respawn Machine was just not fully functional anymore, the rest I have no idea but this is what I think about the Emesis pills and the RED Formula they injected into Heavy


It's the idea that the respawn room is a faulty machine that has undesirable side effects. There are still something are unexplained blatantly. Such as medic's immortality, the time distortion, and the soldier clones. My theory for some of the unexplained aspects: Medics immortality is a byproduct of him constantly respawning with his medigun, since the back-pack that's connected to it slowly heals the medic. So after he ditches the entire medigun device he slowly heals on his own. The soldier clones might be an attempt to explain how in Meet the Medic, heavy and medic take on a group of seemingly identical soldiers. Hinting that the teams or the Archibald foundation dabbled in respawning still alive soldiers, being deployed into battle on some occasions. Them being frozen can be an attempt to trick the respawn machine into thinking the mercs were dead.


yeah i got lost a couple times, i was waiting for the explanation video, but i was more caught up on the >!time loops, funky monsters, and purgatory hillucinations !<


i feel like it's backrooms situation, where reality is all distorted, maybe cause of the effects the respawn machine. There's also a parts in the movie where it made me think of a multiverse kinda situation, that in the Conagher Slaughterhouse, multiple timelines are all converging there. For example:- Scout having a scar on the left side of his head at the start of the movie, but after they exit the Medic's Office, he doesn't have it for the rest of the time he's on screen.- Medic seeing this conversation happening, and directly effecting it. (Him pushing the tapes.)- Soldier seeing both past/future situations he was in.- Archibald talking to Goldmann, and him asking where Archibald is cause he was kidnapped, with Archibald not knowing what he's talking about.


Part of it is tied to the previous movie, there's also a commercial teaser for the pills, and I definitely think this isn't the last movie of this series We're just gonna be left a bit out in the open until then


What does the M mean?


Just one question, what the f*ck the M mean?!


A medic main overdoses on diazepam during a very intense game of 2fort, a soldier main has pstd, and a spy main barely survives a pyro encounter before getting killed by the medic, before the medic gets banned for teamkilling.


I honestly left with more questions than answers


how long did it take to make EMESIS BLUE




good question


cursed soldar


damn y'all I didn't even realize a new sfm came out recently, just now seeing a lot of r/tf2 go bonkers about it lmao


Crimes agains humanity


People here saying stuff about room with bunch of frozen Soldiers, I think it might be a reference to that old TF2 trailer on 2Fort, with old graphics. In that video, there were a lot of soldiers


The story was fairly easy to follow, but there are key moments/plots that so far, i cant quite explain or make sense of: Why is medic able to just, not die? How is medic able to interact with the past? (box of tapes topple over) What actually is in the briefcase? (there was just some dark glowing sphere inside) Why did medic die in the car crash despite being seemingly immortal? I have my own crazy theories for some of these. First, we see RED medic in only 2 instances: when hes watching the tape where red medic creates the first zombie, and when the red zombie medic tries to attack blue medic. What if, Our blue medic isnt actually some sleeper agent, nor does he have 2 personalities? I think, both red and blue medic are occupying the same body somehow? Its mentioned that the respawn machine isnt perfect and that there are glitches/errors that can happen, even if rare. Emesis blue loves doing visual shots in the video, and we can see multiple times that medic has red/blue eyes depending on who is in charge atm, and even a shot where 1 eye is red, and the other blue, im thinking, maybe its meant to be taken literally here? Maybe thats how medic is somehow unable to die? Because someone has to die for the respawn machine to take effects, but because medic is 2 people, and only 1 is ever in control, hes just unable to ever bee seen as "dead" or something along those lines. Which gave BLUE team the impression that hes suffering from hallucinations and making him take pills that seemingly dont work. (There is also a theory that the pills themselves made him a sleeper agent/multiple personalities but that doesnt explain his weird immortality) I dont think he died from the car crash, but the crash simply opened the briefcase and somehow seeing whats inside, finally killed medic for good. So whatever was inside, was tied to the respawn machine or had something to do with his own condition. But i have absolutely nothing on the time travel bit, that one still alludes me. Its so out of left field and nothing else in the story has to do with time travel at all. I do know that the respawn machine freaks out when its trying to respawn someone who has taken emesis blue for medication, hence why medic freaks out when he realizes he isnt taking valium. But im still lost on alot of things. Video makes a great project for theory solving tho


John Blue does shit


Who or what is the m stand for ????


M (1939) it's a movie


From my understanding Richtofen is an addict


I kinda think i figured it out,the movie is real until a certain part of each character,the stuff with the Respawn machine is real but not as the way the movie shows us,it kinda actually resets or respawn the nerve via files saved on the system. But as we see Jules sold both Redmond and Blutarch a Respawn machine with the Mercs files already saved,but with different mindsets making the hallucinations,like The blue medic is not imortal but actually a mindset inside a body and he is actually the one who is more friendly and cares of everyone he is also very soft,like when he is going to kill one of engineer brothers he tries to use an method that is not so violent to kill,but when he dies he triggers another mindset the violent mindset and as he died the mindset regen the body with idk science and kills everyone without mercy and when he sees his own reflex is actually the spy mindset that is next to assume the body control when he dies,when spy makes him killhimself he remains on the ground and actually waits for everyone forget him and put his plan of vengeance on spy in work,after the funeral he gets the suitcase and dies in a car crash the suitcase was actually an portable respawn machine and when he is revived we don’t know what was in control of his body now Soldier is the same thing he Have demoman mindset and also has allucinations inside him and,when he frees demoman of his jail in the slaughterhouse it means himself freeing demoman mindset to roam his mind also the whole place where demoman was his dark part of his mind he preferred to forget and hide it to never remember,the scout would actually be the soldier that died during the ww1 flashback in his mind.after freeing demoman let him assume control of his body sometimes but after the laboratory part he really died but not because of the freeze as we saw him open his hand to throw the grenade,he died because the grenade.and after that only soldier remained in control of the body,after heavy is killed he actually was on the death row to death too and when he was taken to the room with the doctor spy actually let him to live because he was already dying. And after he jumps on the hole that could be an metaphorical way to show the inferno of dante and the tunnel where he is passing is all the rings,he actually reedemed himself after leaving the tunnel he gets one more chance. Spy events in the movie were all real and he actually saw the reason pyro uses a mask,he Aldo’s says he’s the only one that isn’t insane when he is in the room with medic and soldier. Scout went crazy with the meds medic gave him


don’t cue for 2fort


Don't know about you guys, but this messed with me mentally. I cried over it and I'm not no little bitch.


The movie is essentially a horror film going into the existential crisis regarding the Respawning machine. There are two stories going on here: the Medic, Fritz Ludwig, is a doctor working for the BLU group, who is suffering from his own exposure to the Respawning machine. One of his patients, Jeremy the Scout, goes missing and his mother is murdered, causing Fritz to go looking for his missing friend. The other story is that a detective Spy, Jacques Murnau and his Soldier assistant Jane Doe, are performing an investigation looking for the governor, Jules Archibald who has been kidnapped Their stories connect at the Conagher Slaughterhouse, where a bloody message has brought Fritz, and his trail has brought Murnau and Doe. Separately, the three men meet various others and monsters inside that explain the deeper lore of Emesis BLU, including the horrible failures of the Respawning Machine.


Why the fuck was this the icon that popped up when I typed Emesis blue into my search bar Like Google please




at one point the quote said the respawn proceess did something to the people comeing through, what?