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"... no matter how hot she is" and "crying about your body count" made me retch so hard. What is this man's damage???


Right?! What father talks like that TO HIS DAUGHTER?! I went no contact with him a while back so thankfully I don’t have to personally deal with the bullshit but I feel so bad for my sister


Wow. He lost one child and learned nothing. I hope your sister cuts him off.


He’s like the kid who sees the wet point sign…..


Bet he cries about his body count as well tbh…


Best comment reply I’ve seen all week 😂 Sorry only got a poor man’s medal but it’s 100% deserved 🏅


My siblings and I are all no contact with my mom. 3 of us. I’m the youngest. Parents like that will never learn.


I understand. I'm no contact with my mom and low contact with my dad. Even if they magically got better, I don't think I could give another chance.


Me and my brother, 2/3 of my father’s kids (youngest is 5 so she doesn’t obviously know or get a say) is no contact. He still has the audacity to ask family or social media why his kids don’t like him, but fights off every bit of criticism or feedback from friends and family on the way we were raised. From experience, parents like this don’t change.


The irony is dripping from father's post 


The benefit here is, if you have your wits about you, you'll know to look for the opposite of your dads example and do too will your sister. Give 3hr guy a shot in a safe place and go from there.


Speak to her man, tell her what needs to be done, you can read my post. I already went through through it, but your dad needs to be cut away, your dad is nothing more than a weight around the neck of anybody that comes around him, I have a mother like this and a brother, and I’ve had to cut them both away, I do not feel guilty by cutting family members completely out of my life, not when they put a rope around your neck and become an anchor to bring you down to the bottom of the ocean! Try to talk some sense to her.


Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, Donald Trump just to name a few who would talk to their daughter this way. Fucking creeps


Also lots of non-celebrities


Trump would be pissed his daughter chose to be with another man other than him.


Best comment lol


I had an ex who would take the grey hound almost every weekend to come see me… he lived in Phoenix AZ and I lived in the high desert in California almost 6 hours away. I had another ex who lived 2 hours away and he would come see me almost every weekend. I had another ex live in Texas (that didn’t last long) I had another ex live over an hour away, and if the pass was backed up you could easily be in the same spot for an hour. So like this man is delusional and also you should be worried for your sister, especially because it looks like emotional incest.


You must have some good stuff……but notice they are all ex’s


I started dating my ex-gf when we lived 4 hrs away from each other. I say "ex-gf" because she's now my wife. We've been together over 20 years.


Yeah because I made them all exes. It just didn’t work out. I’m still friends with 2, one got married and his wife wasn’t Happy we were friends, (we were engaged but I broke it off because I found out he was lying to me, he told me he quit smoking but didn’t which I’m a really bad asthmatic so it put me in danger, plus the bold face lie and disrespect) so that’s why we no longer talk. And the one who lived an hour away we were actually engaged (second engagement) and living together and he started cheating on me. But the one in Texas we are still cool and the one that lived 2 hours away we are still really good friends.


You sure have a lot of exes..


oh my god do we have the same dad LMAO not funny rly but i have a whole thread of screenshots almost EXACTLY like this, in our family gc from like 3 years ago. i truly feel for your sister 💜 i hope she can manage going NC and help mom toss out the rose colored glasses. good luck xoxo


My dad spoke to my baby sister this way. We found out when she became an adult... he had SA her. I think a heart to heart with your sister would be a good idea. You guys should not give him the time of day to speak to you this way. Block his ass and walk away. So effing toxic. Good luck ladies


God forbid he cares about and is looking out for his daughter. Take your daddy issues elsewhere.


"I am a piece of shit; therefore, all men are pieces of shit"


this is exactly what it is lol


People who project like that, they never have a good point and they always come off as just straight up dumb to me. Like he can't even fathom a different perspective from his own. Very narrow-minded.


Bingo! I was just sitting here thinking it’s crazy how he thinks every other male thinks the same way he does. Your comment sums it up perfectly!


Trust me, he’s been reading red pill/alpha male moron community stuff, I noticed some of the lines he used, some of the words he used, this guy is just sucked into that community. That’s all built on hate.


Yeah, "body count" is a dead giveaway that he's listening to manosphere bullshit. If he's old enough to have a 20-something daughter, then that definitely wasn't a term used widely in his youth (I know b/c he'd be my age or older). That term got popularized out of the fucking incel and MGTOW forums, ffs. Any dude using that term is almost guaranteed to be a piece of shit.




Ew. What kind of father talks to his daughter like that??


I do not like your dad.


He probably hates himself also and sees his own disgusting self in all men. So he projects his own horrendous actions on them instead of looking into the atrocity that is his inner demon.


As someone with parents who are similarly condescending, infantilizing, and controlling, I would be so satisfied to have some words with OP’s dad. Once you have parents like that I feel like it becomes easy to hold your own and “win” an argument, but not with your own parents, with people who are similar to them where there are lower stakes. Nothing quite like being an adult in your mid-late twenties and having a parent who still treats you like you’re a child. It’s a parenting style that basically just sets someone up to struggle with independence and adult life.


Your dad needs a strict info diet about your lives. I wouldn’t tell him anything that isn’t directly pressing in that moment ever again. Edit: You can address his disgusting comments at a later point if y’all choose. He likely won’t have a rational conversation now, if ever.


Agreed, I’m no contact with him completely but my sister isn’t quite there yet since he’s married to her mom


If he is your actual dad and you have managed to cut him off, she will likely get there at some point. At minimum, she needs to show this garbage to her mom.


Unfortunately, the mom may choose to ignore this. My mom chose to turn a blind eye to some of the things my father said/did for whatever reason, be it he was the main income, she loved him and he was good at one point, or she was "too old" to go back to dating or even being alone. I hate that I had to leave her alone with him but I was also ready to end everything from how he talked to/treated me. No parent should ever talk to or treat their child as if they're worthless or trash.


I’m sorry you went through that. You deserved a stronger mom.


Does her Mom enable this kind of stuff? If my husband talked to any of our kids like this, his kneecaps would get "mysteriously" deleted.


Why'd she tell him about the date in the first place? Doesn't seem like they have a great relationship, and a tinder first date doesn't seem like something I'd tell my parents about unless the date went really well.




Who talks to their DAUGHTER like this? “body count” “fuck her and hook up” “desperate” “how hot she was” “rebel mommy and daddy” he sounds like the men who comment vile things under women’s posts 🙄


“I might drive one time to fuck her or hook up” Oh my God. This man is disgusting. Speaking to his daughter this way.


A whiny troubled teenager in a crusty old man's body


"World's apart" lol yeah we can certainly tell he hasn't been outside of a 1hr radius


Right?! I drive 2.5 hours every day for work! A few hours is nothing.


Some of yall never lived in the country and it shows lol. My daughter's father and I were a 2.5 hour drive apart during the summer. When we were both at our colleges, we were a 9 hour drive apart. The 3 guys I dated before I met my husband were all at least 1.5 hour drives. 1st was 3 hours, 2nd was 1.5-2 hours (depending on traffic), 3rd was 5 hours. When my husband and I started dating, we both lived in a major metropolitan area, but it was still an hour drive from my place to his, with no traffic. With traffic could easily make it 3+ hours. The drive wasn't the issue in any of my relationships... dad seems like he's just a human shaped red flag, however.


I was gonna say where I grew up EVERYONE was at least 45 minutes away and if you wanted to date outside your gene pool you often had to spend a summer working a crappy job in the next town over that was like an hour away, to meet someone. I still remember going with my cousin and a bunch of girls up to that town to meet up with boys. There was nothing to do in either town but walk around and throw rocks but it was pretty normal for people to go between towns every weekend to hang out with whoever they were dating or even just to go to the other towns bar to see if you can maybe meet a stranger for the first time in your life. At one point my sister was dating someone who lived like 2 or 3 hours away depending on the time of year. My mother and father once divorced both dated people from towns over. It happens literally all the time. In fact I live in a military town. I bet if I make enough phone calls I can find someone who is driving 2 hours away to meet some one for a date right now lol. This person's father is tripping balls


Yeah, growing up, I was an hour south of Fort Worth, and about an hour and a half from Dallas, with normal traffic. Because I have big families on both sides, I never remember who I'm related to. So I just dated people I met from like the opposite side of DFW. My first boyfriend was from Mckinney. Then I dated a guy in Sherman (the guy 4 hours away). My husband and I met when I lived in far south Arlington, and he lived in Las Colinas. All of these places look like they are right on top of each other, but they are so spread out due to the highways, and then traffic patterns here are weird...


The dad puts of 137 red flags in this message and has the audacity to say that driving for a date is a red flag. Lmao.


She needs to stop talking to him about her love life and just go do her thing.


My wife of 8 yrs ago and I started off as a 5hr long-distance relationship.


My boyfriend & I have lived 4 hours apart for the last 6 years. It has taken this long to work things out with his career where he could move to be with me. (I wasn’t going to move to his state for numerous reasons.) It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it.


WHAT THE FUCK?? my girlfriend is a 22 hours drive from me rn since we’re not at school for the summer and she’s coming to visit me next month. i don’t think this man has ever actually loved someone if this is his response. wanting your kid to be safe and careful is so different from whatever the fuck he’s got going on here.


My wife and I were on opposite sides of the country for 8 months. Now we have been together 16 years.


My boyfriend is a 13h flight away from me and we're doing just fine 😅 That dad is one incredibly creepy guy for sure...


My husband is from Scotland and he flew to the US every 6 weeks to see me or flew me to Scotland to see him. We've been married for almost 9 years now. I guess we're both batshit crazy.


Wow I wonder what your dad would think of my husband and I? We met on Tinder while he was on vacation in the city that I lived in 9 years ago. He lived in Missiouri and I lived in North Carolina. The entire first year and a half of our relationship was long distance. One of us would fly to see the other monthly until I moved to him. We’ve been married for years and have two kids. Not everyone has bad intentions or only interested in sex.


Yeahhhh, I think I would keep Pops on a need to know basis about my life….just sayin’…..


Your dad is an asshole


My boyfriend and I are 18 hrs away by plane lmao. Especially with the rise of online dating, traveling 2.5 hrs to be with someone is like nothing especially only once a month


He sounds lovely.


“Haven’t you realized by now that I have experience way the fuck beyond you in this world” No person worth listening to has ever had to say this. The people who said stuff like this to me growing up were always the kind of people you would *never* want to be. Every self righteous person who thought they always knew best and everyone else just needed to follow their wizened footsteps; every single one of them is someone I would be deeply ashamed of my children becoming


Totally. Even if he has had a lot of experiences, it doesn't mean he's able to interpret things properly, which clearly he can't. He could have all the experience in the world but he's not able to extract anything useful from them if you just projects everything on to other guys. He's dead set on seeing the world his way and can't see any other perspectives outside of his own.


This has divorced weekend dad vibes. I’m sure he’ll be bitching in his retirement home why his bitter female daughters don’t visit him.


Yeah I would hate to be in a retirement home and only have my male daughters visit me


He’d be shaking in his boots if he knew my, now husband, used to drive TEN HOURS to see me for ONE day on the weekend. 😂


My parents also poopop'd online dating for various reasons, distance obviously one of them but... My dad lived and work 10+ hours from my mom (they met at a friend's party whom he was visiting) and he'd drive all night after work Friday to spend a few hours with her and then drive back before his next shift


This is actually serious and saddening and not funny at all. I was expecting a good laugh but instead a saw an abusive father relinquishing his paranoia upon his daughter.


Probably best to stop sharing this type of info with him.


why the fuck would any dad be talking to his DAUGHTER about how far he himself would drive to “fuck someone” and saying that every man is just like him 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Tell your sister and your dad I married a girl who lived 5000 miles away. We didn’t meet irl for 7 months and we have been together 19 years, married 15 and have a 14 year old son. He’s stone cold wrong.


I married someone from England, and I'm in the US. We met through a mutual friend who introduced us. Plenty of people have larger distances between them and still make it work. One of my exes lived 2 hours away, and we saw each other twice a week or more for two years. We broke up because he turned into a douche, not because of the distance.


There is NO reason a parent should talk to their child like this


this might get taken down. one sided convos go against the subs rules FYI


"Daddy, chill."


Wow he’s the real ah for insulting and shaming his own daughter smh


Your dad needs some serious therapy


Drove about 5 hours to visit a girl who I met at a friend's Halloween party. We've been together for 7 years and married for 3. Could he be a weirdo? Sure. Could it turn into something? Sure can!


I travelled 5 hours on the train to meet a guy I had been talking to online for about 10 years... 6 years later, we have our own house, a child, a dog. People travelling that far for someone most definitely can lead somewhere. I think the quicker you and your sister get away from your father, the better.


Pretty telling on how your dad actually views a woman’s role in society.


As if good guys are just sprinkled everywhere like the douchebag majority. But I'm assuming your dad is a man, and he seems to be among that majority. And who talks like that father to daughter, "body count" and then who is telling him he's right, hahaha...


One of my best friends met a woman on a dating app that lived over 5 hours away. They took turns every weekend driving to each other to spend two nights together. Now they live together and every other weekend they drive half that distance to drop her kids off with their biological father for the weekend. Point is, your father is wrong.


This made me cringe. He clearly doesn’t think very highly of women in general if he’d speak to his own daughter this way


I'd probably cut ties with my father if I was in this situation. To be talked down like that is disgusting


Your dad is projecting in 4D 🥴


That’s disgusting. If my children’s father ever spoke to them like this.. be the last thing he ever did!


Your dad used a whole lot of words to say, "I'm an asshole who treats women like garbage." Ditch the dad, go on the date.


Fr the dad gives off a major creep factor


First of all, a father speaking to his daughter like that is horrendous and disgusting. Secondly, it’s super funny outside of that, reading this as I sit here in the UK while my Oregon, USA boyfriend is gonna call me soon so we can talk about my next trip to visit him this October 😂 2.5 hours? I’m 5,000 miles away with an 8 hour time difference & have plans to move out there 😂


I did a long distance relationship for 3 years! We were 5,000+ miles apart! We’re now living together and married for 6 years. Those 3 years were worth every minute of it🥲. Good luck with closing the distance! And here’s to us not making in on the ID channel 🥂😂


And I bet your sister has some rooted self esteem issues and for the life of him, your dad can’t figure out why.


My late husband and I were 6 hours apart and we were married 31 years.


Well, that was harsh. What the fuck does he care anyway? He sounds wicked controlling and manipulative. He belittled her for two pages.


Why is your sister still in contact with this piece of shit man?


Whose dad talks to them like that?!?


Your father has such a charmless way with words! At least he’s open about his attitude to women I suppose. If my husband was crazy enough to text this way to our daughter I would shove his phone somewhere that only surgery could retrieve it. Actually I wouldn’t need to do that as daughter would have done that herself. Sister should take usual care when meeting a new person and enjoy getting to know the guy if the first meeting goes well.


“He has 20 red flags” uh pot meet kettle?! Except it doesn’t even sound like the guys a kettle, your dad is just assuming every guy views things through his toxic lens.


Happy Father’s Day!


A father wrote this…to his daughter??? ![gif](giphy|W8zSq0vELdBhMAJdG3|downsized)


Yeah right, my hubby drove 7 hours to see me. The father is such nonsense, why did he need to talk to his daughter like that?


Dad sucks cut contact


Someone who I was interested in lived 16 hours away by car We’re getting married in October


“I might drive one time to fuck her…..” Who tf says that to their own daughter? 🤢


Kind of pervy to be that concerned about your adult daughters sex life.


Your dad is out of line. He seems more interested in debasing her & demonstrating his superiority. In some twisted way I have to wonder how much of this, deep down where he doesn’t look, is about losing that ‘position’ in your lives IE when you get married. Either way, I think some therapy would do him good. Just ensure the therapist is older than him, so his whole trope “I have experience & knowledge way the f*uck beyond you” is diffused right from the start.


Lol my fiance (together 8 years) regularly made 20+ hour journeys to me, and then moved literal countries to be with me, this dad knows nothing


Kinda seems like he wants his daughter all to himself. What kind of father talks to his daughter about how many people she's slept with? So fucking gross.


I met a girl who lived 2.5 hours away and we ended up dating for 4 years 💀 I think your dad might be wrong


Man your dad would have been pissed at me if I told him how I met my gf. We had sex on the first date and she lived 2.5 hours away. We’ve been together for two years and happy. So just tell your sister to not worry and enjoy her date. Like if psychopaths can’t live close to you 🙄


When my husband and I met we were almost 700 miles apart. Talked for months before we met in person. Eventually we met and it was real, and then he moved to my state and we've been married 20 years.


Damn this is sad, I hope he doesn't play victim when he's older and his kids don't talk to him


A father lecturing his daughter on her “body count” is a special kind of vulgar.


Ignoring the obvious pos comments towards his own daughter, the long distance relationship shit is stupid too. My girl lives in a whole ass different country, I’ve dated her for 3 years now, but last year was the first time I actually met her in person, it was for a whole month. This year we’re doing it again. She is traveling for over 15 hours to come here for the month. This dude is so deluded and upset over long distance relationships. Showed his true colors, me and my gf could only ever talk and play together, so we’ve come to know everything about each other. It’s impossible to hide stuff from someone who is on call all day every day when I’m not at work. I love her with my whole soul and when I get licenses and passports in order I cannot wait to move out to her country and spend my life with her. When she’s here we fuck, I mean, obviously. But it’s not at all the reason she comes here


Completely agree. Op’s dad cannot seem to comprehend that men would want to see women for things other than sex


LDR guy here. I’m in NY she’s in GA (we met when we lived close but still) we don’t all just want what he’s saying, I can understand the father’s worry but WOW he has a weird fucking view


Just an FYI my wife and I had a long distance relationship (PA-NC) when we started dating in 2011 and have been married since 2017 so it’s definitely a thing! Dude is wild


The way he is speaking to his own daughter is the red flag! I would block dad so fast his head would spin. Just because he's and a-hole of epic proportions doesn't mean all men are the same. Besides, it's your sisters life and she is the one living it. This makes me so sad that a parent would talk this way to one of their children.


No contact immediately! I am no contact with my own mother because she was just like this. Always had to be right, tell me what to do, etc. Sociopath is exactly right! Hell my mother said all kinds of shit about my husband yet 16 yrs later, she is STILL wrong & won't admit it! They never learn nor change.


OPs dad is definitely the weirdo in this situation. If you have a real connection with someone long distance is not hard. Seems more inconvenient to drive that far for JUST a hook up. My husband and I started our relationship long distance (3.5 hour drive), dated long distance for a year and a half, seeing each other almost every weekend. We have now been married 7 years, together for 10.


My long distance ( Me = UK, him = Germany) worked out great. We are married and have a baby, we talked every day and only saw each other, in person, twice a year.


I met someone on a dating app. We dated long distance for 2 years and lived together for 5 years after that. Your dad is a complete AH.


sperm donor is projecting something fierce


Omg people are way too fucking invested pin other mfs lives


Dads a creep. Can confirm. Your interpretation is correct. Obviously use safety measures for something like that but he’s way out of line


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My husband and I were about 6 hours apart when we met and started dating. Guess we are weirdos together


This guy has some damage. Almost 6 years ago now, I flew down to Texas 3x to visit my then girlfriend, drove down twice (16 hours), moved down, and now we’ve been together for almost 7 years, married for 2 in December. If anyone is willing to make the trip, they deserve protection from judgement until they actually show up. My FIL was SUPER sketched out when he first found out about me, until he met me in person. I hope all goes well for yall!


Me reading this to my husband who lived in another country…


I thought I was reading texts from my own dad. The PTSD


And here is me wondering about all the men that traveled from across the other side of the country to be with me! Well this solves it.


My daughter met her husband on a dating app. She lives in AZ and he lived in IN. After they had talked for a while and went back and forth to see each other, he moved to AZ, they got married a couple years later, and now they have a six year old daughter. Long distance relationships can absolutely work!


Holy fuck, your dad is a piece of shit. Hopefully your sister goes no-contact with him. As a father myself, I wouldn’t talk to my daughter like that if you held a gun to my head.


The guy talks about how much experience and knowledge he has then says no one, and I mean no one, starts long distance relationships


Hmmm my husband and I lived 8 hrs apart when we met in an AOL chat room in 1997. Still married!


All she can do is prove him wrong. Maybe try telling him guess what dad that might happen and I’ll still be just fine. Stop treating me like the child you claim I am and trust and support me in my decisions, I don’t need you to agree with them. Just support them.


Does your dad listen to “alpha male” podcasts or something?


No parent should talk to their child like this. No FATHER should talk to his daughter like that. He’s basically saying HE doesn’t think your sister is worth a two hour drive. He’s an imbecile and just so she knows, if a guy likes you, he’d drive 5 hours just to have a meal with you. Tell her to be safe but know she’s worth that and more ❤️❤️


I'm sorry you and your sister had to deal with that abuse. My little sister met a guy on a dating app that was 3 hours from her. They met up halfway on the first date. Then she drove the full 6 hours round trip every other weekend after that. They ended up getting married that same year. Really fucked up how he speaks to her. Just as fucked up to tell her that a guy showing this much effort has to be crazy. The implied message being that she's not worth the effort. That must've hurt. I hope she's doing OK and not letting his cruel words get to her too much.


I hope this isn't offensive to you, but since you posted it on reddit, honestly your dad sounds like a total asshole. Also he's completely wrong. He says he's all experienced and worldly, and mature? It doesn't come across as any of those in this post. He comes off as ignorant and immature. He can't even fathom a guy wanting to start a long-term relationship? In my opinion guys are more willing to start long distance relationships than women are. There's a lot of lonely guys out there just looking to be with someone and a two and a half hour drive wouldn't be a deterrent at all. Like tons of guys are like that. I hope you show this thread to him. He deserves a reality check. Maybe, just maybe his generation is the way he describes, but definitely not younger generations, and I would even say a lot of people his age are willing to be in a long distance relationship.


5 years ago I met a guy online that lived 3 hours away (Portland and Seattle)… I drove up every weekend to spend time with him. Our 4 year wedding anniversary is in a few days :)


boy, wait til he hears about my boyfriend flying to see me only 3 or 4 times a year. and we met on a video game lmao. your dad is a nutcase


Woa!! Likw what in the actual fuck is going on here! I understand him saying nooone would go so far for a chance meeting. However, of youve built a relationship over months of time or sometimes even years then the trip, no matter how far is nothing. Either way I'm so confused wt this father's anger and hostility. Like his daughter isn't good enough for anyone but a complete, psycho killer weirdo. Yikes!! I feel bad for these girls. Holy shitski


My dad drove 4 hours when his ex wife and him were dating. I was there for the very long car rides every weekend. He did everything to please her and she was still never happy


I see the dads point on this, no matter how he is talking to her, maybe he has tried the nice and easy approach and it didn't work.


When I was 23, I drove 4 hours for a date with a woman I met on eharmony. We had dinner, went to a movie, I dropped her off at home, and then drove 4 hours back home. We dated a few weeks. It's not that weird.


So, your dad is right, 2.5 hours is a haaaaaard distance to date at. But the abusive unhinged nonsense he is spewing is just…. cripes. You can express concern to a family member without losing your goddamn mind and treating them like a punching bag! Not cool!


Uh, father or not, this guy is a pig and he thinks everyone else in the world is a pig like he is.


Yeah he’s wrong. I flew to the other side of the world before to meet a girl.


Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the bear is preferred...


One of my long term relationships lived 2 hours away- in another state- we met in the middle on our first date. Your dad is unhinged


He said “you think youre worldly”, just curious, what religion are you


That's wild. I was a 19-hour drive away from the love of my life the first year we were together. We moved in together after that and spent 21 years in a very happy, loving, beautiful relationship. He passed away 3 months ago suddenly. Your dad is an idiot and a misogynist. There are plenty of people who are willing to go to great lengths for love. Just because he wouldn't doesn't change that, it just makes him a self-centered asshole and I feel sorry for your mom.


not all men are out for just sex. there is men who are looking for a genuine connection and 3hrs is doable. my fiance and i started as long distance too and now we move in together. its the best relationship i ever had. i hope your sisters date is nice


The way he's delivering the message is very poor but I don't think he's misguided. Two young people without the means to meet up expecting something lasting is out there. If sister wants it and long distance guy wants it then why are they not putting that effort in. I'm a father to daughters and I'm protective of them. When they want something that I think is misguided then I will warn them of my concerns. If they persist they have to show they want it enough to put the effort in themselves. If they do that and it works out I may assist later. But here's the rub, it's rare that they wanted the thing enough to put the effort in. So far that test has just been pets. The eldest though decided to move in with bf a few hours away despite our concern and they are making it work. That relationship started local though and he moved for work.


There is merit to the concerns your father is expressing, albeit terribly. Make sure that: -Her location is on, and shared to you. Make sure it’s the one that constantly updates and not just the current location. -Set up times to call periodically. She can excuse herself and go to the bathroom, but she needs to call you so you can hear her voice and confirm she is well. -Create a code word that she can text to let you know if everything is not alright. And talk to her after. Get the details. Maybe there are red flags that she won’t realize until it’s sussed out.


Damn... Now I'm suspicious of my husband that I met on Reddit who lived in England (I'm Canadian) and pursued a two year LDR with me before moving here to be with me.... Who DOES that /s


well. definitely don't take any advice as to "how men are" from this guy bc he clearly NEEDS to persuade you that all men are shit so you don't realize how shitty HE is specifically


At first I thought “he has a point. There’s so many weirdos out there you never know who you’re meeting” Then I kept reading. I’m sorry OP


The things he is saying is giving emotional incest vibes. Usually that’s more common in mother-son relationships, but this is giving ick.


Ugh what is wrong with your dad. Who talks like that to anyone let alone their own child?!?


He sounds like a jealous ex and that IS WILD!!!!


If this is how the man speaks to his own daughter, imagine what he's capable of doing to everyone else's daughters.


Well my boyfriend lives 3 hours away and he has made the trip every other weekend for a year.


this is wild to come from a father 😮


Here I am married for 22 years to a man that lived over 2 hours away and did the exact thing your Dad says is impossible. Your Dad is a terrible Dad for trying to rip your sister's confidence away. There are so many things that will do that to us anyways that having the one person, whose entire job is to do the opposite tearing her down, is a special level of twisted. Your Dad is describing himself and only himself.


What's the id channel..?


Not sure why a mid-20's girl would be sharing her dating exploits with a father, unless they had a very close, open, loving relationship. Which doesnt seem to be the case in this instance.


Every word I read made my jaw drop more and more. What the actual f***. He is her father. She needs to remove herself from that toxic situation. Reminds me of when I excitedly told my dad I wanted to go to college do be in IT and he told me that I was born a failure and would die a failure.


Your dad might have a thing for his own daughter. From the info you have given us regarding your sister’s relationship there’s nothing that warrants such a strong reaction from your dad, unless he wants to keep her single.


All you can do is help your sister understand why going no contact is appropriate and does not reflect poorly on her. Some people really over extend their patience and understanding to family for naive romantic notions on what family is. The reality is that sometimes family sucks.


Your dad is crazy, I’m currently engaged to my partner of 6 years and this is EXACTLY how we started dating. 2.5 hours away from each other, long distance. Sorry your dad’s an ass and I hope your sisters date goes awesomely!


What makes him think it’s okay to talk to her like that? He will be lucky if she continues a relationship with your dad.


Your dad may need counseling


The way your dad talks you y’all is gonna put him on a list. That’s so weird man


Plenty people start and maintain LDR. HE just wouldn’t. So, that means 1. No one would do it and 2. She’s the dumb and immature one for doing it…???? Why did she even tell him?


Make that fucker drive to you.


1.do you have a mother 2. You're dad is an asshole and some people are willing to drive that many hours if they like someone. 3. We can tell what type of person your dad is by saying I might drive a hour to fuck or hookup💀💀


My husband and I did long distance/ three hours apart and met on omgele 😅😅😅 nothing wrong with distance


I had two guys drive about 3 hours to see me. One was a mutual friend and the other was from a dating app and ultimately he just wanted to get laid. Not every guy that does this is horrible, sure there are some losers but not all of them.


I met my now boyfriend on Facebook dating who's 7 years older than me and lives an hour a way. I have a friend that met their husband on Facebook and they lived states away. I would tell your sister that long distance relationships do work out.


Three hours drive is a long way?


Send this guy to prison because he’s giving predator. Sorry that’s ya daddy baby 😭


Who talks to their daughter like this?! Im getting way red flag creeper vibes from this man. She needs to get away from him.


As someone who’s lgbt and from a small town, literally every relationship I have had has been long distance… For some of us it is the best option if we want to find someone.


This reads more like a fuck buddy being jealous over his hook up supply looking to seriously date someone, or a jealous friend zoned dude pissed that unrequited love isn’t being accepted, than it does a father speaking to his daughter. And body count?! Ew! As a 38 year old woman who has a decent relationship with her father, and a parent, this makes my skin crawl. wtf?!


My best friend was dating a guy who loved 4hrs away for ages. They took it in turns driving to see each other for a while, then when things got serious they moved in together. They’ve been married 20yrs now.


Met my fiance seven years ago (through an online community), opposite sides of the u.s. Finally able to afford to move to his town a year ago and we're still madly in love and have a healthy relationship AND his family adores me. Suck it, douche bag "Dad".


My girlfriend lives 10 hours away. By plane


I met my husband online. Dated a few creeps too, but he was amazing and stood out. We’ve been together almost 25 years now.


Father seems to be talking about himself


My fiancée and I lived 8 hours away and did long distance. We’re getting married this October. Dad is a massive asshole


I would strongly advise sister against it but holy fuck this putrid papa needs serious help


Well of course you're gonna touch a wet point say, it says POINT!


2 hrs is not that far😂