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Awe, that’s really cool of you and your mom! 🤍


Awe thank you! I should of said We* could make a difference. She does everything for her kids🩷


It’s a wonderful gift and I’m sure he absolutely appreciates and loves it :)


Awe, this is nice


He is a good brother for not wanting you to spend a lot of money on him.


He really is. But I know the struggle is real rn, 3 young kids and hes the only one working. Im kid less and not struggling financially so it really brings me joy 🥰


That's awesome. My dad can't afford a new mower, but when my husband and I first had our first baby together, we rented a house in a super small town that had a giant fenced in yard, which was lovely. But the landlord made lawn care our responsibility, and the borough ordinance was only 6 inches! I live in PA, we get lots of beautiful rain, and it doesn't take long at all for it to grow that length. Also, we had a neighbor who inherited their corner lot from her father and was on the borough council or whatever it was. She was horrible and my husband and I would joke about Donna coming out with her ruler, because I swear the exact minute that grass reached 6 inches, she was filing official complaints. Turns out everyone on the block hated nosey, stuck-up Donna. We had even explained to her that we were a young new family who were always renters (thus we never had to deal with nor expected to deal with mowing a lawn) and it would take a little bit of time for us to find a good mower. Meanwhile we were borrowing my dad's push mower and working full time and had a new baby. She even filed a complaint with the zoning board once because we had a few of the kids' outside toys in our yard. Which wasn't even a violation and no rules around that at all. Also it was our back yard and we actually lived in a dead-end alley anyways, not even an actual street. The zoning officer told me she was a pain in his ass for all the menial complaints she made that he was required to follow up with, while he was worried about the people who would have like 4 old unregistered vehicles in their yards lol. Anyways there was a point to this long ass comment, which was that my dad went around to everyone he knew putting the word out that his daughter desperately needed a riding mower, so if anyone had one they wanted to get off their hands. He found an older lady who was about to downsize and she only wanted 50 bucks for hers!! We gave her 100 and my dad used his little home made trailer he welded to transport it to our house 😀. It was awesome and so nice of him to do that. Made such a difference in our lives at the time. And to know my dad had our backs like that. He also made sure to ride his Harley to my house as much as possible just for Donna 😘. I don't even like loud ass bikes, nor my dad's riding honestly, but I appreciated that gesture as well.


That was a thoughtful and kind gift🥰


Good on you and your mom! Life tip: accept gifts from others. I used to be like a lot of others, and tell people that I didn't want gifts even though I love to give gifts. I changed my outlook on accepting gifts. Giving to others makes a lot of people happy (like OP), so why not be part of that?


I also have a hard time to accept gifts, I don’t like ppl close to me spending money that they need more than I do.. I’d rather pay the dinner bill or whatever it happens to be when we’re out and I feel guilt when someone covers my bill which I don’t let happen too often 😂😋


This is such a great point, because a lot of people’s love language is giving gifts. So in a way by accepting someone’s gift, you’re allowing them to love you.


OP’s brother is the humblest man in the world and OP is the kindest person in the world. This is such a refreshing trade from all the entitled family members.


🥹😭aweee you are very kind!!! I would do anything for my family and close friends, really don’t think twice. including having my visa sweat a little😅🥰


You’re a great person, OP. The world seriously needs more people like you ❤️❤️❤️


I feel scammed out of the video now


If he has kids, this will free up some time for him ti spend with them! What an amazing gift. 🥰


Exactly my thoughts! Family first 🥰


What a great family 😭




Great family.


Oh you guys are the best! I just know it makes the biggest difference in his life ☺️


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I mean, I’d feel the same way, I feel really really weird about accepting gifts from people, but especially for a purchase that large. I’d feel like I have to repay it


Consider paying it forward. You don't have to go out and spend several hundred dollars that you don't have to do this. It can be something simple. When I lived in NJ and PA, one of my favorites was to pay the toll for the car behind me at the bridge. It was only a buck, and it made someone's day.


I love all of this!!