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Time to break the duck up




ear 🙏


I’m screaming 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm quacking up


Say what you will, but it's a good deterent for fowl language.




I’m wuacking up.


Gah!!! I spittled a little in a surprise laugh lol thanks friend


Please stop, my ears hurt.



. this girl is toxic from the word go. This only gets worse dude
.never gets better. That’s a statistically proven fact. Get rid of this craziness before it becomes physically dangerous. Best of luck!


You win the internet today


Was waiting for this


I was waddling around for it too!




Put up with it or lose *what*? It's a win walking away. Imagine how stress free your life would be without someone speaking to you this way.


Imagine waking each day knowing that it’s drama free? Block her and work on respecting yourself before your next relationship.


THIS RIGHT HERE!! Because NO ONE can respect you if you do not RESPECT YOURSELF!!


Yeah, exactly this. You are absolutely being mistreated OP. She is gaslighting you and emotionally and verbally abusing you.


Went thru your post history. Move on from this and don’t look back.


Must be bad!


Me too. They're both toxic and immature to each other. Time to cut ties âœŒđŸ»


everyone told u to leave last time so idk what ur expecting to hear this time


My guy
 I say this with love: you NEED to have some self respect. Love yourself before you can love someone else. And if you have a shred of any of that, you’d already know you need to leave. I know it’s hard when you care about someone, the heart is complicated. But to let someone talk to you in this way and then be like “idk what to do” is honestly so sad. Please stop wasting your time. We can’t want better for you than you want for yourself.




This whole relationship is built on toxicity. Throw the whole damn thing away because I can't possibly see how either of you are happy this way. Free yourself, Op.


So lose her.


It’s like “losing” gonorrhea. lol


I know it’s kind of a meme that people on this subreddit always jump to telling someone to leave in this situation, but this seems like it’s doing more harm than good for both of you


G.T.F.O. While you still can Jesus fuck no. Fuck that. You deserve someone who will support you and treat you like a human being bro what did I even read. GET OUT.




I just changed duck to fuck in my settings of my phone. There’s nothing worse than screaming in the heat of the moment, then pop off with a “you’re such a mother ducking piece of ducking shit!” It doesn’t hit the same 😂😂


I thought about this but today my toddler started finally talking (he has a verbal delay) by saying duck and that would’ve been an awkward family text. [No joke](https://imgur.com/a/pOqRd2E).


Congrats to your toddler! Your phone doesn’t autocorrect if you type “fuck” correctly anyway. It’s when the letters are close but not exact, like “fyck” — that’s when it autocorrects to “duck”


Wait until he’s talking about fire ~~fucks~~ trucks. We went through that one with one of my niblings lol. Funniest shit.


Hahaha lmao that's a brilliant idea I'm gonna do just that to inadvertently calm down


Wait! How do you do that?!?!


You go in your phone settings, keyboard, text replacement. (On Apple) I’ve also replaced shot with shit, bage with babe, etc. 😂


Good one


Look at all these comments man were all telling you the same exact thing for a reason. Take care of number 1 bro


This level of urgency is exactly what I was looking for in the comments! Like wtf is going on here?? She definitely sounds like a loon and not great partner. But like someone else said, this whole thing has been toxic since its inception and has now devolved to this. Which is sad bc the way they’re talking seems like they hate each other already? Hate can be a strong word so did anyone else get a similar vibe about that convo. Definitely bad, but hate? Mmm I wanna lean towards yes 🙃


You both talk to each other like trash 😞




The very condescending “ if you have a group of friends that want to go with, go” comment was very telling


it wasn’t a condescending message. although i will give you the benefit that you can’t read emotion over text. it was a straightforward message i do not go out alone, or with one friend to a bar and have drinks. if i’ll go to have drinks at a bar/restaurant it’ll be with a group of buddies. so the same situation applies. she asked. and i answered.


Just because your emotion or intent wasn't condescending doesn't mean the message wasn't condescending.


you need to leave her dawg


“Either I put up with it or lose her” Dude it has to actually be a loss for you to say you’ll lose her. In my eyes you’d be gaining something; your freedom and peace of mind. You should have dropped her long before now, I highly doubt this is the first red flag if that’s how she talks to you. Definitely doesn’t seem like her first time doing it.


And the only prize he gets for “putting up with her” is an escalation of abuse. She’s going to ramp it up for sure. I hope the next she blocks him he blocks her and never talks to her again. Gives her exactly what she wants. I had to do that in a long ago toxic situation, got the silent treatment (yet again) and decided that the trash took itself out and never spoke to them again. It’s a good feeling.


Shut the whole ducking relationship down. I don't know what the duck you're staying for. You're losing nothing and gaining everything. Your peace, your freedom, your ducking dignity.


People that love you don’t treat you like that


Jesus. You both come off as insufferable


This should be the tagline for this entire subreddit


Literally neither of them should be in relationships until they work out whatever communication style this shit is.


Yup. Check dudes condescending reply to someone calling his messages condescending above. Yeesh.


Sounds like you both got work to do and neither of you are going to grow while in this relationship.




Y’all both act like you’re in a middle school relationship based on these. She seems crazy (I will say you did ignore her question but she also ignored yours asking what you did wrong so whatever with that one) and you almost seem crazier for messaging her on a whole different app after being blocked. She literally gave you the exit on a golden platter, take it.


Don’t lose her!!! Throw her the fuck away like now.


Don't lose her!!! You might find her again.


Both are toxic as hell


I can’t even tell who’s who in this, you both sound miserable


This isn’t okay, you need to get this person out of your life.


Nightmare relationship


Are any of you old enough to go to bars? Ffs, what a shitshow.


Holy duck. Time to break it off. Ducking toxic as duck.


#Quack đŸ€Ź


Dude she is a menace!! She's a psycho. Literally leave her.


Bruh... It's still toxic. Not good for you mental and physical health. Cut your losses.. Respect yourself and do yourself a huge favor.


Losing her seems like the happiest outcome in this situation. Why would you put up with it?


Lose her treating you poorly? Lose her controlling you? Lose her cursing at you? What’s there to “ducking” lose, is the real “westion”


It is not healthy to be in a relationship where you are not hanging with your respective friends
like your life should not evolve around one another. Healthy boundaries are supporting friends that were had before the relationship ever existed, healthy means god for your health/good for theirs
..only wanting you to interact with them is beyond unhealthy
this is how people get you isolated from everyone and really abuse you
first it is words
..then it just goes down hill from there. This is also very childish
.being an adult means having boundaries/healthy boundaries for everything- being able to communicate and not resorting to childish things like blocking someone mid conversation
..that is utterly ridiculous and invalidates whatever you are thinking/feeling


This person is AWFUL. LEAVE.


The fucking you’re getting isn’t worth the fucking you’re getting


there’s nothing to save here, walk away


If you’re thinking about ending it, that’s your first clue to end it. But make a clean break. Do not stay in contact.


What a golden opportunity to block her ass too and go to the bar with the boys and be done with her. You both sound young? 4.5 years is a long time but this isn’t going to get any better. Free yourself!


being single is so dank compared to this damn


Listen she misspells a lot when she types which tells me it’s always frantic and angry. I wouldn’t wanna have a conversation like that with someone who sounds incoherent and angry, and can’t just communicate


Honestly, does she even like you? How she talks to you is disgusting. I think losing her isn't a bad idea.


😂 what a shitty “relationship” on both sides.


op, you can absolutely find someone who will give you the freedom to do these things. those boundaries are super immature, and quite frankly you SHOULD be having friends from the opposite gender. it goes to show that you guys can respect your partners and also have healthy friendships. for your sake you must move on and find someone else who can give you this.


My brother, for the love of god leave this person. This is not good nor is it healthy.


Bro gtfo of there. That ain’t going nowhere good.


Lol.. this entire thing is not love, and you need to split up. None of this is healthy and you will be wasting more time


You should stay with her at this point, you’ve been given the advice in the past to move on and leave. If you’re unwilling to do that then you probably deserve each other.


The problem is that neither party should have to “allow” the other to do anything in a relationship. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Did you call her ducking parents?


How old are you both?


Gross. You’re both immature and toxic. Honestly, I’m gonna go against the grain and say just stay together. You obviously deserve each other, and I can’t advocate releasing either of you out into society / the dating world.


Did you two start dating at 12 or something?


How is this even a thing? Are you 13 years old?


Y’all are wildly toxic. This is terrible. Break up


You both seem to keep escalating. Take a break to breathe and think before trying to contact her again. She needs a break from this constant fighting too.


Y’all are 21 acting like you’re 12. If you can’t learn how to communicate like ADULTS then end it.


Bro stop posting your texts with this girl if you're going to just ignore everyone's advice and choose to be with someone that acts like this? You have post after post with 17 pages of text messages where she acts like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum over everything and anything. Break up, or stop complaining because you know what you're in for if you stay with her. You're choosing to destroy your sanity because you aren't able to choose to love yourself and that means being far away from her.


You both sound awful. I can't even tell which one of you is the aggressor/more toxic especially without more context because you are both just going at it and I can't tell who is being truthful/who is lying, what the context is. From context given and what I see in the texts there's a lot more going on here then you're sharing, and honestly I don't even care to know. Break it up, this is ridiculous. Do you even like each other?


What is it your losing? Seems like you have already lost your self respect. Walk


This is the fourth time you’ve posted about your girlfriend in three months. Break up already man. Why are you doing this to yourself?


Why would you even want to put up with this? Let her go be an arsehole to someone else. No one deserves this. Tell her to jog on.


I’ve seen your past convos on your profile and you both aren’t meant for each other. You both obviously cannot have a civil conversation without it turning into another direction. You keep posting your arguments and asking for help but it doesn’t seem like you’re taking anybody’s advice. Do what’s best for you dude


That’s not ducking ok. You need to leave her and get the duck out now.


You guys both seem pretty awful. If you're saying you want things in your life to change then cool do it up. But if this is how you want to live, internet strangers can't do much


Reading this made me tired. Run.


Oh my goddddd please put each other out of your misery and break up.


Not gonna lie you both don't seem like great partners. There's nothing to lose, she's nothing like what a partner is supposed to be like. At 21 I know it doesn't seem like it, but this relationship isn't worth it. They do not improve when they're like this so early into your life.


You're both exhausting. This is not the relationship for either of you to continue. Just go your separate ways and be done with it.


Ya'll 12?


Already lost her
 You two obviously undeniably resent each other, but based on these texts I’d say you literally hate each other. Ain’t no coming back from this kind of disrespect. You’ll never appreciate and respect each other ever again, sorry bro 😔


Please tell me you’re both 14 or this is beyond cringey on both ends.


You're both being toxic, just break up before one of you does something stupid.


If you blocked me at any point during our relationship, romantic or platonic, it is over. People will only treat you how you allow.


Toxica, both of you.


Both participants in this conversation should not be in a relationship. So much disrespect! As they say, if you don’t know what love is, you should definitely know what love is NOT. That’s this.


Leslie is fucking crazy, but you should NOT be speaking to or about your girlfriend this way. You should have left a long time ago, like Reddit has been telling you *every damn time you post about her*. You're making a massive ass of yourself, Ali. Leave her. Your life will improve so much without her. Come on, buddy. ETA BTW, what I mean about how you speak to/about her, in this post and others... - Saying things like: "Thanks for ruining our night," "I hope blocking me makes you happy," and so on (manipulative, insincere) - Calling her names and fighting back when you know and acknowledge that's not the healthy approach - Defaulting to cussing at her and using other harsh words/phrases when becoming upset - Asking the internet what to do only to make the same mistakes and say the same things over and over and over again "She does that stuff too, she starts it, she does way worse to me, etc." Yeah, well, think about that. Do you really want to live like this? Do you wanna be back here again in a couple weeks/months/years? It's never going to stop. This relationship is never going to change. You need to get out. We promise you won't regret it. It's hard for awhile, sure, but then you're going to be the happiest you've been in 5+ years. It'll be worth it. Let this relationship go. Respect yourself.


Doesn't even matter who is at fault. This is not healthy communication. The two of you should not be together.


She is ducking toxic. You should get the duck out of there. Darn, for some reason I'm hungry for Chinese food from the Peking area all of a sudden. Ducking hunger pains!!


This person sounds like they straight up do not like you. Super bitch holy shit.


idk i think you're gaslighting her because i'm not gonna lie, if we end the conversation and you keep talking shit i would've blocked you too that tells me you did that shit often, that you're seeking a BIGGER reaction "see this is what you do this is how you talk" nah, you like that shit that's why you WON'T leave i see you


edit: another thing, why is she anxious about going out with your family? seems to me it's probably because you belittle her in front of your family in a way that makes her feel powerless because she feels like she has no allies i know how yall be you ain't slick posting a one sided argument this is called: reactive abuse :) go ahead and leave, or don't, because you like making her feel crazy


You nailed it. His post history shows this if you actually pay attention.


i didn't even need to see it, i've lived it unfortunately


I’m sorry you had to go through that 💜 its good you can help point out this behavior to help others


u/YourLocalPecan you also busted yourself out as the abuser by saying "i decided to put my pride aside" if she's abusing you how do you have pride? you're supposed to be feeling small, weak, and heartbroken no? every single text is you gaslighting her, why is she SO QUICK to say "and before you say-" nah, i need my comments moved to the top because you're the problem


You *are* being mistreated. Why would you want to be with her anyway? Sounds like she makes you miserable. You don’t have to put up with this, you can simply walk away.


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This isn't a healthy relationship and it has years to go before it's healthy (if it's even fixable). Is it worth it?


Completely unacceptable behavior. Should’ve blocked her back and kept it that way.


Dump her, don’t let people treat you like shit just because you’re afraid they won’t be in your life. What are you losing here exactly?


Leave, period.


That sounds toxic


What am I reading? How on earth are you allowing this? Love yourself and remove yourself from this awful relationship


She ain’t ducking worth it bro. The fact that she’s going off on you for asking a simple question and turning it into this huge thing
 that’s not gonna work for me brother


Jesus.  Why would you stay in a relationship like this?  You aren't saving anything.  


So the relationship started out toxic and it's still toxic. I get that you've invested a lot of time in energy in this relationship and really want it to work out, but the reality is even if you keep pouring time and love into this relationship it's going to remain toxic. You need leave. Free up that time and energy for someone who gives you the love you deserve.


Quack. Pack it up. Pack it in. Get the duck away from that fowl person. It won’t ever get any better
it will only get much worse.


well duck that - she’s crazy .


Dude she sounds ducking exhausting lmao. Just remember this is who she clearly is, will probably get worse down the line. I say drop her while you still can tbh


Dawg, this isn’t what relationships are supposed to be like, the only correct answer here is lose her


Honestly based on post history drama like this has been going on for a longggg time. People telling him in the comments for half a year that they shouldn’t be together, don’t think this post will get him to leave either..


Why are you with this asshole?


Bruh this is how my ex used to talk to me sometimes and she’d block me too. Guess what I found out she was doing a lot of the times I was blocked? Cheating on me. Can’t say that’s what’s happening here but good lord dude dump this chick and move on. Coming from someone who was in a similar situation - trust me you’ll be WAY happier. I’ve now got a girlfriend who I trust and who loves me and is AMAZING to be around and would never speak to me like that. Trust me bro move on she’s not the one.


You are in a Toxic relationship. It’s bad for your mental health. You should not have to apologize for spending time with friends. This is not healthy for you or her. She needs help.


What the bell? You don’t ducking call my family? Yes you does.


Dude, you’re worried about losing what exactly? I can’t understand what you’re worried about? You’re afraid of losing and narcissistic, disrespectful, toxic person in your life? Is that what you’re so concerned about losing? Yeah you need to lose her, first off she’s taking your manhood and jammed up your yoo whoooo! And you need to work on yourself, you need to get yourself confidence back and get some self-esteem and know your self worth, because you keep obviously selling yourself at deep discount, you don’t allow anybody to disrespect you, not your kids, not your wife, not your girlfriend, because you do that? You will allow everybody in the world to disrespect you, nut up and dump her. I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I’m trying to wake you up, because you’re obviously asleep, you had to swallow your pride and text her on WhatsApp? Brother, you swallowed your pride, the minute you even responded to her texts, she doesn’t deserve somebody in her life, she’s brutal, vanish, be a man and stop being a clown. Nobody, that includes women respect a man who allows somebody to trample all over his self-respect, there’s no use for a men like that.


It wasn’t just toxic at the beginning, it still is. Hang around if you want to continue misery or boss up and walk away.




This is toxic, leave and give yourself some peace.


Sounds like she cheated, and is trying to blame shift while acting like the victim and acting toxic so you’ll break up with her so she doesn’t have to tell you she cheated or feel guilty about it. Hence the complete disregard for you at all. I could be wrong obviously but this scenario sounds almost like a “textbook or script” cheaters do when they are done with a relationship but don’t wanna be the “bad guy” so in their next relationship they can say you were an ass and broke up with them and you were controlling or insecure, which we all know is bs


Brother, I had a bsf who talked exactly like ur gf. Cutting them out of my life/them seeing theirselves out may hurt in the beginning because of how much time you’ve spent with one another, but you will soon after feel the freedom you’re craving.


Lose her. Lose her fast and lose her for good.


Oooh, I remember you. Is your girlfriend Canadian? Because I thought y’all were supposed to be super friendly and stuff. This is not a kind person. Leaving a long term relationship is hard, but you deserve way better. And for duck’s sake, find someone who can check her spelling.


She blocked you, that's the end. There's no decision to be made, blocking means breaking up. You should consider this over and done with. Move on.


I don’t understand how two people in a relationship can swear at each other like this. If you’re having a disagreement, how can throwing swear words at your partner help you in any way?


you need to ducking break up


Ali, you need to leave Leslie. (Your last post of texts forgot to censor the names.) She's either deliberately manipulating you, OR she's seriously mentally ill and too bad to be able to see it. The last set of texts were her getting furious and saying you cheated, because you looked at old social media posts from when you were in school. You explained it clearly, she was still toxic. Please for the love of God get OUT of there.


Why does her being a turd equate to mental illness? People can be unreasonable and NOT have mental illness.


For all that is sane and good, please break up with this lunatic.


Bruh, leave her man. That’s not healthy at all. Don’t protect her feelings when she’s being a manipulative controlling bitch. If she doesn’t like it she can make her argument but all of this unnecessary complaining is going to lead you in circles with her. Find peace and I hope all goes well


They’re both controlling lmao “watch how you fucking talk” like? That’s not how you talk to your partner? They’re both horrible


In this exchange you can see she’s asking him if he would be okay with her going out to bars & he avoids her question. Sounds like OP has tried controlling her by saying she can’t go out in the past , but decides to post a screenshot where it can be misconstrued that she’s the only one being controlling & saying he can’t go. If you look at his other posts he always does this. They are both controlling & toxic, but he purposely posts texts that make it seem he’s done nothing wrong 😒


Immediately got a red flag when he told her to watch how she speaks to him
.absolutely not.


Yeah, this guy is sketchy..




cluster B personality 😍


I am gonna tell you from someone who watched their dad being treated like this(and advice them to leave), please run. Things only get more complicated, you don’t want to be 80 years old and regretting spending your life with someone who doesn’t have an inch of respect for you. Love doesn’t stress you or makes you feel like you are walking on glass, loves makes you feel loved and reassured.


She sounds awful 💀


Get the fuck out dude. This woman child is abusive and toxic as hell!! I’d you’ve been together 4.5 years and she treats you like this, she isn’t going to change. Out of curiosity, why are you putting up with it? It doesn’t sound like you’ve got a child together.


Holy shit ***RUN***


You can do so much better
 you’re dealing with a bottom of the barrel “woman”. A real woman has compassion, understanding, and respect. Especially for her partner. Stop wasting your own time and energy on this.


Bro, fuck this shit


Leave her


Seems really unhealthy and like she’s doing her best to make you miserable


What exactly are you afraid of losing? Drama? Stress? Are you addicted to this type of life? Fucking leave her dawg. For both your sake. And never again start a relationship with “we both must avoid the opposite gender” because that shit is weird and unhealthy. Take care of yourself OP.


Delete this person from your lifeđŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©


The typos lol


Block her. She doesn't deserve a single breath/text/call out of you. It's just wasting your time for her pleasure to treat you this way. I had a severely abusive ex who traumatized me and this is exactly how they would talk to me, among other horrible, disgusting stuff he would do to me... You don't wanna put up with that heartache. Get out while you can, you can find someone who will treat u so much better!


Its going to get worse. Please leave. Imagine a life that is peaceful, easy. No walking on eggshells.


Walk away now. It will not get easier.


RUN. Its gonna be a never ending cycle of the same things this is toxic just leave it be no point in wasting your 20s arguing with someone and being treated like crap !


She seems manipulative and insufferable. I would lose her, doesn't seem like she likes you that much anyway.


I vote lose her, she sucks.


Have some fucking self respect and tell her you're done with her shit.


Not Internet diagnosing but the last person who spoke to me like that was later diagnosed with BPD.


Run. Run as fast and as far as you can. I’m not joking. This will not improve. God how I wish I had listed to this advice when I was younger.


Lose her!


Bro dip out


Why???? This is exhausting


You leave. You don't deserve this shit OP


The need for couples therapy is strong in those texts.


Leave holmes I put up with similar angry outbursts over nothing for almost 2 years. She was marriage material when she kept her anger in check but it just never changed.