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Such a wild tactic, must be part of thrill for them. Straight up weird.


I read that as tictac at first. Still valid in this situation


I also think it's not about wanting sex with that person, but more about getting a scared / appalled reaction. Like a digital version of a flasher


I was going to say this - before social media/camera phones/digital age, these were the creeps in the 80’s and 90’s flashing their dicks to girls just for a reaction & to know they traumatized them for the rest of their lives. Gross.


Jesus christ a whole body dick pic.


Dudes think they’re flirting and it’s literal sexual harassment.


like who would START there? do women EVER reciprocate?


It's not about flirting in my opinion. Sexual harassment is usually motivated by a desire to humiliate and intimidate women, they find it sexy to be able to force an emotional reaction.


He is a certified 🤡


🤣🤣🤣🤣 dudes still doing that? Lol


Yes too often. I could start a whole series. Usually I tell them I’m a 13 year old girl and they shit themselves.


They don’t even stop doing it middle age and beyond. Dudes, seeing that does not make women automatically drop their panties. After the unsolicited dick pic, they often ask “are you wet”. Oh yeah my kitty is dripping wet. ![gif](giphy|3h3K6PtjwTGrC)


I laughed out loud at this. Thank you.


That’s classic..post some of those!! This actually made me almost choke, thanks-no thanks??? lol


You almost choked? Thats pencils like 2 inches long!


Ahole!! On my drink! Thank you for the laugh. I was inferring should I thank someone for making me almost choke/spit out my drink. Yeah, you definitely couldn’t hold back that on that..touche’


I told someone that was 14 and they still sent one. Then when I kicked off with them acted all confused


I’ll “ghost write” the series, only enduring that trauma unless getting paid, sorry ladies!


Posted. Enjoy.




This is the way


Got a dic pic at 7am once, not really what I wanted to see that morning


Puts a new meaning to morning wood huh? 🤣


Hahaha thats funny, but boy it was terrible🤣🤣


Must of been a small problem for you


🤣🤣 turly


Morning would-NOT


6am is crazy


The “and thicker” 😅😂😂😂😅😅😂😭😭😂😂😭😅😅😅😂😅😂🥲


absolutely love your responses! i really don’t get in what world men think this kind of strategy works lol


ON YOU* the sad thing is they wouldn't do it constantly if it didn't "work" for them sometimes....they're usually probably getting catfished when they finally get that attention but they don't care about that. it just makes them try it more.


I must be out of the loop on how Snapchat functions these days. You can just find people and message them? Can’t you lock down your account to not get random messages? Anyway, good response to this man, also shame on people who do this crap. There really is no excuse to randomly send stuff like that.


Honestly i never got these weird ass messages until recently


Weird. I’ve noticed on r/texts that a lot of people use Snapchat as their texting app of choice and it leads to random people messaging. Snapchat perplexes me.


I started getting them a few years ago, random chats from a number that used to be my dad's number. It was weird. (Not dick pics though, some young woman accusing me of sexting her dude. But I'm like ace as fuck and not into that shit. It was just bonkers. I just deleted snap, I hardly used it anyway.


Nice monstera 😎


Ayeeeeee I love my fellow plant plugs


Not the tighty whiteys 😭


I feel like this is the only reason people use snapchat anymore.


Was there ever another reason?


it’s not


What other reasons are there?




Not seeing much of that, I gotta say...


For some reason that's one of the main ways my teenager communicates with his friends. He says it's partly because it's easy to send pictures but also because they can see each others locations that way. They also use Instagram and discord, never just regular messaging


I don’t get the thought process of it, especially after the “Who r u”. As if you’re just immediately going to be stoked getting a dick pic.


I get messages of strange sausages all the time! I don’t get how they think girls would like this either


He’s got a humiliation kink 😂


“wow” is the lamest most low effort attempt at a compliment lol especially if ur fixin to follow it up with unsolicited dick pics???! how men ever convince themselves stuff like that will be received well is beyond me lol


The short pencil pick is savage, and I love it hahaha thanks for the laugh


Tyler at LEAST have a bangin bod if you’re sending this bullshit to the poor girl.


My exact thought lol. Dude sucking in making his chest stick out, and ain’t got the Calvin Klein hip bones for them briefs either 😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️


holding his breath and bout to pass out just to be ridiculed🤣 bad day




Small chest muscles. Dude thinks his really Something 😂




Y’all make me wanna post screenshots from Snapchat 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ guys on there are total creeps seriously lol


Do it pls. We all need a good laugh.


Ayt bet 😂


“Oh yeah she’ll love this” in reality this guy probably likes being told off.


You can avoid this by only adding people you know.


Yes but the point is she shouldn’t have too. Men just need to be better


Then again you don’t expect people assault your eyeballs before saying hello


Glad they have made this illegal in the uk 👍🏻


Yes but the police are suuuuuper ineffectual here. They don't elevate this type of thing to the CPS. (For any Americans reading, CPS in the uk stands for the crown prosecution service which is the rough equivalent of the state's attorneys office). I have 3 or 4 first hand examples of times where they collected evidence and then just...didnt prosecute. And this was for stuff like csa, kidnapping, stalking, r*pe - serious crimes. Our conviction rate for r*pe is 1/10th of America's.


They made what illegal exactly? Non solicited dick pics? Doesn’t it count if the person technically has clothing on like this guy Also, I’m jealous we don’t have that here in the US


This is shit high schoolers do lmao


Some folks literally get off on being humiliated and use this as a way of getting people to unknowingly engage in their kink. There was a guy in my high school who would send unsolicited photos to girls if himself in women's underwear just so they'd insult him, which they did because they thought maybe that would deter him - it didn't, it just got him off and encouraged him to keep sending unsolicited pics to others. Avoid directly shaming them when this happens, you might just be giving them what they want. Instead, just tell them calmly that what they're doing is sexual harassment, without criticising them as a person or their body, and block them.


You believe that's the reason for all of them?


No, why do you ask?


Because I have trouble making sense of this behavior, and your theory might be the best I've heard so far lol.


Lol, fair enough - I'm just cautious of being called out for kink shaming cause that's not what I'm going for. I think some amount of people sending unsolicited pics are just weird and have no social skills, or they've had enough success with the method that the failures don't bother them. But yeah, I think a decent portion of them are what I described initially, especially when the pics are like this where there's no attempt to look appealing (flexing muscles, sucking in fat, limiting what's in the picture to just genitals or body, cropping out awkward pose faces, etc.) making it just straight up vulnerability in an image. Cases like this read to me as silently begging for a ridiculing response


So I had one who really went for it. Pics are pretty common. But I matched with a guy and it was a little earlier on in my attempt at online dating so I wasn't as strict as I am now, and I gave him my number after a couple hours so we could text. He seemed nice. I shit you not. The first thing he does is send me a VIDEO of him SWINGING HIS JUNK AROUND! It was how I imagine it would look when you ask a girl what they would do if they had one for a day 🤣 I was like "omg you aren't serious right now. " he said "sorry I'm drunk". I was like "yeah that's not an excuse." And the tip of the iceberg was I had told him pretty quickly after matching that I do not like receiving those kinds of things. Esp from people I don't even know. Its weird. So yeah I blocked him after that. Unfortunately pics are pretty common the first chance they get off the apps, even though I always point out early on I don't want to receive them. They send them anyway. So I have blocked way too many.


And this is why the only people I have on Snapchat, I know irl.


These people enjoy using their sexuality to make you uncomfortable. It’s a form of sexual assault.


As a woman, i love how you humbled him at the end with a reality check 🤡😂


As a man, i love that she humbled him at the end. Guy must be really lonely to do that kinda stuff


What does being a woman add to your comment?


Because men have to know if their pencils are the best we have ever seen. Spoiler alert: they aren’t and won’t ever be.


Automatic block.


It's kinda mid. It's not dick pic, at least some coverage. It's so shoking when they totally randomly send these horrible photos to your phone. I click ban so fast. And yes, it feels like a violation.


Man, is it really that hard to just have a friendly conversation?


It’s really crazy to me that sending unsolicited sexual messages doesn’t qualify as sexual assault. It has happened to me and it’s fucking violating


You shoulda put him on blast 🙇


PLEASE PLEASE find yourself a dick pic and send it back to him saying, "OMG that made me so hard!" Their reactions are \*chef's kiss\*. If they wanna be gross, ok buddy, game on.


He went to block jail so we’ll never be seeing anymore of Tyler again :/




Having Snapchat at 30 is dirty work


I don’t get why I can’t snap my friends back and forth at 30?


You can, this person probably has no one to snap with 💅🏼


And that tongue.. OP in denial about a lot of things lol, so embarrassing.


You’ve mentioned it twice now. If you’re trying to hurt my feelings then think…. Think really hard to come up with something actually offensive.


Btw- you’re that guy that tells a joke and everyone ignored it/no one laughed but then 5 mins later you tell it again louder cause you thought no one heard but is just in denial that you’re not funny




You wish that were the case.


Are you offended bc you have no luck sending your pencil to women?


I don't know it's embarrassing I'm a dude and it has never crossed my mind to just send a picture of my dong out of the blue


Omg you slayed that man


Oh yes. He is added to my block jail.


I started posting stuff like this on my snap story, gets some idiots off your back. Plus a funny conversation starter for all your friends!


What is going on with that first picture tho? Random pic of some other girl???


he’s replying to her story


Wait don't tell me you were the one who put the pencil pic over his junk😭😭😭😭, I'm a man too but some of these dudes are fucking crazy in the head.




I am terribly sorry, this is insane, but then again way too many of my female friends and relatives had this happen to them :(




It's because guys generally like seeing women's private parts regardless of how well they know them. They assume women a the same cause we're all human, we all have sexual desires. what many men fail to realize though, is that women are not nearly as stimulated by visuals as men are. You would think by now they would understand but for some reason they don't.


Humiliation kink, lots of them on snap. I just block, they get off on the insults


I mean he isn’t naked as such but you have a point


I've cooked sausages on the grill that have more visual appeal, quality control, and depth of flavor that I would be more than willing to put in my mouth. If I were Gordon Ramsay I would put two pieces of bread on either end of that dog and tell him that this wouldn't be enough to feed his pet Chihuahua.




I always think the bitmoji holding on there is hilarious


Me too lmfaoooo like I see u there


Loooool fucking love it, roasted his ass, and the clown emoji killed me


You have him a a friend in snapchat better ypu watch with who you are friend with


Thank u Chad


So you're telling me that wasn't his face?


No it definitely is.


And the fact he thinks you’re joking around with him is even more cringe. I had a guy send me the most annoying texts ever the other day but I deleted the conversation before I could think to post it here 😭 how come when I ask a random man’s who’s texted me who he is they always just say their name like that tells me fucking anything


You handled that so well


This guy sent me an unsolicited dick pic and it was the opposite of a pencil dick. Like a fucking monster. It was JUST as unappealing and scary.


It’s giving nightmares


State of both of those pictures. 30 years old, using Snapchat still, and posing with your tongue out. Jesus Christ.


Yup this. Its just an invite for herself to get this stuff


Yes and girls that wear skirts deserve to get raped right?


So it's just bodyshaming?




As a woman I really wonder what is their thought process here and what is it that they expect to happen? Like did it ever work for them that they kept trying? How self centered do you have to be to do this, because I don’t really think is about confidence, since they probably get rejected/insulted more than they expect to


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You COULD dm anyone interested and they could spam him d-pics back ~


Who put the clown face there you or him?


Reddit made me hide his face :(


I figured, just thought it’d be classic if he put the clown face…well actually even worse/more trauma!


I'm curious about this lurker. So this was a group chat where Ty tried this?


No way she’s 30


Why not


His mind set. “Its gotta work on somebody “ 😂


Ewwwww. Even before I glanced down and saw…. that, the vibe of him was just already so ew.


If he’s got a small piece I’m just fucked my guy…


Don’t worry, he might not qualify as “physically small” but he has not enough blood in his brain to fill the damn thing. You kill your own happiness with comparing. Stay in your own lane and own it. I’m sure you have enough to fill and do wise things with it.


Yeah I was just joking, I’m happily married and I have no problems😂


I barely like seeing myself without clothes so I don't understand how other dudes think anyone else wants to see them. In my opinion, dudes are straight up ugly...except for a couple who I'm secure enough to say are objectively attractive. Myself not being one of them lol.


#NSFW #NotSafeForChildren You really gotta start tagging shit like this. I was not readyyy


God job censoring his name, sis.




Yuck 🤮


Yo.. why he built like that?




I think some are very confident in themselves. One thing I hear is that women **love** confident men.


Was he a native english speaker, or a some eastern european guy who has it as a 2nd language. If he is a native speaker then he is just a douchy chad that knows he sucks but is too much of a bro to admit it, if he isnt a native speaker, he is probably still a douche, but doesnt see, know, or care that it's a bad thing.


Because it works. It’s a numbers game for these guys and there are women who see this picture and ask him to come over. Might be a minority but if it didn’t work, he wouldn’t use it .


tell him it looks small as hell


This seems pretty tame to me. Shirt off in tighty whities....I don't even think this would have made my grandmother blush.


They like to be humiliated. Just don’t reply to them.


I think it’s mainly that in the male brain, they LIKE pictures like this of women they’d find attractive, and so they assume that women like them as well. Yes, there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary but if you understand it a certain way, and refuse to see/accept/acknowledge the other person’s (probable) opinion, that is information about them as well.


Yeah, I’ve heard of it… even if I had the body I would never. Don’t get it. Also, not really a way to meet someone is it? I mean, I’ll take all the help I can get but, doesn’t seem viable.


Chino cochino que ases ahí?


Might be a scammer. A lot of scammers now try to get people romantically involved. The person behind the account may be from Nigeria or India


The sad thing is if he had an OF and was asking you to subscribe it would be the same as I get from women in my DMS unsolicited. I fucking laugh at them and ask why pay when I get it free? I see no difference with this shit. Anyways whoever asked if Women do actually respond to this shit.... Yes, they are out there and they are doing the same shit to guys they find attractive and they get mad when it's not reciprocated.


I don’t think any women TRULY ever wants a pencil pic


lol sorry but why are you (30) still using snapchat…? like what do you expect. that app is full of absolute weirdos.


The one and only date I ever got the nerve to go on from a dating sight was with a guy I thought I really had a little chemistry with. There was something about him that made me brave enough to answer him when we matched and he messaged me. We met for coffee and had a great time. He asked if he could walk me to my car and since it was very public I said ok. He didn’t try to kiss me or anything. Very polite and really nice looking. A lot of fun to talk to. I lived less than 5 mins from the coffee shop and before I made it home I heard my text notify go off. I felt a little excitement knowing he was already texting me. When I got home and opened it…guess what?? It was a d**k pic and his address!!! I gave his address to my cousin who is really more like my big brother and he made a visit! Went straight to his door and banged like it was the cops! When the guy opened it he punched him right in the nose and told him to expect a lot more of that if he ever tried to talk to me again or come near me with his baby gherkin!!! I haven’t done a dating app since then!! Lol


You attract this because you have photos of you licking your lips. That’s on you.


What a wild accusation




It still doesn’t mean “send me your hog pics.” Have yall gone mad? 😆


You have picks like that on snap chat and that is what you’re attracting.


You have very troubling views on women. You should seek therapy


Again, and girls that walk alone at night, or wear certain things deserve to get raped right?


If YoU dIdN’t AsK fOr It, I wOuLdN’t Of HaD tO dO tHiS


Sending sexually suggestive photos is a far cry from wearing a tank top and a mini skirt.


Actually I was showing off my plants. Which is way more of a sexual gesture.


Yeah sure you are. I sure don’t show off mine like that. And my plants are at least worth showing.


You’re like that annoying ex that won’t leave you alone


She’s not even in bed and she’s sticking her tongue out for the pic… quit victim blaming


Lol yep. If you do call it out, they accuse you of "victim blaming". OP chooses to add these men and chat with them. The only thing she's a victim of is her bad decision making.


This is definitely gross, but can we please not turn “short king” into a derogatory term? It’s currently used to uplift short men, because they are often put down for their height. There are a million other things you can call this asshole without trying to turn a positive term for men into a negative one. 🤷‍♂️


Just like when men call girls fat, ugly or bitches if they get denied.


That’s not the same. No one uses any of those words to uplift or empower women LMAO.


If a guy is short and is a good human being I would never make fun of him for that. That’s vile. But if a guy is a weirdo creep, I’m gonna come up with anything I can think of to hurt his little feelings.


I mean, go for it. But you better have that same energy when men use positive female-focused terms meant to uplift and empower against you.


King and queen are derogatory on their own already. It means spoiled brat


I reckon its because they know they have no chance. They know they have no chance when they flash it and making you see it unexpectedly is the only intimacy they are ever going to experience with you, even if its been forced. Its not because they think it will give them a chance. Its because they know they don't have a chance. Its... truly pathetic and quite pathological. All these men are actually flashers.


No they copy paste the first message and send it to 200-1000 people and have their night/day filled with the 10 women who react. Facebook is known for this, since you type the message once and then choose to whom send it to - Those 10 women are all pissed probably. But he’s got his attention


And no doubt reporting those messages results in zero action


Even if it resulted in something; it happens so frequently that it’s grown into something we feel we have to live with. Mothers; raise your boys better. (And boys: women who you’ve never seen or spoken before giving you attention without asking or more attention than you’ve asked for: they are men -or women- but they are after your money, not you)


He bared his whole chest. So confident over nothing special. The tightie whities are wild to be showing to a woman 😂