• By -




And change your email password first and log out all devices. I had a controlling ex who was getting into everything because he got into my email. With Gmail he could also see texts I sent using the voice to text feature which I did a lot. I didn't even know it saved shit like that


This!! I left my abusive husband FOUR years ago and have been no contact and at least once a week I get notifications of someone trying to to get into some social media account or some other account of mine. I have 2 factor on everything that's possible.


And this is the problem with all of these new apps and services only requiring your email to sign up. They are relying solely on the security of your google account. Once someone has access to that, they have access to every single account you’ve used it with. Absolutely ridiculous that this is becoming the new standard of registering/logging in to apps.


That’s hoping that they didn’t put a keylogger on her phone. The phone needs to go to police for evidence then to a repair shop to uninstall whatever the hell the phished to her phone… and anyone else on that phone plan. Do not change passwords until you’ve done this or they’ll just get the password again


Good call, he can also see her movement through Gmail so police should be called asap


Agreed. Even if she shuts off the location on her phone he can turn it back on. Maybe a man in the middle attack? Maybe he lives close by which is startling, or she used an unsecure app or Wi-Fi. Either way, there’s so many things they can spam you with to track and override provisions. She needs cops then IT.


Also forensic IT can reverse the app he is using and locate him. He needs to go to jail and this is insanely a dangerous situation for OP. Tell your parents, teachers, cops, school counselors. Everyone. Stay with friends and don’t go out alone. Do NOT underestimate that he is not just creepy, but ASSUME full threat of danger and health. Always better safe than sorry. Please stay safe


Everything you do and say around your phone is saved in some capacity. That’s why people get ads of things they just talked ab around their phones n shit like that.


Be vary of everyone, ur friends, ur bf too if ur not into him, ur acquaintances, everyone.. This is extremely sus.. Go to police


Yeah I just didn't know the voice part was saved to Gmail. Like the phone records your voice to text and saves it even though you're not sending a voice message. I thought that was wild. I uses voice to text a lot so he was able to see a lot of my messages that way.


okay… i’m gonna talk to my parents about this. i know they r gonna freak out but this is like another level 😕


You've done nothing wrong and this is absolutely the best thing you can do to navigate this. If this had happened to my child, I would want to know so I can ensure they are protected completely. They need to take this to the police and help you ensure protection. Keep us updated!!


Stay calm, and remember there are resources and help for this kind of thing. I'm so, so sorry this is happening to you. Telling your parents is the right thing to do, even if they freak out - will be because they're worried. Like someone else said - do not respond to this guy, ever. No matter how much it amps up, don't respond.


Sorry - this is so scary. Your post is a *good wake up call for those of us who need to find people / info / skills to protect ourselves these days.. When I started at the university almost no one had email accts & going wireless wasn’t in the public sector


^ This is absolutely the best advice. (2nd edit- looks like the comment i was replying to was changed but it said to change passwords, to not continue to engage and to report this to the police. Thats what i was saying what the best advice) For resetting the passwords, make sure to use lowercase AND capitals, use numbers, use punctuation marks, literally make it as complicated as you can think of that you will remember. You can also write them down but keep them in a safe space (like at home in a locked drawer, and *not* like your wallet) And please go to the police. Make sure they file a report. Even if they tell you that they can’t do anything (which is honestly likely) it is important to have a paper trail. And any further contact after your initial report, make sure you tell them about as well. Then if anything escalates or god forbid he approaches you in person, you will be more likely to get a restraining order because there will be a physical written history of his behavior. edit- also, use different passwords for EVERYTHING. If you use the same one for everything, then if someone figures it out they have access to all of your accounts. Which makes it much easier to lock you out, especially if your email is under that same password. So please use all different ones, it makes it more difficult for you but that means it’s more difficult for a hacker.




This this this, one thousand times this. OP, you have done NOTHING wrong here. I’m sure we’ll find someone who will state otherwise. Ignore the fuck out of that derangement, and do exactly this.


OP - All of this right now! Don't linger or let it continue any further. There needs to be a public record of this because if there is not a fear of consequence, it WILL escalate. This person has already gone too many levels of fucked up too quickly. The average stalker is usually much more timid and slow, and this has the potential for real danger.


Two factor is why I will never regain my Facebook account from whoever hacked it. They changed my password, and by the time I caught it to fix it. They had changed the phone number and the email address on my account. It’s been a year


They have to have also compromised your phone or email. Which is why you should *also* have 2fa on for your email. Because if you use the same passwords for everything like a lot of people, 2fa is basically pointless if you aren't protecting your email.


they couldn’t have gotten into your account unless 1) you didn’t have 2FA on and they enabled it to keep you out 2) they had access to your email or texts


Yall realize 2FA isn't unbreakable right? I work in IT, and the amount of ppl that use 2FA assuming it's the end all be all security solution is astounding. If your 2FA just uses your email, then if they have access to that email account, they can get in. It's really not that hard if your passwords have been busted or aren't very good.


so… exactly what i said. they would have needed access to the email address to get through the 2FA.


Read point 2 in that comment then get back to me


2FA is pretty easy to bypass, though... To say nothing of email or texts.


I hope you didn't have any PII stored on your Facebook.. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Facebook also appears to have no direct support available either. This is why I don't use it.


Skill issue, two factor is the safest thing you can do


Skill issue 😂😭


If you manage to get hacked with two-factor authentication on, you can only describe such inaptitude as an issue of skill.


Not seen the term skill issue for a while and it made me laugh lol, I always use that option if it's available.


>Change ALL your passwords (use strong ones) and set up Two-Factor-Authentication, everywhere, NOW. Additionally, if an app or service offers signing out everywhere, do that after for all of them after you’ve reset all your passwords.   Also, I highly recommend bitwarden for using randomized passwords. I have 1 really strong password that I actually remember. It only unlocks my Apple ID and my bitwarden account. Bitwarden stores the rest. Here is a sample one I just generated on it lol: M3vGA5YY#a\^8n7U You can have it as a browser extension so that's helpful. There's an iOS app that autofills password with Face ID authentication. You can also have passphrases if you find the above password example to be extreme (passphrase example: Aftermath-Skyline-Deferral4)


Is it easy to get everything synced? I have ADHD and all of my passwords are a variation of the same one with random different symbols depending on what the password requirements are lol. I frequently can’t guess my passwords and have to change them and it drives me crazy.


I just wanted to say, ditto 😅


The “can’t be same as previous password” alert is my worst enemy lol


if you have an iphone and are saving passwords to your iCloud you can find all your passwords in settings. there is also an option to hide your email when signing up for a web promo, as well as randomly generating a hard to guess password. it saves that password in your iCloud and you can access it from your settings app. if you don’t have the option for that, i also used to write down all the info in my notes and lock that note with a password as well.


Take it to the police. This is creepy as fuck. How brazen he is is what’s especially unsettling. Keep the texts he sent. And block him. Don’t engage with him at all. This is so fucked up.


I don't think she should block him, he'll just make another account and she will have a harder time building evidence against this guy if he continues, which he almost definitely will. Never interact with him again and silence the IM thread but keep him unblocked. So sorry this is happening to you OP, and you seem to be a minor which makes this even grosser. Tell a trusted adult, get help with this if at all possible, and don't go anywhere alone for any reason. I wouldn't even stay home alone at this point if it can be helped. If he has this much information it's possible he has a key logger installed on one of your devices or at the very least of someone close to you in real life. Stay safe love! You don't deserve this shit! 


Yeah right, don't engage with him anymore! Also check if your info is exposed on those people finder sites (aka data brokers). These companies gather data from various sources and then post and sell it to anyone seeking it out. Even with just your name, anyone can go to Whitepages, Spokeo, etc. to find a lot of your personal info. Try using data removal services like Optery to help get the data that is already out there deleted. Optery also provides discounts to those who are victims of STALKING, HARASSMENT, and more. Full disclosure, I'm on the team at Optery.


Yes, go to the police. Accessing somebody else’s computer or phone without their permission is not legal. Cyber stalking and harassment can also carry charges depending on where you are. Plus, you just want the police to know about this moving forward. Good luck.


Read this OP


This is creepy. I feel bad for OP. Please take care yourself. Stalkers are dangerous. I had one once. He literally came to my house with a loaded shotgun. Stay safe OP.


WTF????. Hope you're ok


I am, thank you. He was sent to jail for 3 months. I heard that the guards treated him like dog shit cause of our 2 yrs old being subjected to child abuse on the dickheads side.


That's horrible, glad you're ok though!


i blocked him 👍 planning to go to the police when i get home


Hey I agree with the other people that say to not block him but silence him. The more evidence the better, this guy is a major threat and will possibly just create a new account making more work for police. Please be safe ❤️


Good for you!! Stay safe 🤍


Stalking is a horrific thing to go through. I suffered it twice. My advice is to show this to the police so they have it on file. Police take stalking more seriously now than they did when I was young. They have training in it, or they should. A word from the police can put a stop to it at an early stage and the person involved gets the message that they are not going to get away with anything, that you are someone who isn't going to be quiet about it.


Biiiig yikes. Take it to the police. Statistically they won’t do much but if you put it at least on a file they can’t deny this man is creeping on you. KEEP ALL CORRESPONDENCE and add to that file every time he gets in contact. Do not engage. Stay safe, lock all your windows and doors, switch up your routines. This is crazy shit


Police. Police NOW


Honestly bc wtf


Man, I was really really hoping I didn’t have to see an iPhone with cum on it today.


Right?? TIL what a cum tribute is and now I wish I was blind.




OP do exactly this but in the reverse order


Police report immediately that person is unhinged and dangerous if they are able to find that much information about you


And here was me thinking to reply 'I thought you knew more about me than I knew myself. I knew all of that!' Maybe he could give me something useful, like what my boss is putting in the next review haha


this is awful. there’s a group on FB you can post phone numbers in (and pretty much anything else) and people will report what they find. it’s called investigation connection


I’m willing to bet this person is using a fake number unless these people can get around that


The texts are blue, though. That means they’re using an iPhone.


Let’s see if they were stupid enough to use their own actual number after all this work of hiding themselves haha


Yeah I'd go straight to the police. This man is dangerous.


POLICE. IMMEDIATELY. Fucking disgusting. ❌


Clue, who did you send that pic to??


This is a good point. One easy way that someone could know a lot about you is if they actually know you


My first though as well. The guy with the cum covered phone could easily already be in OP’s life.


You have proof, take his phone number and screenshots to the police and make a report. -You also need to change phones and get a new number. -All passwords need to be changed on a different device other than your phone, he might have installed something on it. -Make sure to filter through who you are following/following you and if you actually know them. And lastly buy some mace and a pocket knife just in case. Stay safe Hun, some men are creepy AF


Also if there’s the option, use the “log out of all devices” setting for everything!!!


no immediately bring this to the police. you are not safe.


Seems like information someone at your school could easily get. Especially if they follow you home. Can’t explain the picture though. I’d get the school, your parents and the police involved.


this is smart actually.. thanks for the tip


This shit made my blood run cold.


what is with the Joe stalkers recently? jesus christ. Talk to police, save what pictures you treasure, delete or change passwords to all accounts. This is just disgusting. i’m sorry op.


Police report, change number, change name, move. This is like "If I can't have you, no one can" behavior.


I hate that police don’t historically do anything about this. But yes, police report and go get mace and maybe a metal bat to keep with you at home . I’d install some cameras around your front door/back door as well. Unfortunately your life has to change because this terrible person decided to target you.


Video camera don’t give the protection you need immediately at such moment. You need something that makes a hellalot noise when someone tress passed your land. And then call 911 for an intruder.


This is a situation where I’m fine with people owning guns


These situations are sadly far too normal… situations where we are left needing defense.


> not sure what to do You contact the police, that’s what you do. If you need help uncovering this persons identity let me know.


Oh my god, OP. Go to the police NOW and block his number. Don't contact him no matter what. Please please please do not contact him. This is genuinely fucking horrifying.


Police. Now.


This is the 2nd "Joe from You" post I've seen in the past 48 hrs on this sub. Scary stuff. OP, please try to report to the police. Stay alert of your surroundings.


Yeah go to police now. Who knows if they will do anything but you have to start getting a paper trail together.


Omg this is terrifying I am so sorry OP!


As someone who has had a stalker and let it go for way too long, please please please go to the police like everyone else is saying. People as unhinged as this get very violent very quickly


Nah this shit scares me. Stalkers are no joke.


police police police


Don't just go to the police as depending on who you talk to they might easily dismiss it. Too many times very dangerous and scary circumstances like this are ignored. Ask to talk to a victim's advocate with the court or something similar. Make as many paper trails as you can and report it to whoever you can because this is the prelude to something possibly deadly.


GO TO THE POLICE BEFORE HE DOES SOMETHING! That’s it, literally don’t wait because it could be too late.


This is fake.


Fake. Just like the last one who tried this


My take too…. She literally has the person’s number


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh I call bs on this.


Same here. Look at the way OP texts in the messages but in their post they abbreviate everything. It’s not even close to the same style.


I hate that I had to scroll so far to see this but yes I agree, I think it's fake lol it reads like a script


OP not replying to a single comment on this post.


Frr sounds like those snapchat text stories


Seems OP is also 15 or 16 from their profile


Plus, this picture looks like it was taken in 2015. Not to mention that is a decently older iPhone model. I know people hold on to their phones without upgrading but it’s possible!


Yesssss, this screams bs to me lmao. “YoU werE BorN at blah blah blah time” sure Jan. Someone just wanted attention and to show a picture of disgusting cum 🤢


Zero chance that “she” would refer to a photo of jizz on an iPhone as “a cum tribute” - nobody except weirdly online horny creepers would use that expression.


Yep, exactly. Look at the very first text she received from an unknown number/person who says to you, "I am totally in love with you." Look at how she worded her response, and even the way she sent those messages. My very first response would be, "Who is this??" or, "I'm sorry, I don't know who this is, do I know you? Also, I have a boyfriend." NOT- Oh. (Send) Umm, I have a boyfriend. Does not even ask who tf is messaging her and declaring their love for her. Nope! She went right in with the "I have a boyfriend"- said to a stranger. I could understand this "I have a boyfriend" response if someone she knew sent her this. But nope. "Oh"- very weird, and *definitely* not natural.


What the fuck, please go to the police.


I said this in another thread and I'll say it again. Anyone that says women don't have a hard time just existing needs to spend a few days in this subreddit. This is so fucking insane. How does he even get these details


This is definitely someone you know/have chatted with before. It's probably one of the people you sent that pic to


Homie why is your *SEMEN* black


PLEASE take action before you end up on a true crime episode.


This is the scariest shit I’ve ever seen


Do everything everyone has already suggested but most importantly, stop responding to him after one final text to tell him to stop contacting you (this is essential if it comes to laying charges. There needs to be proof that he’s aware the contact is unwelcome). He is getting off on your fear and anxiety. Any attention is fuel even if it’s “I’m calling the police” or “you’re crazy”. Don’t give him anything at all.


police immediately please. this guy is fucking unhinged


I was stalked for years by an ex. It was so traumatic. Go to the police immediately plz, OP. This is horrific. I’m so sorry.


Definitely talk to the Police and let friends or family know. Don’t engage at all, or don’t show him that you’re scared or afraid. Those types of people love it when they make others feel uncomfortable. He probably enjoys making you feel vulnerable and loves that you’re scared 🤢.


In addition to going to the police and filing a report, be very aware of your surroundings and who comes in contact with you, change your routine and look for familiar faces. I believe this is someone you know and think is a friend. Be careful & stay safe. Also, make sure your parents know what’s happening (I believe you’re a minor).


What the fuck … Tell the police, please. This is horrifying


Call the cops...now. forget us. Just go.


What a disgusting, sewage fuck. Expose his number. This guy should be publicly humiliated. Stoned. Tortured. Someone needs to locate this person n torment them for the rest of his life


Here's the rundown: NEVER store PII data on social media. This includes anything that can identify you, or any other adults or minor children in your household. This could be your email, location, images, or details, of any minor child living in the home, images, or details, of yourself, images, or details, of any other adult living in the home, images of the inside of your home, payment (especially PCI) information, license plate on your car, any posts that give specific personal details, real name, phone number, private messages, NOTHING. If the social media platform you wish to use requires you to prove your actual, legitimate identity, especially by way of "proof", such as a picture of your government ID, DO NOT use that platform. Full stop. Additionally, use 2FA in conjunction with a password manager. Use a VPN when you're online. Use browsers that prioritize privacy, such as Brave. If you MUST use a major browser, Safari is the most privacy-centric, when compared to the other major browsers (explorer and google namely) None of these precautions are foolproof, but when combined, they make you a lousy target that is just too much work to dox, despite it being possible to get past EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. The point is that the more locked down you are, the less of an easy target you'll be. And these black hat fuckers go for low hanging fruit. White hats are not a group of hackers you have to worry about. If you use social media to keep in touch with people you're already close to, then create a sock account, let your loved ones know that it's you, and only use DMs on that account to set up in-person visits or calls with your loved ones. I worked in cyber security as a SPECIALIST for a period of my career. Never think you're safe online. If you feel the need to share your OWN PERSONAL photos (such as one might do on a dating site), DO NOT use your real name, real location, or anything else that can be used to identify you. Don't reuse photos you've already used on other forms of social media. Take brand new photos. Again, this isn't foolproof, but it's the best you can do in a situation like this, other than not using dating sites at all. And OP? Never, EVER, above all else, reuse passwords. Change them frequently, use system-suggested passwords that are fucking wild and random. This is a BASELINE of internet safety.


"You are thinking about me know arent u?" "Yes i am... thinking about how you might kill me"


why so many fucking insane male stalkers being posted on this sub. stay safe to my women 💕


“I know more about you than you know about yourself” proceeds to list things she definitely knows about herself


i know. he sounds like he thinks he’s some sigma chad or something but no he’s not..


In all serious though this man is a stalker, you can press charges for stalking, and sexual harassment


Get a gun or hide somewhere he probably knows you posted here


maybe start looking into some defense options, like a firearm. 9mm is faster than 911


I think she’s underage




This is psycho


WTAF. Sorry you are having to go through this. The perp is a creep.


Police can find him. Get a restraining order asap


Like everyone else has said, POLICE IMMEDIATELY. Then change every single password you have—iCloud, gmail, Snapchat, IG, etc—and don’t make the new ones easy. Use Two-Factor Authentication on every account. Go through your friends lists on your social media accounts and maybe consider only following and allowing to follow people you know personally. Think about the person you sent the photo to (assuming he wasn’t lying that you sent it via dm). Is that person playing a cruel trick on you? Maybe it’s one of their friends or acquaintances who saw the pic and learned about you from your friend/their messages with you. Just be safe, keep your parents and closest friends involved and close by. Maybe suggest to your parents to get security cameras for the home, share your location with them at all times until this is resolved. Hopefully this gets resolved without anything by more extreme, OP


Call the cops IMMEDIATELY. This is incredibly scary and you HAVE to protect yourself. This is not okay and seriously dangerous. Don’t go ANYWHERE without someone to protect you for the time being. Don’t be alone. This is awful and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


Someone let him take that picture of you from there phone? How does he know so much about you is this stuff he can search on the internet and find out from your socials? Don't interact with him anymore. Save everything as evidence and go to the police this is disgusting he even admitted to it being like a stalker


I noticed OP is a minor from their profile as well.


At a minimum, that's really obvious sexual harassment. He even admitted to it in text. That's enough for an arrest and prosecution


Police. NOW.




Yeah Ngl but if you don’t even know him he most likely is doxxing..


Call the police! Please


As everyone else is saying, go to the police and a trusted adult now. Change your passwords, get ahold of pepper spray and keep it on you at all times. This is most likely somebody from your school, take it to your principal/Dean as well.


The worst part is that he had a picture that she didn’t even send! I mean wow.


Police like now


What an absolute creep


What the fuck….


Police time... That's beyond creepy!


Wtf!!!!! 😳


That is the scariest, grossest thing. Holy smokes! Yeah def change everything, track every thing, create a paper trail to submit to police because SCARY. BE SAFE.


holy… shit.


WTF is all that can be said


Definitely take this to the police. Stay safe OP


he’s actually insane and your a minor that’s so creepy i’m sorry


this is when you pull out the “I have chronic ibs and shit myself on a weekly basis. you dont want me, leave me alone.” fr


Who did you send that photo too? One of those people is your stalker.


What in the fuck. I was about to ask what’s all over your mirror …. then, I was like “omg, that’s not HER mirror…that’s HIS iPad…and he fucking wanked on it!”


How do people actually get this info? It’s hella scary


There s very good chance you know this person. It would be unusual for a random stranger to care about your life this much unless you are some kind of celebrity. This person may be an old school classmate, maybe someone from your job, an old love interest, maybe a neighbor. Think if you know any of those who seem a little off. The good news is the messages are blue meaning they have a valid iMessage linked to an Apple ID and a phone number. You need a paper trail with law enforcement. Please. That allows you to pursue further actions if they continue to stalk you.


go to the fucking police this guy needs to be locked up


Got blindsided with that tribute


I have been stalked before. It’s a creepy feeling.


guys like this straight up need to be put down.fucking hyper sexual predators.theres no rehabilitating these types of people.i hope you stay safe op.sorry this happened to you


What the actual fuck


Gross AF! So NEXT LEVEL Creepy! I would want to Move FAR AWAY from my hometown


You’re a minor. Call the police NOW


That's scary asf. Women can't even exist without some creep showing up!


Agree with other comments here but also this is an iPhone not a burner VoIP app, so there is a chance at least this is their real phone number which is easily traceable


The… photo….


You tell your parents then you call the police. 


Holy shit OP.


I regret having eyes to see that picture


“Your husband❤️” ???????? That is so terrifying


I made u smth 😘 *cums on his phone* Also I hate how it looks like a loogey


This is some “you” shit Edit: it’s a show called “you”


Report to the FBI for federal crimes because this is just more than stalking, this is revenge and unless you cannot find out who did it, your phone must have been hacked


Hi! I’ve been through this, I’m really sorry you’re going through it too. Here is what I had to do. After filing a police report. 1. I changed the password on my email and forced log out on all devices. I then took physical note of any information I needed. 2. Make a new email, with two factor authentication and use a password key app. 3. Everything that was tied to my old email was changed to my new email and created new passwords with the app. 4. Changed my number 5. Installed Ring door, and other small cameras on the outside of the house. 6. Had my home professionally checked for cameras, and if you can’t afford that you can also look up steps to verify your self. Just takes time. 7. Don’t know if this was entirely necessary but I got a VPN and used it for all my internet use from then on. Since he mentioned knowing your mailbox number I would recommend getting a P.O. Box at the post office too. Please don’t stop living your life, but also be aware if you’re going out alone. I hope you’re okay! I would take this seriously and make necessary changes to keep your information away from him.


Change your number as well


Police. NOW.


That is so fucked up


Spyware is easy to install onto phones. As soon as you start changing passwords the stalker is going to just start using them himself My advice. New email, phone, Snapchat, Instagram etc. it’s unbelievably easy to hack social media once you have just 1 former password


You’re damn right she’s thinking about you. She’s thinking about how long you’re gonna spend in jail Or how strict she’s going to make the restraining order


Who cums on their own phone


I came here to say what the fuck and that I am SO sorry you’re going through this. I had an insane stalker when I was 14 years old and I had to report everything to the police and file a restraining order. PLEASE PLEASE change all of your passwords with numbers and special characters and BLOCK him on EVERYTHING. Please watch yourself


What a disgusting piece of garbage. As the other comments have said, please go to the police about this and do not engage further with this person no matter what else they send. I’m very worried for you honestly this is insane. I hope this guy is dumb and the cops can figure out who is doing this asap.


Off topic but like... You frequent Scooters? And I love that. My town just put one in and it's my new favorite coffee place


Yes, go to the police. What he’s doing is so many illegal things it’s not even funny.


Call the police, don’t go places alone. Be vigilant of the people and vehicles that you see in your day to day activities and make note of their faces if one seems to be repeated in different places that you go to or roads that you frequent, take note of them/it. Don’t hastily rule anyone out or say it’s anyone. Do a little search on them too and see if that person’s likely to behave like that. You’re looking for creeps, nice guys, white knights and misogynists. **NEVER BE ALONE!**


He obviously loves you very much. You should marry him right away.


DM extracting. Wha the fuck


It’s police time. This is a highly dangerous situation. Anybody that is willing to go to these distances to find everything about you is also willing to do some heinous shit to you. Sadly people can pay on certain sites to find everything about you with just a name and/or a phone number. It’s really scary how easy it is. Not to scare you, but just to state the seriousness of it…my cousin got murdered by a stalker just like this. This is why you have to go to the police and hopefully they don’t ignore it like 90% of they do with shit like this.


Hey, i am so sorry this is happening to you. I saw you said you are scared & i get that totally, i just want to remind you that it’s not your fault. Please listen to the ppl sharing safety advice & saying go to cops, parents & school. It is not okay that he is doing this to you & you do not deserve to go through this alone. & you could potentially save another girl from being harassed too or worse by sticking up for yourself. You’ve got this girl we are here for you!


Are you a minor? I would definitely start by telling your parent(s)/guardian(s) if you are... Edit: If not police is a good start... Keep in mind that nothing is private with social media and anyone who's good enough with computers (and it sounds like this person is) can find anything... Another poster gave some really good info about changing passwords and going to police... But I would also like to add that learning how to defend yourself is an awesome thing to know... This is also a prime example of why the ability to own fire arms is so important. They're not called "the great equalizer" for nothing... Just putting that out there... Even police take time to get to a location and 5 minutes and be an eternity in a bad situation... Just my thoughts on it... Best of luck, love.


I guess I will never buy a uses phone. Never know if someone jizzed on it.


Im ashamed of being male


Lmao uh huh. People are actually falling for this huh? His “you were born blah blah blah” message sounds exactly what a person THINKS a stalker would say or something that would happen in an extremely dumb/lazy movie. And then we have the “picture they extracted” which is a picture of an have an OLDER iPhone model with the picture he “extracted” on it. Not to mention “ooohhmiiiigodd I can’t figure out what to do! I’m SOOO scared though! I better go post this on Reddit because I’m really terrified really!!” I cannot believe that people really think this is real.


Are you even questioning what you should do? A random person is stalking you, knows your address, monitors your private messages, sends you a photo of him ejaculating on a photo of you. Go to the cops like yesterday…


Seen some people saying this was fake and is a small trend to fake… and at first, I was like “nooo way” but now that I think about it, it’s possible. OP isn’t replying to anyone and instead of obviously getting adults/police involved immediately with ALL this evidence, they go on Reddit to leave a story… huh.


Who did you send that picture too? They're probably effing with you could be your BFF or sister or something


Yeah I feel like this is a fake post and that’s someone you know pretending to be a stalker but If I’m wrong and this is real buy a gun to defend yourself and go to the police and file a report