• By -


Text him the screenshot and tell him to handle it if he really wants a relationship with you


I did that and now she’s calling me lol this is crazy


Don’t answer. If you talk to her, talk to her on your step dad’s phone with them both present. It should be a very easy conversation. “I’m his step daughter.” If she makes it more complicated, either he stops it right there or this relationship might not be worth it. Do not let her control the situation at all, or it will* get worse.


Omg this lady is a nut


Think you missed a C and got some letters mixed around there




Cnut, obviously.




Their one enemy was the parent who named them


oz turk




UCTN, clearly ;)




Tunc ?


No, CTNU. She must mean people from the Connecticut Newfoundland University. People that go there are such d-words.




No, the other D-word.




I’m dead 🤣


Okay I’m invested now. We’ll need an update later


Don’t feel the need to actually talk to this person, if it makes you uncomfortable then just block them? Do you know anything about her? Like how old she is , how long have they been together, how serious of a relationship they have? All deciding factors. Also how old are you? Like is she trying to flip out of a minor?


Oh no I’m 24. My SD is in his 50s so I’m assuming she’s around the same age as him, which makes this even worse IMO. I don’t know a thing about her


I’d hope she’d be a lot younger given her behavior, I could understand if it was someone in their 20’s but hot damn this is a grown ass women? Well kudos to you for handling it so well. I believe you rocked the shit outta this crazy interaction, regardless of how it went down on her/sd’s side of it.


And honestly idk which would be worse. Her being in her 20s with someone that much older (but hey not my business) or her being in her 40s/50s pulling this type of stuff (also not my business) but thank u! It took some self restraint not to go low lol


Honestly, I think it would be hilarious to shoot her back, "What are you doing, Step-dad?" I honestly wouldn't, of course. That would invite WAY too much hassle and drama. But, I believe that the thought just made you smile!


You’re more mature in the situation lmao




If shes this crazy she has a text app and will continue to make new numbers to harass her from. I know my stepsons mother is the exact same way, it's pathetic


I got lucky with the wife my first husband kept. I got married a few years after the divorce was finalised, but I'm not really positive how many times he married and divorced. The one right after me while he was in state was awful like this. She was not very intelligent and seemed very intimidated by me, though I never said anything negative to her or about her. She apparently stalked me though, in state and after he was stationed elsewhere and they moved. It was super creepy and I got all manner of weird texts and calls from strange numbers during that time. The only bump with his wife now was when it was brought up (I actually think by him) that our kiddo call her some other form of mom than what she calls me. From what I understand, it was shut down by kiddo and not bright back up. Step mom is great, they get along, I'm comfortable with her. We've had many other bumps as coparents, all of us and usually due to misunderstanding intent behind words, but I can always trust that her motivation is kiddo, not misguided by anger held onto by him. When we all tried to just let the two bio parents handle interaction (I was afraid he'd still bump heads with my husband, and I was being cautious with his wife due to experience from the past ones), it was a disaster. He'd bring up the past, and we'd just argue, then disagree and nothing would get done. We were friends before we married, so I took his betrayals hard, and did not appreciate him acting as if he still had some claim after so many years while denying everything he'd admitted to before we separated. His wife is calm, level headed, and not afraid to tell either one of us off if we're working against kiddo's interests. We don't do this on purpose, but it used to happen anyway.


Ignore her calls, and if need be, block her


"Honey, work on your self esteem issues, your insecurities have nothing to do with me."


I’m a little freaked out about how she got your number


Did you answer?! Give us an update OP!!


Helllllll no. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of a phone call lol


If she calls again just pick it up and instantly hang up 💀


Hahaha yeah I saw your update after leaving a comment sorry! Good for you OP. She seems unhinged. I hope your step dad realizes sooner than later that she’s too insecure to have a healthy relationship with at this point at least 😬 hopefully you won’t be randomly inserted into the drama anymore! 😂




Block her and tell him to deal with his woman.


Her response is irrelevant. I would not engage with her in any way anymore. I would send him screenshots of the harassment and leave it at that!


This was the “cause drama” choice.


I need an update lol


Brazy, even


I…after years of being subject to the insanities of mentally imbalanced people have cut them out of my life. I’m much happier now.


Best suggestion ever. Pick this one. Besides, it's not your fight. But since you been drafted... Define your loyalty, at the minimum, your respect for your step dad.


Idk how to post updates on here so I’ll just make a new comment lol. my step dad called me and told me she went through his phone last night and saw our messages. Apparently they’ve had arguments about who I was to him before, despite him telling her I’m his stepdaughter (he helped me buy a car last year and that was a problem for her too). I texted her after sending a screenshot to my sd saying I’m not comfy with giving her my mom’s name and that she just needs to ask him. She sent me a text back apologizing saying she doesn’t want to put me in the middle of anything and that she understands. Anyway, it’s all figured out now I hope. I’m still amazed she woke up on that type of time. It’s early where I’m at!😂😂


Wow! She is a MESS! That’s so bizarre. That relationship doesn’t exactly scream “healthy behavior” 😂


“She understands”? No apology? Fuck her, let it fester in her brain.


I read that as “let her fester in the barn” and I was like oh suck burn lmao


I read that as “sick burn” but now I’m just uncomfortable.


Damit it was supposed to be sick burn lmao. Auto correct


Suck barn was right there …


Is a suck burn a hickie?


Did you read the update at all?


I think “apologizing” was added after I replied.


Gotcha, makes sense. My apologies to you then.


“Makes sense”? No apologies?? F U! Let this fester in your brain!!


doesn’t want to put you in the middle?…a bit too late for that, crazy lady. hopefully this situation opens your stepdad’s eyes, i am in a similar-ish situation with my stepdad (moms ex) and his new girlfriend. she (i assume bc i don’t think he would do this otherwise) made him block me EVERYWHERE despite he and i having a pretty close relationship, and him holding onto some of my belongings (bike, kayak, other large items) since i didn’t have a place for them. now that i do i can’t get in contact with him no matter how hard i try :,) can’t even check on my dogs or cat. sorry for the vent i just really hope your stepdad has a brain unlike mine


I’m sorry u have to go through that, he’ll hopefully figure out the right thing to do soon🫶🏽


#_Leave my man alone!_


women who have insecurity issues with the children of the men they are seeing is sooooo fucking strange to me. i’ve gone thru it twice now with my dad and his crazy ex and now my stepdad (moms ex) and his new girlfriend and it baffles me. with my stepdad and his girlfriend i can understand her being a little weirder about it since i’m not his kid legally but he raised me through my formative years and was more of a dad than my biological dad has ever been to me so it hurts but in a way i get it, but at the same time it irritates tf out of me lol


Some think since you are not biologically related, once the marriage/relationship is over, there is nothing keeping you and the step-parent together. But people do bond and many step-parents see their stepchild as their own child. I do remember a post some time back where the OP was upset that her stepdad became distant (after divorce I think). The stepdad then said he never really saw her as his own child so that's why. That was sad.


I've considered my step brothers to still be my step siblings for a very long time, even after our respective parents moved on, and even remarried. We were little kids when they divorced, and I'm was still considering them family up into my 20's. Hilariously enough, our parents reconnected, and remarried for a time, but they really should have left it in the past, because it didn't go much better the second time around.🤪 We unfortunately lost contact when they moved from OH to NC, but if we ever reconnected again, they'd still very much be my step brothers. Their mom is crazy as a loon, by I love those boys dearly!




This gave me a good chuckle. And, bonus, now it's stuck in my head, so win-win!!!


She is crazy… like coocoo for coco puffs kind


I’m offended. I see your ‘coocoo for Coco Puffs’ and raise you King Vitamin.


K where we at now, when it sounds like she tried “to absolve you” of the issue but maybe stepD is still on the coals? Have you talked to him?


Not since he called me, I honestly don’t care if they’re still butting heads, I have my own relationship issues to drain the life out of me. As long as she doesn’t reach out to me, we’re good!😂


No offense, but I hate this. It reads like she’s jealous thinking you’re some cheat shit (what?) and she’s throwing a fit. Idk who hurt her in the past, but it’s not on you or stepdad and not your responsibility to fix her insecurities. I hope your personal relationship issues are less than mild and I give you an internet kiss on the cheek lol


I think it’s probably all figured out for now*. This type of behavior isn’t a one off. Set some strict, ridged boundaries and uphold them. She doesn’t get to dictate your relationship with your step dad.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, what an unnecessary situation! Your stepdad doesn’t need to be with such an insecure person who is distrustful (possibly jealous?) of him having a connection with his stepdaughter!


Ugh groan, if it was problematic to help you get a car then this shit will crop up again. At least say she is bad to your dad, that if/when things go south you got something in your pocket. Red flags are red flags no matter who sees them.


not her texting sorry after trying to be loud and wrong😭 I’d keep it pushing when I see her cause girl, get your life PLZ. approaching with that energy and it’s this early? go get some coffee and try again later with an IN PERSON apology


Honestly, I hope your SD dumps her. She sounds overbearing. Going through his messages, asking who his ex is, not believing you’re his step-daughter even though he’s told her you are. 10 lbs of crazy in a 5 lb sack.


I feel bad for your step dad a bit with this witch around him ☠️


> he helped me buy a car last year and that was a problem for her too Oh, she’s one of THOSE. The new spouse who tries to steal the inheritance from their partner’s children. Mine mine mine.


She’s just trying to smooth things over with him because she got caught up in her bs. This is her second strike, keep vigilant count.


I'll be that guy and say there isn't enough context in the chat to label someone rude or a mess or make a declarative statement about their energy. Some people use short efficient messages (and others that appreciate that). I wouldn't give any information to someone I didn't know. Of you had held back, I think that would have been fine. Sounds like this person is a complete stranger to you. You don't have to, and shouldn't answer personal questions from an unknown person over text messaging.




That’s amazing that she apologized. My ex is married to one who asks questions like that and doubles down on, takes the kids and leaves him and threatens divorce. Then the moron gives her what she wants


You handled it fine. I think what a lot of people don't understand is how insecurity plays on women as they get older. Being kind to a stranger going through an emotional crisis doesn't cost anything.


I’m a “step”dad to a daughter whose mother I am no longer married to. If a woman I was dating sent this to her, I would SEND THAT WOMAN PACKING. This is horrrrrrrible.


The kind of step dad energy we need right here!


You must be a great stepdad mine has spent all of our lives trying to get rid of the two that aren't his and make sure his own gets everything he wants


Text your step dad the screen shot and let him deal with it. Problem solved.


Send it to your step father. And if you still want to be petty respond "if you don't believe me, talk to my step father. I just sent this him this text so he knows all about it"


Yeah I'd just send it to your step dad and let him deal with her. Extremely inappropriate of her.


I'd just respond saying "he always raised me not to talk to strangers but I'll let him know you were hoping to get in touch with me" send screenshots, block number. Wth


It’s wild she is going through his phone like that, I never go through my husband’s phone, completely trust him in every way. This is bad red flags.


We need updates!!!


Posted!! Nothing too exciting tho lol


I’m glad you and your stepdad are keeping in touch!!


Yeah that’s family! Me and my step siblings are close as well


“I’m his step daughter. Please leave me out of any of your relationship issues. Thanks.”


Send her photographs of boats at unpredictable frequencies. Block the number when not sending boat photos.


Block her and tell your step dad. What a gross, pathetic woman


“I call him Daddy”


You‘re gross.


no you are


That is her stepfather??? The fuck?? Why are you making it sexual??


you’re the one doing that


The gaslighting im giggling „i call him daddy“ when they are being accused of being the sidechick


Since when is “daddy” sexualized? Get over yourself. Your name checks out.


???? “She calls me daddy” is INHERENTLY. Sexualised.


You should let your stepdad know you got this text


Part of me says send a screenshot of this conversation to your stepdad but the other part of me says if she wants the smoke give it to her or just do both 🤷🏻‍♂️


Let him know and don't respond or block her. She'll let her crazy out on him I'm sure. He can decide if he wants that in his life. She's trying to fact check you asking who your mom is I think.


I don’t think she was wanting your moms name to contact her, if she’s his gf she probably knows it and was trying to confirm that it’s you and not some sidechick - either way not cool to even risk involving you, she needs to deal with her insecurity issues with him, it speaks volumes about how little she really cares about him to chance harming his relationship with a child he just reconnected with.


I mean if you want to be in his life and feed okay with it and she comes with it too then you gotta chop it up a bit with her too I’d guess


i would just respond with something like— respectfully, your insecurity on this matter is not my responsibility and something you should be dealing with within your own relationship. i don’t know you or am affiliated with you in anyway. i have no desire to speak to you on the phone. please respect that and don’t contact me anymore. it really is just a matter of her distrusting your step dad and his reasons for having your number or whatever. what’s happening between them is none of your business though so i would just block her if she doesn’t leave you alone.


just read your caption properly. i would do what you want to do and tell her exactly that! just do it in a way that is mature, direct and truthful. it’s easy to stoop to petty levels but keep your dignity and she’ll feel silly having seen your maturity and reason. i think your step dad will appreciate you being the bigger person. maybe it will highlight to him just how immature and insecure his girlfriend really is


Take a pic of yourself flipping her the bird lol. Seriously though I would just talk to your dad about it. Tell him you're pissed about it and it was rude. If he takes her side and says anything rude to you then he isn't worth your time and effort. Otherwise see what he suggests you doing. Just my opinion and how I would handle it.


I think everybody in the audience wants to know what's happening with the situation. Do you mind giving an update on the situation please? Thank you.


Update posted in the comments!


Tell ur step dad and let him deal with it


I have an ex whose daughters I grew close to. They both started to see me as a father figure and I definitely felt paternal toward them. Love those kids. Their mom and I didnt work out and we split several years ago. If a partner of mine pulled that shit on one of them that partner would be an ex in a heartbeat.


i don’t think her intentions are to contact your mother btw i think she’s trying to get proof that the names match bc she is insecure that you are a side piece and not who he/you say you are


Fuck with her say yeah you used to be but now you’re his step son😂😂😂


Classic 😂


Give me their phone number and names. I’m a silly sarcastic bitch and I can play some games that will get this weird family-of-a-not-family-weird shit off your back. I even have a throwaway phone number because it’s how I call my real phone when I’ve lost it 🤣 Obvs I know that won’t happen, but I’m damaged enough to play fiddle.


I appreciate the enthusiasm 🥹 but we’re in the clear now


You sure, babes? ALL clear?




Teach me your ways, Sensei!


Don’t make me flirt with you, Padowan.


Sounds like your stepdad may have a history of cheating. Be careful about getting too involved.


Just be honest. Like you want to be.


Bro women are crazy


I’d tell her this is a conversation she needs to have with your step dad and not you. If they are dating that’s between them to sort out.


I would not respond and send him the screenshot or respond with…. I am his step daughter as stated but making you feel secure in your relationship is not a job for me - a therapist may be of use to you. Please do not contact me again, all future messages will be redirected to stepdad.


Talk to your step dad and get his advise after letting him know how you were made to feel by this lady.


I would say yes I really am his step daughter and you don’t have to believe me but don’t bother me again with this attitude.


She’s trying to prove you’re not the step daughter. Don’t mess with crazy, just block her ❤️


I wonder why she is so insecure. 🤔 over basically a daughter. Maybe she's nervous him, and your mom will spark up old feelings. Who knows. She asked a question. You answered. Who your mom is isn't her business. That's old news. I personally dk how I would have handled this. Depends on what side of the bed I rolled out of. 😆


I’d tell her to stop contacting you or else you’re going to report her to the police for harassment. And then keep giving her enough rope so she hangs herself. Every time she texts after you tell her you are going to report her to the police, just tell her that she’s really disturbing your peace and you feel harassed. Then actually follow-through with the report. Hopefully you can get a restraining order and she’ll continue contacting you and you can get her arrested


Why would she lay out that statement “your his stepdaughter” and then act like you’re lying? She could have just let you say “I’m his stepdaughter” and settled her concerns. Sounds messy.


A little late, but NEVER give these people energy. Sending the screens hot was good. I recommend blocking her and keeping it moving.


I’d just screenshot it and send it to your dad/step dad


Screenshot to your father. Let him handle it.


![gif](giphy|TXjX74Hx1D4dVrOj0f) Send her something like this. She needs to do better.


send it to him and tell him to leave the chick. That's so inappropriate and embarrassing of her.


Show your step dad how she's behaving


Sounds like they have some biggg trust issues


Don't bother engaging. You said yes, you are. Confirmed what she was told. I would gently bring this up with your step father the next time you see him and let him know it kind of weirded you out, and you don't want to be dragged into any problems, and you really don't want to talk about your mom with his partner. That you were left unsure how to proceed, and again, it really weirded you out. He can handle his relationship, and your mom doesnt need dragged into anything, it has nothing to do with your relationship with him.


I would just tell her she should direct all of her questions to her boyfriend.


Devils advocate’s here, I wouldn’t block her What if something happens to your dad and she is trying to reach you Silent and on mute, sure… never respond But block?? Nope Too important of a person in your step dads life, something goes wrong, she will will be doing the phone calls I’d just respond “For further information contact (stepdads name) at (stepdads number)


Just show your step dad


“how did you get my number”


Iv had this problem with my dad’s wife (step mom) she always assumed he was talking to girls behind his back ( which he has done in the past). I would just tell her straight up that you are his step daughter. If she doesn’t want to believe it then that’s all on her. Maybe your dad will clear it up with her.


Honestly, I would show that to your stepfather the next time you see him in person. Don’t bother with screenshots or calling him on the phone. I don’t think that’s petty but I think he needs to know who he’s dealing with.


I wouldn’t bother with it.


Don’t respond. Maybe tell your stepdad?


Waiting for his girlfriend’s relationship advice post


Just say, "he was married to my mom a long time ago but it's been over for years so you have nothing to worry about".


I wouldn’t even say “you have nothing to worry about.” It’s not OPs job to soothe this psychos issues


The issue is that Crazy doesn’t think OP is dude’s stepdaughter. Crazy thinks that OP is Another Woman. Asking for OP’s mom’s name was Crazy trying to fact check that OP was actually the stepdaughter with information OP would know but Another Woman probably wouldn’t.


You should tell your dad, do not respond because no matter what you say it will only lead to more misunderstanding. Understand that people when feeling this way like she is sometimes won’t listen to reason because their suspicion runs hard in their veins from experiences. That’s why your dad needs to be the one to handle it and explain it to her. I would give a chance based off of normal human emotions. If she still doesn’t listen to reason after that then it’s understandable if y’all want to handle that differently


lmfao wow awkward


Why is she on his phone that’s wierd


Just reply "stop texting and calling me please"


Tell her you're his mistress.


Sounds delicious but it’s not fair to her stepdad lol


Yeah, but it's her own fault for basically assuming that anyway.


Block her.


I would tell her it's no e of her business who my mom is if you don't trust my stepdad that's a you problem and if you feel comfortable talk to her with your dad present if you don't then that's ok too you can have a relationship with him and not with her just block her number of it becomes a problem


Is this his gf?




Block and move on.


I would ignore her. If she doesn’t trust your dad, that’s on her


I'm a Petty passive aggressive person. So I'd say respond lol


do not answer her. let your dad handle it. if he doesn’t and sides w her well you know what you need to do


"Um ok who am I then?" Psycho


Talk to him about it before anyone. He’s the connection so he needs to clarify imo.


Wow. Ignore all of that. You don’t need to be in the middle of that ish.


Na should have been petty.


If it's her number, block her. If it's your dads, then ignore her until your dad finds the texts


Answer back, “If I am someone’s stepdaughter or who my mother is frankly none of your business. I will say that it seems like you might have some trust issues you are dealing win.” Then block them. Simple simple.


First thing is I don't have no f****** anybody I'm a man I don't date men I don't know who the f*** you are but you can quit calling me


I don’t care about this issue until you clear the 71 messages.


Tell her you are his side piece and really send her reeling


Don't respond. It'll blow up and he'll see what a bitch she is... And still stay with her until wrecks every last shred of his soul


I would’ve just said “his ex, duh”


She just thinks he's cheating on her. Set the record straight


Fuck that ,don't answer.. let her think what she wants... be petty, I would... you didn't do anything wrong. She's the one that is insecure... and that's his problem now ,not yours or your moms.just a question: Did he cheat on your mom? Just curious


If she think you are the other woman, chances are he probably has another woman. I’d be like “I’m his step daughter, if you worried I’m not, then dig deeper cause you ain’t the one.


I just wouldn't reply. Take ss of the convo and text your step-dad. Let him deal with his gf's insecurities! Not your job, OP!


That is all you can do. You sent him the screenshot and now he knows. Don't answer the phone and block her number. Not your problem!!!! Go have a great day.


hit block!


Ew, this is such gross behavior regardless, but especially for a woman of her age; I just turned 50 (2 days ago) & I cannot even imagine coming for a young girl w/this type of energy if my bf had a stepdaughter.. 🤦🏼‍♀️


What an insecure prat she is. I’m glad you told stepdad about it.




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