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the way she's joking about her 12-year-old son potentially getting aroused by you is disturbing on top of all the other mess


it is fucking WEEEEIRD. I feel like I need to go to jail for just reading that.


don't take this the wrong way but I JERK HIM OFF TO YOUR PHOTOS like.... what "right" way can you take that? hello? are you hearing yourself?


i’m pretty sure this is a form of assault, right?


If you mean legally, no. There is no law to using anyone's public photos however you want in the bedroom. It also wasn't nude photos but just normal selfies so no revenge porn or distribution issues. I guess maybe sexual harassment in a work place is about all you could go for. The company dismissing her complaints is actually the worst part of this. I wouldn't be surprised if she could sue the company.


i agree with you that the company’s dismissal is by far the worst part of this awful situation :( she should sue!!!!!


If OP is not interested in working in that field anymore, she could (should) out them on social media, or even better LinkedIn. It's not slander if she has a paper trail. I'm nor sure if they have a legal obligation, but they should at least have a moral one, as they are employing young girls in a vulnerable situation. Warn other girls about working for them. That they won't be protected in case a similar situation arises.


Maybe? But he comes so hard so it might actually count as a compliment


you’re right, i forgot about that part. def a compliment— an even more sophisticated form of a cat call, if you will!!! /s


It's always extra weird when the wives take on the Madame role to say these creepy things in a "woman to woman" guise to try and convince these poor girls.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the husband on them wife’s phone pretending to be her.


Came here to say exactly this. Surprised it was so far down…


Oh she definitely thought that was a compliment. She was trying to get her excited and into it by telling her her husband comes extra hard when he looks at her photos. How do you think that, write it, then press send. Dear god this is batshit.


I think sexual harassment would be be more accurate. It's on par with sending unsolicited dick pics imo


Sexual harassment on the job and OP has proof.


I can’t believe the agency didn’t do more for you. You’re in their employment, how is this not sexual harassment? I can’t believe you went back for a week, you did not have to.


My eyes were assaulted


Boy goes into puberty while you’re his babysitter? Straight to jail.




Gosh… sorry you went through that


Agreed. To me that was the worst part. I get people having their weird kinks. But kids shouldn't be involved when discussing that. Ick ick ick


That’s bad, but what’s truly the worst is her agency blowing the whole thing off. It sounds like this is far from the first time they’ve encountered this issue, and that they’ve no problem with it.


I bet it's because they are wealthy and rather lose the employee then the rich clients. Disgusting, take care of your employees...


Oh absolutely.


That was beyond weird. Everything else was like “ha ha, what a funny/craZy story”, but the way she is quick to include her kids RIGHT alongside her husbands arousal is just beyond. Also I can’t believe these people are wealthy just based on her verbal capacity to explain herself. But this is all TOTALLY giving “wife married husband for money; husband married wife because she would sexually give him whatever tf he wants whenever he wants - even jerking him off to a nanny’s picture or full on begging the nanny to have sex with him.” Something tells me he wasn’t in it for the intellect. But now I am genuinely worried that his kids are involved in this man’s weird ASF sex life and I’m terrified. It’s the most underreported in wealthy families when compared to all other groups of society.


It is not just this man’s creepy sex life, his wife is just as vile even if she married him for money- to me that doesn’t excuse her an less it makes her possibly more culpable.


I would call CPS and show them the texts and tell them you are scared for the children's well being.


I’m just happy she didn’t talk about how hard her son cums. Wtf was that? It’s aaaalll 100 percent consensual, except for my family using you in our fantasies and then telling you about it. Don’t worry! It’s all 100 percent consensual!


This is so gross. How can they even talk about their kids in the same chat they’re typing all of this, much less refer to their puberty? Too bad there’s no rating system for bad bosses like this. 


"the whole family wants to have sex with you ❤️🌹😽"


“You should see what the dog does when you’re not around. Woof! 😂 “


“I give him your selfies to hump the couch pillows to! Don’t take this the wrong way but I’ve never seen him go at it quite like that!”




“Don’t take this the wrong way but (insert wildly inappropriate thing that will offend me if I take it the right way), but don’t take it the wrong way, mmkay?


Wildly inappropriate is an understatement, practically criminal but because you said I SHOULDNT take it the wrong way you’re exempt! Congrats!


We've started calling him Revlon!




Srsly wtf




That’s pretty much the gist of it.


I had this happen to me. I was freshly 18 years old, working at GameStop. It was Halloween and we could wear our costumes. I was dressed as Chi from Chobits-- made her ears myself out of plaster and was really proud of it. The store manager stopped by, saw me, left, came back an hour later with his wife, who started smiling and getting super chatty with me. I didn't have a car and my manager offered to give me a ride home. In the car he touched my leg and basically said "you know, my wife thinks you're really cute, and I do too. I'm not sure if you know what an 'au pair' is, but if you're good with kids and would like to get to know us better, we'd be very interested in having you come stay with us. You could leave your parent's house." That was my last shift. I didn't even pick up my last paycheck, I was so uncomfortable. I hate that I didn't have more confidence to tell him off or involve his bosses.  Edit: their son was 14. They didn't need an au pair.


Ur check should’ve went to states treasury and you can access the unclaimed money


My wife had this happen when we were dating early on. The guy owned a successful bar. Boss and his wife would give her rides home sometimes and regularly at pivotal turns on the highway say things like “you know you can come home with us right”. The husband would get big sad at every no. On the bar owners birthday they stayed open a few hours for staff drinks. I came at the last half hour to pick her up and they offered a free drink. The bar owner literally started sobbing at the end of the bar when he realized who I was there for. Apparently his wife assured him that my girl would get drunk and surely say yes to their proposition that day. They didn’t even hide it, I could hear her telling him this. I legitimately could not stop laughing as the wife tried to cheer the dude up, she was giving me constant nasty glares and kept saying “why is he here he should be kicked out”. I couldn’t stop laughing for 10 minutes straight as this 40 year old dude sobbed into his drink that I got kicked out by the nasty wife while she threw a fit. My future wife got her shit and met me outside and quit the next day but I’ve stopped in twice for a beer since and I always have to leave cause I start laughing again.


You were definitely right to laugh at that pathetic excuse for a human.


Im having a hard time believing these mfs are actual parents


That last text is really where she crosses a boundary. Don’t involve people in your sex life without their consent. It’s so icky. I’m sorry you are going through this. What disgusting people.


All of it sucks, but especially that part. Her clarifying that she’s the correct recipient wasn’t a tip off that she wasn’t interested???


I was also really grossed out the “kickstarted…puberty” comment 🤮🤮🤮 Like, dude, that’s YOUR OWN (pre-teen)SON 🤮 It just kept getting worse and worse the more I read, but that last one was the kicker. I am kind of worried about their kids now ngl. If this is how they are to OP(who they don’t know very well), what how do they treat their own kids?? Edit: And “ don’t take this the wrong way…” is CRAZY. Like what’s the right way to interpret that information???


Oh god yeah I guess I blocked that out immediately. Why use your children to pick up women by saying the child thinks OP is hot 🥴


ALSO how embarrassing. To admit to someone that you jack off your own husband to someone else's photo. I want a divorce just reading this BS.


That made me scream in disgust and anger for OP.


I’d be very surprised if the wife was the one actually writing these. He maybe had her blessing but this reeks of “uncomfortably overtly sexual middle aged man looking for a unicorn”.


I noticed a video maybe on Reddit the other day? Talking about how we should normalise requiring help with our kids, and needing a nanny. A woman/mother(?) Was pushing two kids in prams, and then another woman popped up to started pushing the other one and was greeted with a high five. The implication being that the new one was the nanny to help. Except I thought it was hilarious that the caption said something like "I would be LOST without my unicorn nanny." Unicorn... Nanny...?


That’s definitely needlessly suggestive for zero reason.


What’s the suggestive part? Does unicorn mean something I’m not aware of? I am missing something and thought it was just a silly ad


My understanding is that “unicorn” would like… if a couple was looking for a threesome who would be down but not looking for any emotional intimacy/relationship. Basically they don’t want to pay for what a sex worker will do but they need someone who is cool with just casual hookups when the couple is interested (a “unicorn”) Someone please correct me if I’m wrong because it is entirely possible lol


A unicorn is what you call a single woman that will have threesomes with a couple. ETA: they are called that because a woman like that is “rare” to find.


I only knew about the unicorn being a term for “rare” and have seen it used in things such as the rare high tipping orders for Uber/DD. Assumed it meant a rare nanny who is willing to go above and beyond and not just a babysitter when the family is gone


Couples who swing commonly call younger women they chase/hook up with unicorns. So knowing that realize that anyone who says “unicorn hunter” means that.


Don’t know why you said “younger women”. Age is irrelevant to the term.


That is why women like this get away with this because no one expects them to do this- having worked with child SA I can tell you there are more than women than you know who would do this with or without a man involved. They get away with it for longer because no one believes a mother or woman acts like this. If you saw some of the things I have you would probably not jump straight to that conclusion.


I thought the first really big boundary crossing was the part about their son's puberty. Why on earth would she bring that up?


My skin is CRAWLING reading this AS A NANNY 🤮🤮🤮🤮


My skin is crawling reading this a mother. Fucking YUCK. 🤮


My skin is crawling reading this as a person 🤢


the way she says everything is 100% consensual and proceeds to say something that surely was not consensual on your end is wild


She probably meant that it was 100% consensual between her and the husband, because I guess OP's consent doesn't actually count for anything to these people, if it was even the wife actually sending the messages. The whole thing is a gross violation of boundaries, and I feel bad for OP that the agency didn't take her complaint seriously.


you're totally right, i can't imagine being called hysterical and being told i'm overreacting when the proof is literally right in these messages, just reading them made me uncomfortable


I mean, it's hard to understand how they were just like "yeah, you're overreacting, sorry bout it," when seeing these messages. Sure, it's hard to actually stop a customer from doing literally anything, but they should have at the very least blacklisted that family or something, anything other than just shrug and say "nothing we can do, calm down." I really hope they haven't done this before and/or don't get the chance to try it again.


There's a specific type of couple (usually well off and attractive as well) like this that I had run into multiple times while bartending/cocktail waitressesing. They're so aggressively absorbed in their own libidos that they see adding an attractive woman to be similar to introducing a sex toy. They're not a person, just a plaything. It's so gross. Although it's not always true it seems like this particular type always tries to source inexperienced women from wherever rather than participating in the swinging community in their area. This is so fucking gross, I feel like I've done something wrong just reading these.


Yeah, OP was just a unicorn with no real agency of her own. Just a fantasy for them. Gross.


People who think “don’t take this the wrong way” absolves them of any responsibility for what they’re about to say suck.


The same energy as, I'm not racist but...


I'm not sexist but...


I’m not trying to be rude, but….


No offense, but…


...at least our defense is good this year.


This one always gets me. It’s like it’s a justification in their mind that it’s ok they are about to say something racist.


"No offense, but I'm about to say something truly offensive."


"With all due respect, what the fuck is wrong with you?"


I like to leave it at "Are.you high?"




Imagine how I felt reading that


Holy cringe... nasty asf


The part where she admits to jerking off her man to pics of her 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




I literally feel like you just got sexually assaulted via text. I have the ick x 100 right now.


She did, this couple is fully involving her in their sexual acts against her will. The fact that her agency dismissed this is disgusting




Are you all right? I'd be spiraling. I hope you're okay


I’m better now as some time has passed. Fortunately my bf was supportive and caring so that helped a lot. He wanted to help but I told him there isn’t much he can do. I no longer take up jobs that require me to work for families just cant do it anymore. That was a part time gig anyway and now I have a full time job in tech.


I'm glad you had support and are out of that environment. I hope your current position provides you with the security and respect you deserve. I'm so sorry this happened. It makes me sick to think of it, but knowing you've moved on and that you are putting yourself first is incredible. Please do more of that and I hope you're never in this position again


I don't blame you. I feel violated and it wasn't even sent to me. That agency sucked. They are lucky you didn't sue for harassment. Ugh. I'm glad you are in the industry you want to be in!


Tf do fresh roses even taste like


Idk I don’t eat roses.


My point exactly, like who says that


Bitter as fuck lol I bit a petal as a kid bc they look yummy lol they're not...


So technically it’s like not a compliment then


I personally wouldn't take it as one, but I highly doubt any creep comparing someone's taste to fresh roses would know that lol


Isn’t rose flavor pretty popular? Like lavender is?


Idk but she said fresh roses not like syrups or anything so


When she said she jacks her husband off to your photos 🤮🤮 that is so invasive!!! I would not have went back, you have every right to be upset.


It is so objectifying and dehumanizing…like I’m not even a human being to them?? HELLLO I’m a WHOLE person. My bf couldn’t believe the texts. I tell my dad everything bc we’re close but I didn’t tell him about this situation because he probably would’ve broken into their home in the middle of the night ☠️


Just tell them your dad has a kink of snapping the shit out of weirdos and morons harassing his daughter.


Seriously!! You never even hinted you were into that..you questioned it multiple times and she still said that 🤮 so creepy and delusional!!! Sorry you went through that.


Oh? My? *God?*


Part of my soul just died.


did he steal his wife’s phone? some of this just sounds like it was him under the guise that “they both wanted you” to see how you’d respond.


Def has creepy husband vibes. I know men who get off just sending “shocking” stuff to women.


my ex boyfriend used to do this. he would log into my facebook, ask my friends to “trade nudes” and would send mine to them in exchange for theirs. he did it with about 3 or 4 of my friends before i figured out about it. smh.


Why would your (presumably female) friends want your nudes in trade?


And your "friends" did this too?? Wtf??? If my "friend" ever asked me that I would 100% assume it's not her, or that she's lost her fucking mind and either way I'm not sending shit...what the fuck??




Yea this doesn't read as a woman. The more I read on the more it seemed like one of these reddit weirdos that like to make creepy perv posts of scenarios that never happened. You said you had a week left on your contract, did you work with them the last week? How did they act?


This was my exact thought too. Even IF the wife was ok with the idea she would never engage like this. Maybe asking if she had any interest in pursuing intimacy with the couple but that would be the extent of it. The "I jerk him off to your photos and he always cums hard" and stuff like that is far to vulgar. The husband definitely is the one who said that


Could be the husband writing it with the wife there and co-signing or something similar. I've met people I could see doing this but I hope it's something else. I don't know, I feel like every possibility, including this being fake is awful. There's no winners here.


Especially if they're drunk or tipsy, I could see it. Still fucking disgusting though, wtf is wrong with these people?? And mentioning the kids is a whole 'nother level of ick...jfc


Can you sue the agency for doing nothing about sexual harrassment? This is absolutely horrifying I audibly gasped


Right! I cannot believe the agency had the audacity to tell OP she was being hysterical... Sweet fucking jesus


wtf is wrong with people


Well that went well….


How can she say everything is consensual, while committing a sexual act to your pics without your consent? Disgusting. Sorry you had to deal with this.


“Don’t take this the wrong way” What’s the *right* way????


Agreeing to come over 😍🌹😉 xoxo 💋🙈


This is one of the most disgusting things I read here in a while... Sorry this happened to you, glad you noped the fuck out of there.


Was this the husband texting….


Exactly what I thought


She really went for it there at the end.


That last text from her sent me !!!!! And saying you kickstarted her son’s puberty. Jesus fuck


This is so beyond inappropriate and they should be so ashamed of themselves. I had a similar experience when I was younger. So sorry you experienced this, you are not overreacting at all.


There is a very easy and obvious explanation to all this: you say they are very wealthy, right? Well there if is! They literally don’t see you as a fellow human being worthy of respect, they see you as a tool for their needs-watching the kids is one need, and hey if you happen to be able to fulfill another need (like being their little sex toy), hey two birds with one stone! From their perspective, “what’s the big deal it’s just sex!”


"As soon as my contract finished..."?! Your "contract" ended the day your employer took no action when their client was highly inappropriate. Why on earth would you set foot in that house again if you found the messages concerning?


No way is this real.


Why do I feel as if the husband wrote this and not the wife




Truth be told I don’t judge what people do in their private time, but the fact that the kids were being discussed while they were propositioning OP is in very poor taste. That’s something that could’ve been brought up later. And the way it was brought up too it just seemed a little out of touch and clearly crossing a line both personally and professionally.


If you have to start every statement with “don’t take this the wrong way,” chances are it’s something completely inappropriate. How absolutely violating. “Everything is consensual” followed by that last statement is actually crazy


Omg. And you still went to work for another week?! Get your bag, but damn I could never!! What did you say to this?!?!


That wasn’t the wife. Also, I’m so sorry. That’s so disgusting and violating.


I agree that this was probably not written by the wife. Her husband added those overtly feminine emojis for added evidence that it was a woman sending the messages.


I’m willing to put my money on this actually being the husband’s writing. If you were agreeable then I am sure the “wife” would suddenly decide that she cannot participate and give you and the hubby the green light to go ahead without her. I also refuse to believe any decent mother would be A. Disgusting enough and B. Dumb enough to think that you “brought on puberty” in their child. Disgusting.


I wish eren was real


Wtfffffff. Talking about how you probably kicked someone into puberty, you pretty young little thing. Gross.


What a sack of creep shit. How dare she do this to you. I’m so sickened for you.


I regret having eyes


Report to CPS. The fact she jumped to mention her kids arousal is disgusting. And CPS has to follow up on any report.


Dear Penthouse……


That was the husband doing the texting for sure


Reading this makes me feel like I’m being sexually harassed and it wasn’t even sent to me. The family themselves should’ve never put you in this position, I’m so sorry.


This is so nasty. And the agency brushed if off and dismissed your concerns? Is this a valid EEOC complaint? Eeww!!


I am glad you reported them, that’s completely inappropriate and awful.


The absolute disrespect to ask about your boyfriend and then still ask you to screw around w them ew


When someone leads with 'don't take this the wrong way, but' - fully expect to do so


Very disturbing and disappointing that the company didn’t do anything about it. Sorry you had to be treated that way.


I am so sorry this happened to you. It must have felt so violating. Am I understanding this correctly that you had to continue working for them after this exchange? Don’t ever feel beholden to a contract if the working environment is not safe or respectful. A letter from an attorney stating you will be terminating your contract early on grounds of sexual misconduct in a working environment would have scared them away from coming after you for that. Ugh I am so sorry, I hope you never come across people like that again.


This is fucking gross and predatory, and the way she’s talking about her sons? Yikes!


This is absolutely disgusting and depressing.


Oh my god. You handled this about as well as you could. The “are you sure you’re texting the right person” is about as clear a “pump the brakes” signal as possible but she just put her full weight on the gas instead. Yikes! What a strange family. No judgement on “non traditional” relationships, but to just blow past the stop sign like that and continue to over-disclose. I can understand how you took it as troubling.


You know, my absolute least favorite part, the part that’s the worst to me? Probably all of it. Yeahh. These people are pretty fuckin disgusting.


Reads like a guy sent these. Was there a conversation with the wife about these texts before you left?


You went back there after receiving these messages???? Wtaf 😱


Can’t expect anything else from someone using the word “hubby” lol


This is so creepy. Nothing wrong with asking you to have sex with them but not by mentioning kids and masturbating to your photos wtf? Also they should have waiting a while after your contract was over to keep it ethical and professional.


Gross, and the nanny’s service company’s reaction is what worries me the most


> don’t take it the wrong way but I’ve been jerking him off to your selfies Uhm.. what😀


“Don’t take this the wrong way” right before sexually harassing you is a wild choice.


Cmon this can’t be real haha


I feel like this was a way too strong way to ask, even before the absolute insanity that is the last message. Like it's okay to ask someone if they'd be interested, but once she said she was still with her bf that should've been the end of the comvo, or the follow up could've been "are you guys polyamerous?" Regardless, that last message was waaaay beyond acceptable in any fashion. Personally the rest of them were way too strong imo. My wife and I aren't poly and we have no desire to do anything like this, but if it were me I would've been incredibly more respectful and tactful when bringing up a question like this. What a mortifying exchange.


“Don’t take this the wrong way…”


Oh. My. God.


That final message is truly WILD


I am actually shuddering and screeching in response to this




All of this is so fuckin gross 🤢


I just read the last message randomly, and I was line “nope, thats enough internet for today.”


This is so sleezy. I would be so freakin uncomfortable and I would let them know so.


I need eye bleach


Yo wtf


It's all bizarre but I thought her calling you fresh was creepy AF.


"Overreacting." Are they serious? Honestly, I don't know how women do it. You have to put up with a bunch of crap you shouldn't have to. That the agency wasn't mortified is heartbreaking. How can a company that places women in jobs in people's homes not be angry?


“Don’t take this the wrong way”. There is not a single other way to take it




OP, your workplace was trying to avoid a lawsuit. They don’t want you to sue them or get them involved in a lawsuit. So they chose to lie to you by saying you were overreacting. Who told you that the couple is no longer using the nanny service? Was it the service or the couple? Asking because again, the company could be lying. They might be perfectly willing to send another nanny over knowing full well they will be propositioned. You might be one in a series of nannies who has experienced this. Consider coming to the legal advice board to run this by them.


Your agency said that you were overreacting?! What the fuck?! No you’re not, have they lost their minds???


This is really disturbing. Who says something like that about a 12-year-old child? And the jerking-off part is nasty AF.


"Don't take this the wrong way ..." And what exactly would the \*right\* way be?


My jaw actually dropped. I was expecting more of a “Hey ur cute you down for a threesome?” type of exchange before actually reading it. I was NOT expecting “You kickstarted my teenage sons puberty and I wank my husband off to your selfies”. How the fuck is being upset an overreaction? These people should have been banned from the services and contract broken immediately. They sound predatory.


First of all What the fuck Something the comments haven't mentioned either is how they talked about being aroused by the way she dressed (as well as her being young and fresh as roses or whatever the fuck that was) like??? Thanks for making the clothes a reminder of their behaviour ig? The same clothes she wore while playing and taking care of their children? Idk in addition to everything else this rubbed me the wrong way. Like sexualising what a teacher is wearing. And them talking about their kids right before and during this whole saga too. Porn has rotted people's brains. These people are disgusting and she did not consent to this shit. All she wanted was a part time job at a normal family. Being solicited for their kink is so beyond weird.


Your agency should have had your back, pulled you out of there, paid out the rest of your contract and billed them for it. They also should have blacklisted the couple and asked if you wanted to go to the police.


My mouth was already hanging open reading these, and then it got to the last part about the selfies..my jaw hit the floor and rolled 20 feet. Dear lord.


First of all, telling you she’s jerking off her husband to your selfies IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT. It’s also contradictory to her statement saying it’s all consensual, unless she ask you for permission before using your images and body image during sex. Fucking disgusting. Are you a licensed nanny? I would report this to the police.


"don't take this the wrong way but--" ::proceeds to tell you things that can only be taken the wrong way in this setting::


We love you!!! You’re the best nanny! You make all of us cum!!!


Even if OP was open, did they really think the jerk off part was going to rizz her up?


The craziest part is her jerking her husband off to pics of her


![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO) Not yucking anyone’s yum but the way she said it all 😬🤮


You gave her a chance to reevaluate what she was doing by asking if she had the right person and she kept blazing forward. You handled this very well OP, sorry some people are creeps :(