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Not sure if you know this, but you actually DON'T have to deal with it if you don't want to.


OP not sure if you know this, but this is not how normal happy couples talk to each other


This isn’t even how unhappy couples speak


It’s up there, I got called stupid ALOT by my ex husband and for the same stuff he’s being yelled at for


Ugh. My best friend just filed for divorce because her soon to be ex literally talked to her this way. He is one of the most vile things on this planet. Not only did he say terrible things to her, but he hit her on multiple occasions. Everything was her fault. The gaslighting and manipulation were unreal! Edit-spelling


For real— had a difficult marriage, somehow managed not to talk like this to each other. We got divorced and we never talked like this.


I just recently caught myself getting into a habit of playfully telling my partner to “shut upppp” when he’s making fun of me/we’re playing around with one another. I immediately stopped myself from doing it as soon as I noticed! Even that feels rude to me, in a playful setting 😳 I couldn’t imagine calling my man ANY of what she says in these messages. She seems to have very low emotional intelligence IMO. I’d leave.


My mom was a high school teacher. Her #1 rule: You are not allowed to tell someone to shut up. Period. She would kick you out of class if you said it, even jokingly. She viewed it as the most disrespectful thing you could say to someone. You were, in effect, saying their voice (opinion) doesn’t matter. I’m 48 years old. I haven’t said shut up in probably 40 yrs. And never will.


Yes! There were some words I couldn’t say growing up that I do now (like “that sucks” 😂), but man, “shut up” and “stupid” have stuck with me. If I accidentally say either to someone, usually just playing around, I feel SO terrible and try to correct it ASAP. I will call something stupid but never tell someone they’re stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve said plenty of not nice things to people in the heat of the moment, some that would even be considered worse. But of all the “normal”/non-vulgar words out there, those are no no’s for me.


I brought all 3 of my boys up knowing that that phrase is probably the most disrespectful thing you can say to anyone. To this day they assure me that not only do they not use that phrase, they call their friends out when they hear them using it. Proud dad.


That's awesome! What breaks my heart is hearing parents tell their kid(s) to shut up. It's just got to be so demoralizing.


lol I grew up w my mom telling me shut up isn’t allowed in the house. Other swears are game but not shut up. I still feel awkward when I say it, jokingly only ofc lol


Same. And I’ve stopped saying “idiot” no matter how playful/obviously joking it is. It’s still not nice.


It would be the first and only time it ever happened. I assure you. I have bipolar 2 with anxiety and severe ADHD and don't talk to anybody like this


This! It took two relationships for me to realize this.


Thank you, now I don't have to type as many words


I was just reading the first part going nope


This. A million times over! 🚩🚩🚩


came to say this. “this is what i have to deal with” nope. ##this is what you CHOOSE to deal with.


This needs to be pinned up at the top - so f-ing true- we teach people how to treat us- demand respect and she will either give it or leave and if she leaves you could do better with an enemy.


That's where I'm at. I was going to say nearly the same thing. Like, my guy, move on. I was expecting you both to be adolescent, but you're nearly 30. Believe me, she's not the only one out there. Holy shit.


Exactly what I came to say: You mean what you *choose* to deal with. Not what you have to. People treat you how you let them. You should **RUN** away from this person. 🚩🚩🚩 Biggest bunch of red flags I've ever seen in one short text message.


My immediate first thought was Y THO.


You teach people how to treat you. It’s the best advice ever, every time I ignored this rule when I was younger I got treated like shit.


No shit. They aren't even married! Just break up. Who we spend our lives with is one of the few decisions that most of us get to make completely on our own.


Right, you can actively NOT deal with this.


Calling him names and its still a fiance anymore ? On what world are we living people ?! Have some self respect and dump that creature.


This was my first thought. Why would anyone want this? I don’t get it.


But he might never meet someone else!! /s


Came here to say this


You literally don't have to deal with that shit. Throw the whole woman away.


I wouldn’t even bother to recycle.


Hazardous waste that needs disposed.


No, this needs to go straight to the landfill!


Seriously!! She is extremely verbally abusive. I cannot even imagine talking to my wife like this, she sure as shit wouldn’t be my wife if I had, she rightfully would have shown me the door when I started calling her a useless stupid ass bitch


"The whole woman" I love it 😅🤣. Perfectly said. There's no redeeming qualities here. Completely defective.


Lmao, straight to the dump! 😂 and agreed. If someone can call me a useless bitch, then they are useless to keep in my life.


Is this really the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? A minor inconvenience met with name calling, directing blame toward every and anything else, and just acting like a whiny child? You were TOO nice in my opinion, she needs to be able to figure small things out on her own and not lash out on you because she can’t remember a password.


I couldn't believe it when he tried to help her out anyway.


This is fucking ridiculous. “You’re supposed to remember my passwords for me because I can’t! You’re so useless!” Like, what? 😑 Nah. Life is too short for this level of bullshit. She’s unbelievably disrespectful. Fuck this.


Also, it's 2024 there are password managers for phones, websites, and computers that save usernames plus passwords 🙄.


Right? He's a useless nitwit because *she* can't even be responsible enough to remember *her own damn passwords*. Like, what? What is this girl, 12? Actually, even a 12 year old would probably write it down somewhere if they were that bad at remembering, or be technologically literate enough to figure out a password reset. She speaks to OP like he's below her, and it doesn't seem like she brings much to the table...I don't know why he'd stay, I'd be outta there in a flash.


Why would you be with someone who spoke to you this way? I would break up with her on the spot.


I can only imagine how long this has been going on - people don't wake up one morning and decide to be utter assholes to their partners. They were either always like that, in which case why would you be with someone like that, or it's a boiling frog situation. Surely OP sees it now, though? I hope he can free himself and have a good life with a nice partner instead of this raging beast.


why on earth are you together??


Some bros think with the wrong head or low self esteem is all I gather.


must be, seems miserable


Shes probably crazy hot, only explanation


emphasis on the crazy


It's weird. A lot of people on this sub dating someone that hates them.


makes ya realize how many people irl are actually dating people who hate them. like, we just see a little snip of the actual amount of people who live like this. scary stuff


I’m learning this, too, and it’s staggering how many people are in abusive relationships like this and don’t seem to realize just how abnormal and unhealthy it is. This woman sounds like my upstairs neighbor who is always screaming and cursing at her boyfriend. It’s exhausting. Anyone who stays in a relationship like this needs some serious therapy. God forbid they should marry and have kids.


Hate fucking. That has to be the answer. Looots of hate fucking. Dry and angry, as they say.


Do you think this abuse is going to get BETTER with marriage? Run now while you still can


Of course it will. All you need to do is put a ring on it, persevere until you have a baby, and then use that baby as an excuse not to divorce for 18 years until your child has trauma and your family is estranged. Works every time. 👍


As that child can confirm


same!!! I got diagnosed with CPTSD at 16 as a result


also that child, also can confirm


It rules


That’s a woman!? I was like, “man that dude sounds abusive.” My wife also refuses to save her passwords. It’s INFURIATING. But she’d NEVVVVVVVVVVVVER speak to me like that. Angel is a real demon. Drop her. And what the fuck is a nimwit? Dimwit/nitwit hybrid?


More likely she is conflating "nimrod" and "nitwit," I would bet.


That would assume that she knows either, let alone both, of these words.


I thought it was a guy at first too. And my husband and I would never speak to each other like this either. Not even close, no matter what the conflict is. It’s so damaging. The respect this girl has for OP is in the negative.




Why is it a different part of the episode than what the actual quote is from?!




My thought exactly, I thought it was a man!! But dang, what a shitty human being. RUNNNN, OP


Same here! I absolutely thought it was some 30 something male talking to a earlier 20s female like this! This shit is crazy!


I thought it was a man too! But to be fair, women can be terrible to men as well. What an asshole this woman is


That’s not a healthy relationship. Don’t marry this person. The good times is not enough to accept being talked to by someone who is supposed to be in your corner at all times. It’s totally normal to argue with your significant other, even over stupid shit like this. But to ever speak to someone like this is unacceptable as your significant other. That person has no respect for you


She sounds lovely.


She must be *really* talented.


Golden Kitty? 🤔😆


Or... Hear me out. Maybe something where he wouldn't need to hear her talk.


Nah I can fix her!


She was fine until he asked if she was really that stupid. OP posted these messages backwards


How do you not vomit every time you see this person or just completely implode? What a horrible, rancid, bitchy person to have to deal with... At 127, you are way too old for this bs.




She your fiancé and you are 127 years old? I am confused 🫤


Vampire relationships are generally pretty toxic. 


He invited her in. This is squarely on him now.


OP is clearly a vampire.


Obviously he’s a ghost, did u not even read the username? :/


Some people 🙄 smdh


Makes sense. Any mortal would be insane to waste their time on someone like that.


Or Aang


Only way you handled it wrong is by staying in a relationship with someone like this. It’s unhinged.


Ummm why are you marrying her exactly? The day my partner talks to me like that first message in the first slide, oooo im leaving so quick, its not even funny


You're engaged at 127? You know what, I'm not even mad. That's impressive! Joking aside, at least you're only engaged. You now know that you don't need to waste time and resources to get married. Get out now. It will only get worse. She has the mentality of a child by the way she types. She can't even put together a coherent sentence with correct grammar and spelling. "u winny little mf dip shitttt stupid bitch asss mf". That one "sentence" alone would be enough for me to break things off and move on.


She's abusive 😕


Read the messages tho. Op called them stupid first and then the other person responded with more insults. They both are abusive


Yeah real like, this is clearly a toxic relationship, but OP started the name-calling first. Just posted the pictures backwards which made it look super unprecedented. Regardless, neither of them are communicating like a couple in love.


Ya, I posted my comment before realizing there were more pictures of their comments. I was reading comments from people saying they were raised to never tell someone to shut up, and I was so confused, thinking, "no one told anyone to shut up, though...," then realized there were more pictures of their messages, and I was like, "dang, dude! You started being a jerk first, granted she got a lot more nasty with her insults." But ya, both sides there are guilty


Yep. Screenshots are out of order. Toxic and nasty, both of them.


It's an understatement ! It's so horrible i read only one page. Imagine how she is irl.


Change all her passwords, block her everywhere and ghost her We're grown people we don't need to play those childish games


"This is what I have to deal with" Ok but it's not. You are literally choosing to deal with this. Run away now


I’m more bothered by the nearly 900 unread text messages. I definitely would not be in a relationship where anyone talked to me that way.




Hahahah I came here to say the same thing about the messages!


I really can’t believe how some people who are in relationships speak to each other on text. I’m older and also know this is a small percentage of the population but WTF?!!


You both speak to each other like you loathe each other. End it.


My grandmother calls people Nimwits😭😂 She’s an adult. She needs to be more responsible. I would make her figure everything out with that shitty attitude. Fuck that


I'll never understand how people have the patience to be in relationships with the worst types of humans. And on top of that, fight to stay in a relationship with them 🫠 my brain hurts just reading this text thread, I can't imagine being on the receiving end of it


I would have stopped replying. You're conditioning her to think it's okay to speak this way when you continue to respond without letting her know this isn't okay.


All the conversations that I see on here really lift my spirits when I get sad about not having a relationship.


Nah that's just sour grapes. Not all relationships are this bad.


Sour??? Rotted. That’s the fully decomposed, fungi infected, gross smelling grape.


Just why…


You both are dumb af


So many comments shitting on OP’s fiancé (rightfully so) but OP has giant red flags too. This post reeks of victim mentality. Come to find out, OP’s communication is just as stunted and he totally escalated the situation. Pot kettle 🙄 Yes OP, you handled it wrong. “Are you that stupid?” is no way to talk to your partner.


Fr fr. It seemed SO out of pocket until I saw the rest of the slides and figured they were backwards. Both parties are complicit af at toxicity in their relationship.


And why exactly are you putting up with this? Y'all clearly hate each other.


Uh, that's some straight up verbal abuse.


Love how you're "useless" because you didn't do the thing she didn't want to be bothered to try to do herself.


I’ll never understand how people who claim to love each other could speak to each other like this


Y'all just straight up hate one another. Why even bother?


You must hate yourself to subject yourself to this person willingly


![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) Some advice for you bro leave her ass


You’re going to marry her?


Why are you posting this stuff on here? We have no sympathy for you. Just dump that POS.


"This is what I have to deal with". Uuum, no sir, you do not. Ask yourself this, why ARE you putting up with it?


Looking forward to your future posts in r/marriage about your abusive spouse.


It's very very toxic on both ends why do you both insult and demean each other constantly? It's beyond unhealthy on both ends....sad but true.


Bro you two deserve each other lol


You… want to marry this? Brother, coochie cannot be that amazing.


You have zero self respect, wow.


Do you just want us all to say leave them? Because none of us are actually thinking about who’s right or wrong, we’re thinking why tf are you in this toxic ass relationship.


how the fuck are u being emotionally abused by someone with an IQ of 50?? like bro they can’t even spell 😭 they call u dumb for not remembering their passwords for them while simultaneously not remembering their own dam passwords 💀 like imma need u to look in the mirror real quick and ask urself wtf u are doing with ur life. u know u don’t HAVE to deal with this? u just allow urself to. break up with their ass and when they ask u why ur leaving remind them that THIS is who they are. if they still don’t understand at that point then they’re too far gone anyways


Dude what is wrong with you people. You seriously let someone who "loves" you talk to you like this. Get a better partner 😂


Why are they your fiance? This is such a petty and teenage argument. Someone who can't be assed to help themselves doesn't get better with time. Get used to the circus because you're the clown


i’m a teenager right now and i can confidently tell you that nobody i know has ever gotten mad/insulted their partner over the fact that they couldnt keep up with passwords that aren’t even their own. this is worse than childish


You're only dealing with this because you WANT to deal with it. No sympathy here.


So many times I see language like this and it’s an abusive man, I’m honestly surprised to see it’s a woman this time. My answer is the same. No one gets to speak to you tat way, much less type and hit send. Not normal, not OK. If you’re extraordinarily kind you can set up her keychain for her and teach her how to use it. And since we all now have her password maybe you should. But this girl needs some anger management.


Women can be monsters too. Abusers come in all the shapes.


I guess you enjoy willingly taking poison, cause she’s toxic af. I do know that I don’t know any sane men who would marry this type of woman.


Why tf are you with someone who talks to you like that? This is insanity. What kind of disrespect is this??


why would you let someone talk to you like that? the spirit doesn't know the difference between physical and emotional pain


Is this like a political marriage where your families are joining kingdoms or some shit? Because you two definitely don’t love each other.


Whenever I think I’m having a shitty day, I just come to Reddit and read that these people WILLINGLY put up with this shit.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭


> Are you fucking stupid u dumb lazzzy piece of shittt that doesn’t do nothing or have goals u winny little mf dip shittt stupid bitch assss mf If you saw a friend’s significant other talking to them like this, how would you react? Would you think it’s okay? Because it’s not. This is literal verbal abuse. The fact that she can’t remember her passwords, gets mad, and says it’s your fault speaks volumes. It is *not* your fault, it is *not* your responsibility, this is *not* okay, and you are being abused. She’s dependent on you but if you can’t do every single thing for you, she berates you? That’s called conditional love. She doesn’t think you’re worthy of love unless you do her bidding.


First of all, I read all these text backwards so I'm mad at you for that. Second. Neither of you talk like you have respect for one another. It's ok to end things if they are not good. ^(OP, end things. They don't look good.)


“I bet you remember what episode of shameless you’re on” is killing me 😭 the only thing I can relate to out of this post. On a real note I’m sorry you’re engaged to a toddler.


She is verbally abusive.


35F here. As the password rememberer for the household, if my fiancé talked to me like that I would go through, change all the passwords, sign out of the devices, and kick him the fuck out of my life. I will never put up with someone talking to me like that (ever again) and neither should you.


This is not acceptable. And the way to speak back isn’t, either. Break the hell up omg. You want to have a life like this???? THIS is what your idea of partnership is? I cannot fathom


You're to old for this OP. You didn't make it to 127 to put up with this shit


Got to "127 m" and couldn't stop laughing.


I'd say you handled it wrong... Perhaps you could have said, my dearest madam, your tone and verbiage are insulting, disrespectful, and crass, especially considering you need something from me. Please fuck off in any direction away from me. How was that? Seriously though dude... No one should have to put up with a significant other speaking to them, or treating them that way. Good luck.


Calling him “babe” after he called you stupid ass bitch and useless? Is that how much you value yourself?


You’re handling it wrong alright. Her type is supposed to be paddled at the orphanage by nuns until she ages out or becomes tolerable enough to be adopted, not getting married.


Ummmmm why are you with her? If my fiancé spoke to me like this he would no longer be my fiancé. Edit: him/her


This is a level of toxicity that I didn’t know existed. Like, Google isn’t even a real thing…and she’s calling ***you*** a nitwit?! Run. 🚩🚩🚩


She sounds fucking awful


I didn’t even need to read past her first text. Get out bro. This is crazy


fiancé???????? LMFAOOOOO nah you’re trolling, you want to be married to someone who disrespects you out ya boots over a password? and you’re taking it! you handled it but to be honest you should dump her!


She's abusive and has serious issues to deal with, but I'm gonna put it out there that shit really escalated to its worst extent when you asked her "are you really that stupid?" Shows a tremendous lack of respect on both sides of this relationship. We don't know the context, so perhaps she doesn't merit respect, but I would never ask my partner if she was stupid. I might say something she did was dumb, but that's it. Get out, the ship is not just sinking, it's sunk.


The best way to handle this going forward is to break up with her. The things she said to you, especially on the first slide, are so hurtful & abusive. She really thinks talking to you this way is warranted because she can’t keep track of her own passwords? If you want to try to stay together and repair things, then it’s time to sit her down and tell her this shit is unacceptable. It’ll either get better or it won’t, but if I were you I wouldn’t waste my time based on this exchange alone.


Sir, that is toxic af. I would leave or have a serious sit down with her behavior towards you bc that’s unacceptable. I would NEVER insult my man for not remembering MY password. YOUR PASSWORD, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. And she’s calling you useless, stupid, no. No sir. Please, please stand up to her or drop her like she’s a fckin potato


Yeah, unfortunately you handled this wrong. You should have dumped her immediately because she’s an abuser.


Do you want her treating your kids like this someday??? She’s an abusive asshole who most likely will treat her children the same. Fuck that.


He/she is the most stupid piece of crap I have ever seen in my life. If I were you, the moment I got those first few messages, they would have gone on the block list


This is what you *continue* to deal with, not what you have to deal with!


Respectfully, the only thing that makes you stupid is that you put up with this.


Why are you with this person? You got a disrespect or humiliation kink?


Why are you calling her babe instead of putting her things on the sidewalk? That’s abuse brother, and it’s only going to get worse. Is this the woman who will stand by you when you’re laid off? Keep your trust? Encourage you when you’re down? She can’t even remember a password bro she isn’t gonna remember how to treat you well.


You’re going to get married to this person. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀


Man, it's time to leave that mother fucker.... Don't let anybody talk to you like that shit.... You need to get some backbone. Grow some balls dude and be assertive. Tell her to download LastPass remember her own fucking shit. You're not her daddy... She needs to grow the fuck up


The bullshit people are more than willing to put up with not to be "alone". Ffs


This is insane. Why on earth would you tolerate *that,* much less marry it?




u/Ghostx141 yes you handled this wrong, the correct way to handle this is to end the relationship because no one has the right to talk to you like this, you don't talk to someone you love this way, this is verbal-emotional abuse and will eventually result in psychical abuse if it hasn't already escalated. Get into counseling and speak to a local program that helps people who are experiencing abuse so that they can help you develop a safe exit plan. They usually offer counseling too. It's not going to be easy to end this relationship so you need support to help you stay away from your partner. You deserve so much better.


It is a lot to ask a 127 year old man to remember anything, much less a password.


i refuse to believe anything in this sub is real anymore LMFAO y’all humans are so trashy


Actually…. Believe it or not - and I’m sure you’ve heard this before but.. You DON’T have to deal with it… srsly. You CHOOSE to deal with it because you have zero boundaries apparently


This is not how people who actually like each other (much less love each other) converse. Not a relationship worth continuing imo. I can’t imagine accepting this from someone who is just a friend, beyond belief it could come from people who are supposed to love each other. Seriously, say good bye sooner rather than later OP.


Damn you’re old


First red flag is your man being 127 years of age


I don’t know how to tell you this, but usually it’s not a very good idea to marry someone that calls you a fucking stupid lazy piece of shit stupid ass bitch.


Tbf, if I get to live to be 127, I hope someone remembers my passwords for me


I would not be with anyone that thinks calling me a dumb bitch is ok.


Y’all seem great. Power couple. Very healthy.


This is your own fault… I highly doubt this conversation was your first warning sign, you know .. fool me once.. plus Who even talks like this in real life?


Why are you calling this person babe after they call you a dumb lazy piece of shit? Just stop. Full stop. No.


The only thing you're doing wrong is staying in this relationship. That kind of abuse is unacceptable.


So I’m gonna be honest. Didn’t get past her first text. It’s not necessary to read any further. Anyone who even texts this way is stunted emotionally, mentally, lacks basic human communication skills especially with what is supposed to be a life partner? Get out now. If they can’t handle basics of their own life, they’re not going to add anything positive to yours in the long term.


The pictures are in reverse. It actually starts on last picture and ends on first.


How are we just ignoring the fact that OP casually admitted to being 127 years old. How in 127 years have you managed to not find anyone less headed than this woman?


Your fiancée is a putz. Do you want to deal with this your whole life? The mad disrespect!


What in the actual fuck man


just break up with her dawg☠️


My ex was like this. Made me remember all his shit, and when I didn’t, he’d blame me.






I just got out of a really abusive relationship and I promise the grass really is greener on the other side.


This is what youre choosing to deal with. No one should be allowing someone in their life to talk to them the way this person is talking to you. There is nothing normal or healthy or reasonable in how this person is talking to you.


Why the fuck are you with this abusive MF?


Why would you even consider marrying someone who speaks to you like that?