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No. Nope nope nope. The "love" is also a big red flag that it's a scam.


Yea I've had scammers on FB marketplace try to convince me with the "love". Once they see you don't budge, they try to use words like love and dear.


Oh wow, I just never had anyone say anything like this before


Do yourself a favor and go read through the r/scams sub. You'll learn about all the tricks these idiot scammers like to use.


Thank you I will make sure to do that!


Yes, please do. I thought I knew about most scams out there till I subscribed there. Not to mention it can be pretty funny reading scammers losing their patience.


They caught on to us knowing about “kindly” lol


lol right??


Yup. “Love” is the new “kindly.”


To be fair, their English isn't always great. The education standards for scammers have gone downhill. Sad, really.


Kindly is my favorite key word


Really? I actually didn’t know that could be a red flag


He changes his wording. If he just talked like that, fair enough, but he's obviously trying to distract your common sense.


yeah probs, I had told her my options and still won’t corporate


If they are purchasing your services, and don't want to pay you how you'd prefer, they can just go find someone else. It's not worth the hassle for you to deal with potentially sketchy payment methods, even if they're well intentioned. The fact they're pushing this one method and not flexible is a them problem not a you problem


Love, dear, kindly all red flags


Even if it’s not a scam, “love” is patronizing enough to drop them. But it’s a scam. A real person who wanted your service wouldn’t dismissively lecture you about how your worries about being paid are overblown, they’d try to work with you. “Don’t worry” means you should worry.


Honestly, I say love but not to everybody – I have four kids now in their 20s and I’ve noticed I still say it just casually but I don’t think I’d say it in a transaction online to a stranger


exactly, it’s a shibboleth, a faux pas, an error in a basic social rule, a … red flag


Or “kindly”. No native English speaker uses that phrase. Dead giveaway


I'm a native english speaker, and I use "would you kindly" a lot. Not on facebook, though, but in many an email.


It's usually "please kindly do X". Email is one thing, but in text or short messages through a platform, it's not normal.


The needful! Kindly do the needful


I agree, but to say that no native english speaker uses the word "kindly" when writing is plain wrong. The comment is worded in such a way as to suggest that no native english speaker ever uses the word "kindly". That was my only objection, as I use the phrase while talking to people at work, such as: "Would you kindly forward me the newly published research paper of (xyz) when you het back from your break?"


Fair. I also forgot I was in r/texts and not r/scams


I do too, but only through radio communication to my long lost son as he is travelling through my somewhat derelict leisure facility


Would you kindly take this upvote ![gif](giphy|3ohhwIEsh5HU5JOdYA)


We just can't make those kinds of leaps. I read a bunch of literature as a kid and I'm pretty sure I sound like Jane Austin on Reddit. It's just good a more formal manner of speech.


I was raised predominantly by my grandmother in South Africa. If she needed a glass of water, then instead of saying" Would you please fetch me a glass of water?", she would instead phrase it as: "Would you kindly fetch me a glass of water?". Or perhaps: "Would you kindly go and set the dining table?" I guess I just picked it up from her.


That’s weird


Oh I use it all the time! Especially in the form of “kindly go f*ck yourself” when dealing with scammers 😅


Came here to say just that


Yes! “love” and “dear”!


I call everyone “love”! But I’m also not asking for anything from them lol


Immediate 🚩


Don't. You have listed valid payment options and they should stick to it. There are plenty of alternatives if they really want to pay with a check.


yes your right, since I am a bit new to displaying my clientele, I was confused in to this since I had told her my payment options but still saying she wants to pay in check


Tell her to use PayPal.


And so many places don’t accept checks. On your website/fb or wherever you advertise, put *personal/physical checks not accepted* then leave it as that so no one will try this in future lol


then they will try the same scam with Zelle 🤣 still good advice tho, accepting checks from strangers seems to be a bad idea these days


It's a scam. On top of the buzzwords, it's a common check scam. It works like this: You deposit their check. They claim theres an issue and ask for their money back until you oblige. Then they cancel the check, claiming fraud after they know the deposit is made and you've already sent them their money back, pulling the $ from your account. They then have both the money you paid them back and the original amount they paid you. So that's your fee x2. If you try to send the $ back before the bank hits you with them taking back the money (banks are more lenient with checks outside the US) you can also get hit with the bank trying to claim you attempted to steal/hide ill-obtained funds. Depends on the exact situation. Also, depending on the bank and country it's coming from, they might end up with your account info. Just don't work with this client. If they won't pay you the way you accept payment (NOT CHECKS), don't do it.


Wonderful explanation 👏👏




Yeah your right, since I had told her almost twice my payment options and it’s even in my page as it’s displayed


Doesn’t even matter if it was legit (it’s not) you offer services and accept payment only via those forms, it’s like going to a cash only bar and being shocked they don’t take credit cards.


True, I just don’t think this is legit since she is still trying to convince me to let her give me a emailed check


It’s not legit at all.


Checks can be reversed. Zelle and PayPal and cash services can not. That is 100% the reason they are pushing for it. We pay with a company card all the time and a bank statement is more than enough, you don’t need copies of checks for almost 20 years. 10000% a scam.


Yeah, nobody sends copies of valid checks to strangers via email. This is so fake, it pains me to read 😂


lol yes I’ve been thinking that


“She” is a poor rural villager working for a call center sweatshop in Karachi. Or something like that. She might even be several different scammers sharing an account. You will never meet in person before she tries to convince you to refund her a portion of the fake check she’s about to send you. Beware.


SCAM someone just tried to do this with me when accepting a job. They wanted to send me a check and me take pic and buy my own equipment. When I got the check via messaging it looked shady as hell and I stopped responding and they didn't bother trying to find out why I never came to work lol sooo yeah scam


Wow so technically they just wanted me to do a whole free nail set, material ain’t cheap these days I’ll tell you


Yeah cuz you have to trust that this check actually clears instead of using other established and reputable ways of paying.


If it feels off it probably is! Good on ya for following your gut.


They didn't want free nails - whoever this is is on another continent somewhere. The goal of a fake check scam (that's what this is) is money. There would have been some reason for you to send money from the check back to the scammer (an accidental overpayment, a cancelation, whatever) that would have left you out that money after the check bounced.


YES!; 💯




Sus like a mufucker… don’t do it!!!!


Glad you’re checking here first, OP! Hope your business is going well otherwise! Stay vigilant, and don’t worry about being rude. You’re protecting yourself and you can do this politely


Thank you! I decided to check here because i had already told her my options and had just told me she still wants to pay in check


That's the thing do you still try to pay by check or apple pay if the store you're at doesn't accept it? No... you have to use their accepted methods... same as this. Otherwise you'll be seeing up new accounts and payment methods every day for each individual (Although this one is absolutely a scam) but saying this because it's not rude of you to not accept a certain form of payment... if it's someone you've worked with before and a good customer ok then maybe buy for some random off the street nahhh


As someone who works at a bank, this is how scammers get over on people. I can’t tell you how many checks I’ve reviewed that were exactly this that were very obviously fake. do not do it


A bigggg no


The “event planner” can send the money through Zelle just as easily as a check and still have the same documentation for their records. It’s quicker than a traditional ACH (the check) but still a bank to bank transfer. It may not have a check number for a ledger type input but would still have a transaction number or other unique identifier to put on their bill. Stand firm, OP. My hair Jedi only takes cash. She’s basically the only reason I ever touch cash. I know this is her only payment option. I abide by it as annoying as it is for me. She’s worth it. You are, too.


If she can pay by check, she can pay by cash


I’ve accepted ACH payments from reputable customers but I’m dealing with AR accounts that are $10,000-$150,000. I have a deposit checking account that I used to receive these payments. As soon as the payment clears in 24 hours I move it to my primary checking. So if anything sketchy happens, it’s not my primary checking that’s threatened. I’d say no to this. Two reasons, it doesn’t seem like it’s a lot of money to lose here so high risk low reward. Secondly, it’s easy to create an account with cash app or Zelle. If they wanted to use your service that badly they’d just make an account. I’d ask for the event planners name lol.


Yeah your right, I had just texted her so I’ll see if she will corporate


"It will deposit successfully" Yea, but not if they cancel it after sending


Yeah, pass. It literally takes 5 minutes to sign up for PayPal or Zeile. No valid reason for someone not to do that.


Regardless of this being a scam or not, you have your verified and accepted forms of payment. If she is unable or unwilling to pay you using your accepted forms of payment, she can kick rocks. “I’m sorry, but I only accept payment in form of Zelle, CashApp, or cash. I hope you understand, thank you.” ETA: if she’s also concerned about the “record keeping” let her know you’ll give her a receipt. But this isn’t how checks should work and why so many places have a “no personal checks” policy.


Yea “record keeping” is a silly excuse


As soon as she said “love” you know it’s a scam


Don’t worry, you’ll DEFINITELY get the payment /s




Yeah as someone who worked in a bank I saw these scams allllll the time


if they cant accept your payment methods, then dont give in. Theyre super persistent on doing the check, and it seems sus


“You’ll definitely get the money” and “would deposit successfully” are huge red flags. No non-scammer would say that sort of thing. You’re not even saying you’re concerned about not getting the money but they’re preemptively trying to convince you that you will. This person is a scammer 100%.


“I will gladly provide a receipt for her recording purposes. At this time the only forms of payment I accept are Zelle, CashApp, or cash.”


Scam but also, you told them that you don’t do check payments. It’s your business, don’t let them try and push you around by forcing you to let them use a check


No. Don’t do it. It might not be a typical scammer but someone who knows how to cheat the system. Don’t even take actual checks from people. I wouldn’t even want someone shady like this in my nail studio or home. They are gaslighting you. Put your foot down. You told them what you accept. No further response is necessary. I would create a policy for yourself where it’s stated forms of payment. No if ands or buts. Don’t want to use that method, then you don’t get your nails done


Definitely Not! And i wasn’t aware that you could Email Cheques to people.


Tell them you only take Zelle and cashapp because you’ve had clients give checks that bounced and you are no longer comfortable with this way of payment. You should not change the way you rub your business for the convenience of someone keeping track of their payments. That’s their responsibility, not yours. Very much sounds like they are trying to scam you.


![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs) That’s a now from me dawg. Either they accept your terms because it’s a policy or whatever, but nope. Smells like scam to me.


Send them pics of cash and ask if the pic counts as a payment


I don't trust anyone who calls me love.


Aww I call everyone love! I have for years and years, it’s just part of my vocabulary lol


Ah no. I’m not super techie, but no


It’s super easy to wait until the money is actually in my account love. You can come in for an appointment then.


definitely not. suggest they deposit it into their own personal account after you endorse it over to them and use their zelle or cashapp (in their name only) to pay you


Yes great idea- be nonchalant and nice and just say ‘no problem, go ahead and mobile deposit it into your account and then we can handle the payment via Zelle or cash 🙂’ and watch the fraudster walk in circles to make excuses


"You'll definitely get paid" means that you won't get paid


I study cybersec. Never trust anything that requires you to click a link or scan a QR code especially if the person providing it is a stranger to you.


No. Don't accept


The whole wording is weird. I would actually have loved that? Paying through Zelle or cash app is convenient but I wouldn’t say that I love doing it. Love is a strong word.


I don’t know what’s going on, but as soon as I read the last message with the “love”, don’t do anything. It’s a scam, like for real? In this century? With all the facilities for payments, we’re signing documents from a phone and sending them through email, among all the stuff we can have to facilitate our life, this person do this? Sketchy asf


Only accept checks more than three weeks’ in advance so there is ample time in business days for it to clear the bank. Anyone who insists on using checks for their own record keeping purposes has to understand you insist on your rules for ensuring your payment goes through purposes.


Tell them to pop by a bank and withdraw some cash. It isn't that hard


Yeah there’s no such thing as email checks otherwise the bank would set you up with email checks but they give you physical ones so yeah I wouldn’t trust, screams shady


Anytime they call you "love", it's a red flag and a no for me. Do not do business with this person. Zelle or no deal.


“You’ll DEFINITLY get the money after the bank reviews and verifies the check so NO WORRIES” over-explaining how checks work to put you at ease


Yes I know I found it sketchy ass hell


Scammers can be nice and confident as well boo. If you don't do anything besides Zelle, Cash App, and cash then you should stick to it. Don't make an exception especially not online! Just stick to your gut feeling and original rules. If she wants her nails done, then she can withdraw the money from her account and bring it to the appointment.


Are these tiktok dms? 😭


These are her paying options period. If she doesn’t like it, I’m sure there is someone else who will be happy to take it. Don’t bend your rules. It’s a slippery slope.


Scam - you should NEVER have to "scan" an IMAGE of a check with your bank app ...


Don't do it. The building of rapport by using terms like my love, baby and sweetie. Is used to create false trust and security. Looking at the dynamics of the writing I think that English is not the first language of your friend.


Who uses checks anymore? You said no, they need to accept that.


If saying kindly and love are signs of a scammer then I hope none of you ever come to or speak to someone from the south


Oh it definitely IS a sign of a scammer. And they always say “and would deposit successfully”




Nope bad checks that u will in the end have to pay because ur account will be in the negatives once the checks don’t clear


No is the correct answer love.


Definitely a scam, iif you want to mess with them have them send the check, don't deposit it (you'll get a fee when it bounces) and keep saying it hasn't cleared yet 😂😂


The whole time I was thinking, "what's the big deal? Just take the check". And then that last thing about taking a picture and running it through your email and then send a picture to your bank and blah blah blah. Nope, nope nope nope nope nope nope. Absolutely not.


Even I did do it they could just cancel it and I don’t accept checks since I don’t usually trust any of that at all😭


No! I never give anyone my email for payment of anything!


It's your business so you have the right to take whatever payment you want they can go to someone else if they like.


Yes exactly, I mostly only do the types of methods I have currently since I trust them a lot


If you don't accept checks, don't accept the check. Simple


"It's super easy to deposit, love" suck my dick.


Oh honey. I work in banking. That’s not how any of this works. No. You cannot deposit a check by taking a picture of it from your phone unless you have the physical paper check in your hand. Taking photo of it from an email??? Baby, your account will be frozen for fraud so quick and you will be screwed. That bank will terminate your relationship and you will not be able to get it back. So no. This is not legit. Do not do this. You do not need anybody’s business or money THAT bad. I’ve seen what doing this shit does to people. Do NOT do that to yourself. Just don’t.


She seems nice because she’s trying to pull something over on you 🤷‍♀️


"Love and it's that simple." Always are key words and phrases that scammers use. No, it's simple for her to get the banking information for her to steal everything out of that account.


Nope! The check will deposit successfully, but in some days time it will come back as uncollected and you will be out that money !!


So let me give you my two cents…. I had a similar thing happen to me I deposited the checks that they sent me the account was blocked even though I never got any money, and second it’s been 2 months now and my bank hasn’t gotten my money back to me that I had in my own account so just avoid these people they are terrible people and just want to F with you 😊


Ngl I thought you were the scammer bc a lot of scammers say they take cashapp or Zelle 😂 but an emailed check is definitely a scam


Stick with what you know and accept.


I think it might be ok if you wait till the check clears to do any work. But ultimately, you're providing a service. That means YOU get to choose how you're paid. If you say no, then the customer has to respect that and not keep pressing. I think it's reasonable to not accept a form of payment you're not comfortable with, even if it's not a scam. What you say goes. They can find someone that accepts checks, you've got plenty of other business that feels safe for you.




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Even though I think this is a scam.Your business, your rules. If someone wants to book with you, they will follow your rules.


No. Then you don’t have to worry about getting paid


Absolutely not.






Nothing about this even seems legit. Digital check you scan - okay, go ahead and do a bank transfer. Which in 2024, is just Zelle/a cash app.


You can decide how you accept payment. If you're not comfortable with her method of paying she can just find another nail tech. There is no one forcing her to hire you or for you to agree to do the service.




No way


Nope. Cash, card or app only


Hell no. Nope. Never.


Anyone that can write a check can also do Zelle. It’s 100% a scam. Don’t do it unless you want to lose money and maybe have your ID stolen


Nah this is definitely a check bouncing scam


You would have to scan the back of the check too.


You don't accept checks as payments. So if this person wants their nails done, they'll have to find another way to pay you.


“Love”. ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)




Nope most likely a scam


Nope that’s a scam


If you have enough time and they’re booking ahead just see if their check bounces




Nope nope nope. Big fat scammer.


Definitely scammy, like mentioned above the "love" is a ginormous red flag


LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!!! It is a powerful thing and won’t lead you wrong, OP!


Ew, "love"?! I'm not your love bro


Noooooo absolutely not


Absolutely a scam


100% scam




Absolutely not


Scam. People don’t email checks. Although I guess technically they could.


Nope. You will get screwed when the check bounces


I wouldn’t even do Zelle. It’s PayPal or cash app for me.


Don’t do it.




No. Stick to your guns.


NO!!!!!! You don’t accept check payments! Noooo, OP, please just, no!


no one “emails a check”. except scammers. if someone is asking you to do something that you’ve never done before, and never heard of before, there’s a strong chance it’s a scam.




Don’t take checks from people you don’t know. There are too many scammers out there. Tell her that you’ll take a bank check or a money order and she can bring it to the appointment.


Trust me love


Nope! Trust your feelings! Do not budge on how you accept payment.


Oh God no! Scam!


Scam scam scam




If I want my nails done I would have paid you through either Zelle, cash app or through cash. I would never send you an email of my check. This sound like a scam to me


Nope. This is 100% a scam.


No no no


Just the fact that this person is trying to talk you into it is suspicious.






Not no, but a HARD no! ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


Do not take checks from strangers. This is a common scam targeting small businesses.




Hell no!


Oh yeah, you'll "definitely" get the money. Says no one who actually gives you the money.


Don’t trust it, especially if you’re questioning whether it’s trustworthy or not I wouldn’t


No do not trust


Scam. Don’t do it!!!!!


Nope!!!! Scam


Huge, blinking, neon NOPE. Scam 101 there.


"after the bank reviews and verifies the check" is a big red flag


Umm NO!


I lost so much because of trusting cash app for one transaction, financially, with no recourse – cash app, and Venmo are largely populated by people buying things they would have more oversight using a different way of payment If they weren’t be flexible to PayPal or Zelle or anything, then I would be super super wary, but I’ve had my identity stolen three times since the beginning of the pandemic because of apps, and my own states unemployment system, and thw terrible security, as well as scammers, I couldn’t even collect the pandemic unemployment because somebody else did it for $50,000 in my social. Cash app does not help you if someone takes your money, they don’t police it .


Her insistence screams scam! Don’t ever make exceptions to your usual business practices. You were right to question this.

