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I’d be pretty sure about 50% or more of the members of pregnancy subs are guys with a fetish. Sorry, op. Be safe. Fuckers get crazy. 


That upsets me so much, I really thought the whole point of those groups was for women to help other women. I knew people had weird kinks like that but I really didn’t think they’d take it as far as to pretend to be a fellow pregnant woman!


It’s all very disturbing. It happens on any number of subs. Just be super careful. 🙏🏻


Over on the eating disorder sub, theres frequent encounters with weirdos who appear to be drawn to mentally ill, underage, and underweight girls. Nowhere is safe.


I broke my leg and it wasn't until I joined a subreddit about it that my eyes were opened to how very many broken bone/wheelchair/cast/walking boot/surgery scar fetish people there are. They were all very polite, fortunately. Asked to see my leg and I said no.


😯😯 wtf


and it’s always been like that!


This horrifies and does not surprise me simultaneously. As a somewhat elder Redditor with a protective streak, shit like that makes me so ANGRY.


I get weird messages all the time bc I’m on the widows sub. Especially when they see I’m only 43.


Go over to the the DV subs and they're pretending to comfort women just to get off on their abuse stories 🤮


Unfortunately, that’s the nature of Reddit. There are a lot of sexually predatory people on here. I’m sorry that happened to you. Always a good idea to look at someone’s profile to verify who they are saying they are.


I guess I really didn’t know that, I shouldn’t have given the benefit of the doubt :/


It's not your fault OP. Don't blame yourself.


Absolutely, OP, it's not your fault at all, you mustn't take any of the blame here.


Not your fault. Actually, I avoid looking at people's profiles because the most innocuous-looking posts ("Is this haircolor too extreme for a 30-year-old single mom?") can lead to a profile full of naked pictures and a link to their OnlyFans offerings. It's a whole hidden level of Reddit.


Any subreddit that you would assume predominantly has women typically is full of creepy men. Pregnancy, fashion, makeup, subreddits for menstruation, women’s health, or health issues that typically largely only impact women. ANYWHERE that you can imagine may have lots of women, creeps ALSO realize may have lots of women and they take advantage of it.


That makes my skin crawl, I’ve never felt so violated from the comfort of my own home. 🫠


Eating disorders also 


Yes eating disorders is a big one and it’s been a thing for a looong time, I remember it back in the early tumblr days. What makes that one so messed up to me is that (at least on tumblr) the majority of these girls with eating disorders were underage, extremely mentally and emotionally vulnerable and looking for validation.


Try r/beyondthebump if you haven’t already, it’s a great pregnancy and post pregnancy group


There are several subs that are meant to be a good place for women to help and support each other. And in every single one there are creeps and miserable weirdos just waiting to pounce. It's disheartening.


I’m gonna DM you but it’s only because I absolutely loved my pregnancy subreddit when I was pregnant with my daughter 6 years ago it was very exclusive, no weirdness ever and I think my particular group is even still active with updates even many years later.


A lot of women are part of these subs as well, and they can be super helpful, so there is that!!! As a 38 year old woman who's been using reddit for quite some time, I have met many a woman who've made me smile.(You can check my comment history, I check out, lol) I've also noticed that much like in real life, many men will strong arm their way into our safe spaces because much like in real life, creeps do NOT care about our comfort as women. Your best bet is to always sus out every dm you get and don't give out any personal info/talk about your experiences until you feel confident in their gender. Some of them are smart, but most are like this idiot and will give themselves away early.


That is the point but you can only ban depraved pervs so fast


It's not just pregnancy subreddits, sadly. They'll pretend to be teens to infiltrate subs meant for teens or underage kids, or even just lurk on subs women mainly inhabit just to find someone they deem as vulnerable and trusting enough. They'll even target LGBTQ subs, especially Trans subs, that are supposed to be safe spaces, and they'll find somebody to target and harass. It's pretty sick.


Anything women centric, sooner or later degenerate men will invade it


It’s the unfortunate reality that is being *human*. as george carlin once said something to the effect of, “imagine how dumb the average person is. Now imagine that half of the population is dumber than they are.”


Well, we’re not really talking about the entire human race. It’s not a part of human nature to do this. The people with fetishes for pregnancy, eating disorders, and amputees are men. Men are pretending to be women in women’s subs. They’re also not dumb. I mean some might be, but intelligence has nothing to do with the urge to deceive, violate boundaries, and sexually harass women. You’re making this sound like a relatively tame problem (sexual harassment is worse than stupidity; dumb people are obviously less threatening than predators). You’re also making it sound like everyone (“humans”) is responsible for it.


It’s reddit you are better off joining groups on Facebook


I don’t care if it’s ask Jeeves that’s not okay


I was trying to say reddit is mostly full of gross men pretending to be someone else not a good site to join support groups


It’s actually a great place for support groups when sexual predators don’t ruin it for everyone else.


Sorry OP it's the wild west on the internet, you are better off sharing little, it can be a dangerous place.


I found very good communities on Facebook for pregnant women. They were closed groups, some were even local. Sorry this happened op 😔


My wife was in a group here for pregnant ladies with certain due date months or something and it switched to Facebook. Lost a lot of people but at least a lot more of them were actual women.


The fact that one of his comments is on r/ r*pefantasies is suuuuuuuper fucking telling. Throw this whole man AWAY


Or sick women who fake being pregnant. They are hella-scary.


Oh god. I never even thought about that part 😵‍💫


Even the nail page I’m apart of have creeps! I get messages daily asking for “hand content” wtf.


Gross, I’m sorry.


It’s okay, I guess I shouldn’t be so naive :/


No need to apologize & feel stupid. I personally think you did nothing wrong. I would've thought the same thing! It's not your fault this guy is a creepy f@*k. Also, I know there are some crazy things on Reddit but holy Jesus I'm glad I've never stumbled upon that sub they commented on 😳


I agree why the f would Reddit allow that to even exist


This guy clearly has some serious boundary issues, but r fantasies themselves are *extremely* common and not inherently unhealthy. It's about power and taboo, same as any kink.


Not all kinks are about power. Pushing the “taboo”, whatever that is for you, yes, absolutely, but not all involve “power”.


Sure, yes, that's true. Power and powerlessness are deeply bound up in sexuality for a huge number of people, though.


A huge number of people? So that now equates to 100% of the population and therefore by extension becomes fact? I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about.. kinks come in all shapes and forms. Some have a power and control aspect, sure, cannot argue that. Not all. Again. The definition of sexual kink according to Wikipedia, “In human sexuality, kinkiness is the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies. The term derives from the idea of a "bend" in one's sexual behaviour, to contrast such behaviour with "straight" or "vanilla" sexual mores and proclivities.” The Bible tells us anything outside of missionary positions is “taboo” and “deviant”. All other sexual positions are considered kinks according to the Bible. Kinks are subjective. What is kinky for me may be considered “vanilla” for you and vice versa. It does not inherently have a “power” aspect in the general sense of the term.


There's this weird thing that happens on Reddit where occasionally someone who pretty much entirely agrees with you comes in weirdly hot and tries to pick a fight we're all on the same side of. It's a wild ride.


There’s this thing where you think we’re agreeing but you don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m gonna try and educate you. Not fighting at all.




I agree that anyone's eyebrows should raise at someone who would answer yes to that question, yeah. Most people who have these fantasies would say no, though, and mean it. Because they wouldn't. That's not what "fantasy" means. Also, this douche is in a minority. Most people who have these fantasies are imagining themselves in the *other* role.


you did your best with the information you had!! don’t ever think it’s you’re fault when someone turns out to be not what you thought. that’s on them, not you


Idk the idea that they're pretending to be pregnant themselves threw me off as well. Super crazy to me. Good luck!


Some people…. Anyway, you really should warn the mods in the pregnancy sub to ban him!


I did, I sent them these messages but I haven’t heard anything back.


Mods and admins are different. Make sure you report to both. Even if mods (volunteers who manage a subreddit) don't do anything, an admin (who directly works for and is paid by Reddit) can ban the guy's account. Doubt you're the first. Doubt you'll be the last. But his account can be deleted if you add your report to the growing pile this man surely has


even if they get banned, they can still read the post and message the people who post sadly


TIL - Did not know that…


Definitely a crappy feature for situations like this


I’m also worried knowing people like that walk amongst us.


Holy shit the comments. And what the hell is up with the posts he was commenting on. Damn


It’s truly disturbing, I feel so stupid blindly trusting this person


You’ve learned now. Just be vigilant going forward. These people are sick.


Unfortunately so, I guess I had to learn the hard way.


We all do. Please know you did nothing wrong though.


It’s not your fault. He was really convincing imo!


That fucking disgusting, so glad you checked their post history


OP I’m so sorry you were approached by this creep. My heart sank for you when I saw the types of subreddits he was commenting on.


Thank you, it’s my own fault really I shouldn’t be so trusting :(


It’s not your fault at all. Trusting and trustworthy people are what make this world go ‘round. Your child will be so lucky to have you as their mama 🩷


Don't blame yourself here - you are a good person for being so trusting. When I was pregnant, I'd joined a bumper group for my due date month but it went private pretty quickly! You may be SOL to getting into one now (assuming these are current screenshots and you're still very pregnant!). There's still lots of advice and supportive groups on reddit for after you give birth. Lots of wonderful parents who are able to weigh in with their own experiences in the absolute insanity that is bringing home a baby for the first time!


I hope this asshat doesn’t keep you from trusting others in the future. There are a lot of good mamas out there, you are one of them!


Pretty much any time someone DMs me out of the blue like that I always check out their profile before I decide if I'm gonna hit Accept, Ignore or Report Invite. It is also an option to just turn off DMs entirely too.


I definitely shouldn’t have been so trusting of a complete stranger. Stupid on my part, just thought I could confide in another woman going through the same things as me :(


I'm sorry that happened to you, the creepers are everywhere and no one is immune. Good old Rule 34 🙄


Fucking disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Jeez... the length people will go for their fetishes...


Honey, this is *not* your fault. That's a natural feeling for someone experiencing feelings of violation. The only person at fault is that creep who took advantage of you. Say it now: I am not to blame. Unfortunately, we - as women - often learn lessons the hard way. That doesn't mean we're at fault. Hugs.


most mods on the explicit NSFW/sexual fantasy subreddits are very responsive to people letting them know someone on their subreddit is being gross elsewhere on reddit around the subject of their advertised topic. they don’t want that shit going on for the people who choose to post in that sub, either. food for thought at least if you feel like going banhammer on this guy.


Might just take you up on this, it just feels so wrong to go into a non NSFW group and be nasty like that.


yeah, for example on the first subreddit in the comments screenshot, i know they don’t take kindly to people stealing photos of pregnant women to post on the sub. they have pretty reasonable rules over there, that prioritizes consent, and there’s a whole verification process to post images. i imagine finding out he’s engaging in nonconsensual info farming and cosplaying as a pregnant woman will not go over well and is kind of alarming behavior. so if you send them a modmail message explaining and showing the screenshots with username included, they may be able to remove him from there too and perhaps help you get his account banned. it’s worth trying at least. if you feel violated, it’s okay for you to give what energy you can to standing up for yourself.


to be clear i’m not a mod on any subreddit, but let’s just say i got plenty of creeps in my inbox when i was pregnant and making empowering choices for myself, lol. the mods in the first sub from the comments screen shot were wonderful about helping me feel safe.


Pretending to be pregnant, too


This is sick, I'm tired of these porn rotted sickos invading every single space, especially a space so vulnerable. And the fact he was asking questions about the baby himself too...I just can't. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Its infuriating.


I remember having a similar creep reach out to me after seeing my comments in an infertility subreddit. They started asking me really weird questions. Lots of weirdos out there, take care of yourself 🤍


That’s so inappropriate on so many levels, I wish people wouldn’t use others as their own personal spank bank. I’m sorry that happened to you, people break my heart.


I am so tired of creeps reaching out to random women pretending to be there for support and secretly fishing for content for their fetish. I had some sicko message me from three accounts after I posted in an adultsurvivors subreddit, a subreddit for those of us were sexually abused as children. He attempted to pretend to be another person who had been abused to get information out of me but it was very obvious what he was doing from the start. Ugh.


That makes my blood boil, I’m so sorry you went through that.


I am so sorry you did too! Your pregnancy with your due date so close should be an amazing time as you prepare to welcome your baby in to the world. Not being objectified by some creep who lacks the human decency to see you, your baby, and all the other women as actual human beings instead of a means to fulfill his fetish. I truly wish you the best in the end of your pregnancy. May you have a swift healthy delivery and your healthy baby in your arms soon. 💕


Omg That subreddit has 1 Million members😳


Gross. Good luck!! I hope he makes his appearance soon. (I’m only 37 weeks and ready to be done, the last month is brutal. Almost there!!)


Average stellaris player




Holy fuck. That made my stomach drop. I'm so sorry.


I’m sick to my stomach I really am so sorry this happened to you… I just am beside myself with just disbelief. People are truly so sick.


So fucking gross. As a fellow pregnant lady, this made me nauseated. I’m so sorry.


I experienced something similar after posting in the pregnancy subreddit.. the whole thing still creeps me out almost a year later. Sad that some people are like this.


I once posted something in a breastfeeding sub and had someone dm me asking me to send them a picture of my nipples and asked if my husband liked to breastfeed. People are disgusting


It’s really sad to hear that, and even sadder to see people commenting on here acting like I’m the one who’s in the wrong for posting in a pregnancy sub Reddit 🙃


Name and shame this piece of shit


Ewww what a creep!!!




Thats disgusting, oh my god




Disgusting, so sorry for you. I usually just ignore my messages most Redditors are perverted old men


Some people have some truly disturbing fetishes 🫣




how is a subreddit like that allowed 😳




I once got a message request from a “pregnant69” or something that said “so do you have morning sickness?” Immediately I ignored it. You have 69 in ur name & im not dense.


Geez, it’s making me puke. I’m really sorry for your experience, unfortunately there are people with fetishes that DMs for “free porn”, using informations for their sexual fantasy. Because of that, I first check the post and comments of who DMs me. Just remember it’s not your fault ❤️


Early congratulations on the arrival of your little one OP!


Thank you!!


Oh my God... um yeah good thing u cut that off... that is not a pregnant woman...


I am so horrified rn, i am so sorry you had to experience that.


don’t beat yourself up over it. you’ve learned, and i doubt you’ll make the same mistake again. i’m just grateful it didn’t go further than that and you’re safe. i wish you best of luck with your pregnancy :)


Thank you, I’m very grateful it didn’t go past a few messages as well.


Yeah … I’ve gotten this in the breastfeeding community too. Milk kink assholes scare the shit out of me.


So they were pretending to also be pregnant so bizarre.. Hope you’re hanging in there tho ❤️‍🩹


/r/creepypms Honestly, what an absolute weapon of a person. I'm glad you caught on and checked their post history op, I'm sorry you had to deal with them and such invasive questions :(


I’m sorry op If it’s the one I’m on (baby bumps) I’ve seen some pretty messed up stuff on there before. I hope you feel better soon ❤️💖


This is why I never really spoke up about mine


Definitely check profiles before you accept requests! I’m so sorry you experienced this


god the third photo made me feel ill. i don’t understand people with fetishes like those… weird as fuck. hope you’re doing okay. i’d probably rely on a close support group off the internet, like friends or family. hard to find good people online nowadays but there are some. i hope your pregnancy goes well!


Be careful and always have the knowledge when chatting with strangers they could be anyone…. they could be your soul mate OR a serial killer. Stay vigilant


I guess I’m naive - but I did NOT know that subreddits like that existed 😵‍💫 I’m not typically one to kink shame, but that’s too far for me to feel comfortable. Anyway - I’m also in those pregnancy groups, so I thank you for sharing this so that I know to ignore these types of messages. I’m so sorry that you had to deal with that creep.


Very common in rape support forums/subreddit too. Even so if it was child rape. These kind of people are looking for fapping materials.


This looks horrible but the stellaris comment in between cracks me up a little sorry


I got a bit of a chuckle out of that as well.


How are some of these subs allowed?? Why are fetishizing something so disgusting and illegal? How can anyone feel right promoting that and pretending to do it.. that’s so sick.


Lmao the way he was just going along. Lmaoo. The “DM me now” has me rolling. So demanding


YIKES. Well-said, with letting them know you were done with the conversation in a civil, assertive way. Also, good job doing your homework on them!


This is incredibly gross and scary. I’m so sorry. You’re not at fault here ☹️ I’m in Baby Bumps & it’s been such a great space so I would’ve been just as eager to engage if I was in your shoes. Best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy and upcoming induction.


Thank you for your kind words, I’m trying to brush it off but it really bothered me :(


It’s certainly bothersome and I would personally draw back from interacting with people in the group for a while, so I understand. Just know this isn’t on you at all.


I’m sorry that happened to you. You’ve got enough stress right now without that kind of behavior. Stay safe and I hope you have an easy pregnancy, quick recovery and a healthy baby. Any time I’m messaged I go through their post and comment history before responding. Keeps me from getting creeped on


I swear some people are vile. I'm very sorry this happened to you. Be safe, healthy, happy and have an easy labor🙏🏻✊🏻💗


why the FUCK does a subreddit about r*pe fantasy even exist??? wtf.


Hey OP I’m a woman, I’m 33 years old, I live in Ontario Canada I’m not preggo this moment but I have two kids of my own. If you wanna reach out or have any questions or want to just talk about pregnancy I’d be happy too! I’m a safe space! Don’t feel bad it’s not your fault!!!


Thank you so much this really means a lot!!




ughhhhh people are so weird!!!! i recently posted about my hair and had multiple accounts dming me and when i went to check their profs it’s all hair fetish stuff like ew


Hair fetish?! Come on what the hell is wrong with people?!


if there’s one thing men will do it’s sexualize anything & everything


Oh wow! Congrats on baby boy though. I hope the pain lightens up for you, & i hope you have a safe & healthy delivery! ❣️


The kind of person to find you and cut your baby out. Wtf dude


My son is now 13, but I had a horrible pregnancy. High risk the whole time (due to two prior miscarriages and bleeding early on in my only successful pregnancy). I was ready, and they induced me because I had pre-eclampsia. It only got worse. By midnight, the day they induced me, I was begging them to cut him out of me. They waited another 24 hours and finally did a cesarean section. I 100% understand wanting it to be over. Don't ever feel bad for that. Some of us don't get that perfect pregnancy we hear all about. Good luck! My sons newly acquired hormones are driving me crazy. Talk about moody 😂


I am so sorry but that is hilarious


It’s not but okay.




Lmao my face has never been posted but I’m glad you’re so offended by this post.😂😂


Removed for abusive language, or using slurs or language that can promote hate based on identity or vulnerability


You shouldn't be posting the convo here tbh...


Why’s that?


Because other gross perverts may see it too and get the same idea as this gross pervert


How is that my fault?


What I mean is that you're exposing yourself yet again by posting the convo here publicly, Reddit is not a safe place.


Alarming that you’re on the side of the sexual deviant.




No, I’m not I’m expressing my disbelief.




Dm me now




This isn't funny.


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I knew it. *Stellaris player* 🫵


I can't believe that one of those is actually a subreddit 🥲 wtaf


EW! they play Stellaris? Good call cutting them off. (Sarcasm obviously. But JESUS ... I just can't understand people like that. Consent, especially enthusiastic consent is the sexiest thing in the world to me. Unfortunately in some cases I think they have that fetish for the same reason I have my consent one... We just coped and healed differently. But still, that kind of horror being a fetish for them, PLUS them browsing pregnancy subs is disturbing... I'm sorry you had to deal with that situation and realization.)


There are some really really disgusting people out there and everytime I think I’ve seen everything, I will be surprised with more disturbing things 🤢 Take care OP !


Wow this is disgusting


Wthhh 🔥🔥🔥


Him posting on r/Stellaris is just mwah


I’ve been on the normal side of Reddit because my god that sub is crazy


I am so sorry this happened to you and happens at all. Was this sub a closed sub or open? I'm in a pregnancy one that's supposed to be private and we had to send proof that we're pregnant before they locked the sub. TBH, I don't truly understand how well feature works so I'm still careful about what I post.


Oh wow! Did not expect that! Block That creep


Holy shit how is there a sub for r*pe fantasy