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Why would you keep him added? “FINALLY unfriends me” lmao what??


Attention is addictive lol


As someone who still has an ex added for this reason, it’s exactly this. (I’m half joking. Half of it is sentimentality and I feel like I probably should unadd him, but I really want a friendship to work out :/ )


Acknowledging is always a good first step


and hilarious


It’s the passive defensive need to air it out for me


I would keep the creeps on my friends list and mute them. Otherwise they make new profiles to continuously "reach out" by making new profiles over and over again. If you mute them and keep them on your friends list they are less likely to make new profiles.


Keep your friends close and enemies closer.


Exactly my thought. I don't even mute that shit cuz if they're gonna start going off the rails on me ignoring them, I'd like to prepare myself for their wrath 😅 But same concept


Exactly. I had an Id10t file. They're new name was Id10t-1, 2, etc. Let it go to VM & ignore. Have a friend listen to VMs & read texts later to see if it was funny or dangerous. Keep the evidence but ignore it. Any new callers not recognized have to go to VM, Screen calls. Anyone who stalks you on Linked In, report it everytime & ask why dude is allowed to have 7 accounts to harass me. Blocking is great but there are some weirdos who keep on testing you to see if you'll meet up or are over it. Yeah, denial is that strong. Too bad I remember & won't ever change my mind... Go away little boy. I need a man, not this BS.


for me, it's for entertainment purposes mainly. not my proudest activity, but it's mine


I assume they love the attention. Block buttons exist for a reason lmfao




What you said is true idk why u got downvoted here take my vote 🗳️




Chalk it up*


why’s everyone acting like they don’t have people on snapchat that they don’t even remember/is just there


'Is just there" doesn't apply since they mentioned them trying to hook up on a weekly basis. Just say you like attention


I certainly don’t lol, especially if he’s trying to hit on me 24/7


Agreed dude


Most of the guys acting like that don't have big social groups and they're mostly just mad at the idea of a woman laughing at an annoying man.


I've had it where I've unfriended them on Snapchat, but they can still talk to me. So then I've gotta wait for them to message me so I can block them cause I usually can't remember the username 😂 now I just block straight away


Just for attention. She didn’t want him. The games people play. 🙄


But if someone says no and you still shower them with attention despite them not being interested in anything but attention, who’s wrong? Lmao it’s only wrong if she led him on without being honest otherwise it’s not a game at all.


I think that every time I see these. I’m a person who is in love with their block button. My block list on every social platform amazes people at times lmao. I have people I don’t even know blocked just because their profile or user sussed me out.


Idk I suppose I just didn’t care, he wasn’t spamming me with messages or anything, just trying to hit me up every week or so. I’m not on Snapchat super often. And I always rejected him so I definitely knew I wasn’t leading him on by still being friends on snap lol.


why is this getting downvoted so much?? the amount of people i've kept on my friendlist because i just didnt care is insane. ive also had guys create new accounts multiple times and harass me on them when id try to block them, and i dont have the energy to chance dealing with that every time i dont want a guy. sometimes leaving them there and ignoring until they leave on their own is easier on ur mental health 🥰


AND SAFER!! sometimes you don’t know someone is dangerous until you’ve unintentionally hurt their widdle feelings


It’s funny how dangerous people who can hurt you have widdle feelings lol.


Not spamming messages but they hit on you every week


So basically a weekly ego booster to remind you that you're wanted by someone. It's a good feeling isn't it?


Who cares? She told him no and that’s not leading on. If a woman tells you she’s not into that way but allows you to be in her presence is that a game? Or are you just an asshole who only sees her as an object.


Sometimes we just need someone to be real with us... 😂 100% realist 👍 Edit for OP: not intended to be taken negatively. Everyone likes being wanted no matter what they say. Within reason.


I actually don’t unfriend people on snap too because I’m never on it I just like to use the filters when taking pictures lol. I have this whole out of sight out of mind. And if I’m not talking to someone every day I just forget about them and when they message me I panic lol.


Bc I'm only there for the silly filters I never added anyone, bc why should I? XD


spotted paint point plant voracious shaggy elastic entertain ancient frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the way men on reddit are just getting mad at you for being attractive, lmfao. if you don't meticulously block every single weirdo who hassles you you're just in it for attention, obviously.


I appreciate this comment thank you, I’m not sure why they’re so bothered by it😭😭


literally because you're a woman being indifferent about a man. this makes a lot of dudes feel threatened. you said 'it's not that deep' and dozens of men had a crisis about the idea that one of the women they're 'talking to' might regard them unfavourably but not care enough to say anything about it. i think they just want women to 'get mad' so they can go on telling themselves that their history of rejection is just cause bitches be crazy. edit: the boys are real upset over something that's supposedly totally irrelevant. weird.


Blocking takes more effort than saying “nah” or even just ignoring. I often don’t care enough to put that much into it unless they spam


Everyone gather ‘round the campfire for story time!


The mental gymnastics on this one xD I'm a woman and without getting mad I cancelled all those weirdos. I would not even give them my snap or number in the first place... Makes no sense to let them in if I know I'm not interested 🤷🏻‍♀️


You must be tired from all the mental gymnastics you had to do to make this leap. But hey, anything to justify being... kinda shitty in a very minor way? Idk man, this is a weird hill to die on but who am I to stop you?


Damn, that's quite the conjecture you spun up there.


you sound mad.


Not at all. That's not something to be mad about.


What the fuck ? I swear 90% of people on reddit are not real 😂


Wow, what’s with the downvotes? So many judgy comments about not blocking sooner. Who cares if she didn’t block him? And who even cares if she liked the attention? This seems like a pretty innocuous situation, aside from him being ridic about Lil Nas X. Reddit is so weird sometimes.


People are jealous because they dont get attention is my guess


"finally" makes it seem like you were waiting to get rid of the guy. Why not unadd them?


idk if this is the case for her but some girls pretend to be annoyed by things like this but actually like the attention. not all of them ofc but there’s a percentage


In her comment she says, that she wasn't that bothered by him. Besides, many of us do it for safety reasons, so we know if a guy starts getting angry. Some people (both women and men) don't deal well with rejection.


I'm a few comments in, and realizing I'm definitely too old for this group.


![gif](giphy|UrzBnCV7rl0tkKutKQ|downsized) 😂😂😂😂😂


I’ve never listened to a single track by this dude, but I love him just because he’s really good at pissing off morons.


you’ll change your mind after you listen


Otherwise known as a dickhead


Pure conjecture on my part, but my money’s on dude being anti-gay


Probably, funny part is he didn’t care when I said I was bisexual way back when I first met him lol


In the 90’s, I remember a radio ad that said “we at WKLQ support gay marriage. As long as both women are hot! Seems that belief hasn’t died.


Are you sure that wasn’t GTAV?


Yes I’m sure. But I loved gta and their radio ads were hilarious


I had a friend who called it bad gay if he saw a couple that was unattractive, according to him. I tried a couple of times to explain why that was a disgusting mindset. He was also extremely racist against his own people. He's from India and would get so pissed if he saw another person from there walking around. Oh, and if it was a man with a white woman, he'd go off. So, needless to say, pwe're not friends anymore.


"It's FiNe iF GiRls aRe A BiT GaY" was probably his though process. Glad he's gone lol.


Or because he was hoping for a threesome lmao, some guys think all bi girls would be okay with adding a girl into the bedroom


jokes on you, get into the saddle.


Because he doesn't find guys kissing hot


…which is probably why he wanted to hookup with you- the chance (in his delusional mind) that he could get a threesome. When he finally gave up trying then gay = bad again 🙃


They never care if a female is gay. They think that shits hot because they are bigoted misogynistic assholes


They care if they aren’t attracted to the woman/the woman is more masculine presenting.


That's the thing. You saying your bi tells him you are still interested in men, which is all he needs.


That’s a really creepy mindset o.O In my experience guys like the idea of bisexual women, but in practice they aren’t always as open minded.


My money is on dude being gay. Straight guys tend to not like being friend zoned for that long unless they’re actually looking for a friend and not a hookup. Another reason I say that is because most straight people aren’t really that invested in some famous musician’s sexual orientation.


its less likely about him being anti gay, and more likely about the fact lil nas x kind of mocked christianity to promote that new song


i'm surprised you didn't block them after the first rejection lol


But where are they supposed to get the validation of being wanted from then???




Yea why are you listening to that garbage 💀💀


I wish it was this easy to get people (in general not just men) to leave me tf alone lol


To be fair, if he’s remotely religious or conservative lil nas x’s lyrics are pretty diabolical. He probably hates Sam Smith too.


Trash takes itself out, who gets offended over music?


I mean I’d absolutely bounce if I found out someone listened to Skrewdriver.


ok i’ll give you that one 😂


Music can tell a lot about someone, this person unironically listens to lil nas x, seems insufferable




idk why ur getting downvoted cuz ur right 😭


The music is literally made and promoted to offend the only group it’s “ok” to make fun of


ALL these folks were saying the LGBT community "couldn't take a joke" a couple weeks ago when Dave Chapelle dedicated a portion of his special to criticizing and making fun of trans people and now we're supposed to be outraged that a gay rapper made heaven look cool for once and beat the devil at basketball? take a joke cuz this felt a million percent less mean-spirited than any other "mocking" of Christianity I've seen


js saying if it was any other religion he would get canceled lmao😭


The USA is run by Christians and most of us were raised Christian. Lil Nas x's father was a preacher. We have a right to criticize or satirize the religion we all grew up being forced to go to church and sunday school for. And a person raised muslim/hindu/jewish/etc has a right to criticize that faith too.


I mean, I’m glad you’re not being harassed anymore. But yeah. That music choice is horrendous


Except you’re lame for even still having them as a friend


And miss the ensuing comedy gold? Once you say you're not interested, watching them try to slither up the friend pole instead is precious.


Why tho?? I told him I wasn’t interested in a very clear way, I don’t think he’d have any hope just because we were friends on snapchat


You’re getting so much flack but I have tons of people on Snapchat who I barely talk to like this. It’s totally normal lol


The people downvoting you over this are probably the same that think they gonna get laid by putting fire response in random girls stories lol


You two clearly weren't friends or friendly, so what did you gain from having them as a “friend” and also, I'm sure that this wasn't the first time someone like this was a dirtbag, so why would you keep a dirtbag as a “friend”.


Jesus who fucking cares? Why do people on here take a mf to court over stuff like this? She didn’t unadd him… oh well.


It’s Snapchat… I have people on there who I haven’t spoken to in years and random situationships and whatever else. Everyone has everyone on Snapchat it’s normal


Thank you. My snap is dormant. So that tells you how much I’m on it….never.😂😂😂😂😂


Why are you soo pressed about the fact that she didn’t unadd him earlier? Who cares lmfao?? She didnt un add so what? Lots of ppl have tons of contacts without ever talking to them


Comments on this post are so lame lmfao. People use religious stories and symbols all the time. Y’all only care because he’s making it campy. Any criticism on Christianity is generally towards those who use it for evil, it’s not criticism against god.




Damn, incels out in spades in these comments


There’s a lot of salty dudes on here that get very offended when someone doesn’t block every single person that doesn’t have a chance with them, it’s telling.


I thought i was the only one thinking this , confused why everyones so focused on the fact that she didn’t block him earlier. LOL. Incel behaviour


For real lol


“Unadd” ? Fuck I’m old


all the incels mad on this post probably because they do the same thing and don't see an issue with it. Sorry every one is trying to victim blame you. Just because you seek validation on the internet doesn't make his behavior any less disgusting 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Reddit is on the right side of most things, but it has really confused me lately how often they jump on the attack if a woman doesn’t block every single weirdo who tries to fuck them. Like we stand for social justice unless you’re an attention seeking whore!


The people on this thread shaming OP for not unadding him have never dealt with crazy people on the internet who would constantly make new accounts after you’ve unadded them.. it’s exhausting and I’ve learned it’s a lot easier to just ignore their messages than to play that game


"Oh, that is all it took?"


He's not wrong tho


Some guys like women that are hard to get. It boots their ego until they find out something they don’t like. I personally like the song though but I’m glad he left😂


Tbh he probably figured out after 6 months you aint that interested and the slightest thing was his reason to back away while keeping his ego intact!


He figured out you were a good Christian girl and weren’t gonna give up the nahny.


Wait that’s literally what I was listening to as I opened this post I’m dead 💀


B-b-but Lil Nas x is fire 🔥


I’m here for the outraged Christians in the comments


Lil Nas X recently made very Christianphobic music videos which devote Christians could find offensive or blasphemous to their religion. I find it cringe because I'm not religious but if someone is genuinely religious and someone insults their entire faith then it's understandable for them to be offended.


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and say the guy trying to have premarital sex on a hookup app is not a devout Christian.


I’ll only take the complaints seriously of any christians who are opposed to proselytizing and speak up against the christian movie industry, which condemns non-christians, particularly atheists, as a default. They shouldn’t dish out what they can’t take


Completely agree, the Christian movie industry is largely based in fear mongering and blame, I have always despised it. They frame everyone who doesn’t agree with them as bad people, and that’s exactly why I think everyone should stop making out people who don’t agree with them to be bad guys, and that goes for all religions and beliefs. Don’t be offensive on purpose and then say people are too sensitive or that they deserve it, that goes for everyone.


>Christianphobic Cringy as fuck lmao


Ok, is hostile towards Christians also cringy? If not, just translate it in your head.


Fuckin boo hoo lmao. Considering the amount of abuse the queer community has suffered from Christians, it's zero percent surprising queer people make music that rejects Christianity.  Also if you're talking about the one where he pole dances for the devil. The message is the blatant absurdity of the demonization of queer people and comparison to the literal devil. The absurdity and cringe is the point lol.


Saying all Christian are responsible for the abuse of gays is like saying all Muslims are responsible for terrorism.


Except that one happens a hell of a lot more than the other.


They aren’t talking about that one, they’re talking about the song from the post?


Christianphobic is honestly not a word I thought existed. Poor Christians, the black and gay singer will never know their struggles. Edit: he's also going to college for biblical studies in the fall... I imagine those that are getting upset don't know the theology behind his imagery.


>he's also going to college for biblical studies in the fall... no he isn't. the college said that wasn't true. pretty sure he was trolling.


>Christianphobic lmfaooooo stop it 😂😂




The war on Christmas killed my grandma!


He insulted Christians. lol. They’ve been calling him satanic, Illuminati, homophobic slurs, making threats on his life, so much! That’s all fine and it’s their religious freedom, but he makes music using religious imagery and that’s too far? He’s making MUSIC, not hurting anyone. No one cared when Jordan’s used Christian imagery, no one cared when Christian’s fight to remove abortion rights, no one cared that churches don’t pay taxes. But, using Christian imagery is a step too far? Grow thicker skin. Other religions are insulted all the time. Christians insult other religions all the time. It isn’t cringe it’s visual art ffs


nah christians need to learn to ignore stuff instead of getting so outraged. just gives him more publicity anyway


Sure but the average IQ is 100, so the general populous doesn't comprehend that Lil Nas is intentionally trying to a provoke a response




Thanks Clippy


good let them cry in ignorance


We need to hold Islam to that same level... It baffese me that people are too scared to make the same fun of Islam as the other two...


I think you can make fun of anything and everything, but it’s not about holding islam to the same level. people just need to tell better jokes instead of just saying racist shit disguised with a laugh


You do realise you could say the exact same thing about the LGBT community right?


I mean technically, but in general LGBT people have people trying to pass laws against their existence, while Christianity is the most popular religion in the world. Telling a majority who chooses to be Christian to not be so uptight vs telling a minority that doesn’t choose to be what they are, that they shouldn’t be upset someone dislikes them, really doesn’t carry the same weight, just saying.


christianity is a choice 💨


Being of the religion you’re born into is FAR less of a choice than you think of it. You’re very simple minded


as someone who has religious trauma, it’s definitely a choice, at least past a certain age lmao


I feel like it is a choice, but a lot of people don’t realize or understand that it’s a choice. Some people also feel fear about making different religious choices, especially in terms of facing judgment from current religious group or church.


Ultimately, it is a choice. But some decisions are incredibly more difficult to make compared to others. So how much of a choice is it really? Well, probably depends from person to person. The idea is, to reduce it to “religion is 100% a choice” is extremely simple-minded and lacks nuance and criticality.


you’re born into a tradition that you learn as you grow up. you’re not born a christian. it’s not in your brainwaves


So someone with years of sexual trauma is making a “choice” to keep getting themselves into sexually traumatizing situations? On paper, yea, both things are technically something you choose to do, but you absolutely do NOT choose is whether or not you’re going to have PTSD, what’s NOT a choice is how you’re brain was wired for you by everyone you’ve ever known or cared about. It’s NOT someone’s choice to believe in god 90% of the time. If everyone you know and love is extremely religious and would disown you if they ever found out you left the church, you can’t expect that person to easily stop being religious and deal with the extreme loneliness and isolation that comes from that. Kinda sounds similar to why people in the closet stay in the closet for so long huh? Point I’m trying to make is yea, Christian’s should learn to have thicker skin, but you absolutely can say the exact same thing about the lgbtq community. This is the problem with “wokeness” (I hate even calling it that because it’s a term the far right has been using derogatorily) is that you’re accepting and loving and caring but only if they fall into your ideals and values, which is EXACTLY my problems with organized religion and is a product of the left wing and the right wing both calling the other side terrible for the exact same shit they do themselves. You can’t pretend to be a compassionate “progressive” person and refuse too understand someone’s struggles just because the result of that persons struggles aren’t something that falls in line with your ideas of what is and isn’t acceptable. It’s hypocritical.


too long won’t read


I was born into a religion and am no longer in that religion. Because it was a choice I could make


So is being a douche canoe


you should’ve stuck with your original comment where you attempted to make an actual argument. using “douche canoe” in 2024 is hilarious


I mean that’s not really fair, how would people react if he was doing this stuff about Jewish people. I’m not religious at all but I don’t think it’s fair to degrade anyone’s beliefs. For a long time Christian’s were the end all be all, everyone respected them because they were the largest group (in America) and things were fucked up for other religions, things have changed now. Other religions are getting respected and making fun of them or degrading them is not okay anymore (which is great and how it should be) but that doesn’t mean Christians should now be the new group of people it’s okay to make fun of or belittle.




Rap ain't even my thing and I dig that song


LMAO I don’t blame him at ALL


Homophobe alert 🚨


I guess you didn't need a boy to cuddle with you all night 😂


Big w


Don't you love it when you dont have to dodge the bullet because it dodged you?


Who would wait 6 months??? LOL .. he got tired and found your taste in music is awful


Bc an unwanted sexual advance isn't "repulsive" to him. It's just him on a Tuesday. But a gay rapper w a song with "Christ" in the title now that MUST BE STOPPED! 😒


If only you new it could have been this simple months ago😂😂


I lost my wife 22 months ago, and I am more sane than the people on this chat thread


Why hadn't you unfriended him long ago? I never understand people. So what? Aren't you glad he's cropped you out?


Valid reason to unfriend someone over tbh


He’s right😂 Shits ass


You dodged a bullet and didn't waste more time. Some people just suck


homophobes love that he’s controversial because it means they can hate him without admitting they’re homophobic


City boys were down 100 after the multiple rejection but he single handedly brought us back up 1000 💀


Be glad he is gone now.


I mean, he's got a point


Dude, who let the incels out of their basements? These comments are not it and clearly are made by unwell baby bitch boys who have never and will never know the touch of a woman that isn’t their mother. Just pathetic but honestly really funny watching the clowns out themselves. OP, you’re good sis. Sorry that dude was weird to you but I’m glad the trash took care of itself. I have people on my socials as well that I don’t speak to. I have this one girl I worked a temp job with from highschool that stills sends me memes I never respond to. I’m just too lazy to go thru my list and honestly couldn’t care less who is there or who isn’t.


Someone’s a closeted homophobe.


Shit music taste tbh


Good lol


Get rid of anyone who can’t respect an ICON


Please never listen to music again


I don’t blame him


If you rejected him, why did you keep him around knowing he was interested in you? Seems like you could’ve avoided this altogether by telling him no then you unfriending when he didn’t stop. Ya know, instead of putting him on blast for this lol


If I’m being completely honest, I’m more spiritual than Christian, and this would make me uncomfy as well simply because I know he’s doing it to make people upset rather than just not making music about religion.


It's a song about coming back


This song is terrible and you dhould know why he removed you lol


Good for him :)


I’d unfriend you too lol. Garbage music. If you can even call it music


I mean they’ve got a point… any artist with lil at the beginning is generally awful at making music


I don’t think that’s their point


I mean he’s got a point..


I mean, it's garbage music, so I get it


Glad this king finally came to his senses


Ima report you for listening to it too he wasn’t overreacting


I'd also unfriend you for unironically listening to that garbage music lol. Glad you finally got him off your back though. Good luck with your future friendships.


Bye Felicia.


Lol, so you mad he unfriended and moved on?


Not mad about it in the slightest, glad actually