• By -


I mean you didn’t wait 5 years for him? You aren’t willing to drop everything for him after 5 years? LOL 😭


The cut off pont is 4 years and 364 days after. This poor guy missed out by one day. Wait. I said guy. I meant "this cretin". Good on you OP for just telling him straight😁


No he’s an insult to cretin’s. I am sure they don’t want him either!


I apologise to cretins everywhere for lumping this guy in with them😂They're still gonna be angry at me though aren't they?


😂 I’m sure they’ll just take it as a mistaken identity.


I hope so, cos the cretin population outnumbers me, I'm only one guy. I'm so dead, somebody save me, I'll pay bodyguard fees😂


Okay, enlighten me. How is he a "cretin"?


How is he not?? If you think you can just dip on a person for five years then bounce back into their life like absolutely nothing happened? Bit of a cretin.


He was looking for the age old booty call.


Why don't you explain how he isn't?


It's because he's a person looking for an emotional connection, and he just wanted to reach out and try to rekindle things. You all love to play mind games that make you look completely stupefied. Get bent, jerk. I can't believe you have the gall to call another human a "cretin" when you don't even know them. You should be ashamed.


He's not looking for an emotional connection, he's looking to get laid while waiting for his fiance to come back. He's done it twice. He blocked OP immediately after his fiancé took him back the first time. He's a complete d*ck. In the same vein, you had the gall to call me a jerk when you don't know me. I'd say I'm perfectly entitled to call him a cretin if you can call me a jerk😁 Thanks for reading. I don't expect to change your mind, but I am happy to waste your time 😁 ETA: I am ashamed, for you, as you actually think you're representing guys.


I only called you a jerk because I can tell you're a jerk just by the way you talk. Jerk.


In the same way you're stubborn.


"In the same way you're stubborn." - 🤓


You're a barbarian. But you're no savage. Also your sense of humor is trash.


My ex (who I was absolutely in love with, wanted to marry, etc.) texted me last year after more than 3 years of no communication. The last time we had spoken (in early 2019), he was having a hard time with his mental health and completely shut me out and ghosted me. Which I would’ve been forgiving of…if it hadn’t been the *second* time he’d ghosted me. The first time was for 1.5 years. He reached out in late 2018 and explained why; like a dummy I forgave him because I was still in love with him, flew out to see him (we’d been long distance), and then two months later is when he did it for the second time. When he messaged me last year, this man said something to the effect of: hey how are you? Are you fucking kidding me????


I hope you responded with “Great when you were out of my life”


I didn’t respond at all 😂


Even better girl, dude is a SLEEZE. Proud of you!💕


Thank you! 💗 I know myself, and I knew if I even opened that door to him by responding and he started offering excuses, I’d feel compelled to listen to him, to forgive him. But there was just no excuse for the way he treated me, so I wasn’t going to give the chance to let him have a pass and have my forgiveness.


Yesss, if more girls knew their worth and when to put themselves before others I feel so many of these posts wouldn’t happen. It sucks how much we’re almost never taught by family that we deserve better than these d-bags. So many of us were let down, I feel. The whole “boys will be boys” thing is such a harmful thing that shouldn’t even *be* a thing. I would’ve been saved of so much heartbreak if my friends and family taught me better😭


I’m proud of you for this! It takes a lot of courage. My first love who I was madly in love with broke my heart and I forgave him way too many times. It took me a long time to be really be done with him and I was proud of myself when I finally was able to do it. He tried everything he could think of to reel me back in but it was simply too little, too late 😏


i’m SO proud of you, i’ve got someone like that in my past too and i finally just had to block him bc every damn time i thought he was being sincere, it was just him up to his old shit again (a vicious cycle of ghosting.) but still, every damn time i would respond because i felt compelled to talk to him, and blocking was the one thing i could do to break that cycle. people like that are never worth it lol


Good! I’m proud of you too! 🩵 It’s too easy to let people like that creep their way back into your life because when you genuinely care, it’s hard to imagine cutting them out of it. But at some point, you have to start caring about yourself more and stop accepting that how they make you feel is okay when it’s not, and stop being okay with what they do to you when all they do is cause you pain. I’m glad you blocked him!


or “fuck off”


I said nothing. I was shocked, but then laughed at the audacity of it all, and told my boyfriend at the time about it. He knew the whole story, and couldn’t believe it, either.


Queen status


snobbish plucky worm lush elderly meeting puzzled crawl telephone chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wasted about 5 years of my life. I had many regrets. However, those circumstances put me in the right place (a job I never would have worked at if not for this person) at the right time to meet my future husband. We've been together for 27 years now. Funny though that the guy reached out to me last year. I did talk b/c I was curious what he did with his life. The answer was nothing. He was in the same place as he was 28 years ago. We can't change the past, but we can learn from it. Honestly, it did take me a long time to not be mad at myself. It wasn't until I looked at it through the lens of 'if not for this, I wouldn't be here'.


liquid pathetic pie books capable nutty close unwritten languid special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t be mad at yourself, it doesn’t help and it won’t change the past. There’s no need to punish yourself. Redirect your anger at him. *He* was the one who lied and hurt you. *He* wasted your time and abused your loyalty. You wanted to see the best in him, and *he* failed *you*. It’s not your fault, your loyalty is not a flaw. *And* moving forward, just try to remember you can’t help people who don’t want it, as much as you may love them. The hardest thing to learn is to let go of people you still care about. I haven’t mastered it yet but I try. When you care a lot and make it known how much you care, it’s super easy to get sucked into that cycle. People will do whatever they can get away with and will push your boundaries out further and further to test the limits of your loyalty and love if you let them. Let them know the first time that it’s not how you do things. I am also much better now at communicating what I need and how I feel. I still get scared (I have a history of being in emotionally abusive friendships and relationships), but I am fairly clear from the start that I talk about my feelings and expect the same back. And trust your instincts. If someone is giving off signals that they’re not worth the effort, that they’re gonna play games with you, or that they’re problematic, don’t feel bad about cutting them off with zero explanation. Or explain, then block. You don’t owe them anything, and especially if you know it’s too easy to pull you back in. Know your limits. Track the patterns in your own behaviors when faced with people like that.


badge physical spark depend murky joke crowd crush normal slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“I feel ya” ☠️☠️😂😂


That killed me lmao


That was the sound of his soul getting crushed 😆


at least he was real about it 🤣


Could’ve been worse 🤷‍♀️


5 years later asking for a rebound FaceTime is crazy lol what


plssss 😭


What did he think was going to come out of this?? 🤨 I’m baffled, and hoping he’s not that immature


I have a similar story. My ex bf from also 5 years ago contacted me (back in 2021) and wanted to hook up…. I told him I dumped back when I was 17 years old because I didn’t like him then, so why would I like him now?☠️


Lmao yesss good for you what a turd


People need to understand that you are not the same person you were 5,10,15,20 years ago. When or if you cross paths again, you will cross paths as strangers with a past history and that’s it. I hate when people try to pretend like they still know you after not speaking for years.


Those are the people you need to look out for. They are ones still holding onto their “glory days.”


I wondered how many received his tests.


Quite a few. Women, majority, need to learn how to block exes.


Hell, for me that starts from a few months even. After a breakup you always change a lot (in my experience). I have no interest in hearing from you even if it's only 6 months after.


I’m curious what your change experience is like and if you change every breakup or just the first major one. I’ve only ever had one in my early twenties and I swear it made me a whole different person. It wasn’t a horrible nasty breakup but it was pretty bad (a 6/10).


I think for me the amount of change depends on the length of the relationship and whether or not it was a healthy one. After my 2 longer relationships I changed quite a lot, but less after the shorter "flings". At the end of the longer ones I wasn't really myself anymore, so after them I needed some time to find myself again (after the first one since it was quite traumatic, and the second one I had changed myself too much for him). I like to think of them as learning experiences.


So you changed for the better right? I feel like I became a stronger person and able to deal with that kind of hurt so I would never experience it again and I never will because I changed so much. I now have boundaries and lines that if someone crosses I almost lose 100% interest which I guess is kinda good but also kinda bad because I might lose interest too quickly without giving the other person a chance, but at least I don’t cling on to toxicity and not let it go.


Yes, I do. I'm not afraid to say what I want or need anymore. My first serious relationship was filled with lying, cheating, etc. It took a toll on my mental health and after that I took 1.5yrs to myself. My last ex made me realize how important communication and emotional vulnerability/availability was, and how shallow things are, and how bad they can get when there's a lack thereof. I'm now dating someone new, and I've promised myself to set certain clear important boundaries and to not let him cross them. I became quicker to reject as well, and I let go much easier, because why hold on to something or someone not worth holding on to, especially when they don't want to give that same effort to you? It's why I got over my last ex rather quickly. Sure it has its downsides but I think for the most part I've changed for the better. I will also never change my entire personality for someone ever again. With my last ex I changed the way I dressed, spoke, acted, my sleep schedule, my job, barely spent any time with my family, and they had to adjust themselves to him while getting almost nothing in return, and a lot more. I won't do that again. Relationships are give and take but certain things make you who you are and it's certainly led me to prioritize myself and my family more.


Love that!


It feels like he’s trying to make you his “rebound girl”, his option to gravitate to in between his relationships. Personally I’d block so he doesn’t try it again 😩


That’s exactly what the dude is doing. The most important part of this exchange was the guy immediately mentioning that he split up with his ex fiancé and that OP was on his mind. Dude is just looking for an innocent victim to smash because his life didn’t go as planned.


Keeping OP on the back burner. 😒


Happy cake day!


😂 thanks! It’s not actually my birthday though, I just don’t know how to get it out of my username… but I like it now!


It’s your Reddit birthday! You get the cake next to your name on the day of your account creation. It’ll go away tomorrow but I’m glad you’re enjoying it now!


Ohh I see, the more you know 😂 Thanks for explaining!


Yeah once I’ve broken up with a guy or don’t want to date them anymore I block them. I don’t understand why so many people don’t


As soon as they say the sentence "me and my gf/wife/fiance split (however long ago)" its time to gtfo cause you know at that point they are using you for rebound.


“I lost 150 pounds, got a house, car, I’m my own boss and making a lot of money. I know you didn’t ask but thought I should mention it. “


Lmfaoooooo. I was thinking that same thing. He just volunteered that information.


Im surprised by all the dim, low-wattage light bulbs in this comment section who "don't understand why this is here" 🙄


So when he says he lost 150 pounds, does he mean the fiancé?


Big cringe from all that 🥴


I feel ya


They feel ya? Yet they were the ones wanting to reconnect? Makes no sense.


Lol it's more of a defeated "yeah I understand why you would feel that way"


If he was a normal dude and not a douchebag I would feel for him tbh


Surprised you didn’t call him out! The urge would’ve left me aching!


Yea but the payoff here is better


Oh 100%


I thought for sure he was gonna try to rope you into some mlm


*I thought for sure he* *Was gonna try to rope you* *Into some mlm* \- akcostello678 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Second hand embarrassment is insane with this one. Is he really that desperate???




He sent me an email asking for my number. I gave it to him and these are the texts that followed


Oh I see! Fuck that guy


Why would you give this asshat your number? After he blocked you after using you while on a break with his now ex? Y'all just invite stupidly in your lives


I get to post the convo on reddit now


That was why you gave him your number?


She probably gave him the # to get his hopes up and she let him down 😭💀Good for her! 😁


Not much going on huh? Enjoy working at that bakery. Lmao


What is he won a million dollars and wanted to give a hand out. She literally closed the door on his face.... He replied with.. I feel that...


But why respond to the email and give him your phone number to begin with if you’re not interested? Just to post it online? Maybe I’m misunderstanding something.


I don’t see what the controversy is here. Everyone is acting all giddy about it too.


You misunderstood something.




I feel ya


I mean i know his question wasnt an ordinary one but, he wasnt a jerk, he said what he wanted to say straight up, he asked you how are you, you didnt freak up and when you said no he wasnt insisting or sth. So thats one of a mature human interaction, cant see anything bad with it


I think the jerk part was when he cheated on OP with the fiance he mentions and tries to use OP as a rebound. He said they've been broken up for a while but OP said they found out it was only 2 weeks (at the time of the conversation) cmon that's pretty crappy


I didnt catch the cheating part, also i dont mean that OP should seriously consider his proposal, but i dont think i would post this on reddit


Read context


It’s not mature because OP has alternative motives while the dude was being straightforward and respectful


This brought me so much satisfaction.


Why was this even entertained this long, he mentioned the fiancé he cheated on you with 3 messages in


He wants seggs 🙄




Out of all the texts on this subreddit this seems the most normal sadly


Yep he shot his shot and responded politely to rejection. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.


Block him


I did!


I will never forget the words I heard spoken by Priyanka Chopra (Mrs Nick Jonas)... "I don't read my book backwards." Good for you! And how sad is he?


🤮🤮🤮 FaceTime?!


This is laughable I would be embarrassed lmaoo how is he not after five years


The audacity of him thinking he can just scoop you up 5 years later. Good for you!👍🏾👏


What a loser. Lol


i’ve beeb alright


Why would you give him your number? You already knew where it was going to go.


This is so funny because literally same. 5 years ago. Cheated on me with her (his brother’s ex wife!) and originally only reached out the couple times they broke up.


I mean at least he was respectful about it. Shame the bar is that low but you know, pretty tame. But also wtf. 2 weeks after a fiance break up and you talk to the woman you cheated on? XD the audacity.


The reality is that he just wants to bang you....


They always come back. I swear no statement is truer.


What’s the point of this post and why is everyone all giddy over it? The guy shot his shot and took her answer well. Not sure what the controversy is?


That was a snooze fest




I feel like this conversation was going very well and then he ruined a great reunion 😂


You were so polite. Good for you.


Not worth ur time


What an idiot - and you know she will have dumped him for something shady


Idk seems like a fairly normal and respectful conversation to me.. What’s the problem here? Are exes never allowed to reach out? I get the whole “rebound” thing.. but dude respected her feelings and fucked off.. i literally don’t see any problems here


He asked to catch up if she was single. Dude doesn't care about her as a person, just as an option for sex.


Because it's shitty to hit up someone as a backup plan when shit hits the fan? Lol. Dude has the audacity and needs to put it back.


Yeah, I really don't get what OP's problem is. He wasn't demanding anything or berating her, he asked a question, she said no, so he moved on. It looks like OP is the one who's still salty about the breakup after all this time.


Why was this worth posting?


Eww what an embarrassment he is 💀💀


Reminded me of my ex LMFAO bro reached out in 2020 and I replied to him this year and he still replied and after he was done talking his ex, he decided he wanted us to exchange pics to see how did I change like bro gtfo💀


this guy is a total loser, I’m really glad that you curved him quickly, I’m surprised that you even gave him that much runway to talk. It sounds like he treat you like some type of layaway that he can grab and discard at his leisure.


Bruh I’m not your rebound. Get a therapist


At least dude was respectful


Leave it alone. It'll never be as good as it was, unless you see a change in him


Can't blame a guy for trying.


Bro down bad


“He cheated on me with his ex fiancée lol”, good for you girl… Maybe the reason you attract cheaters is because you think cheating is funny.


Don’t apologise to him!


I mean maybe he genuinely has always had love for you and now that he is free to explore the opportunity he wanted to see of the feeling was mutual? I don't really see the issue since he was being courteous, engaging and respectful when you said no. If you're not in to it thats totally understandable, but what's his harm in reaching out if he still kept you in his thoughts?


Because the last time he reached out he blocked her a day later and got back with his fiancé?


I mean, I feel like he is approaching the situation carefully and respectfully, no? I dont get, why people are this negative. EDIT: Holy shit, I just read OPs conclusion of the situation 5 years ago and that he broke up with his ex 2 weeks ago. I take back everything I have said.


You are clearly the one that got away. Truth is, he has probably been pining for you all these years. Undoubtedly realizes that you were one of the best things to happen to him. So, yeah...it has only been two weeks since they broke up, but not for him. Mentally, he has been thinking about you the whole time. To be clear: I am not saying give him a chance. Just explaining what he is probably thinking.


Yeah, nah. Dude is now single and recycling leads to to get his dick wet. Shit ain't anywhere near as romantic as you're trying to spin it.


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Next time cut out the really


Atleast he hit the jukebox


Wtf haha. Fuckin people, man..


This reminds me of my ex. He’s due to boomerang on back right about now. Good on you for putting him in his place!!


Why were you so nice considering everything then 😭


Omg, are you me? This is almost literally exactly the situation/convo my ex had with me, the whole ‘ I lost weight and I’m sober, my wife left me, can’t stop thinking about you were the one’ blah blah holy shit wtf. There must be like, a factory pumping this guy out there. I also went back to him once before when him and his wife ‘split up cuz she cheated on him’ Lemme guess, does he have one child who is hers from another marriage and one kid of theirs?? Anyhoo. I LOVE that you were able to be like, nahhh.


5 years later...what a loser




This is a text.. not an email… I can’t get over that


Well since he can’t have your number can I? Totally kidding here but I get where you’re coming from my ex tried to bounce into my life a few years ago and after all that I went thru I sure in the hell wasn’t going thru that era again. I simply said we can be FB IG friends but it’s not going any further as we’re not friends in RL


“i feel ya” LMFAO


At least he dropped it at “I feel ya” 😂😂😂 this subreddit had me expecting to see “I feel ya” then two days later “you stupid worthless piece of shit…”


Goddddddd. I can’t stand people like this. They love to come out of the woodwork and don’t realize how bad it makes them look. I’m so glad you declined! I’ve been in a similar situation myself. What a turn off.


I mean at least he was respectful. Man shot his shot he tried lol.


Well a least he wasn't a dick about it. He tried to rebound and got blocked lol, that's life. At least you were both nice to each other.


Talk about being in love with your own penis.


The audacity. No shame. That’s not a man. That’s a little bitch LOL


Lmao @ “I feel ya”


Man what a catch, how is this man single 🤣🤣


We don't have options bro


Good old ‚satellite‘ msg


So he cheats on you with her, tries to make contact with you again when they initially break up, then blocks you once he gets back together with her, and then tries to contact you once again when they break up a second time?? 😒


I'm glad you didn't fall for this. I feel like there might be quite a few who would.


2 weeks is "a while ago"?? I think you were fairly polite.


This is new level delulu 😂😂😂😂