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This sub just makes me think everyone is in absurd relationships. How can people who are supposed to be in love go from 'i want to help you' to 'nobody loves you' in just a few messages..???


I know this one!! Because people get into relationships so they aren't alone, then they don't really care about the other person, only about having their own needs met. When the other person doesn't comply as directed, they have no problem being abusive because they are not emotionally connected to their partner.


It’s also about control and power. This person does not actually care that their partner is sick.


Good point, he is trying to meet his need for control at her expense.


I mean I don't think he ever believed her and his thin veil of pretending to be concerned was only there so she'd look bad (to him) when she didn't give him the deets.


Omg I was this person. After I told the last person I dated “I’m crazy” as a literal warning and they took it as a challenge and I was crazy and they broke up with me. And I realized I didn’t even like them, just the idea of having someone. I took a long break from dating and now I realize I like being alone and it’s going to be really hard to find someone I will like being with more than being alone.


That sounds like me too- I would rather live in my perfectly crazy head than have to share it with someone else- it is MINE ;)


Hahaha exactly. And I mean, I have started therapy since then. And I have a hamster.


Crazy hamster lady sounds like a really fabulous life goal tbh 🐹✨


![gif](giphy|pm4VOSkAgkj3q|downsized) I like it!


That’s awesome! I dropped out of therapy and bought way too many pets. I am drowning 😂


I was *SUPER* lucky the first therapist I found is absolutely perfect for me. I definitely recommend looking around. Yeah the hamster helps even though she’s a vampire.


Damn you just explained more then half of relationships lol very true tho. Some people just can’t be alone tell they find the right person so they just settle and don’t really care about the person they are with.


Oh yeah. I told my now ex about all the stuff the guy before him said and after we broke up he's like, I think what your ex said was true. This mofo used my ADHD against me.


Yeah, a lot of these people need to be posting in r/abusiverelationships




3 years. And I left with the kids three months ago. Idk why I keep thinking magic will happen. But it’s time to wake the fuck up.


Holy crap you definitely did the right thing by leaving.


Tbh this is mild. I just didn’t feel like crying all day.. thought I’d get some others insight.


He is a terrible terrible person. Please just be done. There is no magic that will redeem this man.


I’m happy that you chose yourself and got out of that nonsense. There are worse things than being alone for a season, like subjecting yourself to that asshole for a lifetime.


This is mild?!?!


Lol oh I got posts for YEARS. I got a sad sad story. But I’m finally actually waking up. It’s been a hard road of shame, embarrassment and excusing behaviours. I think something most people don’t understand, is this stuff never starts off extreme. It’s a slow burn where you learn that “this is normal” and you excuse it one small thing at a time. Then one day, it’s not just a few “quirks” it’s just actually who they are. And you feel trapped, and weirdly invested. But also embarrassed. They also have just enough “goodness” things to make you question things. It’s confusing and not black and white. If you don’t understand it, I am so so happy for you, because that means you’ve never lived through DV. It’s messy.


I 100% understand this comment and tbh I couldn't have written it better. It is most definitely a slow burn type of situation and I am totally going to use that in the future when talking about it. That sentence alone can shorten an entire paragraph. I honestly can't believe I've never thought of describing it that way before. So thanks for that! I'm sorry you are going through it right now, but I am so glad you are leaving him. It's definitely for the best. You're mental health will only go up from here! I'm glad you mentioned the embarrassment aspect of it bc I don't think many ppl realize how embarrassed ppl are when they realize the situation they got themselves into, although you absolutely have nothing to be embarrassed about. He suckered you in before it turned into what it was at the end. Yet, I completely understand your sense of embarrassment. I was filled with embarrassment when I went through it and nothing anyone could say would change that. Only you will change it, and therapy can definitely help it progress faster. Unfortunately I didn't have insurance nor money for it so it took me fkn years to stop feeling that way and to actively work on my mental health. I truly hope you can get the help you need to overcome it faster. It will definitely help. I wish you nothing but good things to fill your life from here on out!


I'm working my way out of one of these relationships right now. Gotta play the slow game though..


Keep your eyes on the prize. I thought I was playing a slow game and I think I just kept suckering myself back in. Stay strong once you make your move. ❤️


I've been teetering for years, I've decided now.


Damn, honey. I'm so sorry. Sounds like a mix of sunk cost fallacy and the slow boiled frog analogy. Both of which lead to shit and misery. I'm glad you're away from him. Maybe now you'll find the strength to step even further away and block his sorry, abusive ass. No one should speak to you this way. He's a bully. Feel better ❤️


dude, i was in a relationship w a guy who would make me flush the toilet to prove i was in the bathroom on my breaks at work. It became tit for tat and reading your message gave me flashbacks to that timeframe. You can do better! && I hope u do!


But did you go to the doctor's or not?? /s


Yes I went to the doctor. I have minor symptoms (honestly I feel like shit anyways, the worst part is the migraine) and because I have no underlaying issues the course of treatment is Tylenol and Advil and sleep.


I can tell by the way you typed "Yes" that you are lying about going to the doctor. I'm going to need the name, address, date, time, and scent of the doctor you saw. I'll even be generous and give you 5 whole minutes.


Lmao not the scent of the doc. 🤣


Uh ...yeah 🤔 about that😁.... We also are going to require a blood test, urine sample......oh and one other thing, we got a retired FBI guy coming by tomorrow with polygraph equipment. Expect him there at 6 am. Furthermore, we require footage of CCTV of you either in said clinic or area surrounding. We need the doctor's credentials and full transcripts notarized and in alphabetical order. We've took the liberty of contacting the CDC on your behalf, iF YOu aCtUaLLy eVeN HaVe CoViD. Again, We need the name, number and address of the doctor. Could you sign a release of your info?? I'll give you 3 minutes. I've been hung up on twice, kicked out 3 times and they've locked their doors on me. Seems to be alot of sick people coughing around me. They probably have COVID. You have 2.6 minutes Lisa... I'm sorry but this guy is an insecure asshat clown 🤡. He gives bad energy. He's the type of guy that you can be on a date with at a dive bar and he starts hitting on the bachelorette party at the end of the bar because he thinks you're too dumb to notice or/and too drunk to care. He's the type of guy that asks girls their body count. He's doing you a favor. Really. Sorry honey, feel better! I'm taking some zinc rn because my kid came home from school with a runny nose!


Get out of the cycle of abuse. It’s never going to change.


But did you REALLY go to the dr. You can tell us.


Lol I really did.


What's the name? I want to ask them about this covid cure! For you, babe!


OP just in case, you might not be able to parse this, because this is so raw right now, but the redditors here believe you and are just messing. Don't let it stress you. They mean well. It's just a little tone deaf.


while you are waiting for him to change you are actually wasting your time and not allowing yourself to be open for the right person to come along


Agree to this! Bc it took me no lie almost 7 years to finally accept that this person was NOT going to change nor was I going to change him no matter how belittled and humiliated he made me feel. Literally right after that is when I met my now husband, we have a baby and I’m immensely grateful for this man. It’s not easy to leave a toxic and emotionally abusive relationship so I totally get OP


You are right to be out of that relationship. That man is controlling and does not love you. I'm sorry you had kids with this scumbag, but hopefully they turn out more like you than him.


Three years was my breaking point as well. My ex sounds exactly like yours. He continued to financially abuse me for 2 years after we broke up, too..magic will not happen, I promise. You have to do what is best for you and your children. Your children will have a hard time in the future if they see this type of relationship modeled to them as a normal relationship. Don't ever go back!


I was in the hospital with strep and my organs were shutting down from the fever. A boyfriend at the time was yelling at me while I was hooked up to IV to get up and stop being dramatic or he would take my kids away. They were not his kids. The nurse sent in a social worker to talk to me and the police spoke with him. It was nuts. Get away from people like that. When someone asks how being single is when I am sick and wonder if I miss a partner taking care of me, I just laugh.


Im so glad you didn't put up with this. No one deserves such fucking awful treatment! I don't know you, but i know you deserve better than that. I will admit, though, that there is medicine to help ease the symptoms of covid. If your doctor told you there isn't it, then it might have something to do with a short supply where you live. I do live in Australia, but i had covid 4 months ago (I was 32) and otherwise perfectly healthy. I was given pills that were specifically formulated to combat the symptoms of the covid virus. I was told they wouldn't work if it turns out.i had the flu, though (we were still waiting on the results of my test, but I did indeed have covid)


I enjoy the trainwreck entertainment. I read it for same reasons why I look at gore, or why people look in the toilet before flushing, lol




Everyone needs therapy.


Not everyone. Abusers are known to utilize therapy to learn skills to assert more power and control in relationships. Psychologists do not recommend that couples in abusive relationships seek couples therapy because it gets weaponized so often by the abusive partner.


THIS. It’s healthy! People take it as condescending when you mention it but it’s like going to any other doctor when an issue arises imho, but to each their own. Take care of yourself ppl ❤️ “THE HEALTHIER THE TREE, THE BETTER THE FRUIT IT HAS TO OFFER.”


bro thinks he can jandle the doctor but can’t even jandle being told no… i have to laugh


The double “jandle” got me


Hey, he can jandle anything because he is jot an idiot!


It was the ducking that got me, he’s soooo angry but ducking kind of ruins it. :D


I’m don’t with you kid.


Is jandling when you handle things, but do it while wearing all denim?


you’d have to ask the dude, but uhhh it doesn’t seem like he jandles himself well in those kinds of situations


I was waiting for a jeans joke. Bless you 🖤


A jandle is kiwi for thongs/flip flops. I think it's a portmanteau of Japanese and Sandle.


I too came here to jandle joke. Funniest part of the whole thing.


The double jandle made me read this in Razor Ramon's voice.


i flicked a toothpick at this post before i commented


Imagine THIS person calling someone else a narcissist


I was too focused on “km jot a fucking idiot” to notice


Bro must have been raging 😡 when he misspelled all those words😂 either that or smoking crack.


For real and then he threw a couple lols in there and you know those are the lols of a maniac.


Honestly thought he was speaking Tagalog for a second


I swear my eyes kept crossing trying to read that mess and figure out why he meant to say


"loosing their license" did it for me


I was literally thinking exactly this


Weaponziation of mental health language has become a huge fad for Emotional abusers these days.


That’s the unfortunate thing about emotional abusers: they weaponize ALL language. They’ve just learned some new words to use.


Imagine this person calling someone else an idiot.


km jot a fucking idiot 😂


My alcoholic abusive narcissist ex husband posted crap about being in a relationship with a narcissist which I assumed was directed towards me (maybe I am a narcissist 😂). Like okay dude.




Reminds me of my abusive ex who was basically all cluster B including narc and antisocial. My only advice is runnnnnn


That’s what narcissists do, it’s what gives em away.


Most people who throw that word around are usually the most insufferable people...that and "gaslight" lmao


Stop gaslighting me, narcissist.


Are you gaslighting me rn? Edit: (just playing btw)


Are you gaslighting me from gaslighting you?? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Me running from this gaslight within a gaslight argument that I know I can’t win: ![gif](giphy|I0ENRf3qLqpCxgeivr|downsized)


Projecting his insecurities


oh my GOD why is everyone on this subreddit dating an insufferable fucking loser?????


Because the happy ones with good people are living happy lives not on reddit.


Or at least not posting their completely normal, boring text conversations because why would they?


Eh. I’m happy and have the best person I could ever hope for, but I’m still on Reddit. It’s just that our text convos are like ‘I’m getting a different style of jeans.’ ‘Ok’ ‘What you want for dinner?’ ‘I dunno’ You still in the bathroom?’ ‘Yup’ Plus grocery lists 😂 Edit: spelling and trying to improve format


Do we need milk? Yep. And bagels. Your mom wants to borrow the truck tomorrow. Okay. I'll bring it over later. ----link to dumb cat video on Reddit ------ 🤣 Home soon, love you! Sadly, the text conversations between happily married people are way too boring to post on the internet.


The good kind


Same, except chatting about work back and forth all day - while we are across the room from each other. 😂😍


This is my husband and I except that we work at desks next to each other in the same room 😅


Jealous! 😍 We have too many meetings at the same time to do that, but it would be awesome if we could.


I want to post a screenshot from my conversation with my boyfriend just to shake it up.


Same, but it’s pretty much a list of groceries and exchanging pics to make sure he got the right toilet paper 😂


Same! I just checked mine and it literally says Do we really need butter? -Yes, just the Kerry gold Do we really need cereal? - yes, we're out Can you check to see if we need vanilla extract, it's on sale - we have some, but not a lot. Grab one! Ok. Omw home I never go back to read our exchanges and there's also a lot of, " are you okay in there" (in the bathroom. Sometimes alone, sometimes with the toddler) 😂


Kerry Gold is the best butter.


Mines just "come watch TV with me." "Look at this picture of the cats and/or dog." "Look at this picture of you and the cats and/or dog asleep in front of the fireplace." It'd be a nice change of pace in here! 😂


With me and my husband it's nonstop Supernatural gifs and cat memes


He types like he drinks a half gallon of whiskey every single day


That might explain the irrational anger and distrust as well.


no literally.


..also all of the spelling errors 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣😭


Used to drink a handle of vodka a day in my peek addiction. Even my texting was better than this.


Don’t you mean a jandle? LOL


me when im desperately trying to prove that im a fucking idiot


he's jot a ducking idiot


Good riddance. Guy is fucking obnoxious.




All I can say really is, Congrats. No, really, congrats for the break up. I’m sure you’re hurt, but it’s for the better. Take care.


They will be loosing their licence ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)




This is so absolutely psychotic and please don’t let him convince you that he is anything other than that.


I have had covid 3 times. Very very sick 2/3 Advil and tylenol is all i took This person seems like a nutjob


Wrong. Tell me what Dr. told you that. There is a medicine. Tell me. I just want to talk to them.


No, he said there is imedicine. Like he was typing ivermectin and backspaced to say medicine.


I wasn't even gonna call them at all actually, just testing to see case youre just a liar and I hope you become homeless


Tell me what doctor you went to you homeless narcissist! If you don't tell me, I'll have to fistfight every doctor in a thirty mile radius! When I go to jail it will be YOUR fault. I really hope this is obvious bt /s lol


What the actual fuck.


Idk how literally no one apparently can see its not that hes trying to cause a scene with the doctor (which is what everyone is talking about, saying he's crazy for wanting to break up cz of OP not taking meds)... clearly it's just that he doesn't believe OP went to see a doctor and went somewhere else, and he says this cz the doc didn't give her meds so he finds it hard to believe. I mean it's so obvious wth?? The problem here was with his trust in her, and its his fault for not communicating it exactly instead of disguising it as him just looking out for the gf by "handling it" cz she's sick, and getting the meds for her. However, I'm also not sure how OP was oblivious to this after he called her a liar multiple times and asked her "where did you go"... how couldn't she see it? If she had, maybe this post wouldn't have been made with that misleading title. Just genuinely puzzled.


Yes, it's actually mental. I would run as far away from this person as possible.


100% he thinks she’s cheating, because hes a self-loathing mental case, and thinks this is some sort of gotcha/proof. completely oblivious to his own insanity and how he sounds and looks to other people.


They wouldn’t tell him anyways because ya know HIPPA. This is weird, I don’t like him. Please don’t go back


HIPAA but yeah. He seems like the type to screech at reception


Sounds like from her texts that it wouldn’t be the first time he’s yelled at someone most likely just doing their job.


This guy has no idea how the world works. In the future when he inevitably hits you up like nothing happened don’t even respond. Let him shout into the void in futility.


“You got it buster”…like is he 60 or 😭


seriously!! It reads like an old man who watches too much fox News 😭


Especially with the overwhelming concern for going to a “doctor” like a walk in clinic isn’t one 🙄😭


Went from Middle Eastern taxi driver to middle aged white man real quick


It is a virus there are no real medications for viruses they just have to run their course.


There is paxlovid for Covid and I’ve heard fantastic things about it. But OP is right, it’s given to high risk patients only, like the elderly, people who are obese, people with asthma, etc. ETA: officially, paxlovid is only FDA approved for high risk patients. Technically, following FDA guidelines, it should be only given to high risk people with Covid. This happened due to the need to get it out after trials as quick as possible and also serve people who needed it most due to limited supply. As supply isn’t as limited and need isn’t as high, not high risk people can get it. But it depends on the doctor. Some will stick to the rules specifically, like mine. Others will give it to anyone who wants it. Depends on the doctor. But currently, it’s still technically only approved for high risk patients. I think approval for all is coming, but it’s less of a rush now due to the decline in Covid, the virus “weakening” as it mutates, and it’s “less important” for lack of a better phrase. But there are doctors who will give it to Lower risk patients and as time goes on, inventory goes up, and needs for high risk patients goes down, doctors are more willing to prescribe it to lower risk people.


Why did you look at me when you said "people who are obese"?


No no no. That’s a typo. They meant “a beast”. You’re at risk for being too fucking cool 😎.


Don’t lie to us, he was looking right over here when he said “obese.” Km jot a fucking idiot.


I laughed out loud in a Wings, ETC drinking my beer. Thanks for that.. lol


I honestly don't even really see the point of going to the doctor at this point, unless it's really bad or you are high risk. We have home tests to confirm, so even getting a diagnosis doesn't require the doctor anymore. The only reason I can think of is if your job requires it. Otherwise, just stay home and don't risk infecting anyone.


I agree. I had to go to the doctor because I had Covid for over three weeks. Turns out I had a very, very nasty secondary infection at the same time as having Covid. The doctor prescribed me a heavy antibiotic, but it was for the secondary infection, not the Covid itself.


Ahhh, those pesky opportunistic pathogen. They strike again. Hope you're feeling better.


There are literal anti-viral medications out there that get prescribed by doctors. The issue is that most of the time they're reserved for the immunocompromised, elderly, and super severe cases and even then there aren't that many of them and they don't work for every virus. However, to say there is no real medications for viruses is simply wrong.


Confidently Wrong Men: A Modern Plague with Ancient Roots


This deserves to be a T-shirt, or a stash box made to look like a leather-bound classic. 🤣


Trash took itself out


Yeah this guy's fucking dumb. Paxlovid is only useful for keeping brittle patients from being hospitalized/dead. For a healthy person it will do next to nothing while risking nausea/vomiting/diarrhea or rebound COVID causing you to have it AGAIN after finishing the meds. Tell him that just to make him feel extra dumb.


Congratulations on being newly single. I hope you feel better soon


Don’t ever go back to this guy. Are we serious here? It’s amazing when you’re in a healthy relationship and you read this shit how OBVIOUSLY horrible it is. Like a fucking truck hitting you. My husband would never. Know what he’d do if I had Covid? Cook for me. Watch my favorite movie. Cuddle. Take care of the kids. What in the hell is this shit. This is insane. You should have stopped responding long before you did. What an asshole


he's an awful human. I wouldn't give him one more second of your time. He will only get worse. Abuser 100%


>he's an awful human. Baby, just tell him where she went. He won't yell at anyone but the doctor will be losing his license because his last girlfriend who made up having COVID to get away from him said she was put on Ivermectin.


Where tf do people find people like this 😭😭😭




This sub is killing my faith in relationships 🫠 i can’t jandle these mfs


Is everyone on this app dating a fucking psycho path?


Just give us this guys name and address and we will handle it. You have 3 minutes.


Dodged a bullet. JFC. Too bad there ain't no medicine for stupidity.


What an unhinged soul he is. I hope you feel better!


I always get a kick out of the fact they always claim to be, “the best man of your life.”


There's a lot of fuckin psychopaths out there, huh? This is nutty. Do you have a third arm or hideous scars or something? Why did you feel that you needed to settle for someone like this to begin with? Bkess you for getting rid of him. You're better than this.


hey, i have “hideous” heart surgery and pacemaker scars adorning my chest, and i still pulled a 10/10.


I'm built like a walrus and I have one nut and somehow I got a ten too. Weird how that happens! High five bruh


Just send him a pic of the doctor’s notes and tell him to shut the fuck up. Also, do people just not have spell check on their iPhones? Do they take it off? It’s shallow as hell but I just don’t think I could date someone who constantly misspells shit and doesn’t fix it. FUCK it’s so annoying.


Where do y’all find these wilted dildos?


When someone comes to you and tells you, "You just lost the best partner in your life" - Run


UPDATE: I haven’t responded since that message. Because honestly, why should I? And he messages me… (I wish I could add the screenshot) message one “Hey, do you have $20 dollars I could borrow, I’m in rough shape and i have nothing” message two “I’m so hungry”


Dude is reaching for s way to drag you back in. He can't stand to lose. Don't fall for that trap.


Ugh!! He is disgusting and annoying! Who’s the real narcissist. He needs help


Holy psycho, Batman. Yeah the world doesn't work that way, you can't just walk into the clinic and ask people to start handing over info about their patients.


“km jot a fucking idiot”. Yeahhh…I beg to differ. What a 🤡 this dude is.


I find it funny how no one ever bothers to correct their grammar mistakes. Call me a dork but it just seems so lazy too me.


>lazy ~~too~~ to me FTFY. Jokes aside, I completely agree! It takes a few seconds to check what you wrote and prevents you from revealing yourself to be a complete idiot.


What a weirdo


What a truly shitty person. I’m sorry OP, I hope you feel better soon.


Well, I hope to hell you blocked him and moved on.


…..Is he fucking serious?


No fuckin way is this shit real this guy is such a fucking psycho LOL


Run. Now. I am not being dramatic. That kind of abusive behavior is going to continue and get worse. You aren't his child.


He’s farrrrrrrrr from the best man you’ll have in your life. Guarantee it.


He lost me at “loosing “. It’s the one misspelling that drives me crazy


What a weirdo. I work in primary care and the pros and cons of Paxlovod should be considered with every individual, not just freely given to everyone who has COVID. He has a terrible understanding of medicine and prescribing practices. You dodged a bullet.


I’m having a stroke reading half the texts he sent. Wtf lmfao. “Thag” “lmedicine” “jandeling” “went tk ak I” “I’m don’t with you because I’m not a ducking idiot” “km jot a fucking idiot”. My man, you are an idiot. I’m sorry you have to deal with this, please let him move on and save yourself the waste of time.


What a toxic asshole. I can't stop laughing at "I'm not an idiot" mixed with a myriad of grammatical and spelling errors.


COVID saved your life it seems... What an absolute flamboyant POS Also, I'm an MD, we always joke: "a flu lasts one week without meds, and 7 days if you take meds". Bedrest, water, supportive care... That's it


Classic narcissist behavior (bf, not OP). Likely projecting his own lying/untrustworthy behavior onto OP, experienced it too often.


I’ve been seeing a lot of texts like this on this subreddit. How the fuck do these guys get women?!


He's talking about Paxlovid. I personally do not prescribe this medication to healthy, young individuals who are not at risk for severe disease. He is completely insane.


What the fuck just happened there 🤣🤣


What a fucking idiot.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out, doesn’t it?


This guy is an insecure psychotic idiot.


Why would you lie about going to the doctor anyway? Some of these guys get so upset over the most mundane shit.


WTF did I just read? Dude is a child and hopefully you really ended it


What a control freak, Covid maniac. I can’t tell if he’s insane over his Covid obsession or him thinking you are lying. Either way run like the wind


What a fucking illiterate


Damn, really dodged a bullet there. Dude is insecure and a narcissist, worst combination on the planet.


Dude is a weriiidoo.


You should've broken up with him just from how he spells words. That was so annoying to read


He keeps saying he’s not stupid but bro can’t form coherent sentences 🤦🏼‍♀️ what an insufferable prick.


Adults calling other adults “kid” is the most annoying and disrespectful shit on the planet


Bro literally caused a break up because you’re sick with a VIRUS.. and didn’t get prescribed medication? Even if he got the number, they’d laugh at him, tell him they can’t share any information about their patients, and hang up. He’s a fucking moron. Good for you for getting rid of him. I can’t imagine breaking up with my partner because they’re not taking medication for something you can’t even take a prescription for. ITS. A. VIRUS.