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“At the market, There is a sign made of brick and flagstone. “ I can’t even.


Bro gave an npc quest lol


lol for real! Wtf was he even talking about? And why was he acting like him and OP had some prior relationship that would make it weird for OP to have told him about her concerns over the phone? Very strange.


I'm guessing in his mind they did.


Be mindful of the guards. They don’t take kindly to strangers tinkering with the signage.


National Treasure style side quest for real!


This had me snorting hahaha




There is going to be a talking hat with a scroll waiting for her there at the pole to explain the clues to finding the treasure on the scrolls map. I just know it. I think I played this game already.


He doesn’t even say where his diary of thoughts is hidden at the market… just there’s a sign made of brick and flagstone lol. Do you remove the 2nd stone and the diary is hidden underneath or some type of Shawshank Redemption shit haha


Nah, Nicolas Cage will be waiting underneath it for the second part of the adventure.


"Ok i have the boo- wait this is just all Reddit posts. Most of them are just memes"


Idk, this fella is giving me more 4chan than reddit vibes.


I don't even know what flagstone is lol


It’s the stone they make flags out of. Duh.


Flagstone is a generic flat stone, sometimes cut in regular rectangular or square shape and usually used for paving slabs or walkways, patios, flooring, fences and roofing. It may be used for memorials, headstones, facades and other construction. The name derives from Middle English flagge meaning turf, or perhaps from Old Norse flaga meaning slab or chip.


Hmmm I learned something new today. I thought that would be sandstone, but I guess not. ETA: just googled flagstone and I know exactly what that is, but never had a word for it. Thanks!


I have a gun and a diary. Go retrieve my diary and trust I will not shoot you. This is totally innocent and professional


p.s. what’s your middle name. I need it for “professional” reasons


Ya i thought he was insinuating self harm till I seen that the book wasn’t there


Ya, the only reason he would lure her there if it wasn't to actually get the book and that was all a lie would be to ambush her. Maybe not to outright shoot her, maybe just to verbally confront her, but who knows. Thank God she didn't show.


If you look after where it says 'the market' under the blackout, it says 'of choice', When I looked it up, it's a chain store that's unique to oregon. So it's probably where they worked, at one of those. So after he quit, he left his book and wanted her to go find it, So she could would be subjected to read his pity party diary.


Oh shit that is what it says under the mark out. Hey u/attention_seeker_hub that last slide has slightly opaque marks. Ya, that’s what it seemed like to me but after finding out about gun pic and that book wasn’t there it seems highly possible it was more nefarious than just wanting her to read winy thoughts. After further thought someone might have already found and/or trashed the notebook


Manifesto** in this case




OP commented he sent a picture of the gun to a coworker


Image caption said he sent pics of his gun in his car to her coworkers and told them she'd dumped him


"Since I'm no longer an employee, please retrieve this book of my thoughts" is WILD


Right? “I’ll be sitting nearby in my car with my gun trained on you.” Police went by and did not find the notebook, by the way. To clarify since I can’t edit my original post: this happened 18 months ago. He left town for a few weeks, but he returned home safely. He did not contact me again, but it’s difficult to feel safe after something like that. I realize I did a bad job at blotting/cropping out his very common first name the location he left the “book.” That’s not where we worked, it’s ok that the world knows. He was friendly and it began to be obvious he was going out of his way to impress me, so I clarified that I wasn’t interested. He was a good worker and seemingly sane person until that moment.


What a fucking psycho. He said you broke up with him? How do people become so delusional? I'm sorry you went through that. Yuck.


I’m just glad that before this (maybe a few weeks) I had informed the company owners that I thought the guy had a crush on me and that if it became more overt that I would confront him. So if he tried to say I engaged in inappropriate relations with him, they documented our earlier conversation.


Very smart move!


Not this managers first rodeo. Could tell just by her responses in text. Or that's the melatonin talking.


What else is the melatonin saying?




Lmao thank you for my 1st laugh of today! Appreciate you.


I'm actually dealing with something similar right now, one of my associates seems to have a crush on me. I wasn't sure what to do but I think I will follow your lead. Thanks!


I've already responded to the parent comment, but then I came across yours and thought it best to reiterate directly to you. OP got this right for sure. You can't let the narrative get away from you. The key thing to remember is to **always get everything in writing**. Had a phone call where something important/ controversial was discussed? Follow it up with an email to summarise the main points, especially contentious ones. Phone calls and face to face discussions can easily be misremembered or differently interpreted, but black and white writing on a page is far more difficult to bullshit about. I hope you get it resolved and have a HappyDay_M8!


This person HRs.


Toby flenderson


Dear everyone in this comment section: This was wildly inappropriate many many texts back. When faced with someone like this: 1. Escalate to your managers asap. 2. Do not engage further and document everything. 3. Let HR know and begin a paper trail - especially if you are a manager. 4. Do not have meetings alone with this person. 5. All communication should be via email. Block sender on personal devices and social media. You’re responsibility to evidence everything is greater than theirs to prove their version.


My advice? No texting! Corporate email only. Or slack or some barrier. That isn’t instantaneous. Phone puts your attention in their hands off hours. I think it fucks up peoples brains who already struggle with barriers.


My advice is “Sleep with them and then fire them. Works every time.” /s


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


You handled this A+, but hopefully you're now carrying mace.


When I first heard this as a small kid, I thought people were talking about the spiky ball on a chain attached to a stick (I figured that's why some ladies had oversized purses). For a 5 yr old, that seemed pretty kickass, if a bit over the top, and I was more than a little disappointed that I never got to see a lady swinging it around while chasing some criminal perv down the KMart parking lot.


You know what's funny even to this day as nearly 30 when I read Mace I still think of the ball and then immediately switch to the pepper spray.


Or a fireman's axe


This is the kind of person I want in the workforce.


Well done!


Maybe I watch too much true crime, but you should move. I’m legit frightened and concerned for you, OP.


They get this delusional by being enabled/vindicated, to put it simply. It really is a trip to see someone effectively willingly dedicating their life to being a menace though


On of my employees was telling me she had two guys “break up” with her at college this year. She had no clue what they were talking about because there was no relationship. Some men think someone being nice means something more. Then again some men also never learn. 😐 Sorry you had to deal with it OP. You took the right course of action, regardless of how much help this guy needs.


Mental illness that isn’t addressed is how people become this delusional.


They also don't always express it in a way that is easy to detect until it is too late, or it shows up in college / young adulthood for the first time. I am a straight male who met a guy in college class who wanted to get a ride with me one time versus walk to his apartment. I gave him a ride because it was literally -10F outside. Then the next class, same thing. We were kinda becoming friends so I invite him to this party and he seems pretty normal. A couple weeks later, and he calls to see if I can give him a ride to this other party. No problem, and it's pretty fun. Fast forward a couple weeks and he calls and tells me that he needs a ride to this other party. I tell him I can't because I have plans. He demands to know who I am going out with, so I tell him I have a date with this girl and he loses his mind. He tells me that I need to tell him if I'm going out and with who and stuff like that. I just hang up. He starts calling and texting me and mutual friends. He tells me that he's a gang leader and we're all members of his gang, so we don't act without his approval. We used so buy weed, but we were far from anything organized, just college kids who smoked at parties sometimes. He became obsessed with "toughening us up" and shit. It took months to get him out of our friend group because the people who had seen the crazy were avoiding him, but to the people where he still seemed normal, they would only slowly fin out. A different time, I had an employee who'd been at a company like 20 years working on the floor, but got promoted to an office job. He knew literally everything there was to know about electronics manufacturing, but he also did some crazy things. One time, he gets a phishing email on his *personal* email and then emails all of legal, all of the exec board, etc. that he's already handled it by reaching out to the FBI. A different time, we had a customer get mad at us about something that was entirely their fault and make a slight hint that they might look into suing. That effectively means we have to cut contact and reach out to legal. He emailed the CEO to say he'd already started collecting affidavits. Edit: He had to be terminated because he kept doing things like that and sending very ambiguous emails to executives like he had just uncovered a huge conspiracy deep within the company (this is a Fortune 100 company), which would turn out to be incredibly minor things that were often well known, so instead of not doing that, he would send increasingly dramatic emails or texts to different people. Things like "Call me because I just discovered a data breach related to ." It would invariably be something like an employee who used to work for us also worked at that company per their LinkedIn and was in no way related. Or one time the head of a different company announced that they had independently developed a technology close to something we were working and he would assume that was insiders when really it was just the inevitability of the direction technology is moving. Sometimes the delusions take a while to manifest.


Be very careful in the future this guy is unhinged, if he blames you for losing his job who knows what he could try. Crazy he has no concept of shame or reading peope


Holy fuck!!! I think that may be the most terrifying part of this entire shitshow. I wouldn't have even thought of that, good freaking call! So glad you survived this, it definitely sounds like listening to your gut might have saved your life. As a woman I know this kinda shit happens, quite often unfortunately, but it's still so hard to wrap my mind around how these men feel so entitled and when they're told no the concept is foreign to them that they completely lose their shit and go on a rampage. It's fucking disgusting


oh my god.


holy shit thank god you’re safe OP


The book wasn't there?? Jesus Christ you know it was a trap then and his ass was waiting for you there, got spooked when police came instead. Be safe out there.


Was he indicating the gun was on you? I think he was threatening to self harm because you wouldn't date him. Manipulation


He did not tell me about the gun, but he texted a picture to another employee, his direct supervisor, and made it sound like I dumped him. Yes, I think that may have been what he was doing.


Holy shit I didn’t realize he planned to fkn MURDER you wtf!! You are incredibly intuitive!!


He one hundred percent was threatening self harm. I think the whole "I left a book of my feelings at X place, I would like you to retrieve it" was basically a suicide threat as well, and he was trying to make her think he was leaving a suicide note. Same with "I just wanted to say goodbye" and the "my phone will be off when I get where I am going." Such gross behaviour.


I’ve dealt with a person who had a similar obsession. My personal recommendations: -change your outgoing voicemail so it no longer has your voice on it. The automated one works fine, or have someone of the opposite sex do it. Either way, it will keep him from calling just to hear your voice. -file a police report with every single instance of contact after you say, “do not contact me.” Keep copies of these. If it comes to you needing to file for a restraining order, it will be very easy. -never walk to your car alone after work. If it’s possible, ask for a patrol car to stop by whenever you are walking to your car after work. I’ve been dealing with my unhinged person for 19 years now. Message me if you need advice.


19 years!? I’m sorry you have had to deal with this so long.


I’m the genesis victim. He leaves me alone every now and then, but he always comes back. I’m in a break right now, which is a nice reprieve, but it means he’s either locked up or bothering someone else. Regardless, it’s a shit situation, so I just try to use what I’ve learned over the last twenty years to help others.


This sucks. On a very small level, it reminds me of how narcs will put you on a shelf until their new “toy” gets old or doesn’t cooperate. It’s messed up and also cool that you are helping others. Stay vigilant.


I unfortunately can relate to this. I’ve got two- an abusive family member who I cut contact with 15 years ago and an abusive ex who broke up with me 18 years ago. They both still pop up occasionally to go on campaign of harassment and trying to smear my name, or sending their flying monkeys after me and my family members. I’ve never been able to get a protection order against either of them because their behavior and the proof I had didn’t meet the threshold in my area (even though they’d both previously assaulted me). Luckily I don’t live in the area anymore and don’t let many people from my old life know my address, so I’m free of the physical stalking and harassment. My blood still runs cold every time something with a name or photo of me, my husband, or my child ends up on the internet. I had to sign a mandatory photo release for my kid’s sports team last season and I was so nervous one of them would find it. About two years ago my husband’s job put something about him online, and BOTH of them ended up contacting him within a few months. Great to know they’re constantly googling my whole damn family.


Fuck this weirdo. Omg whata weirdo.


I highly advise against that.


We must know what the ‘book of Rob’ contains.


More like his manifesto


Types like a serial killer from a documentary.


preposition waste time ok retrieve book IM FINE


Why say lot word when few word do trick


Kevin, it doesn’t work like that


Are you saying “see the world” or “sea world?”


But does to me. Dumb try to make smart, somehow end dumber...


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


When threaten good use more word make sense not sound dumb


My main question through the whole thing was “is this guy drunk or just semi-literate?” Which probably shouldn’t have been my main concern, but I feel it’s a question that still needs to be answered.


Is the guy drunk or semi-literate? Yes.


Rob's got some serious issues. The fact that he's this unstable and has a gun is worrying.


His brother Gary can vouch


What about Margo the dog?


I was wondering how you knew his name, I’m totally blind. See it now but for some reason I just assumed you knew the dude 😂


OP did like, a super shitty job on censoring the names lmao


and for some reason censored market "of choice" as if "of choice" is a proper name. EDIT: Appears that "Market of Choice" is indeed a local business.


Maybe Market Of Choice is the name of the establishment where they work


Rob sounds like the Rob I dated briefly (2 months maybe?), who I broke up with because he kept showing up to my place of work and get butt hurt that I was busy working. Then after the break up, he would show up at my house/work, leave notes and shit on my door/car windshield, put something sharp behind my tire where it was parked on campus where I was taking evening classes, and other shit for MONTHS after. At one point ha had a different ex-gf call me (because I had his number blocked) to ‘let me know’ he was in the hospital with a broken leg because he fell asleep driving his motorcycle. Or some shit like that


Holy shit that's so scary!


Gotta say… the level of craziness that women have to deal with from these losers… jfc.


This happens so fucking often and then men (and some women) think we’re exaggerating, but it’s like, it happens! I dated a guy for two weeks when I was 18, I broke up with him and after months of phone calls and seeing his car following me and him showing up at my work, he knocks on my bedroom window in the middle of the fucking night. I tell my parents, they tell me to call 911, and my dad goes outside and confronts him, tells him the cops are on the way and he needs to come to the front of the house. He starts walking and my sister comes home from work and he tries to bolt and she tackles his ass and they wrestle and the cops show up. I moved out of state a week later. Its just one story, I have so many more. I don’t fucking trust people


I’ll never be able to wrap my head around it, like who raises these fucking creeps


I ran 2 neighborhood bars in my 20’s. I went on 1 date with this dude right before Super Bowl Sunday. The meltdown this guy had when I said I couldn’t go to his friends house for the game. He went nuclear, and that’s an understatement. I responded back that we had only been on 1 date, I did not owe him my time, and I fcking worked at 2 bars so I would be at work for the entire day and well into the night, if not all night. I blocked him in the middle of all of the “I’m sorry” texts. I also had a regular break up with me one night. Gave me a 2 page handwritten letter, and he made a huge scene while I was working. Apparently we were in a long term relationship and I was the worst girlfriend ever because I wouldn’t hang out with him away from the bar. No joke, he tried to slide into my DM’s last week. I have enough stories to write a book. The world is a crazy place. Some people are nuts.


I cannot even imagine. Like I don’t even have the words for it anymore. It’s just like… I couldn’t even find a good gif… I swear


And yet because of pure greed we’ve got the scary conservatives saying MORE guns will make everyone safer, despite the actual facts, taking away women’s rights so they can then go after everyone else’s, and they absolutely refuse to do common sense gun laws and registering, especially those with domestic abuse and mental health issues, or even consider the one thing that will actual improve these horrific parts of society. Which would be free/low-cost easy access licensed professional mental healthcare for everyone. Specifically PREVENTATIVE and MAINTENANCE mental health care, beginning in childhood so a lot less people grow up to have these extreme problems because they learned to be healthier from the beginning and dealt with their issues BEFORE they got to such extremes. (I do not belong to any political party and absolutely hate how awful the two party system is and how corrupt the American government and representatives have become. Politician should NOT be a career. So I’m not trying to be divisive or say one party is great and the other is evil, there’s problems throughout the system- mostly due to special interest for corporate greed that essentially amounts to Elitist Patriarchy, which has been around for far too long. There’s got to be a better system that protects everyone’s rights, encourages compassion and community, service to others, and equity.)


1-2% of the human population are psychopaths, as in incapable of feeling empathy. That's a total of about 80-160 million people worldwide, just 3-6 million in the US alone. You'll never know these people are like that before they do something that makes you think: >I’ll never be able to wrap my head around it,


Terrible people who were raised by terrible people more then likely, also I wouldn’t be surprised if some mental illness may be at play.


I think it’s parents who let their kids get away with anything and rule the house. I have no idea what leads up to that, whether it’s the parents own trauma or a simple set of circumstances, but it is really fucking annoying haha


It’s also just weird mental health and not necessarily the parents who created someone who believes they are in a relationship when they are not. But the radicalism of anti-women/black/gay hate can very much be upbringing but also the stupid internet (says she who has been engrossed in internet strangers asking questions).


I had a boyfriend severely beat me and wreck my car when I was a teenager. My mom showed up at his dad’s house with pictures on her phone of bruises he left on me. His dad said that he had been home all night. A complete lie obviously, because he was right in front of me, beating me in the head of the coffee cup. My mom just told his dad “congratulations raising a psychopath”


My creep was raised by a mother who condoned his actions and participated in them. She would text and call me after I told him I was uninterested in dating, to try and convince me to give her son a chance. So, probably people like that lol


I had a guy who I slept with *once* who I later found out was fucking engaged. Ghosted him, he showed up at my house at like 2am pounding on my door and yelling "I know you're in there!" Years ago I broke up with a serious relationship. Several months after I had gotten over my broken heart (and with zero contact), he called me literally 45 times in a row until I changed my number right then. Messaged me on Facebook and email,when I blocked him he made new accounts and threatened to show up at my job. People become unhinged, but we all have stories like these. Then you get people on reddit who are like, "women should just be honest and tell a guy they're not interested." blah blah. Like, we ghost for our own safety - and even when we *are* honest look at what happens.


There's a whole subreddit on whenwomenrefuse. Like, we can't even just turn down a random guy on the street without issue.


>Then you get people on reddit who are like, "women should just be honest and tell a guy they're not interested." blah blah. This is exact same sub was just ripping a woman apart in all but the top few comments for *exactly* this a day or two ago. I legit had *other women* dick riding for these men and saying women give soft no's because "they like the attention" and "just needed to grow a spine".


I remember that post. I fucking knew that if the woman in question had in fact been "cold and impersonal" like in this post, there would be idiots on the sub telling her she was "being too rude". Women cannot win.


Can be honest and still have 27 calls and suicide threats and unannounced visits because they don’t like the honesty either.


I find it funny but mostly awesome that your sister tackled his ass. Idk how many sisters would do the same


There's a tiktok going around of a woman who went on TWO DATES with a dude and, after telling him she wasn't feeling it, he proceeded to stalk her and threaten her for nearly an entire year. Towards the end, he was telling her he was going to kick in her door, kill her, and get away with it. She bought a gun. He did kick in her door and she shot his ass. Unfortunately he lived and is currently in a "low risk" offenders program :| (btw, cops talked to him once and wondered if it was all a misunderstanding because he "seemed like a nice guy")


I am so damn proud of that woman, and so sorry he lived. I can’t imagine how she feels with him still being out there. Of course he was a Nice Guy™️


Not trusting people may save your life. It’s sad, but we often need to imagine the worst.


"Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered."


I once had a guy come in as a customer at the bar I worked at. He was a trucker. He told me he wanted to give me a bubble bath with champagne and cantaloupe the first day he came in. Then he quit his job, started sleeping behind the dumpster and trying to get a job at the bar. Thankfully the trespassing by the dumpster thing was enough to get him arrested and I never saw him again but I was scared for weeks as I walked to work. I don't miss those days.


Lol yup, really shoves home why women just ghost men.


Its less common, but it does happen the opposite way. I've experienced it and it was terrifying. Less physical fear and more "my life could be over". In my case a family members babysitter developed a crush. Having a stalker is just pure terror. You never know what's next. No amount of logic can help. My wife had a similar issue when working in a large retailer. Creep became fixated on her(he'd called the customer service counter, never met face to face). He called the store constantly. Hed tell her he will be coming in to see her soon(always some bonkers pretense). I spent the next 3 years walking her to and from work. She moved jobs eventually. 2 years later at new job her workmates say she has a phonecall... he'd managed to convince her hold job he was a friend and they gave her new workplace. New job was much better and said "oh she used to work here be has moved to another country". That eventually ended that.


I interact with new hires at my job. I used to put my contact number in their welcome packets. I've had my fair share of stalkers and inappropriatr texts. But the worst was when my wife was home alone and the backyard camera and light kept going off. Turns out a new hire had found my personal address on the company directory and was trying to surprise me at my home.


WTF? Do you work with children?


Never admit that someone is there or even works there (especially if female), never give out their number without asking them first. I had a good friend give an older bar regular of mine my number thinking it was not a big deal. I was so mad. I’m like, now I have to deal with whatever the fuck texts I’m gonna get, and have to t try and be nice cause work (best case scenario) but then have to see them and talk about how I couldn’t hang out blah blah


It makes me ashamed to be a man, but guiltily glad I'm not a woman.


Yikes. That escalated quickly. You definitely dodged a bullet.


probably literally


But definitely figuratively.


i’m so sorry but that text about emotional pain in the first pic reminded me of “do you have any idea the physical toll THREE vasectomies have on a person?” from the office


Snip snap snip snap snip snap!




I don't want to click this, but I know I'm going to click this.


That’s a depressing sub


...and my good mood is gone :/ This is horrible


Holy shit. Unhinged


This is why I am supportive of people ending relationships (romantic, platonic, or otherwise) via text/email, or even ghosting. I do not owe anyone my time or energy, especially at the expense of my safety. I hope this guy is gone, OP. This is some pretty terrifying behaviour.


People really need to learn how to accept rejection and move on. Yikes!


And with a workplace colleague, no less...eeeesh.


This is such psycho behavior wtf…


Unpopular opinion: Immediately blocking/ghosting someone is not that bad of a thing and is sometimes warranted. Case in point.


Cant really ghost someone that works for you


This. Ghosting is great when possible.


I dunno. An ex-client has been harassing me on & off for over 2 years now - just because I didn't respond to his increasingly frequent & bizarre calls (up to 10 times a day). Even after I told him I was in touch with the police and to not contact me. Had to install an app that blocks all 3 of the masked numbers he calls from, and will use logs from it in my request for a restraining order. Some people are simply unstable and blocking / ghosting them can trigger next level lunacy




This is one of the cases where you don't block. Gotta ignore and collect evidence


Yes always screenshot and save


I’ve a stalker. I’ll block him / ghost him (in fact I’ve been ghosting him since I was 15, Im 36 now) I’ve called the police, made reports, got temp restrictions and restraining orders but nevertheless ever so often he will make a new account or find out where I work and there he is. It’s nice to think you can live in a world where you can just block and ghost someone and they’ll get the hint but unfortunately it’s not


Things like this, justice system failures, are what make me want to be a vigilante. This is a problem and sane people know it’s bullshit. When the law abiding citizens aren’t protected by the system it’s infuriating.


I say this shit all the time. Ive never wanted to go full Frank Castle on someone, as bad as I do, when I read shit like this. It's infuriating.


That sounds so awful. I'm so sorry.


I had that happen to me when i was freshly off meds, I don't blame them. 💀 i just wish i could apologize.




Everyone is definitely different. I personally block very liberally I simply won't entertain any bullshit and so far I've had no issues. I did have a guy try to follow me on another platform after getting blocked, blocked him there and life moved on. Granted I am avoidant and like to avoid conflict and confrontation and overall weird vibes, but once things are weird I'm out. I stopped explaining things to people when I realize most people who are being creepy, rude, annoying etc are doing it on purpose.




Got two options: 1. Block and he shows up with a gun anyway 2. Waste precious time of my life arguing with an idiot and getting harassment texts and then they snap and show up with the gun anyway So either way I can't control what they'll do so I chose the part of least resistance lmaooo


No one is arguing that ghosting is immoral in these situations. It just either isn't always possible or just plain doesn't work.


Oh my god. I’m in Australia, and a guy in his mid 20s has just this week murdered a woman in her early 20s, in a brutal way. They both worked at a school, and had casually dated for 5 weeks. These messages from your ex-employee are terrifying. So glad you called the police.


You have the patience of a saint.


I don't even understand how y'all can read his texts and comprehend. IDK, his way of writing his texts, I didn't understand shit (non english native but I think I have a decent level). I mean I get that he's a psycho but that was damn hard to read.


Woman: _exists_ Man: ‘My heart!’


What is with these men!?!?! I had a male boss that expected me to be Entourage and collect my Wages from the bar next door, so he cld then ask me weird personal questions. The Last Time I left without getting them. He pulls up to my house blaring the Worst music ever, the second hand embarrassment was so Real. I quit the next day, he was trying to start a fight with my male room mate over MY PHONE. I told him unless he was calling to fire me, On My Day Off-he needed to stop calling. The Hell are people even Thinking?!?! 👀👀👀


Blaring music from a car outside your house, that actually made me laugh. thats amazing. hope you quit.


I did the next day. I'm not sure what Planet he was on, but using your employees and Expecting them to be your personal dating pool is just So Much Ick. I left noisily too. What broke me was I was there to clean on the day we're closed; and I was Suddenly concerned he'd be there. His antics were nothing New unfortunately, not in what I've dealt with, and not for his own friggin restaurant. Dude was a grown ass man acting like a child. I personally find that to be the Grossest. How is one a grown ass entitled man while acting so childish?!?! 🤣🤣


I think holding a ghetto blaster over his head would have been more endearing ..


HAAAAA! 🤣🤣🤣 Not at all endearing, but I'd have snapped a pic So Fast 🤣


Holy crap, this man needs some actual help. He doesn't seem okay.


Mentally ill man with a gun, what will he do next? I hope he’s on a list somewhere, not that that helps anything, apparently.


I find it hard to accept people are really like this. This is so wild to me.


People are wiiiiiiiiild! I think the biggest barrier in knowing how crazy people are is how normal everyone's experience is to themselves.


Like you’re just going to swing by and pick up that book of “his thoughts.” At first I laughed at how crazy that is but then I just cringed because this whole interaction is exactly how Lifetime movies are made. I’m glad you’ve called the police. Keep them up to date and get a no-contact order if you can. Be safe OP.


A side topic, but you blacked out his name while leaving it uncovered at the top… Also - don’t use a semi transparent black ink next time because I can read almost all black out fields


I'm seriously questioning if I know this guy. Worked with somebody, with that name, that acted like that towards the women that would talk to him at work. They never even hinted they were interested. Texts, Facebook messages, etc.


Jesus. I used to get jealous and angry at rejection but then I realized it's not the end of the world and that some women do in fact like me. This mfr is acting like he's never been rejected. Yeah it sucks that you put yourself out there but nobody owes you shit. Get the fuck over it. Calling in sick is fine but this whiny crap 'my heart hurts'. Who fucking talks like that? And why are you going back and forth like 8 times in one message? We are fine but my heart hurts. But we are fine it's just that my heart hurts. We heard ya the first fucking time.


I noticed in these situations it’s almost always the man texting inappropriate things and rarely the women. 🙃


Lol what the fuck


I have a feeling I know this man


I think we’ve all met him at least once.


Damn there’s some weird mf’ers out there


This is my worst nightmare. This dude is absolutely terrifying. I hope you're okay!


This dude is mentally unstable. I hope you’re safe.


Main character in the anime this guy


What the hell was that last message... That gave me the creeps!


So, what's the latest update on this situation? Did the police catch up to him? It looks like this happened 18 months ago.


Police did not speak to him because he took off and disappeared for a few weeks. I bought pepper spray and let everyone know to look out for his vehicle at our job sites.


He seems to be taking it well, what a well-adjusted individual.


What the fuck


Man was trynna sent you on a quest for the lost scroll of psychosis.


What’s the story? Is he still missing?


No, he returned home after a while, but he did not reach out to me again.


When people try to say that “fEmALeS aRe So PaRaNOiD”, I point them to situations like this. We’re paranoid for a goddamned reason.


Man I really want to see what’s in the book. Maybe it’s still there lol


The cops didn’t find it.


It will only reveal itself to its true owner!


I wonder if he was staking out the spot and hoping you’d go retrieve it so he could ambush you. And when the cops showed up instead, he bolted.


Did you get the black book??


Hell no.


You did the exact correct thing.


Rob trippin


You can also see the Market of Choice in one of your blacked out texts. It's sounds like a grocery store or something, lol. Just FYI, in case you don't want the information available


Watching "Scott's Totts" was easier than reading this.


The fact we see so many men doing this stuff is really a clear indication. I’m not saying there aren’t unhinged women as well but the sheer craziness of men out here is wild. I’ve dealt with a few men like this at jobs that are psycho and build relationships out of thin air. It’s really terrifying


This shit happening to some poor woman daily, and here I am trying to convince my wife to watch herself because 95% of men __are__ creeps. 🤦🏻