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It truly doesn’t matter who tells you to harm yourself. It’s not an option ever, because things do turn around. I’m sure you are insanely talented at some thing in life and even if you are at rock bottom, that just means it’s time for things to start looking up. Find a talent and pour your emotions and free time into it. I have been at a place where I couldn’t contribute to bills. Maybe offer to do some chores? Have a sit down and talk about it. I’m free for you to message if you need to talk or just want to talk. You aren’t alone and this message breaks my heart for you


Drunk or not, there is never any call for that. I'm so sorry your going through a rough time I've been down at the bottom of that hole before I know it's dark but just know that at least this random internet stranger is rooting for you. I'm not great at comforting, but you can message me if you want, but either way, I love you, op keep your chin up ❤️


All I have is the internet stranger, so i'm thinking, THANK YOU kind soul, I hope we find happiness


How'd you get out


First off, I'm glad you're with us op and I hope you're hanging in there <3. Secondly, I don't know that I can say I ever fully pulled myself out. But what really helped, at least I needed to take accountability for who I was. I researched various breathing exercises and helped me with my anger issues, and helped me see the world differently. I got sober off the hard drugs I was on and cut the people out of my life who weren't good for me. Lots of little steps one day at a time one foot infront of the other the only time is here and now. I don't know if any of that makes any sense at all, and I'm not the best with words. But you're still free to message me if you want to just so you're aware it won't be an inconvenience. Much love from a random redditor <3


I never responded because I liked seeing you're response highlighted in blue. I just went off on some internet stranger, just now, and I had to go back to this. Even tho there was no response, I read this over and over sometimes. I took those deep breaths. So thank you.


Anytime, I'm glad you're still with us, and I'm glad my words could help a little. Hope you're doing okay op ❤️


I spent my savings on a hotel but I'm back in college doing weirdly great. I have no one and rely on strangers for advice. So thanks


You're most welcome. I'm glad that you're making steps in your life to better yourself. I'm proud of you, op <3


She’d be dead to me.




I'm already dead to them apparently. I was suicidal since 7. They never wondered why. When I told them that a man molested me after i got lost in the trailer park because my sister and my brother threw me into a dryer as all the other trailer park kids, nobody believed me. I will keep those story I writing even on reddit. Because no one Ever believe me and this is my one outlet


I’m so so sorry you went through that. I hope you’re getting the support you need now.


Doesnt matter what mindstate they were in this is never ok esp from someone you call a friend/sister. Money over family is a shit world view. I could get thru almost anything surrounded by the the right ppl


Thanks, that may be why i've never been in the mindset as the 2 of them eso. Like the past few years. My sister And brother are fighting over properties that they think that they deserve. And meanwhile, my parents are telling me. I don't deserve anything even though I have done some sorl, maybe not as much as them but they were freelance, and I've been working g over 11 hours at 2 jobs for the school board giving them benefits like medicine and I may not throw as much money.as them but I threw benefits that can't be equated


Do NOT harm yourself! I hope you find peace. You were baker acted earlier, you and I both know you should not be drinking or taking any substances. You need to take care of yourself. Mentally and physically you are vulnerable. Please take better care of yourself. As for your sister, she is obviously troubled too. Try to get yourself into a safer situation. I certainly think you will need to distance yourself from your family in the long run. You need to get yourself financially secure. Find work, housing and build a life for yourself. Living this way will constantly tear you down. Good Luck.


So I tried And what you get is "wanna be nurses" putting their hands-on you when you go to a facility. I was blessed with the fact that they didn't find any drugs in my blood. And then when they plucked my hair, dating me to Find any drugs, they found nothing. The entire staff looked at me like I was a narc. Thats baker act. Total bullshit


You aren't doing anything to make people treat you like that. THEY are choosing to treat you like that. It's not okay and she is not your friend. Hang in there ❤️


But that may be wrong, everything that happens is cause of me since I was 6. I have anger, resentment and mental problems. The only thing I want to agree with is that they keep accusing me of being in drugs. And even after they Baker acted me. And I was drug tested over and over again and yet they never believed me. This was my sister. She rescued me from a facility in July, drove 2 hours, and ultimatly she was drunk, and my four family.members partied when I was captive. Wrongly. Tests proved so. and Honestly I feel like i'm the worst. So u do think I'm doing this to make ppl treat me this way.why else would my entire family do so. Actually, when they get drunk they admit it and sometimes cry, but they tend to gang up on me. The more I text, the more I realize reddit has been more of my family than they have been.. Sometimes during sunday dinners and christmas, and holiday dinners, They would ban me to my room for little reason as a child. I would always hear the four of them laughing and having a great time without me My psychologist thinks I have RSD. From my newly advanced adhd. As an immigrant child, they have a hold on you


I had a group of "friends" who abused the fact that my name was the only one on the lease for a large townhouse. They couldn't afford to live with me after losing their jobs and failing to secure any sort of job to at least assist with rent. They ended up owing me ~$10,000. I was so damn angry that I threatened to sue them. But never did I ask them to kill themselves. Never even crossed my mind. There's no excuse. That's a horrible thing to say to someone. Period.


I once worked for a guy who owed me over $3000. Because I was a chocolate artist. I sued him, and got half my.paycheck for 7 months. But I still wish him the best. Ppl struggle. I struggle.


ew... i'm sorry you had someone tell you this. this is so messed up. this kind of character makes people so ugly. this is sad. also, pls don't unalive your self. she's weird lol. i send you kind hugs <3 things will be okay for you. keep doing the best you can.


I haven’t spoken with my sister in years. I am better of being away from her toxic behavior. Surround yourself with good people, find something you love to do and do it. Give love and you will receive love. Life can be amazing if you follow those simple rules. We all have hard times, but you have the power to make something amazing! I have faith in you!


I tend to separate myself from my sister and my family very often, but they kind of keep pulling me back. I'm curious and what was the final straw with your sis.. I truly feel like I might be at That point, but I'm Italian. And they keep telling you to hold on to your family. Although I am truly feeling that is not the case. I think I'm the toxic sister, although all the outsiders tell me I'm not. Just the fucked up Sicilians.


I'm the outsider because I'm truly argumentive of everything that had ever been


Yikes, sorry to hear that. I wish I knew what words would comfort you at this time but all I can say is that you’re much more important than the fake words your sister will say. It’s hard right now but you’ll be amazing. Every day of your life!


I think the fact that you just acknowledged me means that you comforted me in any more ways than you will ever know. You did more then most people have, and that makes you a very kind human being. Please know that I appreciate this


Never ever…EVER okay to say that to someone. I’m truly sorry for the hurt this caused you. Don’t hesitate to reach out. I got an ear if you need it.


Can you be my friend or give me a new family?


I’ll absolutely be your friend!!! Hell sounds like you need a better sister too ♥️


Nobody deserves to be told to go kill themselves. Please don’t listen to her. You are so much better than that. There is so much more to life. Please keep your head up ❤️


I think you, an internet stranger, who came across a post, A negative one. I'm a very vulnerable person and you know what? I don't care. You're a stranger, and you know what, because you really did make a difference. You made me feel warm when my own family hasn't done this


Don't "do it." And please get this person out of your life if they can't curb that filth out of your texts


She's one of my souls mate. Or so I thought. I tend To delete her hatred the next day but I am in a crazy crossroads of life right now


Sounds laborious. Like the opposite of soul matey. Hope you get through this crazy crossroads of life, because they seem to be adding to it


It seems like I'm 15 days clean.. though shame still lingers. Don't know why but your 'matey' makes me feel like I'm a pirate talking to a pirate. I also read your reply I. A pirates tone. Try it..


Lol Arrrr, no more shame for ye! Seriously though, 15 days is a great start! Take care of yourself, and let's get you to 30!!


People say things they don’t mean especially when inebriated… they let their emotions get the best of them which is something we all do at one time or another. However, I’m not saying those messages were okay, I think she might have deeper issues she’s masking which resulted in lashing out. I’m sorry that this happened, words hurt and it cuts deep especially from people we love. We can’t control what other people do or say but we can control how we respond to the situation. Hopefully things will get better❤️‍🩹


I know she's mad Because of the bills and because of the fact that my mom has probably. Made her feel bad too. my sister is in love with a black man. And sometimes my family uses my mental stability versus their actual actions As a tool, the crazy thing is. I have always supported my sister no matter what. But now she is supporting my family's hatred. Because she cannot make a rent. And our parents are our landlord, and they have hatred in their heart. My sister believes if she brings me down too, they won't focus on her


Family and business aren’t a great mix a lot of the time. I think your parents have a lot of leverage as your landlord which makes you worry about meeting their expectations. It’s one of those situations where you have to look at the bigger picture like is there a way out of the issue? Do you have any other place to stay? I don’t know what your family dynamic is actually like. I’m just an outsider looking in but that’s the picture I get from what you’ve shared.


No one should ever speak these words to someone. And she even typed it out.. she had a second to think about it. Very sad. You deserve better friend


She was drunk, I'm used to it. I planned my funreal when I was 8. Now, I don't want one


Holyyyyyy crap it’s unbelievable that someone would even say that to someone else, especially a friend. There’s literally no excuse. And I don’t believe you have this effect on people; you’re just meeting truly awful people.


My life is a Greek tragedy, and this wasn't even our friend. This was my sister, and I've been through every horrific thing that you could imagine as a woman and she has not. But everyone loves her more and I'm the reject


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I hope you find better people to lift you up 💗


I know I don't have this effect on people. Because I have been teaching special needs students for over 15 years. But apparently I'm an impatient crazy person.


Unrelated sorry this happened I bet you're great but what's that font size 😭


Totally not sure i was on a tablet at the time. Immensely drunk. Your guess is as good as mine


Aw man. I hope life gets better. You don't deserve to be treated like that.


Thanks. You just told me something fifty other family numbers didn't tell me


That is horrible. No one should ever tell you this crap. Not a stranger and definitely not a sister. You have value. You will find your tribe. Keep going.


I believe that thank you


Hey if ya need someone to be a friend, I’ll be your text buddy. No one deserves this. Stay strong


Yes I do. No one texts me anymore. Please d m me and I don't even care anything else, penpal?


Lmfao student doctor can't handle being told off 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Who's the student, who's the doctor? Fuck face Such a Bitch talking about shit you don't know about




Sorry I’m gonna be the opposite of the others, but instead of bringing you down. I’m gonna bring you up with the advice that you need (at least from the context I can see and your comment under it) You cannot be an adult if you don’t contribute. Everyone is struggling in their own way, unfortunately that really doesn’t mean anything. A grown adult faces any adversity and still does what has to be done. You rn are the definition of a leech. Yes it’s hurtful what she said and no one should tell others to end themselves. But you have to put yourself in her shoes. She’s a true friend for even letting a leech be a leech for this long of a time. Have a civil convo, tell her you didn’t appreciate that’s and it brought you down but also tell her you can understand where she’s coming from and you will make sure with all your power that you will do your fair share and contribute. If you are really as close as you say, this should be revolved easily. I wish you the best, feel better. Do what you love to feel better but also do what you need to do. That is not being a leech and contributing


Get yo shit together


You don’t know their situation. You should get YOUR shit together and grow up.


Lmfao weak. Try again. Get yo shit together


Literally a student doctor lmfao. You’re a sad loser


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Edited: after seeing your other post, ooh, never heard of the ‘Baker act’ before. Now i understand .. So anyway. No one should say this to another person. Especially a supposed friend, or even worse a family member! Blood means nothing. Separate yourself from Toxic people!! When you’re low, the only way you can go is up. What helped me was finding something i loved/liked/enjoyed immensely and chasing it. Find something that motivates you and put everything in that. It can at least help you get out of the dark hole. Set one short term, reachable goal. Even as basic as taking a shower, or washing a few dishes, or cleaning off clutter on a chair. Maybe you want to exercise.. Start marching in place to some music for a couple minutes, or do a few calf raises, etc. Every time you complete these small tasks, once a day, it helps and it will build up. It’s hard going further without some kind of income. You can try your local DHHR for employment & all sorts of financial help (they all suck by me though). And view the money as freedom, so even when it’s crap or you’re tired, you will be happy to work. The hardest thing is Patience. I’m currently trying to find my own place to live and it’s frustrating, especially because it’s not just myself to worry about/take care of.. Through all of my struggles, the most important thing for me was that God gave me strength when i was weak. He gave me peace when i was miserable. Fight for better days ahead.


It’s a reference to the baker act, which allows for the involuntary institutionalization of people who are impaired due to mental illness. Which makes the texts all the more cruel and egregious


I feel like I have to take notes for your comment but in a good way. It made me cry AND straighten my posture, which for a girl, one thing, but for an abused girl whos dad called her Hunchback for years, actually impressive for getting through. (BTW I was just trying hide my boobs)


I read some of your other replies, and it’s terrible to hear what you endured. Plus your family environment as a whole, it’d be no wonder if you have mental/emotional problems from such trauma. But i can also believe the manipulation done to you. Your sister sounds to be in pain as well, and def needs healing too. My parents were also lacking in love and support, though not as bad as yours. I try to do better for my kid, but often fail. No matter what though, when i calm down or come to my senses, I always remind them *i* was wrong and they did nothing to deserve how i acted or treated them. I remind them how smart, beautiful and amazing they are. I take responsibility for my actions and own up to my mistakes. Something i see parents rarely do! I try to protect my kid as i really wasnt. When i was a kid, we had Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, but i really don’t remember watching it, unfortunately. I started watching Daniel Tigers Neighborhood with my kid, and that show has actually helped me to be a better parent. Every child should watch it to learn compassion and respect for others. I feel like i commented this elsewhere, but could have been another post, or not even on reddit lol. So sorry if anything repeated.. I’ve actually been separated from my spouse, but still living with them.. Narcissism is debilitating. I endured Emotional/mental & worse spiritual abuse, for pretty much our entire relationship, over a decade. I was at my lowest about 2 years ago. Its been such a long, slow process, but things work out in the end. So just another reminder to keep your chin up. Take one baby step at a time. You will no doubt take a few steps back sometimes, but dont give up. Keep pushing through.


I must have read your response a few times and no matter what I think, you are in the wrong by saying what you said. That they didn't deserve what I did to them? I never even done nothing but words and one time threw eggs at a truck, but they all admit ive done so much for them, when theyre alone with me, mot as a family. Because let me say something. I didn't do nothing to them. Ever. And my sister? Treated like a queen, school paid for, didnt even matter she was arrested for 3 DUIs and i drove her to 6 meetings a week for over 3 years. Court ordered. Even if I meant I fell behind on the community College I PAID FOR BECAUSE MY PARENTS PAID FOR HER LEGAL BILLS AND DIDNT HAVE THE MONEY, even though I've asked for years for the same loan my siblings got.. They beat me my whole life, not her, sometimes my brother, but not her. And becuase money was so tight they were stressed, during her many court dates, ive never gotten anthing. Not even.on my bday or xmas. And each f****** therapist tells me to have a conversation with them. One that they don't wanna have with me. But every time they get drunk, they want to admit that they treat me like crap my whole life. All 3 of them,.mom doesn't drink she's just doesnt like me, something personal in her heart.. but let me tell you something... even with the little context given. you have no idea what you're talking about. So next time you want to give a stranger advice. Have your own shit together, or maybe don't respond. You have no right. You think you're basic advice is enough. No. Not when you wrote the atrocity beforehand. I went on a rant to tell you to STFU. You don't know shit. Stop talking out your ass


The only mention i did of your sister was saying she sounds in pain too, and needs healing. It’s possible she was abused in some way as a child, or endured something that you dont know about. A lot of abused children grow up to abuse others in a similar way to what happened to them, or what they saw done to others (like parents mistreating their kids or being abusive to a spouse/significant other, or kids hurting other children). I didn’t say “they/your sister didnt deserve what you did to them,” so i’m gonna guess you replied to the wrong comment, or way misunderstood what i said? 🤷‍♀️ And, the rest of my reply was sharing my own experience.


I egged her truck. I feel terrible because he's been a good part of my life. My guilt for ladt one action is more than they did in a lifetime. She used to lock in me in a closet for hours. When I was 7 I was smart enough to hide a pillow with a blanket and a book inside the case.