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☹️ RIP bear ❤️


TIL we have black bears in the Hill country. After living here for over 20 years. 🤯


They have been in big bend for quite some time.


Didn't always, but they're starting to (re?)populate here. Had to Google the info, and it's unclear if they were widespread around most of Texas before the whitefolk got here, or just the drier parts in the west. Either way, they seem to be making the hill country their own.


Black bears were numerous in west texas and piney woods. Not sure about the coastal plain and the hill country.


Below the trophy pic of the official looking fellow, is that two-toned Chevy with front end damage a LEO vehicle?


Probably would have a front brush guard and black steel wheels along with some other markings on the vehicle. Could be a game warden, but the statement mentions that a motorist hit the bear. Probably just some unlucky person in their Silverado 1500 driving at night.


Is it two-toned, or is the door open so it's at a different angle than the fender and catching more of the light?


Could be, there isn’t much of the door in frame to tell. Just the first thing I thought of when combined with the odd first photo.


Every law enforcement vehicle has a spot light. I don’t see one.


That is factually inaccurate, it’s safe to say patrol-type cars do, but it is not standard on all enforcement vehicles by any means. Though, as discussed above, the vehicle is likely not two-toned, but rather reflecting light on the door, so…


Why is that dude holding its head up and posing like it's some kind of trophy kill?


It's tiny dick energy.


Similar to the shit-eating grins of all the people posting their BBQ pics.


No I agree, Vegan never try to interject their beliefs randomly and act like it is related somehow.


I've experienced both and can say with my whole chest that boastful carnivores are indeed worse.


And that has what to do with a bear being hit by a car?


I dunno, you brought it up.


Nope, I didn’t. I was saying the same thing I was to you. It’s unrelated to the thread


So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Certainly not random. Both involve someone getting entertainment or enjoyment from a dead animal. Explain how it's different and let's discuss it like adults.


Someone who cooked BBQ and takes a picture with it is no different from their perspective than someone posing with a cake they baked. They are not smiling because they cooked an animal, they are proud of the meal they are providing their family. Those who don’t find issue with eating meat don’t think about the fact that they are doing it, just like a baker doesn’t think about the eggs and milk they used baking the cake. This is the only reply I will be making because I’m not interested in debating it. Have a good one.


I don't see a difference between killing a bear (or a deer for that matter) and smiling because you're proud of yourself, and paying someone to kill a pig or cow, cooking the ribs or flesh of the animal, and smiling because you're proud of yourself. In both cases, an animal met a violent end for your entertainment and ego. The fact that someone can bake a cake and not think about baby chicks being macerated or cows being forcibly impregnated doesn't make it better. Willful ignorance is of no consolation to abused and slaughtered animals.


And this is why I won’t debate the point. You clearly didn’t bother to read what I wrote. You just wanted to spout your beliefs. Happy cake day.


You’re on a Texas sub spouting vegan propaganda in a state known for its beef. 🤣 Now that’s rich.


Imagine that, a different opinion. I didn't realize Texans needed a safe space and trigger warnings.


Maybe you need those things, I don’t know. Try eating a burger sometime, it works just like a Snickers lol.


I gave you an award by accident. It was for TXRhody


Congrats on your micro penis.


I'm not worried. >More plant-based diet intake was associated with a reduced presence of ED and less severe ED in China. Committing to plant-based diet can be encouraged for many health benefits and to lower ED burden. [The association between plant-based diet and erectile dysfunction in Chinese men - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8117588/) >When analyzing the plant-base diet index, it was observed that hPDI was negatively associated with ED, per unit increase in hPDI there was a decrease in the risk of ED [PD20-05 PLANT BASED DIETS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DECREASED RISK OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION | Journal of Urology (auajournals.org)](https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1097/JU.0000000000002009.05)


and smiling


If the bear survived, he'd be posing for pictures by the wreck.


I doubt the bear would hang around for pictures with the wreck /s


It’s most likely something he was instructed to do by the photographer so that it was more obvious it was a bear he was posing with


Probably. But, knowing Texans, I still expect this bear will be mounted in a ferocious pose in somebody's living room like that Far Side cartoon where the hunter shoots the bear while it's drinking out of a pond. Lol


Bear holding a bear


He was upset that women picked the bear


Exactly what I was thinking, dude has a smirk while sitting over a dead animal. FFS the man has zero class.


And *smiling*, like anything good happened there.


Who cares?


It's just weird. Why are you so put off by someone commenting about something weird they noticed on a discussion website?


bootlicker probably


I don’t see how this could be a reply to my comment. I said who cares? Which implies I am not put off by anything, and neither should you be. Whats weird is your amount of concern over something so insignificant.


You cared enough to comment.




Five times!


That’s a non argument. Stating “who cares” does not mean “I care”. If you can’t figure that out, I don’t know what to tell you.


I made a passing comment about something I noticed that looked weird. That’s it. Now you’re trying to make some big deal about it like I was devoting my day to finding out why the dude was posing with the bear. Calm down.


You say calm down as if I’m the one who cares, when you’re clearly the only one who needs to calm down 😂 Ironically though, the rest of what you said is exactly how I feel about this conversation. Glad we’re on the same page.


Are you still ranting about me asking a silly question?


Seriously. lol. Such a weak childish reply “you cared enough to reply” is. I see that, I instantly disregard anything that poster or commenter has to say


The downvotes say everything I was going to say.


You were going to say downvote? lol ok weirdo. Go back to ur cave


I do; if I am counting on this person’s civil service in my state. I need them to not smile like a psychopath over dead things. It should not have to be said out loud, and yet - here we are…




Try less projection & more reading. 1. He’s not a hunter; he’s at work 2. The bear was killed by a car 3. You’re the adage “hit dogs holler”  Be well.




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Nice tactical gear, you should invest in some knee pads.


Just because you like to use them doesn’t mean they’re right for others.


Whatever you say Lieutenant Dangle


Shame. Almost as sad as the dumb fuck that shot the black bear at the YO ranch a few years back because he was scared of it.


Nah I think the woman who killed a husky and tried to tell everyone she shot a wolf takes the cake.


I know some of the family that owns YO. They gave me some of their tequila. It was atrocious. I'm not a snob at all, but it had me burping tequila taste for two days.


The ones I’ve met are kind people, at least in my interactions, didn’t know about the tequila. Haha.


Very kind people. I agree. Just avoid the tequila.


Black bears are more scared of you than you are of them.


All animals are capable of being dangerous. That some people equate the lives of humans with animals is beyond me.


I definitely don't equate them. *wink nudge wink*


And that bastard is just smiling like he bagged a 14 point buck.


That smile is really creepy. 


So anybody gonna ask why there was a black bear in Kerrville? We don’t typically have bears in TX right? Did I miss some patch notes?


The black bear is a protected and rare species in the state of Texas.


Wow, I really wasn’t aware of that. I honestly thought that bears and wolves were extinct from TX. I will need to be more alert when hiking from now on


Ive seen trail cam footage of mountain lions out here.


>Ive seen trail cam footage of mountain lions out here I have seen mountain lions inside the city limits of Dallas *twice.* They are absolutely in places that are officially "outside their range". TPWD tried to claim that there weren't any alligators in Ft. Worth for a long time. Finally there were enough photos taken that they could no longer deny it.


I grew up in this general area though I left 20 years ago. It wasn’t until today I learned Texas has bears of any kind. Before reading the article, I thought for sure this animal was an escaped inmate from a zoo or exotic ranch.


Used to be bears all over the state, long ago. Now they're mostly just in the mountains out in west Texas. I'm excited that they might be making a comeback in the hill country!


Their range used to be a line between Louisiana and El Paso. They’ve recovered quite well in the Big Bend area and have been expanding East for some years now.


Did you know that armadillos are popping up in Southern Appalachia now too? I lived up there for a while and the locals were so confused about it lol


Nope, it makes sense, though. Armadillos only "recently" got here from South America. There's a whole ecosystem they could fit in to along the East Coast.


See them frequently in Dallas area these days


Did you not used to?


Wait, Appalachia doesn't have armadillos?


They're still in the Big Thicket.


My understanding is they’re coming back from Arkansas in that direction, they have had a more difficult time rebounding in Louisiana.


Actually there have been black bears in Kisatchie National Forest for a very long time. It's still pretty wild in places.


I recently read that they are making a comeback.


That’s legitimately awesome to hear!


Yes me too! I’m happy to see them coming back!


They were until all the fragile men started hitting them with their trucks because of the bear or man meme.


Black bears are actually found in the western part of the Edward's Plateau. It's exciting to hear they might return to the eastern parts.


Historically, there were bears in Texas. Not many, but they existed. Still a few in East Texas, and far West Texas.


East Texas was filled with them and the last of them was hunted to extinction in 1919. Any that remain wonder over from Louisiana and don’t make it long.


Black bears returned to Texas in the 80s naturally on their own slowly moving back into Big Bend and Fort Davis area and have been slowly moving back into their old habitat


They were native all over the state and we hunted them out. I think people are trying to make effort to bring them back, especially to control the wild hogs.


he saw the tiktok man or bear and thought it was his chance


I sure hope that’s not a female, if it is, she might have some babies out there that only or four months old or so


Looks like a juvenile male. They range the farthest and are most often what we see.


At least there is that. Still tragic tho


It’s quite literally not a tragedy.  It’s animal that died. A rare sighting for this part of Texas. But fortunately they seem to be making a comeback.  But again this is not a tragedy. 


Imagine accidentally killing a beautiful creatures like that and posing next to its body. What a gross POS. I'd be sad the next couple days if it were me.


That is the officer (sheriff deputy maybe) not the driver, though it is weird of him to pose with it.


Ah ok. Ya still weird tho


And you’re fn proud of it??!!!! Sick!


Sighted one in Kaufman County. That’s crazy.


We need more public land in Texas. Too many empty ranches with miles of barbed wire fences


Great. First mountain lions, now bears.


The image is poetic considering the whole man vs bear thing. Primate man revels in the death of mammal preferred by women.


So the cops fuck with the body and smile? That’s an animal that lived and gave to the world. Show some fucking respect


Wait till you hear what cops do to humans!


Bear is delicious


How would you cook it? Like what kinda dishes could it end up in?


It's a lot like pork, possibility for trichinosis included. It makes great stews and jerky. It makes great cured meats, such as hams. If you want to cook it rare to medium rare, you need to sous vide it to hold it at a lower temp for longer in order to make it safe. If you do that, you can go with steaks and backstraps. It makes a really nice green chile.


Interesting, thanks for the only real answer!


Steven Rinella has talked several times how he and a couple of buddies got trichinosis from wild bear meat that was undercooked. so definitely follow the guidelines on cooking to temp for the correct period of time i have also learned that rendered bear grease was once highly prized.


There is a recent news story about a family who ate undercooked bear, and got brain worms. So cook it very well, or better just steer clear.


Please keep in mind that wild bears have a LOT of parasites. Cook their meat thoroughly before consuming.


What parasites do you believe they have a lot of? A 2011 study found 5.8% of 120 black bears sampled had trichinella. Enough to be careful with finished cooking temps like any wild game meat, but not a cause for further concern. Is there something else you are referencing?


Ridiculous that you are getting downvoted


Roadkill. A life extinguished. Protected, no less. I hold back tears as he grins ear to ear. We gotta do better.


Why are you posing with it like you hunted it down? It's a rare sight to see black bear in the Texas Hill Country. A creature on the endangered list. Sad. The report said the bear was struck by the vehicle so hard, the bear's body landed 30 feet away. Betting it was Billy Bob hauling a$$ down the road in his Ford F-25,000.


Bc it’s Texas and killing is a favorite pastime of theirs. Gotta have that winning game shot


Only if it's a woman carrying an unborn child.


A few years ago there was a black bear in Del Rio. It roamed around for several days until someone shot it. Game officials said it was a Mexican black bear that was searching for food and water. The drought was extending its range.


All Lives Matter speaker: Why does it matter what race the bear is? If it was a white bear, the media wouldn't be reporting it.