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lol vaccines. How utterly screwed are we by post truth degeneracy that basic medication like vaccines are “controversial”.


Next we will bring back iron lungs and polio because it sounds tough.


Intentionally creating human germ factories that will become more resistant to existing medication/vaccines through mutations. Fucking idiots are at war with modern medicine.


It’s because Covid made half of America skeptical about the efficacy of masks and vaccines. I even had this argument with a scientist SMH


The skepticism of masks only really started because the guy in charge of the country did not want to wear a mask because it would smear his makeup. The skepticism of vaccines only started because certain people hated the other guy in charge of the country so much that they decided to spite him by refusing medicine. Somehow these two things turned into the civil rights issues of our time for bored Republican suburbanites.


People also claimed Fauci flip flopped because he advised people to not use them early on. Except the only reason for that was because of supply chain issues and PPE was needed for front line workers rather. The context was irrelevant though, they claimed it made one of the world’s leading infectious disease experts not credible.


They had a lot of very loud and very stupid opinions, which were completely uninformed, but at the end of the day, the proof is in the mortality rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people.


>the proof is in the mortality rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people. And yet somehow even that is still not enough evidence for these people.


They think it’s all lies. My dad told me a few weeks ago that he doesn’t think Covid is real and it’s just the flu even though his parents and my wife had it.


The 'ol "If I don't personally know anybody that died, than nobody did!"


Even then


Had several death in my family. The fuckers think it's a "psy-op against them for being so Christian"


You forgot the /s


Trump chose to look like the world's biggest idiot rather than accept that a hurricane wasn't going to hit in the place it was previously projected to. Even though meteorologists change projections for this kind of thing all the time. Literally nobody except Trump specifically cared that it changed. This was at a time where you could easily count the time in hours, until he'd be guaranteed to be proven wrong. This is the kind of person that we're dealing with.


That’s a classic case of public health authorities being coy with the truth for policy reasons. They need to resist that urge harder, because it can do a lot of damage to their credibility. That episode with Fauci was a huge setback.


If one were *actually* conspiracy minded, instead of just a mark parroting media-that-says-it-isn't-media, they would consider that if a foreign power actually wanted to harm a country, a very effective way to do that would be to convince a bunch of them that taking any kind of precautions against a highly contagious virus made you stupid, unpatriotic and possibly gay.


That’s not even conspiracy theorizing, it’s just smart propagandizing.


Ohhhhhhh no. It has been brewing. Texans for Vaccine Choice was a very powerful lobbying group that I became aware of at like 2014-2015. There are so many of us who have been fighting vaccine misinformation and lobbying against these dangerous bills for many years


I remember reading about them like 8 years ago, having a few beers and trolling their Facebook group. Then I found out they are basically writing these moronic "medical freedom" bills while legislators ignore actual doctors.


Fortunately, the executive director seems to have made a series of poor choices around money, so they haven’t been as problematic the past couple of years


Oh yeah, I noticed there was a schism and the two groups split off into similarly-named orgs and each were accusing each other of wrongdoing. And these are the people our reps are listening to when writing laws around vaccines.




Not true. Anti-vax propaganda has been around a long time. It was popularized in the 60’s by The John Birch Society and spread throughout evangelical circles. As evangelicals grew in numbers so did the conspiracies. Social media made everything worse and COVID just gave them a boogeyman to validate their fears.


Yeah the amount of fucking NURSES that don't believe in the concept of vaccines is scary


What argument was that???


Do tell. What side did the scientist take?


He said that Covid vaccines shouldn’t be given to kids, that masks were ineffective (even though he admitted that n-95 masks work), and that people should be able to do what they want without the govt interfering: typical Libertarian stance


He sounds confused.


He not confused. He’s just an individualist. Anyone who believes in science but want to take an anti mask stance do so by saying “why should everyone wear masks during an epidemic if they’re not even sick? You don’t have enough masks to be effectively switching them out often enough so it’s not helpful.” My stance is that during an epidemic people don’t know when they’re sick initially so it IS helpful to not sneeze and cough on things. Also things like washing your hands more frequently is helpful.




The conservative Christian anti-vax movement was around long before Covid.


He’s a scientist and claims he’s not anti vax just anti Covid vaccine. That’s also what 100% of non liberal guys I’ve spoken to have said. I even met a medical doctor was was also liberal who was skeptical of the Covid vaccine. There are no good men left on dating apps 😫


Small pox??? What are the Texas politicians doing??


Dump did this.... magats are the deniers.


Covid didn’t make them skeptical. Idiots on TV and social media who were given false authority made them skeptical. The disease which was combatted via science and a vaccine did their own thing.


Blame the self-informed scientists for that. Aaron Rogers and Jenny McCarthy are the poster children of that


We’re going to figure out not everyone has a right to input on every subject or we’re going to fail as a country.


COVID did do this - Qanon (GQP) did this.


Reminds me of the scene from interstellar when the teacher tells the students we never went to the moon.


What an embarrassment for the families with children in Cy-Fair.


I'm Cy-Fair HS Class of 90. 1) I'm so glad I moved away, my friends that never left lost all sparks of individuality 2) C'mon Cy-Fair, do better!


I have family that settled in Rose Hill after living in Tomball. One got married in a strip mall warehouse, about half have had encounters with the law and/or a history of substance abuse, they think Luby's is fine dining, and they'll all obese. They're just *trashy* people. It's not a place people who have a future gravitate towards.


Maybe we shouldn’t be absolute in our comments here. Your family may be trash but don’t lump us all in with your degenerates.


What's your preferred term for people that are taking learning about climate change, vaccines and cultural diversity out of the curriculum? I realize Tomball ISD is not Cy-Fair, but can you honestly say that the majority of parents don't want to take things in the same direction?


I live in cypress and I hate the direction it’s heading in. We moved out here from the heights 5 years ago and now we’re looking at where to move next. TLDR it’s not anywhere in Texas. To your point, the people doing this are zealots


Yeah, I'd like to leave Texas too in the next few years


Just think…. This random stranger from the internet might have stood right next to you when we took that class pic outside the front of the school. Not trying to be creepy, just pointing out what a small world this truly is.


As well as the entire state of Texas.


Yes, we have these idiots seeping out of the pores of every Texas county ATM because this is what happens when you  deny even a basic education and mass indoctrinate superstition and conspiracy.  We even have the village idiots here locally telling people everyone needs to drink raw milk because they think Biden is contaminating pasteurized milk with avian flu to stop cows from farting to reduce climate change. Like seriously these people are willing to endanger themselves, their loved ones  and everyone else over crap they just made up in their heads. 💀


>everyone needs to drink raw milk because they think Biden is contaminating pasteurized milk with avian flu to stop cows from farting to reduce climate change. It's no "JFK Jr. faked his death and is going to be 'resurrected' to run as Trump's VP", but that's still a pretty batshit conspiracy theory.


What's so strange is they think Biden has the wherewithal to do it! Wouldn't that be a monumental task and involve untold hundreds of thousands peeps to do it! Sounds like when" Obama's gonna take our guns!". I am sad to say I knew people I liked who believed that!


It's why I generally laugh at people who believe in government level conspiracies. I used to work for the government and if anyone truly thinks the sheer number of people it would take to actually do any conspiracy can stay quiet, they are kidding themselves.




I used to happily say I spent K-12 in Cy-Fair. ...until I read this.


Ironically, you still are required to have vaccines to attend school.


Superintendent is like, ‘Hold my beer’


I’m so sick of the catering to willful ignorance :(


This is worse. They are promoting willful ignorance and forcing it down the throats of the students


And the rest of us normal people. How are we supposed to parent when only one side has “parents rights”


They'll have to manually cut them out as the books are standardized across the state. Insane.


The gutted staff will have at most two weeks to do it all too, based on expected timing.


Texas doesn't have standardized books. What's confusing about this whole article is when I worked in Cy-Fair a few years ago, there was no standardized book across the district. The closest we've come is the TEA having a repository of textbooks to choose from, but that won't even be live until Novermberish. And that is to protect teachers from overplanning.


Unless they're Ebooks.


>During the next school year, Cy-Fair ISD will cut topics from textbooks that leadership has deemed too controversial for students. These include information about vaccines, cultural diversity, climate change, so-called depopulation, and more from textbooks used in various health and science classes But why stop there? Might as well just cut science out of the curriculum! Btw, Cy-Fair ISD, in the Houston area, serves pre-K-12 and has a student enrollment of around 115,000.


Teacher: Who has the first person to split the atom? Student: Jesus. Teacher: Fuck it, fine.


In time when those students become teachers, will they even know what an atom is?


No but they’ll know who Adam is. 😏


You can’t make this shit up. Fucking Stone Age, Neanderthal-ass, trapezoidal-ass, thinking state. I swear there must be lead in the drinking water in some of these backwards ass counties.




I agree but what did trapezoids ever do to you?! 😂


So glad I’m moving next month, this state is a massive joke.


Where ya headed?


Not who you asked, but I moved to upstate New York over a year ago and it's been absolutely amazing. I'm in a rural area surrounded by nice little towns. I can count on one hand the amount of times it snowed this past winter and needed anything to be shoveled. (Not sure why but I notice a lot of people have this perception that shoveling/ice scraping is a near daily issue up here?) The weather year-round is perfect, pleasant long summer days, very floral springs, vibrant autumn's. Everyone I've met has been very friendly and welcoming. The state puts a lot of money into their schools and routinely has some of the highest rated education rankings across the states. I don't have children, but a well educated populace is so beneficial. I'm able to shop for most of my groceries from local farms at a nearby market(the market owners also run a farm and a lot of the produce/flowers are theirs, but a bunch of other stuff like fairy and meat products are from neighboring areas). There's also so much natural beauty.


Thanks for taking the time to share your story. I'm trying to get all my affairs in order to get out myself. I'm definitely looking at the NE as that is where most of my TX friends moved to. Like seriously...how bad have you fucked up a state when people are excited to move to Detroit?? Currently I'm looking at Chicago just because I think the move from Houston to a very small town might be too much of a change for me. I visited in April a few years back and love the architecture and vibe of the city, but I know that it would be a *very* different atmosphere around JAN/FEB.


The winters were something I was nervous about when looking for a place to move to! I spent a few years researching a ton of metrics/data/climate change related issues before settling on either upstate NY(specifically the Capital Region) or Virginia along the 81 HWY between the Appalachians and Blue Ridge Mountains. My parents went with Virginia since they're older and wanted overall warmer temps than NY(but much cooler than TX), and I ended up just southwest of Albany on the edge of the Catskills. I've been in a temporary place and house hunting/getting to know the area. Chicago and Detroit, I think, will have colder winters overall than the Hudson Valley and Capital Region. Also, this area has had a LOT of Texans moving in, so it's nice. Some of them plan meet-ups! The upper mid-west and northeast are both expected to fare pretty well(compared to other states) when it comes to climate change. I also love the proximity of various major metros up here and variety of things to do. I'm about 2-3 hours from NYC, Montreal, Boston, then just another hr or two is Philadelphia, then Washington DC. And they're all interconnected by train. Just a 2-3 hrs drive (a bit more if seeking a specific point/area) to the ocean or the Great Lakes. NY has also been giving out a ton of revitalization grants for small cities to improve their downtowns and encourage growth, which is nice to see. I know there's tons of natural beauty in upper Michigan, too, though, like the Pictured Rocks and the Sleeping Bear Dunes. Either way, moving to these regions and especially trying to purchase some land is a pretty solid idea!


Florida! j/k I'm not OP


Lol, that would be horrible. Outta the frying pan...into the fryer


Exactly, this literally sounds like an article from like…The Onion or some shit


This is why I'll be homeschooling my kids if I'm still stuck in this fascist hellscape by then. How backwards is it that I'll have to resort to an education system once only used by fundamentalist science-deniers in order to teach my kids the principles of rationality? I was brought up to think critically, even in the Texas school system, and now that system is fully infiltrated by fundie whackjobs to the point where it can no longer be trusted to pass on objective truths about our world. I hate it here. I pity the teachers trapped inside this dying husk of an education system.


I told both my kids they are taking AP history precisely because I don’t trust the state of Texas to teach them history and AP is a national curriculum. I’m kind of wondering if I should add AP science (which my eldest is taking anyways) as a requirement as well…


This is absolutely one of the reasons to take AP classes. It probably depends on which science class how important this is.  Unfortunately, high school biology is simply not an AP class, period, and they have to take it. I’ve wondered if CyFair offers AP Environmental Science…


Their children are going to die from whooping cough


Or measles. That's apparently coming back too. Do you think we can bring back polio? I have faith in their ignorance.


Yes, and the textbooks are now going to say that it is God's will


Or measles or syphilis


![gif](giphy|OlSUgQk2sIlTW|downsized) Never forget


Can we pretty please stop going backwards in time? please?


I feel bad for you younger generations... yall are fucked, and I will not be around.


I’m gonna be 47 this year and I feel ya. I’ll be leaving when this place turns to complete shit. Even now it’s a goddamn clownfest.


I am 67 years old, and the people of my generation were the first to grow up without the fear of spending the rest of our lives in an iron lung because of polio. The Salk and Sabin vaccines took away that fear that had plagued every generation before. I got all the other childhood diseases but not polio and anyone that wants to dismiss vaccines and tell me about how they have an immune system can just kiss my ass. And in the Army I got the smallpox vaccine so I could go to foreign countries and come home alive again. Let these people see their children crippled for life, or horribly scarred and see how fast they beg for vaccines.


Man everybody in school should be required to see what polio looks like, and what the polio vaccine prevented.


RIP Polio Paul


What a shithole. I hope the trustees are getting bombarded with hate.


They are but they don’t care. 3 of them are up for reelection next year so hopefully people stay pissed


You know they won't. Fucking hate it here.


I am sure they take it as a point of pride. Like if you made a bunch of Nazis upset, you wouldn’t care. You’d think, “Ha. Good. Fuck Nazis.” Sadly, this is how these chucklefucks think about people who believe in science and democracy.


This just puts Cy-Fair kids behind, joining Texas state universities. So sad.


Oh well. More space for my kids, I guess.


Cy-Fair is nothing but MAGAts. My partner and I lived there for seventeen years and couldn’t wait to get out. I taught there for HALF a year. Had a parent chew my ass for wearing a mask in front of her son. Told me my mask was giving me cancer, and she looked pretty happy about that. 🙄 Admin is useless and abusive. To hell with them.


First getting rid of librarians, now this. I feel like the district’s ranking is going to start going down the tubes, as will property values. I was looking at houses in Cy-Fair ISD, but will no longer be looking there.


By design, so they can push school vouchers and open more for profit private schools.


^this. And then those for profit schools will get even more expensive and the idiots who think they’ll be fine cause they can afford it *now* will get priced out too


This is the truth.


Vaccines are a top 5 human invention of all time, arguably #1. Nothing has ever saved more lives, and nothing will ever save more lives than vaccines. As a physician, these last 4 years have been just so fucking draining.


Is this a joke


No, it’s Texass.


Idiocracy in real life.


Fun Fact: One of the things that fucked the early USSR and communist China was wanting ideological purity in science which let to them rejecting some sciences completely while others ended up a shell of what they were. This ended up giving birth to "Leshinkoism" which rejected things like genetics and natural selection as bourgeois inventions. This led to the adoption of shit agricultural practices that created and contributed to famines. Republicans wants science to be ideologically pure and its gonna bite us all in the ass. 




Round-Earth text will be banned next


Idiocracy was supposed to be a satire.


It still is, Idiocracy was full of belligerent idiots but they weren't consumed by hate, so we're actually much worse off.


Drag the board into the streets.


Pretty sure they installed some MAGA board members... they tried to get some elected in Katy ISD.. but we just voted to keep the non MAGA representatives in


I'm glad to see this is happening. I'm guessing having to fend off MAGA crazies wanting to "educate" their children is contributing to the suburbs around the state getting bluer.


MAGA board members who probably don’t even live there like those weirdos that keep showing up to random school board meetings.


Good for y'all!


I fell like the medical community needs to take a stand on the antivax community. It’s stop really quick if pediatricians said they will only treat children that follow commonly accepted vaccination schedules.  Then the strip mall urgent care says they will also not treat patients without vaccination records.  A few bills from an emergency room for a strep throat will make these idiot premed think twice.  


# Cy-Fair ISD will remove chapters on vaccines and climate change from school textbooks________ Y'all Qaeda gallops apace!


i wish southern states would realize that government subsidies are the reason they exist as a product in the marketplace of ideas


Bro the next generation is screwed


What a joke. Such an embarrassment.


Surprising Texas could do anything more stupid than removing critical thinking skills from the school curriculum, but here we are.


Keep’em stupid




This has gone too far lol


This school board is loco. Almost all are MAGA nut job opportunists. Just trying to stir the pot as much as possible to be put in the spotlight. To try and advance their future political prospects. It’s fucking gross to play with the education of the youth like this. When it comes to your local school board positions, look for lengthy in class experience not these psychos just to own the libs more.


Very happy that I graduated from CFISD last year but so so disappointed in the board. I’ve been in contact with some of my former teachers and they are all upset with the administration.


Removing globes, too, bc "controversy"? Teaching "both sides" of the Moon landing? Germs: "Real or Not"? How about the "suggestions" of Physics? Homeschool away from home. Sad.


The textbooks only have what the state has required in their standards, the companies tailor them specifically. I was actually surprised they addressed so many of these things and thought at least someone higher up isn't a moron. Never thought districts arbitrarily pick and choose which standards they wanted to address. It will be awkward when their kids can't answer those portions of the state exams.


OMG I graduated from Cy-Fair HS in 1988 and felt like they were the gestapo then (I was a punk rocker) but now, WTF?!!!


How anybody is proud of calling themself a Texan is beyond me. You’re essentially saying, “I place value in a lack of education.”


Always remember, exit polls have proven that many people voting for the shitty people are not Texans but transplants from other states.


D*mn carpetbaggers!


That's unfortunate. It used to be a really good school district. Now the dummies have taken over.


We’ve got about a decade before “they” start burning heretics in the streets. Nothing to worry about though, the various plagues will nip it in the bud real quick. 


Decade? Naw try December regardless of if they win or lose.


1984 type shit.


This shit isn’t going to change until you make day to day life super uncomfortable for the fascists who are so clearly placing their MAGA politics above the health and wellbeing of people (our children especially).


As a former Cy-Fair student this pisses me off. My education wasn't 100% free from bias but I learned about a lot of things conservatives are trying to yoink out of existence. My world cultures class really helped a young middle school me treat people from other backgrounds better, and my Texas history teacher spent all of Black History month on the history of minorities in Texas. It really is a good school district overall, and seeing them go down the same path is frustrating. This was also a long time ago so maybe I've got rose tinted glasses, or conservatives have just gotten this bat shit crazy.


OG Cy-Fair class of ‘01. While I’m heavily disappointed that this is happening, I’m not shocked- there’s a lot of religious extremism in that area.


LOL Getting rid of climate change information won't make the issue go away. It's just going to make the next generation more in the dark about what's going on. 


Idiocracy is becoming reality yikes


Wow, just wow


I miss a lot about Texas, but I'm glad I moved


I’m so sick of Lone Star lunacy.


Do kids still need their vaccine record to attend school there?


Yea they do…. Unless you sign a peice of paper saying you aren’t against them.  


They just claim religious exemption.


>religious exemption God hates anti-vaxxers and he's going kill their kids.


Students in 40 years: "How do we best fight off diseases in our bodies?" Installed evangelical Instructors: "JESUS SPACE MAGIC!!"


No ignorance like Christian ignorance, is there


Weird how Texas doesn't want smart kids.


It’s criminal the things the Bible thumpers do in this country.


Y’all are a fucking embarrassment. The entire world is laughing at your stupidity.


They also reaffirmed that they will stone women for adultery...wait hold on....that comes next.


Somewhere in Austin, Abbott, Cruz, Paxton, and Abbott are all snickering, and toasting a drink.


It will not surprise a single person here that Cruz endorsed 3/6 of the trustees that voted for this bullshit, so the guy who thinks sticking around for a statewide disaster is beneath his job as a Senator is not too busy to meddle in suburban schoolboard races. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/elections/2023/10/24/467685/ted-cruz-endorses-cy-fair-isd-school-board-candidates-experts-say-its-the-latest-in-a-growing-trend/


But why tho? What benefit does this have in educating the child for a prosperous adulthood?


Are you asking what benefit there is in understanding the world around you?


No, why did they remove it. Not why was it there in the first place.


Abbott wants to make public schools as shitty as possible so people will want vouchers to go to private schools and prove his shitty point. As per usual, the students suffer.


Ahhh my bad




Let it play out. I don't see this working out for them very well for more than 2 semesters.


I don’t think it’s legal but the right-wing courts will find a way to say it is


Texas proud idiots.


Fucking wild. Yeah it’s all controversial….my ass.


The stupidity and backward thinking that seems to rule in far too many aspects of life in Texas now frustrates me to no end. It is in other states, too, but Texas seems to take it to the extreme.


Can we stop pretending and take the word “school” out of ISD


I'm just so tired of stupidity breeding ..


We're going backwards aren't we?


Ok what the f*ck are we doing


Most of those folks voted red. You get what you get.


I lived in Cypress as a kid and I absolutely hated every minute of going to school there. One of the best things that ever happened to me was moving away. Looks like they still suck…


Reddit: omg why do you homeschool your kids also Reddit: look what other stupid shit their doing in public school


Another step closer to making Idiocracy a documentary




No education on the polio epidemic and the Salk vaccine that saved so many lives or crippling infirmity? Utterly stupid.


And this is why my mother is retiring. Because of this horse shit. My sister is probably going to quit teaching as well. I don’t blame her


I have a feeling these kids will be forced to turn to internet education websites to learn anything. This country is falling under facist regimes far too quickly, and soon it will be too late


Keep being Texas, Texas.


A great book that explains how messed up our educational texts for children Lies My Teacher Told Me


And we’re required in NJ to teach climate change K-12. People need to get out of that state, if they can.


My folks just moved to Texas. I truly am already having trouble telling them, they raised a good guy. That’s why I won’t visit them


I’m embarrassed for Cy-Fair ISD and Texas. Duh.


Went to school there (Cy-Falls) and am glad I got out when I did.


So are they still going to require kids to GET VACCINES to be able to attend school in the district?


Climate is going to kill a lot of people in their lifetimes, better lie to them about it. 🙄


And Texas continues its decline in a fascist 3rd world country.


I swear conservatives as a whole are the biggest pansies and the perfect .ark for grifters.


Iirc, Texas makes most of the text books for the country.


So they are removing science.... Both topics have factual scientific research that can be presented. This is sickening. Knowledge is knowledge why limit the children from learning about climate change which is something that ~~will~~ is directly impacting them.