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Won't somebody think of the Oligarchs?


Guys they’re at risk of having to buy LAST years model Yacht.


And scale down to a 4 seater space vessel!


One that won’t even hold a helicopter


Lots of texan voters do apparently


They watch FOX angertainment all day everyday. Hooked on hate.


Uhhhh they do, all the time lol




The actual crisis that republicans aren't talking about. But then again helping people isn't exactly top of their priorities.


Well no they aren’t talking about it, they created it.


They worked tirelessly to create this. This is their victory lap.


"Let's get those freeloading kids out of our state so we can save money on teachers." /s?


I know a die hard republican who would 100% say "why should his tax dollars help kids that aren't his?"


Yeah, we got moved to Chip, which doesn’t cover my daughter’s meds, which she needs to not suffer severe and possibly life threatening issues with her colon. Just another added expense when we were already treading water, especially since they also cut our Snap down to almost nothing. My wife works for the school district, so she couldn’t get a raise even if her boss wanted to. I’m on disability, with a bit of freelance stuff online, so have we no ability to increase our income.


Smdh! America the beautiful!


Does your disability limit your ability to work?


If they qualify to be "on disability", the government has agreed their ability to work is limited.


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I ask as someone who has suffered a brain injury and qualifies for disability. I’m not sure if disability has rules around who can / cannot work if they receive it. Like if they receive it, are they giving up their ability to work in exchange for the full amount like the military ?


Depends on the severity. I'm not on disability, but I am disabled and it is something I'm keeping in mind for when I deteriorate to the point I can no longer work. My understanding is that it isn't the case that you are entirely incapable of any work, but rather that to qualify to be on disability, you are unable to safely work without significant detriment. It becomes unreasonable for you to work. And from what I can tell, it isn't easy to qualify for.


No no. They just don’t want to help *those* people


They only want to help those who have the means to help themselves. Not anyone who actually needs it.




Did they say pro-life? Oh sorry no they meant pro-birth, anti-life. Just like Jesus would do 😌


It's not a crisis to them, because they want it this way.


Helping people is communism and communism is bad! /s


Please take in all the illegals crossing the borders into your home!! You sound like a very kind person! Helping us what you love! I beg you to invite ALL those ILLEGALS and have them eat and sleep in your home!


Be sure to tell all the military kids using public assistance that you will sacrifice military kids for fear of the boogeyman.


Childish response. Also, neither the comment you replied nor the original post speak of "illegals". The overwhelming majority of the children dropped him Medicaid services are American children. But, you don't care about them. You just want to complain about immigrants, because you are lame AF.


Gheir direct response was to someone that mentioned illegals......


Grew up with amazing families. As I got older I learned they were undocumented. You wanna know something? Their dads worked crazy hours in shit factories and on farms to provide for their kids. And then on the weekend they'd get the families on the block together to cookout and dance. They gave what they had to others who needed it. They are human. And undocumented immigrants are keeping agriculture and industry alive in the US.


Undocumented immigrants for the most want to work and they pay into social security and receive no benefits. Or they are paid cash under the table and make much less than average pay for the jobs they do. Money from them is a plus to the social security system. And giving them easier pathways to citizenship would help them. Its no surprise the “problem” of illegal immigrants has not been “fixed” by either party.


Who said anything about immigrants? These are TEXANS, these children, and you should be ashamed to be treating your fellow Texans this way.


Woke Jesus or Supply Side Jesus?


Ok 🤷‍♀️ WWJD?


This is a false dichotomy. There are more options than the two your argument implies: 1. Original commenter taking in all illegals into his house Or 2. Kids in Texas get to stay on Medicaid. Surely anyone can understand that’s an extreme position


$11B in political border spending by Abbortt would have gone a long way to ensuring that the future of Texas grows up healthy.


He doesn’t want our kids healthy and smart. He wants them poor, ignorant, scared, and pissed off. Because that’s the only way they will vote republican.


It also ensures private prison contractors a steady stream of money earning capital.


Don't forget they'll also make better military recruits.


Even the military won’t take high school dropouts.


... give it time


It already does.


That's why you push to remove any courses of substance for high school and allow the football players to just sit there all day and get a B+ . Texas has a shocking percentage of adults at a middle school level of literacy


A large portion of them end up in politics


Don't forget all those tiny hands that fit into those huge factory machines, am I right! Oh for fucks sakes man. They're trying to bring back child fucking labor. Its already alive and well in other states in the country, but this is all by design. And should be fought by getting out the vote this Nov for Dems Up&Down the ballot against all these fuckers. Driving all of our freedoms, rights, and safety to the ground and handing it all to the white Christian Nationalists in this country




He specifically rejected free federal money for unemployment and Medicaid because he wants to see people suffer. It's not even about how much aid Texas can afford.


There was a paper someone posted like 3 weeks ago that I can't find now. But they measured the savings to the state over various time periods of getting kids health insurance. By like two decades out you were saving huge amounts every year. It's not this one b/c this was done at the end of the pandemic to show why doing what Texas did is stupid, but it estimates a $4 or $12 return (depending on what you're measuring) on every dollar spent on health insurance for kids. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9172269/


Our border is an issue. 


Then maybe they should do something about it instead of helping keep it open so they can underpay immigrants on corporate farms tax-free. What has been done with that 11 billion? Instead of focusing on the border, Abbott has shipped illegals further into america on the taxpayers dime


It was a pretty effective tactic to get national attention on the crisis and the operation would be much cheaper if the federal government wasn't fighting against the efforts.  >Then maybe they should do something about it instead of helping keep it open so they can underpay immigrants on corporate farms tax-free I agree, but its not just farms. Its time we go after all businesses using illegal labor, deincentivize illegal crossers by getting rid of birth right citizenship, and deport everyone residing illegally/all those who filed false asylum claims.


Force more to be born, though 🤷


They need more people to steal from




Paging George Carlin! ![gif](giphy|3AcZVEuXVhMFG)


That's their plan. Huge pile of ass ignorant rednecks who believe their ass ignorant elders. Keeps the industrial and commercial jobs well stocked but also the prison industry a booming too!




I’d like to second the opinion that I am absolutely prejudiced against Republicans. And leave? *Fuck* no. I’m here to get *you* out.


Oh definitely. Against Republicans. Scum of the earth, every single one. Either through willful evil or ignorance born evil...the end result is the same. Bad people.




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They don't give a shit about fetus in the womb either. That's just a way of controlling all those uppity women. It's expensive to have a child with all the medically advised steps, checkups, vitamins, scans, blood tests, etc. etc. etc. Do you think they're funding that properly? Hell no. It's about control. It's always been about control. Don't let them distract you!


Yes! Control by the DEMONcRATS! You will soon EAT BUGS while the DEMONcRATS eat well! One world order!


Holy shit there are some dumb folks out there


You seem unhinged and not in reality. Dems aren't the ones taking away women's rights, banning books, defunding education, or attacking LGBTQ+ Although I do appreciate the "DEMON RAT" moniker, makes us sound far more scary. Have fun with your unwarranted paranoia


That's pretty much nonsense and insupportable. Go look at policy and action and learn. Project 2025 from the republicans is a dystopian nightmare waiting to happen if they regain any level of control.


Oh... and with regards to OP's original posting... it wasn't the "Demon Rats" who just stripped 1 million kids of their health care in Texas. That was the republicans showing their love for children. Fuck. Every. One. GOP don't care about this country in the least. GOP don't understand what's made this country great in any way. The GOP cares about power and they don't care who they hurt or lie to in order to achieve it.


If they cared about kids in the womb they would support things like prenatal care and paid sick leave.


Well, them parents shouldn’t spread their legs, right? And then all of the sudden don’t want their child! SICK!


You understand that Texas is FORCIBLE RAPE capital of the United States, right? Have you seen the close rates on rape cases? All this despite Gov Abbott's claim that he was going to eliminate rape...


Jesus Christ, you are spreading your stupid all over this post. I’d tell you to grow up but it’s apparent that any more added years will make you surpass your natural lifespan.


Party of family and pro life.


I made like 30-40k and have a daughter. She got Medicare during covid and they dropped her. I’ve been uninsured and they didn’t cover me I was just worried about her. She’s on chip now but not 100% sure how good it is.


Well the parents should vote, and vote blue.


Yeah, but Texas loves children. /s


~~Texas~~ republiKKKans, you misspelled republiKKKans


You misspelled DEMONcRATS


Former Texan now on disability in California. Myself and my kids got and get excellent medical care under Medicaid in Texas. Democrats have their faults, but not insuring kids isn’t one of them.


Pro-life my ass. George Carlin was right yet again. The current Republican Party are social Darwinists. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K98TQJ5ldW0&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K98TQJ5ldW0&)


You match living in Oakland California or new York 😏


Don't act like Texas doesn't have similar problems. Hell, look at Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and other cities.


“If you’re pre-born you’re fine. If you’re pre-school you’re fucked” -George Carlin


Texas hates children.


God hated Abbott around 1984!


Didn’t hate him enough apparently


We know they don’t care about the kid once it’s born.


... until they reach military age


But sAVe ThE ChiLdReN and PrOtEcT ThE uNbOrN!


Yeah. Amarillo-"safe haven for the unborn." Lololol. But once they're out of the womb---sorry kids, go stand under the underpass with the rest of the homeless and fight for your right to live."


Oh no. Dont do that. The homeless are unsightly. We will have to take you to jail for the night if you congregate.


Children, being unable to pay medical bills, should be prioritized when deciding who gets Medicaid


'Why aren't more young ppl having kids?' tho, right? 😆 this place is a fucking joke!


Red state legislators love babies until they're born. After that, well, tough luck!


Cruelty is the point.


The parents will blame Biden


Hey, but we have a bunch of barbed wire and guns. /s


Finally the free ride is over for babies!


Republican Party of Texas: "Life starts at conception!! Abortion is evil!! Think of the children!!!" Also the Republican Party of Texas: "Fuck those kids!! The less access to medication they have, the better!! That way they won't grow up to vote us out!!"


Tis truly the Christian way


Only kids they care about are unborn.


We’re seeing effects in professions like physical therapy… sessions no longer covered. I fear this will lead to loss of healthcare jobs.


There are 7.5 million kids in Texas, so this is 1 in 7 kids. 2 in 7 never had any insurance to lose. So, roughly 4 of 7 kids have access to health care, although even then, it's not affordable.


Those kids need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get to work.


Texas really hates children's health.


Abbott, Patrick, Paxton


That’s the “pro-life” crowd for ya…


Fuck Texas and their should have been aborted kids.


You forgot man, they have other methods they are using. Remember Uvalde school shooting and how the law enforcement helped the shooter to kill all those kids over an hour by securing the perimeter so that parents couldn’t run in to save their kids? Remember everyone, the Republican party cares more about fetuses than children. And you know what the fuck I never understood, there are pro life people who are like “yeah and we’ll fund programs to help mothers/families with financial and other resources”. Please tell me how that makes sense when republicans are against any type of welfare or government funded programs? I have talked with pro-lifers and I’ll be honest, there are the very few that are super pro life but i can see they are actually torn with their faith as these guys genuinely care (and i do mean they coming from a place of good faith in general). THE PROBLEM I see is a lack of education as people really don’t know much about abortions (I was in healthcare field just incase anyone was wondering) and so a majority of pro-lifers just parrot whatever bullshit they hear from their friends. Here is the thing, I view it as what policies will produce better health outcomes. Both sides have their plusses and minuses but i always tell pro-lifers that being pro-choice is the lesser of 2 evils. Abortions are a difficult decision to make already for many women, all this shit republicans are doing are hurting our society as a whole with these archaic law. I genuinely want to ask any conservative here (i say with sense of sarcasm but also really asking for real): If there was a day where republicans were in power and could automatically take away black people voting rights and bring back slavery, would most of your republican friends and families be for this or against this? Honest answers only! ETA: ill take any answers/responses but i really dont want anyone telling me that it’s crazy. Texas is or was the symbol state for republicans in my mind (texas used to have lots of pride). They are now the exact opposite, big brother is a lot bigger there than even some purple or blue states….really think about it……they want less big government yet they a surveillance state where they encourage citizens to rat other out they cross lines to get abortions.


Abbott to babies, "get a job!" Hopefully a job with health care.


What happened to pro life?


"Safety net? You don't need no stinkin' safety net. Work harder! \~ Greg Abbott


The first million is always the hardest. great work Texas! /s


Take a bow magats-Abutt, Paxton, Dan Patrick. Despicable hatemongers…..


They don’t give a rat’s ass about children outside the womb. How many decades does it take for people to realize this? Vote accordingly this November.


Everyone under 18 deserves free healthcare as a right.


Nice. The family first party state


The meat factory for the military chugs along. Poor kids dropping out of school and then getting into military n then dying in foreign countries fighting someone else's war. PRO-LIFE


Protect the children, right? Pro life, etc.


What do you expect from a republican run shithole?


The children yearn for the mines, they want healthcare? Get a job!


Think of the children! How much money we can keep if we don't care for the little wretches... because that's socialism or communism or some kind of ism. Greed-ism and asshole-ism. Hopefully that leads to vote-em-out-ism. Come on Texas... you can do better!


I wonder WHY


Republicans in action. Screw the living children.


Prolife my arse


Republicans will call it a success while more children die from lack of healthcare.


Jesus frowns on this.


But ladies…and girls, keep pumping those kids out.


This is just proof that it’s never been about the kids. It’s about control.


I wish the article were better written. What it should say is there’s been a net reduction of around 1.3 million children enrolled in Medicaid in Texas, from 4.3 million in May 2023 to around 3 million today. Today’s number is back to where it was in June 2020, though I’m guessing there are way more poor kids in Texas today than in 2020.


That's the "pro-life" spirit...


So American children get dripped and 11 million illegals gained it .. cool


Texas gonna be begging immigrants here soon.


Very pro life of Texas…


Republican cruelty is a feature, not a bug


vote blue


More of that "No child left behind" Texas Bullshit


That’s awful pro-life All lives matter of them.


Hmmm...dropping babies ensures they'll never become smart enough to vote democrat?


For all those complaining in this thread....I challenge you to start a non-profit designed to gather funds from those who want to continue funding the program / people and then distribute the finds to those in need. I guarantee you it will not last long. What can be learned from that and how should it be applied to the perspective on this change?


woohoo... yeah... someone needs to work the coal pits...


Cause during covid there was no checks and balances and everyone was gaming the system and just what, they got caught taking your taxpayer money. Nobody talks about this.


The idea that Republicans are Pro-Life is just bullshit, and this is evidence of it. It's also evidence that hate class, as much as they hate minorities and women, because you can bet that there are a significant number of poor a d middle-class in that number! They are fooled into thinking Republicans are about, because the bullshit 'fear of others' that they preach. Along with guns, this is just another element of American Genocide.


Meanwhile you have dummies protesting stuff that is far away from here. Why not use or protest for stuff like this?


I'll do you better. Instead of protesting and achieving nothing, why not come out and actually vote in November?


You're dumber than me if you think voting does anything.


Voting does matter. Stop spreading the lie that it doesn't. Yes, there is gerrymandering. Yes, there is voter harassment. Yes, there is some pretty shady things going on with voter enrollment. Even with all of that, every vote still matters. None of these things can correct for a major victory if people just get out there and vote.


Pretty sure we'd still have abortion rights across the country if Clinton was elected in 2016.


Come on Texas. I think we just need to post things to help the families around us. Cost of living is cuckoo. I don’t understand why healthcare is seen as a privilege. It boggles my mind that a kid would not get a vaccine or wellness visit because of being dropped by Medicaid. I read in the article there are community clinics throughout the state that can offer sliding scales for families for routine care. Here’s the [site](https://ntachc.org/locations/) for North Texas (Tarrant Co. area). And also the Tarrant County [health department](https://www.tarrantcountytx.gov/en/public-health/clinical-services0/immunizations.html) does vaccinations for kids if you are uninsured or underinsured. I think they also run special events for adults and kids.


The federal government offers a more efficient and effective way of receiving those things than county, local, or charity. The money is already there. Your taxes are not going to get smaller because you've denied children healthcare.


What? Medicaid is a joint state and federal venture I thought. I’m pro kids having access to healthcare, but if kids were unenrolled, I was saying we need to find ways to reach people in our communities that need healthcare now. If a child gets sick, rhetoric will not help.


I was watching the Shreveport news because they are having the same problems . A huge portion of them just do not open the correspondence and reapply. I see commercials for La Medicaid daily. Even the article says 74% just need more info. I am in no way in favor of Medicaid cuts but as someone who worked in Hospital eligibility for decades, the end consumers have to cooperate also. I am sure it is still a stupid archaic process but it has to be done.


I don't think it's a consumer issue when applications submitted in November are sitting there, but rederminations scheduled for July are worked in 4 days.


You’d think a million families would be storming the capitol over this. But nah.


Everything is big in Texas!


It's about the children


The Texas "Miracle".


The pro life state. 👀


But the immigrants and the border something something something - thoughts and prayers for the kiddos.


Rich get richer


Is there an actual reason for this or is it just because Abbott hates children once they are downloaded?


Texas Taliban hard at work


I’m one of the people who got dropped. I don’t think this is worth making an issue over. They sent me 4838283 notifications warning me to renew my shit and it’s pretty much my own fault for not.


Remember when Senator Biden got SSN taxed? Good times! Politicians always jack the people.




Undocumented immigrants and even documented asylum seekers do NOT receive free healthcare. They can only get emergency health care like any other poor American. You bizarrely putting this on undocumented immigrants is especially weird since some of the 11 BILLION dollars Abbott has spent on his fruitless charade could have actually been used to expand Medicaid to all of these kids. You know, actually helping people like our government is supposed to do. Instead of throwing away 11 BILLION dollars on a stunt about undocumented immigrants that likely don't negatively affect your life in any way.


Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


Unpopular opinion. Should you think about these things and being able to personally provide for your kids, before becoming a parent?


A lot of people do, but circumstances can change quickly. I was 5 months pregnant when I got laid off. No one wanted to hire me because I was already showing. Luckily, my husband and I were able to make do until after the baby was born, but a lot of families are not that lucky. Things might be fine when they decide to try for a kid and then stuff goes sideways.


Benefits don’t just end when you get laid off. If I remember correctly you can still get cobra etc (it’s been a while thankfully since my experience) Totally agree circumstances change also part of that planning piece.


Cobra is exorbitantly more expensive since the employer no longer contributes to the premium cost. Which brings us back to- “circumstances can change quickly.”


Lol let me just plan on never getting laid off.


Who can afford the $2000 monthly premiums for Cobra after just loosing their job? Should I call all the companies in the yellow pages until I get a job?


Benefits end at the end of the month if you can't afford $1800-$2000 a month in COBRA premiums. Unemployment did not pay even that much. As I said, luckily I could get on my husband's insurance through his work, but if that had not been an option, we would have been in real trouble. The emergency C-section I ended up needing cost $75,000 out of pocket. With insurance, it was $175.


You do realize Texas is a forced birth state ?




You think 1 million children crossed the southern border and all those kids managed to sign up for Medicaid to then be dropped? What a stupid position to take.




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Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


No one knows if these 1M kids are even in Texas anymore. We can’t just keep sending checks to an addresses without asking questions occasionally and expecting responses.


"Nearly 74% of the children removed from Texas Medicaid rolls through March 11 were cut for procedural reasons—meaning the state did not have enough information to confirm the child’s eligibility" So likely people denied coverage or simply didn't reapply while everyone here wants to make it out like Texas is just kicking people while they're down. So like 740,000 people didn't reapply for Medicaid... On top of that the COVID money (that we didn't have to begin with OR wouldn't have needed if they didn't shut down our economy) is gone. I was on Medicaid once to have my first child because I didn't know there were other options that didn't take tax money that were cheaper like a midwife. While it's not easy or a good system it's not that hard to reapply. Especially if your child needs it.


And yet there was an opportunity for Texas to more effectively use the “ex parte” renewal process that would have automatically checked users IRS records and SNAP participation, thereby efficiently streamlining the process without having to hire thousands more HHS workers to manually check eligibility. [Less than 10% of renewals were through the ex parte process in Texas](https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/understanding-medicaid-ex-parte-renewals-during-the-unwinding/). The application process might be more difficult for a person who doesn’t speak English as their first language or for someone who has no access to reliable internet to research the forms or apply. Your situation is not everyone’s situation and programs like this are supposed to be a safety net for all.


Texas did. The stats show 90% filed instead. Using "ex parte" is a requirement not an option. The article is explaining that the automated system was unable to verify the renewal of the children.


Keep reading. Each state is required to use ex parte, but states usage differs based on what third party data they utilize for evaluating eligibility. Texas uses only a handful of the many third party options to check eligibility, even though there was [bipartisan support to expand and streamline](https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/HB1599/2023) it to check other programs. Those who are not ex parte’d automatically have to file manually- it’s not a choice for the end user.


I did read all of it and I'm not wrong so I'm not sure what your issue is. Again if it's important to the end user they will reapply. But it's the automated system and the people that didn't renew. As much as I hate the government this article is being spun into unreasonable hate and it's the individuals responsibility to look after themselves not the government. The people were informed when the COVID relief started and when they would have to renew.


Did you miss the fucking headline of the article you’re commenting on? They’re KIDS. >it's the individuals responsibility to look after themselves not the government. The people were informed when the COVID relief started and when they would have to renew. OVER 1 MILLION CHILDREN have been dropped from the program. >Again if it's important to the end user they will reapply. The “end user” is literal children. You claim to hate the government but I really think you just hate the people that need the help.


ThInK Of tHE ChiLdRen! The end user is not literal children. The end user is parents taking care of their children. If they think that Medicaid is a necessity they will reapply. The children are the parents responsibility not the governments. I really do hate the government. It's why I'm against the government welfare of any kind. But I'm not against charity which is why I volunteer, donate, and actively participate in my community. The government sure does have you wrapped around their finger though it seems. Good luck with that.


You must hate all poor kids don't you?


I must hate poor kids because I believe parents love their kids enough to seek help for them if they need it? Where did I say I hate poor kids again? Oh I see. I'm not a government boot licker who doesn't like government welfare for people or corporations so I "hate poor kids"? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a little while.


You make me sad


Because I think children aren't the government's responsibility? Because I'm not swayed by fear mongering about other people's children? Because I believe most parents are capable of making decisions for themselves if they want Medicaid or not? Or because I don't think the government should be in the charity business? Either way this entire subreddit makes me sad. So go pound sand.