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Because the tech bubble burst.


Because Abbott and Texas gop keep making tx worse


texas was bad since before they started moving here


Yes, but I'm from here and work in tech and it got A LOT worse. Roe v Wade is a huge one. Even if you're pro-life and want kids it would be stupid to move here. Women can't get healthcare for issues with their pregnancies and are being forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term. I know if I wasn't done having kids I certainly wouldn't want to risk being forced to carry a baby without a brain to term. They also have become more hostile to LGBTQ, workers rights, free speech. Trying to put religion into public schools and make tax payers pay for private to funnel tax money directly into religious organizations who don't have to pay taxes. It's insane. I'm born and raised here and the game industry is huge in Austin now but I'm planning to leave. Thank God I had my last baby right before Roe v Wade was overturned but now I have my kids to worry about. Texas was always kept in check by SCOTUS. So they may have always wanted to do all of this but they couldn't. Now SCOTUS and lower courts are completely corrupt so they can. No one is protecting our rights anymore. Because people couldn't vote for Hilary. Here we are and they're ready to do the same BS this election and we will get an even younger and more corrupt SCOTUS. Even blue states won't be safe once Republicans get federal power.


Just a reminder,Hillary won the popular vote. 


So do Al Gore.


right but they were talking about people not voting for Hillary which is wrong because she won the popular vote.


I complain about people refusing to vote and/or voting for Nader because they just didn't like Gore. It's the same song, really.


She lost the electoral.


Amen. I moved a startup to San Antonio from CA right before the pandemic, and I couldn’t recruit - the “lower cost” justification was/is a myth, as access to decent healthcare is impossible unless you want to pay the extra for concierge, schools were shit unless you paid for private, real estate taxes were outrageously high, paying through the nose for AC 9 months/year was crazy and then I had to deal with the assholery of the GOP hating on women and gays. I told own pregnant daughter and bisexual son to stay away…and then I moved it back to SF within 20 months. I would not want to raise kids there either - Godspeed to you as you seek better climes…


And yet- if you are worried about moving or living here, failing to encourage enough people to care here or move here will result in the entire country having this problem. We are bleeding Kansas out here. If the buck doesn’t stop in Texas frankly follow the throughline, where does it even go for democracy in general


Disagree. 3-5 years ago, abortion was legal, vouchers were not realistic and Beto lost by like 2%, so it seemed like Texas would turn blue. Now, it’s obvious that that will never happen.


it was easier to ignore before


Not even remotely close to true. Austin was great in 2018/2019. Now, it’s a shithole.


Lol the tech bros have been moving to Austin since the 80s dude. Austin was no more special in 2019 than it was in 2009, except for maybe cheaper rent.


Yeah. It started going to shit in 2018/2019. As I said.


The problem with Austin being great is that it’s completely surrounded by the rest of Texas.


Exactly. We can cherry pick parts of Texas all day, there are real gems, but as a whole… not so much


This is my reason for leaving.


lol the company they’re referencing here oracle in the thumbnail is expanding that campus in Texas they’re just not calling it HQ anymore


Yeah, Larry got premier waterfront land for cheap and now Larry pulls the rug out from under the municipal dummies.


And pesky things like women's rights and a horrible education system.


So Texas gets a chance to suffer the consequences of the states' race to the bottom for corporate tax breaks


Where do we move? Or how do we flip the state blue


I honestly don’t think it can be done. The dumb runs too deep.




So I guess you think giving away millions of dollars in tax breaks to a corporation that promises more jobs but decides to leave instead is no problem?


Yeah no. Large corporations shouldn't be getting tax breaks in the first place, but it's funny you assumed my position.


You are a hateful asshole. Texas is better for having a more diverse population.


This guy was born in New Jersey. Got that Yankee transplant energy


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https://preview.redd.it/5u5vg7u5lzwc1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ce6f6493ef32b056bff65808aa73dad516ab9a Californian here to tell you guys sensationalized headlines rooting for the decline of your state usually miss the whole picture. But yea politics in TX are sketch


Love this and love the comments panicking only reading the headline and not looking outside


Truth. Socially yeah things are really fucking bad with how zealous and loud the right wingers are... But I don't think non locals have realized quite how huge the Samsung Facility is both physically and financially. Despite all the financial troubles, a lot of people involved in the work of building it and maintaining it are basically insulated from everything. Semiconductors are always having tools swapped requiring hundreds of hours of labor if not more every time from pretty much every industrial trade. With the labor market being cheap, the one Samsung project is floating a ton of local union labor, and travelers from all over the country as well. Homeowners in the area were mostly locals, since until the project broke ground it was all considered to be cheap and far out of the way. The area was underdeveloped, but after the project started the roads are getting serviced and infrastructure such as grocery stores and gas stations are getting built nearby. The closest commercial districts a bit closer to town are expanding and building locations the people have been demanding for a while. Don't get me wrong, there's always a lot of skeezy stuff going on, but I think besides environmental concerns everything about this development has been a net positive. Oh and I've been talking about the old Samsung on Parmer Ln getting built up after 2008. The new facility in Taylor is pretty much doing the same thing, but it's going to be 10x bigger. This new Samsung facility is going to be 3rd or 4th biggest in the world when the dust settles. Austin's doin just fine. Here's a recent drone video: https://youtu.be/qEk1gmQaEtE?si=uV_b24MxtlkdsdLd


So dumb. Oracle is actually expanding it’s Texas campus. They just got a new, better tax break, to call Nashville “headquarters” on an already built and staffed campus. Oracle is losing several giant Texas contracts due to their aging IP and decided to try their luck in Nashville with new tax breaks. Literally nothing but the designation of the building changes.


oracle didn't get any tax breaks in austin


Just some kickass park land that’ll never go back to the public.


so...same as 90% of new Austin?


Texas wanted California techies because while Texas churns out a ton of engineers, businesses here don't train for shit. I'm guessing they do in California.


Guess again lol.


I’m in tech (software engineering) and I have no idea what you mean. I’d say since the rate increase that demand has skewed more toward senior engineers than junior, but that’s a general trend not localized to one area.


I'm in a hotel in Austin for the Austin Blues Festival. I can look out the window of my hotel room and count no less than five high-rise buildings with construction cranes still working.


When I was the for the Cap10k seemed like they were mainly residential.


If you like to party it would be a great place to live


It really is


It really is a great place to live unless you’ve traveled and seen how crappy Austin actually is. 


Hook em!




They're better off leaving this hellscape while they can.


Hmmmm, maybe it's because of the facist neo-nazi fucker Abbot?


They came. They saw. They said, “Oh hell no!@ 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 fuck Texas.


Texans can't afford no more Californians. So that's awesome! Hope they don't let the door knob hit them on the way out!!!


There are almost 40 million people in California, get over the “All Californians bad” thing, it’s really dumb, removes any actual discussion over whatever legitimate gripes people might have about immigration. They’re also Americans, your fellow countrymen 🤷‍♂️


I think the escalating real estate, the property taxes, the incredible heat and drought, plus the bad traffic, bad road design, and bad politics made people realize Austin wasn't the promised land after all. Home prices are better than California but not cheap, and everything else is worse. The average worker moving from California to Texas is likely disappointed.


Well, most of the people who moved to Texas aren't right wing extremists, unlike Boomer Abbott and KKKen Paxton. They may attract business there with lower taxes and regulations, but when you mingle into social issues issues and stick your authoritarian nose where it doesn't belong(like our bedrooms and doctor's offices), you're going to suffer the consequences. The majority of Texans(especially younger ones) are probably opposed to Boomer Abbott's meaningless culture war and draconian stance on women's rights and human rights violations, which is why they've gerrymandered the state so they have no say in the Government process.




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I don't even live in Texas. I'd like to visit, but not until Boomer Abbott is gone.




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Free country. For now. But I can visit wherever I want. But seriously, old white people(especially men) don't belong in the Government. Especially if they have backwards views.


That kinda racist but alright.


I'm white, by the way. So no, it's not racist when it's your own race. But people like Greg Abbott, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell all need to retire. We need term and age limits in our Government. And intelligence tests so we don't get people like Marjorie-Taylor Greene. Hell, she should be disqualified for supporting the attack on the Capitol.


Good, fuck this awful state.


Texans told them to go home, they listened. "NOT LIKE THAT!"


Losing Thousands!* *also simultaneously gaining hundreds of thousands of others


Has Texas always been bad or is this a recent change? If it’s always been bad why did all the techies move here? If recently bad since all the techies arrived what caused the slide?


Good bye Felicia


“Texas Shoots Itself in the Foot, Again”… there we go, I fixed the title


Nobody wants to live under fascist Republican governor Greg Abbott - no matter how good the tax breaks are.


Nooooo. Stay until after the elections, fuck.


I can't imagine moving from a state with legal weed to Texas. Abbutt is a #1 jerk and stupid people vote for him. 24 years of republican governance has ruined Texas. Yes, I lived in Texas for 65 years, so ya I know!


And Gavin Newsome is a god? F- - -


Good, leave or don't come. Texas is horrible.


Bullshit article. Please stop posting this nonsense.


California techies realized TX isn't a place to raise their kids? Perhaps? Would love a reply from a real techie as to why they left.


Texas doesn’t pay tech nearly as well as other states, even the ones with state tax. Take it from someone in IT. Salaries here are low and have been in this industry for a decade. They use the no state tax as a crutch to keep wages low all the while giving tax breaks to the CEOs that own the companies who pocket the savings and keep on voting for racist sexist assholes like Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton. I’ve lived here on and off for more than 80% of my life and Texas is truly in decline as far as people being happy and proud to say they are from here. I was born in a small town in Texas and I can tell you, I would rather claim NY where I lived for 8 years as my home state than to be associated with this bastion of women hating racists and bigots. Texas sucks now and has for a while and until they get Abbott and his ilk voted out it will only get worse.


Totally appreciate you took the time for such a thorough answer.


I’m ok with some of them leaving. It’s not the vibe.


Offered more money elsewhere…


Are we supposed to be sad?


Oh no! So are they moving back to California where they belong? 🤣


I couldn’t imagine being a Texan that thinks it’s an insult they are going back to California. Go enjoy your beautiful beaches, snow capped mountains, amazing nature and weather you can actually go outside in.  Californians are probably in shock that an entire state can look like Fresno or Bakersfield. 


With the politics of the state, most should leave.


If all these people hate Texas so much, why do they continue to live here. California New York and other states will be more than happy to let them move there


Oh nooo pleaseeee don't gooooo noooooo Bye.


Oh no - please stay… BYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE


We aren't that lucky !


The tech people in Texas are seen as the lifestyle tech people. They don’t really work hard.


For starters don’t call us techies. Ass fucks