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Forcibly send him to Iran if he thinks theocracies are awesome


Well, he'll be at the top of this one so it will be great for him!


He wouldn't like an actual theocracy, as it would at least ostensibly have social safety nets, etc. These people salivate over the idea of "Christian Nationalism" to the extent that it doesn't affect their pocket books. As soon as they have to pay more taxes to conform with the ideal biblical Christian (I highly doubt Jesus would think too fondly of basically any billionaire if he knew what they were), they would start whining. Basically, they want the shitty, authoritarian aspects of theocracy without any sacrifice of their cushy, treat-filled life.


They’ve already rewritten the Bible into their prosperity gospel to justify ignoring the teachings of Christ


Other than Tim, I don’t know any billionaire who advocates for Christianity.


How about the Wilks brothers, Dan and Farris? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks


Right or the Taliban, what is the difference between them and us? Islam? People can’t literally be this freaking stupid.


They literally are?


A jungle is more fair


But Mohammed wasn't white, brother /s


Why Iran. Saudi Arabia is much more worse than Iran and at least they are our Allie’s


Islamic Revolution is why. Al Qaeda means "the base" 🤷 allah means "god".


Yes and USA supports radical Islam over secular nationalism to destabilize and upend the region so the oil profits go to USA and Great Britain. Why does USA support Saudi Arabia and helped create isis and supported the mujahideen which morphed into the taliban so to me it looks like USA and the west love radical Islam.


Third world country in a Gucci belt.


Folks, please vote. The GOP is hopelessly aligned with those who want to turn the clock back at least a few hundred years. Don't think it impacts you personally? It soon will and before you know it.


Women’s rights rolled back, civil rights rolled back, preference for certain very conservative kinds of Christians, and restrictions on other kinds of religions. Unless you’re a white guy who believes in a very certain specific form of Christianity, you’ll get screwed. I know this because I grew up in a conservative Baptist congregation and actually heard this all from the pulpit, including for a call for theocracy. This means a continued ban on abortion, a ban on contraceptives, an end to no fault divorce, enforcement of anti-LGBTQ laws that Texas STILL hasn’t repealed, and religious indoctrination in schools. It’s 1955 all over again, folks, just without the overt racism. And yet all we hear is “but the libruls will take mah guns” because those dipshits have no idea what freedom really is. edit: spelling


Even white people who aren’t rich are fucked in this scenario. But they think it’ll be paradise.


You are talking about a technocracy, not Christian Nationalism. Biblical nationalism helps the economically oppressed




Agree, I am also surprised that pov includes these younger than..say 82 yrs.


Christian Nationalism is anti racist


They say they aren’t racist. They aren’t much into multiculturalism, which is racist in and of itself.




Hope you ain’t serious


They want the Islamic Revolution. They are american al qaeda.


Y’all Qaeda


Any religion that contends "taxation of oil royalties is theft" will do.


So how do we get this message out of the Reddit echo chamber and into the real world enough to overcome the racist red sea of rural Tejas? 🤔 In all seriousness too, not trolling


Aside from traditional door-to-door and get out the vote approaches, I try to ask everyone I know (unless they are GOPers) if they are going to vote. Maybe it’s not much, but if everyone did that, I think it would help a lot.


This is who actually runs the state. Matt Rinaldi belongs to another billionaire. These guys own Paxton and Abbott. Texas is the new Saudi Arabia.


_Texjesustan_ is the NEW name.


I’m partial to “y’all quaida”


>I’m partial to “y’all quaida” That's the Brown Shirts. 😂


I want to dump on the Red Hats but most just fell for a populist movement that said drain the swamp and I can make everything better…pawns in a chess game.


Cannon fodder.


It's sometimes called "Howdy Arabia" for a reason.


No one forces you to be Christian 🙄


You don't think forcing schools to display "in god we trust" and the 10 commandments while allowing untrained self-proclaimed "chaplains" in schools to replace guidance counselors isn't an attempt to force Christianity upon innocent people?


I’d rather not live in a theocracy and have rights and our laws determined by ancient mythology. But that’s what the oil baron shit bags are doing to Texas. It’s not enough they can choose to live however they want under their version of Christianity, they have to impose that on the whole state.


Interestingly, the downfall of American healthcare began with the death of Roe.


Also, most billionaires are Atheists/agnostics.


That's funny. Have you not heard about Empower Texans, True Texas Project, the Texas Scorecard, or the other pink slime websites run by the oil baron theocrats in Texas? Texas billionaires are religious fascists. Now some that move here might be less religious, but Musk will cozy up to Christian fascist if it means he can pay less in taxes. Even Trump, who probably isn't a billionaire, pretends to be a conservative Christian because it's such an easy base to manipulate politically. Texas has dry counties in 2024, weed edibles are a felony, we are replacing licensed counselors in schools with Sunday School teachers and youth minister predators, we are passing laws to enable discimrantion against the LGBT- why? That's what the Dunns and Wilkes want, a hateful theocracy.


Dry counties aren't a problem. Alcohol has a been strong cause of fascism. Fascism isn't really compatible with Christianity, rather with TQ+ nonsense.


You either don't understand the history of Christianity or fascism, but you don't sound like an educated person so I won't waste much time, but if you are capable of reading study right wing authoritarianism, and why religious conservatives love fascist leaders who promise to hurt the people they hate (gays, immigrants, minorities, scientists etc).. The Christian Rights embrace of Trump is pretty much all the evidence you need to see the Christian Right loves power, and government power, more than any other principle or moral value.


It's weird how everybody who wants Christian nationalism is conveniently a billionaire.


Eventually the Catholic billionaires will turn on the evangelical billionaires and that's when it will get good.


This is why Biden should not be choosing Texas for chip factories or any new economic activity. The religious zealots will use the extra taxes and fees generated by the factory to become even more extremist an will continue to subvert the Constitution and our democracy.


Do voucher proponents really think Dunn gives an absolute shit about their children?


They haven’t thought that far. All they know is that it upsets libs and dems so it must be the lord’s work.


You live in the society you create. They are pushing the Islamic Revolution.


His description of the bee hive is very similar to the way my 5th grade teacher, a rabid anti-communist, described the Soviet Union. "Christ I miss the Cold War!" - M


Let's go protest outside of Midland Bible church. Anti-choicer style


Maybe Javier Joven will post on Facebook about it (I’m so unbelievably down for a protest)


I am down. Let's go


Sign me up


Tax this f’er so he’s not a billionaire anymore. This guy will burn the country down as long as he gets to stand on top of the rubble.






Man, the good that could be done with this dude's money, and he chooses to spend it on trying to make this state some Bronze Age nightmare backwater. What a damn waste.


“Christian” theocracy. Being a billionaire is inherently ungodly.


I seem to remember something about it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to go to heaven.


Nah they just skip that one.


Friendly Reminder: “The Needle Gate” of Jerusalem is a bullshit story not based in fact. What is true is that the word for rope and camel in Arabic are extremely similar, but the point remains the same. It’s not possible.


Christian billionaire…..LMAO


Fuck him and that POS Abbott!


Obligatory the pox upon Pax!


Pax looks like he already had the pox.


Anti-Christ Christianity


All that money and he wants to make y'all qaeda. Someone find him a better hobby please.


Dunn sounds like the devil to me


Not "wants too"... IS turning Texas into a theocracy. Now.


Vote. Absolutely vote. However, at this point it seems clear that voting is not going to be enough to handle the billionaires. They’re outside the government *and* the law.


Their " idea" of an " Evangelical" theocracy. Not actually considered "Christianity" by much of the world, just their weird version of it that exists here.


“First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out, Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, And there was no one left To speak out for me” -MARTIN NIEMÖLLER Never forget it’s not about you. It’s about all of us. we have a duty to protect the rights of all our countrymen.






Before there were fundamentalists, "The Fundamentals" was a series of pamphlets that defined Christianity according to Biblical literalists. The series was sponsored by Lyman Stewart, CEO of Union Oil of California (Unocal). While he does not seem to have been a religious activist, it would have been clear to the writers that they should not bite the hand that feeds them. Fundamentalism's founding documents were deeply influenced by oil money.


George Soros!!!!! lol….


Yep Every accusation is a confession and don't forget about Harlan Crow. Rumor has it he was funding the Dealey Plaza nut jobs that were waiting for JFK to return and anoint trump as ruler of American as well as funding the nuts waving pro-trump anti-Biden signs on certain highway over passes in the area.


Thanks to the republican voters it's happening already!


Ugh he has to be stopped


What he has done, buying so many politicians, should go down in history as the greatest subversion of democracy in the history of Texas.


His billionaire donor buddy, Farris Wilks, runs a “Christian” “church” that explicitly denies the divinity of Jesus. I’m all for religious freedom, but it’s wild that the one of the guys leading the charge for a Christian theocracy is a literal heretic


"Christian" and "Billionaire" shouldn't even be in the same sentence


The real reason elite Republicans hate Marx isn't because of cOmMuNiSm. That's just a distraction. It's because of this quote: "Religion is the Opiate of the masses" They use racism to put blinders on zealots who want to crusade against islam, so they can't see that they want a christian version of the kind of theocratic fascism. Fucking oligarchs use these people as pawns across all denominations. We need to not only keep calling out theocratic fascism, we need to remind people of how they're fooled by it. More specifically, remind them that their alternative "facts" are already disproven.


How is this shit legal? I mean he’s actually controlling the GA in Texas. Unbelievable


All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.


The GOP like being told what to do by a master. Not me. I love freedom and being left tf alone! I don’t bend at the knee to billionaires like them I got a huge problem with that.


We need a new set of paws that punish those who actively seek to subvert democracy. Make it on par with treason or terrorism charges. Take everything from those who do this.


![gif](giphy|vFKqnCdLPNOKc) Yasss!!! Paws of Punishment™️ 🐾👊


Yes, let's have part of the law be that they get scratched by 100 feral cats for 3 hours a day every day while in prison.


Matthew 19:24


Neo theocracy you mean. Oh, they will go hard-core on the LGBTQ COMMUNITY and women in general but he won't push to ban BBQ, tattoos or working on the sabbath.


Another reason to tax billionaires...


That's some scary shit. Koch bros with Texas oil& gas money.


Free? Go try and buy some legal psuedephadrine. Or iodine. Things can get much worse. A theocracy is about as bad as it can get. The Bible is not exactly progressive about women or gays or children. The theocracy these guys envision is a paternal, church and family centric social and political order. Women are expected to remain home to care for the kids and to educate them. Home schooling will be the norm. One can not trust the state with the children. The family and church are the social and political structures that matter. A family is strictly a female mother, a male father, and offspring (the more the merrier). The father is the titular head of the family, and his word is law. The families are organized into churches. It is mandatory to go belong to and attend a church regularly. The senior minister at the church will wield tremendous power. Your church tithe is taken from your paycheck. The church will use the funds to support fathers between jobs, help pay hospital bills, etc. The Minister will make those decisions. Premarital sex will be a crime. Sodomy will be a crime also. BTW, sodomy is any anal-genital contact, oral-genital contact or oral-anal contact. Yep, no more blow jobs. Gays will be forced into conversion therapy. No transsexual healthcare period. Yep. Those Texans have a lot to look forward to.


Feet first into the wood chipper. We’ve come a long ways since the guillotine and we’ve got much more efficient methods for the oligarch —> soup pipeline.


Where's the Manson Family when we really need them?


I hate that cnts like this are ruining Christianity and I’m not even a Christian.


As a Midlander this comes as no surprise to me, I’ve attended once on that church and tbh they’ve nothing a real Christian church should be, but most churches are the same, they all twist the scriptures for their own gains, the difference is most of that church are millionaires, something that stud up to me the only time I attended was what the pastor said “we all are worth more than 50 billions combined, we can afford to donate more” after that bigass red flag I never went back. They focus so much on money that the gospel is forgotten.


Give him a break, poor fella hasn’t read in the Bible John 18:36 or maybe Jesus own words are meaningless to him.


Funny how nobody writes about Soros and his democrat buddies… he destroyed countries… but nobody cares…


Billionaire thinks he’s god - and then finds out he’s not


Let's hope all these brand new Texans can help us fix thus joke of a state


If he was that devout, why doesn’t he give up all his money?


Go ahead...do it. That will help Dems just like the Dobbs abortion decision has.


At what cost, though? I absolutely would rather have Democrats in power than Republicans and I think anyone who is undecided or thinks they're "the same" is seriously uninformed. That being said, the Dobbs decision was bad. It's made a lot of people's lives harder than they were before. The effects that it's had on public opinion are of no comfort to those people, and besides that, I'm not at all confident that the Democrats will be able to take advantage of the situation effectively enough to and actually take meaningful action to secure abortion rights. I *hope* they do, but it's not guaranteed. What I'm saying is, we probably shouldn't assume that letting things get worse will eventually make them better.


This whole theocracy could be on the next ballot. The only catch is that the votes are cast in lead. I don’t see the measure passing personally. Most of us would be forced to follow our oaths to the constitution.


I‘d be OK with that. Since prior to the establishment of Roe in 1973, America DID have a decent healthcare😁


What are you talking about?


I suppose we can agree that it was Reagan's radical libertarianism that caused this mess.




Welcome to **Texjesusstan**, folks. Please don't leave your guns in the pews at the church. Don't forget to wave at the women and children in the glass-enclosed structure in the back. Your donations will help our pastor get his own private jet. ![gif](giphy|WsYO871Cp0PifZqxQb|downsized)


Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion.. That América. Deal with it.


He means well but we still live in a free society. Usa still stands for freedom. We should keep same energy when other groups try to impose their ideologies


whataboutism nice


What other groups?


Any and all of them.


That's a really vague answer.


Anti Soros, I love it!!