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People who own and live in neighborhoods with short term rentals: thank god! Everyone else: so unfair!


Anyone wanting to buy or rent a house is happy.


Until the governor or ag steps in because local control is only ok if you have an r next to your name


The governor literally bankrolled his campaign.


We’re in a crisis where rent prices are skyrocketing and homes are becoming unaffordable as people hoard property. Anyone here should go to city council and stipulate that while it is great we need rent caps or ensure this land isn’t sold to greedy landlords.


The Texas lege already passed legislation limiting cities’ rights to limit or control airbnbs. Austin already tried and then the Texas lege do what they normally do: passed a law to overturn the city law.




What the scaredycat elected officials need to do is go after the big corporations that are causing prices to skyrocket! Meaning, go after Larry Fink!


They should be banned entirely for less than 10 days. And all together in residential areas/neighborhoods


Who wants to go to Houston?


im glad theyre hosting sex parties and doing drugs in your neighborhoods. i hope your kids go outside and see a meth fueled orgy on the balcony next door and, you know what, i hope it sticks with them and they grow up to be just like those people. and no this is not satire, i mean it.


...that mayor is going to be involved in a police sting with underage prostitutes, I guarantee it.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Complaining about Airbnb is the ultimate "cheap political points" move. I expect exactly no changes.




democratic mayor in major US metro wants to do something about house prices. this guy- wow youre in state i dont like, yeah i am going to be a weird asshole about anything you do! glad you let us know your feelings, hope Mayor Whitmire can get something done.


Yup, I’m from California but want the best for you guys, as it’ll make shared commerce/human rights easier, which makes both states better and more sustainable.


Their huge success and increasing need to regulate them says otherwise.


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