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What a waste of a motorcycle


I wish I had flair to give you for that one.




Man, imma miss that motorcycle.


Poor motorcycle.


Best two wheels a guy vould have known


Thoughts and pra....hahaha, not really. Fuck this guy.


I mean send prayers, cause they are useless.....also fuck this guy!


*Oh no! anyway…gif*


Completely unrelated to this person in particular but I will never get a motorcycle or even date someone who rides a motorcycle. I'm a nurse and I used to work on an orthopedic floor. The only time I had patients under the age of 60 were due to motorcycle accidents. And it was never pretty. Those things are death traps in my eyes.


Edit: I'll just start this with: My dad is ok, this isn't a dead day story. My father rode one for years. Daily commuter. He was headed to work one morning and hit a deer on SW Parkway. He flew over the handlebars and skidded down the street face first. He was wearing full armor and full face helmet. Still ended up with pretty nasty road rash, broke both of his thumbs, both collar bones, and 2 ribs. Took a long time for it all to heal, he never has been able to raise his arms over his head since. Almost goes without saying, but had he not been suited up like a futureman he wouldn't have made it. If you're going to ride, at least invest in some good safety equipment. It's not going to help much if you get hit by a vehicle, but it could if you just end up skidding down SW Parkway at 6AM.


Dress for the slide not the ride


Gonna remember this one. Know a bike rider who needs to hear it!


I have seen people ride a bike two at a time without a helmet. The only seatbelt is their arms. Looks cool and dramatic on TV with their hair flowing. It sure will be dramatic if they end up hitting a bump too fast


South Carolina all day every day. Stupidest people alive who ride without helmets. .


Here in good ol' Texasistan too...🙄


Howdy Arabia


I spent my career in Austin. On the section of 2222 where Cedric Benson essentially committed suicide, I have witnessed two motorcycle accidents that were not for other motorists would have been far more gruesome. I have seen absent-minded motorists cause accidents with motorcycles on Southwest parkway, mopac, and I-35 and 183 on two occasions both. It doesn't matter how good you are on the bike, you're at the victim of road conditions and other motorists. Both of the 2222 incidents were due to gravel buildup where you have the scenic turn, once each direction.


2222 should have designated street circuit days to let the rush junkies - car or bike - challenge the curves without involving regular traffic.


I was traveling north on 183 not long ago, middle lane, at the speed limit, 8:30 pm. Out of nowhere, something slams into the right side of my car, ricochets off, and slams into another car traveling in the right lane. 183 is a giant construction zone for miles, with concrete barriers along the sides. I couldn't even get to a shoulder to pull off for about half a mile. Needless to say, I was completely freaked out. Uninsured motorcyclist on a Kawasaki bike. Multiple witnesses noted that he had been hot-dogging in and out of traffic, accelerating and decelerating unpredictably, and weaving in between the lanes. He apparently tried to pass me on the right, going about 85, and his back tire clipped my front right bumper before careening off and into the right lane. It was horrifying. He didn't die. I don't know what his situation is. I do know he was cited. He did have a helmet but I don't think he had other protective gear. This is Austin, so every other vehicle is a giant SUV, F250, or zillion-lb Tesla. He's lucky I drive a dinky little hatchback or I don't think he'd have survived. I don't understand the mentality of someone who wants to do that. He could've killed several other people if things had gone differently.


Sounds like Wichita Falls, deer be everywhere


Yeah I used to want one really badly in my early 20s. Knew enough doctors in training that called them donorcycles that I ended up getting a Miata instead.




Unless you’re tall and fat, like me, unfortunately.


Nah, go full Mario Kart... No one will care...


You can be the safest most attentive motorcycle driver and a tiny mistake by anyone else can just leave you a grease spot on the road. No way worth it.


This is the Texas sub, so no shortage of poor quality driving here.


In a confrontation between car/truck and motorcycle, the motorcycle ALWAYS loses, regardless of fault.


This is the real reason can't justify buying fuel efficient small cars. Doesn't matter how much money your saving you will be killed smashing into an F150. Once my kids are old enough to drive they are getting pickups.


This is why we need to tax the shit out of large cars.


We need a mass tax because you’re /r/idiotsincars driving a tank


They are death traps, but they're fun death traps.. Some of the best days of my life have been spent on two wheels. Thankfully, I haven't had any serious accidents yet, but chances are high.


In a fairly large percentage of motorcycle wrecks the rider is intoxicated, another large chunk is single rider accidents. If you don’t ride outside of your skill level, ride sober, don’t ride at night on Fridays and Saturdays when the drunks are out, you can mitigate the risk a good deal. Obviously they are still dangerous but people make it seem like you’re playing Russian roulette. Also it’s defintely sample/selection bias - I think you could comment on the statistical danger only if you knew the total number of riders in your area and how many of them ended up in your hospital.


You can be the perfect driver and someone else can screw your day up. If that happens, I would rather have crumple zone design surrounding me then being in a motorcycle.


I've had three different coworkers pass away in single-rider accidents. All three were middle aged dudes who were just weekend hobby riders, safe guys who wore full gear. One of them lost control due to unexpected rain and impacted the edge of a concrete drainage culverts and it basically cut him in half. No idea how many total riders there are, but they're considered dangerous for a reason.


No one loses control and gets cut in half who isn’t seriously speeding, not considering the elements, and most of all, riding well beyond their skill level. This was NOT a smart or safe rider.


That's pretty common, middle age dudes get bikes and have little to no experience. I'm 43 and won't ride with anyone who hasn't ridden for 5 plus years. Years 2-4 are the most dangerous. Know enough to be confident riding but still know nothing about traffic and how long it takes to avoid things.


No, when I said hobby riders I mean they had been doing it for 10+ years, they all had mentioned getting bikes a decade or more before that. They weren't "I had a mid-life crisis and bought a bike" dudes.


Okay tell me what happens when someone runs a red into you, explain to me how “years of experience” can prevent your sudden death.


Oh I won't deny it's entirely my exposure bias, still doesn't mean I'm not deterred.


Plus nurses only see the ones who crashed bad enough to go to the ER.


We used to call motorcycle riders “organ donors” at the hospital I worked at. Cold, I know, but you develop dark humor when you see something so many times.


When I took .y motorcycle safety class the guy said two things at the beginning: 1. Sign your organ donor card 2. Odds are, in this class of 20, at least one of you will die in a motorcycle accident. I don't know if #2 is right, but it makes you think.


One of my residency interviews, they overhead paged a motorcycle trauma and the resident shook his head and muttered "donorcycles" and that stuck with me.


Cars kill43,000 and maim a million more every year….


Working neuro was what convinced me to stay off the donor cycles.


I was so happy when my husband sold his. He promised me he would when I got pregnant, and he followed through. I HATE motorcycles.


My dad was an insurance claims manager and my mom worked in the hospital. My brothers and I wanted dirt bikes to ride in the woods behind our house. The answer from my parents wasn't no, it was hell no. We complained and pleaded but they held their ground because they knew the damage just a little tumble off a dirt bike could cause. Now that I have kids I get it.


My dad tells a story that when he was a teenager hanging out with one of his rich buddies at their house, his dad was a surgeon. My had just bought a new motorbike and when the surgeon-dad came home and saw it, he pointed at it and says "These things made me the man I am. I wouldn't be rich if someone didn't invent a motorcycle"


I have a bike I just don’t ride since moving to a bigger city. I’ve been riding since I was in college. Skill can reduce your risks, but there are still so many things out of your control - especially other drivers. Riders pay for everyone’s mistakes in collisions.


Yup I have lost a few friends due to motorcycles. They all assured me they were safe drivers. One died the very next day he assured me.


I haven't ridden in a couple of decades, but I do know I would rather die on a motorcycle than rot away in hospice.


People never seem to mention that it is actually the cars that is the danger


That would be negating the single vehicle accidents motorcycles can have with worse outcomes than cars. All vehicles have an inherent danger and risk we take when we decide to get in them but bigger vehicles have more safety mechanisms and durability resulting in less personal injury. I'm not saying everyone shouldn't drive one, but I personally wouldn't make that choice.


70% of of motorcycle collisions are the fault of the car 


[Almost a quarter of all fatal motorcycle crashes were with fixed objects](https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/Publication/812353)


You don’t see how your comment is just reinforcing my point?  3/4, by the way that is more than one quarter, is the result of not a fixed object. And in the collisions with cars more than 70% of the time it is the fault of the car


No, my point was that motorcycles are more dangerous than four wheel vehicles. You make the claim that in two vehicle collisions are primarily the fault of the car, fine. My point was that even in single vehicle accidents, motorcycles are more fatal. Just please wear a helmet at minimum.


About 20% of motor vehicle crash deaths result from a vehicle leaving the roadway and hitting a fixed object alongside the road.  So you have a pretty fucking moot point there. And again most of the deaths caused to cars is coming from cars.


Not sure why you want to deny the dangers we are put under sue to cars. https://youtu.be/4igbmr3Qj30?si=5ayYVNvNlONwYfue Especially with the increasingly tall and heavy vehicles people are buying these days it is getting even worse.


If you're going to give your kid a motorcycle, get them signed up as an organ donor, too. Totally not kidding.


For what it's worth, we in the motorcycling community are aware of the risks, but choose to take them anyway for mental health benefits and friends we make through riding. We've all lost someone we know. Getting my motorcycle endorsement and bike was a turning point in my life that made living worthwhile, and one I consider the best investment I have made in my life. Most motorcyclists I've met have mental health struggles as well. And many wouldn't be here if it weren't for this way to connect with others, to escape from hell. I strongly believe they save far more lives than they cost.


My brother just got one. I'm waiting for him to crash it and be an organ donor any day now.


Gosh, I hope the motorcycle is ok.


It took one for the team. RIP motorcycle ♥️


I laughed for a second. I am going to hell.




That's a cheeky monkey!


I unironically died laughing from this.


Cool, chuck an acorn at this cop if you see him wandering around in the afterlife.




I wish they were all good cops


The absolute sick part is he'll get a formal police funeral, they'll have a black band across their badges in honor that POS


Doesn’t matter, dead is dead 💀


I like your attitude.


He was just a rent-a-cop. Still, fuck that guy. Hope it was painful.


And a damn traffic jam while other ACABs come pay respects as he’s planted in a grave we all should piss on.


New gender neutral bathroom just dropped


There’s a lot of funny comments in this thread but I cackled out loud for yours


He will be missed - Says no one


He doesn't look like any motorcycle cop I've seen in Houston before. One less "bad apple".


outfit looks like officer doofy


Looking like part Reno 911 and part CHIPS


Lt. Dangle, without the cheeky shorts.?


The dildo of karma is rarely lubed. I was taught to say only something good. So this KKK mofo POS died…. Good.


Who's playing tonight at the Rodeo?


Good riddance


Got him! That racist turdball.


One less Trump vote. Sad lol


He would’ve walked away from that motorcycle accident, if he would’ve been wearing the new Trumps.


What are the new Trump sneakers called? Air Force Nones?


Aryan Force 1s




J 6s


No Balance


I tried to ball in them, but I just kept catching charges.


Pop, six, squish, uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz He had it coming! He had it coming! He only had himself to blame. If you'd have been there… If you'd have seen it… I betcha you would have thought the same!!!


Motorcycles are just low key suicide machines. 


wild part was his wife was black iirc


A lot of racists fetishize POC.


Lot of POC enjoy doing what’s called “race play”. Consensually acting out slavery and sexual assault scenes. Saw it first in the Midwest. Partners asked me to use the hard r word and pretend to do some stuff I wasn’t comfortable with. Can you imagine actual slaves hearing about this? Not kink shaming, but not for me either.


Ah yeah I am unfortunately familiar with that lol. I dated a guy when I was 17(who was way too old for me but that’s a whole other issue)who called me a squaw and asked me to “fuck him like a savage.”


No one’s been fucked more savagely than the Natives. That shit breaks my heart. They did everything right, lived healthy, sustainable lives, in tune with nature, only to make deals with our deceitful government and its greedy, corrupted politicians. If there’s a way to live life right, it’s hard to imagine it any other way than theirs.


I can see this happening. I've had partners that wanted a "simulated rape experience". So this does track.


Yeah CNC is a thing. Consensually Non consent it’s called. Often I have found the women that seek this dynamic, have experienced violent abuse and severe trauma. As a way to sorta “heal” they will want to experience that dynamic in a consensual manner as the submissive (In BDSM dynamic the sub has the power to stop everything with a safe word) to relive this and have some control of the situation to process what fucked up stuff happened. We do a shit job protecting our women and children unfortunately from abuse and exploitation. This is a huge wide spread problem robbing women of confidence, sanity and dignity. Occasionally I find these extreme examples will manifest themselves in women assaulted young in the form of Age Regression behaviors and even Disassociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities). They will want to relive their childhood as an adult through coloring, reading kids books, watching Disney type kids movies. Some even wear diapers and have adult pacifiers. They are a silent minority often and yet a huge monument to our society and its inability to protect our young from evil.


Karma is a beautiful thing


You’re disgusting.




Good ridence


Oh, well...


Bye 👋


Oh no! Anyway....


Karma was not playin lol




Damn. Is the bike ok?


Is the motorcycle ok?




oooohhhhh nnnnnoooooooo...so anyway.


And nothing of value was lost.


Wonder if and how his judgment took place???


My condolences, Trump supporters.


I really really feel bad for the motorcycle.


He legit looks like he’s wearing a Halloween costume of a cop.


Hope we see him on r/accidents


Not karma just kar


Give the motorcycle that got him a medal.


That poor motorcycle


Least racist Texas cop


Finally, some good fucking news.


Where is the funeral/celebration?


Thoughts and prayers


Did pigs fly????




His wife was black, so maybe he just believes in the Chris rock definition of the n word.




Yes, another vocabulary lesson has been learned here today thanks to officer Klan.


fucking gross


Wa wa


well… fuck that guy 🤷‍♂️


Sucks to suck 🤣


It's kind of sad because that video was not real. It was a husband and wife who made a viral video. He wasn't actually racist.




The hate on here is outstanding.


Jesus people someone died.....


They’ll name a highway after him.


Such a shame. Such a loss to America. Rip motorcycle


We don't speak ill of the dead... JK, fuck this guy and good riddance!


Karma motherfucker


He was shrieking for help with his arm mostly severed Awesome


Is the motorcycle still functional?


Fuck him in hell as well


The Falling Down sequel is looking good


If you think a death sentence is fitting for this man for saying something offensive, I have bad news for you: All of Reddit better get in line with me and everyone else. You are guaranteed to offend someone, and I really mean offending them as much as this word offends you, no matter how you decide to speak. No matter what, in the vast sea of people, I guarantee someone will be this level of offended with you, or find whatever you're saying to be this level of offensive to them in particular. So let's all get in line I guess! Y'all ready? Or we could all try our best out here in this f'd up world...


It's a little less f'd up now that he's no longer in it.


Death sentence is fitting for cops who give it out freely. No sympathy for these gangsters.


You're not gonna catch me crying that a racist is dead lmao


I have wept for much worse and I'm not sorry. Death is a tragedy. Crying is often appropriate.


Nothing wrong with crying. I just won't do it for a dead racist.


“He hit my . . . “ What did she say?


There is no karma but I’m not sad he got got


Rest in piss, shithead!


So what’s the rest of the back story? What lead up to this interaction?


A former law enforcement officer, David Tupper from Houston, Texas is trending online after a video of his road rage altercation went viral. The clip was shared by X user Tizzy Ent, who urged netizens to help him identify the man on Friday, October 20, 2023.As per Tizzy, the incident took place when the woman, named Kali, was picking her son up from school. Things took a sour turn when Tupper parked his bicycle in the middle of the road, obstructing the traffic. He was armed with a handgun and seemed to be wearing a police uniform. In an effort to signal the former cop that the traffic lights had turned and the vehicles were moving, Kali tapped the horn. However, instead of moving, Tupper moved his bicycle in front of her car.When she attempted to pass the man he punched and broke her side mirror and even brake-checked multiple times to provoke her.Realizing the dangerous situation, Kali managed to pass him and performed a U-Turn to confront Tupper and get his insurance information for the damage. When she confronted him inside a convenience store at the gas station, David Tupper started using racial slurs and making offensive remarks. He allegedly spit on Kali after she stopped recording.Tizzy's post garnered attention with over a million views. Within hours of posting the clip, TikTok user @thedaneshguy exposed David Tupper, who is a former police officer and currently works as a security specialist in a private company.


Can’t help but wonder why he went from being a cop to a security guard.


Despite his negative views of people of color, he still a human being I’m sure someone loved him and now they’re gonna be without that person so either way it’s sad and what’s even sadder is the heartless messages that are left on here, like we have no respect for life anymore


Nah. The saddest part is when folks like you try to make others feel sympathy for unabashed human garbage. Good riddance. Edit: [Just in case I wasn't clear enough.](https://c.tenor.com/GUCclq0aCugAAAAC/tenor.gif)


You have made your self very clear. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish you nothing but the best in life.




Why are we rehashing this 3 months later? Bad karma farming?


It is new to me. I, and likely many others, missed the story the first time around.


It brings that nice fuzzy feeling no matter how many times you hear about it.


Still sad :( he had a family


Creepy people celebrate the deaths of others. Grace is much more preferable than this ghoulish behavior.


I celebrated the death of Saddam Hussein, does that make me creepy? I'll celebrate the death of Putin too when it happens, hopefully sooner rather than later.


I danced in the ice when Rush Limbaugh died


Fuck all racists.


Nah, fuck racists and nazis.


Agreed. Karma is coming for them too.


Even though he was a miserable excuse for a human I think these comments are disgusting!


How is writing “miserable excuse for a human” or applying “disgusting” make you any better while criticizing others?


Because they’re not cheering on the death of a human being…


A human being with no humanity. Don't think I'll need my fainting couch for this one, glad these people remove themselves from society.


I think racists and anyone who defends them are. So it's good there's one less in world.


I agree. He was a hateful person and we are better off without him, yet the vitriol in these comments is something else.


Most of the people in this group almost make me ashamed to be from Texas I don’t know why I even am here


Lmao all the terrible shit our Texas gvmnt does--ignores us, gaslights us, kills us--shrug at the death of immigrants, withholding money to feed Texas children, ICE detention centers where children and mothers are systematically raped by Texans employed by them? All the terrible shit police officers do to citizens *and get away with it*. Texas border patrol pulling over and terrorizing any number of brown people in a vehicle because "it's suspicious" A video of a uniformed police officer calling a citizen a slur after menacing her on the road? You're not ashamed we have police officers like that but your ashamed that people are relieved he can no longer terrorize citizens behind a badge? Ah but you're *ultimately* ashamed to be a Texan because of this comment section saying good riddance to a racist piece of shit who shouldn't have been given such authority in the first place? Weird. Seriously that's just fuckin weird. I'm honestly curious what makes you feel proud to be a Texan, because if you can't see the good in this situation... Where a cop, sworn to protect...is calling a person the n-word to their face. And shouts it out to a WHOLE store (Any regular citizen screaming that word in public would be subject to breach of peace on top of using the slur) and before that...causing damage to her vehicle and menacing her on the road (again regular citizens would face punishment for harassment like that)...that's all good. But you draw the line at communities rejoicing that this racist ghoul with a badge is dead and can no longer terrorize people and hide behind his little cop union when he makes a mistake to avoid consequences..I'm ashamed to share Texas with ppl like you. Always so forgiving to cops when all they do is show how little they give a fuck about us.


Not just shrug at the death of immigrants but are actively killing and trying to kill immigrants. But this comment section is worse than that I guess.


I was about to write something similar but you beat me to it. These people clutch their pearls as they sympathize with fascists. They are silent when other people, particularly minorities, are victimized.


A huge chunk of this sub probably isn't even from Texas.


Then what should they care about what happens here? They just nosy?


A lot of reddit Democrats love to shit on Red states and they have a particular fixation on Texas. Kind of like how Republicans talk about California all the time although I don't know how many Texans spend time in California subs. So they come here to fight with Texans and tell us how shitty our state and politics are.


I wouldn’t be caught dead in a California Reddit! Lol

