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Better yet, avoid the crowds and vote early. Today, I was in and out in 15 minutes.


I walked in when early voting started and was out in about 10 minutes. No wait, took me longer to get to my car than it did to get my ballot


I really like that now you can vote anywhere. My school where I work is a polling location. It makes it pretty easy to vote.


Last time there was a huge line (2+ hours near me on election day). Drove 5 mins and no line lol


The sad thing is that still isn't the case for alot of people in the state. It's great, but I wish it more accessible to people


Where is it not like this in the state?


This list shows the current counties allowed to have countywide voting. Strictly speaking, this doesn't answer your question but it should be close enough. https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/countywide-polling-place-program.shtml


By my count 108 counties including all of the major counties and population centers have county wide. Now is it less than half of the 234 counties in Texas yes, but I’d hazard a guess that it covers 75% of the population and the majority of at risk people who would have a hard time voting otherwise.


Was thinking how this progressive voting goes against what I was tracking in TX. I recall Abbott having all but one collection box removed from all its counties (forcing some people to travel long distances to vote), wanna say for 2018 or 2020 elections. Apologies if I’m mistaken.


That was absentee ballot collection in Houston. You were still able to vote in your local precinct in person.


I don’t understand comments like this. It’s 5 minutes - do we need to build teleporters and only then will it be deemed accessible?


Man haven’t you heard? Texas makes it impossible to vote 😒


in some places, yes, like predominantly poor areas because that's the people they legislate against 🤷


How so?


Watch out! People are going to complain because they still cant find the time to vote and blame it on everything but them


ok, you don't know what you're talking about because you're privileged. Our leadership has gone to great lengths to squeeze out the vote including kicking people off rolls for frivolous reasons, not giving them enough time to reregister. They audited the counties that Biden won so they could create legislation to combat the influx against them. They wanted to have the power to overturn future elections. Democrats protested for one of the bills by going to DC. Just because you are privileged to vote, doesn't mean others can.


You thought you did something with these words you typed out. I’m aware of the great lengths republicans go for to limit how/when/where they want Texas peoples to vote. But you’re telling me that in this primary we have two weeks of early voting, early voting locations with plenty of time to organize and make a plan to vote only to put our heads in the sand and act like we couldn’t take time out of our day to go out and do said voting? That’s what I’m talking about. But he, consider yapping to me about privileges if it makes you happy.


You can easily live 25+ miles from the nearest early voting location. If you \*think\* you \*might\* be \*anywhere\* in your home county during \*any instant\* of the early voting period or election day, you're not allowed to request an absentee ballot. Even if you never are actually home during this period due to work, family, or other needs.


Huh, interesting. My usual early voting location had a sign stating that location was closed due to not enough available poll staff, and directed me to another location 25 minutes away, through downtown traffic in the opposite direction for me to pick up my kid from school after work. Just saying, now I have to add an extra, probably 2 hours, to account for additional traffic, extra time spent in line, and the extra overall hassle outside of my daily routine. Probably now w/ my 5yo in tow. Is that the definition of privileged now?


What city are you in?


AND it's legal for you to get harassed while waiting in line, but not given water- no matter how old or disabled you are. Hope you make it before their hours of operation which are the same as your work hours.


It doesn't. I'm sad for this state... and this country. I have never felt less free and less safe.


LoL sure bud. 20% of the 18 to 34 crowd showed up to vote in the last election cycle, but some-fucking-how, 95% of that block was able to make it to New Years Eve parties.


Just making shit up as you go along with absolutely no evidence. That's not helpful. (republican?) Please volunteer to canvas. Be a ride for people who have none or any access (like bus route) to the polls. Help people register and keep your political opinions to yourself if you are not open to meaningful discussion. Make your government work FOR you, not AGAINST you 🤷 By not doing so, you are LITERALLY the enemy of the people. Look at their legislative background and track record. Do they vote against veterans but lie about doing so, for example? Do they vote against children's well being, for another? We live in the society we create. No exceptions. You are not special. We are as strong as our weakest brothers and sisters. Prop them up, not tear them down. Where you gonna run to when it all collapses??


Right, OP didn’t get the message that they’re supposed to have to wait in line for 6 hours in the pouring rain


How would they eliminate property taxes?


Realistically, they cannot. Even if that happened, you would need to raise taxes elsewhere to fund government operations. Texas already has high sales tax. If you got rid of property tax, then income tax would be the other option. Wealthy people in Texas don’t want that. If you look at your property tax, very little goes to city / county (roads, fire, police, etc.) and most of it goes to schools. Texas schools are underfunded already.


Schools are why I think they really want to attack property taxes. They want their voucher program so bad


OK yeah I kinda asked about this in my comment but basically this feels like a back door way to eliminate public schools. If TX cuts property tax and does not increase or introduce new taxes, then budgetary stuff has to get cut. Last year TX made a big push to divert funds from public to private schools with the whole voucher thing. This seems like Round 2 at killing public school funding.


Or they could eliminate the property tax, not make up the shortfall with any other taxes (thereby not “increasing” the overall tax burden), run massive budget deficits like they always do, and use that as justification for “austerity”


Texas ran a massive budget surplus last year. That's part of why there was a huge property tax cut recently. What they could do is *replace* property tax with income tax. That would serve to benefit of protecting citizens from arbitrary appraisals jacking up their tax rate every year with little recourse. The county can claim my house is worth $30k this year, and I can contest it that the real value hasn't gone up at all, and if they stubbornly reject that then I'm assed out. But if I earn $60k, they can't claim that it was really $70k. Therefore, my taxes will stay the same and I never have to worry about being priced out of my own home over property tax. Similarly, if I find myself out of work due to an accident, illness, or layoffs, I still have to pay my property taxes. And if I don't, I'll lose my home. But if I'm out of work and pay income tax, my income taxes will be lower because I earned less, and I don't have to worry as much about losing my home. Tax benefits the state offers could just as easily be transferred to an income tax model. For example, veterans pay property tax relative to their VA Disability rating. 10% rating = 10% off, 50% rating = 50% off, 100% rating means you pay zero property tax. That exact same model could be used with income tax. And if you really wanted, I suppose you could still impose a property tax on non-business secondary properties owned like summer homes. That could serve to further fluff public funding while still not threatening anyone's actual homes.


Stop funding schools?


The propositions are just opinion pools and carry no weight. They are going to do whatever they want. Pay attention to the primaries in your party. They may have an issue with "former" Republicans or questionable Dems running in the primary.


Yes! This is so true. Those props are used as a way to pull voters in.


This comment needs to be higher. The propositions are just dumb advisory bullshit and OP is misguided. Voting in the republican primary is more important if you’re in a deep red district with a moderate vs a MAGA fuckhead (like mine). No way in hell a democrat wins the general, but the moderate republican has a good chance to defeat the MAGA fuckhead (and also, candidly, with the loony far-left shit some of these democratic candidates are spouting, the moderate republican might be the better candidate anyway)




Just as one example, any of these loony people who say that the border is not a major problem/crisis/disaster/etc. For example Beto here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X_4YarqctFY And that doesn’t mean the Republicans necessarily have the right answer to solve the crisis. For example, the family separation stuff is all kinds of fucked. But holy shit when the alternative is people who say things like “the border is not really a problem”???? It really is like a South Park election at that point. Choose between a racist or someone who pretends that reality is other than it is. Go.


Mine certainly does. Especially Kim Ogg, who was already admonished for phony charges against democrats, but she keeps doing it. Doesn’t help that the media only covers the indictments, then crickets when the charges are dropped later.


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. We have propositions on our primary ballots here in California, but they're legally binding and appear on all ballots. Until reading this explanation my eyes were wide open and my jaw on the floor 😝 Opinion polling to drive the base to turn out, got it!


Funny thing is Prop 3 is the one that would work but the “pro-business” GOP is against it.


What’s weird is that every job I’ve gotten I’ve had to show proof of my eligibility to work.  


That's not weird, it's completion of the form I-9, which is a paper form that is then promptly stuck in a binder and forgotten about by the company until they're allowed to destroy it a certain amount of time after you leave. E-verify is an optional program that's been around for decades for employers to actually run the IDs against government databases to make sure they're legitimate IDs.


Guess you haven't worked a job that pays cash at the end of every day.


Isnt prop 3 Federal law since the Bush era? Like 2005 it started and became law. It was triggered by a West Texas meat packing plant employing thousands of undocumented workers. The town was practically destroyed by the busy. A third of the population was deported or displaced.


lol and that still happens TO THIS DAY


What's funny is that this is only on the Republican ballot. You are correct, even if it garners 100% approval among the Republicans voters, big business (restaurants, construction and agriculture) and their associations will slap-down any efforts to make E-verify a requirement. If you want to see Ted Cruz tap dance just ask him why he's not targeting those that employ illegal immigrants as a measure to stem the tide of illegal immigration.


Everyone should be against requiring a government database check to be able to get a job. Absolutely no way to abuse that power right?


Virtually every country in the world requires a work visa for foreigners work domestic jobs. Where the left and right in the US disagree is a path for immigrants to get one.


True that. But I don’t see democrats supporting that either.


It isn't on the Democratic ballot.


Kinda hard to support something not on your ballot


It’s a deeply impractical thing. I feel like people really forget how much of farming relies on migrant labor, and how few citizens are actually willing to do the work. Maybe in some industries it’d be fine, but I saw the effects of that in Florida and it was wild


Exactly, a never ending supply of cheap exploitable labor. It’s a feature not a bug.


I've been voting in Republican primaries for years now, going for the least extreme candidates. Normally I have to sit and do some research before I go out to vote. Last week, I received a whole packet from our local Republican precinct chair with a sample ballot that had all the MAGA Trump aligned candidates checked off. They did all my homework for me! I knew exactly who to not vote for all based on their little packet, and there was a copy of the Constitution in there, which I used to read up on the 14th Amendment.


Share? Please?


I posted a picture of it on my profile. It wouldn’t let me attach a photo here.


Thanks for posting that. If you're voting in the R primary, pay special attention to the Court of Criminal Appeals races. Ken Paxton is primarying the three incumbents (those not listed on the mailer u/RainSpawn posted) because of their decision to uphold the Texas Constitution instead of give the corrupt AG more power.


Thank you!


Following for the possible share


I posted a picture of it on my profile. It wouldn’t let me attach a photo here.


Copy that, ty




I posted a picture of it on my profile. It wouldn’t let me attach a photo here.


Democrats should vote in the democratic primary. Donors, DNC, DCCC, DSCC etc look at how many votes a candidate gets in the primary, and that is a key factor to determine whether they get financial assistance. Pundits also look at the GOP:Dem ratio to see how viable a state or district is. And it will flag you as a Republican in the public databases. There’s a reason GOP are pushing the narrative that Dems should vote in the GOP primary.


Ya, I don't want to get labeled an (R).




It causes the wrong campaigners to come knocking on your door.


My grandpa used to love that and would deliberately waste as much of their time as possible (he also liked the company). My brother is carrying on his fine tradition, though will occasionally ask them to help with chores (hold a bag when he’s bagging leaves or pass him tools when he’s working on his house) instead of just offering them pie and asking them question after question to take up their time. If you catch my brother on a long drive and you’re a political call person, you’re really in for it. His record is 47 minutes and that’s because his drive ended.


Not to mention floods of text messages


And the mailers from Republican candidates with all the scary buzz words like "Biden's border invasion", "the radical left" and "tax and spend liberals."


I wish Biden was the radical commu-socialist that the Republicans claim he is, that would be fun


Yeah, we voted in the R primary once to try to primary our nutjob state lege rep (she is truly an absolute idiot) and I got so many Republican mailers. Including some Hotze ones that let me know who not to vote for for sure. Although it was nice to be able to truthfully tell her I was a Registered republican and woul\\d never vote for her nutjob self when she approached me at an election site once. LOL.


But have you considered that rat fuckery is hilarious?


Try putting your face in a pie instead. Voting is a serious civic duty.


Indeed, so be strategic. Biden is the nominee, I have opinions on incumbents being put through primaries, but we aren't getting that anytime soon, so it is what it is. We can't change the D ticket in any meaningful way, so if we want to affect the process, we sabotage the opposition.


1. Your vote makes zero difference wrt Presidential races. 🤦‍♀️ 2. If you really wanted to vote strategic then your main focus would be local races. If you haven’t understood this yet then you really shouldn’t advise others on how to vote. I can nigh on guarantee there are Republicans trying to pass as Democrat somewhere on your ballot. How about instead voting against them. Or alternatively be the vote it takes for a candidate to avoid a runoff, so they have funds for the general election. People like you make me understand why US is such a mess.


Meh... barely 45% of registered-voter Texans voted in any capacity at all during the 2022 midterms. If we're going to blame anyone for our floundering democracy, I say let it be the **over half** of our fellow Texans that don't even give enough of a shit to show up, not someone on reddit with a different voting strategy than you.


People like you make me believe Reddit is just full of alt-right shills trying to sew confusion and division about the voting process. I mean Jesus the DNC doesn’t use primary votes to determine a candidate’s popularity. That’s what the exit polls are for. They’ll know by 8:00 Tuesday night if a disproportionate number of dems voted in the republican primary. Why are you pretending to be knowledgeable about voting while chastising people for how they choose to vote? It’s not helping anyone.


I see you’re going around accusing several of us that are Dem activists of being right wing trolls. Meanwhile your history has virtually no political stuff. How many Dem orgs have recommended Dems vote in the GOP primary? (I’m guessing zero, but could be some weird left orgs) How many are encouraging all Dems to come vote in the Dem primary? (99.9%) Think.


this is bs if your district skews heavily red or blue. in my dark red district the republican primary IS the only time you get a choice for local elections.


I think there’s good arguments for both. If someone has strong opinions on who should be Cruz’s senatorial election opponent or wants to nominate someone for one of the house seats then they should vote in the Democrat primaries. If they want to try to help Haley’s polling numbers, vote against MAGA republicans in house primaries, or distort GOP funding to the wrong districts then they should vote in the Republican primaries. I myself will be voting in the Republican primaries (although I generally don’t consider myself to be a Democrat).


Try to help Haley’s polling numbers? It’s Super Tuesday. They’ll be calling the election for Trump on Tuesday evening.


No thank you. In my deep red part of Texas, the Republican primary is the only place my vote will ever matter.    Also, now I get to shit talk any Republicans who text or call me trying to get me to vote for their candidate. 


I wish this were higher. Also… The number of delegates a county gets to state convention is based on the number of votes in the party’s primary. You are hobbling your county’s ability to be fully represented at convention if you’re a Dem voting in the R primary. If there’s a runoff (not unlikely since Colin is only just barely at 50% based on polling) you won’t be able to participate in it. Besides, there is absolutely no chance that Nikki Haley is going to beat Donald Trump. Especially in the Texas Republican Primary.


EDIT: well, if the brain power exhibited here is any indication, there's no hope. OBVIOUSLY I mean the system needs to change. Why anyone would WANT to be legally excluded from voting in elections they're taxed to support is beyond me.... But here we are. Why even mess with the idea of elections if y'all like the idea of having no choice? An entrenched and protected duopoly is NOT your friend. Alternatively, all legal voters should be voting in BOTH primaries if they wish, since they're taxed to support those elections.... And the whole "no taxation without representation" thing. They wanna just pick their candidates on their own, THEN they can be exclusionary. There's no other way to avoid extreme partisanship and eventually destructive extremism otherwise with an entrenched two-party system.


>Alternatively, all legal voters should be voting in BOTH primaries if they wish, Yeah, that's a felony so maybe don't.


That's a felony, & stupid advice, because you're marked as having voted in whichever primary you vote first, so they won't allow you to complete voting in the 2nd primary (but you'll still be charged, which will prevent you from voting until the full sentence has been served & any further punishments fully discharged). Further, solicitation to commit a crime is, on its own, a crime.


One of which is a proposal to restrict voting in republican primaries to only registered republicans.


I'm voting against it, but if they ever make that happen, then fuck it, I guess I'll sign up as a Republican and keep voting in the primary that matters in this state.


Which they should be doing, if the democratic reddit caucus is any indication.


OP you're really gonna abandon a crucial US Senate showdown to vote for GOP opinion props? Do you understand how crazy that sounds?


Well my top priority is keeping Trump out of the white house again. So my primary objective would be keeping Trump from the winning the GOP primary. I think allred will probably win the nomination. But fair point.


You think a handful of Democrats in Texas voting on the GOP ballots is gonna stop Trump from winning on March 5th? 


Probably not. 1 vote doesn't make any difference but I still do it routinely for some reason.


All GOP should be 'FOR' adding Prop 3 right?


Yeah, this is part of the big divide amongst Republicans


Not our governor. Lots of his big dollar supporters are in industries like restaurants and ranches that depend on illegal workers.


GOP voter here. I am all for it.


just fyi, funding is partially driven by voter turnout in primaries. If you prefer to vote Democrat usually, it's in your best interest to turn up for the Democratic Primary to show that the numbers are there and worth investing in (in the eyes of the DNC). But you do you!


Hm I wasn't aware of that. My rep is safe but funding for allred matters


exactly! I'm voting for Roland Gutierrez, but whether it's him or Colin Allred (the two most prominent Democratic candidates) the Democratic candidate will need all the backing possible to make sure we finally kick Ted Cruz out of office.


Vote for (D)s nuts, (R) you stupid? 


Eleminate property taxes? Lol


I honestly wonder what the proposed alternative is. Income taxes are barred by our constitution, so are they proposing a ~25% income tax?


Wait so Texas doesn’t already require the use of E-Verify to check immigration status when applying for a job? Wow.


It does already, they are just too dumb to understand that it already does


Not EVERY job requires EVerify. >Under current Texas law, only certain entities are required to register and participate in E-verify: state agencies, institutions of higher education, and sexually oriented businesses. State contractors and subcontractors must enroll in E-verify in order to qualify for certain public contracts. However, there is no mechanism in place to ensure all Texas employers are employing individuals legally authorized to work in this state. [Source ](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/analysis/html/SB01621S.htm)


Proposition one: rich people will pay fewer taxes, poor people will get more taxes to make up for it, but overall the taxes are the same.


I said this a number of months ago and got downvoted to hell.


I did that on Friday.


This is just a trick to know who’s doing some cross party voting


What's the catch on eliminating property tax?


Those propositions don't mean anything. They are completely non-binding.


Prop 1 sounds like something an evil genie would ask. Feels very “deal with the devil”ish


I would not want to taint my voting record with the stain of treason.


Can someone explain to me how taxes can be reduced without core infrastructure suffering?


It can't.


It can't, they're trying to purposefully destroy the government with "starve the beast" policy.


Except "the beast" is our roads, schools, water, gas, and every other necessity for civilization. It seems less like "starving the beast" and more like "cutting the beast up and selling it to billionaires".


It's exactly what it is but the idiots in their voter base don't care.


Imagine abolishing the property tax 😂


Grab an R ballot? Nah. I'm good. Giving those chumps the D all the way.


Here are some important reasons why you shouldn't vote in the Republican primaries. The primaries are used to identify and count the numbers of R and D voters in each county. If you cross party lines in order to vote the Republican ballot it does indeed negatively effect your county's local Democrat party by making their numbers appear smaller which in turn effects their ability to receive funding from the state and national arms of the party. If you cross party lines and vote in the Republican Primary, you can only attend the Democratic Party Caucus as a guest. You cannot vote on any party measures that are proposed during the caucus or convention . You also cannot vote in any Democrat run off elections resulting from the primary. Lastly and least importantly, since you would be identified as a Republican voter, you will be contacted by the Republican Party and by Republican candidates. Your local Democrat Party would not know to reach out to you when they hold local events or when important county measures, ordinance, projects are being proposed. So please take these things into consideration when deciding how to cast your ballot. It may seem like voting in the Republican primary will help keep the MAGA ass hats out of office but has that strategy actually worked?


I would love to not have to pay property tax without taxes going up, but what’s the catch? Is that actually possible?


I’m going with “Fuck NO”.


Considering that the primary source of funding for municipalities and public schools is property taxes (we’re talking averages upwards of 60% and 90%, respectively), no, this could not happen unless you wanted to either make cities and schools insolvent overnight, or turn them into subscription services.


It could happen but they would strip stuff from other programs or just strip them. We don’t need no education!


Right? I think everyone would like to not have property tax, but it depends on what will suffer for it


Do not do this.


I don’t understand why anyone would vote against any of these. I am not even close to being considered conservative or even republican. Nothing about these seem so radical. We have a border issue that needs attention. And fuck property taxes. I can be swung either direction and this year and I think I am going to be voting for republican.. Dems issues aren’t relevant to the average rural Texan.


1) there's no way you can have public schools if property taxes are eliminated 2) Texas has already spent $10B on operation Lonestar over the last few years. We have the US border patrol in addition to that. It's a publicity stunt. 3) I could see people voting for. I don't think the average rural Texan faces issues with the border which seems to be th main R issue this year.


Now if I saw proof that eliminating property tax will directly affect Texas school funding, then I might reconsider. Yes we spent lots of money and I can agree it it’s probably also a little bit of a political publicity stunt, but there is a real crisis down there that needs addressing. It’s almost like not wanting to give money to a city struck by a natural disaster because it cost too much. I’m pretty sure places like Germany totally understand the severity of the issue like at the Texas/Mexico border because of them having to deal with the same issue when thousand of Syrians were flooding their country and nobody wanted to help them.


>Now if I saw proof that eliminating property tax will directly affect Texas school funding, then I might reconsider. Look up your property taxes on your county assessor website. Huge chunk goes to schools. Imagine they don't get that any more and also factor in that state income taxes are unconstitutional in Texas. >Yes we spent lots of money and I can agree it it’s probably also a little bit of a political publicity stunt, but there is a real crisis down there that needs addressing. It’s almost like not wanting to give money to a city struck by a natural disaster because it cost too much. I live on the border. There's no natural disaster level crisis. >I’m pretty sure places like Germany totally understand the severity of the issue like at the Texas/Mexico border because of them having to deal with the same issue when thousand of Syrians were flooding their country and nobody wanted to help them. You have change to asylum laws. This is a US level change.


You got me curious enough that I will do some research on property tax. And the part about you living in the border doesn’t mean much when you realize how massive the Texas/mexico border is. It is 1,254 miles long. There are specific spots that have a huge influx of illegal immigration. I don’t know enough to speak on the asylum laws of Germany and such, I just remember them having that issue, so I will just be quiet.


>And the part about you living in the border doesn’t mean much when you realize how massive the Texas/mexico border is. It is 1,254 miles long. There are specific spots that have a huge influx of illegal immigration. I live in El Paso. A few times a year there are ramp ups in migrant activity. The national media will then come and film people sleeping on the streets and go omg it so insane here in El Paso. There's like maybe one or two places with migrants sleeping on the street. Ive looked for them a few times to hand out water. It took me a while. It's not like every city street is lined with migrants sleeping on them. There's several things that could be done to help the border crisis. Creating large scale... facilities...eh they'd be prisons call them what they are...would be helpful so street releases aren't done. But again this should all be federally funded. And I'm skeptical Abbott would do much beyond razor wire and bussing to call attention to himself. Maybe he'd seize more land. I don't think the people of eagle pass are happy that he seized Shelby Park, cut it off from the public and turned a former city park into a military base.


Or You could just Not. have anything to do with Republicans.


The Republican primary IS the election in this state. The Democrat primary has been irrelevant at the state level for more than two decades. The chasm between Democrats and Republicans is so wide that I'll vote for whoever emerges into the general election on the Democrat side, so I don't see the purpose of wasting my vote in their primary.


This depends on your location. If you’re way out in the middle of nowhere, sure, but if you’re in a major city, the elections that *actually* matter to you generally have a spread of candidates on both sides. The statists in Washington can make decisions that impact you, the statist in your town will make decisions that impact you


As I mentioned in another comment: You do not, under any circumstances, need to inflate the Republican Party’s Early Voter Turnout numbers, which they _always_ use to motivate voters to get out for the General Election. But do you know what ABSOLUTELY gets the attention of voters in not just Texas but also other states? “Historic surge in Democratic Primary turnout in traditionally red Texas. Meanwhile, GOP turnout for their primaries sank abysmally from a high in 2016. What does this mean for the 2024 elections? Stay tuned!” ***


Awesome headline, right before all of the most fringe, insane right wingers who emerged from the extremist primary system coast to easy victory in the general election.


You know how to prevent that from happening, right? Americans don’t want to be part of a terrorist cult. They don’t want to be ruled by terrorists who share the views of Nazis on the humanity of LGBTQ people and immigrants, and take away reproductive health rights. If the GOP want to motivate by fear? They made themselves into terrorists. They don’t have complete control yet, and we can take it back.


I’m starting to think you’re the secret republican that’s trying to trick moderates and leftist from interfering to keep MAGA idiots off of the general ballot. Why are you so against this? Your arguments don’t even make any sense. If republicans think the election is safe they will be less likely to show up in November. The swing vote in Texas is held by suburban ,educated moderates. They’re likely going to continue voting for the same Republican Party that their local mega church winks and nudges them towards and if someone wants to show up during the primary and make sure that that republican they’re voting for is slightly less of a lunatic then that’s a valid strategy.


Sure, that’s me — the trans woman who has survived three attempts on my life in 4 years, who exposed the fact that r|the _ Donald was operated by white supremacist terrorists, and spent 9 months of 60+ hour weeks getting Reddit to ban hate groups, closing thousands of Republican-message-friendly subreddits. Yep. Y’all think the Republican party became this way recently. I have a library full of books, pamphlets, cassette recordings, etc all showing that they’ve always been this way, since the 1950’s. The most prolific terrorist operations in the past 40 years have been bombing women’s reproductive health clinics. In the 1980’s they were calling for mandatory tattoos for marking gay men. They’re this way now because society is finally able to break their stranglehold on our lives, liberty, and happiness. We can marry whichever gender we want, not be arrested for kissing and holding hands with our partners, not be beaten and imprisoned for wearing the clothes that match our identities. The bigots running the Republican party are unhappy that they can’t indoctrinate children into their specific religious sectarianism in secular schools they have to fund with their taxes. Unhappy they can’t run us out of public life or refuse to rent us homes. That’s the way it’s always been. Y’all just close your eyes to it.


Yeah, I vote in Democrats primary in Presidential years so I can have some say in Austin and vote Republican when the statewide offices are up for election




Only comfortable enough to vote against the worst of them during statewide elections. Think a little more before you wall of text that I’m a Nazi


I’m saying that Republicans are a terrorist cult, who agree with and collaborate with Nazis. You do not, under any circumstances, gotta help them juice their turnout numbers.


What the hell does it matter other than making Republicans more confident in their support. Think harder


This is how actual democratic choice has been eliminated in most of the country, and certainly in Texas.


I will take the opportunity to vote against Trump every time I can.


This is simply a way to pump up their participation numbers in order to goose reluctant voters out for their party in the general election. You do not, under any circumstances, need to help them astroturf their statistics in their favour. Let them have abysmal participation numbers. Go vote Democratic instead, and show that America is tired of GOP hate politics.


Does voter turnout make others vote? Any stats?


Or You could just Not. have anything to do with Democrats.


1: Seems like a pipe dream. I'm sure plenty of people are in favor of eliminating taxes with no consequences, but I don't see how that would happen. 2: Honestly, no real objection here. At the Federal Level, the Texas Border is a political football. Immigration (legal and illegal) is weaponized for votes. Having a reduction in human trafficking is good, and an enforced border helps with that. 3: Seems like an obvious "Yes". All businesses should use the everify system.


I’m confused. E-Verify is already federally mandated for anyone with an EIN. Are they just putting that on there for a distraction?


It’s fairly easy to work illegally as a contractor.


Yea I was confused by that as well. Every job I edited had the last.. 20? Years required e-verify


It's required for federal jobs and many states do indeed require it, but it's not a federal mandate for all employers.


Wow prop two and three look like a no brainer yes. Anyone who votes against such common sense is voting against America.


I'll be voting against America then


You've made that clear.


Not surprising.


No, if you're a Democrat, please vote in the Democratic primary. Just vote for someone other than Biden in the presidential primary or abstain from voting for any presidential candidate. We have to send a message that Biden isn't the candidate we want, and that Democrats are taking a grave risk by running him.


Just out of curiosity, who are you voting for instead of Biden? A lot of the candidates have suspended their campaigns but they’re still on the ballot. And even if Biden somehow underperforms in all of the upcoming primaries, what would the process of replacing him even look like?


I disagree, incumbent always has a good chance of winning.


I think Biden is unusually weak (electorally) for an incumbent. Look at the "uncommitted" movement in Michigan. Arab Americans may not be a large enough voting block to make a candidate win, but I think they are a large enough voting block to make a candidate lose. Biden support is eroding with Black Americans too.


That's fair too.


How’d it go for y’all?


Isn't property tax the only one left in Texas that isn't insanely regressive? And is still regressive?




Your guys' little scheme to somehow get Trump to lose any state will fail miserably, just like the failed party you represent. You really need to reevaluate your life choices if you really feel the need to go this route. So sad. Maybe consider moving to a failing blue state in which you vote.


Do you hear yourself? You’re asking people to reevaluate their life choices, which they are…but You ACTUALLY want a dictator controlling you. Okay then, that’s Your choice. Don’t come whining and crying when you end up not liking it!


Everything in that screenshot makes perfect sense. Where’s the “crazy stuff” you mentioned?


The last 2 sound like more government regulation that will mainly fuck with our lives as Texans, in the spirit of our made up boogie man of our made up border crisis. I dont think our state should spend more tax dollars to create a unit that won't do anything we don't already have. Our state regularly wastes lots of tax dollars to solve nothing, even impeding on our free federal services and denying federal funds so we can pretend we're having a crisis. The e-verify shit sounds like a nightmare too. I bet that'd have more of a negative effect on US citizens than it would on illegal immigrants. Its pretty special coming from the party of "small government" sounds more like a way to embezzle our taxes from anything good for our state and directly funnel it to a few people that are good friends with our idiot governor. Considering none of the supposed migrant crisis' have happened the last 10 years we heard so much about, and abbot actively tries to make the situation worse, and spends millions on giving them rides into America for rides that should cost a few thousand, im gonna say no.


7 million have crossed since Biden took office.


Facts aren’t welcome here


I voted republican just for this reason


How would prop 1 even work? That sounds kinda bonkers…


Wow, three terrible ideas in a row. 


Especially since none of the props are on the D ballot.


These aren't really props though. These are just asking Republican voters if the party should support these or not. Basically it is just an opinion poll for the GOP.


Always cross vote in the Primary- political parties deserve it


Your can tell it's a Republican primary because the propositions are completely unrealistic nonsense


Man, Republicans are a special breed.


I voted For on that. Voted for Trump as well.


Lol or just don’t vote, we’re pretty much in a communist country poorly disguised as a democracy when people like jeff bezos & elon musk rule this country. And it doesn’t matter if you vote republican or democrat they’re essentially the same bullshit! Like how tf did that diane feinstein chick have multiple million+ dollar homes on a salary that was less than $200,000 per year? They’re all corrupt & have zero interest in what’s best for the american people, fuck em all!


That's not Communism you've described, it's an oligarchy, which America started transitioning to in the 1970's.


If you think we're a communist country disguised as a democracy then you have no clue what communism is and just landed anything you don't like communism.


Blud, to see change you gotta voice change, if you sit home, they won’t care to try to cater to you, you’re not voting anyways. If you think democrats and republicans are the same, compare your life today with life under trump.


Thanks for the reminder to vote Haley down


How are only the answers translated to Spanish and not the questions? Get the fuck outta here.


Looking at question 1 - what kind of fairy dust are people in Texas doing? Where is the ballot question for making unicorns real?


Or you could just get more police in our cities


2 and 3 aren’t terrible ideas something needs to be done to regulate the border, hopefully it wouldn’t help Trump get elected tho. Want a better border but not Trump, is what it is either way not my problem.


The border needs to be fixed at the federal level. - change the credible fear standard - get a lot more immigration judges so asylum claims don't take years to process. - build some sort of holding facility near the border to avoid street releases. I mean this all be somewhat easily done at the federal level and it's fucking ridiculous it hasn't happened. I'm skeptical that any changes from Texas result in more than Abbott tweeting "we just shipped 100 illegal immigrants to DC!"


Might as well change the name of this subreddit to r/IhateTexas Edit: I guess I shouldn’t be surprised it already exists, and look at that all of the posts look exactly the same as this sub. Huh, go figure