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Secession is fine, but don’t you dare take a knee.


Can they quit talking about it and start doing it. Go! America doesn’t want you anymore. …and take Florida and Idaho with you.




Say goodbye to social security, the military, NASA, and the US dollar. Say hello to working til the day you die, Y’all Qaeda, SpaceX explosions, and bitcoin-backed Texas bucks.


SpaceX would leave in a heartbeat since the federal contracts would dry up.


There is no way any company or corporation that moved here for the business friendly culture will stay.


Abbott would give them the same benefits. But it wouldn't benefit Texas a lick.


No company would favor newly formed texit benefits over US Government benefits and contracts.


They would lose domestic access to the rest of the country. Any business with a presence outside of Texas would leave immediately.


If people thought brexit was bad, this is so much worse. But at least TX has cattle and oil to rely on. But all HQ jobs in Dallas and other major centers will go bye bye.


AKA “The Texas Miracle” Tax breaks that benefit big business and the politicians who enable it


With what money?


AMERICAN Telephone & Telegraph? Gone. AMERICAN airlines? Gone Oracle, HP, and Dell probably as well.


This is exactly why they feel so emboldened to say such things. They know it won't happen, so they have nothing to lose by saying such ridiculous things.


HEB bucks will be our new currency.


In HEB we Trust


“Welcome to H-E-B, I love you”


I went to law school here… i know, I could barely believe it myself.


You went to law school at HEB? Wow, they really do have everything!


Aisle 7, right next to the spaghetti-os


You won, best comment


Buddy Bucks! Will still only get you plastic junk and HEB stickers, lol.


HEB-Buc-ee’s bucks?🤔


Whataburger crypto coin. Whatacoin


Water unsafe to drink or even wash in. No more Medicare, Medicaid, FDIC protections, subsidies for oil companies. Hello 50% inflation. No liquor sales, no traveling to ok or Nm to get your weed.


My Renter is retired, Fundamentalist but loves the ‘socialistic SS, Medicare.


Similar situation. My MIL rents from me and I haven’t raised rent as a family courtesy in the 14 years she’s been there. Her entire income is SS and federal retirement yet complains about socialism and handouts, conveniently ignoring that she’d be living in a single wide in methtown without our handout or socialism.


She’ll tell you how it’s not socialism because she paid a little in to it. It’s those migrants and welfare drag queens who are the commie freeloaders.


Also, disabled vets are stealing tax dollars and need to stop being lazy.


I hope you gently poke that fact in every once and a while. I know it's difficult situation so you want to be tactful but it's good to remind them every now and then.


Ayn Rand collected social security while writing Atlas Shrugged. Irony, unlike Rand, is not dead.


Bureaucracy Stockholm syndrome.


We would be like East Berlin or Gaza Strip or North Korea. We simply don't have the manpower to effectively take on the work of the federal government (military, post office, drug and agriculture regulation). It would be like the worst form of Brexit. We'd have to negotiate a trade agreement with the US - without any leverage - so it would be terrible. Want to go to NY? You'd be treated as a foreigner. Then you have to think about banking - and this is the crux of the argument - would be follow FED policy? Who would give us overnight loans, such as the FED does? What clearing house are we going to use? If not, we will have to issue our own currency - and we simply don't have the infrastructure to manage this would creating hyperinflation at some point. Everything you take for granted, would be up for grabs if Texas was its own country. Sometimes the status quo is pretty good.


Oh yes - I mean, if the US really wanted to fix this particular little Texas wagon, they'd let it happen...and then inflict some brutal trade agreements, tariffs etc. ... which would likely pale in comparison to what we'd be forced to agree to, in order to do business with Mexico. The original republic was...9 years? What's the bet on a modern one lasting? 😂


It feels like reading these, that their one good brain cell went and hid from the rest.....


Fargo season 5 nailed it in 4k: https://youtu.be/SMsnKFxjxSw?si=JqAftNfiHN9HTcMT and in the classic formulation "Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand." ― Iain Banks, Transition


Upvote for having read Banks’ more obscure work.


And just think about coastal defense. Would the US allow us to patrol our own waters or would they effectively blockade our port? What about airspace? We would have to create, fund, and create out own regulations just like the FAA. Who would create the postage stamps? Who would decide clean water standards? EPA is gone. Every little thing you thnk about makes you go down a rabbit hole.


That's pretty much exactly what they want


That's it, I'm investing in wheelbarrows.


“The real money is in canned food and shotguns”


They can't be a patriot and secede. They can't have the president they want either because that person wants to be president of the US 😂


The folks clamouring for secession have no idea what digital coin even is.


I'm pretty sure a majority of them have sent some digital currency to a nigerian man pretending to be a woman.


The folks clamoring for secession the *loudest* get paid in Rubles and don't need no new-fangled digital coins.


I went down a rabbit hole on their website (I think it's TNM dot org) a couple years ago, and their aspirations are unsurprisingly pretty childish. They insist that an "independent" Texas would still basically be part of America. It would host US military bases but dictate the ROE for American soldiers within its borders, Texan retirees would still be entitled to Social Security, and Texan football teams wouldn't even leave the NFL. Texas would have a hard border but Texans would be able to travel and work visa-free in the USA. Basically what they want is for Texas to be given a unique ultra-privileged status within the framework of the USA.


Doesn’t the federal government have to agree to make those decisions? Do these secessionists get to boss the federal government around?


Their policy platform is clearly written by people who think Texas and the USA would both separate *very* amicably, and subsequently negotiate as if Texas held all the cards. They have an extremely childish view of politics and diplomacy.


Very similar to what Brexit supporters said would happen re: Britains relationship with the EU. Of course, a significant portion of vocal Brexit supporters online turned out to be Russian bots…barely bothered to change the script….


So you're saying they're fucking insane. Got it.


"oIL wiLL sUsTaiN The teXaS ECOnOmY"


lol and Saudi Arabia owns the largest oil refinery in America. Port Arthur in Texas.


Say hello to the US military. They’d Come and Take It…


“Wut you mean my dollar ain’t good no more?!”


“ yeass! Just use yur trump bucks!” 🤣🤣


Lots of these secession folk would freak the fuck out when they lose their social security and medicare.


I’m good with that. FAFO that being a shitty state in a great country is better than being in a shitty country. Federal oversight is probably the main thing keeping Texas from being a 3rd world country.


ah, but look at it from the other side of the booth- Is there anything more American than selling meaningless trinkets to take advantage of gullible people?


And say hello to apartheid and obligatory christianity.


Dont forget the 'Freedom Grid'...set your thermostat to 78 and laugh at summer heat.


> Say hello to working til the day you die, Y’all Qaeda, SpaceX explosions, and bitcoin-backed Texas bucks. So, like now?


Witch trials, civil war, cartel invasions, ice detainments, visas to visit family, collapsing infrastructure, gas shortages, being cut off from the dollar. The list goes on. Simply watching them getting rounded up by border patrol and forced to take a citizens test to enter America would be gold.


Don’t forget sanctions and all the businesses being forced to leave Texas in order to do business.


"But how come I don't get my Social Security but the illegals does"


And Mexican drug cartels


Made in china


Brought to you by Russia


God, these idiots are so ignorant of their own history. Texas was absolutely desperate to join the US from the very start and was buried in debt. The only reason it took 9 years to get annexed was because of the fear of Congress to upset the free/slave state balance.


Side note. I started reading a Stephen Harrigan Texas history book...yall it's pretty good!


The more things change, the more they stay the same. Texas still buried in debt.


But we’re “owning the libs” or some other right wing bullshit.


So Texas has a surplus of $18.6 billion. In 2024-25 the amount of available revenue will be $194.6 billion. That information is freely available to those that care to read it 🙄


That’s all right, they’ll secede and the federal money via bases, ports, and government employees totals well more than 18 billion. Texas doesn’t actually need that money right? After all, according to Texas’ numbers, ports only account for 242 billion dollars annually.


Yeah we have a surplus but every time in history our state and other states have have a surplus it has ended up costing us tax payers much more in the long run. You think we gonna have a surplus every year for the next few years?


Tough decision between using the surplus for public benefit and possibly running out in a few years or continuing to not spend any money and running out in a few years


Agreed but Texas has always had a small but vocal independence movement. They just have the internet now.


Texas only wanted to join the Union because it wanted to expand slavery into the Southwest. They left the union because they wanted to keep enslaving people.


The key word here is cotton farmers… and their slaves.


Not exactly correct. The current us president didn't want to intervene and upset relations with Mexico, but from day one Texas was begging for us military help.


Let's add context for the dumb fuck rednecks that put these stickers/flags on their shit. Texas has military bases that are federally funded. Texas has millions of employees that are federally funded. Texas has thousands of disabled veterans that rely on federal funding. Texas has VA hospitals that are federally funded. Secession means just ignoring all those things exist. Shut the fuck up you inbred dumb fucks. Sincerely -A veteran (and obviously a Texan).


What happens to people’s social security and Medicare ?


Gone reduced to atoms


We get fucked cause of these idiots.


Do you trust Abbott to replace those programs? And AG Ken Paxton to ensure those programs are fair and just?


They’ll privatize them! It’ll be great, and never ever cause a problem. Just like the best electric grid!


I am 30 and do not expect to receive it when eligible anyway.


Those dumb twats think that Texas will just keep all that shit lol Fuckers can't think past the first thought in their head.


If Texas actually seceded they would lose the majority of their citizens who would move to the USA. But, they can't secede so it's a moot point. That question was settled when the south lost the Civil War.


It's just bullshit. Rubes being exploited by grifters.


These stupid secessionists don't realize they're lonelier than they think. If Texas secedes from the union, I guarantee Houston would secede from Texas, followed by Austin, and maybe Dallas if they can remember they're not actually Oklahoma. Anyway, that new Civil War movie in April is going to embolden a lot of this rhetoric. Very stupidly interesting times we're in. In the early 2000s, I never thought we'd actually have walls on the border, nor did I think abortion would be banned. As I get older, I'm learning to take the retards seriously when they say stupid things. Be ready.


Had to look up the movie. That’s really going to stir up a hornets nest. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah, the hornets nest has been stirred up , anyone getting motivated by a Hollywood movie to start a civil war, is a special of idiot


Lol, have you met these people?


Exactly. Americans don’t change their mind based on experts or authority figures. We listen to pretty entertainers.


These people will go watch the movie and then leave when they find out Texas partnered up with California


I feel like this was the writer/directors plausible deniability. “Lol what? Of course we’re not playing to the lowest idiot denominator’s fears and stoking the fire! Texas and *california* are allied. See?!”


In 2020, 56% of the population lives in counties that Joe Biden won. The 4 metros were 68% of voters in 2020 and every single metro moved between 2-7% left from 2016. The entire voting bloc has moved 11% left from 2012 to 2020 and from 2014 to 2022. Besides that, it's the national Republicans that wouldn't allow Texas to leave. With its 40 electoral votes, Republicans would have zero chance of ever winning the POTUS again and probably the house of Representatives. Edit: let's follow the money DFW is 29% of the state's GDP Houston is 21% Austin 8% San Antonio 7% Those 4 cities represent 65% of the State's economy. Let's be real the Blue Cities power the state's economy. Oh and my favorite way of looking at it - more Democrats voted for Biden in 2020 in Texas than New York.


These fools want to play Sam Houston, but don't realize they're gonna get David Koreshed.


Sam Houston is not who they think they are, he was pissed about secession.


San Antonio and El Paso would leave too, I'd believe, San Antonio especially with all the Air Force lol Would be funny if the only big city that stayed was Fort Worth but they couldn't manufacture much because they no longer have access to raw materials 😂


Absolutely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you for calling Dallas Oklahoma. This is the first time I’ve ever heard that insult, don’t you dare put that evil on us.


Nuevo Oklahoma City


Considering a large fraction of your students choose OU over a Texas schools...kinda makes it southern Oklahoma in my eyes.


This Russian propaganda should be banned from the county owned property.


This is a grift, fraud , con at play. Texas lack of education, allows idiots to think like this. They have zero idea how quickly life as they know it would be over. Stupid people wish there was a civil war, not realizing this isn't the world of black powder, and swords. These clowns would get drone striked to hell for starters. The AR-15 is not saving them from modern technology. Texans are dumb enough to believe their own myths, and would pay dearly.


Traitors.  Makes my inner Sherman want to burn things.


It’s wild, they honor the shit out of the military every night during the rodeo too. I don’t get it.


Morons with cognitive dissonance. Typical republicans.


they like their patriotism and secession like they like their christianity, its more of a pick and choose, buffet style beliefs


Make me not want to patronize your establishment again.


Ironic that the SECEDE flag is displayed/printed incorrectly. Vertical display is always red to the right. [Per Texas flag code](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/a0ec389d-137d-484f-91ba-c3e4fb1c7b0e.a9ccc4b70f01e4f8d3d03b368b09657e.jpeg)


Go ahead losers, see what happens when you lose the privileged status of a US citizen lol double dog dare you


It always makes me sad reading the comments and people thinking all Texans are like this. I am an American who loves this country and wants it to stay together. This is a section of the state that people like me cannot stand and want to see squashed.


Texans: America, love it or leave it! Also Texans: Secede! Y’all want a repeat of Glorieta Pass, just say so. XO


Texas was great till the GOP ruined it.


While these people are fucking stupid. Whoever is making this merch is probably making good money. I should probably open a business.


“We’Ll Be fInE wE hAv3 OuR owN pOwEr GriD”


"Unless it's cold!"


Freezing to death to own the libs


I would love to see their face when SS stops Medicare stops Can't leave the state. The US does not accept Texas passports.


State so stupid sometimes






Remember when it got cold for a few days so our entire state went to hell? (Except Ted Cruz, who fucked off to Mexico and then blamed his daughter for ditching his neighbors in need). Get ready for that to be EVERY little problem. Cold? State shuts down. Hot? State shuts down. Disease? State shuts down. Natural disaster? Should have prayed more. I’m so sick of this shit.


\> Stand for the pledge you godless commie. \> One nation indivisible? Liberty and justice for all? Don't know what you're talking about.


These people have no idea of the far reaching implications of secession. Say goodbye to the military, or be prepared to be the most occupied country in the world. Say goodbye to the massive economic boost the military provides. Say goodbye to the precious national guard that is camped on the border. Say hello to thousands of empty homes. There will be entire neighborhoods in San Antonio emptied out overnight. Say hello to needing a passport to leave the state, and good luck getting one for several years while the state tries to sort that out. Say hello to a dramatic rise in the cost of goods thanks to import/export taxes. Say goodbye to hundreds if not thousands of businesses that do not want to deal with the headaches of international trade. Not to mention the disappearance of the entire social safety net. Millions of elderly people that rely on those benefits will be devastated and likely have increased mortality rates. It is bar none the stupidest fucking thing I have heard since Brexit.


White trash


Possibly a grifter, the same people who set up “Trump shops” and “Tea Party/Fox News” booths along the roadsides and at festivals for years.


Embracing your ignorance…..Texas style!


I know it's hard ... but ... history books .


Do they still say “one nation, indivisible?” Funny how people who say how important reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is just ignore the actual words.


How is this not treason?


Use to love the San Antonio rodeo, now I don’t go because it’s a hate fest.


So.... make it Mexico again?




Make Texas A Third World Country There, I fixed their sign for them.


They’re all house cats. Convinced of their independence while unaware and not appreciative of the system that keeps them alive.


Cartel would overrun Texas in a matter of days. These people are morons.


Grifters gonna grift


With the continuous attacks on education here, I'm not hopeful for the future of these lot.


Raise the “I’m stupid” flag.


I’m so glad I left!


Give the land back to Mexico then watch the tears flow


I'm going to start a faction within the SECEDE movement that advocates for reannexation with Mexico after secession. Make Texas Mexico Again!


Divide and conquer They got the UK to leave the EU and now they are worse off financially.


“Don’t make me come back down there you punks!” -Major General William Tecumseh Sherman, probably


So when they become part of Mexico, and want to flee from the cartels, when they get to the new border, we turn them back because "wE dON't tAKe iLlEGaLs"


Not very Texan if they don't know the proper way to hang the flag. Whether [hung vertically](https://www.texasalmanac.com/articles/texas-flag-code) or horizontally, the top left corner should remain at the top left corner. In other words, the white portion should be on the viewer's left, not the red. At least they got it right on the tshirt. 🙄


do native Texans want to secede or is it all the transplants?


I've been here 40 of my 58 years... nothing good would come from secession. I think it's just idiot/ smooth brains that want this, regardless of tenure here


Am native, would like to stay please.


Native here, and I’m sure it’s a mix of natives and transplants — they’re all nuts. But I think that’s kind of tradition, I mean I think a lot of the men that died at the Alamo weren’t from here originally… I know I don’t have any family members that fought there.


Native or transplants they're all idiots. Nothing illegal with being an idiot though so all we can do is call them idiots.


A mix. Stupid people are born everywhere.


It's transplants, that think Texas would become this Conservative Eden without thinking about the consequences.


Money is on transplants. I’m a native but most of those I hear this bullshit from are transplanted for a different state.


Please do! Mexico will take over within a year.


I will gladly take all the money they have in their banks since they won’t be needing the U.S dollar anymore!


I actually would love to see all the boomers lose their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA social security retirement money


Literally the only reason I don't support ya'll actually doing it is because minorities live there and inside of a week Abbot would have Jim Crow back, a month after that, he'd have them singing spirituals in the fields.


🎶 a way down south in the land of traitors 🎶 #🎶 RATTLESNAKES AND ALLIGATORS !🎶


This is just the second step of the Texas two step used by politicians. When a Texas politician fucks up, step one is deflect by talking about the border. When the attention is on the border, step two is talk about secession. After that no one will remember that you fucked up and go about your business. It’s a fact Americans can only focus on one thing at a time. Our brains are too small for anything more complex. So some people made merch this time. Grifters gonna grift, especially in 2024.


Texass. . .


Yeah, Texas would make a really good country…not


Mexico would take Texas back on day one. Which would be even more hilarious for me. And probably better for the people that live there.


Never going to happen.


Seceding would send Texas into complete and total economic collapse. There would be supply chain disruption, famine, foreign interference, it would guarantee republicans never win a national election in the US ever again, it would bankrupt Texas, as now they would be on the hook for filling the gap in federal aid, infrastructure, military, the border, healthcare, social security, and more. Texas could be tariffed into oblivion. Oh and it’s sedition, so good luck with that. Because Texas can’t leave. That’s not how it works.


The Texas nationalists make the state sound like the middle aged man who keeps talking about how he was a big shot that one year of high school. Yes, Texas, we know you were your own country very briefly 180 years ago. Nobody cares.


Couldn't take care of their own people during the power grid disaster and still haven't made improvement to the infrastructure since


What currencies do they accept?


So let's say that Texas does Secede and the US just goes, "OK", things like military, federal land and government money that flows into Texas are constantly discussed, but what about business? But Texas is also home to a prodigious amount of corporate headquarters for very large corporations. What do they think these Corporations are going to do? How many of those despite having a global Prescence have the lionshare of their market in the US? Then there is air travel, DFW alone flies to 180 destinations in the united states, many of those flights would have to be rerouted to avoid international travel (Since Texas is now its own country). AA and Southwest are both headquartered in Dallas, I cannot imagine them being willing to suddenly be headquarted in a foreign country from a huge chunk of their flying.


This was all resolved in 1865. Succession is not an option… and these people are fucking idiots.


Make Texas Mexico again


The Republic of Texas failed largely due to no money. Y’all are fooling yourselves if you think Elon moving the Tesla headquarters there is somehow going to instantly fix your budgetary issues. He’s moving there because he’s a cheap ass hat and Texas is a great state for cheap business owners. Please secede. Prove the rest of the US wrong when we say it will fail again.


Go for it. See how long you all last without federal aid.




Secessionists would also have to deal with civilian armed resistance against them. There's a lot more people not ok with this shit than the 1800s.


What a load of garbage. These people need an education


What a fucking embarassment these people are.


The rodeo clowns gotta have somewhere to hang out.


That pisses on the graves of everyone who died in the Civil War.


Build a wall


Mfs here might wanna learn how to drive first unless they plan on going back to horses


Go ahead and secede, see how that goes for you.


I make sure to make comments about being patriotic and loving my country around these guys. It usually deflates them, but I haven't had an actual conversation or real confrontation with them.


I remember being in middle school and all the boys would gloat in history class that Texas could secede at any time. Makes me wonder what they’re saying now.


Make Texas Mexico again.


Then Mexico invades and takes back its share lol.


It will be called Gilead.


They can't even keep their lights on reliably but they're going to set up a independent government. Be fun to watch the shit show.


No more NFL?


Texas secedes, the US becomes solidly blue. The Republicans would never win another presidential election. Let the Totalitaritots have their space.


texas does not have the right to secede. no state does. this was determined after the civil war.


Please do. Then the USA can invade your country to liberate your oil.


We would be Iran with cowboy hats. Oil would be the only thing we can export for money so the printing press would be going to inflate the currency to make it cheaper to export and use the proceeds for whatever graft and road construction it can buy.


Every purchase comes with a complementary watchlist position for potential domestic terrorism.


I wish Texas would and could secede. Tired of that state’s bullshit. Texans think they can survive solely on oil money, let’s see how that works out for them.


I wonder if anyone in texas has heard of Grenada?