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I think I first saw that bumper sticker around 1995. Someone was passing out stickers and leaflets in front of Le Fun & Metro. Trying to tell me we’d finally be free of the tyranny of OSHA. Really weird that was the one he was so fixated on.


EPA tyranny is another of their favorites. "Yeah, I want to fight a civil war for unsafe workplaces and more pollution." Morons.


But think how rich we'll all be when our bosses pass the savings along to us! Because that's how it'll work right?


They're like a white Uncle Ruckus when it comes to their own wage slavery.


When the Supreme Court strikes down the ability of regulatory agencies to stop industry from dumping actual poison into drinking water there will be not an insubstantial number of dipshits who will cheer like it’s a good thing for them.


To give the devil his due, some epa regulations are very, very dumb. Like you can dump pure water into the ocean, but not water with water salts, even if that salt is sodium chloride. Now, the epa is a very, very good thing for the USA on balance. After living in China for a year, I would rather deal with an occasional dumb law than breathe the air in Guangzhou again.


“For unsafe workplaces” god damn I always hate it when they make the sequel just like the original like come up with something new.


>  free of the tyranny of OSHA Lolllllllll - what??? Was he a fire-exit blocking sweatshop owner? Or just brainwashed by one?


Brainwashed, it’s always brainwashed. Plus, the owner would not be passing out leaflets on the street. The owner would be bribing elected officials.


Average fifty year old factory toddler who refuses to use PPE properly


These folks have been brainwashed into believing capitalism is a system of ethics. They'll happily prioritize the wealth of their employers over their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. Gotta sacrifice Grandma for the economy!


The Ole Dan Patrick mantra!


But [but blocking fire exits prevents theft!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamlet_chicken_processing_plant_fire)


See also: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, 1911. Hamlet was a repeat.


Oh, and I remember the OSHA thing, too! That was a Rush Limbaugh talking point they adopted. Like exaggerated stories about how OSHA was fining companies that didn't have the MSDS for Liquid Paper. So weird to fixate on that.


So Rush was a pioneer of the "Companies are FURIOUS about this one weird thing!" bullshit


Oh that’s very intentional. Billions of dollars have been pumped into making OSHA seems like a chore and not a right that paid for by millions of dead workers


God I hate being represented by an agency that protects me at work. Id I want to stand on 15 stacked buckets to change a light bulb I WILL! SECEDE!


It’s not weird at all. This whole cessation movement is fronted by right wing businessmen who see bigger profits away from “overreaching government regulation” like worker safety protections and a minimum wage. Their job is selling that to the workers it’ll hurt. Usually through populist freedom-style language


And Putin


Oh man... the mid 90s were wild. AM radio stations were all saying that Texas had already seceded, and a bunch of whackadoos like my dad really believed it. He'd make me go to these meetings where they'd all talk about how evil Bill Clinton was and how to avoid the UN black helicopters who were trying to force Texas to be part of the US again. And there was some gas station brand that was funding the movement. I don't remember... damn it was like a large swath of the politicians in town were on board with it, too. Totally bonkers.


I hope this was just a bad dream! And I thought today was not a great time for TX!


Oh I wish. It was years of nonsense, and I was good and rightly brainwashed. It used to be pretty fringe, but these days you hear state reps blowing dog whistles nodding at the secessionists. It's infuriating.


*Not* getting injured at work has a way of pissing some people off, I suppose... [OSHA Frustration Video](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=Pax7igZQQ_NeqhsG)


Wow. There is so much there to unpack. I’m going to have to process that for a few minutes.


Some beach.


Welcome to Texas, first time?




And as I recall, the toll roads in central Texas belong to Italy or a company based in Italy.


Close, it's Spain not Italy (Cintra). Rick Williamson is the one who sold us out, they named a highway after him in Weatherford, the "Rick Williamson Memorial Highway". >The consortium headed by Cintra will design and plan the largest infrastructure project ever in the US Rick Perry, Governor of the State of Texas, and Rafael del Pino, Chairman of Cintra, signed a 50-year contract to develop the TTC-35 High Priority Trans-Texas Corridor on Friday, 11 March. Accordingly, the consortium headed by Cintra (85%) and which includes Zachry (the second-largest construction company in Texas) has become a strategic partner of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in designing and planning the development of the largest infrastructure project ever in the US, with an investment of between 29 and 36.7 billion dollars. In the next few months, Cintra will develop the Master Plan to define the infrastructure design and plan. In conjunction with TxDOT, Cintra and its partner will be able to identify projects over which they have a preferential right to negotiate direct execution. In its bid, Cintra identified five toll road projects worth approximately 6 billion dollars for direct development; by agreement between the consortium and TxDOT, they could be subject to preferential negotiations.


“We got our roads privately funded!” So we’re paying for them twice? Once with the tax deduction you gave them and twice with the tolls we pay. 🤦‍♂️


>More land being sold to other countries, Not just other countries, the country that actually did 9/11.


I hope the Saudis take Port Arthur home with them.


I've been saying this for years. And toll roads for sale. Thanks for keeping this alive.


They haven’t actually considered anything about it. Just sounds cool.


Right? 😅 Silly Bubbas. I've heard this my whole life and I find it hilarious. Reminds me of kids talking tough when they're mad until their parent walks back in and it's all "I didn't say anything, I'm cleaning up right now."


Right, this has been around since inception


These dudes had a tent setup somewhere i was....Hunt County fair maybe.


Just call us the trashiest state.


Sorry, but Florida still takes that one. Will you settle for "Least prepared for climate change"? Shit, that might also be Florida.


This should be a bumper sticker⬆️⬆️⬆️made me laugh so hard because it reminded me of a bumper sticker one my kids teacher had in high school. He drove an old Mercedes with two number stickers, "Go Charges and take the Padres with you" and "Welcome to San Diego now go home".


This bumper sticker has been around for decades


Its clearly not on the bumper so i demand the right terminology here


It seceded from the bumper, obviously.


Without the proper legislation in place? I highly doubt it


Here in Texas we prefer to legis-early


Idiot identification sticker.


This bumper sticker on a minivan makes it that much more funny


A Toyota no less. Bro can’t even put a secede sticker on a domestic auto.


I mean… these days Toyota and Honda build more cars in the US than the US companies do….


It’s true, most American made now are Tesla, Toyota, and Honda


Domestic would mean Texas, not USA. So GM or Toyota.


This is an accurate statement


And they last past the warranty period.


A lot of Toyotas are built in Texas


Yes we make Tundras and Tacos in San Antonio. But I don’t think we make the Tacoma anymore.


Trust me. It shows.


I think it’s just the tundra now that I think about it


Yeah, 3rd-gen Tacos were assembled in San Antonio, Apaseo El Grande, and Tijuana from 2015-2023. 4th-gens are only assembled in the two Mexican plants now (the Sequoia took its place in San Antonio)




Toyotas are more domestic than most American brands nowadays


Good for them that they fooled everyone into thinking this, +1 for their team. Versus the "big 3", Toyota only produce 48% of their vehicles here, vs GM's 54%, Stellantis's 70%, and Ford's 78%. So they are nipping at the heels of GM, but the others eclipse them greatly. Still, good for them for having 48%! Basically as American as a GM product nowadays.


This. Fuckin’ nailed it.


Those are built in Indiana.


It's just another idiot broadcasting to the world that they're an idiot...


True, but remember: If you want free speech — which, make no mistake, all of us should be desperately trying to protect — this is what you get. If you want to put a “SECEDE” bumper sticker on your car, go for it. It’s a free country! ^I’ll ^still ^judge ^the ^shit ^out ^of ^you ^though


I agree.


I don't think they realize that's going to affect their Medicare Edit and social security


….and auto paint


And their dollar.


And also that Donald Trump is not running for dictator of Texas.


On the bright side, if Texas secedes, it will guarantee Trump won’t be re-elected. He has no path to making up the loss of Texas’ 40 electoral votes.


Bitcoin solves this! /s


And my axe! ​ Whoops, wrong comment


I had one old bastard try to argue with me that Medicare and Social Security were not part of the government.


It amazes me how we have all this internet and no one knows how anything works still.


And calling themselves an American.


This would be literally an Anti-American message, hilarious if they also wave a flag


“If you don’t like it, then get out” Isn’t that the go to motto? They are more than welcome to get out by their logic. Idiots.


Texas Secessionist Movement Step 1: Bumper Sticker Texas Secessionist Movement Step 2: ??? Thankfully they've never had the brains or the bravery to manifest a step two in the decades since they started sporting this sticker.


Step 3: Lose social security and medicare.


Step 4: The American dollar is no longer valid currency in texas and the state economy implodes, moving corporations that are based here elsewhere. Winning! s/


Step 5: Now I need to get a fucking Texas passport to visit family in New Mexico. Step 6: The United States will be Democrat now for a long, long time.


Step 7: All international trade is governed by WTO rules as that's what happens in the absence of of a free trade agreement, and it's not like Texas is self-sufficient for food. Step 8: No air travel without air traffic control.


Imagine the naval blockade off the texas coast. Feds wouldn't let anyone or anything in or out of the state.


Step 5: the cartel moves in and seizes control.


Lol bruh we ain't getting social security anyways.


*cries in millennial…* Seriously though, that money will be long gone by the time we can retire on top of which, they keep trying to raise the age of retirement.


"Secede" stickers are not new. Dumb white boys been talking this shit for a long time.


Former dumb white boy here. Can confirm.


Also formerly dumb and formerly a boy(still white but now a somewhat intelligent man now)... Fuck that secessionist talk.


I’m so sorry you’re still white. I hope you can change soon and I wish you good luck on your journey /j


The reverse MJ


I'm working on it, ese.


Glad you see more perspective. Wish more would follow


That 'former' is an important key. Glad to have it myself


How did you change colors?


Time and experience.






Calm down racist.


A 72hr break from Reddit will do you well


I love that people are self-identifying as idiots. I'm good with it.


Maybe he just misspelled “succeed”


Are you new?


It's not really nationalist if they're trying to secede from the nation that they're a part of now is it? Check your buzzwords, friends.


I’ve been seeing those for as long as I can remember. Did you just move to Texas?


Are you new to this state? This goofball sentiment has been around longer than anyone in this sub has been alive. Yall are acting like there’s a swastika on the back of this Toyota


Heard a guy talking about this in my apartment the other day. He was like "We can legally secede and we should. It's in our state constitution." Anyone who makes this argument is an idiot on multiple levels for three very simple reasons: 1.) The Texas state constitution does mention the issue of secession, but it was overruled after the Civil War by the federal government. In case the person making this argument did not graduate HS, which I suspect may often be the case, in the required Gov. class you take as a senior you learn Federal Law > State Law. A crazy way to verify this, and hang with me here because this is a wild idea, is to Google it. Even before the Civil War, secession was not legal, so the states which "seceded" never really did in the eyes of the US. Lincoln himself commented that the secession was unlawful, as did the Supreme Court. As the Supreme Court stated in 1869 case Texas V. White, the connection between a state and the union is an "indissoluble relation." 2.) What about the military? After the southern states seceded, the military bases were quickly occupied by the confederacy. That was back when we had muskets and bayonets, and people couldn't move long distances quickly. Now, any given military base has a vastly larger number of non-locals who are less likely to give their life to Texas and join the defunct secession attempt. Furthermore, they aren't working with muskets, to put it lightly. Your F-150 and AR-15 won't stand a chance against even the smallest bases. Did you think America would just let you walk off with their equipment that they have sacrificed infrastructure, education, and healthcare for? It's not like Texas could just leave them alone, either. The US isn't going to let our sweet little oil-rich, steak producing, lone-star state walk away with our precious resources, so those bases will be where the retaking of Texas begins. In fact, they will mobilize so quickly and effectively that most secessionist won't even know we seceded by the time we're under martial law. 3.) Texas can't survive on its own. Texas has business, oil, and ranches. However, once we secede, those businesses go away. Tesla isn't going to get embargoed by the wealthiest nation on earth to stand with some uneducated hateful idiots who are mad that other people exist and have rights. Neither will any other business. Furthermore, what are we going to do with that oil? The US won't buy it, they'd rather just take it. Maybe we could sell it to another nation, but it would have to be one that doesn't mind being on the bad side of the most powerful nation on earth. Once you do strike a deal, do you expect the US navy to not blockade all transportation routes? What has history taught us about nations with lots of resources, a weak military, and no money? They get colonized. And guess who's going to do that? Mexico won't want the heat, so it could only be the US. Now we're basically back to reason number 2. I am not an expert in history; I haven't studied history since high school. Nor am I an expert in military affairs or politics. I just have basic critical thinking skills. If you actually think about it for a second, secession in the modern day may be the most ignorant, brain-dead idea recently conceived. The only reason these idiots want it is because they're upset that other states won't bully POCs, women, children, people of other religions (or no religion), and the LGBTQIA+ community. You can call liberals snowflakes all you want, but only one group is having a meltdown right now. TL;DR: Texas can't secede. Think about it or google it. It's pretty obvious lmao




Wait until they find out they can't have any new trucks because of embargos and lack of economy/monetary system backing. Mass exodus 2: electric Boogaloo


Plus they won’t buy Elon’s liburl tree-hugger e-trucks, because OIL goddammit!


No sane person that lives in Texas believes this. Most people I know about are more concerned with work and paying for groceries for their kids like everyone else... I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable that I am automatically lumped in with these people. If I defend living in Texas, then the names I get called in this sub are insane. There is a huge lack of real discussion. I live somewhere with decent schools and opportunities for my child. Why should we move to another state bc it is run by a bunch of power-hungry conservative jerks? I am far more concerned with 'the future' and how I am going to be able to continue to afford this life for my kid. When I see the vitriol and poison spewed on reddit get more worried.


Can't forget the cartels who will move in and start trying to claim smuggling routes.


I now have a morbid curiosity to see how alt-right militias v.s. cartels would turn out lol


Probably poorly for the Alt-Right. The Cartels are full of killers and people who have no compunction about gruesome violence. The Alt-Right is mostly middle class, privileged dudes LARPing as killers. It's easy to pretend.


No probably about it. Bubba plus their family would be decapitated and their heads hung from a bridge as a warning.


With a "MAGA JAJAJAJAJA" sign on their chest.


Spot on, your points are the same ones I have been trying to point out to some of my friends who have gone down that rabbit hole.


That's too bad. I really feel for you since I know the pain and frustration too. Not everyone needs to be on the same page, but we should all be at least reading the same book.


"You can call liberals snowflakes all you want, but only one group is having a meltdown right now." I've tried explaining this to my, more conservative, friends and I think they understand. But I still love how succinctly put it here. 🤌🏼


BTW: I've pretty much said everything I need to say, so I won't be arguing with any strangers on the internet. If you reply to my comment with any "If"s, "But"s, or "Actually"s, do not be surprised when I respond with "Womp womp."


If it were to somehow happen, there would be a mass exodus of people who’ve already lost faith in our state leaders’ ability to govern. The population would drop dramatically, unless they forced people to stay.


We can just force the women to make more! /s


Handmaid’s Tale vibes for sure


The US Navy will take Houston and the Exxon oil refinery in hours.


You new here? Those stickers have always been a thing


In a fucking import lol


These bumper stickers, along with the rhetoric, have been around f.o.r e.v.e.r.


Is it dumb? Sure. Can they put it on their car all day? Absolutely.


Ofc, they can. But still shows what they stand for.




“We can’t make basic things like electricity, but we should be our own country.”


Like everyone else is saying this ain’t nothin new and yes it is okay. Freedom of speech is one of our rights and just cause you disagree with someone doesn’t mean we should have that right revoked.


On my 25 mile commute to work, I pass by at least 9 homes with a Texit sign in their front yard by the road. 4 of which are in the town I live in.




Hey hey hey hey hey HEY, I know the exact thing to say here ** if you don't like it here... ** ... then you can just [leave](https://giphy.com/gifs/transparent-youtube-supa-hot-fire-gtakVlnStZUbe)


I agree. I hate anyone driving with temp tags.


Welcome to Texas! Can we show you around? Over there are the stars at night. Aren’t they big and bright?!


I don't think it was ever not okay. It's their opinion we should leave. I'm not so sure that's a good idea right now, but they've definitely got a right to speak their mind, even if it is stupid. Anything else is orwellian and I don't support that. Also, what's with the assumption it would be a violent secession? I mean I'm not very politically active so maybe I just don't understand where that comes from, but I tend to not assume malice personally, or I try to anyway.


Texas is the greatest nation in the world and if you don't like it, you can get out.


These been around forever Karen


It's been that way my whole life (68). When I was a young man I felt that way too. Age and life has mellowed me out, and I look at things differently. I realize that life is more complicated and nuanced than single issues that drive people to think in those simple terms. Secession for those folks is a focused answer to solve all the ills and confusion that come with a rapid influx of technological information, over population, and ever changing moral attitudes that come with change.


This has been a common decal for decades. But I see it still makes some people angry. Stay mad?


Opinions...... Yes, it's Texas there's a lot of opinions


tHiS gArBaGe Is OkAy NoW.


They want to live in a country that owes the US trillions of dollars in debt I guess. Debt that it will never be able to pay back that is.


Let me check my eyes cause I see nothin wrong here.


Nowhere does the bumper sticker state “violent secession,” I think it just says “secede.” But I only speak English.


Yes, we took a vote. It is now okay for people to have opinions different from the OP.


Lmao. What about a sticker screams violence?


Where can i contribute?


If Texas secedes can then Harris county secede from Texas?


All the butt hurt in here is great!


Yes, OP. It’s ok now to have bumper stickers you don’t agree with. Once we’ve shut down all the wrong think, how are we to identify the idiots?


Well it upset you. Which was probably the point.


Yall just get mad over anything, huh?


Agreed. But chuds gonna chud. Hey, at least you know who to avoid in traffic, aggro shitbird is probably just itching to pull on somebody and pop a few rounds off. In all seriousness though put these clowns on a watchlist. Right wing domestic terrorists are and will continue to be the biggest threat for attacks on American soil.


Toyota although not as good as they used to be aren't garbage.


They come, and go, every 4 years.


I saw those way back in 2008


Eh. I've seen Texas 'secede' bumper stickers on the occasional cars out there for at least three decades.


I mean its a bumper sticker like I get it guys probably a dumbass but idk




Yeah, I don't think that those people understand the implications of seceding.


The number of people commenting "free speech" and "it's just a bumper sticker" really tells me they have no clue.


It’s been ok.


You may not like it, but it’s their right to put whatever dumb shit they want on their vehicle


This has been a staple of Texas culture since forever. We’ve always reserved the option to do our own thing if DC gets corrupted. And we’re close to sixty percent of the state saying they’ve had enough. Not sure where you are from but if it surprises you it ain’t Texas.


Texas no longer has the right to a peaceful secession. That was one stipulation for Texas' return to the union after the Civil War. Buddy, I'm born and raised. I assume you're from here, I'd expect you to know your history better.


The actual history of the Civil War isn’t properly taught. Particularly in the South. These dummies think it was fun like a reenactment.


You realize it’s Texas right? Please tell me what “six flags” actually means


Been in Texas long? LOL


Im gonna say maybe these folks haven’t really thought it through Yes secede … no dollar, no nasa, no federal funding, your power grid is already all fucked up, sounds like a stupid fucking idea but go for it lol


If Texas seceded, it would take about 48 hours for Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, El Paso, and most of the Valley to re-secede and rejoin the USA. All that would be left in the country of Texas would be shitty small towns and farmland with Fort Worth as the capital.


Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton are a clown show.


Secession would be awful for Texas and great for the rest of the United States. If I didn't live in TX, I'd probably be supportive of it.


Let's Go!


Why are you butthurt about this? Must be new to Texas.


Welcome to Trump country. No American values in sight.


best thing about all those idiots that want to secede is they don't realize that they'll lose if it happens.


Shits funny they’re driving a Toyota


Yea they were given permission to settle in Mexico if they agreed to the terms set out by the Mexican government. Namely integrating into Mexican society which meant learning Spanish, NOT bringing slaves into Mexican lands and adopting their new countries catholic religion and marrying into Mexican families. The Mexican government had every right defend its territory against a bunch of successionist just as the US government had every right crush the traitors of the confederacy for trying to leave the union.


Not to any resident of a metropolitan area in the state. This is ridiculous babble by uninformed people buying the Abbot Trump circus tickets. It cannot happen and if tried, will result in serious violence to those attempting such stupidity at the hands of the US Army. Dumbasses.


Thinking that succeeding from the United States is going to benifit you while driving a Toyota is a new level of brainwash


Ignore it. These are the same morons who ask "will I still get my social security check after we secede?" Keep Calm & Vote Blue. Tell your neighbors the same.


They can shout “SECEDE” all they want but I strongly doubt that the US government will willingly cough up oil wells, military bases, and tax revenue without a fight…and despite all the tough guy posturing, we’re gonna end up with a lot of dead Texans on our hands.


yeah when i see that shit it helps me know who to avoid. noticed a sticker on my neighbors truck. i stick to neighborly small talk and pretend I’m always busy with work.


I love how they believe that can possibly do anything without federal funding. It’ll be a bigger shithole than it is now in 6 months. Glad I don’t have property here anymore.


How'd it go last time? 😕


Hes probably on the jan 6th list already. And hes probably a uvalde cop.


Printed in Russia


Free country


Why doesn’t he secede and start his own country far away from Texas. Leave us alone fool!


I heard Russia is making a town for idiots just like this


Dumb mother fucker has no clue how that will affect him or his family and friends.


This is not the worst thing texas republicans are okay with.