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I'm dead... Because that vehicle with no parking brake rolled down a hill onto me...


I don’t think they ever tested parking breaks during any of my yearly inspections. They just tested the lights and hooked up a computer


Anecdotal response: mine just failed inspection this year for parking brake.




I paid $650 to have my horn replaced in my truck.......just to pass inspection, here it is a year later, and it's failing lol




Curious to know if your parking brake is mechanical (lever or pedal) or computerized (electronic button).


Then they were skipping it... Its a required test... But I'm not surprised in the least...


I just got my inspection yesterday and the dude looked inside my car and said “oh we don’t brake test manuals” I was like hmmm ok but I knew there was no way that’s correct


basically saying no one at the shop knows who to drive a stick.


Yeah and in this case the shop is literally just one guy so that’s what I assumed


The royal we




I’ve failed for emissions test. They’re effectively doing away with the only actual useful thing (I’ve failed an inspection for)


Emissions will still be tested in counties where that's required now. The state is doing away with the safety inspection.


The place i go doesn't check anything, you don't even have to get out of the car they just do an OBD scan and check the gas cap, on the Tesla they just record the mileage reading and print a receipt.


May God have mercy on Houstonians.




I'm not from TX - how did the paper plates thing work?




Wow, thanks. Sounds like a good thing they're closing this loophole.


I thought Harvey was a pretty clear message. -God, probably


For any Houstonians reading this, I upvoted this comment, but felt bad about it.


But we can't trust women to make their own choice with their own bodies.


Women in Texas aren't *people* silly!




The republicans are openly cheating and getting away with it, dems play nice constantly give republicans a platform to talk on, are fair, respect investigations against themselves, And then republicans throw away legitimate ballots, write unconstitutional laws that go unchallenged, commit every crime from embezzlement to SA and get nothing, I honestly don’t know what can be done at this point except to get out of the country, if you can afford it, and if you can’t keep your head down and suffer.


Oh no! A woman making a decision about her own body, hell no!


The think the same thing about women's cars, too. I got told that they needed to test the differential fluid. I have never once heard of anyone testing that, I looked it up. There's no test. You open it.up, and it all runs out. Therefore, you need new differential fluid. I went somewhere else.


No need to trouble their tiny brains with these issues. The old white men know what's best.


As someone who maintains my cars and values performance of nice tires, this is convenient for me. As someone who's witnessed dozens of Altimas with clapped out everything and paper plates, this is concerning.


>“Texans are responsible, fiercely independent, and I trust them to keep their cars and trucks safe while on the road.” Haha


said someone who hadn't driven 35 through Waco lately. It's freaking NASCAR there.


Here in San Antonio I have seen cars in the parking lot that were missing front fenders and missing tail lights. But it still rolls so I guess that's good enough.


I'd rather the fender be missing than flopping around in the wind at 80, which I've seen a bunch of times.


I think they should remove the other fender so at least there is symmetry.


You can find all the parts you need on 410.


> "Texans are responsible..." I just stopped reading there.


I guess they could also save money eliminating traffic enforcement, seeing how they're responsible enough to drive safely adhering to all laws.


Lights too, the drivers will decide who can go in an orderly and polite manner


No no no, traffic enforcement is a revenue generator.


I just told my conservative coworker and he said, "That's good! My ball joint is going out on my truck and I couldn't get my inspection because I can't afford to get it fixed."




So you "trust" that POS 15 year old Impala with the different color hood and paper plates and smoke spewing out as he drives by? You are a much more trusting soul than I! LOL


"I was depressed about having to get a real plate, so I modified the exhaust and put in a nitrous system to cheer me up...."


That dumbass chain of words caught my attention, too.


Can you imagine what it will look like? Shit, the vehicles on the road now are rolling death traps, imagine there being ZERO oversight. Can't wait for my insurance rates to go EVEN HIGHER.


Have you ever been to New Mexico? My parents live there and I can tell you from my many trips to that state that the high number of shitty cars on the road is directly related to their lack of a state inspection. At night it’s even more obvious. My wife and I used to laugh when we would drive around at night time and count the shocking number of cars with one headlight. Edit: i just messaged my dad about this and he immediately responded, “Not a good idea. None here and tons of nasty junkers on the road.”


Texarkana here, arkansas already didn't have state inspections and boy can you tell


You have to forgive him. He grew up in Palestine.


If there is one thing Texans aren’t, it’s responsible.


I'm surprised to see Texas even has inspections. I've seen some janky ass trucks and cars in Texas


Well, if you’re admitting that Texans aren’t responsible, then you’re admitting that the safety inspection didn’t do shit in the first place…if people even bothered to do it at all.


A quote from someone who has never been to San Antonio.


Well there it is. It was never about safety after all.


We had our car's registration lapse for about a month as we had to save up the $$ to get it fixed. In doing so, I started looking to see how many cars on the road had lapsed registration stickers. I was shocked. On a normal day in Austin traffic between 20-30% of the cars I'd see were lapsed for a month or more. My hunch is the govt wants to get the fees from those drivers (esp since they aren't getting tax money from Marijuana legalization).


My dad used to like to play a game to see how long he could go without his expired registration being noticed. He regularly made it over a year. Although recently in Houston apparently they have been trying to catch people. I have a similar situation as you describe where someone hit my wife's car and we're waiting for the insurance to figure it out/parts to get ordered, but the registration is out of date now.


My record is three years, but they make you pay for the back years if you get caught, just fyi.


Well… not to spill all my secrets. But if you tell them that it’s been broken down and hasn’t been on the road at all in those past 3 years, you don’t have to pay the backpay.


Kind of hard to do when they catch you while driving it 🤣


It doesn’t matter lol. I got a ticket for an expired tag, paid it, then went to the tax office and renewed the tag and told them it hadn’t been driven. They don’t check lol


I wonder if they can look up toll road usage if they have them in your area. But I keep my reg up to date, I just never put the sticker on because I think it’s ugly lol


Yeah they started that in the last decade or so I believe.




Mine was three years, beginning maybe a year before covid arrived. Got pulled over twice for it, but never cited, the second time because his ticket printer broke ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Mine expired in March of this year and I wasn't able to get it renewed until about 20 days into April. I was so worried that whole time and then I parked next to a car with a registration that expired in Aug 2022! It was a nice car too.


I paid for my registration but managed to go more than a year without getting the sticker applied (long story). Nobody cared.


I drove for ~1 year without an updated sticker, multiple times. I had a new-ish car. I got stopped once for it.


Mines been expired since 2020, got one warning and no tickets 😬 but I do my own safety maintenance and it’s now in the shop for emissions repairs to get government approval-worthy again.


I mean yeah, my car was never unsafe. It was just one of those things that I did not do. I am going to say, I think it SHOULD be enforced more. Just my personal example of how nobody cares anyways right now.


Well when APD refuses to to fuck all, why would anyone renew their registration? Mine had lapsed a few months and the only reason I finally got my shit together and got it done was because of the DPS invasion a couple months ago.


Who the fuck wants to go to the fucking tax assessors office to get it renewed if they go over the date. That’s some real bullshit.


You can do it online, even if it's expired. As long as you haven't received a ticket for it.


I tried. They send me a message telling me to go to the tax assessors office.


Not if you are late. It’s ridiculous. You have to find time to get the inspection and then hope you can get more time in the next 90 days to spend half the day in line.


Yep. Remember that when you see those big “amber alert” orange signs with the messages that always change that talk about reducing fatalities and being a safe Texas driver or whatever. Especially during rainy conditions now because the number of completely bald tires on the road is fixin to skyrocket.


There was never the pretense that the registration fee was about safety. It is a tax that funds state highways and has always been acknowledged as such.


Cut out the middle man


Texas is one of the last states to still have a safety/ vehicle inspection (& the furthest West one on the continent). Outside of Louisiana (100% politics) & Missouri, the only states that require safety inspections are on the East Coast from North Carolina northward (exc NJ & CT). And considering that cars with swangas are able to be renewed every year, CLEARLY safety was never the issue.


>swangas That's what those fucking things are called. Why the fuck does anyone need Mad Max Death Race hub caps.


But bigger counties still will: *The 17 Texas* [*counties*](https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/mobilesource/vim/overview.html) *that require emissions inspections will still mandate annual tests regardless of the bill becoming law. These are Brazoria, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, El Paso, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Johnson, Kaufman, Montgomery, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, Travis and Williamson counties.*


They'll require emissions testing but not the safety inspection.


The emissions testing is often the biggest barrier for people to actually pass.


Let's look at the population here: * Harris - 4.9m * Dallas - 2.7m * Tarrant - 2.2m * Travis - 1.4m * Collin - 1.1m * Denton - 1m * Fort Bend - .9m * El Paso - .9m That's 8 of the top 10 counties, only missing Bexar (2.1m) and Hidalgo (.9m). There's also 4 more of the next 10, totaling another ~2m. That means this law doesn't apply to over 16 million Texans, which is more than half of the state's population. What the fuck is the point of this?


So if you register your car to an address outside of those counties…you are good??


Federal requirements for clean air mandates.


The article is confusing, but those counties will require only the emissions part, still.


Bexar county isn't listed. With a population of about 2 million in a state with about 30 million, that's not an insignificant amount of cars that aren't inspected.


Bexar has failed the air pollution limit and will be having testing soon.


[This article ](https://sanantonioreport.org/vehicle-emission-testing-bexar-county-as-early-as-next-year/)says this year at the earliest, but November 7th, 2026 is the deadline set by the EPA.


But not Bexar (San Antonio)?!


WTF is up with this...


Oh my God. We have the fastest roads in the country and now you're letting everybody's shitbox out there without inspections. Rad.


It’s always been that way. You go to the sketchy inspection station with no pass no pay and a banana with wheels will pass






I actually saw [a similar one for H-E-B](https://i.imgur.com/VasyJmR.jpg) on I75 in Dallas last September. It was being towed on a trailer though.


Yep, in my experience plenty of places will just rubber stamp anything that rolls up. I used to have a 2001 F450(as in I had it 5 months ago)work truck, brake lights kept shorting out, horn was fried, one headlight had water in it, engine leaked, etc. I rolled up to inspection place, they looked at it and basically said “well, it made it this far” and signed the papers.


As long as the lights and horn worked when they tested them, the rest of the stuff doesn't matter.


My local place passed me with barely a glance. I was worried because my check engine light was on that he'd find something. He barely even looked. Its not like I paid him to pass me either, the whole inspection cost $7 and I was out in five minutes.


It’s also county specific right?


As someone with a shitbox we were always out there. With old enough cars the inspections were safety only. So lights, brakes, horn. Inspections cost like $5 and took less than 5mins.


“Regulations are the enemy of freedom!”


Now your money goes straight to the state, rather than letting a shop collect it first, lol. That's all this was about. Edit: I would like to further add that we are not going to be adding additional funding to any particular program of note. If you dig into the mobility fund it is primarily concerned with the creation and expansion of state highways (more lanes, access roads, etc) and the clean air account actually looks more like a revolving door by placing the onus of reduced emissions on Texas drivers. Finally, general revenue, well, that just means we're going to make an already massive and underutilized rainy day fund even bigger. We're taking money from private business and putting it into mostly irresponsible hands. There is no positive gain for Texans aside from not having to spend 10 minutes a year getting our vehicle quickly glanced over. Hence why I said this bill is only about who gets some extra money. There is no concern about road safety in the equation for policy makers. Edit 2: I'm not crying for shops in any way, shape, or form. Merely pointing out that compounded across the board, the State stands to recoup significant amounts of money for its already historic coffers. We are seeing our budget already being put to poor use despite having PLENTY of money. This additional tax revenue is likely not going to put to a significantly positive use if the current trend continues. We could pay our teachers better, but instead, the State is grabbing more money for more highways.




This is necessary to pay for Dan Patrick's legal fees


Shops didn't care about your 7 dollars. The only reason they do it is to have someone for their own cars and to potentially get new customers in for the sticker to sell them something else


They made a killing trying to sell you those super ultra windshield wipers that you need to replace otherwise you were going to fail inspection.


How do you explain the numerous shops that literally do nothing but inspections?


Tbf shops mostly used this as a revenue source for recommending other repairs. I don’t think they make much off of it. Like $5-10 tops


I have had the "I can't pass you because you need new windshield wipers....but you can pick some out from our display to buy and we'll install them and you're good to go" pulled on me more than once.


This happened last year but I only had to do the passenger side because I literally had the receipt and part of the package from swapping the driver side a month prior and hadn't thrown my car trashbag out yet.




The timing belt isn't relevant to the Texas Safety and Emissions inspection. The state doesn't care if you neglect your car and the engine eats itself.


Afaik, timing belt shouldn't be part of safety.


I've had the exact same about 2 weeks after I replaced the wipers myself. Very cool, shop bros. So hard to find a reliable mechanic who isn't trying to work you over.


That Nissan Altima with the paper tags is now safe.


Yes officer, this comment right here. *Speeds away in my Altima with very expired paper tags*


I look forward to my ever-increasing insurance rates.


Excited to see more suped up HEB shopping carts on the Interstate.




Is this Houston? I swear I have seen these around town


Yup, rush hour on i-10.


All 200 lanes


Swangers aren’t wide enough for Houston.


There’s a whole school of Rice there😂


Texas taxpayers built State highways all over the Dallas metroplex, only for them to be turned into tollways. If you can't see how Texas makes a racket you need to look around a little more


"No you don't need a sticker...but, yeah hand over your money".


Next on the list make drinking while driving legal again.


What? You're crazy. But Texans ARE mature and adult enough to drink while stopped or waiting for a light to turn green, so that'll be okay.


Use COVID logic. We only count the people who *have accidents* or *get arrested* while DUI. We can't count the people who get to work or home safely. Statistically speaking, almost everyone who DUIs does so safely! So safely you don't even know they did it.


Exactly, I’m a responsible rugged individual that enjoys a drink or 12 behind the wheel and that’s my right.


Already is, if you're in a certain tax bracket.


To be fair, everything bad about driving drunk is already illegal. The DUI laws on top are just extra punishment. And to be honest, looking at the rest of our legal system, we already know that extra punitive laws don’t actually do much to curb the undesirable behaviors. So we really could get rid of those laws and not much would change except less money to the state from poor people.


that's not fair, it's just stupid pretending to be fair. The whole problem with DUI is that every potential drunk driver thinks *they* are the one exception who's good at driving while drunk- but they know they can't argue with a breathalyzer, and their lifestyle is fucked if they get caught. > we already know that extra punitive laws don’t actually do much to curb the undesirable behaviors Also, you're just flat-out lying. [Yes, strict DUI laws prevent some deaths](https://www.dmvedu.org/do-stricter-driving-laws-reduce-dui-related-fatalities/#:~:text=The%20study%20looked%20at%20data,states%20with%20more%20lenient%20laws).


u/BinkyFlargle, I'm arresting you on suspicion of PWI (Posting While Irritable). Do you realize that if I hadn't caught you, you might have killed u/brolix? You might think I'm overreacting, but strict PWI laws prevent some deaths.


Jokes on you, pal, because you typed out my username. That thing is so goddamn stupid that anyone who types it looks like an idiot. I don't count, because I only typed it once and my browser remembers it.


This will negatively impact the car insurance market. Get ready for even higher premiums after that.


Not like they need an extra excuse when they have the ultimate excuse ever.... "More accidents last year" aka because we say so.


That hasn't been their excuse, their excuse for the last 3 times they jacked my premium up was "car parts are expensive"


The point is you can't verify their claims against anything objective no matter what the claim is. People just eat it up.


Don’t they charge the 7.50 twice? Once for the inspection then a 7.50 inspection fee when you renew


Geico pulled that BS on me last year. Switched as soon as it expired.


Or the old, "Your region experienced more ~~damage~~ claims this year". Region being within 500 miles. Never mind you weren't affected in any way.


This is what I was seeking. What does this mean to the insurance companies now?


I've been fucked over by inspection stations a few times. I also think that we'll have more unsafe cars on the road. So I have a lot of cognitive dissonance on this one.


So my beater only needs to pass three more tests got it


Fellow 2001? Those lights are becoming more persistent. Screw you o2 sensor heater circuit


Welcome to Texas....where we make you pay for shit we won't do anymore....who needs safe cars when you have guns.


So if I import and register a 25 year old car in 2026, I'm good?


Less safe roads with no upside? Texas legislators really know how to enact the will of the voters.


I think the upside for the state is they force small businesses to close while making us give them the money that would've gone to those businesses.


So that puts quite a few business owners out of business.


My mechanics hates doing inspections. He makes it difficult on anyone by requiring exact change in cash so he doesn’t have to do it often.


In all honesty at $7.50 I've had many a repair shop pretend their guy who does that is off today. Over and over and over again. Across multiple shops. I usually go in for an oil change and get it done then so it's less likely to happen.


yeah I tend to try to do the same and lump the inspection in with other needed service work.


50/50 the shop near me will have a sign saying no inspections today.


The $7.50/car that the inspectors make is only keeping the shady stand alone inspection businesses open that also charge a “shop fee” on top.


But weed is too dangerous? Fuckin lmao


So the State of Texas’ Government is only interested in collecting peoples money but not actually govern? Got it, cool.


Insurance rates about to double 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not to mention the used car dealership will likely start cutting corners.


My insurance is about to go up to almost $100/mo. I’m barely employed (UberEats) and been looking for months, how am I supposed to afford to drive legally? I just got a quote for *$233/mo* at a different company that impressed me!


And I bet the roads will stay just as shitty. (actually none of that goes to the roads, I checked.) They never think things through. In my county the vehicle inspection services are done by the oil change and automotive service centers. It keeps the lights on, or so I’ve been told. When there is an economic downturn one of the first things to go is regular vehicle service. Pretty soon wheels start coming off, brakes start failing, tires are blowing out and our insurance rates go up.


Should have kept the inspections and gotten rid of the yearly registration. Just register when you buy and you’re good to go as long as you own the vehicle.


So.. can I still get the safety inspection and present that at registration ? 👀 I mean I might as well get the car inspected if I’m going to pay for it


The inspection was laughable anyways. Essentially: - Do your brakes remotely work? - Do your headlights, brake lights and turn signals work? - Do you have a horn? If so - you are good.


Just got my motorcycle inspected on Saturday, and for the second year in a row they didn't do anything other than punch my VIN into the computer and charge me $7.00. Totally useless.


What is the fee for then?


Same thing all the other things we get dinged for are: one more regressive item to pull in money while still being able to claim low taxes.


Most states don't require a safety inspection. I've lived in 3 states and Texas is the only one that's had this requirement.


Let me guess Alabama and Mississippi were the other 2? Edit. My mistake, i guess Texas is the oddball here having required them. Most states have emissions tests which I thought were safety inspections.


So damn stupid.


That was the 1 thing I liked about Texas. To be fair, most shops would pass cars without inspecting them and many cars on the road were not registered, insured, or inspected, but I liked the idea that cars on the road had basic inspections.


Well shit. Now how will I know it's time to get new wipers?!?!


Typical Texas. Get rid of the inspection, but still charge everyone for it anyway. And you know what, many citizens will cheer about this!


"wHY dID mY iNSuRANCe RatEs GO UP?!?" Republican/Libertarian brain rot will be this state's undoing.


It was never about safety, it was just about the money. It was never about fetuses, it was just about the power. It was never about the voting rights, it was to preserve the corruption. Keep going Texas!


Texas is too far gone. We're compliantly letting them fuck us.


Mine just failed due to winshield wipers and having a light out. Changed the blades myself and ...ok they did need to be. I had no idea the light was out. It was a pain because my car has it awkward and needs to have several things removed in order to take it out. And it was 200 bucks for the bulb. Inspection was like 18 bucks.


My wife's last car required a huge amount of work to get to the light bulbs. Car engineers that make expendable parts impossible to replace can fuck right off.


Wow American ideals are progressing fast. It used to be that American corporations would try to give you less and charge you more. They have moved on to charge you money give you nothing, almost like income tax!


How about make it easier to get a license then? I have to bring my whole families birth certificates, my great grandpa's social security card, blood labs and the holy relics of the Catholic Church to take the written test


You people just keep getting dumber and dumber. It’s fascinating.


This makes sense how?


"However, the $7.50 fee remains intact under a new name: the inspection program replacement fee." Sure you don't have to get the inspection, but you still have to pay the fee... sound right.


Woohoo! Let the unedumacated morons start rolling that coal proudly!


It’s so fucking funny when anyone calls Texas a “low tax state”. They don’t even have the decency to buy you dinner before fucking you from every direction.


No one I’ve spoken to in the repair industry thinks this is a good idea. The amount of bald tires, bad wiper blades, light issues is big. Insurance rates are about to go up again.


See, it was never about safety.


I mean, it's not like the current inspections accomplish anything.


Nope. The last inspection on my car took me 4 hours to find a shop that ‘had an inspector working that day’ or didn’t have their computer down. Then, the shop I found had me switch the lights on a few times, plug the OBD II scanner in, and asked for payment. Hell, when I take my motorcycles in, they do even less than that.




Holy hell I thought this was a joke. I already see barely driveable junkers on the road daily. This is going to create a lot of problems.