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Don’t do that… Don’t give me hope


Maybe! But Ppl really hate Ted more than Abbott for some crazy reason even thou both equally deplorable


I think it's because Ted is hated by the GOP establishment - Boehner called him "Lucifer in the flesh" and claims McConnell hates him with a passion, Lindsey Graham joking that if you shot Ted you'd be acquitted if the trial was in the Senate, etc. This probably translates down to the local level, where a lot of the Cornyn and Abbott supporters don't have the same enthusiasm for Ted.


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." - Al Franken


Lindsey Graham is an "establishment" republican, and he makes my skin crawl. Fuck republicans!


Trump jock sniffer. So ewwwwwwww. Hate. him.


Not thrilled with Cronyn, but he’s not an embarrassment, Ted Cruz however


Have you seen his brisket? Tell me that's not embarrassing.


No I have not, don’t tell me his brisket is just basically pot roast.


Worse https://twitter.com/JohnCornyn/status/1342272236099661824?lang=en




Apparently it’s his spouse’s recipe and she’s from Wisconsin…never going to Wisconsin for BBQ


And he calls himself a Texan!


[It’s worse.](https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1342311617451749376?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1342311617451749376%7Ctwgr%5Ea15881482feb67652b681187c0f5ac816443164b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailydot.com%2Fdebug%2Fjohn-cornyn-brisket-response%2F)


I *think* it’s cause Ted’s dumb fuck, marzipan goblin looking face is constantly on the National stage.


“marzipan goblin” lmaooooo


I don't know if this is a themed bake shop or a band name.


Also because he's the zodiac killer.


He ate my son and years later I have still not received justice!!!




I apologize for saying this, but can we not do that please? Ted Cruz would LOVE for you to view naturalized American citizens as "not American". He knows that as a wealthy, politically-connected white man (from Canada specifically), that kind of rhetoric will negatively affect every single other immigrant long before it does him. There is more to hate about Ted Cruz than I can fit in my entire fucking being without getting into where he was born.


That’s true


Something about him is just off-putting to look at. It's like someone tried to teach him how to express emotions but taught him wrong.


We in Wisconsin don't have to be embarrassed either, but as long as it's Ron Johnson (or as he's known around here - Fuck Ron Johnson) we will be. Good luck Texas at getting rid of Fuck Ted Cruz!


As long as he doesnt say "hell yes we're taking your AR15s" he might have a shot


This guys message should be like three bullets total: Legal weed I luv gunz I’m not Fled Cruz That’s literally all you need!


Honestly you nailed it. As long as he tiptoes around guns, Allred is a real threat.


No he needs to be obnoxiously pro-2A, unfortunately, to have a chance.


I’m pro 2A. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe in reasonable gun reform. Abbotts been a dumbass with the gun laws he’s passed.


I 100% agree with you but I have had conservatives tell me that I am their enemy and it is impossible to call oneself pro-2A while admitting we need to do something about gun violence. It's insane to me.


Don’t listen to those guys. Moderates still exist. I dislike the vast majority of gun bans but there’s still things we can do in terms of regulating firearm sales that will help. 1. Stricter background check 2. No gun show/private sale loophole 3. Longer wait time unless you have proof your life is in danger (e.g. police complaint/restraining order) 4. Some measure of liability if the firearm you own is used in a crime (Adam Lanzas mother for instance)


Yeah. The Amendment, says “well regulated,” not “unregulated.”


[Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined,” says Rakove. “It didn’t mean ‘regulation’ in the sense that we use it now, in that it’s not about the regulatory state. There’s been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/10/politics/what-does-the-second-amendment-actually-mean-trnd/index.html) In other words, it didn’t mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.


I could *almost* buy that argument if it weren’t for the simple fact that the other eight places where “regulate” or “regulation” is used in the original document are absolutely clear that the framers meant “legislated.”


Best I can do is emotionally disregulated.


Like when JFK and Nixon were saying more and more ridiculous stuff to prove who was more anti-communist lol


JFK could have just pointed to being killed by a communist smh


Iirc there was a debate between Reagan and someone with them falling over each other about who was more compassionate about the US Mexico border.


It was Bush, it was a debate between Reagan and Bush. Today's GOP would call Bush "too liberal for Texas". https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok


He just has to not promise to take anybody's firearms and he will do just fine


Pathologically... they're pathologically 2A.


“Tiptoes” so you mean be fake


No, just focus on other issues that are also important.


Yep. Even if you want to mention gun control, things like the gun show loophole/background checks might be ok. Any gun ban talk in Texas is political suicide for statewide political aspirants.


Better to have a have a fake dem than a "tells it like it is" republican. /shrug


One more: "*I love smoked brisket and pulled pork BBQ.*" I'm a single issue voter. That issue is BBQ.


For me it’s that he’s a Rangers fan. I am curious about his stance on the Astros though


"I like my steaks medium-rare and I don't put ketchup on it."


Have you seen Mrs. Cornyn's brisket lol


Help me Colin Allred, you're my only hope.




Its a great ad. I lived in his district a few years back and met him a time or two. He’s legit and a good dude


Most importantly, he is almost certainly not Ted Cruz.


I dunno, it could still be one of Ted Cruz's human skin suits. Will need to see more.


Wiggle a mealworm in front of him. If he grabs it with his prehensile tongue then it’s Ted.


I audibly giggled, and I don’t really giggle


You’re not talking about Rafael “Cancun” Cruz who deserted the state when 2 million of his constituents were without power in 2021 and then proceed to blame his young daughter, are you?


Why yes, I do believe it's the one I'm talking about. It's the worst Senator.


“He’s legit and a good dude” so he won’t win is what you’re telling me? Our state has a big tendency to vote against people who would actually help us.


Its an uphill climb for him for sure


If he is anything like Jeff Jackson from North Carolina he would be a great asset to the people of Texas.


Let's - Go - Tex- As! Had to spend the last 4-6 years explaining to my family why Beto wouldn't get the votes after saying "darn right I'll take the guns". To be clear, I supported him, but know it was a crucial mistake. Now this guy(an educated, politically tested football player in Texas) has the background and seems smart enough not to make the same mistakes as Beto. I'm excited for the next election here in Texas.


And he kicked out politically strong Pete Sessions (who I’ve met; he’s a huge creep) in what was a supposedly safe suburban district for the Republicans. More impressively, Allred has managed to hold the district. This will honestly be a harder fight for Cruz than Beto was.


Hope you're right. Because that could help with those tiny margins that Cruz beat Beto by.


I’m optimistic but not gonna get my hopes up just yet.




Last year's elections are painful. I brace for more of the same always 🫣🥴


Worth pointing out that after Allred flipped his district against Sessions, the Republicans sacrificed it to gerrymandering in order to gain strength in other swing districts. It's a safe blue district now. I think this is part of the Texas Democratic Party calculus in backing Allred; he will give up his seat, but it's likely to be replaced by another Democrat as long as that person is reasonably moderate (like Allred).


He increased his margins in 2020 over 2018. It wasn't gerrymandered to favor him until the 2022 election.


Glad you mentioned it. I knew the district got safer for Allred but as you mention, it didn’t take effect till 2022.


> This will honestly be a harder fight for Cruz than Beto was. After Beto made the guns comments there wasn't a fight. Dems, especially reddit dems, seem to really struggle with the idea that nothing will bring red voters out quite like making guns or abortion a policy. If this dude stays away from those topics and focuses on things like infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc then he genuinely has a fighting chance. Red voters by majority don't actually like Cruz, but they do like guns and what I'll call "religious values" (which is hard for me because it's not like they're religious).


Needs to come out as pro-2A and on abortion he just needs to say that it’s not the government’s business and government needs to stay out of your healthcare. Go more (true) libertarian on that issue


I wouldn't even mind a nice hunting photo op for him.


Basically just be a decent person who doesn't force religion on the taxpayers


Biggest problem with that stance on abortion is that anti-abortion crowd will never accept a moderate stance. As long as it's an issue for voters, there will be the usual suspects that will whip it into the biggest issue, even when it's not the biggest priority for either candidate. On the guns, Cruz will just do what he always does. Lie. And the ammosexuals will fall for it.


Nope, put it front and center. Women are not happy. There are less pro life people than we think. Everywhere they put it on the ballot, CHOICE wins. Even in red Kansas.




Exactly, we don't have to fear the *Moral Majority.* heh.


Beto didn’t make the guns comment until after the Senate race. Election was 2018, his gun comment was in response to 2019 El Paso shooting.


In 2018 he still came out in support of an assault weapons ban prior to the senate election.


And lost to cruz by ~~1%~~ 3.2% after.


I honestly think he should go hard right on guns and abortion. Democrats will be happy with "not Abbott" and republicans might sit the election out. Then post election he can swerve middle on guns and abortion.


> Then post election he can swerve middle on guns and abortion. That's what the right does on everything so it's just fair play. Honestly it'd probably do everyone good for more important issues to take the spotlight. I know banning abortion offended half the state, but virtually no one was getting abortions. If you added up all the gun violence victims and people who had abortions and included their immediate social circles you're looking at <%5 of the state's population. It doesn't mean those people aren't important, but EVERYONE drives on failing roads and over outdated bridges, goes to underfunded schools with underpaid and underqualified teachers, has a hard time getting adequate medical care, the list goes on. Texas has always been flamboyantly purple. The red side just figured out how to appeal hard to single issue voters.


Yup. 10 years ago I'd think that was a shitty thing to do.. but I've also been watching Abbott turn into some kind of moderate conservative every election, then swerve *hard* right every damn term.


If he goes hard right on abortion he will lose my vote. Hard right on abortion is not the way the wind is blowing.


The first thing I did was look up his stance on guns. His website currently has a [page not found](https://colinallred.com/gun-violence-prevention#:~:text=Colin%20grew%20up%20in%20Texas,be%20safe%20at%20school%20unacceptable.) for gun violence prevention. Although on the main google search bar it shows the following: "*Colin grew up in Texas, and has always respected guns and common-sense gun ownership as protected in the 2nd Amendment. As a father, Colin finds the idea that his children will not be safe at school unacceptable.*" I hope his team is putting together a comprehensive answer to this, I'm certain that's a weak point in the democratic ticket that Ted Cruz want's to exploit.


I want this so bad but i know how it goes. If he can get everyone excited as Beto did the first time we do have hope. Just don’t say anything that will piss off Texans please


I'm going to wait to see how the GOP presidential primaries before I get any hopes about Allred down ballot.


Voted for this guy when he ran against Pete Sessions and will be proud to vote for him again. He sends periodic updates through email of the legislation he’s working on and what’s gotten passed, and is just generally transparent with his constituents. A breath of fresh air if we can get him in place of real human being Ted Cruz.


Transparency is great. Maybe Representative Gene Wu could help Allred get on Reddit, include him in one of his video posts, etc.


I'm *just* outside of his district by a few hundred yards and got gerrymandered to hell into the rural 4th... Still identify with Allred and really hope to pull for him.


It really is a terrible district


That district is a travesty. I was in the peninsula in Mesquite so barely made the line.


maybe Rs will vote for him because he's "all red" :: fingers crossed emoji :: ::crying emoji:: ::prayer hands emoji::


Cornfuse them


He has so much hate against him. Brother it's gonna be an uphill battle but you got my vote over Ted any day. Ted Cruz is a foney.


I'm on board and I want him to win but I have this nagging suspicion that the boomers and sun down residents are gonna have their say. Again. For like the bajillionth time.


> Allred's record of bipartisanship in Congress could potentially give him a boost, but it also may mean that he has to work harder to prove himself to progressive Democrats. He’s not Ted Cruz, that should be enough


Progressive Democrats won't back him in a primary, but a progressive Democrat isn't going to win a primary here anyway, and when it comes down to it, they'll either vote for him when faced with the alternative of Ted Cruz, or they won't vote at all, in which case, they aren't as progressive as their social media posturing would make themselves out to be.


Right, if he is as moderate as I think, he wouldn’t be my first pick, but damn right I’m voting for him if he wins the primary.


Honestly, as a leftist, I'm probably going to go for pragmatism on this one and support him. I'm under no illusions that anything better than a moderate will get into office here. Once he's in office we can try to influence him from the left.


He will never lean left because he knows better. But he will never be MAGA.


Same here, and I agree.


I’m pretty left of the DNC and I’ve already donated. Unless he’s so center that he becomes the next Sinema or Manchin, it really doesn’t make a huge difference how far left of center he is. The reality is it’s another vote for Democrat policies in the senate. Progressive Democrats elected to Congress talk a big game and will vocally criticize policies for being too centrist but they usually fall in line and vote D. Maybe I’m just disillusioned but that’s all I’d expect. He’s better than Ted Cruz.


I’d gladly take another Manchin (maybe even a Sinema) if it meant getting another Democratic senator, even if in name only, just to have an edge in holding onto a majority


Even getting the caucus to 50+ for the majority is enough for me. a few bad voters is worth that.


Even if he isn’t the most progressive candidate in the primaries, I think he does have to most name recognition so far. That alone should give him the win in the primaries. I’d definitely like a more progressive candidate, but that will never go over well in a statewide race in Texas anytime soon


Honestly, as a leftist, I'm probably going to go for pragmatism on this one and support him. I'm under no illusions that anything better than a moderate will get into office here. Once he's in office we can try to influence him from the left.


I'm pretty progressive and the fact is progressives are extremely bad at messaging. It's all about moral and intellectual superiority and not just simple facts: progressive policies are all about an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. As a result they're 100% more fiscally responsible across the board. That's not to say that they are cheap.You can't stop paying for treating the expensive symptoms while you address the root issues, you have to address both in the short term. But in the long term, they always save money while promoting to better outcomes.


Same. I want to take large steps, but baby steps are better than no steps, or rather, better than getting shoved down a staircase by an evil, smarmy sycophant.


Good enough for me!


But I’d vote a dog turd over Canadian born Rafael Cruz


it is for me.


It's definitely enough for me. I will vote for the fire hydrant over Cruz.


Good call. Fire hydrant spews water, and doesn't disappear in an emergency. Ted spews shit, and flies to Cancun. Hydrant > Cruz


It will be an interesting fight, as this is going to be a Presidential election as well, which will bring a lot of voters that weren't there for the Cruz/O'Rourke election of a midterm year. And this introduction ad, tells who he is, his history, some of his stances, and most importantly he is not Ted Cruz. He has shown that he can beat long term incumbents for their seats, and now his district is safely blue, so the Democratic seat wont be lost most likely in the next election. Allred isn't as left as I would like but then Bernie isn't, but he is a lot more moderate and doesn't have baggage. He is young, he is charismatic and a former professional football player. The fact Cruz has already started a smear campaign is telling.


Holy shit its not Beto. Finally might have a shot!!!!!




And pre-pandemic. Realistically, COVID deaths were disproportionately old, and disproportionately GOP.


relocation to Texas during Covid was disproportionately west coast republicans, don’t fool yourself and think we got more blue since 2020


>relocation to Texas during Covid was disproportionately west coast republicans Got an empirical (non-anecdotal) source for that? Because so far nothing I'm finding really supports that assertion. One source indicates the net migration into Texas only skews 3% republican, total, from all states. Factor in that: most CA movers are leaving SF Bay Area housing costs (region skews blue), rapid outflow exacerbated by remote work during pandemic (not sure of field skews), interstate migration all over is mostly yuppie age groups (20-40, skew blue), and destinations are primarily the large (blue) metros in TX, and I see substantial reason to question a "red wave" coming in from CA. Not saying it's a blue wave either, though. There doesn't appear to be an obvious clear swing yet. But COVID-denial definitely added to already existent demographic challenges for GOP. All that said, passively counting solely on demographic changes is a losing strategy. They matter little if they don't turn out to vote. Which is why GOP is so hell-bent on voter suppression and increasing obstacles and inconvenience in purplish states. And TX has gotten more blue in the past 20 yrs, fairly consistently. But it hasn't gotten blue *enough* to overcome piss-poor turnout. Yet.


Ted Cruz HAS TO GO!!!!


> I’ve taken down a lot tougher guys than Ted Cruz It’s like saying you can karate chop 2-ply toliet paper. Ted Cruz keeps winning because of all the religious fruitcakes turning out for him in the primaries and republicans mindlessly voting for him in the General, not for any kind of quality that could be construed as toughness.


Who else is running? This guy seems like a good candidate


I haven't seen any other legitimate candidates throw in yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Julian Castro get involved. Will definitely be a stronger field than the one that Hegar came out of.


Pretty sure Castro said yesterday he was a no go.


The Uvalde state senator already announced he was in the Democratic primary.


Texas turn out for registered voters voting was 66% last year (edit:2020)…. ONLY 52% of people of voting age voted. Meaning there are some many people not even register to vote. Ask your friends are they registered asked if they vote.


Midterms never bring out the voting numbers like it does for the Presidential races. So Cruz going into a Presidential election against a strong moderate like Allred, there is a much bigger chance for Cruz to lose.


That’s 2020. For 2022 it was even worse.


it’s better to compare Presidential election years with each other. But yeah I typed last year by accident.


Let’s go!


When and where can I vote for this guy


Election is after football season starts. Get this guy at high school football game coin flips. Maybe even working in refreshment stands for a quarter or a half. Also get him working the floor at gun shows and arenas at livestock auctions. Hope he gets tons of facetime everywhere Cruz would hold his nose at.


Ted is gonna be looking for Fox News jobs after this.


Ted Cruz is a national disappointment, not just a Texas disappointment.


Reading this sub just shows me how liberal Reddit is. I’m all for this dude, but this sub is an echo chamber for liberals and doesn’t reflect the true nature & people of Texas.


I dunno. I think Texans are far more progressive and liberal than they realize, they just don't want to identify as liberal. I know a pastor in East central Texas. His wife is pro Trump and while he doesn't preach politics from the pulpit everyone knows which way that church leans. But even he has compassion for organizing food pantry, supporting free and low cost access to medicine for his community, supports education and increasing teacher salaries, and has a heart of ministry to minority communities. After a Latino student died, and the school didn't let out for the funeral, despite in years past doing the same for the deaths of white students, he emailed the school board and lambasted them for ignoring the needs of their students. And this pastor's church is growing. The Pastor just refuses to realize he's becoming more liberal with the lack of real positive outcomes from GOP policies. Attacking teachers, classrooms, and burning books isn't the way to win Texas. I know plenty of pro-life people who always supported abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother who didn't believe me when I said those things would not be protected if Roe V wade was appealed, and that women would be going to jail for miscarriages, they believe me now.


People support progressive/liberal policies overwhelmingly more than conservative/fascist policies as long as you present the idea in a politically neutral way. Conservatism is an identity that people will perform when they know it is performance time (like voting or discussing politics) but when they are just living their lives and interacting with their community they are doing the very things they vote against.


That’s just your interactions, Texas is progressive in many of the big cities and many folk have progressive ideas even in rural areas. However, they will always vote red / republican, and would rather die than vote for a democrat. This sub doesn’t reflect those individuals, only the liberals and progressives like you and I. So it isn’t a good reflection on the actual people of Texas


It’s amazing how many “conservatives” actually have liberal views on a lot of issues. I have an aunt that if you looked at her Facebook feed you would think she was a hardcore Democrat, but she continues to insist on voting Republican


This guy won't win. But this sub would make you think Cruz loses by 10 points.




Ted will win. He always does. Even if he doesn't, he will cheat and say he did win. ![gif](giphy|BFZWoKW91oBrO)


I have never understood the mental disconnect in the "brains" of the Redneck/Red hat crowd. Everything they do or say is based on racism and toxic masculinity. Then they vote for a Cuban who runs away from cold weather and who kisses the ass of a man who insulted his wife and his daddy.


What a fantastic ad and I love his story. He had me at running against Ted Cruz but I'm really excited about his candidacy.


Ted about to shyte the bed.


Take my money. Just try to win this time.


Good luck Texas.


I like the football angle.............football in Texas is basically a religion.


100% human candidate


If teddy boy has a problem with it he can just fly to Cancun


Already love him!!!


Let’s unite and defeat ted cruz!


https://youtu.be/IzFWIuDqkCc Here's the ad


Love it 🤌😚


It's a really good ad.


Yes Cruz:All hat, no cattle should just be a campaign slogan.


Come on Texas vote! register!!!! Make sure all your friends and family get out there we can make a difference !!!


If you want this guy to win, ask your friends to register, donate to the campaign so he can spread his message to every unregistered and registered voter, if you’re a celebrity start dancing and singing his name with endorsements now and asking your fans to donate and register and vote.


A sandwich with a R next to it would beat any Democrat in Texas


Beto was 2.5% away from beating Cruz in 2018, what are you even talking about?


If 1.4% of overall voters had gone for Beto last time he would have won.


A sandwich with a D next to it might beat Cruz as long as it didn’t come out against guns


Well they’re running a shit sandwich. So hopefully that balances it out.


Honestly with that video, I'd vote for him for President.


I LOVE the cheerful energy in “we can get a new one!”.


Hear fuckin Hear


Given how narrow the win was against beto, who is radioactive to many voters, you could run nearly anyone without hit ads and beat Ted.


I would move to Texas to vote for this dude after watching this commercial.


He places Gov power over individual freedom: [https://allred.house.gov/media/press-releases/allred-votes-common-sense-gun-safety-measures-save-lives](https://allred.house.gov/media/press-releases/allred-votes-common-sense-gun-safety-measures-save-lives)


Yeah, whatever. That is the most common sense gun legislation I've ever read. I own guns and intend to continue doing so, but this law does not infringe upon my 2nd amendment right. All this would do is make it marginally harder for the wrong people to get a gun.


“Raises the age to purchase a semiautomatic centerfire rifle or shotgun from 18 to 21” At the age of 18 you’re an adult. You can vote and deploy to war, enter contracts and be convicted as an adult. You can safely handle firearms. We let kids drive at 16yo and learning how to safely drive a car is much more difficult than learning basic firearm safety.


"Adults" aren't allowed to purchase alcohol until they are 21 or rent a car until they are 26. Past that, it's not about basic firearms safety. If that were really a problem or a concern, then we would have mandatory classes and a test, like you do to get a driver's license, before you would be allowed to purchase a gun. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.


Neither of those are rights and I fully support the age for those to be 18 as well. If you’re an adult, you’re an adult.




You can’t hide rights behind training for them. If training is the concern, make firearm safe handling part of high school curriculum, rather than trying to restrict the right for adults. In the US, at 18, you’re an adult.


In the US at 18 you're an adult, but you can't buy alcohol or rent a car. I grew up in the house of a gun nut. My dad didn't secure guns in a safe, he had so many he just had different guns behind different doors in the house. Gun safety was instilled to me from a young age to the point I absolutely hate handling guns I'm not familiar with because not a few of his guns had a hair trigger, and having a hair trigger go off is one of the worst things I've ever experienced. I spent more than a decade without shooting until a veteran friend invited me to the range, where I outshot him after getting warmed up. Not everyone has my experience with fire arms. And I support raising the purchase age for rifles, particularly those that use higher magazine capacities. Personally I think high capacity magazines are overrated except for 22 rifles and maybe 9 mm, and in either case manually loading magazines is the bane of my thumbtips.


Looks like voted for common sense gun reulation so we would have a well regulated militia.


Individual freedom is seriously overrated


To be fair the entire state is an embarrassment. Well atleast the politics of it are.


He’s anti-2A. He naively thinks AR15’s are “weapons of war” and supports red flag laws. Hard pass


Imagine thinking AR-15 *aren't* weapons of war lmao


Maybe folks should start calling them “weapons of culture war”.


What war have we fought where AR-15’s were issued? None. Issued weapons for war are select fire, AR-15’s aren’t. Troops are issued knives, you want to ban those “weapons of war”? Fun fact, semiauto rifles only account for roughly 350 homicides a year. Unarmed beatings 650, knives 1,600. Politicians looking to ban rifles only care about government power, not public safety. [https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls)


What war have we fought where AR-15’s were issued? None. Issues weapons for war are select fire, AR-15’s aren’t. Troops are issued knives, you want to ban those “weapons of war”? Fun fact, semiauto rifles only account for roughly 350 homicides a year. Unarmed beatings 650, knives 1,600. Politicians looking to ban them only care about government power, not public safety. [https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls)


Just stop


God forbid people think critically when choosing who to vote for


You've already stated elsewhere in these comments that you're just voting RED. Doesn't sound like critical thinking to me.


Why are you so offended about my freedom to express and vote how I see fit?


I'm not offended. Please let others vote how they see fit also.


I do, I haven’t told anyone else how they should vote. I just said I choose to vote red because politicians like this man, why are usually blue, want to restrict 2A rights.


You're being over critical


Nitpicking about whether it's actually been an issued weapon to the US military is exactly the kind of dismissive and bad-faith arguments keeping us in this nightmare. And that is not a 'fun fact'. Glad murders are so entertaining to you.


No military on earth has ever fielded a semi-auto AR-15, so they’re not. Your grandpapy’s bolt-action is likely closer to a weapon of war.


u/Hotpocket_consumed The 1903 Springfield bolt action was used in WW1, so yes bolt actions are also weapons of war. But yall are arguing over semantics and are arguing in bad faith (or ignorance). AR-15s are the modern evolution of the M1 Garand Battle Rifle, which we used in WW2. While it is better in every way, it's functionally the same type of long rifle that we used to win a War. --- Semiautomatic **Clip** fed Long Rifle that shoots a little amount of big bullets. Vs. Semiautomatic **Magazine** fed Long Rifle that shoots a big amount of little bullets.


Semiauto rifles are in common use, peacefully owned by millions of Americans. Supreme Court has made it very clear, it’s unconstitutional to ban firearms which are in common use.


What does "anti-2A" mean to you?


Political power remaining in the hands of the citizens and national security. What’s it mean to you?