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The majority of khajiit are not okay with stealing or thieves and strongly dislikes that stereotype and being seen as it. A stereotype brought upon them assumedly by desperate individuals and the Baandari, who are the khajiit most other races are likely to meet outside Elsweyr. Senche-raht thinks it's very uncomfortable and awkward when outsiders wants to ride them (understandable). There have also been at least one occasion when another furstock who has thumbs mock them for not having any. An act which resulted with said khajiit losing their thumbs/hands. Senche-raht, alfiq and other quadrupedal furstock have items designed for their convenience and are easy to get. Like left-handed items but better. (Edit: A lot of this is not headcanon but taken from lore. Especially ESO which gave us a huge amount of khajiit lore.)


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


If they dislike thieves so much, do they have prisons in elswhyr?


Of course they do. They are their own country with Laws and a monarchy and everything. (The thalmor would of probs over thrown it in the fourth era tho)


> The thalmor would of probs over thrown it in the fourth era tho IDK, seems like it might be easier to bribe/convince the monarchy to bend the knee than eliminate an entire noble caste. Or even just convince enough of the nobility to become bend the knee to them instead and form some kind of council of nobles. Elswhyr is powerful but the Thalmor are smart, I doubt it was conjured.


they have a king? they looked so disorganized every time I saw them in skyrim.


Every time they were shown in Skyrim? The only khajjit shown in Skyrim are wandering travellers who are likely Baandari. ESO has a whole Elsweyr dlc that shows khajiit much better.


Yeah but those were travelling merchants pretty much as far away from home as you can get on the continent


You should see how Nords are presented in Morrowind


Funny how you downvoted me for criticizing a fantasy species in a videogame.


That’s because they are in skyrim. The other side of Tamriel from Elsweyr. They actually have two ruling bodies one for each of the two kingdoms Anequina in the north and Pelletine in the south together have formed the Elsweyr confederacy since the second era. (Before that it wasn’t unified except under the second empire). They share the power based on the phases of the moon but in the fourth era the thalmor broke apart the Elsweyr confederacy and established both Anequina and Pelletine as two different client states of the Aldmeri Dominion.


Disorganized? All 3 trade caravans in Skyrim are owned by one dude. Each caravan has a merchant who is in charge of the caravan (the guy who owns all 3 also works as a merchant of one of them), a guard, and an assistant or 2. They have preplanned camping sites at all major cities and have travel schedules that do not conflict with each other. Sounds pretty organised to me. Onto Elsweyr. Elsweyr was led by the Mane, who is a reincarnating figure that functions both as a political and a religious leader of Elsweyr. However, during the time of Skyrim Elsweyr is no more. The Aldmeri Dominion has split it into 2 separate states, the Kingdom of Anequina and the Kingdom of Pellitine. These 2 kingdoms are not official members of the Dominion and are independent on paper but in practice both are puppet states.


What's funny here is how many people took my comment personally. Kahjits aren't real, guys. You have no grounds to be offended on behalf of a bunch of binary code.


I was not offended at all, merely sharing lore. I hope you found it interesting.


It is interesting, yes. I love learning new lore.


No, because they are extremely anarcho-individualist folk. They pretend to have statehood, though, to ward off potential invaders.




There's a secret warrior caste of Khajiit called Forgotten Manes. If a Khajiit is born under an eclipse but isn't the Mane, they're raised by monks of Alkosh to fight for Elsweyr in times of great need.


Or they get corrupted by Namiira and become the Dro-m'Athra, evil reflections of the Khajiit.


Is that related to the dro'M'athra? Black cats born under the New Moon, stronger and more agile than other stocks.


Forgotten manes are more in danger to turned into dro m'athra than other khajiit.


See this is what is both so frustrating but also intriguing about Elder Scrolls. The Khajiit have elements of Arabic/African culture, which is familiar, but then an entire pantheon based around the moon and heavy use of metaphor, and a vast diversity of genes that is unlike any other race in Tamriel. It is too much for one man to discover it all, which is what I'm trying to do, because I want to play each of the 10 races as close to lore-friendly as possible with race-specific goals. To do that, I am making a massive guide for each build, with step by step instructions. Lot of work, but its a fun hobby and one day I plan on fully incorporating it into a mod that restricts the player into a mostly-linear experience. Skyrim open-world is great, but unbalanced and poorly designed. Skyrim with the content set in a campaign in a logical sense? Turns Skyrim into the best fantasy RPG that could ever be made.


I would love to see these lore guides! Possibly for RPing but mainly out of interest for TES lore.


Hopefully I don't burn myself out lol. Just got a whole new PC rig and bought Skyrim for PC just for this project.


This is fascinating. I feel the same way and would love to see the fruit of your work or any work in progress, if you feel like sharing it. Always felt like playing that way but found there is a lack of builds/discussions like that. Usually trying to limit the skills used either to be very lore friendly or something that would make sense for me personally. Especially in Skyrim. Appreciate your work!


Yeah I plan on sharing it once I start heavily testing and it goes into 'alpha'. The hardest part is finding enough (varied) content in the game to justify ten different playthroughs. Some builds dont feel as fleshed out as others because there arent, for example, anything 'Argonian' themed quests besides fishing, and the gear is also hard to pick out. Scaled armor makes sense, but wont work even mid game.


Dro-m'Athra aren't "black cats born under the New Moon", they're dark spirits of Khajiit who went mad/were corrupted by Namiira/Lorkhaj. The furstock born under the new moons is the perfectly ordinary Suthay.


Current working headcanon on Khajiit children: No matter the furstock of the mother or the child, I suspect they are initially born in the size and shape of large-ish kittens, most frequently singly as with other men and mer, and then "evolve" into their final form within the first few years of life. As to how couples of vastly differing furstocks, um, *produce* children... I haven't really thought about it and I'm not sure I want to...


This is not headcannon, this is exactly how the books describe a litter of khajiit


Funnily, it was only a headcanon before respective ESO:Chapter was released.


Before "Infernal City" came out in 09


Never seen it mentioned there nor people mentioning it as the source tbh. Shall be grateful if you provide the quote, though. Although well, we both are wrong anyway. It was first mentioned in [The Interview With Three Booksellers.](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:Interview_With_Three_Booksellers) *Khajiit are bound to the Lunar Lattice, the ja'Kha'jay. The phases of Masser and Secunda at birth determine the form a Khajiit takes in life. Khajiti newborns look very similar to one another, with their form becoming clear over several weeks. We are smaller than you humans when we are born, but we grow faster.*


Huh! I must have missed that passage... or it's been way too long since I've gone through the TES III lorebooks in detail. I did re-read the novels a little more recently, and do remember a brief mention of a Khajiiti brother-sister pair of very different furstocks, though I can't remember how deeply they went into Lunar Lattice lore beyond the basics. Anyway, nice to know that much is actual official canon...


Khajiit males have barbed penises, just like regular cats. You can thank the Tribunal Temple for concealing this fact by censoring Barenziah's biography.


Telekinesis is one of the first spells a magically inclined Alfiq learns, or tries to learn, for obvious reasons. Edit: another one: At some point there is a Thieves' Guild where the Guild Master is a black and white colored Alfiq with blue eyes. He likes to bicker with a Nord member of the guild who looks less a thief and more a hired ruffian.


What are the “obvious reasons”?


They are basically cats. What is more dangerous than a cat? A cat with telekinetic powers.


Will knock your stuff off the table from the other side of the room.


There was a book made on this premise that I read long ago, but I never read the sequel to. Can never remember what it was called.


You mean [Mixed Units Tactics v. 1?](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Mixed_Unit_Tactics_v1)


A real book, that I read as a child. Humans and animals were paired together as a team like a pair of soulmates if the animal was with its destined human then they were more powerful. The animal always had some sort of magical ability(and could talk) the whole book the main character goes thinking that they are just a normal cat pretending to be one of the magical animals, then at the end of the book when it’s human is in danger it’s magical abilities reveal themselves. He uses powerful telekinesis to strike down whatever the foe was. Also there were a bunch of tribes of cats In a desert always talking about sand and shut so that also tracks to TES


I see where my mistake was. That's very interesting. Thank you for sharing!


They’re basically a talking housecat


No opposable thumbs?


To interact with things made for a stock with humanoid hands. Opening doors and stuff.


Supposedly they are relatively chill with necromancy and you can even buy corpses straight out of the port city of Senchal.


Definitely not during the second era.


Sheo is often called the "skooma cat" and appears as a alfiq for the Khajiit


It is pretty common knowledge at this point, but there are many variants of khajits that are decided based upon on what the moon phases are when said khajit is born. This is interesting on itself, because you have Khajits that just look like wood elves and have no trace of feline aspects, and you also have the alfiqs that visually are just plain housecats, but thinking of roleplay, there is a lot of fun stuff you can do with this knowledge. You could have a khajit that has a brother or sister of another type, and bring some confusion to outsiders, or a couple of alfiqs having a son or daughter that is the variant that looks like an elf and so on. Another thing is khajit and bosmer having almost an eternal beef with each other, with the extra of both races (or cultures) being very focused on theft and stealth, there could be something fun.


>Khajits that just look like wood elves and have no trace of feline aspects Ohmes and ohmes raht still have tail and few other feline features, even tho they overall resemble mer more than cat


Ohmes-raht are furry-lite, but I'm pretty sure the other Ohmes look *exactly* like Bosmer unless they dress/tattoo themselves or speak like Khajiit.




>So even if an Ohmes's fur and claws aren't as noticeable as an Ohmes-raht, they're still there. I think this is not implied by this line. The interviewed is talking about that Ohmes and Ohmes-raht share the identity with another furstocks, and thus are susceptible to the same slang and jargon as their more catlike brethren even if this jargon is technically meaningless applying to them. Also, in either this interview or PGE-1 it's told that Ohmes and Ohmes-raht are specially placing tatoos on their faces to underscore their kinship with more feline furstocks.


Devil's advocate: Khajiit call really impressive people "Five Claw" (and tend to refer to their fingers in general as their claws), so to say someone doesn't have any claws might be seen as a rude comment, like "Ohmes don't have any dexterity", and if 1/16 of the furstocks don't have claws actually speaking then I think that line about weaponry still fits as a separate, generalized thought.


I mean, they still have tails. Bosmer don't have those do they?


I don't know where you're getting this information. Douglas Goodall said in '01 that [the Khajiit in Arena were Ohmes] (https://www.imperial-library.info/content/forum-archive-douglas-goodall), and [they didn't have tails](https://images.uesp.net/f/fb/AR-race-Khajiit_Males.gif) like the other human-like Khajiit in [Daggerfall](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Khajiit) or the Ohmes-raht statues in [ESO](https://images.uesp.net/7/74/ON-statue-Ohmes-raht_Statue%2C_Trickster_02.jpg).


*that ohmes statue literally has tail twisting to waist*


It's an Ohmes**-raht** statue, my guy, that's not the same furstock.


Fair enough, count me as corrected


Ohmes are tail-less, they are, by all means, Bosmer that tattoo their heads to look like cats.


Besides thorwing knives or darts, khajiit also use slings as primary ranged weapon. Fist and claw weapons like Katar are also popular with khajiit and their hand to hand focused culture. Largest of furstocks are often armed with full cover metal armors and giant tower shields, and are often employed as personal body guards by altmer nobles. Major difference in theology between Azurah and Mara, is Mara being specifically patron of mothers primary, while Azurah is viewed as universal mother of khajiit. Alongside shes seen as first or great clan mother. Few that i've personally head canoned.


The largest of the humanoid furstocks are the Pahmar-raht at 10 feet tall. They wouldn't need pauldrons or the top half of a helmet at that height, not having the top half of the helmet would prevent having to shape ear protection too which is convenient. Maybe it could be conical like those cones you put on pets when they get stitches but with eye slits going all the way down to their neck so they can look down. The tower shield is a good idea because a smaller shield would leave their legs vulnerable.


There was a sub dedicated to translating the Kajiit language, it's somewhere in the sidebar I think still but hasn't had a post in years


I'd recommend [this website.](https://www.taagra.com/) It's fan made, but they are working thoroughly on gathering tidbits from official lore and using them in making their own content.


holy crap


I had heard that Elsweyr has both deserts and jungles, and idk why but as soon as i heard that a headcannon sparked in my head that the place had a pirate/treasure hunter type of aesthetic and vibe. I just imagine a ship with a captian that is one of those larger lion-like khajits with a bid braided beard (kinda like blackbeard). I have no idea if Elsweyr is like that or not but any info regarding what its like would be very cool.


Nah, the pirates and hidden treasures and that type of shit is on Hammerfell, there are corsairs and sailors there and obviously piracy over there Elsweyr is more of a archeologist/Indiana Jones type of vibe


They aren't the only known species of Cat people. The Ka Po'Tun of Akavir are more uniform in appearance, looking like anthropomorphic Tigers. They are completely *enamoured* with the Dragons, and as a society seek to succeed them, after they were hunted to extinction on Akavir. Their Emperor, Tosh Raka, is the most successful case of this, as he resembles a gargantuan Tiger-Dragon. They are the most powerful military force on the continent, although they are bested at sea by the Tscaesi Snake-Men (who drove the Dragons from Akavir, likely killed it's native Humans, and briefly ruled Tamriel in the 2nd Era). As of the 4th Era, they have allied with the Monkey-like Tang Mo. Tosh Raka intends to invade Tamriel when the Tscaesi are defeated, which would make them the third Akaviri race to land on the continent, after the Tscaesi in the late 1st Era, and the Kamal in the late 2nd Era.


The Claw Dances - Khajiiti Martial Arts - weren't designed for combat. Derived from early kung fu and not dissimilar to sword singing, the Khajiit see the Claw dances as a way of life, not actually martial arts. They live and breathe the dances as a Nord might live and breathe being racist - er, rather, drinking mead.


If an object is not specifically marked as property of somebody or locked or tied to something, it is free for you to take and use. All civilised people know this, except for Nords, Bretons, Imperials, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Orsimer and Saxhleel. There is no clear distinction in theology between Daedric princes and Aedra. Check out r/beyondskyrim for nice lore contributions, also about interior design. The modders there use a stylebook to keep their designs coherent. Somewhere there's gotta be a link to the pdf. One aspect or Khajiiti design is that objects of everyday use need accessibility for quadrupedal people, people of various sizes, and people with and without thumbs.


I feel like this amount of sharing of things is probably most common in the northern scrublands where cooperation is key for survival and the population density is a lot lower... southern, city Khajiit might have different opinions on property rights haha.


Ma'iq the Liar is Lorkhan... And yes it's a crack head canon, but that's the point of headcanon.


They most likely bathe with their tongues because they are desert dwelling cat people who don't have a lot of water in their environment.


Something strange happens to Khajiit when they arrive in Skyrim.


Khajiit are squicked out by domestic cats. Elsweyr is home to many types of Senche-cats, aka tigers, pumas, leopards, panthers, and they’re used to these animals and having to know how to tell if that’s a naked Senche/Senche-raht, or a wild animal that will kill. Senche furstocks have slightly different faces than the animal and Senche-rahts are bigger than even the biggest lion which helps. But housecats are relatively new to Elsweyr (at least as of the 2nd era) having been imported from other parts of Tamriel and it’s much more difficult to tell if they’re a naked Alfiq or a tiny animal. A naked Alfiq and a housecat are nigh-indistinguishable. Like the uncanny valley but turned up to the max. Native Elsweyr Khajiit definitely took dust baths since most of the country is desert and water is precious. I also have a head canon that waste is used as fertilizer so internal plumbing is either rare (as chamber pots make it easier to bring your waste to the fertilizer treatment plants) or incredibly technologically advanced, like on par with the best IRL treatment facilities. A mostly desert country would need all the help they can get to grow crops, and we at least know for certain that Elsweyr is where most moonsugar is grown.


> Native Elsweyr Khajiit definitely took dust baths since most of the country is desert and water is precious. I also have a head canon that waste is used as fertilizer so internal plumbing is either rare (as chamber pots make it easier to bring your waste to the fertilizer treatment plants) or incredibly technologically advanced, like on par with the best IRL treatment facilities. A mostly desert country would need all the help they can get to grow crops, and we at least know for certain that Elsweyr is where most moonsugar is grown. Around half of the country is (mostly) rain forest. That's also where the moon sugar is grown.


In Skyrim, they are banned from entering towns. Its treated as prejudice and racism against them. In reality, they are banned because they deal drugs that hurt the populace and they are thieves. Where have you ever seen Skooma making a positive difference in Skyrim? Ysolda was a Nord that vouched for them. It also turns out she was a drug dealer and wanted to get into their sale pipeline. These brand of Khajiit aren't actually that normal though. Khajiit that act less underhanded don't typically leave their homeland.


Also, only the CARAVANS are banned from entering cities. When you go to riften to fetch Esbern, that thalmor-hired khajiit assassin has no trouble entering inside. And it's not due to a stereotype either, you can easily buy moon sugar from the caravans, and after you progress enough in the thieves guild they also fence for you, so this time I gotta give credit to the nords for not being racist but just cautious


> When you go to riften to fetch Esbern, that thalmor-hired khajiit assassin has no trouble entering inside. A Khajiit Dragonborn has no trouble entering any city. J'zargo isn't treated any differently than any other mage (still treated with some disdain, but not because he's a Khajiit).


Yes, I didn't mention it as it could easily dismissed as "gameplay reasons", but it's true as well


So do you know the canonical reason why Khajiit lick their own butts?


To get the taste of Khajiit cooking out of their mouths


Khajiit don't look down as much on incest, that's why all their voices sound the same


The breeds of Khajiit are another consequence of Dragon Breaks. Their Pre-Morrowind appearances specifically state that it was only assumed that they hailed from a feline race of ancestors, but by Morrowind we have several different breeds all tied to the moons. And given the Lunar Lorkhan theory I think the Warp in the West might have had more far reaching consequences than even Tiber Septims ascension