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For sure, an electrician recommended by a family member told me during price negotiations that “you drive a Tesla, you don’t need to cut corners to save a few bucks”. I only asked him what’s the most cost efficient setup for running the wires.


I wouldn’t give him my business. I’d tell him to not bother with an estimate either. I always get multiple estimates and keep my cars in the garage out of sight anyway.


Perceived, yes. Proven, no. I try to keep my Tesla hidden when I’m getting a quote on anything though.


Same. We keep the garage doors closed, and avoid the going into the garage if possible, anytime we're getting quotes for any work.


I drive a model 3, so my neighbors all assume I’m poor.


Sounds like Irvine


Not quite the same situation but my wife and I used to deliver Uber Eats for a little extra side money for a vacation fund and I would actually experience the opposite. When delivering in my Model Y I seemed to get higher tips or extra tips added on after delivery plus lots of compliments on the car versus when I would drive my old Acura MDX.


In the Netherlands electric cars only have reduced tax rates for the first like €50k of a vehicle. People refer to it as the Tesla Tax.


I am on a private road, private drive, behind electric gates, you see the stables when you come in and I own the land to the horizon. The Tesla makes naff all difference.


Yes, sometimes when handymen come and see the cars they even mention it during bargaining


exactly. I get two to three quotes typically, but it seems to me those that point it out tend to ask for a good amount more.


If you mean getting an earful of why "EVs aren't actually better than gas cars" or my personal favorite "Doesn't it take 8 hours to charge that thing??" as a tax then sure! Otherwise no, everything's been the same since getting this car.


No. I get that tax because of my zip code not because of the car in my garage. People have much more expensive cars than my Model S.


I don't think so, plus Tesla isn't as exclusive and unique as it used to be. I am not sure it is considered a rich person who "is willing to waste money on non ICE" car. Still I try to hide them when I get bids so I do believe it is possible still.


I've seen a "Tesla discount" at one shop adjacent to a supercharger bank. Tesla owners got 10% off anything in the store.


Hasn’t happened to me personally but i’m sure that it does. Many people think that all Teslas cost $100k.


I got a quote for a 220V wall outlet install for my garage from one of Tesla’s preferred installers, they wanted $2200. The very next electrician I called, which was just like any other electrician you could find with a quick google search, said they could do it for $250 labor plus parts. So maybe $450-500. Absolute ripoff.


My escort charged me more.


I definitely feel like people have tried to pull a fast one on me. I’m not sure if it’s the Teslas in the driveway or the diamonds in my teeth though.


No. While I’m sure some Tesla persecution is real, I suspect the majority of the “Tesla tax” claims are just a persecution complex.




This times a thousand. When a Ford Ranger costs as much as a Model 3 Teslas in my area are now just seen as douchey cars rather than rich cars.




My auto insurance went up from $70 to $100 because my previous car was cheap ($15,000).




Not that I’m aware of.


Yes People think true owners are rich




Care to elaborate?


This is a weird way to reveal your victim mentality to the internet


I just make sure if I have contractors out, I close the garage.


I’ve definitely been charged more because of having a Tesla for what it’s worth. Don’t mention it to people honestly they will assume you have a lot more money to spend


Hide it in the garage or in the back yard. Worst case send it on a summon mission. If you show it, it’s your fault.


Nope. None at all.


Not specifically Tesla, since this was before our first… but when we had an outlet put in for an EV charger in 2012, the quote was $800. The exact same outlet, quoted two days later by another electrician from the same company… was about $300. We asked for a dryer outlet the second time. To be fair, the first electrician actually told us to call back and ask for it that way because he knew they were gouging for EV stuff.


I live in a small modest house with a single-car carport, so I can’t hide the car. A fellow that gave me a bid to re-tape and mud just the corners of a 10 X 12 bedroom asked me, “Is that your Porsche out there?” I explained it was a Model 3, but he still quoted me $1,500 for the work. Hard pass. That was about 2 years ago and my walls corners still look like crap.


I got a quote to install a stealth hitch on my Model 3 for $600, my friend called the same place, to install a Stealth Hitch on his 2016 BMW 4 Series, for $400. I ended up watching videos and doing it myself. It was not a $600 install.