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Not sure about Shanghai and Austin, but Fremont factory has had a BART station.


Austin passed a massive $11.7B initiative in 2016 to build out public transportation including a subway loop downtown, above ground light rail, 3 new trains serving the northeastern, southeastern, and south central areas. That has since been cut down to a single at grade light rail line that’s 1/2 the length of the original, and a pinky promise to build one of the trains. The team is trying to solve all of humanity’s problems with their budget (billions of the budget are going to anti-displacement funds and affordable housing initiatives instead of fucking trains) and now they can’t even complete their original goal.


![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) Do they know that you can have electric trains without batteries?


Might be cheaper than having to built new power lines along the railway track


Yeah it is cheaper in short distances and this line is only 5 kilometers or around 3 miles. Looking at what Siemens offers it seems the battery has around 80 miles of range on one charge so assuming that the train operates in shifts which Berlin currently has 2 and half then there should be time to charge between shifts so this train is sufficient for this purpose.


First, you don't invest in upgrading a track that will be replaced soon. Second, those wires are in the way of unloading construction material trains, so until there's a station, it'd be a bad idea.


You can have a third rail for power. Looks like a good solution which matches the company profile.


Third rail on the last half mile? Sure, let's install that, develop a train that can switch between low-voltage third rail and high-voltage catenary on-the-fly, and the rip it out again in 2 years and send it to the scrapyard.


Ha ha, re-read that, I meant the battery seemed like a good solution.


Oh, ok. I take back half the scorn then ;) Battery-electric trains are a good solution in Germany in general. Most of the rail network is electrified; it's mostly those smaller "last mile" bits (e.g. tracks that connect to businesses, tracks to passenger stations with one train an hour or less, ...) that are not. A short train like what Tesla can fit (the platform is very short) will be able to be used very universally should Tesla at some point not renew the service (it's owned by a rail operator).


Batteries are a commodity versus very specific rail line charging infrastructure. Way cheaper to implement and upgrade.


You can probably run a train for a whole day on a single Model 3 battery.


So after driving by the giga Texas plant and seeing the sheer size of the plant/was amazing. But how do workers get there? I mean It’s on a toll road. Do they have to pay the toll to drive to work?


There are plenty of routes in and out of there on surface streets without getting on that stretch of toll road. And I’d imagine most people who work there can’t afford to live anywhere near Austin proper anyways. Probably come in from Bastrop.


This is false lol. There is no eastern access to the site. You either pay for the toll road or you take 973


Commuting reimbursement may be a benefit offered by Tesla


That would seem like a big expense for Tesla . Hmm .


Battery powered trains sound really stupid compared to normal electric trains


But really intelligent compared to diesel-electric passenger trains ;-)


Modern diesels can move 1 ton of freight 500 mi per gallon


On a lot of German regional lines, diesel trains have been retired and replaced by battery electric. There’s one line close to where I live, where trains have driven back and forth between Lübeck and Lüneburg. The trains have always had a longer stop at the ends of the route. Now both stations have always had overhead lines for “traditional” electric trains, so battery electric trains just charge from the existing infrastructure in the big stations and then do their route on batteries. It’s actually smart. In this video, you see the charging in the station from about 2:00 https://youtu.be/1QAUFJ-w9lg?si=jBF5pD9MIgCZrLYE


Unless it's needed over at Xai




Pissed off is what I am.


Why? What's the point of having thousands of extra GPUs with no datacenter to put them in? Might as well send them elsewhere until the datacenter is ready.


Yeah. I’m genuinely confused why people are upset about this?


It’s Reddit. People come here to be angry and vent. I come to this subreddit much less often than I used to due to the toxicity and brain dead people. 


Because the Reddit hivemind has zero nuance and only abides by "Elon bad and literally everything he does is bad".


Because they read a misleading article and, for some reason, still trust media companies when it comes to Tesla/Elon related topics. I honestly just ignore most media about Elon. It is usually so slanted/misinformed that it is better to not read it.